History Only Happens Once

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She could have had it all butttt...
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©Copyright 2018 Old Brigantine

This is my forth story ever written I'm trying the new 'flash' format. I'm an Engineer, x-Navy Tech, and Nerd so I tend to get techno detailed, hope it does not distract from the story, too much. Some of the items in my stories are real, some embellished, and some pure fantasy. If you seek lurid sex then I'm not a writer to read. I allude to sex but I leave much to your imagination - I find less is more. All names, likenesses, and locations are fictitious. I cannot find a willing editor so it's MS-Word and my dyslexia. Enjoy OB!


Julie is not just cute but she has my heart ever since our first fight in 6th grade. Her charms and brashness had my heart, I carried her books home ever since - true love.

All through Junior High school and High school we were a couple, a team that no one could separate (a few boys tried but got their face slapped or their ass kicked). Our parents eventually acquiesced to accept us as a couple. We spent holidays and vacations with our families "together", we were inseparable and we had each others backs. We complemented each other academically or any other way - we where a force to be recon with if ever crossed. Julie's red hair warned all of her stubbornness and temper - woe be it to those not smart enough to heed her disdain. I loved Julie to a fault but I would not tolerate her bossiness towards me and firmly sat her down more than once. It took an awful lot to get me to act out as I was the voice of reason, the rock. So when I got pissed all feared my short lived wrath. We shared our first kiss our Freshman year. We pledged our exclusivity to each other and I gave her my class promise ring at our Senior Prom. Julie became a stunning beautiful woman that turned-heads and snapped necks, often. I was one lucky proud guy.

We graduated High school in the top ten getting scholarships to the State University ~300 miles from home. We did our mandated Freshman year 'in the dorms', hated it and often camped in each others room; our Sophomore year we got an off campus apartment and started living like an old married couple. The sex was out of this world - we learned from each other making sure each was happy and excited in make love again. I swear Julie studied the Kama-sutra and we tried every position and technique; Julie is an ever so sexy 35Cx24x36 5'4" hotty. We decided not to marry until after college once we settled into our new professions. Life just could not get much better as we grew deeper in love every day. We thought like one, we could read each others minds, and just a look spoke volumes between us.

After graduation I was offered a very lucrative position in an adjacent state that had great growth potential - the sky was the limit. Julie got a High school teaching position in the same town. We continued to lived in an apartment together.

It was now time. At Julie's upcoming family reunion I will formally ask her to marry me. I had bought a one karat chocolate diamond engagement ring (hiding it in my sock drawer). I was going to let that ring work its magic.

Being an old fashion traditionalist I had already asked her parents for her hand in marriage getting a hearty blessing with an "it's about time." Just after the elders concluded their family speeches I fell to my knee in front of Julie holding out the ring box for her, asked, "would you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honor in being my wife?" But the answer I got was not what I expected - I got NO answer - just a look of fear on Julie's face as she turned running away.

I was shocked, I was confused, I looked at the startled family expressions that morphed from grins into shock then to pity. My future father-in-law looked like a deer caught in headlights with his eyes glazing into tears. I was still on my knee when my father came to me and lifted me up putting his arm around my shoulders leading me away to our cars. I could hear my mother and sister crying in trail.

I was so confused then it hit me "the finality of that moment" it's all over - I lost it. I crumbled into my dads arms crying, sobbing, I wanted to die, my life is over. The only woman I ever loved had publicly rejected me. But, but, but we live TOGETHER, we had made love last night TOGETHER, we drove to this reunion TOGETHER. Now due to me all our plans were trashed. WHY, what did I do or not do?

I need answers so began the haunting task of remembering every damn day in our past that could have caused this betrayal. Every memory of our happiness, of our love making, of our promises - it just crushed me even more. I had to know what I did so I can fix this and get my Julie back. But I son realized life loves to shit on perfection.

Now looking back I think I know when the cracks in our utopia started. It was when Julie had to do a semester in Europe with her History class touring Europe's historical sites for her History major. For four months we were apart the only time we had ever been physically apart for more than a few weeks.

She must have gotten to feel, touch, and see a world outside our small community. Whether it was fellow classmates that opened her horizon to possibilities and conquests or some guy in that class that got to her, I'll never know. But I remember when she came back to take her senior finials she was different. We still loved each other, often, but there was something new behind her eyes that she would not share with me.

I'm a traditionalist, a realist, a pragmatist; I cannot fix what is broke unless I know how it broke. Julie moved out of our apartment while I was at work leaving no note. I found she is living with one of her Europe class girlfriends, likely reinforcing how bad I am for her. Julie is not returning my phone calls, she will not see me, she has not emailed me, and her parents are embarrassed and do not understand her conduct.

For three months, I've been waiting in OUR apartment trying to discover what I did wrong. Today, 90 days from when she walked away -- I've given up, it's time to move on.

When I was in college I joined the NROTC program. I never took any NROTC funds but I did all the drills/classes that were required. Since NROTC never funded any of my education I was allowed to walk away. I walked away to have a life with Julie.

Today, I went to the campus NROTC Commander and signed up for OCS and will be a commissioned Ensign upon completion. I'll put my career with dual degrees in Electronics & Computers on hold while I do my Naval duties.

In college my jock-ness was not with the flashy football or basketball money making programs but in gymnastics. I was good enough to be asked to try out for the USA Olympic team, I would have made the team but for a nasty fall that sprained ankle and knee I got during my last flying dismount - due to the mat was not properly held down and moved under me, tripping me. I was in a cast for six weeks followed with an air-brace for a few months and then physical therapy. That ended my gymnastics; I recovered and it is now only a fading memory.

At OCS we were recruited by the various sub-disciplines to specialize within; Air, Surface, Subs, Nuke-Power, NIS-Intelligence, SeaBee's, Medical, Communications, Ordinance, Marines, Special Forces EOD/UDT/SEAL/etc.

I decided and qualified for SEALs. Is it risky, did I have a death wish - well yes and NO but I also have no one waiting for me. I'm only risking ME and right now I need to be totally immersed and focused in something that has purpose. SEALs require serious focus, smarts, balanced judgment and persistence - I'm good for all of it.

By the time I was deployed to the sandbox in a SEAL TEAM my rank was LtJG assistant TEAM leader. The TEAM survived many missions and serious skirmishes, we had some casualties but they all lived due to our TEAM's discipline in coving each others asses.

I now think back of all that damn cold water BUD/S training we had to endure and here we are in this damn sandbox, Sand that gets into everything our weapons and up the crack of our ass. I could look forward to some cool water swimming rather than this dusty dirty stinking 130ºF.

A year later in this sandbox they promoted me to full Lieutenant taking over the TEAM. We just got a mission to gather INTEL and EVAC an informant and family hidden in a village about 45 klicks deep into Indian country. We are going to drop in via night HALO, then chopper out the following night. With luck the Indians will never know we were there until they hear the chopper blades - on the way out. Hooyah!

We all hit the ground a klick out and started humping a hill, slowly. Our night vision goggles are fantastic, saving our tails so many times until tonight. We were just cresting a serious hill spotting the village below when all hell broke loose. We were exposed with almost no cover taking on serious automatic AK fire. It seemed like the fire was coming from everywhere. The MQ9 Reaper never detected any of these damn Tango's but soon put Hellfire's up their asses allowing us to slip away dragging our wounded. I was hit twice but my body armor saved my ass. We had two wounded that needed immediate MedEvac. We called it in and wanted to EVAC out with the wounded as it was clear to me we were setup for this ambush. But the INTEL was considered too highly valuable and we were told to make another attempt to get the informants. A stealth Comanche type chopper came in and took our wounded - that chopper was so quite we never heard it until we felt the prop wash.

We regrouped and took a circular route to come in from a different direction. But what again the Reaper didn't see was another bigger group of Indians waiting under cover to ambush us. We came under much heavy fire and this time I took a round in the right thigh and right shoulder, I was hurting bad. My guys were putting up a hell of a fight but falling. I crawled to two of them that were in the open and badly wounded. Using my one good arm and leg I pulled both of them under cover when I was hit again, my head jerked hard to the side, the lights went out, I think I died - shit.

A week later I open my eyes seeing the most beautiful face looking at me smiling with not just a beautiful bright white toothy smile but her eyes were smiling too - an angel. She was holding my left hand talking to me in perfect English. She is an oriental goddess and she is calling me by name. I was transfixed on those beautiful eyes. I knew I was in heaven she was just too beautiful to be earthly.

About that time a gaggle of other people came rushing into this room. They were all chatting away like magpies. This beautiful woman started asking me questions while staring into my eyes only inches from my face while gently squeezing my left hand. I began answering her like a robot just wanting to soak up those deep brown smiling eyes for as long as I could. I then found out I was at Remstein, Germany. The last I remember I was in Afghanistan on some shit hill overlooking a shit village when the lights went out.

I had been shot three times the last one was to my head but my NV goggles saved me by deflecting the bullet from a solid centered head shot just enough to bounce off my skull. My TEAM first thought I was dead with all the bleeding but saw me flinch a few times. What I never knew was when the mission went to shit at the first ambush a near by Delta team was rerouted to support us. They ended up saving our asses in that second ambush taking out +75 Tango's that are now raping their promised virgin pigs in the here-after. All the SEALs got wounded and would never return to active SEAL duty but we all survived.

The round to my right shoulder required a titanium rotator-cuff joint hampering arm mobility and fine motor control due to so much muscle and tendon loss, I will now need to learn how to write left handed. I will forever have a new part in my scalp unless I get hair implants to cover the deep scar. And who said SEALs don't have hard heads?

What I soon discovered is the beautiful woman was my doctor, LCmdr Christen Vongsingto. She is Thai on some type of DoD medical doctor training program that will also give her permanent US citizenship after her mandated 10yr medical reimbursement tour is completed.

Something happened when I awoke and we looked into each others eyes. An infatuation with each other, a connection, sparks, and over the next months it turned to admiration and I think love. She sensed it and I can see it in her looks at me, but we never directly addressed it. Technically, she could get in trouble for fraternization with not just a patient but one of lower rank, even if I'm only one rank lesser.

My parents flew to Germany and visited me. I can see my mother has spotted our connection, mom just smiles with a twinkle in her eye when she sees Dr. Chris and I together. They had to return to the USA a week later. As mom and dad were leaving that final visit mom stated "Dale, she is a very good woman - don't blow it," I fained shock. But my mom said "YOU deserve happiness!" I just broadly smiled and began daydreaming.

I was mending well and was moved to a different two man room while getting therapy and follow up care. My leg was good enough to let me walk slowly to the officer's mess to play cards, chess and BS but my shoulder was still messed up requiring two more follow up surgeries.

Dr. Chris watched over me like a hawk and we visited, talked, and lunched everyday. She even came to my room on her days off so I could practice Thai "sawadee ka, poe-ying souee mah", to her great delight and giggled often at how badly I slaughtered her language. I resolved to know everything about Chris, she became my reason for living keeping me out of any depression.

A few months after I last saw my parents while in the officer's mess a Trident wearing Vice-Admiral with entourage in tow came into the mess. The Trident wearing Master Chief barked "attention on deck" a few of us could rise but were immediately waved back to our seats.

Then my name was barked out by the Master Chief, "Lt Simmons, front and center". About then the mess began filling up with doctors, nurses, and corpsmen. I walked to the Admiral's podium trying to look like I was at attention, when the Master Chief barked out "attention to orders" giving me a quick smile and wink.

The Admiral began reading to the assembled group citations for gallantry for my actions in facing an overwhelming hostile force and while being severely wounded I broke from cover numerous times saving the lives of two fellow TEAM members while under constant fire - Lt Simmons is herby awarded the Silver Star. Lt Simmons is also awarded the Purple Heart for wounds suffered by the enemy in combat during this engagement, and then a few lesser action ribbons were also awarded.

The Admiral stated "with great honor and with some sadness I will read Lt Simmons new orders." Lt Simmons is herby as of this date promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander USNR by an act of Congress but due to his injuries will be medically retired from active service at full disability. LCmdr Christine Vongsingto stepped up to me and pinned gold LCmdr clusters on my PJ collar tips. I knew I would never be an active SEAL again I was now too physically challenged but I never expect the promotion nor to be medically discharged so soon.

But my mind went abuzz - this means I can openly fraternize with my 'same rank' doctor so I reached down and took Dr. Chris into my good arm and in front of everyone firmly kissed her on the lips as she melted into my arms reluctantly parting from me. She had happy tears in her eyes with the biggest grin while clutching my left arm tucking herself under my left arm. The Admiral quipped "gee I never got a promotion kiss by a fellow officer in my career" -- the room broke out in loud laughter to a blushing Chris.

Then the Admiral asked Dr. Chris if we could properly water down my new rank? She said only in moderation - I yelled "THE BAR IS OPEN!" to roaring applause. When I turned to look over the group with teary eyes I spotted my two TEAM mates I had saved giving me the thumbs up and a mock salutes, then I spotted my parents.

The Admiral stepped to my ear and said "I brought them with me, we SEALs stick together." Thanks, Uncle Claude, your welcome Commander. My parents were not only proud but also witnessed the first kiss between their son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law. Mom was so happy I thought she would dance a jig right there.

Later that day when we were alone I asked Chris to marry (before my parents and the Admiral returned to the USA). Chris jumped into my arms crying into my neck kissing and chanting again and again "chai, chai, di-mak" (yes, yes, very good). I was a happy man. We went to the Base PX and she picked out our rings as I got my dress uniform updated.

They all remained in Germany so the Admiral could walk Chris down the isle two days later in the base chapel. She wore the most stunning white wedding dress I'd ever seen - an angel - my angel! The base General & Admiral sponsored the wedding reception. (some weeks later in our after glow pillow talk Chris confessed she had bought her wedding dress two weeks after meeting me - god I love this woman)

I requested to be discharge from the Navy at Ramstien so I would not leave Chris and continue my medical rehabilitation under her tutelage. My discharge would be held off until such time as my rehabilitation was completed - I could milk that for as long as we needed... The new LCmdr Simmons's moved into base housing ASAP (I'm sure the Vice-Admiral had something to do with this too).

Oh my, I discovered my beautiful wife is a very full C-cup curvy woman that was hiding behind that doctor's lab coat. Chris being just shy of 5' tall could not wear a small lab coat as it was too confining she had to have mediums tailored. Our love continues to grow to depths I had never imagined. Chris is a sexual dynamo, insatiable and a willing bedroom submissive, with far more stamina then me. I was ever so proud to reaffirm my oral abilities sending her to la-petite-mort. I was the happiest man in the world except for the nagging pain in my right shoulder. I was complete, once again!

While rehab'ing I completed an online MBA degree and worked a consulting gig on base while we waited for her to complete her remaining medical obligation. She is nearing eight years into that tour.

My ability to write left handed was damn hard work. I'm ever so happy for computer keyboards! But getting fine motor control of my right hand for keyboarding was almost impossible. Many times I was just so frustrated I wanted to tear off my right arm and throw it away. Chris could read me better than ever. Chris found a program called Dragon-Natural that is a voice to text translator Windows program. My degree papers became much easier to complete and my papers now got submitted on schedule too.

Ten months after we married Chris gave me twins, beautiful very healthy boy and girl. I could not be any happier or deeper in love with my beautiful witty wife. Her obligation time was up so Chris transferred to the inactive Naval Reserves and we transferred back to my parents' home as our temporary anchor point while seeking our new occupation location. Plus grandparents wanted some serious spoiling time with their only grandchildren. Chris had no family she knew of as she was orphaned at a very young age to a catholic orphanage run by western nuns.

Of course the town VFW/Legion/AmVets/VVA heard I was returning home (thanks dad or gramps) - they organized a welcome home banquette in my honor doubled as our belated family wedding reception. I was asked to attend in full class A medals uniform - Chris insisted, but I'd only do it if she wore her class A uniform, I gave her no choice, we fly or sink TOGETHER!