Hot Tub Work Retreat Pt. 01

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Four sex-starved colleagues explore their desires together.
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Synopsis: Aimee, Andre, Jake and Liv all work for a small graphic design startup in northern California. The company's CEO, Pete, arranged for the five of them to enjoy a weekend at a hot springs spa resort a few hours down the coast as a nontraditional kind of bonus after the team delivered a big project. Only, the day before the trip, Pete decided to go on a sailing trip instead. So now, 31-year-old COO Aimee is driving them all down for a three-day weekend.



Andre pressed his temple to the back seat of his boss's Volvo and let out a long breath, willing his heart to slow down so that he could try and catch some sleep. He scanned the rolling brown hills of coastal central California, eyes darting back and forth until they settled on a skinny stretch of beach. He squeezed his eyes shut.

Somewhere on that beach, there could be a woman sunbathing face-down with her bikini untied, and she could sit up, letting her tits bounce free, and...

He opened his eyes with a sharp inhale as he felt some heat stirring in the base of his cock. Shake it off. Not what we're here for. The problem was, things didn't get easier with his eyes open. His eyes rested on Aimee's honey-colored curls spilling over the side of the driver's seat headrest, and he squirmed against his seat belt. In the year he'd been working with Aimee -- for Aimee? -- he'd never quite been able to relax around her. She was orderly, precise, confident. Self-possessed. Cool under pressure. From Andre's first day -- his first real job after college -- it seemed like she'd been running the company for a decade. And in truth, she really was the one running it, even if her title was second-in-command. She was the one they could all trust, who made them feel valuable and motivated and sane when Pete, the CEO, was off in his own world.

All Andre ever wanted was to impress Aimee. And, lately...maybe something more. His gaze traveled down to her shoulder, hugged by a thin gray top that exposed a beige cotton bra strap running alongside her neck. One pale, freckled arm rested on the top of the steering wheel, gripped by short fingers with peach-colored nails.

He closed his eyes again. What did the rest of the bra look like? Did it clasp in the front, or the back? What color were her nipples? What would those fingers look like wrapped around his cock?

Another sharp intake of breath. He had to stop thinking like this. She was his boss, even if she felt more like a cool big sister. A big sister with big, succulent, glorious tits.

Andre twisted his head to the right to drink in the sight of Liv and her ample, yoga pants-clad ass nestled into the back seat while she cozied up against the car window in an uneasy sleep. He studied the outline of her bra under her shirt and settled his gaze on a freckle punctuating the creamy wedge of skin above her hip that peeked out between her waistline and the hem of her top. How many more freckles did she have? What if he could go hunt down every last one?

He shook his head as if he were trying to ward the thoughts away. Fuck, how much longer until they got there? As soon as they got wherever they were going -- a cabin? An AirBnB? A yurt in the woods? -- he needed to rub one out, and badly. He was accustomed to cumming at least once per day at home, but the last few days of nonstop work had him backed up. He couldn't carry on like this. Especially with the thought of what might come next.

Andre gulped.

"It's the most beautiful place, you guys," Pete had told them the last time they had all been together, hours after they had delivered the project. The words hadn't really registered at the time. At the time, Andre and his colleagues could think of nothing but leaving Pete's presence after spending multiple all-nighters on the project he'd committed them to. The last thing any of them wanted to hear about was his latest big idea. But now, in the car, Andre tried to call the words back up.

"A mineral spring. It's where my ex and I went on our last anniversary." Pete had said excitedly. "I think it's going to be exactly what we all need. And what we deserve, after pulling this one out.

"Pack a swimsuit."

A swimsuit. As in, the thing that, by definition, leaves at least half your body exposed to the air and the water. Exposed to eyes. And it wouldn't just be his body. Their bodies.

Andre was jolted out of his trance when he heard Aimee clear her throat in the driver's seat.

"Ooookay, time to wake up everybody, we're almost there," Aimee chirped.

A deep groan bellowed from the front seat as Jake's hairy arm stretched over the center console. Next to Andre, Liv blinked awake and smoothed out the lock of her short black hair that had been mussed up against the window.

"Everyone get a good nap in?" Aimee crooned.

Despite his best efforts, every part of Andre was awake. Especially six-and-a-quarter very specific inches of him. That was the problem. He squirmed and tried to subtly guide his cock between his thighs. But there was Liv, sitting inches from him, sitting in the presence of his steely erection without even knowing it. He forced his eyes closed again, but he couldn't help thinking:

What if she saw it?


Aimee heaped her duffle onto the oak-frame bed that would be hers for the next three nights and plopped down at the end of the mattress. Exhausted, she threw her body back and stared at the dark wood beams propping up the ceiling.

Christ, at least she had her own room.

Like the rest of her small team, Aimee had little idea what to expect -- just a slapdash text chain and a forwarded email confirmation from Pete.

Head pressed against the mattress, eyes still buzzing from the drive, Aimee let out an exasperated chuckle and rubbed a palm over her face. She didn't know what was more quintessentially Pete: that the CEO had booked the entire team for a long weekend at this spa resort in the middle of nowhere, or that he decided the morning of their departure that he had something better to do.

"Hey A. Just found out my buddy's in town. Gonna go on his yacht this weekend. You're in charge now, have fun at the spa. U guys will love it 🤙"

Aimee had stared at the text, starting to type out at least four responses before she rolled her eyes, pinged a thumbs-up emoji and tossed her phone in her packed bag. Same old story: Pete came up with the kookie idea and then disappeared before it was time to take action, leaving Aimee to pick up the pieces. The consolation was that this time, "take action" meant "veg out for three days at a spa that's been booked and paid for by the company."

She couldn't lie to herself: she was excited. Lord knows all four of them could use a break, especially her. And it would be a nice bonding opportunity for the group, especially with Pete out of the picture for a few days so everyone could relax a bit. Aimee had gotten close over the last few months with Jake, Andre and Liv -- her minions, she jokingly called them -- through late nights and daily mini-crises as they struggled to deliver on the grandiose projects that Pete had queued up for them. They were good people, and she relished the opportunity to spend time with them that wasn't the mild trauma-bonding that came from being overworked.

But there's bonding, and then there's...bonding. Aimee sat back up on the bed and peered out her window at the wooded campus outside as butterflies rushed in to join the excited feeling in her gut.

"Pack a swimsuit," Pete had said.

Aimee unzipped her duffle and reached inside, pulling out her black one-piece with a nervous groan. It was the most conservative swimsuit she had, with just a little opening above the belly button and a little bow in the front. It would still show plenty more of her tits than her coworkers had ever seen before.

Aimee swiveled her neck and surveyed the small bedroom. A stately wooden dresser and a full-length mirror leaning on the wall beside it. Well, there's one thing I don't have at home. She peeled off her gray tee, grabbed the swimsuit, and walked up to the mirror.

"Okay...okay," Aimee said as she locked eyes with herself. It was her little mantra, trying to fool her brain into thinking everything around her was under control.

She moved her hands over her belly, pinching a little piece of cellulite near her hip. Bodies are normal, bodies are neutral. Another mantra, brought to her by years of therapy and hundreds of hours trawling online health forums. Some weight gain in your early thirties is normal. Bodies are normal. Mine is normal. It's just a body.

A body that her three colleagues, including a married man and two twentysomethings, were about to get more than a few looks at. Aimee popped off the bra and let out a sigh as her tits spilled out and took a few wobbles before settling lazily over her chest. She swore they seemed a little larger and a little lower every time she saw them.

They're just boobs. It's just a body.

A slow electric charge spread across her chest as the cool air hit her nipples, and she held the swimsuit against her chest. The tingle traveled down her abdomen as she thought about Jake and Andre, with this fabric the only barrier between her body and theirs. Just bodies. Strong, masculine bodies. Shirtless and wet.

Fuck. Speaking of wet. Aimee dug into her duffle until her hand found the comforting hilt of her magic wand. She didn't know how she had ever survived without this toy, a 30th birthday present to herself that had since become her best friend and daily companion.

She lay back on the bed, clicked to the highest setting and swooned as she closed her eyes, settled the wand over her vulva and let the waves of pleasure submerge her.


"So, what exactly are we supposed to do here for three days?" Liv asked as she twirled her fork through her bowl of spaghetti. "Nature hikes? Team building exercises?"

"Well, apparently there are some hiking and biking trails around here..." Aimee was trying her best to keep a positive tone as she folded open the map she had gotten from the front desk concierge.

Andre looked over Aimee's shoulder at the steady trickle of rain lapping against the window of the resort restaurant, an upscale but rustic little spot. "Not much chance of that, if this weather keeps up," Andre said as he turned his eyes back down to the roast chicken on this plate. The food here wasn't bad, at least.

Plus, he felt like he finally had his mind back, after he was able to run into the bedroom of his and Jake's cabin and make himself cum within a couple dozen strokes. The moment all that animal desire came gushing out of him, reality flooded in, and he found himself asking the same question that Liv had just landed on. What were they supposed to do all day?

"Well, we have massages booked for tomorrow, and a complementary soak in the mineral tubs right before that," Aimee offered. "Other than that...I don't know. The assignment here is just to relax, I think. We can do that however we want."

"Sounds like a good time to me," Jake leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, as he stretched his neck from side to side. "I can't remember the last time I had a massage."

"Me either," Aimee sighed. "So yeah, if it keeps raining I guess it's, eat, sleep and sit around in the mineral baths. I think that's kind of their main thing here."

Soak. Baths. Together? By ourselves? Where? Andre's head was spinning. The images evoked a flurry of feelings, and none of them were relaxing.

"Hold on a second," Andre spoke up. "I mean, I don't want to dump on a free resort stay. I'm game. But if the baths and pools and all that are the main thing here..." He trailed off.

Andre swallowed the lump in his throat. "Pete said, 'bring a swimsuit.' One." His eyes darted around to gauge their reactions. Jake was stone-faced. Aimee cocked her head to the side to try and understand. Liv's eyes widened as his point started to sink in.

"So like..." Andre looked down and paused. He didn't know where to go with this. "Is...there laundry on-site?"

"Oh, no!" Liv chuckled, her gray-green eyes lighting up into a giddy squint. "Yeah, wearing the same suit multiple days in a row is no bueno. That's a ticket to chafe city."

They all laughed. Thank God for Liv's reliable ability to break the tension.

"So, I was reading the rules. Of all the mineral springs and everything," Jake said. "They say you have to wear a suit in the public pools. But the cabin hot tubs are clothing-optional. So, there's that."

Andre's eyes shot over to Jake. The words "clothing-optional" sent a jolt down his spine. But it was the other words that caught Liv's attention.

"Cabin hot tubs??" she snapped back as her eyebrows shot up. "Like, each cabin has its own tub?"

Aimee grimaced. "Some of them do. Not ours."

Liv deflated at the answer.

"Ours does," Jake said. "I tested it out earlier when Andre was in his room. It has jets, temp controls, the whole thing."

Everyone sat in silence for a beat as they put the pieces together in their heads. Andre's brain felt like it was short-circuiting as a hundred images flashed behind his eyes. Liv and Aimee, naked, hot tub, tits out. Floating, rubbing, jiggling, touching, bouncing. Andre and Jake sitting up on the ledge of the tub while Aimee and Liv swam up to them, taking turns sucking on their hard, slippery wet cocks.

Andre found himself staring at each of the women's mouths. Aimee's thin, pink lips and full, rosy alabaster cheeks. Liv's thicker, redder lips and freckled half-Asian complexion, with a tiny gap between her front teeth. He thought about how many blowjobs they had each given in their lives. When was the last time? When would be their next time? What was their sucking technique? Did they like doing it?

"Nice!" Liv finally said, breaking the silence and snapping Andre out of his sexy daydream. "Should we take it for a spin after dinner?"


Jake hauled the cover off the jacuzzi with a grunt, and a plume of steam rose into the evening air on the back deck of the boys' cabin. It was easily big enough to fit four comfortably, Aimee judged after sizing up the machine.

Of course. Of course Pete had arranged for the guys' cabin to have a tub, and hadn't given a thought to Aimee and Liv's. His idea was probably for them to all use this one.

They all stared at the massive tub, all still wearing their clothes from dinner.

"Pretty nice," Jake said, running his hand along the surface of the water. He pushed a button on the rim, drawing an electronic chirp as a chorus of jets roared to life.

"Hooly shit!" Liv drew closer. "I gotta get in this thing. I don't care if I wear out my bathing suit."

Aimee studied Andre's face. He was expressionless, looking almost listless, and taking shallow breaths. Like his head was somewhere else. Of everyone in the group, Aimee was most nervous for how Andre would take this whole bizarre situation. He was 23 -- a baby, as far as she was concerned, and the youngest in the group.

"Are you guys comfortable letting us use the tub sometimes?" Aimee smiled weakly, looking straight at Andre. She felt oddly protective of him, and desperately wanted to make sure he didn't feel uncomfortable. "If you want, we could take turns using it."

The words felt spikey coming out. She couldn't lie: she wanted to soak in this tub. Needed it. Especially after seeing all those jets. She imagined how good they would feel on her back. And how delicious they would feel...elsewhere.

"No, don't be silly," Jake immediately answered. "This is for all of us. I'm sure Pete would want us to spend the time together."

The name drew a chuckle from everyone. At least they wouldn't all have to share a tub with Pete, Aimee thought. Still, there were some funky dynamics at play here. Aimee was technically their superior, even if they'd all long since stopped acting like it. There were all kinds of ways this could get weird.

"Speaking of Pete, there's one last gift he left for us," Aimee said. "Hold on, I'll be right back."

She darted down the deck stairs and made for her car, casting her head up at the overcast evening sky. She didn't want to think about what might happen next. Didn't want to think at all.

Aimee popped open her trunk and stood for a moment as the twin cases of beer and wine peeled into view. This would be good, she told herself. Good for her. Good for all of them.

She sucked in a big gulp of misty air. Time to relax now. Time to stop being the boss. Time to let everyone have the vacation they deserve. Time, apparently, to share a hot tub with two shirtless men.

Fuck. She needed to masturbate again. She shouldn't keep being so surprised: the days were getting more and more common when she found herself needing to satisfy herself at least twice a day. Especially since she'd stopped seeing Mark a few months back.

She also knew she didn't have time right now. What was she supposed to say? "Sorry guys, I'll join you later. The thought of being half-naked in the presence of your exposed bodies made me need to grind an industrial-strength vibrator into my clit until I see stars."

She wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead, grabbed the case of beer with both hands and headed back to the boys' cabin.


"Okay," Andre hummed, legs floating up near the surface of the water as the jets pounded against his back. "This is pretty great."

He meant it. Andre could feel his muscles unclenching inside the loving warmth of the jacuzzi, as a particularly powerful jet pounded a knot in his right rhomboid.

"Mmmmmhmm," Jake responded, clearly being transported somewhere himself. The two guys had wasted no time changing into their suits and hopping into the tub. Each had a bottle of beer propped up on the ledge, another welcome addition to what was suddenly turning out to be a luxurious trip.

Andre grabbed the neck of his beer bottle and held it out toward Jake. "To Pete," he said with a dramatic flourish. He meant that, too -- for all the hell his boss had put him through, for all the man's bad ideas, Andre couldn't fault the man for his genuine appreciation for his employees. He also couldn't feel a little grateful for Pete's greatest contribution to the trip: his absence.

Jake let out a snort. "To Pete," he sighed.

Both men started to lean back again when they heard a light knock on the porch door. Aimee. This was it. This was the moment.

Andre shot his eyes to the door without moving his head, trying not to seem too eager. Aimee pushed the screen door open, tentatively looking around as if to judge if she were safe. She had a towel wrapped around her chest, as did Liv, following right behind.

Andre studied their naked arms, then their flip flop-clad feet. Aimee had short, stubby toes with peach nail polish to match her fingers. Liv's feet were more slender, with high arches and freckled toes with no polish.

"Welcome," Andre called out, forcing his eyes closed as he leaned back again.

"Glad to see you two enjoying yourselves," Aimee said, turning around to unscrew a bottle of wine while using her forearms to keep her towel pressed against her chest.

Liv, meanwhile, walked to the other side of the tub, sandals slapping against the tile floor.

"I have an idea that might make this a little less weird," Liv said, slipping her sandals off her feet. She reached for the wall in front of her, and with a click, the deck plunged into darkness. After a moment, their eyes adjusted and the radiant glow of light from inside the house made silhouettes of every shape. "Is this OK, everyone?"

"Yeah actually, that's nice," Jake said.

"Yeah," Andre agreed. It was nice...but he cursed silently at the realization that he wouldn't be able to see as much of the women's bodies.

Liv opened her towel and set it down, revealing what looked like some kind of spotted bikini. He could never quite tell how large her breasts were -- sometimes they looked like substantial mounds under her bra, sometimes smaller and perky -- but in the split-second she turned in profile, he guessed they were healthy B cups. Liv stuck out a wiggly toe and dipped it into the water, sucking in through her teeth at the heat. Slowly, with just enough time for Andre to register the shape of her slender leg, she slipped into the tub and relaxed back into one of the benches of the jacuzzi.