Holly’s Sales Training Ch. 05


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Nywy, let's get to the juicy parts! When I entered the house, my mother was sitting on the couch as per ushe. But she wasn't alone! Mr. von Stein was sitting right next to her! What a shocker! My face when I saw him on the couch with a cuppa coffee in his hand. He looked like he was meeting an old friend at a coffee klatsch. My feels when I saw him give me an innocent look. He treated me like any other employee he barely knew! So unreal! #SurpriseParty

And then my mom decided to take a bathroom break to freshen up (her words not mine). Unbelievable, but true! Nywy, my former boss turned to me as soon as she was out of the room. But he didn't give me a warm welcome. Instead, he was real stern, not to mention high-key annoyed. His mood became understandable when he told me that his assistant had informed him about my incessant badgering at HQ. Obs, she wanted to file an official complaint against me.

Holy shoot! I held my breath when I heard his words. His mere presence in this house was enough to leave me shook! But it looked like this whole thing was about to escalate real quick! Granted, I had never thought about possible consequences when storming the castle (aka HQ). But these allegations sounded bad! Another workplace transgression was the last thing I needed. After all, my resume couldn't take another blemish! #Heartstopper

"Workplace bullying is a serious issue that we need to track closely in our organization." Mr. von Stein told me. "First, however, we have to take care of another problem."

Oh phew! I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I heard that! The company owner had come here for another reason. What a relief! Any other problem couldn't be that serious, could it?

"The Vonderstone brand prides itself on striving for the highest standards. This applies to all aspects, including our employees." The hard-ass informed me. "On that account, we're not satisfied with the search for new retail clerks."

Holy smokes! My heart skipped a beat! The company had not yet found a successor for me, so my position was still open. Yasss! That was the best news I had heard in a long time. See, guys? It goes to show what a dope job I had done. It's not so easy to replace a boujee baddie like me. #PersistencyGetsTheBag

"Of course, everybody knows your workplace misconduct is too serious! We can't just reinstitute you, Mrs. Deluca." The seasoned exec stated firmly

Oh jeez! The old codger crushed my hopes a moment after raising them. So disappointing. His statement completely deflated me. What an emotional rollercoaster! #GuttedAF

"I'm starting to sound like a broken record. But I've said it many times before. I see great potential in you, Mrs. DeLuca." The hardass made me listen up. "That's why I'm going out on a limb trying to help you. It's a risk for me, too."

"I'm sure you've figured out by now that everybody's given up on you. No wonder, since you're making it exceptionally difficult for yourself." The old sack elaborated. "A fashion designer who can't get a job as a retail clerk? Nah! There's no such thing! It's not rocket science to figure that out."

Holy moly! It hurt to hear the truth! A few words were enough to wipe away all the delusions. The weight on my shoulders was back, and this time it was heavier than ever. This was worse than getting cancelled!

"Everybody knows it's common HR practice to provide mandatory trainings for employees to help them reach work objectives." Mr. von Stein seemed to speak from experience. "This includes conflict management trainings for difficult employees."

Oh wait! What was that? Was it a way out I heard? Whether true or imagined, it was enough to make me sit up and take notice. I actually began to hope against hope! Then and there, I was willing to do whatevs it took.

"Indeed, it's a situation thirty. But we may have found a suitable training to reinstate you, Mrs. DeLuca." The seasoned exec said. "Don't pop the champagne just yet! It only counts if you successfully complete it. No excuses!"

Yasss, queen! My heart leaped when I heard the old-school owner paint a picture of silver linings for me. I so didn't want to jump the gun and cheer too soon. Not again! But I could hardly contain myself. Frankly, a huge wave of relief surged through me, almost sweeping my off my feet. #WaveRider

"This time, you better not act like you're the best thing since sliced bread." The hardass sounded like he was giving me some well-meant advice. "I've cut you a lotta slack, but you're under high scrutiny now. Here comes the judge! And that is me!"

Holy cow! I knew it! There had to be a catch! To recap, my future (aka future earnings, prosperity, and employability) depended entirely on the whims of a bad-tempered boomer. What could possibly go wrong? This was wild! There had to be another way!

OFC, the job offer was extremely unfair! And yet, I expected nothing less from the sour old sack. My heart when I felt the patriarch's authority. It tingled real hard! My pussy when I felt the power difference. It throbbed hella wild!

"Heads up, Mrs. DeLuca! I'm required by law to inform you that you must complete the training top to bottom." Mr. von Stein made sure to warn me.

"No cutting corners, no pursuing personal goals like you kids do all the time these days!" He tossed in a quick drag. "It's the only way we'll have the legal basis we need to reinstate you."

Oh, um, OK! Good to know! But not a problem! The old me had always made excuses and bailed. But now I was ready to finish what I started. Promise! In truth, the warning only reinforced the fact that the offer was serious. No legal requirements would have been much more sus, right? So, it sounded like a highly professional procedure. #SpecialNecessities

"So, my dear! What's your response?" The patriarch asked low-key impatient. "You accept the obligation to complete the training or not, Mrs. DeLuca?"

And that was the big question. How was I supposed to respond to this? It sounded like a very specific approach, probs some sorta anger management training or something like that. So, there were a lot of hurdles to overcome. But then again, I'd also have to go through entry-level training in any other job. So, it evens out. But I'm no expert! What do I know about HR stuff, right?

So, what do you say, my fashion fam? Should I jump at the opportunity, or should I wait and look for my chance elsewhere? If you have more insights into the whole training thing, please enlighten me and quick. XOXO!

---How to train at home and make it a success ----

*Anonymous: Hey Holly, considering your reinstatement, the first 90 days are a high-risk period for any new sales rep. Therefore, it should be all about the onboarding. Special attention needs to be paid to communication skills, of course, seeing that you need to learn how to handle rejections. Then there's customer service training to help you better understand the company's vision. As you see, lots to do for you. But I'm confident, you'll manage.*

Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Aitch Are! That's some great expertise there. It defo sounds like a positive thing. Frankly, I was low-key dreading the roleplaying stuff. I so wouldn't have been able to bear more of that. Ugh!

*BushMaster55: C'mon ho(lly)! How dumb can you be! You already got a taste of the training that awaits you when you strutted round the store with those hooker hooves. I's gonna be a bonafide pornstar training. You can prepare yourself for some righteous ass stretching, face f**king, double stuffing and the likes. Maybe you'll even get those pole dance lessons for free. #DP #DAP #DVDA*

Oh, that's a nice visual to masturbate to. But thanks, no thanks, Mr. Snakeman! This is too serious for such fanfic! Plus, I don't think I need training in this specific area. I'm sure I know how to bang!

Still, it's high-key flattering that you think I'd make a prime pornstar. Trust me, I'd tear the house down bc my performance would be fire! Too bad, you'll never see it. So sad! But what you can read next is the training. Promise!

FWIW, the conclusion of my last post may have been a bit misleading. I'm no longer considering my options. In reality, Mr. von Stein put the offer on the table and demanded an instant answer. I neither had the time nor the opportunity to discuss the finer points of our agreement, so I quickly agreed to the new deal. To my surprise, the old-ass owner inquired several times if I was certain. I guess he wanted to be extra sure that I had given my explicit consent. Nywy, I didn't hesitate bc I was all in! It's a done deal! #SafeSide

BTW, our agreement was made a few moments ago, so this is breaking news! As you can imagine, I'm giddy with excitement. But my mom put a damper on things when she returned to the living room. In response, Mr. von Stein instantly changed the subject. Oh jeez! I was so ready to get going. I didn't wanna wait any longer. Bring it on, old man!

"I'm glad we've come to an understanding, Mrs. DeLuca!" The seasoned exec said loud enough for my mother to hear.

"If you'd be so kind, be a good daughter n help your mother! She's been working hard all day long." He advised me although it was a clear order. "That'd be magnificent, my dear!"

"Oh, Holly! That'd be so splendid!" My mom supported the idea. "I was just cleaning the house. The kitchen n bathrooms still need to get finished."

OMG! Read the room, mother! Even though I shot her several disapproving looks, she expertly ignored them. Ugh! There was no way out! The two old-timers were quick to agree that it's only natural for kids to assist with the chores. So, that was the end of any debate! #CleaningHouse

"You put your feet under my table n you eat from my plates! So, it's justified you clean the rooms n the dishes. Do I have to keep saying that?" My mom suddenly exclaimed, her voice filled with indignation. "It'd be nice to see a bit more initiative, young lady."

WTF? My jaw dropped when I heard my mother rant like a bitter old cat lady (the irony). Looks like this attitude is contagious! It had never happened b4, and for good reason! I so wasn't entitled or privileged. I can't even with these boomers!

"Do you see the same lazy child syndrome in your family, Mr. von Stein?" My mom asked the houseguest b4 I even had the chance to respond.

"Most certainly, Missus DeLuca! This right here! That's exactly what's wrong with this generation. Always the first to make demands n always the last to put in the hard work." The staunch patriarch was only too eager to start rambling about his favorite topic. "But it's us to blame, I'm afraid. This is the result of our education."

Holy smokes! All of a sudden, I found myself standing in my living room listening to a pair of boomers discussing the good ole days. Fun fact? They were doing exactly what they accused us young ppl of doing. They were whining and complaining hella hard. You can't make this stuff up! Shake my head! #HypocrisyAF

NGL, I hadn't seen this coming. Never in a hundred years! Hard to believe, but these two members of the old guard got along amazingly well. Too well, in fact! Looks like these two sought and found each other. Oh ew! Big yikes! Don't even start reading into it, guys! Not gonna happen!

On second glance, however, it made sense. They were almost the same age and had similar interests, even if my mom wasn't usually the grumpy type. But that didn't matter, bc the old codger was a true gentleman when she was around. What a contrast to the way he had treated me! Remember how he had given me a spanking like a petulant child? I sure do! #PolarOpposites

BTT, I'm not a fan of cleaning up. Big surprise... said no one ever! I'm a fashion designer and trendsetter, so my idea of tidiness is more on the artistic side. While I understand that it can be an art in itself, it's not for me. I'm way too impatient for it, so the whole process is a pain in the ass for me. Besides, were not in the 50s anymore. I'm not a docile housewife who cleans and cooks all day long. I know how to use my phone to call a delivery service and activate the robot vacuum cleaner. #ModernLife

Thank God, I got lucky bc Mr. von Stein wanted me to fetch him a beer first. Since my mom keeps the beverages in an ice box in the garage, I dutifully went there and brought the patriarch an ice-cold beer. When I returned to the living room, my mom had pulled out a photo album. She actually showed my former boss pictures of my high school graduation and raved about me being such a nice, young lady b4 I left for college. Apparently, she thinks our relationship has gone downhill since then bc I've become an entitled and pretentious know-it-all. I can't even with my family! #MemoriesLastForever

LMTY, it made me real salty! I shot the dirty old man a gaze that was as ice-cold as the beer I handed him. In response, he simply gave me a big grin. At that very moment, my mother had a new idea. All of a sudden, she wanted me to rearrange a few things b4 cleaning up. Believe it or not, but I got ordered to move some beers from the garage to the fridge in the kitchen. After all, you never know if the man might want another beer, right? Ugh! My face when I saw my mom get all homely and housewifey. My feels when I was bossed around by two boomers. It felt like I've been taken back in time. My outrage was real! #SurrealAF

AYC, that's the sitch, guys! Mr. von Stein is having a coffee klatsch with my mom in our living room, reminiscing about the good ole times and rambling about the ungrateful youth of today. In the meantime, I've been sent off to do chores. Can you believe it? So wild! #NoStepfordWife

Wtvr! I was glad for the beer task, bc anything was better than cleaning. When I went back into the garage for more beer, however, I was in for another stunner. There was a knock on the electric roll-up door, which was unusual at this hour. Even though I was low-key confused, I opened it without much hesitation.

And there it was: the shocker of the day!

Oh yay! It wasn't Matt! Oh yikes! It was another uninvited guest! My face when I stood in front of the young fratboy from the retail store. Remember the wannabe player with the 'Bros b4 Hoes' tattoo? So cringe!

Nywy, let me give you guys a quick reminder. The fratster had come into the store b4 Valentine's Day looking for a gift for his girlfriend. At the time, I had refused to model lingerie for him or let him feel me up, which had pissed off Matt and his bros. #OldNews

CMIIW, but a lot has happened since then. And yet, some things have remained the same. First and foremost, I was still displeased about meeting this hypebeast, especially now that I had other things (and more experienced men) on my mind. To make matters worse, the dudebro was shorter than me, which is an absolute no-go for me (and most other women I know, ftfy). The list is short but clear: I don't wear pink, I don't get tattoos, and guys have to be taller than me so I can lean on their shoulder. Those are the rules. Period! #DealWithIt

Apart from that, the fratboy was real buff. Standing in front of me, he wore grey sweatpants and a white muscle shirt that showed off his impressive physique. Obs, he was working out religiously in his quest to mimic Matt, which made him a legit musclehead (especially in relation to his size). Mosdef, a thing I don't have a thing for. After all, I'm not Tia! #FriendsWithDifferentTastes

IAC, I was completely taken aback for a moment. And with that, the fratster slipped into the garage b4 I could react. Letting the electric door back down, he basically made himself at home without ever having been invited. As if it mattered! Nobody expected gentleman-like behavior from a Yamos bro!

"Yo, b!tch! You happy to see me again?" He asked me, mimicking Matt's trademark cheesy grin. "Betcha! The big bossman told me you been waitin' for me."

Holy smokes! I didn't understand a word he said. Seriously, too much brotalk! All I could do in response was frown and look at him in confusion. As my mouth gaped open in shock, it was his turn to roll his eyes. Cringe alert! #NonCapisce

"Hello? Chica! Somebody home? You know the boss, Mr. von Stein, don't cha?" Chet spelled it out for me, saying the words extra slowly.

FFS! The dude got balls if nothing else! He seriously dared to talk to me like that! After all, he was a freaking freshman and not a supervisor of mine. It would have been impressive if it wasn't so absurd!

"The big bossman! Ring any bells?" The youngster continued explaining for dummies. "He told me to come over cuz you wanna apologize for your bad behavior. Like say sorry or some other sh!t."

Holy snap! He said what? This was becoming more and more scandalous! Actually, this was seriously getting out of hand!

But wait! Hold on a sec! The old gentleman that was sitting on my mom's couch drinking coffee and looking at old pictures of me was supposed to be in contact with this fratbro? Yeah, right! #Absurdities

OFC, my reaction was clear! Without a hint of doubt, I told the boy to get lost. To stress my resolve, I pointed to the door and spoke as loud as clear. But the dudebro didn't show the right reaction! Not at all! Instead, he responded with a cocky chuckle. A sound I had heard far too many times by now. Big yikes!

"Whatever, chica! It ain't me misbehavin'... again!" Chet responded with a shrug. "Ain't wanna be you when the brofessor finds out."

"Look! I ain't the idiot 'round here. That's your part!" He added almost casually. "I'm just the bro...ker here!"

Oh jeez! The youngster may be new to the whole frat culture, but he already talked like a veteran. In fact, he acted like a seasoned macho, saying the most outrageous things in the most casual manner. So wild! #AlphaAcademy

"C'mon camel-hoe." The buff bozo slowly got impatient. "I know you agreed to be a good employee n do whatever the f**k you're told. So start actin' like a sick b!tch!"

Oh ew! The swole schmuck had the balls to use Matt's pet name. What a no-go!

But wait! His words made my ears prick up. There was something seriously wrong with what he said. No way, I had ever agreed to something like that. OK, fine! You could argue that this was in line with my mandatory training bc it was supposed to make me a more compliant and willing employee. But I had struck the deal with Mr. von Stein just a few moments ago. How was this freaking freshman supposed to know about it? #HeresayHeresy

BION, but the fratster had the explanation right at hand. Sure enough, he pulled his smartphone out of his sweatpants and showed me a chatgroup. I can't even with this fricking Yamos frat! #ReadBetweenTheLines

OMG! Does anyone else know the feeling when you're legit shook by something that shouldn't exist in the first place? I must have looked thunderstruck when I found out that there's a group chat about me and my bae. My feels when I realized that Matt had started it and all his top bros had joined. This was hectic! My face when I noticed that his father was an honorary member who had invited all his golf buddies. The combination of ppl was unreal! This was the last group chat that should ever exist. Period! #ChatAndChill

N2S, the buff bozo flashed a wicked grin when he saw the outrage he had sparked. To bask in my indignation, he even read me some of the comments from the chat history. The cheek! You can't imagine how I scoffed incredulously whenever I heard another offensive remark (they mosdef run rings around you guys, fyi).

OMFG! The men had talked at length about all the different times when Tia or I had gone to the boneyard with one of them. And they hadn't held back their opinions! That's for sure! It may sound crazy, but the remarks outdid each other in vulgarity. The men practically goaded each other to crank up the lewdness. The obscenity was next level! #ViralVenom