Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 114


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"Much," he admitted as her coils pulled him into a standing position against her body. The naga grinned lasciviously at him as she ran a finger down his chest.

"Your magic is quite the puzzle," she said, the coils adjusting his position so that his cock rested casually against her labia. "I do enjoy a good puzzle."

Ratu constricted her coils, causing Mike's cock to slide inside of her. She hissed with pleasure, her tongue briefly emerging to taste the air. Pinned in place, Mike was unable to move his arms, so had his magic do the work instead. Using tiny sparks, he sent little shocks of pleasure into Ratu. This caused her body to tighten up, which only drove him further inside of her.

"Sometimes, I wish I had found you first," she whispered in his ear. "That I could have kept this pleasure all to myself, to use you at my whim. You would have been the real treasure I kept at the center of my Labyrinth, Mike Radley. Yet I will admit that sharing you has made me a better person. You've given me more than just love and companionship. You made me part of your family."

"You're worthy of all these things," he replied. Mike felt bad that he couldn't do or say more, but he was pinned so tight against her that he had no control over his body. In fact, the way Ratu undulated her coils, she was essentially fucking herself with his body.

He closed his eyes and basked in the sweet heat of the naga as she rode him horizontally. The heat in the room increased and his magic crawled across her skin as if trying to encase her. The dark room became lit by small motes of light that flitted away from him like fireflies. Over against the wall, Leilani was masturbating furiously, her mouth hanging open as she stared at the two of them.

Ratu came, squeezing him so hard with her coils that his back popped. He shivered in delight as he commanded his own orgasm to wait, the room now saturated with magical energy. His body drank it in like a desert flower and then showered the room in sparkling lights. Lily was gasping for air as the fairies crawled across her body, lapping up her sexual fluids.

Beth cleared her throat, then tapped on Ratu's serpentine coils. The naga sighed with irritation and turned her attention to the brunette. Beth jerked her thumb toward Leilani, who was now actively massaging her breasts with one hand while fingering herself.

"We should probably share him," she said, then gave Mike a wink. "Before we wear him out, anyway."

"But I'm not done with him." Ratu narrowed her eyes at Mike and shifted her coils again, burying his cock deep inside of her. "I could do that all night if I wanted."

"We don't have all night." Beth stroked Ratu's tail in an effort to placate the naga. "Besides that, we owe her. She was ready to turn her back on her people for us. It would be very unkind not to reciprocate somehow. Besides..." Beth glanced over at Leilani. "I get the idea she won't last very long anyway."

Ratu sniffed haughtily, then relaxed her coils. "You make a salient point. The least we could do is be good hosts. Princess Leilani, please, come." She beckoned the princess over.

On the floor, Lily giggled. "Are we still doing phrasing?" she asked, lying still while the fairies cleaned her off. Mike wasn't fooled by her harmless act and wondered what she was up to.

Leilani stood on wobbling legs and walked over to Mike, her cheeks now flushed in a beautiful shade of purple. She reached for his cock, which twitched in anticipation as she touched it.

"It's so hot," she whispered in awe.

"You should feel it from the inside," said Beth. "Do you want top or bottom?"

"Um..." Leilani contemplated Mike, her eyes shimmering with anticipation. "Top, I think."

Ratu's elongated body lowered Mike to the ground to set him on his back. He watched with excitement as the mermaid climbed on top of him and tried to figure out how to mount him. Beth and Ratu knelt at her side and gave the mermaid advice, which she wordlessly accepted. By the time Mike slid inside of her, Beth and Ratu were also playing with Leilani's breasts and kissing her neck.

Leilani came almost instantly, arching her back and spraying him with her sexual fluids. Ratu and Beth cheered her on, then helped Leilani sit back on his cock for another round. More motes of light surrounded them, the bedroom lit fully by Mike's magic. The sight of three women fondling each other as one rode him was more than enough to bring him to the very edge of his own orgasm.

He heard Lily chuckle and turned his head to see that she had crawled up next to him. She winked and then looked at the others.

"They're not even bothering to fight it off," she said, pushing herself up onto her elbows so that her breasts were on full display. "The venom, I mean."

Mike reached over to Lily and grabbed her by the horn. A surprised look crossed her face as he pulled her to him, their lips locking as he kissed her upside down. Her tongue danced with his as Leilani rode him to another tremendous climax. This time, Ratu and Beth put their full weight on the mermaid, pinning her down so that her hips bucked wildly, her dense body crushing him against the floor.

"I'm gonna come," he said, interrupting the kiss. "Leilani, if I come inside you, there's a good chance it may pair us together forever."

The mermaid paused to look at him. "I'm on birth control," she whispered.

"Not kids," he told her. "A piece of my soul for a piece of yours."

"Is that all?" Leilani started grinding her hips even harder. "Take me, Caretaker. Give me a piece of yourself that I may treasure it until my dying day."

"Hot," Lily muttered in his ear, then resumed kissing him.

Somewhere in the distance, Mike felt as if the world held its breath, the magic in the room sizzling as the lights became so bright he could see them through closed eyelids. Lily pinched his nipple and moaned into his mouth, toppling the final barrier between him and ecstasy.

Mike came. When his balls tightened into his groin, the floating lights in the room made a whooshing sound as they shot toward his hips and then emerged from his cock in a torrent of magical energy that encased the mermaid in light. Lily groaned as his magic passed into her body through her mouth. Twitching, she fell over and clutched her stomach as she came, his magic dancing across her skin.

Leilani's eyes and mouth opened as wide as they could go, but her scream was soundless. The dazzling lights on her skin leapt from her to Beth and Ratu, both of them falling away in surprise. Beth's magic reacted almost immediately, creating tiny sparks of her own as waves of pleasure rolled through her. Ratu underwent another partial transformation, the remains of her human flesh shifting dramatically into hardened scales as the ground rumbled beneath them.

Mike arched his back, lifting Leilani as magical light swirled around both of them, exchanging a tiny piece of his soul for her own. For a brief moment, Leilani's eyes glowed from within before she toppled over backward, completely spent. The fairies cheered and landed in the puddle between her legs, dancing around while lapping up their combined fluids. Leilani let out a long, sweet sigh of ecstasy before closing her eyes.

Sitting up, Mike checked on the others. Ratu had slithered off to the side of the room to lie against the wall, her eyes fixed on him as she fought to catch her breath. Lily was lying nearby on the ground making happy sounds. Beth was the only one left standing, her eyes ablaze with energy as she moved to take Leilani's place.

When their lips met, the motes of light returned immediately, pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Some of them even rang like gently tapped crystals, filling the air with music only he could hear.

"It's just you and me, again," Beth said as she mounted him, her breasts pressed against his face.

"Do you think you're up for it?" Mike grinned. Before they had started, he was exhausted. Now it felt like he could run a hundred miles without stopping.

"There's only one way to find out." She held still, her vaginal canal somehow pumping him despite her motionless body.

"New trick?" he asked.

Beth laughed. "Always."

The air crackled with energy as the two of them fucked. Their magic collided as they tried to overwhelm each other with sexual power. What started as a battle for dominance became a playful dance between their magics. Beth's face and chest became flushed as a slew of micro-orgasms caused her to twitch above him. Her best efforts to push him to orgasm were for naught, and Beth eventually fell forward, her lips finding his as she groaned.

"I thought you didn't have a refractory period," she muttered, her body still grinding against his.

"I don't," he replied, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Then why can't I make you come?"

"I'm waiting."

"For what?"

Mike smiled when he felt a second pair of hands grab Beth's waist from behind. The lawyer tensed up in surprise, then looked over her shoulder to see Lily wiggling her eyebrows.

"If you're asking yourself if this was all a long-term ploy to try out the best piece of ass the human race has to offer..." Lily flexed her cock, which looked nearly identical to Mike's. "Then you finally get me."

"Holy shit," Beth whispered as she turned stunned eyes back toward Mike. Her eyes rolled up in her head as Lily pressed the head of her cock against Beth's ass, slowly gaining entry and increasing pressure on Mike's own cock.

"Yeah, that's it. I know you can take it." Lily swatted Beth's ass, which sent a jolt of pleasure through both her and Mike. Beth held perfectly still until the succubus was completely inside of her, then went limp between them. This allowed Lily to lean over Beth's shoulder so she could look Mike in the face.

"So do we high-five now or later?" she asked.

Laughing, Mike held tight and let the magic take him. He and Lily pounded Beth mercilessly, both of them feeding off each other's exuberance as the woman between them cried out and came over and over again. Eventually, she turned into a human puddle between their arms. Mike and Lily kissed each other, both of them frantically pumping themselves into Beth. Sparks crawled across all three of them, eager to begin the chain reaction. A storm was building inside the walls of the building, which created a vortex of energy.

The festivities came to a brief halt when Ratu appeared, her hair a mess and only half of her face human once more. The naga stared down at Beth and shook her head in disgust. She knelt down and picked up Beth's limp hand to slap it against her own.

"What are you doing?" asked Lily.

"You said this was a tag team." Ratu grabbed Beth by the wrists and tugged. Beth grunted and muttered random gibberish as she popped free from between them and was dragged over by Leilani. The fairy girls cheered at the sight of her, their bellies bulging from the cum they had already eaten. Satisfied that her partner was comfortable, Ratu returned and placed herself between Mike and Lily. "She just tagged me in."

"Ooh, I'm finally getting some real tail," Lily declared, but Ratu shook her head and used the heel of her foot to push Lily onto her back.

"I don't think so," she said as she pulled her robes off to completely reveal the network of scales that criss-crossed her body. She looked over her shoulder at Mike and grinned, revealing her fangs. "My ass is for him and him alone. It's the one thing I have left to give that belongs to nobody else."

Lily blinked up at Ratu. "That's...actually pretty fucking hot. Do you want him all to yourself?"

"No, I don't." Ratu climbed on top of Lily and sighed as she slid into place. "Some bitch stung me earlier and all I can think about is getting fucked stupid like my partner over there." Looking over her shoulder, Ratu wiggled her ass for Mike. "I know it doesn't compare to Beth's, but..."

"You're wrong." Mike crawled over to the two of them and grabbed Ratu by the hips. "Each one of you is different. That's what I love the most."

"Mike." Ratu arched her back. "Fuck me until I forget."

He didn't even have to ask who she wanted to forget. Placing his cock against the edge of her anus, he went slow, giving her time to adjust. Several agonizing minutes passed, his hips begging him to thrust forward. From below, Lily gave him advice, but he didn't need it. His magic told him exactly what Ratu needed, and it was nice and slow.

Once he was completely inside her, the magic took over again, and soon the naga squealed between them, flames jumping from her fingertips as she was overwhelmed. Even though the three of them moved slowly, the intensity of the moment finally caught up to Mike and he shouted when he came, filling Ratu's guts with hot, magical cum. The magic exploded again, but this time it flowed through Ratu and into Lily, who let out a scream of her own. The earth rumbled beneath them as thunder filled the room.

The three of them came together, over and over again, until they all went limp in a pile. The fairy girls, who were still eating their fill off Beth, ended up crawling across the floor with swollen bellies to gorge on yet more.

Lying in that mess, Mike stroked Ratu's hair, holding her close against his body. She let out a contented sigh, then reached back and squeezed his hip.

"I belong to you," she said, her words ending with a slight hiss. "For now and forever."

"That's just the buttsex talking," offered Lily. She yelped when Ratu pinched her nipple.

"I wasn't talking to you, demon." Ratu rolled over to face Mike. "I was talking to this man, this wonderful creature who has shown me that life is still worth living. I used to think I knew what love is. But now? I think I at least understand it better."

He smiled and touched her face. "I feel the same way," he replied. "I'm so glad that you're part of my family. And just so you know...I'd still take you to the sock hop."

Ratu blushed, then laughed out loud. She snuggled against him, and those final wounds in his heart vanished. In the morning, things would change. He would see terrible deeds, and potentially commit a few of his own. Things were about to change forever, and even he couldn't predict how. But for now, he was at peace.

Over in the corner, Leilani started snoring, which elicited a series of giggles from Beth. Lying there in the dark, they were startled when the door of the hut slammed open to reveal Quetzalli, her chest heaving from exertion. Sweat ran down her face as she stared in horror at all of them lying together.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked as he sat up abruptly.

"You...didn't...fuck..." She clutched at her chest and fell to her knees. "Are...you..."

"Slow down, what happened?" Concerned, Mike started to rise, but Quetzalli held out her hands and gestured for him to sit.

"Felt you...all...from down by the lake." She was wheezing now. "Fucking. Wow! Came to...see if...I could...join."

Laughing, Mike held out a hand to the dragon. When he touched her skin, a flash of golden light appeared between them, and the dragon's labored breathing stopped.

"I think I can make time for one more," he said as he slid his hands along the dragon's body. Sighing with relief, Quetzalli let him take her, over and over again in front of the others.

When he finally came inside her, the world erupted in thunder.


This chapter was a bit longer than normal, but I hope I made it worth your time. As for that final scene, I hope I prepped that particular meal to your liking. I don't usually throw together that many characters, but when I do, I really want to give them all a time to shine.

Book 7 (this book) will end of on Ch. 116. As with every novel I write for you, I try real hard to stick the landing. Make sure you hit check my bio for release dates, leave me some stars and comments on the way out, AND! Most importantly of all!

Do something nice for yourself. You are a bowl of jello piloting meat wrapped around a skeleton, and you deserve some kindness in your day. Oh, and drink plenty of water. I keep getting thirsty emails, so hopefully that will help you all.

~Annabelle Hawthorne

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AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Good one girl. Stay hard and keep writing.

Bluesea00Bluesea0018 days ago

Amazing magical sex story with some soft humor like "Dou you prefer top or bottom?. "Um..." Leilani contemplated Mike, her eyes shimmering with anticipation. "Top, I think."

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

I love this story. I love the care of the characters. The sexiness and playfulness of the sex.

I love the tension of the plot especially early sections of the book.

The only place thing that I quibble with is that most fights are too inevitably won. There’s always a point when the fights become mop up actions without any tension.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

been in love with this story since ch 1 <3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Congratulations on your 150th story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Thank you Annabelle! Another great chapter! My favorite story.

Redneck_390Redneck_390about 2 months ago

Another truly great chapter. Poor Tink can finally breathe a sigh of relief. And the bits with Cyrus kept making me tear up while reading it at work. So glad he finally joined the family!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

To get this far, I had to go thru three internet providers. It was well worth the wait. I will have trouble waiting for the next chapters. Love your ability to craft these chapters and keep your stories separated. May you live long and keep us entertained for many years to come . TexCajun105

srv3135srv3135about 2 months ago

Cyrus and Grace interactions are too sweet. The little arachne is adorable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Awesome story series. Can't wait for the next installment. Always a great read - thank you writerannabelle.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

It has been enjoyable to read this series. I’m glad you finally remembered that it is supposed to be an erotic tale. Thank you. I am looking forward to the next installment.

USMCVetUSMCVetabout 2 months ago

Dang it! I hate when I catch up to “Live”! Love your writing, Annabelle. Kudos on the Archer reference.

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