His Seduction Ch. 02


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Scott laughed again that rich sound. “Jittery little thing, aren’t you?”

Thankfully, Keith didn’t have to answer.

The door opened and in came a puffing and sweaty Kelly. She was still listening to her headset and didn’t notice the guys on the couch. Instead she happily jogged her self into the kitchen and drank some water.

Moving back out to the living room on a dance step, she jumped when she saw a shirtless Keith, who looked a little wild around the eyes, and her roommate Scott on the couch. What was going on here?

She whipped off her headset and came farther into the room. “Keith?”

“Kelly, I need to talk to you.” Keith started to push himself off the couch, but Scott touched his arm and shook his head. “What?”

“She can come to you. Give your foot a little time to heal first, okay?”

“Oh, yeah. Okay.”

“What happened to your foot?” Kelly hurried over and sat on the coffee table, her concern evident as her eyes went from the dirty, bloody shirt to his cleanly bandaged foot.

Keith waved his hand impatiently in the air, waving the matter aside. “That’s the least of my problems right now. I just really needed to talk to someone and you were the only one I could go to.”

“What about Mike? I mean, I’m flattered that you’re here, but you have always gone to Mike before you’ve come to me.”

Keith looked out the window to avoid her eyes. He was afraid he’d give something away about how corrupted he’d become before he was ready to tell her. “He’s a large part of way I’m here.”

Kelly Shot a confused look at Scott who just shrugged. She knew her brother could be a royal jerk when he really wanted to be, but she’d never known Keith to get so upset about it before. He generally just took everything in stride. Whatever had happened had been big. “Okay, so tell me what happened. I’m listening.”

“Could I,” Keith started softly. “Could I talk to you alone?”

“Sure, honey.” Kelly looked over at Scott and pointed her finger down the hall. “Scott, go to your room.”

Scott laughed and rose with a stretch. His smile widened as he watched Keith watching him, than turn guiltily away. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don’t forget to tell me everything later, Kelly.”

Keith watched Scott walk off down the hall, then turned to Kelly. “You won’t really tell him, will you?”

Kelly shook her head, her blonde ponytail bouncing. “Not if you don’t want me to, I won’t.” She patted his knee and moved to take Scott’s now empty seat. “Now you just tell me what my big jerk of a brother did so I can give him hell later for it.”

Keith gave a small laugh. Where was he to begin? Now that Kelly was here, he didn’t know how to tell her. This was his seducer’s younger sister, for God’s sake! But she was all he had.

Scott, a slave to gossip of all kinds, pulled his computer chair over to the door, propped his feet up on the doorframe, and settled back for a good story.

“Well, I guess it started about a week ago or so,” Keith started, starring at his hands but not really seeing them. “I thought it was a joke, I really did. Twisted, but a joke none-the-less. Mike, he . . . he kissed me. Said he wanted to prove I was gay or something and he kissed me! I didn’t know what to do or how to react, so I kneed him and ran.”

Keith looked over at Kelly to see her hand at her mouth. He couldn’t tell if she was surprised, disgusted, or just trying to hold back laughter. Not sure which he was hoping for, he tried not to dwell on it.

“Last night, he . . . he . . .”

“He what, Keith? What did he do?”

“The bastard seduced me,” Keith exploded, hitting the side of the couch with his fist. He rose for the couch and attempted to pace. “How could he do that to me? How? No, how could I allow him to do that to me?” He turned and pointed an angry finger at Kelly. “I’m sure I could have said no at anytime, had I thought about it. But did he give me the chance to think about it? No. So I didn’t even try to stop him. I let him do it to me.” His voice dropped to a whisper as he sank back into his seat, his foot throbbing. “And, God help me, I enjoyed it. I woke up and wanted to do it all over again.”

Kelly sat there shell shocked. What could she say? What dare she say? That she’d known all along about her brother’s bisexuality and applauded it if it was what made him happy? She knew he’d been watching Keith for a while, but she never thought she’d actually go after him! He was his best friend, a virgin (well, not anymore!) and had never given all that many indications that he might be bi.

She shook her head. “Just so I’m understanding this correctly, you are telling me what I think you’re telling me, right?”

Keith suddenly looked as though he was going to cry, though she knew him well enough to know he would never allow him self to show that kind of weakness, not with the father he had. Instead, he took a deep breath to battle the inner turmoil coiling around inside him. “I think I’m gay, Kelly. And it’s all Mike’s fault.”

Kelly smiled softly at him and shook her head again. “Come here, honey.” She held her arms out to and waited.

Keith sighed a heavy sigh and let her hold him close, her arms enfolding him in a loving hug. No one had comforted him like this since his mother had died when he’d been eleven. He hadn’t even realized how badly he’d needed the comfort until Kelly had given it.

“It will be okay, you know. It wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t supposed to.”

“I know, but it . . . I know it sounds silly, but it frightens me. My best friend can pin me with a look and make me feel things I never even imagined feeling. And when he kisses me? He makes me want . . . stuff . . . and it’s a little disconcerting for me, okay?”

Kelly laughed. “Stuff? Is that what you kids are calling it these days?”

Keith pushed her away with a grin. Surprisingly enough, he did feel better having had someone to talk to. Not good enough to face Mike yet, but better.

“Do you mind if I hang out here for awhile? You know, until I can get my head on straight?”

Kelly smiled at him and rose. “Hide out, you mean? Sure, for as long as you need.”


“Anytime, honey. Now, I’m going to go take a shower.” She looked at him and frowned a little. “I’ve got class to day. Do you want me to skip and hang out with you?”

“No, that’s okay. I’ll be fine, really.”

“Okay, but if you need me at all, I’ve got my cell, so just call.”

“I will.”

As Kelly walked off, Keith flopped to lie down on top of the couch and just stared at the ceiling. He wondered if Mike would know where to look for him, or if he would even bother. Probably not. Searching out his bedmate really wasn’t Mike’s style. Mike generally loved them and left them. Keith hated to group himself like that, but there was just no sense in hoping for more from Mike. He wasn’t even sure himself that he wanted more. At least, that was what he kept telling himself.

Scott rose from his chair and stretched. Keith’s story had made him hard as stone. He’d always loved the joy of turning straight boys; it was one of his biggest passions. And this kid was as delicious as they came. He could hardly wait for his chance to go after him.

* * * * *

Mike paced Keith’s room. He’d been awake now for the better part of an hour and there had still been no sign of Keith. Why had he run off? Was he that disgusted about what had happened? Mike was terrified he’d just ruined the best friendship he’d ever had.

Jason had laughed at him when he’d come down that morning, taunting him about not getting lucky while their innocent young Keith had gotten it all last night. He’d even told him about how Keith had snuck out just after seven.

Where would he have gone? Seeing as how Mike had already checked the library, he was really at a loss for places to see. It was sad, but Keith really didn’t have that many friends. He always seemed too shy and preoccupied to accumulate many. The only people he was really close to was some girl in his art class, Jason, Kelly, and Mike. Who else would he have gone to?

“Kelly!” Mike turned and ran out of the house.

* * * * *

“See ya, Keith!”

“Bye, Kelly. And thanks.”

“Anytime, honey.”

Keith rested his head on his arms, still staring at the ceiling. He was so tired, he could barely keep his eyes open, but every time he closed them, he could see Mike over him, feel his body. It wasn’t exactly conducive to sleep.

Scott’s head popped into his vision, making him jump.

“So, did you two have a good talk?”

Keith sat up. He’d forgotten about Scott. He had kind of been looking forward to some time alone to think about all that had happened, not that company would stop his thoughts. “Ah, yeah, thanks. I hope I didn’t offend you, but it was kind of private.”

“Don’t think a thing about it, Keith.” Scott sat down as close to him as he could get without being on top of him. “Is there anything I can help you with? If there is, all you have to do is ask.”

“No, no, that’s okay. Kelly helped a lot. The rest I guess I just have to work out myself.”


Keith tried to scoot back a little to give Scott more room, but he was already pressed into the armrest as much as he could be. The ass had the whole rest of the couch; did he have to sit so close?

Scott rested his arm on the back of the couch, turning into Keith more. His hand twirled a strand of Keith’s hair, his eyes never leaving Keith’s.

Keith pulled his head away and looked confused at Scott. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Scott’s hand reached out and grabbed the back of Keith’s neck, rubbing the knotted muscles there. The look of pure panic in Keith’s eyes was a delight. “Don’t be so jumpy Keith. I just figured I’d help you unwind a little. Man, you’re tight.”

“I’ve been a little stressed lately.”

Scott smiled. Keith was so damn gullible, no matter how much he wanted to distrust someone. “I can tell. Here, turn around a little and I’ll help you ease the muscles.”

Keith looked at him uncertain, not sure this was such a good idea. But Scott didn’t give him much of a chance to say no. Before he knew it, Scott had pushed his upper body towards the window, and had scooted uncomfortably close behind him.

“Now just relax. This will help. I’m told I’m pretty good, but I’ll let you judge for yourself.” Scott gently began to massage Keith’s bare shoulders and neck. The skin was smooth and heated. Oh, what he wouldn’t give to nibble the whole way down to the treasures he knew were hiding in those wonderfully loose jeans.

Even as uncomfortable as he was at the whole situation, he almost wished he’d never left the house that morning, he let out a low moan as Scott’s hands worked their magic. He hadn’t even realized he was so tense until now.

“Feel okay?”

Keith’s head started to fall forward in sheer pleasure. “Yeah.” Another moan escaped him.

Scott smiled. This was going to be easier than he thought! Ever so slowly, Scott let his hands work their way down Keith’s back, inching towards his hips and tail bone.

Mike, not even bothering to knock, let himself into the apartment and stopped at the sight before him. His nearly naked Keith was getting a rub down from Scott, and didn’t seem to be putting up too much resistant. The lecherous look in Scott’s eyes made him want to kill.

Scott looked over at him, as Keith jumped up startled at hearing someone come in. Scott sighed and glared at Mike. “Dude, you have the absolute worst timing.”

“What the hell do you think you were doing to him, Scott?”

Scott only smiled and rose with a stretch.

“He was just loosening up some sore muscles, Mike. Not that it’s any of your business,” Keith said defensively.

Mike looked at Keith with a grim smile. “Trust me, that’s not what he was doing. I’ve used the old ‘Let me help you relieve some of this stress with a massage’ routine on girls and guys alike. Works like a charm on the naïve ones.”

“No, you weren’t doing that, were you, Scott?” Keith turned to Scott, already dreading the answer.

Scott just gave a tell-tale shrug and smiled at him. “Sorry. You were just to much to resist.”

Keith groaned and turned away, his hands covering his face. How could he have fallen for something like that? How could he not have seen what Scott was really trying to do? Why did Mike have to point it out that he was totally naïve?

Mike walked over to Scott and grabbed him by the shirt. “Time to go, pal.”


He dragged a struggling Scott over to the door and threw him out into the hallway. Scott caught himself on the wall and looked back at Mike with surprise. Mike smiled once, slammed the door shut and locked him out of the apartment.

Keith refused to look back at Mike for a moment when he heard the door close. How had Mike found him? He was sure he wouldn’t have looked for him here. Hell, he had been sure Mike wouldn’t even bother looking for him at all, but here he was saving him from the lecherous Scott. Who knew?

When he could no longer bare the silence he turned to face his roommate, his heart pounding in his chest.

Mike had turned to face him, and stood there clenching and unclenching his fists. He looked as though he could kill.

Shit! He’s mad. I’m a goner. Keith began limping slowly backwards away from Mike. “M-Mike, I know you’re angry. I do. I don’t know why, really, but I can see that you are. I mean, you did say last night was just a one night thing, didn’t you?”


“Well, you did. I remember you said you just wanted that night.” Why didn’t he say something, damn it? “You didn’t have to come after me. I mean it’s not like I was a girl friend running out on you or anything. Hell, I didn’t even think you would bother to look for me at all.”

Mike still didn’t comment, but began to advance. Unfortunately, his legs were longer than Keith’s and he wasn’t limping, so he was closing the distance fast.

The silence was killing him! His body was reacting to seeing Mike in the best of ways, but his head was in control this time. Not sure if that was a good thing or not, Keith grabbed the closest thing he could find, which was a rather depressing looking broom. “I just needed to clear my head, Mike. You’ve got no reason to be mad, damn it. You’re the one that seduced me, remember? I should be furious at you! I have every right to be, you know.”

Mike stopped only a few feet away from him and tried not to smile. Keith stood before him holding the broom like some kind of powerful sword used to battle the greatest beasts of the kingdom. Mike couldn’t believe how unbelievably sexy he found Keith at that moment, trying to fend him off and yet never once telling him to go and leave him alone, that he was repulsed by what they had done or that he never wanted to do something like that again. “My pants look good on you, you know that? They rest on you’re hips in the most irresistible way.”

“What?” Keith lowered the broom, and dropped a hand to try and pull up the pants, looking down to see they were indeed hanging rather low on his hips.

Mike took advantage of the moment. One hand grabbed the broom and yanked it out of Keith’s grasp; the other grabbed the front of the jeans and pulled Keith close. Keith’s hands jumped to Mike’s chest to brace himself, his eyes wide as he looked up into Mike’s blue eyes. Mike smiled at him. “You’re right, you do have every right to be mad at me.”

“Yeah . . . I do.”

“You should be furious at me, taking advantage of you like that.”

“I should.” Keith nodded like a little kid, his eyes never leaving Mike’s.

“But I get the feeling you’re not, are you? A little scared, but not furious.”

Keith gulped audibly. “I . . . damn it, Mike.”

“Why do I frighten you so much, Keith,” Mike asked on a whisper. He dropped the broom on the floor and eased his hand up Keith’s arm. His fingers danced along the skin teasingly, making goose bumps appear. He moved it up until he could run his finger along Keith’s jaw.

Keith closed his eyes, his breathing becoming heavy. How could Mike make him feel so much?

Mike gripped Keith’s neck and pulled him into a kiss. There was no softness here, but a demanding desire. Keith literally melted in his arms.

They were both out of breath when they broke apart.

“How could you think I wouldn’t come for you? Keith, you’re my best friend, did you really think I’d make you, of all people, a one night stand?”

“I didn’t know what to think. Hell, I still don’t, Mike. You’ve got me so damn confused.” Keith pulled away a little and frowned at Mike. “How the hell did you get so good at kissing?”

Mike laughed. “Lots of practice.”

Keith huffed a little and pushed at Mike’s chest. “Okay, well let me go so I can think, will you? My head just won’t work when you’re this close to me.”

“Keith, you’re partially naked and you just admitted you can’t think straight when I’m near you. Do you really think I’m just going to let you go?” Mike grinned down at him and locked his arms behind Keith’s back. “I kind of like you just where you are, truth be told.”

Keith looked over Mike’s shoulder as a key sounded in a lock. He began to push at Mike harder, twisting his body away. “Let me go! Someone’s coming in, Mike. Damn it, let go!”

“Nope. Not happening.” Mike turned to face the door, Keith still struggling in his arms. He smiled as Kelly came in looking confused. “Hey, Kelly. How’s it going?”

Kelly smiled at Mike and the embarrassed Keith in his arms, Scott looking over her shoulder. “Mike, such a nice surprise to see you hear. If you don’t mind letting go of that poor boy, I need to tell him something.”

Mike sighed and kissed the top of Keith’s head, much to Keith’s embarrassment. “If you insist.”

When Mike let him go, Keith stepped back about five steps and rubbed the top of his head. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you back so soon, Kelly.”

“Oh, I can imagine.” She dropped her books on the table and walked over to Keith, her expression becoming serious. “Honey, I came back for a reason.”


“I was headed to class when I saw a large, expensive black limo pull up at the front of the school. The guy got out of the back in one hell of an Italian suite where the Dean himself met him. I thought I heard the name, Mr. Damon.” She watched as all the blood seemed to drain out of Keith’s face, though his expression never gave anything away. “I just thought I should let you know.”

“I have to go. He’ll be coming to see me after his meeting with the Dean.” Keith started for the door, but Scott stopped him.

“Whose is this Damon guy?”

“My father.”

“Well, hell. I just bandaged that foot. At least take my sandals so I don’t have to repair the other one.”

“Thanks.” Keith slipped on Scott’s flip-flops and was out the door, Mike close behind him.

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