All Comments on 'Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 115'

by writerannabelle

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  • 149 Comments (Page 2)
kakwatkakwatabout 2 months ago

This is the only comment I have ever and probably will ever leave on Literotica.

As a former Navy Corpsman, the moment when Death and the USS Arizona joined the fray was one of the most profoundly euphoric reading experiences I have ever enjoyed. Thank you.

ChrisN1955ChrisN1955about 2 months ago

Yet another BRILLIANT chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Stunning chapter. Thoughtful tribute to the Arizona. Thank you from an old sailor.

DickMarksDickMarksabout 2 months ago

Incredible chapter! Battleships always make me cry

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Don't underestimate the combat power of Sex Magic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great as usual, only now I have to wait for the next chapter..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Always awesome!😎👍🏼❤️Thank you!

CeruleanBlueCeruleanBlueabout 2 months ago

Incredible chapter. Maybe one of your best. And as so many others have started, the use of the Arizona was *chef's kiss* magnificent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I didn't expect to have a emotional response to a erotic story thank you for the nod to the Arizona from a old soldier

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great way to pay honour to the crew of the Arizona. Fair winds and a following sea to the brave men, evermore.


Wow... just wow... amazing story as always.

It's got to be time for a rest and fuckation foe the Radley clan before dickwad in the wheel chair comes back into play.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

You continue to do great work.

I don't understand how you think that anyone could start from the beginning and get caught up on this, not to mention the other stories, in two weeks! It took me some 8 months to catch up to chapter 103, plus the other stories (great also). Then I went to another story of 145 chapters to find out he isn't done and probably won't ever come back and finish his great story. I come back here and it took a couple months to finish D&H and get caught up here. *smiles* Did I mention how great this story is?

On another noted topic. Heard about Lou. Was emotional, as I think I might have met him when I was in the Navy and got to serve in the 50th Memorial in Dec 1991. Almost all the Arizona survivors were there and we got the privilege of escorting them around. Then after I got out of the Navy, I found out that my grandparents and my father (age 10) were at Pearl Harbor in Dec 1941. My grandfather was a Civil Engineer on Sub-Base at the time and father was a bicycle messenger.

In Feb this year I actually finally got to Maui. Its a very beautiful place.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Your stories respectful nod to the sacrifices made by the few for the lives of their loved one, is simply fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

To the arizona!

Argonaut_1975Argonaut_1975about 2 months ago

That was very well done, Annabelle.

adalberryadalberryabout 2 months ago

What an amazing chapter! I loved how you added and respected the crew of the USS Arizona! Can't wait for the last chapter of the book and the continuation of the series!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I have used so many words to describe and compliment your story! Stories! New and better words are needed to pay respect to your work. While words escape me, my feelings do not. I want more. Happiness, while immersing myself in your latest episode, is but short lived. Whilst truly grateful in the moment, I am only temporarily sated. I want more. I anxiously await more. I feel need of more. And it’s all your fault. But you know all this already. More please! Faster and longer! Lol, it’s ironically appropriate that my pleas sound like hot sexual demands! So please, fuck and suck, sorry, I meant, so please make this story go on for many years. Or at least a decade or two! WriterAnnabelle, I think I love you! ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Five stars (that are not easily given) for the chapter WITHOUT a mention of the Arizona.

Five stars (same) for the chapter even without the native Hawaiians.

Five stars JUST FOR mentioning either of those two entities...let alone BOTH.

These climax chapters are always interesting to read, from a writer's perspective, beyond the obvious entertainment value they have. HOW does she go about reconciling all of these disparate characters and their myriad motivations and abilities? Who gets redeemed? Who gets destroyed? Who gets...away...perhaps? The enjoyment of the story is great. The secondary (usually) joy of deconstructing your machinations along the way is a whole different type of amusement.

I know writing this many words is an arduous task (one I'm about to embark on shortly myself), but as a reader, it rarely does anything but fly by. When I get to page four, I'm already sad because I know page five will be 'it' for the chapter and it might not be a 'full page' (darn it).

I'm guessing the last chapter of this book is the typical wrap up, with some surprises and some set up for the future. I say 'typical' because it is the formula we all DO look forward to, but your execution of it...anything but typical.

Your world-building, your character development, your research department (even if it's just you, give them a raise) are all so far above the norm, it's astounding. have sort of ruined Literotica for me a bit, since I mostly log on just to read this series. Most of the more 'regular' porn lit is redundant, and the other 'fantasy porn' pales in comparison to your work.

Keep it up though!

Wish I could log on as myself, and wish I could meet you in real life to pick your brain on process and creative inspiration.

Thank you, and read you next time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

To the Garry yutz from down under the rock....

Maybe worry more about your own politics before you stick your penal colony nose in what is going on in America, the country that broke away from England, not the one that was England's human dumpster.

This was a great chapter, no reason for you to inject your politics into the comments section. If it was up to the people you think are 'right' here, we would still have slavery and women wouldn't be allowed to vote, let alone write pornographic novels. Didn't really think that through though, didya, Crocodile Garry?

NOBODY in the United States disparages World War II vets, ever. All they did was save the planet from the Nazis...and remember, your former overlord, Britain, had the Prime Minister that empowered Hitler...because he was so unwoke...

But hey, maybe America will re-elect the guy that wants to let Putin take Europe, and that would make you and your countrymen happy, right? Because THAT GUY is definitely not 'woke'...not even in court, when he is on trial.


TomdullyTomdullyabout 2 months ago

this left me Realy hanging,can't wait for more.

gazzaf777gazzaf777about 2 months ago

Mr ANONYMOUS- From Garry putz - I have the GREATEST respect for those who fought, died and still fight for both America and Australia. My only concern is that they are always REMEMEBERD with the respect and honour they deserve. When writerannabelle brought to my attention that the last of the USS Arizona's crew Lou Conter had gone to join his ship mates it did hit a spot in my heart and I mourned that we are loosing these fine men and women who fought for our freedom. I WANT my grandchildren to remember their sacrifice for both our countries. Also disparaging remarks run both ways. Slavery banned England 1834, America 1865. Women vote England 1918 America 1920. I am an AUSTRALIAN and I am pround of it. I am ALSO pround of the way AMERICAN's have such great pride in their country and flag I wished more Australian's did. "LEST WE FORGET" those that have served.

Annabelle Hawthorne, My appologies if I have offended you and wish to say that I have been following "Home For Horny Mosters' along with you other stories since discovering your work. I was not intending any political points of veiw in you comments section only wishing to acknowledge our heroes.

NerdsamwichNerdsamwichabout 2 months ago

Dammit, there aren't enough stars to give this chapter. This is a site for weirdos to read other weirdos' weird smut stories; no fair making me cry. Twice!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I just imagine Death showing up to the Arizona and giving that line from Battleship, "I need to borrow your boat". A little deus ex machina, but appropriate. Don't imagine the boys on the Arizona ever thought they'd end up fighting a Frenchman though...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

An outstanding series! 👏

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I'm not american, but I am a military history nerd, USS Arizona showing up gave me profound chills. Fabulous chapter in so many ways.

jdailey63jdailey63about 2 months ago

Thank you for honoring those great servicemen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This was one of the best chapters. Really enjoy the battle and thought you put into it. You really do a lot of research into the story line. Keep up the good work.

GuardianHM28GuardianHM28about 2 months ago

Thank you. I don’t think anyone expects to be remembered in an erotic storytelling, but you did it well, and tied in with current events. Always 5 stars, but this chapter went above and beyond.

BarryAllen888BarryAllen888about 1 month ago

Fantastic, 10 out of 5 stars. Maybe Annabelle or another reader can explain it more plainly: why not kill François? How did he kill Poseidon? By the portal cutting the ship and the kraken in half, was that killing Poseidon, as if the Radley House (Hestia) was destroyed?

dontyouwishyouknewdontyouwishyouknewabout 1 month ago

Annabelle, when I finished this chapter I just wanted to stand up and applaud. I've come to expect excellence from you and yet you still manage to astound me with your story-telling and imagination. <applause><infinite>.

To the commenters with the 'release the kraken' comments: thank you for I truly LOL'd.

As for Cyrus I suspect he is dead, but whether he is or is not I don't think we've seen the last of him. At least I hope not, I like him. Cyrus hanging out with Death could be some interesting reading. <hint><hint>

If Poseidon died I missed it.

And lastly, as to why not kill FrankNBeans? Mike Radley is making a multi-level statement: 1) do NOT fuck with my family, for if you do MY FAMILY will utterly destroy you (death by kraken bukkake anyone?); 2) I am not greedy and am not trying to steal your toys, so you don't need to take me out with a preemptive strike; 3) see rule #1.

CtskillsCtskillsabout 1 month ago

Excellent. Truly excellent. I'd live to see this adapted and done live action but we all know how that goes... especially in the.... risquĂŠ industry.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69about 1 month ago

Woman ! I love you and your stories !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So much good stuff here! Beth being taught how to make a Cavitation Bomb is very cool practical application of magic and science.

NeebatNeebatabout 1 month ago

That right there needs to be in a movie, or Netflix series.

I'm crying from a combination of pure excitement, relief, laughter and respect. Respect for you, Annabelle and for the brave sailors of the Arizona. May they sail on brighter seas.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

From what I gathers Francois was left with just enough life in him that between the kraken going at the ship and how injured he was he died during that event. Which caused the portal to close and kill the kraken. Don’t know if the ship is gone for good and Poseidon is dead. Maybe the boat will fix itself waiting on a new owner. Mike didn’t kill him because he didn’t want his power he did so to show everyone he wanted the battle to end not become more powerful in the great game. This series is by far the best I have ever seen on this site and I thank you for making one of the best stories out there. I check everyday to see if a new chapter is out. I also think it make an excellent anime or even adult series on Netflix.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Amazing!!! As a combat veteran with both the US Navy and Army Reserves for 23 years I humbly thank you for bringing in the USS Arizona and her brave heroic sailors to the light! Pearl Harbor is both a place of reflection and honor. Thank you. Honey Badger 67.

Alibralvs269Alibralvs269about 1 month ago

I loved the final battle. I love mike turning enemies into family. I think I liked using the Arizona In the final battle.

Tanksdad2020Tanksdad2020about 1 month ago

Using the U.S.S. Arizona was an inspiring thing. Thanks for the amazing tale

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The Arizona in chapter gave me chills. The final sailor of the Arizona in the afterward made me cry a bit. This. This is why I love authors like yourself.

DMMWolfDMMWolfabout 1 month ago

"I'm not the monster. You brought the Monster"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I started reading some years ago when this was only chapters long, then put it down as maybe a little strange back then. Found it again and just binge read to the end (ch 115) now over some weeks. I can see how you have developed as a writer over time. You have made this series a joy to read. I hope that now your confidence as a writer has blossomed. I love the story lines you have created always keeping things interesting. Hope that the experience here for you, takes you to other places and other successes

RoughRoad85RoughRoad85about 1 month ago

Wow, just wow. That was quite the rollercoaster of emotions. I want to say nice smart things but I'm too stunned. Bravo.

Don4poonDon4poonabout 1 month ago

Thank you for including the heroes of the USS Arizona. Was always a great story.

Bluesea00Bluesea00about 1 month ago

A great story ad a nice reminder against unprotected sex.

I honestly reading without stop now

CyrusTheWiseCyrusTheWiseabout 1 month ago

I actually cried as I learned Cyrus was dead. It has been a long time since I've cried. Even if it only lasted a moment. Thank you for this wonderful series and its characters. Can't believe that I caught up after just afew weeks. Guess I'll have tobstart Dead and Horny. Please do keep writing.

IrishWookieIrishWookie27 days ago

Nice touch bringing in the USS Arizona and mentioning the crewmember who passed, I wonder if he got a chance to read the story. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago


AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

The tribute to the Arizona was an excellent touch.

Fair winds, and Following seas. May she forever sail on peaceful waters, her crew at rest.

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