Honest - I Didn't Know!


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That night I was welcomed with a big grin as I sat down in Deb's section.

"Hi handsome," she greeted with a cup of coffee.

"Hi gorgeous," I said, returning the greeting with an even bigger smile than hers.

That night our usual naughty banter took on a more personal tone.

"So how's Brent junior tonight?" she asked while refilling my cup. "You think he'll be ready for a repeat performance in another couple of hours?"

"Umm, let's just say that it would be embarrassing for me to stand up right now," I responded.

"Oh, sounds good to me," she said, turning and wiggling her pretty little butt.

Sure enough, that night was a repeat of the night before. I wasn't around much during the weekend and didn't see her. The following week I was on days. She was still on the night shift so I stopped in for coffee about nine Monday evening. She told me she had Wednesday off. I wanted to do something nice and I asked her out for dinner. After all, she had given me two of the most exciting nights of my life, and except for leaving her a two dollar tip for a fifty-cent cup of coffee, I hadn't spent a dime on her so far.

I was all set to make reservations at some swanky place but she said she'd rather we just had a pizza delivered; so, she came over about seven, we had some pizza, a little wine, and a lot of sex.

The following week I was on the earlier night shift. I didn't have to be into work until two-thirty in the afternoon which allowed for another three nights of heavenly bliss.

This went on for a couple of months. Then one night Debbie added a new wrinkle to our playtime. As usual I answered her dainty, little knock a little after two. I got a peck on the lips as she walked in. I noticed something in her hand but couldn't tell what it was. I also notice she seemed a little nervous.

"Whatcha got," I asked as she took a seat on the couch.

"I...ah, you got anything to drink?"

I had learned to always keep some white wine handy. "Yeah, of course," I said, heading to the kitchen. I poured a little for both of us and handed her a glass as I sat down next to her. It was the first I got a good look at what she had. It was four long, silk women's scarfs.

"Okay, I give," I said with a grin, "what do we do with the scarfs?"

She took a sip of wine before answering. "You're going think I'm some kind of pervert," she said in almost a self-loathing voice.

I could see she was really having a hard time with something so I tried to lighten the atmosphere a little. I chuckled. "Honey, I already know you're a pervert. It's one of the things I like best about you."

She looked at me and couldn't help but smile.

"Come on, what're the scarfs for?"

"I...I want you to tie me up before we have sex—tie me to the bed—you know."

Actually I didn't know. Oh I knew about bondage but I'd never even come close to actually doing anything and there was no internet in those days, nowhere to click for information. I wasn't put off by the thought of it, I was just a little scared of looking foolish.

Okay, I thought, how hard can it be? She has four scarfs; obviously one for each hand and foot. I grabbed all four silky restraints with one hand and Debbie with the other. "Okay," I said as I led her into the bedroom, "this way to the dungeon, my dear."

Debbie was undressed in record time and excited as hell as we centered her in the bed. She flung her legs and arms out in spread-eagle fashion and waited for me to tie each one to a bed post.

I had to admit, when I saw that incredible body helplessly tied up and completely vulnerable, I almost came in my pants. Seeing her like that also reminded me of an article I read in Playboy. I had to think of what I had in the house that would work.

I pulled a pillow case from the drawer, held on to two corners and twirled it around to make it long and thin.

"What are you going to do with that," queried my lovely captive as I approached.

Without saying a word, I knelt down on the bed, lifted her head and tied it around her eyes. I felt her breathing deepening as she realized she would experience touch but not sight. She wouldn't know what I was going to do until I did it.

I ever so gently nibbled on her earlobe. With my mouth no more than an inch from her ear, "Now you're all mine," I told her in a breathy whisper.

"Oh God," she cried out in anticipation.

I could actually smell her womanly scent and knew she was already dripping wet. I played and teased her body unmercifully. Had she not been tied down I think she would have twisted herself into knots.

Her first orgasm hit with a roar almost immediately after I stroked her clit. She was breathing so heavy afterward, I slowed down to give her a break. After a short reprieve she started to moan as I licked the inside of her thighs. From there I worked my way up to that pretty little pussy.

Oh...Oh God, Oh shit, Oh I'm going...I'm...going to...cummmmmm she wailed. Her entire body tensed. Involuntarily her head strained upward as she went into amatory spasms, writhing and fighting her bonds.

Never had I seen anyone come so hard. I needed to be inside of her. I scooted up and hovered above her, braced on my hands. My rock hard cock found its way home like a heat-seeking missile.

"Yes, yes, yes! Oh God, fuck me Brent, fuck me hard. Oh God..." she screamed with no regard for neighbors beyond the thin walls.

Thoughts of going slow and making it last were non-existent. I felt powerful with an almost animalistic need as I pounded her pussy, decreeing this woman as my own with every hammering stroke. Within minutes I felt myself pass the threshold. I pounded fasted, harder, and she took it all with uninhibited passion.

We came together in an earth-shattering climax. I couldn't help myself as I collapsed on top of her. For a minute or so the only sound in the room was our heavy and ragged breathing. As I rolled off of my exhausted prisoner she started to laugh.

"Wow," she chuckled, still trying to regain some respiratory rhythm.

"Yeah, wow is right," I huffed as I removed her blindfold.

"Untie me, please. I have to pee."

I had some trouble getting the knots undone. With all the pulling and twisting she did, they were a lot tighter than I had originally tied them. As soon as I got the last one untied Debbie made a B-line for the bathroom.

When she came back we both sat on the edge of the bed. Debbie leaned in, daintily took my chin in her hand and kissed me. "So, what did you think?" she asked with a small grin.

I didn't know if I should be honest or not. Now that it was over and I had a few minutes to think about what we had just done. I wasn't all that keen on it, but I sure didn't want to lose Debbie and I didn't know how much into it she was. I decided honesty was the best policy.

"It was different, that's for sure. It's kind of strange. Knowing someone trusts you enough to let them restrain you like that and make yourself totally helpless is exhilarating. The last thing I wanted to do was damage that trust in any way; yet, at the same time there's an almost inhumane predatory compulsion that says you are prey and I've got you right where I want you."

"Oh God, that sounds so exciting."

"It is, but..."


"...but at the same time I miss the interaction. I miss your touch. I miss your fingers digging into my back when you come. I miss your kisses."

I couldn't read the look she was giving me. It didn't look like disappointment. I looked more like wonderment. She kissed me again.

"You're a really nice guy, you know that?"

I just smiled.

"Okay, how's this. We keep the bondage for a once in a while kind of thing."

"You got it," I confirmed with a smile.

"Now, my turn, lay down."

I looked at her. "What, you want to tie me down? I don't..."

"No, I didn't think you'd like that. No, just lay down. I'm going to give you a blowjob to end all blowjobs."

And she did.

Over the next couple of months, I tied her up only one more time. It was just as intense as the first time—for both of us. On three occasions during that time I offered to take her out again. She turned me down flat each time but never let me down in bed. Until...

Outside the temperatures were cooling off. Leaves were turning colors. It didn't take a genius to know winter was on the way. I hated winter. As a press photographer most of my job was driving from one assignment to another. A lot of time it was hard enough to keep up with the schedule without having to worry about slick and snowy roads.

I was back on the late night shift so it was a little after twelve-thirty when I made my usual pre-sex stop for coffee.

"Hi handsome."

"Hi gorgeous. When you going to let me take you out on the town?"

I detected a small sigh as she poured my coffee. "Why do you want to go out all the time? Wouldn't you rather just use our time like we have been?" She looked around to make sure no one was in earshot. "Most men would die for what you've got—no strings attached sex."

"I know, believe me, I'm not complaining. I...I don't know. It just seems like I should be treating you to a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant or something."

She was still standing in front of me holding the pot of coffee. She gave that smile that I'd learned to love. "All you have to do is keep up your end of the bargain if you know what I mean. That's all I'm looking for."

"Okay," I replied. "I won't ask anymore but you ever want to go out and have a good time you just me know, okay?"

"Okay, I promise."

"Are you coming over tonight?"

"Of course," she responded with a naughty little grin.

After that, we talked and flirted like usual, then I told her I'd see her soon before getting up to pay my bill. I took off for home and went through my usual routine of showering and getting ready for another wonderful night. Two-thirty came and went. Then it was three and still no Debbie. I started to wonder if I had pissed her off but she didn't act like it at the restaurant. Then I started to worry...maybe she'd gotten in an accident? At four o'clock I finally went to bed.

The next day I couldn't get Debbie off my mind. She had never stood me up before which led me to think more about the possibility of her have a wreck or possibly car trouble. I was hoping I'd get a break during the night to quickly stop in and see if she was alright but no such luck. I wasn't able to make it before my usual time.

When I walked in Debbie was wiping down the counter. She looked up at me, and except for looking a little sheepish, she appeared to be fine. I walked over and sat down in front of her. "Hi gorgeous."

"Hi handsome," she responded, but with a little less enthusiasm than normal.

"What happened to you last night? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Something came up at the last minute. I was going to try and call you but I didn't get a chance. Are you mad at me?"

I was more relieved that she was okay than mad. "No, I'm not mad."

"Good, are we on for tonight then?"

"Of course." Again it was a busy night so we didn't get a chance to talk much. Around one o'clock I left her tip and caught her eye as I left. I nodded and gave her a wink. She smiled and winked back as I walked out.

I was feeling good when I got home. I was disappointed the night before but looking forward to the night that lay ahead...except, it didn't. It turned out to be a repeat of the previous night. Okay, NOW I was mad.

The following night I walked into Dunn's at my usual time. Debbie could barely look me in the eye as I sat down. Silently she poured my coffee.

"Alright, Deb, what's going on? In all these months, never did you stand me up and now all of a sudden you don't show up two nights in a row."

She looked sad and kind of scared. She took a deep breath. "I...I guess I have to tell you. You're not going to like it," she said.

"Like what—what's going on?"

"I...I'm engaged."

All day I had been trying to think of reasons why she would stand me up twice in a row but that threw me for a loop.

"Engaged?" I looked down at her finger. "You're not wearing a ring."

"I know, I take it off for work. I don't want to take a chance on chipping it or losing it."

I was completely taken by surprise. I didn't even know she was seeing anyone but me. I didn't know what to say. Should I congratulate her? After all, we never said anything about being exclusive. Just for conversation sake, I asked a question.

"When did this happen?" The answer threw me for another loop.

"A...a while ago; I've been engaged the whole time."

Now I was angry. "The...you mean the whole time we were together you were engaged to somebody else?"

She nodded. She also recognized the tone in my voice. "Don't get mad. After-all, you were getting the better end of the deal."

"Don't get mad? Why? Why would you do something like that?"

"I wasn't going to give it up to him. Women don't sleep with the men they're going to marry. We have to play hard to get."

"You're kidding! You don't want him to think you're easy so you have sex with someone else? How could you do that to someone you love? Does he know?"

She lowered her head and nodded. "Yeah, he's pretty hurt. That's why we have to stop. I promised him we would."

"Jesus, Debbie, I...I just don't believe this. You...what about me, my feelings?"

"That's why I wouldn't go out with you. I wanted you to know it was strictly sex, no strings, no entanglements."

"No entanglements? Do you really think I didn't develop feeling for you?"

"You weren't supposed to. I told you-that's why I wouldn't go out with you. I like you, like you a lot, but it was just sex, Brent. I thought you understood that."

"Actually, Debbie, I don't understand any of this. I don't understand how someone who I thought was so sweet can play with people's feelings like this."

I could see her starting to tear up. Then I thought of something else. "Do I know him?"

"Not exactly, you've seen him around. I know you've talked with him a couple times over coffee." She must have read the growing anger in my face. "That...that was before though, before we started...you know..." She wiped away the tear that was forming in her eye then shocked me again with her next statement. "That's him sitting in the corner booth."

The corner booth was behind me, no more than ten feet away. I couldn't help myself. I looked over my left shoulder to see who I was sure, hated my guts.

Now I had guessed that Debbie was two or three years older than me. I knew she wasn't more than twenty-four or five but her fiancé was in his mid-forties. I did recognize him and from the few conversations we'd had, I knew he was a farmer. He was a little pudgy around the middle and had thinning black hair; certainly not the kind of guy I envisioned as Debbie's husband.

I just shook my head in disbelief. I stood up, threw a couple bucks on the counter and started for the register. "Honest, I didn't know," I mumbled as I passed him. I paid my bill and turned toward Debbie for one last look before leaving. She had tears running down those beautiful cheeks, a fact that I know wasn't missed by her betrothed.

No strings or not, you can't share the kind of passion that Debbie and I did for months on end without developing feelings for that person. I held my tears until I got home then let them fall. I just couldn't understand how anyone so beautiful could have so little regard for others, or how she could treat her fiancé with such total disrespect.

I stayed away from Dunn's for a while after that, but Debbie was still on my mind a lot. I'm not sure, maybe I had even fallen in love with her. I sure missed her.

After a couple of months my anger went down and my curiosity went up. I wondered if the farmer was still going to marry her after that. Snow was on the ground and the temperature was in the mid-thirties by the time I walked in for coffee again. I took a seat at the counter and looked around but didn't see her. A heavy set, middle aged woman with greying hair approached me with a menu.

"Just coffee," I said. A moment later she set the cup down in front of me. "Where's Debbie tonight?"

"Debbie? Oh, I think she's the girl I replaced. She quit a couple of months ago."

I guessed she quit that night; whether it was because she didn't want to see me again or her husband to be made her do it—who knows.

I never saw or heard from Debbie again. I have no idea if she ever married or what happened to her. For the longest time I stopped in restaurants all over the area, hoping I'd run into her, but no such luck.

I often think of her, even today. Over the months that we were together I'd gotten to know her as a kind, generous person who wouldn't hurt a fly. Her betrayal was so out of character it made me wonder what kind of upbringing she had. What were her parents like? What kind of morals did they impress upon her as a little girl? Those are all questions I'll never know.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

At the very core of every female whether dyke or strait is an evil selfish me me me first person. rk

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I suspected early on he was "the other guy". But damn, her cold indifference to it all for so long only highlights just how damaged she is. No doubt something happened in her life that made her this way. Probably her mother. I hope her fiancé dropped her like a hot potato otherwise that marriage is just going to be a disaster. Girl got serious issues that need fixing before she can be in a loving relationship.

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandler7 months ago

Loved this first love heartbreak story and gave it four stars. I reserve my five star rating for your very best of which there are many. I suspect many of us readers have had similar experiences growing up and that hurt as much as you’ve shown so well.

Rolando1225Rolando12257 months ago

Good thing the guy is young and working in something he loves. Life has a way to assuage things of the heart with time and Brent still has plenty. This story is of course incomplete for it only reflects some scenes of the life of a young man. Yes, they can break your heart, but they can also fix it, IF you find the right one. Thanks for the story.

Lector78Lector787 months ago

Al final, luego de saber la verdad, aun si Debbie no se hubiese casado con el granjero y hubiera vuelto a su relación con Brent, posiblemente Brent no confiaría en ella, por lo menos durante un buen tiempo.

Lector78Lector787 months ago

Excelente historia, aunque dolorosa yo también asumo que es real, hay tantas historias no escritas, incluso más complejas de matrimonios por interés , necesidad, que no tiene porque sorprender que esta historia aun más simple lo sea. Debbie quería tener un buen recuerdo antes de casarse con un tipo que no le agradaba, pero al cual necesitaba, pero en su ceguera egoísta, no entendió que Brent tenía que enamorarse, más cuando le pedía salir, no solo quería follar. Ella quería lo mejor de ambas relaciones, lo cual se entiende pero no se justifica ni perdona. Excelente trabajo del autor.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago


SignedBTWSignedBTW9 months ago


And I thought I was involved in a couple of screwed up relationships years ago after I found out what was happening behind the curtains. Thankfully none of mine were anything like this and for it to be a true story as LTW confirmed in his evisceration of an idiot making a personal attack on his character could explain some of his other story endings. We all exorcize our demons the best we can. *****'s of course. Signed: BTW

BAnde53507BAnde535079 months ago

I get what you are trying to do with the ending, but it feels incomplete. It's a great story otherwise.

RodzzzRodzzz11 months ago

Women........ has anyone figured them out yet?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Well, I don't know if this story is true or not, but it sounds true. It's a well written, melancholy tale, which reinforces my belief that people, in all their glory, are strange.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 year ago

People have funny ways of stabbing you in the back. Thanks for your writing.

Lawrie1941Lawrie1941over 1 year ago

Great story, needs a fuller end to make it exceptional

Omart57Omart57over 1 year ago

Heard of a guy who went through something very similar! Loved this one, LTW! Great story! My third time with this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It's quite common for women to wait to have sex with a guy or ration it carefully if they believe there is a potential long-term relationship.

It's common for women to automatically look at guys as potential partners even if they're in a relationship.

A guy I knew who was very successful with women would tell women up front that he was only in town for a short time and therefore they knew there was no chance of a long-term relationship and were much more open to having sex on the first night.

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