How Much?

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It appeared the price was right.
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Nobody gets rich driving a truck, it seems. Ask me how I know.

Still, I made the run down the coast, did an overnight before the long run to the east coast with a double. Then overnight, up the next day unless there was a wait for the next load, then back to the west coast.

It takes about 10-12 days normally and no real set schedule. Sometimes I can make up time in the midwest, my biggest ticket so far is 88 MPH. I would have been going faster if my rig would, to be honest. I was 20 hours down on that trip.

I learned my lesson after a few of those, though.

My wife Debra took all of that in stride, in the early part of our marriage she would be ready and waiting and we made love all over the house for a few hours. Our house was always neat as a pin, hell, there wasn't even any piles of laundry anywhere, no dirty dishes, I couldn't even find any dust.

I guess you would have to call me content.

Debra mentioned once that she got bored being all alone for so many days at a time, I jokingly jested that she get a boyfriend.

I expected to hear instant rejection of that idea but there was hesitation before she told me she could never do anything like that.

Then she surprised me by asking me if I ever had any "outlets", as she put it, while I was on the road.

My mind flashed to Maria, the cute little thing at the loading dock in LA. I had asked her to dinner several months back and she agreed, one thing led to another and...well, you can figure out that part of the story.

I never was worth a shit at trying to lie and Debra knew me well enough to see right through my expressions, so I didn't even try to. I just told her about Maria.

Debra didn't ask me about any more so I didn't mention Carol, the waitress at the coffee shop back east.

The truth is there was a couple of others here and there along the way, all free and for fun except one that asked for a $50 bill first.

That one was worth one heck of a lot more than $50, but she was in fucking Idaho. That's how I got 20 hours down on that one trip, too.

Debra just nodded, I think she already knew anyway. I told her I understood and if she wanted to "do something" as I put it I didn't really mind that much, I just wanted to know about it.

I didn't figure she would, and she vigorously insisted she never could so we both let it drop.

I should have figured that it was odd that she didn't throw a screaming fit, she didn't. Everything stayed perfectly normal. House neat as a pin, everything taken care of, and ready to fuck like a mink the minute I walked in the door.

Life was pretty much every bit of all right, it seemed.

About the only thing I noticed is all of a sudden she got into a candy company's toys, trinkits, little fat plastic things with faces and arms, dispensors, if you can name it she had one. They were everywhere in the house, after a few trips I actually noticed and asked her about them.

"It's just my hobby, collecting those." Debra told me.

"Oh." I said, and dismissed that. We had a computor over in the corner, I even had an email address but I seldom looked at it. I didn't need any Viagra or Rolex watches anyway. And I sure as hell wasn't going to send the shipping cost for the 10 tons of Gold some Nigerian had tucked away in his basement his government didn't know about.

I actually did email the motherfucker back, told him I had my own fucking truck and would haul it for free. Funny thing, he didn't answer me.

I didn't figure Debra was spending much money on those things anyway, they were all just pieces of plastic shit.

Then it was time for vacations, most of the time Debra and I went camping, something we could afford. Most of those trips we just sat around the camp or screwed in the tent, that was fun. I even went fishing once, caught a funny looking brown thing that a guy nearby told me was good to eat. I tried to skin it but ended up with one of it's spines stuck in my hand.

Fuck that, I gave up fishing.

Then that last trip we went to Reno. Debra had talked me into that because some collector club she was part of was having a convention there.

She went to some meetings but that bored the life out of me so I wandered around looking at everything. Mostly the cocktail waitresses, my god they all had lots of boob showing.

I was playing some silly 25 cent slot machine and actually hit it for $150. I was high as a kite at that until I figured out after we got home that it cost me $250 to win the $150.

It's hard to do much math when a person is drunk, those waitresses in the black gowns with their titties sticking out the top just kept bringing drinks.

Debra and I were having a pretty good time. She even found one of those candy toy trinkets in a shop, bought it for $30 which floored me. It was just a piece of fucking plastic. Then I remembered answering the door at home to a snotty delivery driver bringing those things. There seemed to be no end to them, too.

$30.00...???? Good Lord, Debra must have 300 of them!

But I put that out of my mind, I wanted to go play that 25 cent machine some more, that was fun listening to the thing go "dingdingdingding" as it racked up 600 quarters. It had those double and triple pay things on it too, and if I could just get two of them lined up......

After dropping $40 with no success I went looking for Debra, I wanted to get something to eat. I spotted her talking to some guy between some machines, I was on one row and she was on the next row over. It was a bit hard to hear with all the racket, I don't know why those places have a half dozen songs playing at once but they do, bells everywhere.

I stopped and listened when I heard the guy say "How does 5 sound?" and Debra just giggled. Then they turned and headed off down the row as I hurried down the line to get to the other side. They were gone by the time I got there, I headed off after them and saw them go into an elevator on the other side of the casino. I was way too late to catch up, so I watched the light.

It stopped several times on the way up, then at the 16th floor it started back down, arriving empty. I had no idea which floor she had gotten off on, so I had nothing to do but wait. I wandered off and found a 5 times pay quarter machine that was sitting where I could see the elevators.

It was two hours and $200 later when she came back down alone, I was fit to be tied.

"Where did you go?" I demanded.

"Oh, I ran into a collector that likes the bigger pieces." She said, smiling at me. She did have that silly bracelet with all of the candy toy danglies on it, so I guess that made sense.

"But why go with him?" I was still suspicious.

"Oh, he had some of the really expensive ones that I can't afford, I wanted to see them."

"Oh. Ok. Let's go eat."

We were back home and everything seemed normal, then about a month later when I left for the yard to pick up my rig, it was sitting there with the hood up.

"She dropped a rod." The mechanic told me. I listened, it was running but making a loud clanking noise.

"They are bringing in another rig, but it will be tomorrow, everything else is out."

"Why not bring in another carrier?" I asked.

"No rush on this one, cheaper to wait. Plus trucks are short anyway."

So I was all done, what the heck, I got in my pickup and went home.

The minute I walked in I knew, I stepped over to where I could see them. Debra was on her hands and knees and that snotty delivery driver I didn't like was hosing her pretty good.

Right smack dab in the middle of my living room carpet.

There was a bit of a fuss, let me tell you. The delivery driver lost his sneer, and Debra and I split the sheets.

There was quite a long period where I just went to work and drove, my mind blank because if I got to thinking I got upset. My house seemed empty when I was at home, I had actually gotten used to those damn toy trinkits.

I never got used to doing my own laundry, it didn't take very long and I had piles here and there. Every once in awhile I just stuffed it all in garbage bags and went and bought some new stuff.

Now I probably have to say I wasn't really crazy in love with Debra. I just liked her, plus she really was fun. I missed her when I was home but I didn't miss her at all on the road.

At least that was what I told myself. Then one day I sat down at the computor and spotted the bookmark for one of those online auctions sites. I started poking around there, curious I looked at some of the trinkits. I saw one that I had never seen before, so just fucking around I set up an account and posted a bid. I called myself "bigdog" with some numbers behind that because when I tried for "bigdog" there was already a dozen or so named similar to that.

What the fuck, 99 cents, I could afford that. A few hours later I turned the thing back on to check out some porno sites I had discovered, there was an email telling me I had been outbid.

Just fuck! I went in and looked, the damned thing was up to $6.00 and somebody called "DDgirl" with a bunch of numbers behind that was ahead. I bid $10.00, that should fix that.

It wasn't an hour later and I was beaten again.

Now I was pissed off. I went up, ddgirl went up. I started to hesitate at one bid, it was $95.00, but I clicked and sent it.

We were down to under 5 minutes left, we went back and forth. By then I had discovered the proxy thing so I posted a bid that would choke a fucking horse, then the screen loaded and I had won.

For $475.00 fucking dollars! I must have been out of my fucking mind!

I was thinking that maybe I just wouldn't pay for the thing, whoever was selling it could always sell it to someone else.

But I never did have it in me to not keep my word, something my dad had instilled in me as a boy with his big leather marine belt.

Sighing, I wrote the check when the bill came in, I was licking the envelope when I heard the email ding.

"Hi, bigdog, I see you like to collect too? Want to sell that? ddgirl."

I kinda did.

"Maybe, make me an offer." I fired back.

"I have LOTS to offer, big guy." came the response with lots of smiley faces.

Now what the hell had I run into? I wondered.

"K..tell me more." I sent.

The next email had a photo, I could see why she called herself "ddgirl." She had nipples the size of half dollars. This was new and kinda fun.

After a few emails back and forth I found out she lived less than 50 miles away, one thing led to another and she agreed to meet me. But I had to make my run with my truck so I set that up for when I got back. I was reasonably sure it wouldn't pan out but what the hell, worth a shot.

I drove close to 6000 miles thinking of almost nothing but those emails, those photos. The day I got back I was relaxing, nursing a beer when someone knocked on the door. I opened it to that same snotty delivery driver I had caught with Debra way back. He looked mildly distressed but I just signed for the box and shut the door.

I opened it, the thing looked just like the photo, it was yellow with arms and had a silly hat, if the arms were worked it dispensed candy.

There was even some candy inside it, I ate those.

Cute little piece of crap but $475.00??? Plus shipping? I sighed, went and opened my emails. There must have been a dozen, all from ddgirl.

I clicked on one and sent, telling her I was back in town. She must have been living on the damn computor because I got an answer almost before I could get my hand off the keyboard.

"Come on over." she said, sending the address again.

What the fuck. I was horny and this gal had made it obvious as hell I was going to get some in exchange for the toy. I showered and shaved, brushed my teeth, then got in my pickup and drove the 50 miles to the address.

I knocked on the door, it opened to a slightly chubby little blonde with a set of boobs that would make anybody drool.

"Bigdog...Dan?" She smiled at me.

"Yea, you are Kathy, right?"

"I sure am. Is that it?" She looked down at the box I had in my hands.

"Well, come on in!" She stood aside, I stepped in. The room was filled with those fucking trinkits, toys, everywhere. I handed her the box, she opened it and looked.

"Oh, goodie! The last one in the series!" She exclaimed, looking happy as hell. Then she set it down on her table, turned to me.

"I think I am going to like this, you are cute!" She said, stepping up to me and sliding her fingers in between the buttons on my shirt.

I had her blouse off in about 10 seconds, my face buried in that set of titties that were no doubt the ones she had sent me a photo of. Then somehow were in her bedroom and I had my face between her legs, she was already bucking her hips up and down. I climbed up on top of her and jammed my cock inside, barely managing to get a condom on. It slid in with almost no effort. If this gal was just a hooker she was one damned good hooker.

Somewhere far away I heard a sound, but I was so involved with fucking Kathy I didn't respond. Then I heard a woman's voice.

"Oh! Sorry, Kathy, I didn't know you had someone over."

The voice sounded familiar but I was distracted right then. I stopped, but the person had already left and shut the door when I looked over my shoulder.

I went right back to fucking Kathy.

"My roommate, it's OK. We surprised her, we don't do this here very much." She whispered, still lifting her hips to meet each thrust I made.

I did my best to last as long as I could, finally there was no longer any way I could and we shuddered together. I lay there on top of her for quite a long time.

I rolled over and we lay in each other's arms.

"That was fun! Hell, I would almost do you for free." She murmered, snuggling her face against my neck. Then she got up and went into the bathroom to clean up, I waited a few minutes and joined her. She used a damp washcloth to clean me off, then we went in and dressed.

"Come on in and meet my roommate." Kathy said. I followed her in, took one look and came to a stop.



Debra started laughing, she went into total hysterics. Kathy was looking at Debra, then at me.

"What's so funny?"

"This is my ex-husband!" Debra managed to say.

"Oh. Oh my god!" Kathy exclaimed.

"Don't worry, it's OK. This is funny as hell, I never dreamed..."

She looked at me.

"You are bigdog?" She said, still laughing.

"Uhh..yea." I nodded.

"Well, I guess you are a pretty big...But buying toys?" She went into another round of hysterics.

We finally all calmed down, I sat on the couch next to Kathy. I know this sounds strange but it really is pretty easy to talk with someone a person has lived with for years, Debra and I did that almost like I was with her instead of just spending a good half hour fucking her roommate.

She told me how she and Kathy had met at one of the conventions, one thing led to another. They both were really into the toys, plus they could make a pretty good income at the conventions.

My ears picked up at that.

"You make money off those things?" I asked her.

"Well....sort of." Debra and Kathy looked at each other and laughed.

"We might as well tell him, Dan is pretty smart and will figure it out anyway." She grinned Kathy, then at me.

"Guys. They go to the conventions, we make money. Get it? Their wives are off buying and swapping toys, the guys keep busy"

She looked at Kathy, they both laughed again.

"Hookers?" I said.

"Yes, I guess you could call it that." She looked at me intently, checking my reaction.

My mind flashed back to the incident at the casino, I started to open my mouth to ask but she read me like a book.

"Yea. That was $500.00."

"Five hundred? Guys actually pay $500.00 to fuck you?" I blurted out.

"You just did...for Kathy." She said.

I guess I did.

"Just so you can afford to buy those silly toys?" I asked.

"Well, that and..other things. Come look out the window."

I got up to go look, there was a late model Cadillac sitting outside.

"That's ours." She smiled at me.

I grinned at Debra, I was feeling a bit randy again.

"So. How much are you?" I asked her.

"For you, Dan? Half price." Debra smiled sweetly at me.

"How much is that?" I asked.


I blinked at that. Hell, I had had my cock stuck in her no less than thousands of times, but I was thinking of getting me some more of that.

"But you and I have...." Was as far as I got.

"$250.00, Dan."

"Maybe after dinner and drinks?"

They both roared with laughter at that. I shrugged and left.

I thought about that all the way home. Maybe I would see if I could win some more toys.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Kolejny mamisynek i rogacz pisze swoją fantazje. To nie wina ludzi ze są chorzy. 1

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It is sad to see so many writers are cuckold wanna be’s. Lit needs a cuck category.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He is very calm for just finding out what a sucker he was all of those years. She risked giving him all kinds of disease and he actually just thinks of doing her for money?

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 3 years ago

Cute, but not a life I would want.

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