Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 29


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Timeless went straight for it. As she grabbed it with her teeth Patty grabbed her neck with both hands and hugged her.

Patty got up from the table and scratched Timeless' his neck. "Do you want to go for a ride girl?

Timeless nodded her head and Patty stood on the chair and jumped onto her back.

Stephano yelled, "Patty get down from there. She doesn't have a saddle or reins on."

"Steph I'm going for a little ride. I'm not going for a race, I am not going for a canter. I'm just going to let her walk around with me on her back for a little while, that is all."

"Come on Timeless, let's go check the fences." As everyone watched thence with the horse and Patty did. Slowly and evenly they rode along the side of the white fences that encased the main property. They made the last turn, which took them out of sight of everyone because of the barn and a few moments later, Timeless came trotting out the other side, without Patty on her back.

Stephano took off like he was shot out of a cannon. Everyone else at the table knew what was going on, so they didn't laugh too loud until he was out of earshot.

As he made the first turn around the barn he started screaming, "Patty, Patty!" He followed the tracks timeless made until he came close to the entrance to the barn when he was hit with a stack of hay from overhead. He pressed it out of his hair and eyes and saw his naked wife standing there.

"Hey cowboy, you interested?"

"I will have sex with you right after I kill you for scaring me to death."

"Necrophilia, I'm not into that. We have lived here for nearly 10 years, and I have never been led in the hayloft. Brad has had Bonnie up here several times, and if Bonnie is correct, Janet was conceived up here. Steph, you are the most obstinate man I have ever known."

"Why, what did I do wrong this time?"

"I'm standing up here naked, and you're still down there thinking about it. Do you want me to get dressed and go back to our guests or are you going to come up here and make love with me?"

A few seconds went by and she said, "Screw this, I'm getting dressed."

"Like hell you are." With 4 giant leaps up the framework of the exterior of the barn, he entered through the giant frame door. He couldn't see her.

"Where the hell are you now?"

"What the hell do you care I'm getting dressed."

"No you're not, I am here."

"Well you're late. Your time has passed. I offered, you didn't answer. Leave me alone."

"I wanted to get you angry."

"Congratulations, you have achieved your objective."

"You don't understand what I mean. I wanted to get you angry. We had been so in tune with one another I felt were losing touch while we're in bed together. Sometimes I felt were just going through the motions. I wanted to get you angry to see if we could remember what it was like when we first started."

She came out from between 3 stacks of hay, dressed in only panties and her bra, and looked at him through soft eyes. He approached her, thinking she understood what he meant and felt it also.

As he reached just the right range, she slapped him, and attacked him, knocking him to the ground.

"I don't need reminding of the way it was. If you want feisty say so, and I'll be feisty. If you want it rough, be rough. I am not a piece of China that you have to worry about. I am your wife dammit: Fuck Me."

"Baby, I'm going to eat you alive."

"You can do that after you 'Fuck Me' into submission, like you used to do."

His mouth claimed hers. Her bra disappeared and her panties disintegrated. Somehow he is clothes managed to get off his body, as his mouth and tongue tormented her eyes, ears, mouth, and neck. His hands tickled and pinched the sides of her body, as his mouth moved slowly southward to the rise of her breasts.

She cried out, "Steph please," as he did everything but touch the nipples at the top of her mounds. She arched her back in an attempt to get her nipples closer to his mouth, but he moved away, frustrating her even more. She was so aware of his ministrations to her breasts, she screamed in orgasm as 2 fingers of his right hand quickly enters her vagina and his thumb pressed fiercely on her clitoris.

As her body began to settle from the vaginal orgasm, he squeezed the nipple of her right breast and bit the left. The hay beneath her did a good job absorbing all the fluids that sprayed out of her body, but could do nothing to bring her mind back to what was happening to it.

Stephano was a man on a mission. This is what he wanted. This is the Patty he remembered and desired. He placed his knees between hers and entered her forcefully and completely.

She screamed, again, at the power of his invasion of her body.

He came almost instantly, as she clamped her vaginal muscles around him like a vice. He was not going to let her get away that easily. He continued pounding into her until he was completely erect again. He pulled her up into his lap, and leaned her back so she had to look him straight in the eye as he continued to Fuck her mercilessly.

She reached down and played with her clit as she continued to feel her husband deep inside her body. She had prepared herself for this and yelled at him, "I am ready to complete your dream Stephano. It's time."

He stopped mid stroke. "Are you sure?"

"Do you want to give me enough time to change my mind?"

"What page is this on?"

"Do you really care Stephano?"

He led her back onto the prickly hay and kissed her. "If it hurts too much, say so, and I will stop."

"If you don't shut up, and start, you will regret this day of the rest of your life."

"Grab your knees and pulled them up to your chest."

She did has he asked, and her glorious ass came into full view. He leaned down and kissed every inch of it. She shuddered when he stuck his tongue into her asshole, but what was coming next was going to be much larger.

His fingers played with her pussy, which continued to pour out lubricant his fingers pushed into her rectum. The more he pushed him the more lubricant she provided.

He said, "I love you" but not another word, as he changed position and placed the head of his engorged dick at the entrance to her bottom.

Patty did not close her eyes as he expected. She looked straight into his has the crown of his dick passed through the entrance into her anus. She grimaced for a second, but that was all. He watched her as he continued moving in and out of her ass, ever so slowly, trying to determine if she was okay.

Amazingly, he felt himself bottom out. No girl, no woman, had ever been able to take him that deep because of his size. Here was his 5'2" 110 pound wife, and she had taken every inch of him.

"Patty, you never cease to amaze me."

"Steph, you're going to have to talk louder; that thing of yours is blocking my ears."

He laughed, kissed her, and began moving slowly in attempt to give her an anal orgasm. He took her legs and put them over his shoulders, as his hands attacked her breasts. He watched as her eyes turned smoky, and wanted to light a fire behind them.

He moved his right hand into her slit, and began to torment her already distended clit. He pinched it, squeeze it, and pressed it against her pubic bone, until pain and pleasure collided and she exploded into another seizure like orgasm.

As her head was still flying through the clouds, Stephano increased his speed, moving into and out of her body.

When her mind returned to the land of the humans, her body was floating elsewhere. It was on a trip of its own, into a land it had never been before.

Stephano was yelling at her, "Come on Patty let it go. Cum for me. Don't think about it, CUM!"

Her mind said, "How can I cum, if I'm not in my body?"

Suddenly, like a great tectonic plate shift in the bowels of the earth, the earth quaked in Patty's mind and body. The resulting upheaval tore at the fabric of her being. She slept.

She had a pillow under her head, and was covered by a blanket, when she woke up. Stephano was looking into her eyes smiling at her.

"Did you come up with a new program to save the world?"

She reached out her arm, grabbed him by the neck, and pulled him down to her so she could kiss him.

"No, I did not develop a new program to save the world. However, my husband certainly rocked mine. Thank you very much Stephano, it was awesome."

"Does that mean we can do it again?"

"Of course it does; in 5 for 10 years. I wouldn't want to spoil you."

"You spoil me every day we live together."

"I expect exciting every time we go to bed from now on. I will lend you my book if I have to."

"I believe I can manage without your book. I would hate to have that guy from the hotel give me a massage again. I think he nearly broke my back doing it."

"If you promise not to get angry with me I will tell you a secret."

"Why do I have a feeling I should be angry with you already. Okay, I promise."

"He wasn't really a massage therapist. He was athletic trainer for a major league sports team, in California. He promised to get the kinks out of you, because he was a kinky type of guy."

"You put my life in the hands of a sports trainer?"

"It worked didn't it"

"I saw triple for 2 days, because of the pain he inflicted on me."

"It was your own fault. You weren't in shape to go on your honeymoon with me."

"Who thought you were going to read a book written by the Marquis de Sade of sex?"

"If you were in great shape, and we would have gotten into the triple digits, you would of been walking around with a smile on your face every day."

"I don't think so, I probably would have been dead."

"Steph, no young, healthy male has ever died from an overdose of great sex. If you get into great shape, I will prove it to you; just like you proved it to me today."

"Okay, I'll have Brad start training me in the morning."

"I have a better idea. I'll have JR start training you and Brad in the morning. This way both of you will get into shape."

"JR will kill both of us before noon. That boy runs like the wind, and he can run forever."

Bonnie yelled "Are you two ever coming down from there?"

Patty replied, "You got pregnant with Janet up here. What are you complaining about?"

"Brad wants to try for a boy this time. I told him it is always a 50-50 chance, but he doesn't care. He wants to start the process tonight, and he wants to start it up there."

"Do you think he could get 'Timeless' pregnant?"

"If you had asked him that question when he was 17, he would have given it a try."

"I would not. There was no room left on my board. Why are you two still up there in the pregnancy suite."

"You came too soon, which your wife says is a problem too often."

"I do not. I have great staying power. Now get dressed and get out of there, so I can start work on my son."

"That's all Brad, you just pissed her off. You're going to have another girl, and if you have 9 children, they are all going to be girls."

Bread fell to his knees. "Patty, you wouldn't do that to me. Think of all the colleges I'm going to have to pay for. Think of all the weddings I would have to pay for. Think of the way I was when I was in high school and college. I don't want my girls to find someone like me when they are growing up. Please don't do that to me."

"I'm sorry Brad, but you picked your own punishment. God has her way to get even with men like you. If Stephano had not had the courage to turn his life around, the same thing would have happened to him. Bonnie is going to laugh as you watch your daughters go out on dates with young men, as your hair turns white. She is going to laugh loudest on Thursday nights. You do remember Thursday nights don't you Brad?"

"Bonnie dear, I've decided to become a monk. There will be no more children in our family. I could not bear the pain of watching another of my daughter's go out with a man that could be like I was."

Patty and Stephano came down via the elevator and stepped off.

Bonnie said to her husband, "Tough shit Brad, get on the elevator, I'm getting pregnant tonight, just like you wanted."

"I'm going to become a eunuch after tonight."

Patty said, "I will do it for free."

"You bitch, you started this. You are going to make me suffer for the rest of my life."

"Brad, did I tell you I needed something built on the property, underground."

Bonnie grabbed him by the neck and put him on the elevator. Stephano released the drag break, and as it started to rise, Brad said, "I am not going to do it. I will not do it. Nothing on this earth could make me do it. Do you understand what I'm saying, I am not building you anything anymore."

Patty opened Timeless' stall and scratched her behind her left ear. She said to her, "Timeless, minivan baby, minivan."

Brad yelled, "No, you wouldn't do that to me. Not again, my Corvette was never the same after that horse shit on it. Patty stop that horse right now. It's brand-new, I'll never get the smell out of it."

"Brad, I believe we were discussing building something underground."

"I'll burn the car and buy a new one before I build you anything else."

Bonnie smacked his head and said, "DO YOU WANT TO BET?"

Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father



Chapter 29

THE END: This really is THE END

I want to thank you all for sticking with me through this story. I had a clear vision of where I wanted it to go at the beginning of the story, but as it progressed it took on a life of its own. Many readers as for changes or additions to characters who were part of this undertaking. I had envisioned this to be a 10 to 12 chapter story. 29 chapters was nowhere in my mind. The ratings you gave me throughout this endeavor were heartwarming, and gave me the will to continue writing it. I acknowledge the ending is a little choppy, but if I had not done it this way, you would be reading chapter 40 in about 5 months. One final note, my editor has asked me to develop another 50 pages of my novel before she presents it to a publisher. She believes it is a worthy effort and wants me to bring in more female characters. I know she believes in this story, because she has not asked for more money to continue doing her job. I will be taking a break from writing for this venue until those 50 pages are written and submitted. Thank you very much for your support and acknowledgment and hopefully I will be back online by August. Prolonged_Debut10

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It's been six years since last chapter... and the 'author' stated it may go to a publisher... I seriously doubt that... if he did, under the same title or a different one... Checked both Amazon and Goodreads... all books with titles or similar are all, primarily about abuse or religious in nature.... Nothing about the Mob... However, I remember a pulp book series from the 70's, now out of print I believe, that had a similar theme... That and this are extremely close in story and plot... way too close.This has more sex... So, I be concerned that this may be plagiarized.. not saying it is for sure... but the similarities are way to coincidental...

also, I have read many stories on here that are plagiarized from other works... in most cases, names, dates, places etc are changed. I know of two stories for sure... One, I wrote years ago, and I found another that was a direct rewrite of mine... and, another story I found I wrote that I published in part on another site. And, two people, perhaps one with two profiles, stole the first 10 chapters of my book I published on Amazon over 5 years ago!

I suspect this story is a ripoff of another... reader beware!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wait...you had an editor????

This whole story was full of spelling mistakes, syntax errors, confusing he for she and getting names wrong, using the word two instead of to on multiple occasions..I could go on but my point is this, fire the idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I agree with the comments about the Patty/Fred storylines. I couldn’t stand the Fred character & skipped over his parts of the story. It made no sense to put a completely different storyline in there.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

To Anonymous 4/08/17

I appreciate your comment regarding the terrible misuse of English grammar making the reading and understanding of this story very difficult.

However, the impact of your critique suffers greatly when you diminish the efficacy of your comments with an obvious typo (or possible spelling error).

Eye aint never dun mush gude in ritin reedin sos'n uther peeps cud unnerstan whut i's

triin ter say.

so pleez scuse me fer tryin.


de Jay


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Thank you for the story

My beef with story was that it could've been told in half the time. You didn't need to expand the cast to such a large amount because the characters didn't feel like they had a personality. I think if it's possible you should separate the parts of the story that involve any one other than the original cast from first two or three chapters and cut them out. The story was meant to be a revenge tale against the mob and more specifically Bruno Valentino. After that was resolved, it seemed like the you were struggling for more conflict and everything became more convuluted, disorienting and boring. The dialogue was the best part especially between Patty and Steph. All the characters were witty, which actually became ofc putting since they were was a lack of diversity in personality. Again I implore you to try and seperate the story into just 'hacker girl takes down the mob' like it says in the 29 chapter descriptions. The way I thought the story would flow was: Patty attempts to get close to the valentines -> Patty and Steph fall for another -> things come to a head with Bruno -> patty and Stepheno need to resolve things -> the rest of the mob families conspire against our two protagonists. The original cast was great, Alan, Susan, Sergeant, etc. then you added Fred and whole slew of other characters that didn't make the story any richer, just more frustrating to follow. Again I think your original cast was great and the story had me enthralled for the first 6-7 chapters and you should go at it from there. Best of luck and I'll enjoy reading some of your other works.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Patty or Fred

This is supposed to be a story of Patty getting revenge on Bruno. Why is 25 percent of the story about Fred and his slut family. His part could have been covered in a few paragraphs. Every time you went to Fred you stopped the story of Patty. You are trying to tell two completely independent stories as one. If you really want to be a writer, try telling one complete story at a time. Instead of combining two stories, flesh out your characters more and increase their interactions. This will increase a readers enjoyment in your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Please believe me when I say, this comment is made in the hope of improving your work and indeed all other American authors. Your editor is letting you down with tiny slips that make a world of difference to your readers. Firstly, is there a case for producing an edition in UK english; I accept that Americans tend tend to spell how it sounds ie labor instead of labour, fiber for fibre, but this produces laughter in the wrong places and for the wrong reasons. I freely admit I find the stories contain too much sex, of the wrong type, but this is a personal matter and I try not to let it cloud my judgement. Secondly there are all too many cases of dislexia slipping through, which should be picked up by an editor long before it sees print..Lastly may I say how much I admire anyone who has the courage to write any form of story, the ability to pesuade others minds to relax their grip on reality and expand their horizons is a gift from the gods, I envy you. John Moseley ( Engand )

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Proof read your stories

I know you wrote this sometime ago, but good greif !!!! Their there we're were .... Etc it makes the story hard to read. I have read all your stories and I understand why no publishers are interested

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 8 years ago
I finally made it through the whole story. First time I read it I did not prevail fully.

The humor was hilarious, a little brief toward the middle but later picked up again. Thank you for writing this story and I will try to read your book when it comes out. I have been reading fact and fiction (mostly the latter) for about 70 years. Murder, revenge and sex are my main interests. Thank you again.

tomscardstomscardsalmost 9 years ago
at least needs 7 stars

I just finished reading these 4 sets of stories for a second time.

I picked up some things this time i did not catch the first one.

It was almost a marathon. started on June 20, and finished on july 2nd.

Good thing i am retired. Would of missed a lot of work.

I am now waiting on the next one of There Must Be Some Mistake.

Good luck in the hospital. Still have you in my thoughts and prayers.

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