Hypnotizing Nancy Ch. 01


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As she cut up the greens and veggies for the salad, Nancy felt increasingly warm. Why was it so hot in here all of a sudden? It's not like the oven was on or anything. When she had to wipe the glow of perspiration off her brow she knew that she need to do something to cool off. Her shirt. Of course. Why hadn't she thought of that before. If she took off her shirt, she would be perfectly cool. But what about Danny? They were alone in the house and she'd be topless in front of her brother-in-law. Then, remembering that she had already been topless with him, and in pictures no less, she chided herself for her false modesty and stripped her shirt off throwing it over the chair back. The instant it was off, her temperature returned to normal and she felt perfectly comfortable.

Danny could wait no longer. He had to adjust the position of his hard cock so he could walk, before he took the cooked chicken back into the house. What he saw did not disappoint. Nancy's shirt was dangling from the chair back and his sister-in-law was topless at the counter. When she turned to greet him, her full breasts wobbled enticingly.

"Good," she announced. "I wondered what was taking you so long. I was so hot I had to get out of my shirt. You don't mind do you?"

"N... N... No," Danny stammered in reply. "I don't mind at all. Really, it's fine."

"Aren't you hot in here. How can you stand it with your shirt on? Here," she commanded as she moved towards him. "Let me help you."

As Danny's hands gripped the plate of chicken, Nancy quickly unbuttoned his shirt and then grabbed the plate from him and ordered him to throw his on the chair with hers.

"No need to be shy around me," she teased as she took the chicken to the counter. "It's nothing we haven't seen before."

Soon they were eating their dinner and sipping their Chardonnay as if they ate topless together every night. For her part, Nancy was enjoying the view of Danny's tight chest and abs. He was a very good looking man after all and there was no harm in looking was there? Danny had an increasingly difficult time keeping his eyes off Nancy's naked breasts. They were just so perfect. Large, but not so large as to be pendulous. They bounced and bobbled perfectly every time Nancy cut a portion off her chicken or speared a mouthful of salad off her plate. If only he could touch them. Squeeze them in his hands. Feel her large nipples stiffen and grow thick between his fingers.

As these thoughts ran through his head, his dick grew fully hard in his slacks. He needed to get control of himself before he did something that he would regret. He was pretty sure that Janey was stepping out on him, but he couldn't do anything to spoil Nancy's marriage. That just wouldn't be fair to either her or Dennis. But he needed some relief somehow. If he could just press those luscious tits around his rigid dick. Just stroke himself up and down between them. Feel their soft pliable flesh envelope him. It wouldn't be like cheating. It wouldn't be like they had sex or anything. Right?

Shaking his head to snap himself out of his reverie, Danny scolded himself for getting so carried away. Of course it would be cheating, and even as enticing as the thought was, he simply couldn't do it. Couldn't take the chance that he would ruin Nancy's life.

After dinner, Nancy suggested that they open another bottle of wine and watch a movie. Danny, of course, had other ideas for the evening's entertainment. When they were settled down in front of the TV, Danny put her under.

"Somnus," he intoned. "How are you feeling Nancy?"

"Oh my God Danny. I'm so hot and wet I can hardly control myself. You're making me sit around here topless with you, showing you my boobs, and I can't stop myself, can't cover myself up. It's so much more exciting than what I used to do to my professor in college."

At the mention of her college professor, Danny perked right up.

"Tell me about it Nancy," he commanded. "Tell me about what you did to your professor."

"Well," she began nervously. "He was a pretty hot guy. Not too old, and... Well I used to expose myself to him hoping he would give me a better grade in his class."

"What do you mean, expose yourself?" Danny could hardly control his voice.

"I used to wear low neck tops. You know, scooped low down to show some cleavage. Anyway, I would wear those on days when we were working on our writing and he would be circulating around the classroom reading and making suggestions. I had practiced in front of a mirror, so I knew just how to hunch my shoulders and lean forward to give him a good view down my top when he came by. I knew it was working when he spent a lot more time helping me than any of the others."

As he sat there listening to his sister-in-law's revelation, Danny was stiff in his pants again. She used to show her tits off to her professor. Oh this was hot.

"A couple times I wore a blouse with buttons in front and went to his office for extra help. I always undid an extra button or two and made sure to lean over his desk when I was there. It was very exciting to watch him trying not to look, but he always did. Once, just before a test, I went in bra-less and left a middle button open. He really got a good look between my boobs that day. I caught him stealing glances as we discussed my work. During the test, I sat in the front row with my top two buttons undone and no panties. I'm sure he could see just a hint of my areolae as I hunched down over my test paper, and I think he got a glimpse of my pussy when I fidgeted around in my seat."

"What do you mean a glimpse of your pussy? What were you wearing?" Danny was finding it increasingly hard to breathe and his cock hurt so much he had to release it from his pants. "Close your eyes Nancy and tell me more about what you did," Danny commanded while he released his throbbing dick from it's uncomfortable prison.

"I was wearing a button up blouse and a short denim skirt," Nancy began. "I had gone into the ladies room and taken off my panties just before the test so I could flash him my pussy. I was first in through the classroom door and picked just the right seat. I was directly in front of him so that when he looked my way all I had to do was shift my legs around like I was uncomfortable and I could give him a peak up my skirt. He got a couple really good beaver shots, and I got an A on the test. In his comments, he wrote "Nicely done. You displayed your talents very effectively on this test." An innocent enough comment if you didn't know what I had done."

Danny couldn't stop himself from stroking his cock. He was hard as a rock and the thought of Nancy flashing her bare pussy at her college professor really made him hot.

"Nancy. You are now back in that classroom. I am your professor and you are my student. You are writing that test right now. Sit and write the test and put on a show for your professor."

Instantly, Nancy's posture changed. She sat up straighter and then pulled her elbows in and hunched her shoulders. This posture pushed her breasts together and then dangled them down a bit in a very enticing way. Danny could imagine what the professor had seen that day as he looked down her top and he began to stroke himself faster. When he looked up, he saw Nancy shift her legs and there was no doubt that her professor had gotten a very clear view of her bare pussy. As she wrote her test paper, Nancy continued to squirm and fidget repeatedly to expose herself to her professor. It only took a few minutes for Danny to cum.

"OK Nancy," Danny said after cleaning up and putting himself away. "I think that's enough for tonight. When you wake up you will remember telling me about your professor, but you will not remember acting the part for me. You will feel a chill and go put your shirt back on and then we will watch a movie. As you think about the things you have told me about your professor, you will become increasingly excited. When you go to bed, you will masturbate yourself to climax thinking about how sexy and exciting it is to be controlled and to reveal your secrets under hypnosis. One... Two... Relaxed and refreshed... Three.

"How do you feel now Nancy?"

"Oh my God," Nancy gasped. "I can't believe that I told you about Professor Evans. I've never even told Dennis about exposing myself to him and there was nothing I could do to stop myself when you asked. Oh Danny you have to stop this. I mean I don't want you to stop, but you have to. You have to stop before something happens. Something sexual.

It was the first time she had said it out loud and it shocked them both. It was on the table. Something sexual might happen between them because of the hypnosis.

"OK... OK... Don't worry Nancy. I'm not going to let anything happen. I love you and I don't want you to get hurt by our little game, and I certainly don't want to do anything to break up your marriage. So, let's just cool it for a while and watch a movie like we planned. OK?"

As they sat watching some lame rom-com, Nancy couldn't help but cast her mind back to what she had told Danny while under hypnosis. The part about sucking cock. The part about Cindy. Professor Evans. It all just kept swirling around and around in her mind. Her submissive side yearned to do it again. To be helpless as Danny controlled her mind and body. Her rational side was terrified that it would all go too far. She trusted Danny. He was family, sort of. He did love her and wanted the best for her. He wouldn't let anything bad happen. But when she thought about him taking control of her she felt that hot melted butter feeling low in her tummy. Arousal.

By the time the movie was over and she was headed to bed, Nancy had worked herself in to a fever pitch of sexual tension. Laying in bed wearing only her panties, her fingers began to move , almost of their own volition down to her molten center. Without any real conscious intent, she soon found herself slowly stroking her swollen labia with her fingertips. As her excitement increased, one, then two fingers slid slowly up into her leaking pussy while the other hand busied itself diddling her engorged clit. Within a very short time she was panting and groaning through a wonderful orgasm.

Danny was conflicted. He wanted Nancy to tell him more. He wanted to have her act out the things she was telling him. He wanted to have sex with her, but he couldn't bring himself to destroy her marriage to do it. As he listened to her sexy moans through the wall, Danny once again palmed his rigid penis and pulled himself through another solitary orgasm.

After a fitful night's sleep, Danny went down to make coffee. Much to his surprise, Nancy was already in the kitchen with a fresh pot of coffee just finishing it's drip. Even more surprising was the fact that she was standing at the counter wearing nothing but a pair of panties.

"Oh," she gasped when he walked into the room. "I didn't know you were up. I just thought I'd sneak down here and start the coffee before I showered and dressed."

Her first inclination was to raise her hands and cover her naked breasts from his view, but that was ridiculous considering what had happened last night. Although she felt a little uncomfortable, she decided to pull back her shoulders and own her nudity. She was a good looking women. She had nice breasts. Why not?

"I'm heading up to shower. I'll be back down to cook us a nice breakfast after that," she announced as she walked calmly from the room. She did make sure to add a little extra wiggle to her hips just to tease him bit more.

That afternoon, Janey called and said that she was taking a sick day so she could extend her weekend an extra day. Danny wasn't too surprised. She had become increasingly unreliable in the past few months and this was just another incident in a long string. On the up side though it gave him another evening to work on Nancy.

"Tell me about the wildest thing you ever did with one of your boyfriends Nancy. What's the kinkiest, wildest sex you had with one of them?"

"I guess I'd have to say it was with Nathan... Nate. I let him tie me up and blindfold me. You already know about my submissive and control fantasies and it excited me to give in to him when he asked me.

"Close your eyes and tell me all about it," Danny instructed as he pulled out his stiff cock and began to slowly stroke it.

"It was after the team won the conference championship game. Nate had been asking me for a month to let him tie me up and fuck me while I was helpless, but I was nervous. In his fantasy, I would be tied up and blindfolded so I wouldn't know who he was. The more I thought about it, the more appealing the idea became. It excited me to think of giving up control. Of being submissive to him. Thoughts of being tied up and fucked by Nate began to invade my erotic fantasies.. Eventually my arousal and his repeated requests just wore me down and I thought that it would be a good reward for him for having won the game. You know? I didn't know how we could do it, but when I told him, he just said "Leave it to me." Anyway, he planned it for the following Saturday."

"He picked me up in the afternoon and we drove out in the country to a big house all alone on a hill. He never told me whose house it was but he had a key so I knew we weren't breaking and entering. He took me inside and upstairs to a bedroom with a large four poster bed and told me to undress."

This was incredible. Danny had rarely been this hard in his life. Here he was sitting stroking his cock while his hot sister-in-law was telling him about being tied up and fucked by a former boyfriend. He stopped stroking as he felt himself nearing his peak. He wanted to prolong the excitement as Nancy continued her tale.

"When I was naked, he told me to lay down all spread eagle. I was nervous, but I did as instructed and soon enough he had my ankles and wrists tied to the posts of the bed. After tying a thick black cloth blindfold over my eyes, he tightened the ropes until I was pretty much immobile. By now, I was getting pretty aroused, but also really nervous, and I called out to him. He shushed me and reminded me that I wasn't supposed to know who he was."

The thought of Nancy tied immobile on a bed in a strange house, helpless to resist her boyfriend's sexual advances sent Danny's libido into overdrive. This was so fucking hot.

"It was then that I felt the bed shift and his hands were on me. He began feeling my boobs, pinching and sucking my nipples. One hand pressed down over my tummy and soon he had his fingers rubbing my clit and making me all wet. I was so excited and we were both moaning when I heard a strange sound. Like the door opening. I asked him if someone else was there, but he just shushed me again and whispered in my ear to go with his fantasy."

"I felt my hips lifted up and a pillow placed under my butt and then Nate was between my legs, pressing his hard dick into my sopping pussy. He fucked me hard. He was a wild man. Within a few minutes, I felt his whole body go rigid and then he grunted his release. Between my nervousness and his speed, I hadn't come anywhere near my climax. I thought I would feed his fantasy a bit and see if he could go again. I began to beg him to fuck me again. Telling him I needed to cum. I needed his cock in me. All kinds of nasty stuff. You know?"

"Then I felt the bed move again and he was back between my legs. But something was different. He seemed... Bigger...Heavier. I pulled at the ropes and called out to him but there was no response. The distraction of the thick cock pressing into my pussy carried all other thoughts away and soon I was approaching my own climax. Then before I could reach my peak, I felt him stiffen and groan, I knew he was cuming again and I was going to be left high and dry once more."

Danny was mesmerized by the story Nancy was weaving. He had expected to hear a few juicy details of her sex life, but this. This was way more than he could have hoped for. He had a sense of where the story was headed, and his mind was awash with arousal.

"What happened then Nancy?"

"Well, there I was on the edge of orgasm and I couldn't even move my hands to touch myself. I yelled. I pulled at the ropes like a wild woman. Yelling at Nate. Begging him to get me off or let me go. That's when I felt another cock push into me."

"What do you mean "another cock" Nancy. It was Nate wasn't it?"

"Even though my thoughts were consumed with my arousal and need to cum, Logic told me that there was no way Nate could be ready again so soon. Somewhere deep inside I knew that he had invited someone else to join in. I knew it, yet I ignored the logic and succumb to my needs, begging him to fuck me again."

"When his cock entered me, I couldn't deny my logic any more. This guy felt massive. Bigger by far than anyone I had ever had. Certainly much bigger than Nate. I almost decided to start screaming to get him off me, until he began to slowly press deeper. My pussy was stretched like never before, and my clit was pulled into direct contact with his monster dick. I felt myself being stretched to the max both in width and in length. Instead of screaming, I let out a sexy throaty moan of arousal and began to buck up against him."

Danny was now going out of is mind. His sexy sister-in-law was telling him about being tied up and fucked by strangers and about how she had been turned on by the whole episode. Unable to stand any more, Danny began to stroke himself faster as Nancy continued her story.

"He made me cum and cum and cum," she continued breathlessly. "I remember yelling and moaning and writhing beneath him as he continued to fuck me until I almost passed out from it all. Then I felt him go rigid above me and moan as he released his load deep inside me."

"I was so wiped out by my orgasm, that I hardly remember anything after that until I was back in Nate's car and heading towards home. I really didn't know what to think. It had been rather exciting, but scary too. As we pulled up in front of the house, Nate leaned over, kissed me and thanked me for being a good sport. That did it. I knew right then that he would probably let his friends use me again if I didn't do something. I told him I knew he had let his friends fuck me."

"Nate's face went white as a ghost and he started to sweat. He tried to deny it, but I told him the second guy had been heavier than him and that the last guy had made me cum like he never could, so I knew it wasn't him either. I said that if he had asked me, I would probably have let them do it anyway, because of my fantasies of control and submission. Then I told him that since he had tricked me, I could never trust him again and I wanted him out of my life. I never wanted him to try to talk to me or try to see me again, and he never did."

The revelation that Nancy would have let them fuck her if Nate had only asked, drove Danny over the top and he shot a massive load all over his shirt. He could never have imagined when he started this whole thing that Nancy would be such a treasure trove of stories. The lesbian affair. Exposing herself to her professor. Now bondage and group sex. He could hardly believe his luck. He had to reward her somehow.

"When you wake up you will be surprised at how late it is. You will not immediately remember telling me this story about Nate and you will want to head off to bed. After you lay down, you will spread out your arms and legs and close your eyes. When you are in position, you will find yourself unable to move. You will not be afraid. You will not even be concerned because you will know that this is just part of my hypnotic control over you. In fact it will excite you."

"When you are in position, you will feel that third man's cock press into your pussy exactly as it did when you were tied up. You will not be concerned because you will know that the bed did not shift and that there is really nobody there. That you are just reliving the exciting and arousing sensations from that big cock. You will feel that cock pushing in and stretching you like it did that night. It will then start fucking you driving you to higher and higher levels of arousal and excitement, fueled too by the knowledge that you are being controlled. You will have a powerful orgasm just like you did that night, and after you calm down, you will find that you are once again able to move."