Homelands Pt. 04 Ch. 01


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Well, "Mom-Gee", to be precise. So as to differentiate her from Jennifer, who the kids all called "Mom-Jay."

All the same. There was some bond there, if not as powerful as it could have been. And though the rush of flouting society's strongest sexual taboo no longer did as much for her as it once had, given that her own parents had initiated her some thirty years ago, it wasn't entirely gone. And she felt more of it when she was with her sons, either of her sons, than she did with her brother.

Which was just one of the reasons her interest in Wes had fallen off dramatically ever since Eric and Nick had come of age. But that was another story.

Gabriela stared back up at her son's big, brown eyes.


No Moody had brown eyes. Nor did they have caramel skin. Those were the markers of House Hardt.

At the moment, it didn't matter.

"Give it to me," she whispered. "Fuck your Mommy. Fuck her good."

"Trying, believe me," Nick grunted.

And he was.

She hadn't meant the words as a criticism. The boy knew had to give it to her. Knew what a woman needed better than a man his age had any right to, in fact.

His balls slapped against her thighs as he pushed in and out of her faster and faster. She felt the well within him slowly emptying as he poured supernatural energy into the effort, and before long he was moving faster than humanly possible. And stimulating her Libido every bit as masterfully as he was her body.

It wouldn't take long before she climaxed. Not under that onslaught.

"Cum for Mommy," she moaned. "Cum in Mommy."

His only response was another series of grunts.

Sweat beaded on his brow, threatening to rain down on her. Not that she'd have minded. It was only a reminder of how intense the experience was for him. Of how well she was working him, both inside and on a metaphysical level. For she too was drawing upon her store of sexual energy to amplify her partner's sensitivity, heighten his sense of euphoria. And though she didn't need visual or physical confirmation to know that her efforts were succeeding, they were more than welcome all the same. The locks of jet black hair plastered to his smooth skin, clenched jaw with little knots of muscle at the corners of his face bulging, and taught pectorals were testament to her skill as a lover.

"Yes, yes," she whispered. "Fill me up."

"Fuuuuck," he panted, slamming into her slower and harder than he had been.

Each jab sent reverberations throughout her body. Even with her son holding her breasts in his strong hands, they bounced around wildly. If his every stroke had been as forceful, it would have gotten old real fast. But a handful of good, powerful strokes at the end struck her as just about perfect.

Ecstasy began to overwhelm her. She lost her power of speech. Her mind filled with all those cliche images. Volcanoes erupting. Fireworks exploding. Flowers blooming. All of it.

Still she managed just enough coherent though to step up her own assault. The flow of energy from her Libido into his increased steadily. She matched it to the flavor of his own. And she felt a powerful response. A certain resonance that brought them closer together, and closer still to the brink of orgasm.

The pleasure was getting to be too intense. With every stroke of that beautiful, young, hard cock, a wave of ecstasy traveled across her body, making her shudder. She wouldn't last but a few more moments.

Gabriela's hand firmly squeezed her son's small, round, hard buttocks. As she did, she wrapped her legs around his ankles. Literally. A woman's legs weren't supposed to be able to do that, but such things mattered no more to their kind than the fact that she shouldn't have had a waist that most teenagers would envy when her hips were as wide as they were, her breasts so full and heavy.

"Ungh," Nick grunted. "Tighter."

She did her best to oblige him.

Her walls clenched around his member, making a vice grip look loose. Then they relaxed. Then squeezed again, and held tight. She could feel his dick twitching, his balls contracting. Could feel his tubes opening up wide to send a powerful blast of jizz deep inside her womb.

Just as the two of them climaxed, they hear Jennifer's car pull into the driveway.


Scene 2

Setting: Wes and Zoey's home in Los Angeles. Same day as Scene 1.

POV: Kurt


"Okay, one more, then I really have to go," Kurt said.

His cousin, Eric, laughed. "You keep saying that. Maybe I should just let you win."

Olivia laughed too. Rather less good-naturedly.

Kurt almost considered putting the controller down. But he wasn't quite ready to admit that Eric was better than he was. How could he be? Kurt played the game all the time. None of his friends were as good as him. Sooner or later, Eric's luck streak would break.

"Don't do that," Liv said to Eric.

"Don't need your pity. Gonna beat you all on my own," Kurt said.

His older sister continued as if he hadn't spoken, her eyes focused on Eric like he wasn't her cousin. It was almost creepy. "He'll think we're trying to get rid of him."

Huh. That almost sounded like she cared about his feelings.

Clearly it was just the setup, then.

"Plus, I like watching him lose," she added.

"Ha freaking ha," Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

Eric snorted but apparently even he didn't think the predictable quip warranted more than that. He barely even spared Liv a glance before devoting his full attention to the television screen once more.

Yet, in a way, it was precisely because his cousin was being so cold towards Liv that Kurt thought something was odd. If he didn't know any better, he'd think he was playing the role of cock-blocker. The tension in the air felt very much the same.

But they couldn't really be flirting with each other. Could they? At least not seriously?

His sister was a serial flirt. Actually, that made it sound a lot more harmless than it was. She wasn't the least bit ashamed of her promiscuity, and didn't seem to think there was any reason to keep it a secret from her younger brother either. She flirted with all his friends. With their father's friends. With her teachers, and her friends' boyfriends. Pretty much any guy who could get it up. Probably more than a few who couldn't too, for that matter.

But their cousin?

It had to just be habit. Something she didn't even know how to turn off.

Eric was much the same way. His style of flirting was different than hers, of course. He paid just enough attention to his mark to plant the suggestion, then promptly proceeded to ignore her, putting her down when and if he chose to speak to her at all. He'd keep that up until they got so upset about not being able to get his attention, and get the right kind of attention, that all he had to do was give them a look and the two of them would be bumping uglies. Kurt had been unfortunate enough to witness the master at work one time. At a family Christmas party. He'd seduced their father's friend's pregnant wife.

Just because he could.

He couldn't really be deliberately ignoring Liv, refusing to laugh at her jokes, so that she'd get frustrated and try harder to impress him. He just couldn't be.

No, it couldn't be. Whatever had made Kurt suddenly contemplate the idea, he should've just ignored it. The very idea was ludicrous. Eric and Olivia were both horny fucks who seemed to have no boundaries. But everyone drew the line short of that.

As Kurt proceeded to finally administer the smackdown Eric had been begging for all afternoon, the sense that he was interrupting something faded. If his sister and his cousin still seemed to be behaving a tad flirtatiously, it was no longer to such an extent that it should arouse suspicion. He really did doubt that either of them actually had an "off" setting. Dialed down to "low" was all anyone could ask for. Especially while they were each in the presence of a fellow habitual flirt.

Still, once the idea snuck inside his head, it wouldn't leave. Even after he'd left the house, got in his car, and headed across town to pick up his friend, he found himself wondering what they might be doing now that he was gone.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

And why was it that, while his stomach was tight, his head spinning, and his breathing accelerated, those were not the only reactions his body was having?


Scene 3

Setting: Gabriela and Jennifer's home in Los Angeles. Very shortly after Scene 1.

POV: Nick


With two pairs of hands, one attached to his arms and the other floating about on their own, Nick fondled Mom-Gee's gorgeous breasts and her fat ass at the same time.

Fuck, the woman had a great body.

In fact, as he stared up at his mother, who was riding him with abandon, he couldn't help being envious of Eric. Nor was it the first time he'd felt the way.

Which was strange, in a way. Because he'd never been jealous of his brother growing up. He'd alternated between enjoying Eric's company, being frustrated with his brother's need to constantly prove what an alpha male he was, and even feeling sorry for him. But he'd never been jealous. Not of how confident he was, or how women found him so irresistible, or how most guys wished thy could be him. Not even of the way everyone had hero-worshipped him because he knew how to throw a pigskin. No, it wasn't until they'd come of age and been initiated into the family tradition that he'd ever wished he could trade places with Eric.

If only Mom-Gee would look at him the way she looked at Eric.

As it was, Nick preferred having sex with Mom-Jay. But that was mostly because the two of them had more of a connection. Because it simultaneously felt so wrong, and yet so right, when he was with his birth mother. He got some of that with Mom-Gee, sure. She had tied his shoes, cut the crusts off his sandwiches, and taped his report cards to the fridge. She was, in a very real sense, his mother, if not in quite the same way that Mom-Jay was. But being inside her just didn't have the same symbolism. That sense of returning home.

But he sure wouldn't have minded if Mom-Jay looked more like Mom-Gee.

The woman bouncing atop him at the moment was a true goddess. With her blonde curls, heart-shaped face, cute pointy nose, white teeth, and bright blue eyes, she'd have been more than a little desirable even if she didn't such an amazing body.

She also enjoyed intercourse a whole lot more than Mom-Jay did. For the latter, oral sex was not foreplay, but the main attraction. Anything after that was mostly a formality. Not so with Mom-Gee. Her, he could go down on for a good while first, which was definitely enjoyable, but afterwards she'd want him inside her. Again and again.

"Why am I not surprised," Mom-Jay said with a snicker as she walked into the bedroom. "Oh, don't mind me. Carry on. By all means."

Neither Nick nor Mom-Gee replied.

If he wasn't sure that Mom-Jay knew that she meant more to him, he might very well have stopped. But she had to know that what he felt for Mom-Gee was mostly animal lust. That wasn't all it was, of course. But the two of them would never share the same bond he and Mom-Jay shared. His mother had no reason to consider her wife a threat.

Not that she was particularly likely to worry much about that anyway. There was a definite bond between Nick and his birth mother, but it wasn't nearly as strong in her mind as he wanted it to be. She'd made that all too clear.

She was always telling him not to get wrapped up thinking that it was more than just sex. Which was obviously a lie. They both knew that. But it wasn't supposed to be, and Mom-Jay was having an easier time of pretending it wasn't than he was.

A much easier time, really.

The truth was, his mother was more into women than men. She was definitely open to both. The senior partners at her law firm though she was a lesbian, and she was convinced they'd made her partner in no small part because of that. To signal how open-minded they were. Little did they know she'd been fucking her son pretty regularly for two years.

But she had gone ten years without knowing a man's touch before that.

Besides him and Grandpa Randy, she hadn't been with many guys. Some days, that made Nick feel special. Others, it was hard not to think about how much distance that created between them. How hopeless it was to think that she'd ever want what he wanted.

"I need to shower anyway," Mom-Jay said. Her husky voice had a hint of exasperation. But there was more than a little amusement in it as well. "When I come back, I expect to get some of your attention."

As his mother, his real mother, left the bedroom, Nick did his best to push away all thoughts of everyone but the beautiful blonde riding him.

"Oh, that's it, baby," she cooed as he squeezed her ass tight and started thrusting up into her faster and harder. "I think... ungh... I might... yeah ... get there one more time."

And indeed she did.

As did he.

She climbed off him, slowly, and collapsed into a sweaty heap beside him. They sucked air violently for a few moments before cleaning themselves up. He was tempted to suggest that they go one more time, but they'd be unlikely to finish before Mom-Jay joined them. And once he started, he'd have a hard time stopping.

"That was great, honey," Mom-Gee said, running her fingers along his abs.

"Sometimes, I still can't believe this is all real," Nick said. "That I live under the same roof as a woman of such divine beauty. That I'm not supposed to take advantage of that, just because she happens to be my mother. It's just so damn crazy."

She moaned something along the lines of agreement.

He stared in wonder at her. Her face was surreal. She was entirely too beautiful for a woman her age. Yet it wouldn't quite be true to say that she had a younger woman's face. It seemed like it at first, but if you looked closely, you'd notice the crow's feet. The lack of baby fat. That her lips were a bit thin, even if the way her upper lip formed a perfect cupid's bow made quite an impression. For all that this version of her, the one that he knew to be the real one, as hard as that still was to believe, lacked the excess bulk of the mortal version, she still had something of a double chin.

In a sane world, she'd be considered astonishingly beautiful. And compared to any mere mortal, she indeed was. But since he'd discovered his family's secret, his conception of beauty had been irreparably damaged. After seeing his Aunt Zoey's true face, to say nothing of Olivia's, he merely found Mom-Gee very pretty.

Of course, as pretty as they were, neither Zoey nor Olivia had Mom-Gee's curves. Zoey had a reasonably decent figure. Thin, but not entirely devoid of curves. Olivia, on the other hand, was about as flat as an ironing board.

Indeed, she often said so herself. And did so in a tone that was no less amused than it was self-deprecating. Like kids who were proud of being bad at math.

Olivia did have something of an ass. If you liked them small and hard. But that couldn't begin to make up for his cousin's lack of tits. Not in Nick's mind. Given his choice between a woman with a great pair of tits and an unimpressive ass and a woman with a great ass but a flat chest, he'd go with the former every time.

And Nick was not about to call Olivia's ass "great" either.

No, overall, Mom-Gee was definitely the most physically attractive woman he'd ever seen. Mom-Jay ran a reasonably close second, but she definitely did come in second.

And there he was again. Thoughts running in circles. It seemed like all he ever did, at least when he wasn't at school, was think about how hot the women of his family were. And compare them endless to each other.

He wasn't alone, of course. They all did it. He was sure. And how could they not? You couldn't tell someone that it was not only okay, but actually encouraged, for them to maintain physical relationships with several partners and not expect them to compare their various lovers to one another constantly.

Those partners just so happened to all be members of his family. But that didn't make it any easier to force himself not to think of them in those terms.

"What was it like?" he asked, forcing himself to break out of that endless loop, at least for a little while. "When you were initiated?"

His mother offered a languid smile. "I told you already. I was nervous. Maybe even scared. But it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. Nothing compares to the first time." She paused for a moment, her blue eyes staring up at the ceiling. "Besides being part of your children's first time, of course."

He nodded. She had indeed told him that.

He'd initiated Veronica. That had been pretty intense. But it had also been really awkward. And he got along well with Veronica.

He was going to be initiating Annie soon enough, and he wasn't really looking forward to that. Mostly, he tried not to think about it.

Maybe it was different with your children though. Pretty much had to be, really. Not only would there presumably be a closer connection than with one's siblings, but there would also be many more years of anticipation leading up to it.

"You'll see," she said, as if reading his thoughts. "One day."

He nodded.

"Ooookay," Mom-Jay announced, as she stepped out of the bathroom. She wore a towel around her body and was still tending to her hair with another one. "Break it up, you two."

Mom-Gee pulled back, laughing. Then she patted the bed, silently beckoning the brunette to join them. As she did, she smiled at her wife warmly.

But Nick sensed that there was more affection there than love or lust.

She cared for his mother deeply. Maybe even saw her as a life partner. But there was no doubt in Nick's mind that, for Mom-Gee at least, their marriage was a matter of convenience.

At one point, they'd both been married to the same man. A man Nick knew virtually nothing about, other than his name. Hank. When Hank had left his two wives, they'd stayed together. For the sake of the children.

At least, that was the story they'd been given. Nick was pretty sure there was more to it than that. But neither woman had seen fit to tell the children what that might be.

In fact, they hadn't told them much of anything about their past or the world they'd all come from. The Homelands. Not yet anyway. They'd promised to have a big family meeting after Annie came of age. Maybe then Nick would finally learn what kind of man his father had been, why his mothers had both married him, and why he'd left them.

"Scoot over, buster," Mom-Jay said to him.

As he did, chuckling, he wondered who could leave these two. Hardly a day had passed since his initiation, even when he was away at school and thus denied the pleasure of their company, that he didn't stop doing whatever he was doing to marvel at his good fortune.

The towels covering his mother's body dropped to the floor, and Nick's jaw nearly did the same. It was not, by any means, the first time he'd seen his mother naked. And he stood by his assessment that Mom-Gee had the better body. But every time his mother revealed her divine form to him, he felt like it was the first time. Every. Single. Time.

The breath left his lungs. His throat constricted. His eyes strained to break free of the prisons of their sockets. His dick sought to grow harder still, as if wasn't already fit to cut diamonds. Though he knew he was about to know the pleasure of her touch, the mere fact that he had to wait a few moments for that to happen brought him unspeakable sorrow.

Nick had never really gone for the athletic type. But his mother, despite being undeniably fit, wasn't built like most women who spent as much time in the gym as she did.