Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 096


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"Oh? Like what?" Naia blinked at him with those beautiful, sapphire eyes. She was the first one Mike had met, this beautiful creature who had pulled him into an exciting, unexpected adventure. For a while, she had been his everything, and then the others came. As the house expanded, she was ever there, his Naia, maybe even his first real love.

"I'm not going to pretend to understand the rules of the Great Game, or even its true purpose. But I have learned why it demands secrecy, and what is at risk if the truth of the matter ever got out. For example, I know now that the Architect built all these locations using the bodies of the gods." Mike sat forward on the bench, his magic wrapping around him like a shield. "A simple google search pretty much confirms that the North Pole is Cronus, or maybe Janus, it seems like there's quite a bit of overlap in regards to who is in charge of time."

Naia nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"Now, the cabin is likely Artemis, or a similar counterpart." He paused, half expecting to be struck down by lightning. When it didn't happen, he continued. "But it makes sense in hindsight. The Architect made their bodies into physical locations, and then bound their souls to the property. The gods are hiding in plain sight, protecting this world from outside forces...somehow."

The nymph shrugged. "I guess that makes sense."

Mike sighed. "Well, that brings us to now. You see, ever since dealing with Artemis and Cronus, I've wondered why the spirit of this home isn't more directly involved. How come I've never seen her face?"

"Maybe she's shy?" Naia looked at him, her face the picture of innocence.

"Or maybe she's been hiding in plain sight." Mike stood and let out a sigh. "So my question is this: were you ever planning to tell me that you're not actually Naia?"

There was a long pause as Naia stared at him, her features frozen in shock. The birds behind them continued to bathe in her fountain, singing cheerfully to themselves despite the sudden shift in atmosphere.

Naia didn't respond, her eyes glistening as the fountain gurgled behind her. She eventually blinked. When her eyes opened once more, they had become golden in color.

"Well done, lover." Naia stretched her arms over her head, then stood and stepped out of the fountain. Streamers of water connected her to the basin as she walked toward Mike across the cobblestones. "Though I don't know why you're suddenly so defensive."

"Because you lied to me." Mike took a step forward, closing the distance. "From the very beginning."

"That's not true at all. Naia has never lied to you, she doesn't know I'm in here." She reached out and touched his face. "So did the all powerful Google tell you who I am, too?"

"Maybe. A quick search for gods and goddesses who represent the home gave me a fairly solid option, but I have my doubts." He fought the urge to push her hand away. "For example, if you are who I think you are, it's more than a little strange that you chose a nymph as your guardian."

"Naia was one of the only survivors when Olympus fell. I consider her and Amymone to be family, so had the Architect save them. I was forced to choose between one of them as my Guardian. I couldn't use Amymone because she sleeps in the winter, which left Naia. Though her sexual proclivities fall outside my domain, she is pure of heart. Neither of them remember any of this, by the way. Not because of the geas, but due to becoming pawns in the Great Game." She winked at him. "So are you going to guess, or do you plan on keeping a lady waiting?"

"Then you are Hestia, goddess of the hearth and home." If he was wrong, he honestly didn't know who she could be.

Her golden eyes shimmered in relief as the goddess took a step back. "You have no idea how long it's been since someone has spoken my own name to me. Yes, I am Hestia, one of the last gods of Olympus, and you are living inside what remains of my body." Hestia put her hands over her heart. "You have found me at last."

"Why play Hide and Seek with me, then? The other gods, they showed up pretty quick."

Hestia's eyes shimmered. "I have always been here, looking out through her eyes. You see, Caretaker, though I was careful in who I chose, your predecessor's mistakes almost cost me everything. You see, after Emily died, Naia...didn't make it." Her shoulders drooped. "Or at least, she wouldn't have, had I not intervened. The fountain was cut off, and she was dying. Not only do I think of her as my own child, but losing my guardian means I would become little more than another piece to be collected. So, in her final moments, I initiated the soul swap with her so that my magic could be used to force enough water through her spring to keep her alive. But, as you know, some souls are indivisible."

"So Naia didn't know? She hasn't been lying to me?" Mike let out the breath he had been holding. It was the one thing that he had been worried about. She had been the first person he had ever truly trusted, and the knowledge that she had been lying to him this whole time had nearly made him sick to his stomach.

"No, she hasn't, never knowingly. Nor could I casually reveal myself, not without potentially harming her." Hestia sighed. "The rules of the game, as it were. But I must ask--how did you figure it out?"

"I can see souls now." He could picture it again, that magnificent fractal pattern above the house as the geas took a stronger hold. It rotated in place like a distant galaxy, marked with golden streaks of divinity. The house itself was alive, and it was a pattern that he recognized as the runes on Naia's ribs. "That, and I discovered something interesting in the Dreamscape."

"Oh?" Hestia cocked her head.

"Naia doesn't have her runes there. Which means they aren't technically a part of her soul. For the longest time, I thought they were what shackled her to this place, but when I saw them on Holly, I realized it was part of the soul-swapping magic."

The goddess clapped her hands and laughed, a magical sound that caused the nearby birds to burst into song. "Oh, my. You are quite the detective."

"So is that why I haven't been able to reach you when I wanted to? Because you're part of her?"

Hestia nodded. "An unforeseen consequence, I assure you. On occasion, I have tried to lead the way through Naia's words, or have impressed visions upon you in the hopes you would understand. Though you have found me, I am still bound by the rules of the Great Game, and can only offer so much assistance."

Mike stared into her eyes, wondering if the goddess was being truthful with him. Every interaction he had ever had with Naia was now under scrutiny, and he hated it. Either he would have to accept that Hestia had his best interests at heart, or he could choose to forever doubt a woman he loved.

"From now on, I would prefer we speak like this. Visions are fine or whatever, but no putting words into Naia's mouth for her. She deserves better."

Hestia gave him a little bow. "I find these terms agreeable. Now that you have found me, I shall reveal my presence to her later tonight and let her know that she is my vessel. She will be like the priestesses of old, allowing me to use her body to speak with my Chosen."

Mike contemplated the goddess for several more moments. Hestia was the house itself, but knowing how to reach her directly changed everything. Would he use this knowledge to make an honest attempt to further his progress in the Great Game? Or would he continue as he had, simply enjoying the time he had with the others? He felt like the choice was clear, but wanted to be sure.

"So what happens now?"

Hestia giggled, then stepped backward until she was standing in the fountain.

"That's just it, Caretaker. Your agenda has ever been your own, and I would not seek to change it in any way. The choice is forever yours."

"Can I tell the others about you?"

She smirked. "Refer to my last answer."

"Oh, good." He chuckled. "You gods sure do enjoy walking the line between mysterious and annoying."

"And we wouldn't have it any other way. But know this, child--when you were lost, I gave you a home. You became the bond that tied our family together and allowed it to grow. You have seen success where others have failed, and have yet to lose sight of what is important to you. As far as I'm concerned, you have already succeeded."

Hestia closed her eyes. When she opened them, the crystalline blue pupils had returned, and he realized that Naia was standing before him once more. She shook her head and looked around as if puzzled.

"I'm sorry, I must have tuned you out. Were we talking about something?"

"I'll explain later." He moved to the fountain's edge and stuck out his hand. When she took it, he gave her a squeeze. "Have I ever told you how lucky I was to find you?"

"You mean you got lucky when you found me." She winked. "Twice, if I remember correctly."

He laughed, then slid his arm around her waist. "So about that haircut--"

"Mike!" The back door of the sunroom burst open, the glass in the door shattering. It was Eulalie, her eyes wider than he'd ever seen. Clutched in her hands was Velvet's egg, the swirled gemstone lines sparkling in the limited light of winter.

"What is it, what's wrong?" By the time Mike stood, Eulalie was standing over him. She held the egg down where he could see it.

"Put your hands on it, quick!"

Mike pressed his hands to the hard surface of the egg and was surprised at how hot it felt. Some of the others came out the back door to see what the commotion was, and Abella landed next to them, her wings curling against her body.

"What is happening?" Abella demanded.

"She's moving!" Eulalie grabbed Abella's wrist and put the gargoyle's hand on the egg. "Can you feel her? She's never been so active!"

Mike stood in awe, feeling his daughter shift around beneath the egg's surface. All around the egg, he could see the swirling, magical colors of her soul as it shifted about like a flower in a storm. The others gathered nearby, eagerly waiting their own turns. Two more hands appeared, and Mike looked up to see that Lily and Dana had pushed their way through to touch it.

The new soul turned to regard each of them, but eventually focused on Mike. He could feel his daughter's attention now, as if she was studying him through her shell. He had felt her shift a couple of times while watching her in the past, but never like this. She was present, fully aware now.

"I'm your daddy," he said, rubbing his palm across the top of the egg. "And I really can't wait to meet you."

The soul sparkled with light, something that only he could see. Gossamer strands drifted away from it and brushed against everyone, as if inspecting them. Beneath his palm, he felt something scratch the interior of the egg, then tap it a couple of times.

A crack appeared.



So many reveals. So many things we've wanted to see. Even more things to look forward to. (Despite the ending, the next book won't be about Easter.)

We're going to an island, baby!

If you're still here, thanks for reading. Thanks for being you. Thanks for being part of the madness. I love it here and I love my readers.

Keep your eyes peeled in January for Ch. 97. Also, if you've checked the schedule, you'll notice that something else is coming at the start of December. That's right, folks, Dead and Horny Book 2 is on its way to Literotica! Why? Because nobody else is writing books about a zombie lesbian and her succubus pal who go on a quest for revenge for their spider pal, Eulalie. Also, it will set the stage for some events in Book 7.

Happy holidays, everybody. I hope this book was everything you hoped.

~Annabelle Hawthorne

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feeffeef10 days ago

Well, I have finally made it to a place I can stop and pause for a bit.

I have to say you are a FANTASTIC story teller! I almost....almost skipped the erotic scenes so that I could find out what was happening next.

I will continue to read when book 7 is completed. I don't want to have to wait for the next installment.


AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Simply wonderful. Absolute shining example of narrative conscience, world building, character development and just a damn good story.

NovaMNovaMabout 1 month ago

Hmmmm, pageturner queen, you are top notch, ms. Annabelle 💓

gttxbowhuntergttxbowhunter2 months ago

Such an amazing story thank you for sharing with us I have enjoyed it keep up the amazing job

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I am losing so much sleep. I can't stop reading, yet knowing that I'm getting closer to the end I want to slow down to enjoy it longer. Everything about this story is amazing!

ClearmuseClearmuse3 months ago

Thanks for all the stories. An insane story to help stay sane.

tunisalouatunisaloua6 months ago

You annouced that this story won an award, what was it? I loved this story, but I believe that Chapter 93 really should have won whatever award this won. 93 is a real tear jerker and not just for Lily.

Pincher73Pincher736 months ago

Congratulations! All the chapters are winners in my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Great ending.

Anghellic_RageAnghellic_Rage7 months ago

I absolutely love this series and would to see it adapted accurately to film or a TV series! This latest chapter tho... It definitely connected with me on many different levels. Lily coming to grips with dealing with reconnecting to a portion of her humanity and accepting Mike on a more intimate level. Naia/Hestia having their big reveal. Yuki becoming a goddess. Kisa discovering who she was.... UGH!!! I fucking love all of it and how you wove this entire story together like Mike doing his soul weaving!!! Please, never stop!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I have honestly read everything you’ve written probably a half dozen times. Waiting for this book to come out on ebook so I can buy it (just bought apocalypse to complete my collection. Can’t wait to see 7 finishes on patreon and how this series ends (maybe I dreamt it but I want to say somewhere you had mentioned a it being 9 books).

Anyways just finished a whole complete read through and realized a tiny mistake. Mike figured out the “house” was in Naia because the runes were in the dreamscape but IIRC you mention the runes glowing in the dreamscape a few times (I think during the fight with Titania, and another time). Not a bad thing just something I wanted to mention (yea I’m silly but I always love having those “ah ha” moments…like Dana asking about the smell of magic because of Zel carrying his baby)

Please don’t ever stop writing and I’m so excited to see what happens now that you’re officially writing full time thanks to patreon!

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