How We All Became One Family


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Tim got up from his knee, took the ring out, set the case on the counter, took Tammy's left hand, placed the ring on her finger then said, "yes this is happening for as long as you'll have me."

Tammy couldn't stop crying and saying, "oh my god, I was so scared, oh my god, Tim I love you so much, this is so amazing, oh my god." Tammy reach her arms around Tim's neck as he pulled her into a loving embrace. Her head was on his shoulder and he kissed her on the neck just below her ear and whispered, "I love you too." A tear of joy streamed down his cheek.

"Oh my god you two, I'm so happy for you." Beth said, and continued "you'd better take good care of her because I like her." Half crying and laughing.

Tammy backed away half crying and laughing as well and said, "Don't you worry, I know how to handle him." Looking down at her ring and giving it a good look, her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She looked up at Tim, then back down at the ring, then back at Tim, lost for words.

"What's wrong, you don't like it?" Tim asked, then said, "I can get you a different one."

"Oh no, no, no, it's beautiful, I love it, it's just, this must-have cost a fortune." She replied.

"Your love is priceless to me, that's a unique one of a kind just like you," Tim said.

Tammy kissed him again after calming down and her breathing return to normal and said, "You are so amazing, I can't think of anything I'd rather do than spend the rest of my life with you."

Beth chimed in and said, "Who said chivalry is dead." Hugging them both, "I'm so happy for both of you, and welcome to the family young lady"

Tammy hugged Beth back and replied, "Thank you, Mom." And kissed her on the cheek.

A little while later, Tim and Tammy got her stuff together as they all chatted, about everything, making silly plans and joking about. Tammy and Beth hugged and kissed good night as Tim and Tammy walked out to his truck. On the drive to her house, they talked about plans for the upcoming week. He asked her when she wanted to get married, she didn't know and asked him when he wanted to. He just said, "sooner the better for me, but I'm good for whenever you're ready."

They pulled up into her driveway, he got out, walked around the truck, and opened her door for her, she said, "Why thank you, you're such a gentleman."

"Anything for the woman that stole my heart." He replied as he walked her to the door.

Tim opened the door then stepped aside and allowed her to pass and go first. They walked into the living room where her parents were sitting watching a rerun of the Family Feud. Tammy yelled out, "Hi mom, hi dad."

Tammy's mom looked up and replied, "Hey you two, how was your day?"

Tammy's skipped over to where her mom was sitting on the couch, plopped down next to her, and said, "Today was the best day of my life, you'll never guess what happened."

"Wow, I have no clue what happened, how was it your best day ever." Her mom responded.

Tammy lifted her left hand so her mom could see the ring. Her mom grabbed her hand for a better look, her eyes popping out of her head, and blurted out, "Holy shit!" then asked, "Is that what I think it is?"

I looked over smiling at Tammy's dad as I sat down in the chair opposite him, and he winked back at me with a big smile on his face.

"Yep, Tim asked me to marry him and I said yes," Tammy answered.

"Oh my god, this ring is beautiful, and big, it must have cost a fortune." Her mom said still in shock.

Her mom started to get choked up, tears welling up, and said, "My god my baby is getting married. So young, I don't know." Then asked, "are you ready?" with a frightened look.

"Tim makes me feel so good about myself, and mom, I love him." She said.

Then Tammy's mom looked over at her dad and said, "Look at this."

Her dad said, "No need, I already saw it. With a smile.

"Wait, what, you already knew, how did you know?" Tammy's mom asked.

Tammy's dad explained, "Tim stopped by earlier while you girls were out, and he asked me for her hand, he showed me the ring and everything." Then he continued, "I couldn't help but respect him for coming to me first like a man. He's got a good head on his shoulders, and I believe he would do a great job of taking care of our little girl."Tammy's mom sat back, looked at me, and asked me, "Is this what you want?"

"Mrs. Cohen, Your daughter has stolen my heart and makes me want to be a better man every day. There isn't a soul in this universe that I would rather spend the rest of my life with, and as I explained to Mr. Cohen earlier, and by the example of her ring, I have the means to provide Tammy with the life she wants and deserves." I answered.

Mrs. Cohen replied, "That is a beautiful ring." Then asked, "How much was it?"

"I'd rather not say, but I'll tell you, this is a one of a kind ring, there's no other like it, just like your daughter is a one of a kind woman, and you can't put a price on that," I replied.

Mrs. Cohen turned to Mr. Cohen laughing and said, "Oh he's good."

"See mom, isn't he great?" Tammy asked.

"Yes, Tim is a fine young man, I have no reason to think otherwise, and if you feel you're ready, I won't stand in the way of your happiness." Mrs. Cohen replied.

Tammy hugged her mom and screamed, "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, I love you, mom."

"I love you too." Mrs. Cohen replied with a giggle rubbing Tammy's back with a hug. Then asked, "so, when is the wedding, have you set a date?"

"No, we haven't discussed it yet, but I wanted to invite you and Mr. Co, I mean Dad over for dinner on Wednesday or Thursday dinner," Tim replied. Mrs. Cohen looked at Mr. Cohen as if to ask, "Dad?"

He just smiled back without a word. And I continued, "I would like you guys involved in our big day, I mean we're going to be family now."

Mrs. Cohen replied, "Thank you, Tim I think that is very mature of you." Then Tim interrupted her, "Oh, but there is one thing." Tim paused, seeing a confused and concerned look on Mrs. Cohen's face then continued, "I would like to take care of the whole thing."

"Well, that's very nice of you, but you don't have to do that," She replied.

Tim put his hand up as if to say stop, and said, "Mrs. Cohen, I insist, please allow me to do this, I want to take care of the whole thing, it's very important to me."

Mrs. Cohen's flinched back and started becoming flush, then replied, "well, okay, if you insist, but you have to let us do something."

Tim stood up, and said, "There is one thing I do need you to do."

"Anything." Mrs. Cohen replied excitedly.

"I would appreciate it if you and my mom took tammy to pick out her wedding dress, and make sure she has all the accessories to go with it," Tim said.

Mrs. Cohen's eyes welled up as she replied in a choked-up manner, "I believe we can handle that." As tears of joy stream down her cheek.

"Then it's settled, thank you for that," Tim replied clapping his hands and rubbing them together, then continued, "it's getting late and we have school tomorrow." Tim looked at Tammy and asked, "would you like a ride to school with me?"

Tammy stood up, walked over, and replied as she hugged him, "I would love a ride to school, my future husband." Then she giggled and kissed him on the lips.

Tim felt his cock starting to stir and pulled her into a tight bear hug and kissed her back, then said, "great, I'll see you in the morning, have a good night," Kissed her again and said, "I love you."

Tammy giggled, kissing Tim back, and replied, "I love you too." Not wanting to let go.

Both of Tammy's parents were watching and smiling at the two love birds. Mr. Cohen got up and said, "let me walk you out." Tammy let go and sat down next to her mom showing her the ring again.

Tim and Mr. Cohen reach the foyer, and Mr. Cohen, reached up with his left hand and placed it on Tim's right shoulder with a friendly squeeze, and then asked, "Do I need to say it, Tim?"

They could hear the women talking and laughing

"No sir," Tim replied, glancing toward the women then back to Mr. Cohen, then continued, "there is no need, I would never hurt her."

"Good, I'm proud to call you son" He replied, as he hugged Tim.

Hugging Mr. Cohen back, Tim replied, "Thanks, DAD." Let go, turned, and walked out the door, hearing it close behind him.

Driving home, Tim had a million things running through his head. Daydreaming about, what he had to do at school, preparing for dinner with Tammy's parents, graduation, and above all, their wedding. The thought of being married to Tammy gave Tim a surge of energy, slamming his hand on the steering wheel and yelling, "It doesn't get any better than this!" as he pulled into the garage to park.

He walked in through the kitchen, grabbed a glass from the cupboard, and filled it from the water dispenser on the refrigerator. He drank down the whole glass of water, refilled it for a second, drank that down, and then walked over and placed the glass in the sink. He could hear the TV coming from the family room as he started to walk out of the kitchen.

Tim followed the noise from the family room. He saw his mom lying on the couch lounger. The program she was watching was a racy romance, and the couple on the screen was in the middle of making love. Tim look back at his mom, she had a robe on, it was tied in the middle, with the top half pulled open almost showing her tits. Her legs were drawn up wide with her feet flat on the lounger. Her left hand laid across her tummy and her right hand were between her legs, lightly caressing her pussy lips.

As Tim walked over, he kicked off his flip-flops, at the same time, he took his t-shirt off, dropping it on the floor. Then he unbuttons his shorts letting them fall to the floor. His cock was already hard, sticking straight out in front of him as if to guide him to his mother. Tim got closer, he could see his mom was lying there as if she were in a trance, he confirmed she was rubbing her pussy.

"Mom, are you ok?" Tim asked, then continued, "You look tired."

Beth looked up at Tim and replied, "a little bit, but I'm still so horny." Tim was standing at the end of the lounger, looking down at his mom between her legs he watched her lightly caressing her pussy with her fingers. She was rolling her hip up and down as if she were being fuck. Tim knelt on the lounger, crawled up between Beth's legs, and guided his cock into her wet inviting pussy. Beth spread her pussy lips with her fingers inhaling deeply and groaned, "I need this."

Tim propped himself up on his hands on either side of Beth as he sank his cock about halfway into his mom's waiting pussy. Beth breathed in sharply and cooed as she exhaled. Tim pulled his cock about an inch out, then sank it in further as Beth continued to breathe heavy, cooing, and moaning. Then Tim pulled back and sank his cock in feeling her tight wet pussy grip his cock, as if it were sucking him in. He lowered himself down on top of Beth, running his hands under the back of her shoulders, and propping himself up on his elbows to keep most of his weight off of her. Then he started rocking his cock in and out in a steady rhythm, as he leaned his head down catching her lips with his, letting their tongues dance as their moaning escaped through their lips. Tim continued fucking Beth in the same steady rhythm, as he kissed down her right cheek to her neck, giving her soft nibbles and kisses along the way.

As Beth's breath continued to get heavier and faster, she moaned, "God I love your cock, oh, you make me feel so full. aaaah it's deep, so deep, ohh, I want you in me, oh, keep going, please don't stop."

Tim had no intention of stopping. He kissed and nibbled back up her cheek to her lips where they kissed again, then down the other side to her earlobe. He continued sliding his rock-hard cock in and out of Beth's leaking pussy, at the same steady rhythm.

After about twenty-five minutes and Beth's multiple orgasms, her pussy started tightening harder than ever around his cock. He could feel the familiar feeling in his balls starting to tighten up, and he started speeding up and moaning, "Oh my god mom, your pussy is so tight, it feels so good, I'm not going to last much longer." The slapping sound of their body smacking together as Tim was fucking his mom harder and faster.

"Oh, you're fucking me so good, I love it, ahh so deep, keep going." As she spread her legs wider and started rolling her hips up and down, matching his speed.

He couldn't hold back any longer, he propped himself back upon his hands, picking up more speed feeling his mom rocking her hips up slamming up into him as he slammed down into her causing him to go deeper and deeper. He was so deep he could feel her cervix open and suck his cock head in creating so much pressure, that he threw his head back, and with a loud animalistic growl, as his cock started shooting rope after rope of his thick hot cum, deep in her cervix. He dropped back down on top of Beth pulling her closer to him trying to push his cock even deeper.

This put Beth over the final edge, her body tensed up, rolling her hips up, to get his cock deeper, she started shaking as if she were having a seizure feeling Tim's cock so deep, feeling his hot cum splashing the walls inside her pussy, letting out a loud and uncontrollable scream of pleasure.

They stayed locked together in a tight embrace as both were breathing deep and hard as if they had just run a marathon. Keeping his cock buried deep in Beth's pussy, he propped himself back up on his elbows, threw his heavy breathing said, "Sar, sorry if I was crushing you." Looking into her half-closed eyes with concern.

"Oh, no I loved it," Beth said, breathing heavily with a little choking sound. She took a very deep breath and continued, "I love how full your cock makes me feel, I must have had fifty orgasms." Her breathing started to get more normal, her eyes shifting down then back up at the ceiling, and she continued to say, "I love my son's cock." Then looked back into his eyes, "you're the best lover I've ever had, you make me cum so hard, and god I lost count of how many, Jesus, I love you." She said pulling him down, wrapping her arms around him, and kissing him hard on the lips.

His cock was still buried deep in his mom's pussy. Their kissing became more passionate, Tim started rocking his cock again, causing Beth to squeal, "I can't, I can't take anymore right now, please, please, ohh god you feel so good, ohh god, ohh god, but a just can go again right now." Tim withdrew his cock from the depths of Beth's well fucked cunt, causing Beth to have yet another orgasm as she could feel every inch of his cock pulling out of her, moaning, "Oh my god!" and choking back her breath, then exhaled with a loud moan, as he finishes pulling his cock out, her pussy making sucking sounds with copious amounts of his cum followed, oozing out down her ass onto her robe.

Tim leaned back down, his deflating cock pushing against her as he pressed his lips softly to hers, giving light kisses. Their breath returning to normal, Tim said, "We should get to bed, I have school tomorrow."

"Well look at who's being the responsible one." As she stretched her arms up, then down around his neck pulling him back into another tongue-twisting kiss. She could feel Tim's cock starting to get hard again. She pushed him up enough to see his face, and with a look of disbelief, asked, "again, haven't you had enough?"

Tim shrugged his shoulders and replied, "What can I say, you turn me on."

"You're insatiable." Then continued, "I can't believe I allow us to have sex again." With a sound of regret.

"Why, didn't you like it?" Tim asked, with a look and sound of disappointment.

"like, like, oh no, I loved it, the sex was unbelievable." His mom replied.

Tim looked at her confused, and asked, "Then what's the problem?"

"What's the problem? You're engaged now, that's the problem." She answered with a concerned look.

"Oh, yeah, I didn't think of that. I don't think she'll mind." He replied.

Beth chuckled, pushing Tim off her and he stood up, and said, "You don't think she'll mind." Rolling her eyes as she stood up. When she got to her feet, there was a sucking noise coming from between her legs. They both looked down to see a huge glob of his cum on the floor between her feet and followed up her legs to see more sliding down.

"Oh my god! There's so much." She said in disbelief. She reached behind the couch and grabbed the box of tissues that was sitting on the sofa table. Pulled a few tissues out and started wiping the cum from between her legs. When she got most of it, she pulled more tissues from the box and squatted down to wipe the floor, when her pussy made another sucking noise and more dropped onto the floor.

Beth said complaining, "Oh my god, this is so embarrassing, there is so much coming out." She stood back up and with a grin, she shoved the box of tissues at her son, and said, "It's your fault, you clean it up." Stepping out of the way more dropped onto the floor. She cupped her pussy in her hand and said, as she walked to the powder room by the stairs, "Oh my god, I can't believe how much cum there is." Closing the door behind her.

Tim finished cleaning up the mess, walked into the kitchen, and put the tissues in the wastebasket. Walking back toward the stairs, he heard the toilet flush, then the door open, and his mom walked out closing her robe back up.

"I need to get to bed, I'm exhausted," Tim said as he and Beth ascended the stairs. As they approached the top of the stairs, Beth asked, "did you have a date in mind?"

"huh" was Tim's response.

"For the wedding, do you have a date in mind?" Beth clarified the question.

"Oh, ah not really, I invited Tammy's parents over for dinner on Wednesday or Thursday, I figured we all could discuss it together. However, it's really whatever Tammy wants."

They turned toward Tim's bedroom and continued walking and Beth replied, "What a gentleman, but that's a good idea, let's make it Wednesday, sooner the better."

"Okay, oh before I forget, I was hoping you and Mrs. Cohen would take Tammy out and help her find a wedding dress." He replied.

As they enter his bedroom Beth answers, "I'd love to, it'll give us a chance to get to know one another."

Beth untied her robe and let it fall to the floor, then climbed into Tim's bed nude and pulling covers up, looked over to see Tim's confused look on his face, and she said, "What, this might be the last chance I get to sleep in bed with you." As she rolled on her left side facing away from him.

Tim shrugged his shoulders with an okay look and climbed in beg behind her. Lying close to her in a spoon position, he wrapped his arm around her holding her hand and snuggled in tight to her.

Beth said, "this is nice." As she wiggled back in closer to Tim, as if to get more comfortable, feeling his chest against her back. Their heat felt good and made her feel more secure and loved. Then she felt his cock growing harder between her legs, she lifted her head a little bit, but before she could say anything.

Tim whispered, "don't worry, we're not doing anything, he's just got a mind of his own is all."

She giggled and kiss his hand lying her head back down and fell into a deep sleep.

As Tim was coming out of his restful sleep, he and Beth were in the same position that they fell asleep in. Except could feel the head of his morning hardon was already in Beth's pussy and was moving his hips back and forth ever so slightly. His right hand was holding her right breast, he could tell by her breathing she was still asleep.

He started moving his hips back and forth a little more, causing his cock to inch a little deeper with every stroke. He could feel his mom's pussy getting wetter, as he pushed a little deeper with each little thrust. Once he had a little more the half his cock in her pussy, he slid his right hand down and took hold of her hip, giving him leverage to penetrate deeper. Beth started to moan in her sleep, her breath started to get deeper and she started pushing her ass back into Tim, allowing his cock to go deeper. Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter with every stroke of his cock.
