Homecoming Ch. 02

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The next day, Mary & Alec start a new life.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 10/07/2006
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Chapter 2: Tomorrow's Path

I will never for the life of me understand the simple pleasure a woman finds in shopping. Or the seemingly unnecessary consideration of such trivial things as price or practicality. That morning, we went shopping with Mary's credit card, and aside from valiantly attempting to hide my shock at the prices she paid, I was fairly preoccupied with the knowledge that I now knew what a Ken doll felt like.

I was dressed, undressed and redressed so quickly that I barely had time to understand that I wasn't meant to be comfortable. I tried to tell Mary that I was perfectly content to... do whatever she wanted. It only took one look, and I was fully aware that this wasn't open for discussion. Mary was going to buy me some clothes. So, I was Ken for the morning.

When we finally got back to her place, it was almost noon, and Mary sighed as the door closed behind us. "God, I wish we'd had more time. It was all so rushed. I barely even got you anything decent." I smiled to myself, and put my arms around her shoulders, hugging her to me.

"You are something decent. And that's all I want." She melted against me, her smile warm and happy. Her skin darkened in a blush that took my breath away and she reached up to pull my head down beside hers. She twisted and kissed me tenderly, and I smiled against her. My hands slid down her body and she turned in my arms.

Her hands worked carefully against the buttons of the only shirt she could find that fitted me, and my pants fell to the ground. Her jeans slid off her with frustrating difficulty, I would have complained at their tightness if they hadn't looked so damned good as her second skin.

I was savouring the taste of her skin on my tongue when the phone rang again, and Mary sighed. I ignored it, and continued mouthing her tanned silk as Mary answered it. "Hmmm?" I grinned against her shoulder as her distracted voice continued to vaguely answer questions. "Okay, this afternoon." She hung up without saying goodbye, and then her arms were around me again.

I lifted her up onto the kitchen bench, and unclipped her bra behind her. Her legs were around my waist, tightly squeezing me against her body. A wicked, almost devilish smile crossed her face, and she began to arch herself against me as she leant back onto the bench.

I moaned against her ribs, feeling the bones beneath her skin as I ran my teeth over her. Mary shivered as my cock thickened on the inside of thigh. My lover laughed softly to herself as she pulled me further up her body, my teeth gliding over her skin, and my tongue darting out to lick at her.

The shirt she'd been wearing parted like white curtains as my hands slid up to her breasts. The lace encased mounds beckoned me, and Mary arched an eyebrow as I grinned, my mouth never leaving her flesh. My teeth scraped over her nipple, which hardened when I blew on it softly.

Mary was mouthing my name as my hands grasped her firmly and pulled her down towards my cock. Her auburn hair framed her soft face as she twisted and pulled her head from side to side as her eyes locked onto mine. "I need you inside me, Alec."

My cock began to slide inside of her slowly, and those spellbinding eyes closed slowly. She pulled one of my hands up from her hips and pushed it onto the mound between her legs.

My palm pushed down and along the line of her slit, and I felt her clitoris press up against my palm. Mary surged up towards me and shook, her body tense around me. I gasped as she squeezed me, then pulled my hand up and licked it. I pushed down onto her again as I continued to thrust, and her eyes fluttered as she smiled.

I pushed down gently as I thrust in, and Mary's mouth opened and she moaned again as I watched her. I drove into her tight, wet heat, and ground my teeth as she arched upwards into my thrusts.

Her arms were out wide, and I could see the muscles rippling along her belly as she tensed up again and again at my thrusts. My rhythm began to speed up as I began to lose control in her heat, and Mary's smile broadened, then faded as her breath came faster.

I leant over her and kissed her, arching my hips into her as I did. I kissed at her open mouth, and her arms circled around me, pulling me up slightly as I arched into her. My thrusts came faster and faster, and Mary's leg whipped around behind my ass and pushed me in further.

My own breath was ragged and dry in my throat as Mary bit her teeth and opened her eyes sharply. Her mouth opened, and she gave a long, drawn-out moan, that drove me over the edge.

I drove my cock into her again and again, and she shook against me and I felt wetness between us. My cock burst seconds later inside of her, and I slumped down onto her as her arms held me tight. Mary and I caught out breath together, and I went to pick her up, but she clung to me and shook her head.

"I love having you in me like this. On top of me and inside me." I smiled against her, and held her there until the phone rang again. I picked it up and offered it to her, then slowly drew out of her. Mary gave a low moan and cleared her throat.

"Hello?" Her voice was distant, and for some reason, I began to laugh. She glared at me, then blushed. She held the phone out to me. "It's your Mum." I coughed and grinned at her as I took the phone.

"Uh, hey Mum. What's up?" Mary hopped off the bench and shook her hair out, then headed off to the bathroom.

"Those two lawyers are back. It must be fairly urgent, sweetheart, otherwise they wouldn't bother us so much. I'm inviting them in for coffee, can you make it up in the next hour or so?" I looked back down the hall, to where Mary was testing the temperature of the water.

"Sure, I can make it. I don't know if Mary has to work, but if not, she probably wouldn't mind seeing Nicole. Oh, it's Thursday, has she got school?" Mum laughed as I stepped quietly down the hall, and put my arm around Mary's bare waist.

She leant in to me and smiled. "No," Mum answered into my ear as I distractedly held Mary close. "She's got a study week this week. She'll be here. So see you shortly?" I agreed and hung up.

Mary arched up onto her tiptoes and kissed me tenderly, then lifted her foot off the ground. I laughed again, and the foot went back down. "What is that, exactly?"

She ducked under the shower, and held up the sponge and some body wash lotion. I poured some on, and began to scrub her back for her as I closed the door behind us. It was cramped, but definitely nice. Mary's eyes closed as she leant in towards me a little bit, letting the water wash over us both.

"It's basically like a woman's pleasure reflex. It is for me, anyway." My response was purely male to the max.

"Like a dog's foot banging the ground when you scratch it's ears?" Mary turned around, and I looked at her innocently.

"More like a cat purring when she's happy." Her tone was sharp, and I couldn't stop the cheeky smile. Her dark eyes narrowed at me, but her lips were fighting the smile. I put my arms around her shoulders, and held her against me.

After a moment, she gave a huge sigh. "You know, that was one of the things I missed most about you when you were...away. You always gave the best hugs." I enfolded her in my arms, and felt her sniff. I looked down, and she was crying.

I felt bad, and good, and just happy to be with her. I held her while the crying slowed, and then she kissed me once, fiercely. "Don't you ever fucking leave, ever again." I nodded slowly and kissed her again.


The two lawyers sat at Mum's table, sipping coffees and chatting like old friends. They introduced themselves to me as John and Jeff Faymore and Mary introduced herself then gone to see her sister. Jeff watched her leave, then coughed uncomfortably when John elbowed him. They turned back to my evil grin.

"Uh, well, Mr Kane, we're legal associates for a Mister Franklin Marsh. We're acting out his last recorded wishes, and handing the bulk of his assets to you." I frowned, and sat down in a chair. Jeff took an envelope out of his pocket and held it out to me, but I just stared at him. I didn't know that Frankie had anything to give, let alone that he'd give it to me.

Mum leant forwards and held out her hand, and Jeff gave the letter to her. She read it over and looked up, quizzically. "Mr. Faymore, exactly how much are we talking?" Jeff looked at John, who gave a small smile.

"Conservative estimation, including all of his assets, and bank accounts, ooh, I'd say around, oh, I don't know..." The small smile widened. "43-44." My eyes widened.

"Wow. How the hell did that old bastard manage to still have forty-odd grand stashed away? He'd been inside for over ten years when I met him." John shook his head.

"I don't think you understand me, Alec. Frankie was something of a wealthy man. His asset portfolio is about the size of a telephone book. He's got offshore accounts that cannot be frozen, regardless of incarceration. His net worth is somewhere in the ballpark of forty-three to forty-four million dollars."

Mum coughed and my mouth was open. I head the noise in the lounge room stop, and I'm pretty sure Mary and Nicole's conversation was interrupted because the house went dead silent. "Fuck me!" Mum Mumbled. Then her hand went to her mouth, and she blinked. "Pardon."

I shook myself out of it and looked at Mary, who was standing wide-eyed and disbelieving in the doorway of the lounge. "Uh...ah...well. His asset portfolio? Hate to be all yokel, but what's that, exactly? I mean, I can guess, but..." John shrugged.

"Where do you want to start? He owns a bar and grill in Brooklyn, a steak house in Vancouver and a marina in Johannesburg. He owns apartments in Switzerland, France and New York. He's got three houses that he rents out in Frisco, and his own house in Aspen. Now they're yours."

Jeff smiled as John finished, and began to chuckle. "That's not all, either. There's his offshore accounts to consider. Although we can't be completely certain as to the exact numbers involved, last recorded account balance we received before Frankie went away was six hundred and forty seven thousand dollars. That's before interest."

I shook their hands and said goodbye numbly. My mind was moving so fast, I felt like that time in prison when I got Mary's letter. That night, I lay awake on my old bed. I could feel Mary's breath brushing against my neck, and every now and again, she snuggled in closer to me.

The room was faintly lit by a streetlight outside, and a thin sliver of yellow light cut across the room. I looked around at all the changes Nicole had wrought on my room, and smiled to myself. In my arms, Mary fretted in her sleep.

I turned my head to the side and kissed her hair, and she sighed. I looked back up at the ceiling. I could see the faint pale green of the glow in the dark stickers that I'd plastered to my roof over my childhood. The walls were strangers, now, with new posters of boy bands and actors.

They used to be covered with pictures of movies like Reservoir Dogs, Predator, Alien, and girls like Sigourney Weaver and Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, and Kylie Minogue. I frowned at a picture of Brad Pitt smirking at me from the back of my door.

I took a deep breath and sighed, then got out of bed slowly, careful not to wake Mary. I pulled my jeans up over my boxers. I stepped out onto the cold floor and felt that strange timeless wonder as I tiptoed out into the kitchen. I felt like I was nine again, sneaking out to snatch a midnight Tim-Tam or Choc-Mint Cream.

I sighed as I walked out the front door and down towards the river. The moon was really bright, and it gave the river a frigid, blue glow. I sat down on a large rock, and my hands spread out over the lingering warmth still in the depth of the stone. There was a scent in the air, and I looked up as Mary sat down beside me. She pulled the thin warmth of my shirt around her shoulders, and leant against me.

I didn't speak, and neither did she, for a time. "Weird being back home?" I nodded, and put my arm around her shoulders, and she ducked under and nestled in closer.

"Can't quite get past Brad Pitt watching us in bed?" I laughed at that, and she laid her head down onto my shoulder. I leant in and put my cheek to her hair as she took a deep breath.

"What was it like? Prison." I knew she'd ask that sooner or later, but somehow, I still wasn't really prepared for it. I looked down at our feet for a moment. Mary looked forwards, probably expecting me not to answer.

"It wasn't as bad as it could have been. Frankie's friendship kept me alive. And now I don't know how I could ever thank him." Mary's arms wormed around my waist, and her breath was warm across my cool chest as we laid down on the rock.

"I don't know about how it is with other people, but being in prison for me was almost like time stopped. It was just the endless, numbing sameness, over and over. If you don't have much to do with the outside walls, then what you do have is petrified. That's why you became the centre of my world, I guess. You're the one thing that made me feel like I was free."

Mary nestled into my arms. "Do you know the first time I fell in love with you?"

I took a deep breath, and tried to force some levity. "When I licked my fingers without moving my arm?" She slapped me lightly on the chest, then grew still.

"It was that night that my father... that he... I lost you. Before everything happened, you reached out to me and tried to comfort me and I flinched. I fell in love with you then, because you wanted so bad to touch me, and you didn't hold it against me that I couldn't let you in right then. I think that night is when I fell for you."

I scoffed, and then cleared my throat. "It took you that long? I think I was in love with you when we sat next to each other in kindergarten." She laughed softly, and raised her head against my chest. The cool night air filled with the scent of her hair, and my arms tightened around her.

"Whatever happened to that guy who asked you out at the bar?" Mary ducked her head down, and a smile crossed her face.

"There wasn't any guy, was there?" She shook her head, and her hands began to move over my chest.

"I just wanted you to think that I had moved on and wasn't waiting for my knight in shining armour anymore, because I thought that you needed that." I eased her chin up with my hand and kissed at her face softly. She melted against me, and her breath started to speed up as I rolled over and pulled her underneath me gently.

"Oh yeah?" I breathed out as my lips opened to take in the skin of her neck and lips. "So how's that workin' out for you?" Mary moaned softly and arched herself up into my bodyline.

"Horribly..." she murmured into my ear as she bit her lip and moaned softly. I grinned again as I felt her nails scrape lightly across the back of my shoulders, and then her leg curled around me, and she rolled over. I was underneath her, and my boxers tightly constricted my cock beneath her.

Mary eased her hands down her body, watching my face as the moonlight lit the hunger in my eyes. She bit her lower lip as her fingers spread over her body, then slid down. As they lowered down, I lifted her up off the rocks with my hips, thrusting up towards her.

My cock was begging for release as Mary pressed her hands against me, and then slowly, almost teasingly, slid the zip down. I was grunting with frustration as her fingers closed around my cock over the silk of my boxers.

Mary was still holding her lower lip between her teeth, and I moaned softly as she eased my cock up out of my opened jeans. She began to rub the head against the soft tuft of pubic hair between her legs, where she moved her lacy panties aside.

She rose up on her knees and reached behind her to guide my cock inside of her. I sighed as I slid inside of her, and Mary's mouth opened soundlessly as she sat down onto my meat. We held that pose for a heartbeat, then Mary rotated her hips forwards. I moved deep inside of her, and we both gasped.

Mary's head tilted to the side, and she rocked her hips back and forth over mine. I could feel my cock sliding up and down inside of her, being squeezed tightly. Her eyes opened dreamily, and she gave me a small smile as she moved her hips back and forth.

My grunts sped up, and Mary leant forwards, still moving her hips over the length of my cock. I could feel her breath even through my panting lips, and I moved up to kiss her, but she moved her head back up, out of the way. I arched up, needing to kiss her, but she leant further back, as her hips rocked down hard onto me again.

I groaned and tensed, my hands sliding over her hips and thighs to feel the silk of her skin. I could feel the pressure of my cum building up inside my balls, and arched my hips up, lifting Mary off her knees for a moment.

Her hips sped up as I tossed my head from side to side, my movements more frantic as her heat and wetness began to get to me. My breath was hoarse in my throat, and my abbs were shining with sweat in the moonlight.

Mary was grinning above me, as she ground her hips down. I pushed my hand forwards and my fingers slid inside of her. Mary's head arched back, and I pushed my middle finger inside of her and rubbed against her, curling my finger back as I thrust my cock inside of her.

Mary gasped and began to shake. I felt her squeeze me tightly, but I couldn't stop myself, and I gave a strangled yell and came. I could feel my cock bursting my cum up inside of her, and Mary collapsed on top of me. Her hair covered her face as her forehead leant against my sweaty chest, and she gave me a wan grin.

There was a rustle of leaves from the trees around the creek, and the wind came across the restless waters, chilling us. Mary looked back at the water, and then smiled at me. "Coming?" I stared past her.

"You must be joking." Mary leant up and kissed me, her hands cupping my cheeks.

"I'm not sleeping in my sister's bed like this, sweetheart." I grabbed her and lifted her up, carrying her down towards the stream.

"I must be crazy." I Mumbled. The water was freezing, and I gritted my teeth and shivered. Mary laughed softly, then squeaked when I set her down bum first into the freezing water. We splashed around for a few minutes, washing ourselves down, then pulled what little clothing we had back on.

We tiptoed back into the house, and slid beneath the covers, which had gone cold. Mary snuggled into my arms, and we started to warm up. I finally drifted off to sleep like that, and Mary breathed against me all night.

3 Weeks Later

I thumped my shoulder into the door, which gave way grudgingly. I grinned at the people behind me as I heard a rustle and a strange, echoing creak. Dad was smiling and looking pointedly around us at the amazing snowscape. Frankie's Sanctuary was nestled into a small plateau on a snow-covered mountain. Trees and ice and a light wind surrounded us.

Mum was laughing softly, and Nicole's shivering face broke into a grin as an overhang of snow slumped down onto my shoulders and down my neck. Dad looked around and shook his head. Nicole was bundled up as much as humanly possible, with only a shining new snowboard in her arms.

Mary stepped forwards and shook her head as I kissed her ruefully. The sun was a bright white light against the dark clouds, and Dad went to drop their stuff in the bedrooms. I looked around and made my way to the bottom of the stairs, looking for the door to the basement. After a moment, I found it, and ducked downstairs.

Mary followed me down as I searched for the generator, and held the torch up while I topped up the fuel and lit the furnace. I was a bit worried about a furnace in the middle of a wooden cabin, but assumed that Frankie knew what he was doing. The furnace looked well used, and the cabin was still standing, so I guessed that it would be fine.