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Home Made Porno Ch. 14


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John held his wife and smiled. He assumed that since they were going to be in the shower she'd decided she wanted to do a pissing scene.

"That's right baby. We've got a great opportunity for our own sex tape completely apart from the movie. If there's something you want to do let's do it." John said.

"Anything?" Kelly asked.

"Of course baby." John said.

"Are you sure?" Kelly asked.

"Why wouldn't I be sure? If there's something you want to get on camera so we can watch it forever let's go out there and do it." John said.

Kelly frowned.

"What's the matter?" John asked.

John could tell that Kelly was really nervous.

"What is it Kelly? You don't need to be embarrassed; I'm your husband, I want this to be great for you...I'll do whatever you want to do." John said.

Kelly put her hand on John's chest lovingly.

"I know that you would do anything sexually that I wanted. The thing is; you wouldn't be doing anything if I do what I want to do." Kelly said.

John was confused.

"What do you mean? Are you planning to do the scene with the girls? I thought you came in here to talk me into doing it." John said.

Kelly looked into her husband's eyes, hoping that he wouldn't be hurt by what she had to say.

"I might end up doing the scene with the girls, but what I really want to do is do the scene with a couple of the guys." Kelly said.

John was surprised; Kelly could feel his tight hold on her ease up.

"What? What are you talking about? What do you mean you want to do the scene with a couple of the guys?" John asked.

"I want to make a cuckold video where you stand outside the shower and watch me get fucked by someone else." Kelly said.

John was blown away.

"You really want to do that?" John asked.

Kelly nodded.

"Yes." Kelly said.

"Where did this come from? You've never said anything about wanting to have sex with other guys before." John said.

"It's a new fantasy for me; ever since we started working on the movie and I started thinking about the other guys watching you fucking their wives, and the wives watching their husbands watching them get fucked. The thought of having you watch me having sex is driving me wild." Kelly said.

"I suppose that's understandable; I've had some new fantasies crop up over the past few months as well. You really want to do that?" John asked.

Kelly nodded.

"Yes. Will you let me do it? Will you stand there on the other side of the glass as one or maybe two of the other guys lather up my body and fuck me in the shower?" Kelly asked.

John thought for a moment; he shrugged.

"I guess I could do that if you really want to do this. I don't know that I'll enjoy it, but I think that's the point of cuckolding; the wife enjoys it and her husband doesn't." John said.

Kelly smiled.

"The husband can enjoy it just as much as the wife does; sometimes he enjoys it more. He doesn't need to be with her himself, he can enjoy watching her derive pleasure from others. I know that's not how you'll react to it, but some men do...Tom for example is loving the idea of watching you fucking Lisa." Kelly said.

"I won't mind that you're getting pleasure from other guys; I mean hell I've been with Amy, Julie, and Lisa so you're entitled to do it if you want, but I damn sure won't get off on it the way that Tom would." John said.

"That's okay with me. As long as you're willing to stand there with me and watch it, I'll really enjoy it." Kelly said.

"I'm willing to sit there if that's what you want. You don't expect me to stand outside the shower and jerk off to it do you?" John asked.

"Of course not baby; I'd never have you do something like that." Kelly said.

"Good; that would be too much for me." John said.

"You might be surprised baby. You wanted the sex tape so you could see me getting fucked; you're gonna get to see it in person. You might just enjoy it." Kelly said.

"If you say so sweetheart. I'm willing to do this if you really want to, but I don't know which of the guys you'll get. The reason we're shooting in the shower is because Eric wants to work out how to shoot the scene for the movie so he might be tough to convince. None of the others was willing to be in the movie so why would they agree to be in this?" John asked.

"I realize that it's going to be shocking for them to have this dropped on them at the last minute, but I may never get another chance. Will you go talk to them and ask them if any of them would be willing to do it?" Kelly asked.

"You want me to just go upstairs and ask them to have sex with you on video?" John asked.

Kelly nodded.

"Yes. I want you to go upstairs, tell them what I want to do, and ask your friends to fuck me on camera. Make sure that they're recording when you ask; I want to be able to watch and hear you asking them." Kelly said.

John smiled and shook his head.

"Okay baby; I'll ask them. If you hear some thumps coming from the bathroom it's people passing out from shock." John said.

John left the downstairs bedroom and walked upstairs to the bathroom where everyone else was talking and working on the equipment in preparation for the shoot. Kelly followed along behind him, but didn't enter the bathroom.

The shared upstairs bathroom was huge. The massive glass shower was 7 feet square, had multiple shower heads, and a steam generator. The steam generator was the reason for the large size; there was a built in bench along the one non-glass wall and teak benches along another wall so that 5 or 6 people could enjoy the steam at the same time.

Even with 9 people in the bathroom, it didn't seem overcrowded; it would be even less crowded once people got in the shower for the scene.

"Hey guys, are you ready to roll right now?" John asked.

"I'm ready." Mark said.

"Give me one second; I'm just opening this window to let as much of the moisture out of the room as possible." Eric said.

"Are you and Kelly ready to go?" Tom asked.

John shook his head.

"Kelly has made a request and we need to get it on camera as part of the scene." John said.

Eric opened the window and picked up his camera off of the counter.

"Okay John we're ready." Eric said.

John shook his head.

"It would probably be better if you guys gave the cameras to the girls for this part." John said.

"Why?" Mark asked.

"Just trust me." John said.

Eric, Mark, and Robert handed their cameras to Julie, Susan, and Amy. The girls hadn't run the cameras yet, but they'd been taught how.

"Okay, we're rolling." Julie said.

The girls pointed their cameras at John and Tom moved closer with the sound boom.

"Okay guys, this is a little weird for me, but Kelly has asked to make a cuckolding video where I stand outside the shower and watch her have sex with another man or perhaps other men inside the shower. There are four potential candidates here. I know that a few of you were opposed to being in the movie so you might not be willing to do this either, but will any of you fuck Kelly for me?" John asked.

The others were all surprised. Having sex with other people in the movie was one thing, but doing it as part of a personal sex tape was something altogether different. None of the guys said anything.

"Come on guys; I know that this is an odd request, but someone has to be willing to do it. Eric, I remember you saying that you'd consider being in the movie if you weren't more useful behind the camera. This isn't the movie; you could do this and still be behind the camera for the movie. I'm sure you could figure out what you need for the movie while you're doing it. You've shown Mark and Robert how to run the cameras and adjust the lights. You've shown the rest of us how to work the equipment. What do you say man?" John asked.

Julie panned her camera towards her husband Eric who was speechless. He looked over at Julie, saw her smiling, and then looked back at John.

"I was hoping to learn a lot from shooting in here, but I could do that John; as long as Julie says it's okay." Eric said.

"Thanks man. What do you think Julie?" John asked.

Amy and Susan pointed their cameras towards Julie; who lowered her camera, she smiled.

"I'd be okay with it." Julie said.

John smiled and looked over at Mark, Robert, and Tom.

"Great, that's one; does one of you three want in on it?" John asked.

Mark shook his head.

"If the cameras weren't there I'd be in, but I can't do that on camera...that's never going to happen." Mark said.

"I'm with Mark...I can't do that. If it weren't for the cameras I'd do it, but..." Tom said.

"I understand guys; the cameras make a big difference. What about you Robert? I think that Kelly really wants this to happen with two guys. Will you do it?" John asked.

Robert looked over at Amy...she smiled behind her camera; he took that as her approval.

"If Kelly wanted two guys I think I could do it." Robert said.

"KELLY!" John yelled.

Kelly had been trying to listen from out in the hallway; she walked into the room.

"What did they say? Are any of them willing to do it?" Kelly asked.

"If you only want one guy Eric's your man...if you want two...Robert's in as well." John said.

Kelly smiled.

"Of course I want two guys; if I'm gonna do it I need to do it right. Eric and Robert huh; this should be fun." Kelly said.

"I guess that means that we'll be running the cameras for this." Julie said.

"Maybe Susan, Lisa, and I should run the cameras so that you and Amy can watch your husbands with Kelly." Mark said.

"That would be fine with me." Amy said.

"Me too; I'll run the camera if I have to, but I'd much rather watch." Julie said.

"So um...how are we gonna do this?" Robert asked.

"Yeah, what are we supposed to do?" Eric asked.

John threw up his hands and shook his head.

"This is her fantasy; I'm just supposed to watch." John said.

Everyone looked at Kelly; she smiled.

"The most important thing is that neither of you say anything belittling or demeaning to or about John. This isn't going to be a humiliation cuckolding video. This is a husband watching his wife enjoy his two friends. This is something that John is letting me do, not something that I'm forcing him to do." Kelly said.

"Maybe to reinforce that, Eric and Robert could tell John how hot they think you are, how lucky John is to be married to you, how lucky he is to get to fuck you whenever he wants, and stuff like that." Lisa said.

Kelly nodded.

"Absolutely; they should definitely do that. They should thank John for sharing his sexy wife with them." Kelly said.

"That's all fine, we can do that no problem; what about the sex though? What are we gonna be doing?" Eric asked.

Kelly smiled.

"We'll be in the shower so it will be wet and soapy. You guys will lather up and wash my body while I'm facing John. Maybe one of you will be washing my breasts while the other is washing my ass. You can take turns fingering me and kneeling down to lick my pussy while the other guy is licking and sucking my breasts; at least one of you needs to make me cum, though both would be better. Once you've taken care of me, I'll wash your cocks really good and stroke your cocks for a while. I'll kneel between you facing John and suck and jerk you both off until you cum on my face and breasts. As far as sex goes, I'll turn so John has a side view of my body and bend over to take one of you in the mouth and one in my pussy. When you've both cum I'll turn around and go the other way." Kelly said.

John raised his hand.

"Let me just interject for a second here guys. It seems that we're going to be doing this without condoms and that's okay; you should know though that if you cum inside my wife it will be the last thing you ever do. I don't care what she says, I'm telling you not to. I agreed to let her do this, but I don't agree to that. Her mouth is fine, but you'd damn sure better pull out of her pussy before cumming." John said.

Kelly could tell that John was serious; she nodded.

"Right, that's really important. John doesn't want you cumming inside me. I think it's better for the video if you pull out and cum on me anyway, so no cumming in my pussy." Kelly said.

"What if it happens by accident?" Robert asked.

Kelly smiled.

"John will 'accidentally' run your balls through the blender downstairs. When you feel like you're getting close pull out and finish yourself off on my ass or something." Kelly said.

"So is that all you've got planned for the scene; soapy foreplay followed by blow jobs and once on each end?" Eric asked.

"That's all the more I need. I don't need one of you in my ass while the other's in my pussy or anything. Do you have something else in mind?" Kelly asked.

Eric shook his head.

"It's not that; I'm up for whatever you want to do. I'm just thinking about how warm we can run the water in the shower. The longer we're in here the steamier it's gonna get and the harder it will be for the cameras to see what's happening. We'll have to set the water as cold as we can tolerate it for this." Eric said.

"That's gonna be fun." Robert said sarcastically.

"How should we shoot this?" Mark asked.

Eric looked at Mark, Susan, and Lisa as they held the cameras.

"Mark, you'll be camera 1 for this so you'll be in the open door of the shower; it has to stay open to let out as much steam as possible. Your view will be the least obstructed there so you should have the best angle on everything. Susan, you'll be on the left side where John is. Since this scene is about having him watch what Kelly's doing with us in the shower, I want you to focus completely on him, don't even look towards the shower." Eric said.

"That's no fun." Susan said.

"Sorry, but we don't want to miss a good shot of his reaction to something. Lisa, you'll be our second view of what's going on. With John over on the left side and Susan focusing on him you can go all the way to the right and shoot through the shower. You'll have the opposite view that John has so you'll be seeing everything from behind, but you'll be able to get him and us in the same shot. You'll have to be careful to keep Mark out of your shot. Tom, most of the sound will be in the shower so stay near the open door, but back far enough that you can pick up anything that John says." Eric said.

"I guess the rest of us have to tuck ourselves over in this corner behind Lisa." Amy said.

Eric nodded.

"This room is huge for a bathroom, but when you start spacing people out for something like this there isn't a lot of room left." Eric said.

"It looks like there's room for us; it's just the two of us this time." Julie said.

"So do we all start naked?" Robert asked.

Kelly shook her head.

"We should start rolling with you two naked and getting in the shower to warm it up. John and I will be outside; we'll talk a little bit, he'll undress me, and I'll join you." Kelly said.

"Not that she's given this any thought or anything." John said.

The others all laughed.

"Clearly she's making this all up as she goes along." Julie said.

"Are we ready to do this?" Amy asked.

Everyone looked around; they knew this was different than the other things they'd filmed over the weekend, but nobody objected.

Eric and Robert started taking off their clothes, Tom, Mark, Susan, and Lisa all got in position, and John and Kelly moved to the left side of the bathroom.

"Okay, start rolling." Eric said.

Mark, Susan, Lisa, and Tom all started rolling film and sound; Robert and Eric stepped into the shower and turned it on. Since she was the camera dedicated to filming John, Susan pointed her camera at John and Kelly as Kelly put her arms around John's neck and kissed him.

"I know you said I could do this, but are you sure you're okay with this baby?" Kelly asked.

John smiled.

"It's gonna be a little weird seeing you with someone else, but I love you enough to let you have your fantasy." John said.

"Are you coming Kelly? It's a little weird being in here with Robert." Eric said.

Kelly turned towards the shower and smiled at the two wet naked men waiting for her.

"I'm coming boys. John's just going to prove that he's okay with this by undressing me so that I can join you." Kelly said.

Kelly turned back to John and he moved his hands to his wife's sides. He slowly pulled her tank top up and over her head revealing a pale blue bra. John placed the tank top on the counter and moved his hands to open Kelly's shorts and push them down revealing pale blue panties that matched the bra. He picked them up and placed them on the counter with the tank top.

Susan's camera didn't leave John and Kelly, but Mark was panning back and forth between Eric and Robert watching and John undressing Kelly. Lisa had all of it in one shot as she shot through the shower.

Kelly turned towards the shower and John moved behind her and unhooked her bra. Kelly's breasts stayed covered until John pulled the straps off of her shoulders and they slipped down her arms. John took the bra and placed it on the counter. When they saw Kelly's bare breasts Robert and Eric both smiled.

"God damn those are nice tits." Eric said.

"You're a lucky man John; I had to pay an arm and a leg to get Amy tits like that." Robert said.

John smiled and gently cupped Kelly's breasts before moving his hands down to her panties. He slipped his fingers down inside her panties on her hips and started pushing them down revealing Kelly's hairy pussy. He pushed them down to her ankles, picked them up, and put them on the counter.

Kelly turned and kissed John again; it gave Robert and Eric a great view of her naked ass.

"God damn, look at that ass." Robert said.

"How the hell do you get out of bed every day with an ass like that pressed back against you when you wake up?" Eric asked.

John laughed.

"It's tough; believe me. Have fun baby." John said.

Kelly kissed John, and turned towards the shower.

"Are you boys ready for me?" Kelly asked.

"Absolutely." Robert said.

"Yeah, there's plenty of room in here for you Kelly." Eric said.

Mark and Tom moved back enough to shoot Kelly entering the shower before retaking the positions in the open door.

"This shower is almost too big; you guys might get away from me in here." Kelly said.

"You don't need to worry about that Kelly." Robert said.

"No kidding, my cock's hard as iron and your body is like a magnet; I'm not going anywhere." Eric said.

Kelly smiled.

"Are you guys just being nice because I said I want you to fuck me or do you really like my body?" Kelly asked.

Robert and Eric were both openly staring at Kelly's naked body as their cocks stood out hard in front of them.

"You've got a fantastic body Kelly." Eric said.

"You don't think I should lose a few pounds? I mean look how big my ass is." Kelly said.

Kelly turned her ass towards the two naked men and ran her hands over it.

"You've got a perfect ass Kelly. It would be a damn shame to take anything away from it. I bet John just loves holding your ass as he's kissing you." Robert said.

Kelly smiled.

"Of course John says that he likes it, but he's my husband, he has to say that. I want to know, do you guys really like it?" Kelly asked.

Eric smiled.

"Kelly, I'll show you how much I like your ass." Eric said.

Eric quickly knelt down behind Kelly and started massaging her ass and kissing all over both of her smooth round cheeks.

"Oh my. What do you think of it Robert? Do you like it as much as Eric seems to?" Kelly asked.

Robert pushed Eric out of the way and dropped to his knees. He looked through the glass towards John as he put his hands on Kelly's ass.

"You are one lucky son of a bitch John. God her ass is gorgeous." Robert said.

Robert leaned in and started kissing all over Kelly's ass while massaging and groping it with his hands.