Honey, I Never had Sex with Them


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I hollered as she left, "If that's Sandi, you haven't seen me."

Walking down to my office, I overheard Beth telling my wife, or should I say my soon to be ex, "Sorry Sandi, we haven't seen him since yesterday. Should I tell him to call you when he gets in? At work or on your cell, which would be best?" Thankfully I had Andy's cellphone, he's one of my estimators. He had taken this week off to visit his family down in Florida so I not only had his cell phone but I had the use of his company car, or Bronco if you're being particular.

I thought Sandi and I had a pretty good sex life. That is until a few months ago. It seemed to co-inside with us moving into our new house. The day before we moved in was the last time, she allowed me to get between her legs. I swear, that house killed our marriage. Then I remembered the way my wife had been looking at Tom last night, sort of like a dog looking at a steak that had been dropped from the barbecue and nobody had noticed. It was only for a second because she had seen me looking at her and turned to talk to another couple. Then I wondered if all their friends were swingers.

I told Beth I was going to the Northwoods project. It was four high end houses a developer wanted us to build. If things progressed the way they has projected, we'd have enough work up there for the next seven years, with luck maybe ten. It was a little over 200 miles away and would give me time to think. Just before 10:00 I stopped at a mall and bought a new set of clothes, more like an owner than normal worker.

I arrived at the site a little after 1:00 and the crews were busy as beavers and met Jack, the overall project superintendent. He was happy with our progress, so he showed me around with pride. Two homes were already finished, they just needed people with deep pockets who wanted to move in. When we walked over to the next one, they were finishing, it really took my breath away. It had a homey feel, it was elegant without being pretentious. Then as I walked out in the back yard, I couldn't help notice it abutted the lake. I rushed back inside and found Jack and asked, "What are they asking for this one?"

He opened his notebook then said, "Well because of the lake access, they're asking 2.6 but for you I think I can do better."

Half out of breath, I told Jack, "Give them a call, tell them I'm offering 2.1 but tomorrow the offer is 2 even. And they need to put it in the company name."

He said, "I don't know Carl, I can try, let me give them a call. This is going to be a very desirable lot."

I smiled and said, "I know, but I'll be building their houses and this will be my new office. So just let them know, my service will be the best they've ever had." He got this half smile and walked out of the room, then a half hour he came back and said, "Welcome to Northwoods. Looks like you're the new owner."

My foreman Paul came over and asked, "Carl, what's going on? Trouble on the home front?" I nodded. He put his hand on my shoulder then said, "Man, I'm sorry. I thought you and Sandi had the perfect marriage."

"So did I, Paul, so did I," I said nearly crying.

I called Beth and had her call Sam Long my attorney to find out who was the best divorce attorney that he knew of. Twenty minutes later Beth called back and said it was Tonya Watson and I had an appointment tomorrow with her at 9:30. She also said that she had made a reservation for me for the next week at the Marriott and wanted to know if that was OK.

She said that Sandi had been calling the office every half hour, sometimes crying, sometimes cursing but she said that things were under control. Beth said she had contracted with a security company to have a guard stationed outside and he had been given my wife's picture and she was not allowed to set foot on the company grounds. Beth had Sam write up a restraining order and the judge had signed it, due to Sandi cussing out Beth over the phone. She had recorded it on her cell phone, then played it back for Sam. He then made his own copy and played it for the judge who was a friend of his so we were set. Now I just had to meet with my attorney tomorrow.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect with a woman attorney, when I walked in, I was pleasantly surprised. She was probably in her late 40's, chestnut hair with some gray, black glasses, hazel eyes and damn nice figure for a lady her age. When she stood up to greet me, I had to reassess my first evaluation of her. With her cleavage, short pencil skirt and long legs she was way better than nice, I could feel my cock swell and I began to get embarrassed, so I sat. She asked me what was my problem. I went into detail about my dilemma, I had no hard evidence my wife had cheated. Tanya shook her head and said, "Let me get my investigators on this. Carl, where there's smoke there's usually fire."

I wrote her a nice retainer, she had me go to the bank. I did the usual shifting of funds and cancelled our joint credit cards. Called our broker and split up the stocks and bonds. Thankfully the business had been my fathers before it was mine so Sandi couldn't get any of it. And since company funds had been used to build that monstrosity of a home, technically she had no claim on any of it. I could sell it that is if I could find a buyer. I'd have to get Sandi out first. That was a little over 5 million dollars. I could hear Sandi screaming now.

The next couple of days drew heavy on me, the love of my life was gone. I was at work on Monday and Beth brought in the mail. On top was a letter from Sandi. Beth had opened it and I asked, "Did you read it?"

"I wanted to but I wanted your permission. I really don't want to intrude in your problems. I do care a lot about you, Carl. I can't stand to see you hurt." She said then left me and closed my office door.

I looked at that envelope for a long time, trying to imagine what it was going to say. Finally I decided to bite the bullet and opened the envelope and it had Sandi's favorite perfume on the paper.

She began, "Carl, I really do love you. I know you must think that I'm terrible. That I'm some kind of slut or even something worse. It's just that you work so much and I'm getting older now. Dammit you still look so fantastically good. Tom and Lola kept telling me how beautiful I was and that men still desired me. I thought they were just feeding my ego, then they told me about their swinging parties and dared me to come to one and see how many men would think I was beautiful, or maybe try to proposition me.

I thought it wouldn't hurt to just go one time, maybe see if anyone was interested in this old bag. I bought a new dress and some sexy undies, got my hair done as well as a wax job. I wanted to look my best. You were out of town at that convention. I figured it wouldn't hurt.

Well Tom and Lola introduced me to all their friends and the men were all very nice. They were gentlemen and complemented me, telling me I was beautiful and very desirable and that any time I wanted to play they were available. I know I blushed several shades of red at first, then the more I drank I began to dance with the men in the group. It felt good to have a man caress and fondle me, I figured I'd get turned on, go home and masturbate. I'd be more than ready for when you returned.

Then when I was dancing with Kirk, he kissed me so tenderly I melted. His hands went to my tender breasts. If felt so good I didn't resist him, then his other hand went under my dress. We were still there on the dance floor fondling each other, he was fingering my pussy and I had his cock in my hand when the song ended. I'm sorry my love I was rather drunk, then Tom walked up to us and said we should get a room so we did. We undressed and we made out like two teenagers. He ate me out to several orgasms. I went down on him for a while. When Kirk reached over to the nightstand for a condom, I told him I couldn't, I was married. He looked hurt, so I went back down on him until he came.

I honestly never let another man have sex with me, I saved that part for you. I did the same kind of stuff with several other men, including Tom. I will be the first to admit, with Tom I was extremely tempted, his cock was long and fat. Oh he was very good at all the other stuff but I really wanted to try that huge cock. Honey, I was so tempted but really saved my pussy for you. Tom had me get him hard with oral, then he would put lube on the underside of his cock. I would straddle his body, then rub my clit across his maddening cock until he came. He shot buckets of cum on his chest. Then he'd feed it to me or I'd lick it all up. I came so close to letting him slide in but my love for you wouldn't let me. I could cum on him for over an hour. I hope my sweet love that you can believe me.

I know I was wrong and I would get home fully intending to make it up to you. The trouble was, I would feel so guilty, I couldn't bring myself to have to make love to you. Tom and Lola kept telling me that I should bring you to a party and that we could both have fun. But Carl, I think I know you to well, you would never go for it. I recently found out from Darlene that Billy told you. I guess she beat the shit out of him when she found out he had.

My love can you ever get over my stupidity? I'm planning on going to counseling to get myself straight. I have cut all ties from Tom and Lola. They convinced me that things they did were OK. Won't you please come home and make love to your wife. I promise to make it up to you. By the way, I can now deep throat so I know you will like it. Please baby come home to me. I really need you. I hope to see you soon.

Your loving wife, Sandi"

'Fucking bitch!' I thought as I slammed my fist on my desk. Never had sex, what the fuck does she think letting them eat her to orgasm or giving guys head called. I could hardly breathe.

I stormed out of my office and threw the letter at Beth and through gritted teeth said, "Fax this to Tonya and have her serve divorce papers to that cunt as soon as she can. I'm leaving, I need to wash all her stupid crap out of my mouth!"

Beth smiled and said, "Cunt, huh boss. May I read it?"

I nodded and said as I headed out the door to the bar at the Marriott, "I need a drink, probably several of them."

I was sitting at the bar and was about to polish off my third single barrel malt whisky when Beth sidled up on the stool next to me and said to the bartender as she pointed to my glass, "Bring us two more of these." When he brought the drinks, she picked up the glasses, and took them over to a booth in the corner as I watched. When my glass was empty, I crawled off my stool and slid in the opposite side of the booth. When I reached for my drink, Beth pulled it away and said, "Over here buster." And motioned for me to get closer so I did. We didn't talk but had several more drinks. I was feeling quite buzzed and was somewhat slurring my words but Beth seemed to still be quite sober.

She stuck out her hand and said with a smile, "Give me your key, I need to put you to bed. Will you kindly tell me your room number?"

"It's four oh twelve, no, twelve oh four. Lord Beth when we get there will you order me something to eat. I really appreciate all that you do. I really don't understand why a beautiful young woman like you isn't married." I managed to get out.

When I started to get out of the booth, my knees didn't want to work, Beth grabbed me and pulled me back upright. I shook my head to get the cobwebs out, then she guided me to the elevators and up to 1204. She ordered me a bacon cheeseburger and fries and a chicken salad for herself with a couple of diet Cokes to wash our dinner down. We didn't say much, just filled our faces. I was finally starting to feel better. I went to stand up and fell to the floor, I guess I really wasn't that much better. Beth helped me get up and sat me on the bed. She untied my shoes and tossed them aside, then began to unfasten my belt and removed my trousers. Next came off my shirt, my socks, then tee shirt and my boxers. Was I naked in front of my young secretary? Beth pulled back the covers and had me lay down, covering me up like I used to do to my kids. She kissed my cheek and said "Have a nice sleep." I was out like a light.

I was having a wonderful dream, I was in my new house, I had built a dock and had just caught fresh fish for my dinner. A beautiful woman was there to greet me, I just couldn't make out who she was. I remember feeling so contented, I felt her warmth and love surround me. I realized it wasn't my former wife. Then a hand wrapped around my morning wood woke me and I turned over. Beth was spooned up behind me naked as me and said, "Good morning, sleepy head," as she climbed on top and rode me for all she was worth. We were both late getting in to work that morning, which brought out some lascivious grins.

Beth brought me in some coffee, something I had told her she didn't have to do when she was hired. She smiled and said, "But I want to, isn't that different than you telling me?" I smiled as she took the first sip before handing me the cup. Beth gave me a funny look. "Is everything Ok between us Carl?" she asked.

I sighed then said sort of shaking my head. "You have no idea how much I enjoyed being with you this morning. My issue is what's in my head. Technically I'm still married to my cheating wife and two wrongs don't make a right in my book."

Beth sat on the edge of my desk and said, "I'm sorry if you feel I screwed things up for you Carl. I was hoping to help you feel better. If it would make things easier, I'll start looking for a new job as soon as I get back to my desk."

I quickly took her hand in mine and said with all sincerity, "Heavens to Betsy my dear, you've taken my statement all wrong. What you did for me was the most wonderful thing in the world anyone has ever has done. It's just this old morals things rolling around in my head that's causing my troubles. I was beginning to doubt my manhood, then this morning you let me know I was still alive. My God woman, I just can't believe that you'd want an old coot like me. You're so lovely and sexy and desirable and . . . "

Beth said, "Stop it Carl, now you're giving me a big head," then she snickered and said as she leaned in close to my ear whispering, "What I want is your big head back in my pussy tonight. Would you like to come over for dinner?" Even though my wife had been messing around on me, I felt guilty for my morning with Beth. Technically I was still a married man.

I was smiling at my good fortune when all of a sudden, this big commotion broke out in the front office and Beth and I rushed out to find Sandi being Tasered by the security guard just as two uniformed police officers came rushing in behind them. She had just been served the divorce papers at her work and was pissed.

The officers arrested her and took her to jail. Funny thing was she called me to post her bail. When I told her to call Tom and Lola, she screamed at me cursing me out. I suggested she call her parents but she said she was only allowed one phone call. After her three minutes were up and the phone went dead, I gave her parents a call and told them where she was. They wanted to know what was going on and why she had been arrested, so I gave them the whole story. Her mother was crying so hard she had to get off the line, her father said, "I'm sorry son. I know how you feel. Our kids were young so I didn't divorce Emily and after all these years, it still hurts. It really tears at your heart, doesn't it?" Wow, that was a shocker.

Sandi got an attorney and he was trying to pull all sorts of shenanigans claiming she should have half the house because she helped design it and blah, blah blah and so on. Thankfully the judge didn't agree. She did get half of our old house profits, plus half our savings and kept her own retirement. Other than that, my divorce went fairly easy. I managed to sell that beast of a house, barely breaking even. I guess it was the price I paid for not following the building of it more closely.

Tonya had passed on the information about Tom and Lola's swinging parties to the prosecuting attorney and they had investigators watch the place. Then during a big party, the county raided the place, took everyone's names, publishing them in several large papers and the Patterson's were cited with running an unlicensed club, an unlicensed motel/hotel, not paying room taxes and several other criminal offenses. Swingers are a close-knit group and word got around so no one came back.

Tom and Lola moved away and the place went up for sale. A year later I bought for next to nothing. Beth and I remodeled it some, then we set Carl Jr, Sun Le and my precious little granddaughter, Nicki up with the best bed and breakfast in the state then headed back to our place up at Northwoods.

That's right, Beth and I had married and she was the perfect wife. I had hired a C.O.O. to run the business down here and I was running the Northwoods division. It was perfect, I would get up early, go check on the men, by then Beth was up and dressed. I would take her to the little café we loved for breakfast. Back at the house, I'd check my email and phone messages and if nothing was pressing, we'd head out to the dock and jump in our boat, I'd fish for an hour or two. Of course it was catch and release.

What I really loved was the warm summer days, Beth would take off her swimsuit and tan in the nude, we would usually end up making love. A couple of times, while we were going at it in the calm of the day, a boat passing buy would toot their horn since they knew what was causing the boat to be rocking. This would cause us to start laughing so hard, we sometimes couldn't continue. Life was good, I'll have to admit.

We would head back to shore, where after tying off the boat, I'd go check on the men as they picked up for the day, then go home and help Beth fix our dinner. At times as we'd sit on the deck in the evening, sometimes I'd feel a slight pang of sadness, this could have been Sandi and I. Too bad she had to listen to Tom and Lola, then I'd look over at Beth and smile. I'd take her hand and kiss it, then pull her me and lovingly give her a kiss, then into our bedroom for some fun we would go.

She never denied me, God I love that woman. Life is good.

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Buster2UBuster2Uabout 2 months ago

10 Bigg Blazing Stars. Cheating is still Cheating weather it is oral sex or mutual masturbation, it is still cheating. Great Story, Great Writing, Great 'moral of the story' Not to Cheat when Married, and Great Effort. Thanks, Buster

servant111servant1113 months ago

Nice but kinda abrupt ending.

5 stars

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorld4 months ago

"Then Bobby came along and what a screamer. I don't know, somehow, I thought he didn't quite look like me. I buried that thought and loved him like the others and worked my ass off to build a better life for my wife and kids." This should have been explored, possibly as a chapter 2, you let this slip some here. The letter from the wife is impossible. No woman is going to write for her husband to read about her affairs especially naming names like she did. This could have been a series, but even though you dropped loads of hints, you never followed through on them. What about the sister and brother-in-law? There is no lead-up to them swinging, and they disappear from the story after the graduation party. The only other item is the children, the older brother and daughter most likely had their parties at Tom and Lola's. Were they approached when they were 18? Hope to see more of the stories that would lead up to the divorce. The MC is too wimpy to have been in service, even the Air Force. He should have been more aggressive once the cat got out.

FaShUnPhOtOgFaShUnPhOtOg4 months ago

Obviously the ex was from the Bill Clinton school of thought…. Oral isn’t sex depending on what the definition of ‘is’ is. Their marriage was over when she closed her legs to her husband and went to the swingers party with the intent to defraud him.

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider19558 months ago

This was a great story until the end. The ending was rushed.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19819 months ago

I have to agree giving oral to another man who is not your husband is still cheating it is still sex there is a reason why it's called oral sex drunk or not is no excuse she decided to cheat she planned it so when she admitted to it what the hell did she think was going to happen that he was going to willingly accept it and let her do it when the fact he left was proof enough that he wouldn't accept it

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

I read it again and I still like it. The wife clearly crosses the line on fidelity and she is right up against the line of "Can she be forgiven?" I bet a survey would have half the husbands voting for divorce and half reluctantly trying forgiveness. That said, the marriage would never be the same again and the husband would have huge anger and trust problems. I liked this story a lot.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1over 1 year ago

Yes... a nice story.

It's such a cliche to read about people of both semesters who think that oral isn't cheating,because it isn't really sex... or find that one wants an open marriage, whether their spouse wants to go that route or not.

If you're married, want to have sex with others, and you haven't had an open discussion with your spouse before acting on those desires, you have fucked up !

Period !

dgfergiedgfergieover 1 year ago

Love lost and love found. Nice little story. Some people don't know how good they have it until they lose it. 5stars

RimmerdalRimmerdalover 1 year ago

Cliched to much. To simplistic.

avidreader123avidreader123over 1 year ago

So did she cheat earlier in the marriage? You alluded to something by saying Bobby didn't look like the husband. Then, when she spoiled him, I thought you were going somewhere with that. Definitely rushed starting with the letter from the wife.

NicealloverNicealloveralmost 2 years ago

I thought it was good but it wasn’t my favorite revenge story because of the lack of confrontation between Sandi and Carl. The children never got their say and Sandi deserved at least a talk with Carl for attempting to remain “faithful.”

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

Sorry tried this worthless fucking mess a second time but still you couldnt stay with being a decent writer and decided to drive this over the cliff like an idiot.

Again, the letter ruined it. YOu went with the typical tree stump level of stupid wife who "didnt have sex" with any other men but I blew them and they ate me blah blah blah ad nauseum. Thats the exact wife EVERYONE uses and you couldnt resist ruining, what WAS a good story, up until that point.

Essentially you decided being a shit writer was better than being a good one. You succeeded.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 2 years ago

Plot is OK, typical business mumbo-jumbo, some strange characters like "Lola" but the most ridiculous part is the "wife"'s letter to hubby, what possessed author to come up with that idea? Which wife would write "I will be the first to admit, with Tom I was extremely tempted, his cock was long and fat" to her husband? I actually scratched my head on that paragraph. Dude, you need to put up more effort if you want to reveal wife's actions in the story, this is just too stupid to be believed.

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