Hitchhiker's Guide to Women

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Common mistakes men make: how NOT to make them.
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The other day my boyfriend showed me an email he'd gotten called "Ten Common Mistakes Men Make With Women"... it was written by a man. Which was all well and good, and he got some of the mistakes right, but not WHY they were mistakes. Of course, he was just trying to sell his product - i.e. his book - but I got to thinking, why doesn't a woman write something like that? After all, men are always complaining that women seem to be from another planet, and vice versa (In fact, if a man could write a piece like this for us girls, that'd be fantastic! *hint*hint*).

So, I'm going to tell you a lot of the common mistakes men make, WHY they're mistakes and hopefully how to fix them (or what to do instead). As with all how-to's, this is a general type of thing and not every single thing will work exactly the way I say, and this will not apply to all women... so YOUR job is to figure out what DOES apply to you and what applies to your woman and go from there. This is less a how-to on how to get a woman as it is on how to keep one and have a good time doing it!

One of the very first mistakes men make is either thinking that women ONLY care about looks and money or that they don't care about looks and money at all. It's neither... and both! Those are not what we're REALLY attracted to. Sure, good looks can be attractive... right up until we find out that you're an asshole. A complete and total asshole. And then those good looks start fading away to something else..

Now some of you are probably sitting there going, "Well hey, I'm a nice guy, and trust me, nice guys finish last." That can be very true, and we'll get to fixing that later. The important thing to realize right now is that most women are not attracted to looks or wealth alone. There has to be some kind of attractive personality there... did you ever see "Hitch"? All those gorgeous women fixed up with average looking guys? It's because those guys have something more going for them than looks, and although I would never recommend following what goes on in Hitch as a way to get the girl, it does give a good example.

What ARE women attracted to? A sense of humor - not just telling jokes but the ability to laugh at yourself. A guy who can laugh at himself has a stable ego, not too insecure but not egotistical either. Thoughtful guys, who have something interesting to say, who aren't afraid to put their observations out there and who listen well. And when I say listen well, I don't mean sitting their nodding your head. I mean remembering and giving feedback.


You're in an art gallery, she says,

"Oh I love Van Gogh... I think he's just so passionate!"

If you just nod, to her that means that you're thinking something and you don't want to share it. And then she starts wondering why you don't want to share it.

Is it because you hate Van Gogh and you don't want to disagree with her? Well, that's just kind wimpy. It tells her that you're going to agree with her no matter what, it means that you're not sharing your true thoughts and feelings with her and that means that you're lying. You're a liar.

Or is it because you have no opinion? But why no opinion? Do you not care about her opinion? Are you just shrugging her off? Why don't you care about her opinion? Do you not care about HER? Why is she on a date with you if you don't care about her?

Or is it because you're checking out that woman over there... that pretty one with the huge boobs. Are you wishing you were with her? Are you just not looking at the painting... you're...you're looking at the other woman. You asshole. You're on a date with me and you're looking at another woman already. We haven't even gotten to dinner yet.

Or is it because you're agreeing with her?

Now, believe it or not, ALL of that is going to go through her head in about 15 seconds... and probably more than that with all its varied conclusions. And so she will then say something that seems completely harmless and your reaction to it will make or break you because it will tell her which one of the above options was the reason for your nod.

Yes. Women psychoanalyze that much. And it is quicker than you can ever imagine. And not only that, but women are better at reading body language then men. You know that thing called "A woman's instinct"? Apparently it's not instinct, it's body language. We KNOW.

So, INSTEAD of nodding - it's better just to avoid that whole thing you can say something like

(If you love Van Gogh): "Oh yeah, he's one of my favorites. I really like his later pieces where you can see his madness creeping into the art, with all the shadows and everything."

OR (If you think Van Gogh's a sap): "Yeah, he's passionate, but I'm just not that into impressionists. I like the more defined stuff."

OR (If you don't have a clue about art and you ARE just there because she wanted to go): "Really? I don't know much about him..."

Any of these are better than a nod. Just about any answer is better than a nod.

Now, let me get into the whole "Nice Guy" thing. Yes, there are some women who are attracted to the rebel guys and would never go for a nice guy, but there are a lot of women who are still attracted to nice guys. The problem is being TOO nice.

You know those big romantic gestures? Well, a lot of women find them kinda cheesy. And not very specialized. The whole flowers, dinner, movie, go back and watch the stars under candlelight... meh. Everyone does it. If you want to do a romantic gesture, show her that you pay attention to what she likes. If you're going to do flowers, get her FAVORITE. If you're doing dinner... cook it! And make something you know she'll like ALONG with something that's one of your favorites. Movies... meh. Unless of course it's something you both are really excited about. But what about taking her to somewhere she would really want to go?

My boyfriend took me out for my 21st birthday with all the regular stuff... but after dinner he took me to see Phantom Of the Opera. Not the movie, the show. I had never seen it before, always wanted to and I LOVE theater.

Another note for nice guys... DO NOT DO EVERYTHING SHE WANTS TO DO. Do NOT ask permission to do things, do NOT make her make all the decisions, do NOT keep your opinions to yourself just because they contradict hers. She wants to know what YOU like too.

If you want to go out with your friends on Friday night phrase it as, "Hey, I think me and the boys are getting together on Friday night for a guys night. Just wanted to let you know."

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't say "Honey, is it ok if I go out on Friday night with the guys?" You're a big boy, make your own decision.

The only time it is acceptable (and mandatory in fact) to ask permission is if you're canceling something with her. And then it better be a damn good reason for canceling.

Do not always ask what she wants to do for dinner. Or if you are going to ask, be prepared for her to say "I don't know... what do you want to do?"

This is not a trick question. She is honestly asking what you want to do, do not go back and ask what SHE wants to do. It is time for YOU to make the decision.

Now, that said, YOU STILL CONSIDER HER DURING THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS. If you know that she HATES Mexican food (because it makes her gassy, she hates spicy, WHATEVER the reason) you do not then suggest a Mexican restaurant just because you love it. A restaurant that serves Mexican AND other food is acceptable. But she wants to know that you are going to consider what SHE likes as well, that you care enough to remember what she does and doesn't like and that you care enough about HER to factor that in. And of course, don't forget to make sure that it's a place you'll like too (although you do get extra points if you choose her favorite restaurant).

Oh, as a sidenote, an acceptable question after she says "I don't know, what do you want to do?" is to ask, "Are you in the mood for anything in particular?" And she will then give you her preferences. And because you asked, you had better honor them.

The problem with most nice guys is, they're TOO nice. They don't want to take a step forward without knowing that it's ok... hey, it's cute sometimes when guys make mistakes. And it keeps things interesting (as long as the mistake isn't gigantic). Also, getting flowers, chocolates, jewelry... all very cliche. And not that we don't appreciate it, but after awhile it just seems commonplace... mix it up a bit. Personally, I get all tickled when my boyfriend PICKS a flower and brings it home and i have no idea what it is but he picked it cuz it was purple and he thought I'd like it. And I do.

Most women don't want to make the decisions all of the time. They don't want their guy constantly asking permission to do things. But they DO want to be taken into consideration when the guy makes decisions.

Now, along with the flowers/chocolate/etc... BIG BIG THING. DO NOT EVER buy them because you've done something bad. Or because you know we're upset at you. If you buy them because you already know we're upset it just seems manipulative and ruins the gesture. If you get them when you've done something bad and you're bringing them along to your confession, it just means that the gesture becomes LESS then meaningless. And either way it means you think we can be bought.

I understand that it's not how guys see it... but honestly, getting presents because of either of those feelings is actually hurtful. And it makes us see you in a lesser light, to think that we'd be less upset because of those things. It's like putting a band-aid over a cut that needs stitches... and it makes us feel like you don't care about what's actually going on.

That being said... DON'T forget about the little things. Not all the time of course, but every once in awhile it IS nice to get flowers. Not huge bunches necessarily, but just a single flower, picked or bought, either way. A little note in our wallet that says "I'm thinking of you". Keep track of the little things, and keep the big romantic gestures for special occasions. And no matter what, show that you always have our likes and dislikes in mind.

Little things that guys can do:

Send a text message/email/ecard sometime during the day that just says "Thinking of you" or "I love you"

bringing home dessert... our favorite dessert

leaving a Hershey kiss somewhere that we'll find it

little touches or hugs throughout the day

a foot or back or full body massage

etc. etc.

Seriously, little things. They usually cost from nothing to very very little. But they mean the world.

Now this is something that a lot of guys don't always realize. The phone is important. Use it. And if you say that you are going to call at a certain time, you had better not forget. You know why? Because we're watching the clock. We're sitting there waiting. We might be doing something else as well to keep our hands and minds busy... but we're waiting. For us, it's like a date... and if you're late it's like showing up late for a date. And if you don't call at all...

When you say you're going to call at a certain time, it is a date. Treat it as such. Or just say "I'll call you later" (and try to make sure it's not TOO much later or you still get in trouble).

One of the most important things that men don't realize, is that it is NOT just an action that upsets us. Forgetting to call, not listening when we're pouring out our hearts, checking out another women when you're on a date with us, choosing a restaurant that we hate... It's not the action. It's the reason behind the action... because to most women, what all those things say is:

"I Don't Care About You."

Actions speak louder than words, and if you do something that upsets her, chances are it's because for some reason it showed that you didn't care - about her, about her feelings, her opinions. Whatever. It shows a lock of consideration and courtesy.

When we get upset and we sit you down and tell you, chances are we will start telling you WHY we're upset.

And chances are you will react with something like, "I KNOW, I KNOW, I messed up, I get it, WHY do we have to go over HOW I messed up again?"

Because if we don't, and you don't understand WHY what you did upset us, then you will do it again. Not the same action, but something that sends off the same message, and then we'll be REALLY upset because to us it's a repeat offense although YOU still think it's something completely new. It's not.

I recently got into a fight with my boyfriend because he said he was going to call me after rehearsal and he didn't. In fact, I realized my phone was turned off and called HIM, thinking I was an awful girlfriend because I hadn't even realized that my phone was off and he must have called and not been able to get through and I call him ready to apologize... and he hadn't called. Not only hadn't he called, but he wasn't coming home. He was staying to play a game of Capture the Flag with his castmates. Normally something I wouldn't have a problem with, but it was already 11:30pm and once I realized that he hadn't called I realized that he wasn't even planning on calling.

Faux Pax #1: He forgot that he said he would call. He forgot = he doesn't care about me = i was going to be sitting up waiting for his call while he played a game.

Now, that's bad enough, trust me. But then I got upset and he asked me what I wanted... and I said I wanted him to come home. He said "Well... we're already at the field."

Faux Pax #2: He asked what I wanted and then brushed it off. A second instance of showing that he didn't care about me, because he didn't care about what I wanted even though he'd asked.

I got upset, started crying (Hey, I was sick and over emotional and lonely and I'd been alone ALL day waiting for him) and said "FINE." And hung up. Five minutes later, I realized that he had not called back. I realized that he was going to stay there and play the game and not call back and not come home until after he'd played with his friends.

Which is like multiple faux pax's all at once. And after a week where I'd already told him a couple times that I was feeling neglected, having THAT happen... I was ready to break up with him. When I called and told him that I needed him to come to my place NOW or never come again at all, he got very upset that I would do that just because he hadn't called and because he wanted to play with his friends.

What he didn't realize was that every single thing he had done that night had sent ME a message of "I don't care about you." and "I care about myself more than I care about you." and "I don't care that you're upset and hurting."

Worst of all, when I was trying to tell him why I was upset over the phone, he did not leave to come home right away. He kept trying to say things that would allow him to stay and play the game - which had not started yet. And he kept asking if I REALLY wanted him to come home, which to me just said that HE didn't want to come home, which at this point was really not an option if he still wanted to be with me.

Some of you may think I overreacted, and I did a little, but I had already told him twice that week that I was feeling neglected, I had been sick all week, had no one to take care of him, and I had been alone in my house all day by myself since he had left that morning at 10am. 10am-11:30pm I was alone. And tired because I was sick and still waiting up for him.

At any rate, if a girl feels like you DON'T CARE, she will not want to stay in the relationship. Period.

Just some little tidbit ground rules:

- If we hang up because we're upset, CALL US RIGHT BACK. If you don't, it shows that you don't care we're upset. And maybe it's stupid and maybe it's a testing thing, and if you don't like it then don't call back, but I can guarantee you it's more trouble than it's worth if you actually like this girl. Just call back.

- Try not to check out other girls when we're out with you. You don't have to be perfect, just try.

- Never ever ever forget a date. Or our birthdays.

- Always offer to pay, if she says NO twice, then let her pay but make a deal that you get to pay next time (date offer too!).

- If we answer "I'm Fine" in an angry tone of voice, you're in trouble. If we say it in an upset tone of voice you are in a LOT of trouble. If our voice is neutral, you need to get on your knees and very quickly figure out what it is you did so wrong.

- We know when you're attracted. We can tell when you're about to kiss us. We can tell when the proposal is coming. We can also tell when you're lying.

- Try not to ask her if she's mad at you EVERY TIME you speak to her. Actually, if you THINK she might be mad, try to find out WHY and do something about it.

- If she says she's cold, don't be an idiot and say "me too" and stand there, give her your jacket or just simply hold her in your arms.

- don't cheat. ever.

- don't check out our sister or best friend. a VERY bad idea.

And this is a list of things that I received from a male reader of things NOT TO DO (his contribution to this piece):

- Just because I'm hard doesn't mean she's in the mood.

- No, she doesn't want a 3 some with the hot looking chick from the bar. (Even if it would be smokin!)

- Don't fondle her breasts 15 minutes after she has told you about how much her head hurts.

- Just because she has told this story before doesn't mean it might not contain a new fact or 2 that you will need to know at a later date.

- Just because what she is telling you is long and boring doesn't mean its not important.

- Ask before you jump in the shower with her.

- She's your wife/girlfriend/partner not your sex slave, Mom, or maid.

- Just because your doing what she wants to do tonight, if you are a prick, you score no points (and probably loose points!)

- Just because you saw or read it on the internet doesn't mean she wants to try it (or discuss it in some instances)

- NEVER refer to her sister as the "sperm burping gutter slut"!

Anyway, I hope this helps some of you in some way... women are hard, I know that. Trust me, men are hard too. I really wasn't kidding when I said that I would love it if a man wrote something like this for us ladies... I realize that all the stuff in here seems like a lot of work, but trust me it's worth it. First of all, the better you treat her and the more in tune with her that you seem to be, the better she will treat you.

I am definitely not saying that the men should do all the work, what I am saying is that I know a woman's mind a lot better than I know a man's, and I do not feel qualified to write a guide similar to this for the ladies. I think it's something a man should do.

But yeah, I hope it helps, I hope you found something useful, and I wish you all the best of luck with your relationships!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love that we are trying to help each other out (men and women). As a man i must admit that I am often very frustrated at the fact that the women I want rarely ever want me. To a large extent it is my own fault for not making myself quite the uber stud I would likely have to be to get the attention I crave from the women I desire (especially as I am getting older thirties yet still like women in their mid twenties).

I live in San Diego, should be LOTS of beautiful women everywhere, right? No. I'm lucky to come across one a month, and I live at the beach! I used to work in bars and would see them weekly or when I worked in the hospitals and yes there are always at least two hot nurses in any hospital at any given time, but actually getting the chance to interact with a woman I find attractive occurs at best monthly. Of those times, i often get their number but rarely get a date (or even to talk/text them, they just dont respond). I meet them and they legitimately seem interested but that cools very quickly, and for the last year, that doesn't happen as frequently as it used to. I can still get girls attention, but these are not the women I'm interested in, and in the same way I'm not into the girls who express interest in me, Im not interested in them...

How do you make a girl/woman see you as a sex object in five minutes of meeting them and keep them coming back?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow, some of the comments are proving why SOME of the members of both sexes here are struggling with their relationships with the opposite sex. Gotta love the stereotypes, the misogynists AND the misandrists in here. GROW UP. The reality is that society is failing us BOTH, albeit in different ways due to unrealistic expectations that society has placed on BOTH men and women.

Stop worrying about what society expects of you and worry about what YOU expect of you. Stop being so hard on the opposite sex.

If you're in a relationship with someone (I'm going to assume relationships with the opposite sex here from this point forward, and I'm not going to continue to point that out because it would be too tedious) that's not just some asshole that's using you, they're in that relationship BECAUSE THEY CARE ABOUT YOU. Mistakes WILL be made (we're all human after all). The problems invariably start when couples start to try to deal with those mistakes. These problems mostly arise from the fact that men and women ARE wired differently. We think differently. We see things differently. These differences in how we are wired and how we think least to misinterpretation, which leads to misunderstanding, which leads anger and resentment.

If you want a healthy relationship, you need to UNDERSTAND that you DON'T UNDERSTAND the opposite sex. This applies both ways. Men don't really understand women. Women don't really understand men. By all means, tell me I'm wrong. I DARE YOU! You won't, because I'm NOT. This understanding (that you DON'T understand) will lead you to realize that you have to work, I mean REALLY work at understanding your partner. This is a two way street. Both of you have to truly understand that you DON'T to make the communication possible to be able to start to understand each other. Remember: your partner is in this relationship because he/she cares about you. A person that cares about you isn't going to TRY to hurt you or piss you off, are they?

Your partner isn't TRYING to hurt or anger you, but they are anyway....repeatedly. They care about you, so they're NOT doing it on purpose. It keeps happening because they don't understand WHAT they did wrong, or WHY. Again, this is a two way street, and you need to think in those terms. It's not their fault, and it's not your fault. It's mother nature's fault. While what your partner did to hurt you is BLATANTLY obvious to you, it's NOT blatantly obvious to THEM. As a matter of fact they probably don't understand what they did wrong, why it was wrong, and why it hurt your feelings. Your assumption that they DO understand is WRONG.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I have the answers, or that I can tell you how to fix things in your relationship. I'm not a shrink, I'm just some IT geek that had a shrink for a mother. However, what I CAN tell you is that before you can fix a problem, you have to understand that there IS a problem, and why it is a problem before you can fix it, and your (lack of) comprehension when it comes to the opposite sex is at the very root of that problem.


FantasyKitten723FantasyKitten723over 2 years ago

Thanks for this. My fiance and I are both autistic and it's really hard to explain WHY things bother me. I'm going to show him this and I think it will really help explain why a lot of things he does upsets people.

Also, I love your work in general. <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Won't disagrre with your thoughts, after all they're yours.

Did find it interesting though, "A sense of humor - not just telling jokes but the ability to laugh at yourself"

Don't find too many women who have that ability either.

Generally enjoy your work, so thanks for writing Goldeniangel

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Thanks for advice and your perspective. While i agree men should keep their eyes under control, its a constant task. Most men are hardwired to be attracted to women, always. So we will never be perfect at controling our eyes, however we Should try.

maninconnmaninconnover 4 years ago
What a beautifully written treatise.

It’s totally right.

It’s totally wrong.

What’s wrong is the specific “do’s,” because they aren’t universal. For example I do bring my wife chocolates when I’m in the dog house. For her, chocolate is a stress relieving drug, so it fills a need. No, it doesn’t erase what I’ve done, but it fuels he ability to deal with me. I also have it handy for a difficult day of any sort.

What is right that all of these suggestions are rooted in two basic ideas. 1) love her. 2) see her POV. If you do these you’ll learn when to hold em, and when to fold em.

And that works for men too.

As for understanding someone? Oy! I’m pushing 40 years married, and I’m still working on that. So good luck. As soon as you think you have her/him figured out, something tiny shifts and it’s a whole new world. And that’s the adventure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
5* Insight

A brilliant portrait of the mindset of entitled, self-centred, first-world women of this generation. Here is the formula for the happiness I have foud with the opposite sex: be an emphatic, loving, loyal and decent human being who enjoys constant learning. Own and delight confidently in your masculinity and find a good woman who appreciates and is attracted to those qualities. Married 28 years and going strong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Heads I win, Tails you lose.

Wow, so many rules & all for your benefit. To paraphrase, if I suggest a restaurant to go to, I'm selfish. If I ask you where you'd like to eat, I'm an inconsiderate wimp. If I so much as look around a bar, I'm obviously checking out the "hot" women and I'm dead meat. If I buy you flowers, perfume, chocolate or jewelry, I've obviously done something wrong. If I don't buy any of the above, I don't care about you.

You say that women are generally not attracted to looks and money only. I have to agree with you, heterosexual women are attracted to many things, money, good looks, penis size, the ability to perform cunnilingus for hours (without complaint) and above all, the skill of holding back your own orgasm until the woman has orgasmed at least six times. Oh and don't forget guys, remember to stay awake afterwards for hours listening to a list of all the things you did wrong, before, after or during sex. Prepare to listen to all of the above plus your scores out of ten next time your within earshot of any other women she knows including, female friends, gay male friends, her hairdresser, beauty therapist, sisters, cousins, the woman next door, the lady in the pharmacist, her mother, any and all in the checkout line at the local supermarket and don't forget ALL the women you work with or for.

Just remember this next time you have a conversation or chat or confession. EVERYONE WILL KNOW EVERYTHING. Nothing but nothing is sacred because "All men are bastards".

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Too many men forget, if you something she liked during the courtship keep it up! And spend sometime thinking of variations. Ie: if texting "I was thinking about you" then the next time send her a wink ;) . Or tell her you dreamt of her last night ( note: this must be accompanied by a dream story. Even if it's made up, at least you took the time to think about it!)

owletowletabout 9 years ago
Ignores history quite a bit

Good piece, but ignores historic context, which is important for the "why" of things.

Women don't do this stuff because they're women. Being born with a vagina doesn't automatically make you behave in that insecure, apologetic, slightly paranoid way (being born with a vagina doesn't even automatically make you a woman). Women do that stuff because it's been pounded into their very beings and has been for centuries; historically women used to be completely dependent on men, and that led to them seeking other ways than open discussion to get what they needed. That, and economical dependencies led to their romantic relationships being abusive more often than not (it's so normalised, just look at how many inherently abusive things are still romanticised in today's media!). Women needed to be hyper-vigilant and always attuned to the moods of their men, otherwise the consequences could be dire. "I don't care about you" could become an existential threat.

In many countries of the world, the US among them, sadly, this is still prevalent. Being a housewife is still the norm, and means having next to no economical power in the relationship, any money you get for yourself can be withdrawn on a whim.

Men don't need to worry about these things. They haven't learned them in their childhoods taking cues from their mothers. They don't *need* to analyse and overthink everything. They don't need to worry about their girlfriend/wife not caring about them, because it's pretty much a woman's job to care about her man, right?

Wrong. And that's why they are completely flabbergasted when we dump their sorry asses for behaving like entitled little shits. We react to those little things because "I don't care about you." is the norm for us, because most men have somehow still not clued in on the fact that women are people too.

TLDR: Men who actually see their girlfriend as a person won't fuck up like that because it won't even occur to them to do that. I don't think you overreacted at all. I mean, what kind of person goes to play a game of whatever it was when their partner is at home alone, sick???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Thanks. This wwill help me the next time im in a relationship struggle.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is really good, straight to the point.

Really an eye opener, I've been doing a lot of these things right but also a few things very wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Makes sense, subtext and honesty

Yeah and, to me at least, a lot sounds like how I think as well (and I'd like to think that I am an average male).

Though analyzing subtext is not my favorite task, it is vague and difficult to know when to stop plus my dislike of mistakes leads to the very attractive "decision paralysis".


A) Soup

B) Salad

C) do nothing while trying to make a decision

Damn sexy.

Thankfully I've found a mindset that usually works:

D) It doesn't fucking matter, just pick something

Cryin_ManCryin_Manalmost 11 years ago
Here lies much wisdom

Great article.I really wish I had read this when I was 18.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I think the most important advice in here is don't ask what she wants to do unless you're going to do what she wants to do. Don't say you'll do something when you won't. Do not offer what you will not give.

I'm kind of self-centered, but even I get that. I know a lot of people who don't.

I also think men and women (or at least my girlfriend and me) get into fights because when I'm angry I need space and when she's angry she needs to know I still care. So my natural reaction when she gets angry and hangs up is "Well, I better give her some space." WHICH IS THE EXACT WRONG THING TO DO.

As for advice to give women about men:

1) If we say we're fine, that means leave us alone about it. At the worst, we're bothered by something that has nothing to do with you and we don't want to talk about it because there's nothing to say.

2) If we are not picking up a hint, just tell us. Seriously.

3) And sometimes we need space. Men like space. When men get mad, being pursued so we don't get space feels a lot like being attacked. If we get mad and leave, we need space

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Wasted on the audience

Your advice is all good, and detailed. I'm sad that many of the commenters don't seem to be able to comprehend it. If I understand you, most of your advice can be boiled down to "Respect her as a human being, and be honest."

If you do both of those then it's not really all that difficult.

Under "Respect," When a woman is emotional, don't jump to "I don't agree with her, therefore she is crazy and illogical." Grant her the respect of assuming she's an intelligent human being and her brain just works differently than yours.

So you ask her questions, and respond to her questions so that you can get over your communication gap. You lay your cards out on the table.

The reason women psychoanalyze so much is because men often exhibit the same symptoms for multiple problems. When my husband is slow to respond, and has a slightly vexed expression it could mean:

1. The car won't start and he can't figure out why.

2. I've done something that makes him angry with me.

3. He's having a problem at work.

4. The waitress is hot and he is sad that she's too young for him, and he's too married for her.

Of these four possibilities, only number two worries me, but I get angry with him when he won't answer because not knowing means I can't modify my actions appropriately.

This is something women evolved because we are smaller than men. Through history, we often did not have control over our circumstances. Our only way to keep ourselves safe was to read the body-language and behavior of the men around us so that we could keep them happy, and stay out of their way when we they weren't. Also, it's useful in child-care because small children aren't the best talkers.

So men calling us "Crazy" because we worry like this is more than a little demeaning and mean.

When a woman asks you a question, answer openly and honestly. Even if you think it's irrelevant or stupid. It's not to her. Respect her enough to give her the information or at least a "I'd rather not talk about it right now. I'm not mad at you, though."

In return, we need to give men a safe space to be honest. If he says "The car won't start and I can't figure out why!" don't be mad at him for having a stupid reason. It's obviously not to him. If he's sad that waitress is hot and he can't have her, hug him and commiserate with him about getting older. Don't belittle his pain.

And the same applies to women about men. When a man you are dating asks you a question, answer it honestly and completely. Respect him enough to lay your cards on the table, and know that he's not stupid because he can't figure out why you are mad. His mind just works differently than yours.

I say this as a woman who has been married for twelve years. The relationship you are in might not last, but if someone isn't willing to be respectful and honest then they aren't worth your time.

Also, I hate calling Van-Gogh an impressionist. Most impressionism is silly and insipid. I hate paintings that are there just to look pretty. Real art, in my opinion, should make you feel s omething. Van-Gogh with his broad brushstrokes and child-like veiws of the world made you feel for the beauty and complexity of the peice. Monet couldn't even evoke emotions in most people when he was painting his wife on her death-bed. Why should he? He obviously didn't feel them. He only did it because he thought that the light was interesting on her blanket. Van-Gogh conveyed passion.

But perhaps I'm an emotion junkie. I like expressionism a lot better than impressionism. I prefer Firefly to V. I prefer Chopin to Mozart. I *don't* like the inherrent sexism in the attitude that if something examines emotions and interpersonal relationships that means it's automatically afforded less respect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Van Gogh's Art is Appalling

You women psycho-analyze too much. I should know: I studied psychoanalysis in college. Although, even though I truly believe you over-reacted in your "Faux-pas" situations, much of what you've said makes perfect sense and some is technically true. It's just that men are usually adjusted more to action and consideration. Or else more adjusted to care than to resource.

Oh and one last thing. Van Gogh is a horrible artist. Even in the impressionistic class, John Singer Sargent, Childe Hassam, or Claude Monet are much more impressive painters of the style. Van Gogh's work just looks like it was painted by a room full of children who ate too many special brownies.

Well, that's all. Hope you actually read this. And good essay, by the way. I did enjoy it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Very helpful for me

After being happily married for 40 years, I still learned a lot from this article. I have ADD, and didn't realize it until 2 years ago. When I told my wife she said "so that's the reason you do some things the way you do." I had been coping all my life without realizing it. I think many divorces occur because one person has ADD, and neither spouse realizes it. There are actually 5 forms of ADD (look it up). Many men with ADD are not good at all at taking hints, or picking up on body language or facial clues. I tell my wife, don't give me a hint, tell me bluntly, so I can get it. Also, if you tell me more than 3 things at a time, by the 4th thing I probably have forgotten the 1st thing. That makes for lots of problems, unless she realizes it. I stop her after 3 things and tell her to start again when I get pencil and paper. That helps a lot.

One other thing is that some men use love to get sex, and women use sex to get love. That can cause lots of problems. Also, men tend to focus more on doing things, and women focus more on feelings and words. Both are important, but many men and women do look at these differently. Just my 2 cents worth. Your mileage may vary. Do listen when she tells you she likes something, and do more of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Huh. You need White coats. I don't mean Chefs.

I dated a girl like this. And just want you to know she, like what I can gather from you, was irrational and psychotic. I mean the technical terms. They've done a study. In the past 100 years the percentage of the female populace has become alarming psychotic and insane. Breaking numbers up into the 97% of women in the industrialised countries.

Unfortunately they do not know why this phenomenon is occurring. Only thing us guys are left to do is either be like she truly suggested. A whimpering spineless male. Who needs to know what she wants from the vague impression she once said three years ago. (Just a random example. Don't psycho-analyse. Though you will anyways) Or try to find a girl less crazy.

Me I'm looking for less crazy. Though not crazy is harder than finding the exact single celled organism in a hay stack.

TechRaiderTechRaiderabout 13 years ago
"sperm burping gutter slut" made me laugh

this goes both ways. even if the male or female believes every word you just said about their family or friend. they will prolly still get mad about it because its different when they say it. doesnt even matter if your quoting them directly... they may still get mad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Alternate title: how crazy bitches get dumped

Take the subject lightheartedly, but it is the raw reality from a Guy's perspective. Many of your points are valid, to a point, but then you go off the deep end with them. As a previous commenter noted, reading all kinds of stuff into your own interpretations is crazy and self-defeating. That immature perspective is exactly the thing that makes crazy bitches get dumped by strong good guys; the guys those, and most girls/women, say they want. The problem is, they get crazy reading all kinds of bull into nonexistent signs out of insecurity. Here is a tip for all women, yet mostly young ones, don't give it up to every douche bag low life you come across that makes you subconsciously think you can work out your daddy issues through and will fix all the disappointment you experienced. The ass-hats don't care about you and only want to fuck you for as long as you are not crazy---because a pussy you have access to easily, beats having to chase a new pussy any day---and all you are doing by giving yourself away to trash, well, is giving yourself away to trash! you are giving away what you ladies want to be held in such high regard as something that every douche gets to dip his dick in and then the guy at the end gets to deal with all the baggage and dented box.

Here is something that women don't realize and men are too busy just enjoying and wouldn't want to speak out loud for fear the moment will be ruined, but I will say it anyways, that whole women's liberation and women's sexual liberation movement has turned, or, women have turned themselves into free prostitutes. The biology and psychology of inter-gender sexual relations has not changed on a simple level, it's just that now women have convinced themselves that their sexual liberation is freedom, when in reality its just giving away their goods for free to those who deserve it least. the relation of deserving sex and getting sex, as implied above is actually inverted. Another way to think about it; the salesmen have convinced women that they just got a steal of a price on the piece of crap they just bought .

I know I got off topic to a certain extent, but I see it all the time and it's saddening and I am convinced it is a major point on the causal chain why family structure is breaking down, why would I want to commit to a woman when she has given it up to so many other people because she is sexually liberated? That was supposed to be one of the major benefits of commitment ; what we guys are left with is crazy butches who read shit into stuff that's not there and other crazy bitches willing to give it up just as easily. I am not complaining at all though.

I want to note that I in no way degrade women in spite of using the "crazy bitches" term, it's solely a device to get a point across. I am an observer, and maybe a traitor for saying those things, but it's bad, and even innocent daddy's little girl is whoring it up behind the curtains in the name of sexual liberation (even though it's just the outcome of it). Free booty and no reason to commit, FOR ALL! Please clue in all the women who write articles and blog posts wondering why men won't commit, or grow up way past when they should have in spite of there not being any reason to. I prefer getting pussy from multiple women and play my Xbox as often I want over marriage any day. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, really!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
you're generalizaing from "you" to "all women".

And while it's cute... it's not justified.

grim_twogrim_twoover 13 years ago
And the inverse is just as "true"

More help with understanding men from a man.

Stop trying so hard to understand men.

You know all that mind boggling analysis you describe about his possible motives and emotions? Stop it. Seriously. Don't try to read him like he's your best girl friend. He isn't your BFF and he doesn't think the same way she does. His actions do not indicate the same thoughts and emotions that hers do. It's okay if you can't stop analyzing everything he does. Just remember that every conclusion you came to, YOU MADE UP. Yup, you imagined it, in your head. It could be true, but give the guy a chance and ask him about it. Directly. Especially if you care enough about him to be in a relationship with him.

I understand that what you perceived hurt your feelings and it's not fair that you alone shoulder the burden of that. So instead of reacting emotionally to what you perceived, try telling him what you heard when he said or did whatever he did. You do this so he can try not to act in a way that sends you bad messages in the future and you avoid an emotional fight only one you understand (hint: its not him).

Also it sucks just as much and is just as insulting for you to just ASSUME that what you're reading into the situation is exactly what's happening with him and to react accordingly.

Men and women both need to work on this. Men cannot forget that women think this way. We need to pay more attention to how the women in our lives interpret words and actions that to us HAVE NO HIDDEN MEANINGS.

Women, on the other hand, need to remember that we do not think the way they do and that we are not sending the messages they are receiving.

sirrissirsirrissirover 14 years ago
What men want

Since you asked....

Women make the following mistakes.....

Do not withhold sex excessively as a form of punishment. once in a while when you are really upset its ok but not too often. for minor upsets Punch the guy or grab him by the ear and explain...

Do not use the words "always" or "never" lightly. What i mean is if you have not gone out for say dinner in say a month do not tell the guy "we never go out to dinner" for this is not true because you did go out for dinner two months ago. The guy is bound to point that out and start a fight.

When we guys ask a yes or no question a shy/coy maybe is not what pleases us. if u mean no say no if you mean yes say yes. dont say yes when you mean no and no when you mean yes and never say maybe. If you say yes instead of no we will assume you ment yes. We hate guessing your thoughts. If you want to share speak plainly and you will have our complete attention.

When you go/come to a guy with a problem he will consider it his duty to think of a solution. I know you just want to talk about it but he will feel morally obliged to try to solve it. So be prepared to listen to his suggestions. when he is done (and you do not like what he has said) tell him that that might work but you do not want to try it. but do not shut him up. let him give at least a solution however stupid it is.

And finally if you trust your man let him do a little bit of oggling it will just result in better sex for you and more attention to you later on. if you think he is staring at other women too much ask him something about that gal. or comment on her hair shoes, whatever you wish. This is a trap your basic man can easily sense. Thus his attention will revert to you. This is far more effective than rebuking him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Not bad at all

Your right it doesnt exactly fit everyone or every situation but some guys need things to be spelt out for them in details and others can take the ball and run with it on their own. Over all they dont understand why they say one thing and we interpret it in another. So the entire article isn't about catering to a girls whims, but paying attention to what she's trying to convey. Women use a lot of subtleties in communication. Learning to read these will help guys to stay out of trouble. Learning how their words and actions are interpreted is vital. --- And you're right - if they dont explain themselves right it comes across as they care more about themselves than their girl. If they care at all. I think the spirit of your article is dead on and helpful to most. The details are just examples and options for those that need more explaination or cant think creatively for themselves. Good job.

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