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A mother explores the subject of incest.
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It was a story that got into the media that set my mind ticking over on the subject of incest.

Briefly, a mother had been arrested for engaging in sexual intercourse with her son. The media was of course putting on its shock-horror front, whilst obviously reveling in every last salacious dribble it could ring out of the story.

A major factor was that the son was under age and the "professionals" were eager to let everyone know that the boy would suffer "severe trauma" as a result of this sexual activity. The boy's whole life would be affected and the chances were that he would never be able to engage in a happy and stable sexual relationship.

I suspected that if the boy's life was to be "permanently marred" by what had happened, it would be more as the result of the media attention and the predictions of the "professionals," that would do the marring.

The boy had been "Taken into care," and had been hidden away from the media, but a reporter from one newspaper managed to slip past the blockade and got the boy's story.

The boy stated that he was in love with his mother, and that during the time they had been lovers he had never been happier, and no matter how long his mother's sentence he would be waiting for her.

The mother was in fact given a two year sentence which was suspended on the understanding that she went nowhere near her son. Within days she and her son were together again and, so it was claimed, had recommenced their sexual activity. The mother was sent to prison to serve out her sentence.

I tried to look at the situation objectively. What had really happened? If the boy and the mother were to be believed, two people had given expression to their feelings for each other in an act of physical love. The main problem was that the boy was, according to the law, under age.

That's an interesting point in itself. The age at which one may engage in sexual intercourse varies form one culture to the next and sometimes even within the culture. As far as I've been able to ascertain, it ranges from twelve years of age to eighteen.

It was this story that set me off on my quest to try and understand incestuous relationships.

* * * * * * * *

I at first resorted to the literature on the subject, and a number of factors emerged.

Firstly, the majority of incestuous acts reported were of females who had engaged in sexual acts with a male relative – father, uncle, grandfather or brother – and a few reported such relationships with a female relative – mother, aunt, grandmother, or sister.

Most of the reports involved under age females who had been forced into the act.

The number of boys reported to be involved in incest was considerably lower than girls. The reason given for this was: that boys are more reluctant than girls to report; and that adult females are less inclined to seek an incestuous relationship with young males.

It is conjecture on my part together with some reading between the lines, but I suspect that boys do not report as freely as females because they in fact enjoy the relationship and have no desire for it to be brought to an end.

Delving into the psychology of incest, and in the light of the mother and son relationship like the one I heard of through the media, I soon learned that there is a special bond that exists between mothers and sons.

Why should this be so? Perhaps because the child began its life in the mother's womb and this is about as close as one can get physically to another person? But daughters are also carried in the womb, and yet their relationship with the mother appears to be qualitatively different; so why the special mother/son bond?

The answer appeared to be sex. The son is sexually drawn to the mother. During his childhood the child is not consciously aware of the sexual aspect in his bonding with the mother, but as he grows towards sexual maturity his desire for the mother may become explicit.

On the mother's side there is also a sexual attraction, as witness the mothers who experience jealousy when their sons begin to engage in sexual relationships with other females. No woman is good enough for their son, except one, themselves.

I assume that in the majority of mother/son relationships their mutual desire never becomes sexually explicit, but there are situations in which the temptation is succumbed to.

I have in mind those women who although highly sexed, and through particular circumstances, do not get the gratification they need. Having a potent and loving son around must be tempting indeed, especially if the son shows signs of being drawn to her sexually.

On the son's side, he is already attracted to the mother and especially in cases where the son, for whatever reason – perhaps shyness – is not engaging in sexual activity, the mother might seem like a safe sexual harbour in which he might anchor.

In addition there are many situations in which mother and son might simply want to give expression to their love in the sexual act.

* * * * * * * *

I went on to consider why the law forbids incestuous relationships and why religion proscribes such acts.

It is said that any children born of such relationships are likely to suffer from physical, mental and emotional defects. This matter is hotly debated by the experts in the literature. As far as I can see the jury is still out on this one, but even given that it is true, in times when contraception is safe, and sexual intercourse can be engaged in with little chance of a resulting pregnancy, why is a loving act between two people so heavily frowned upon?

There are those who simply say, "Because it is an unnatural act," but is it, and how do you define an unnatural act?

Let me put it this way; it does not make sense to have a law that forbids an act in which no one wants to engage. The mere presence of the law or proscription indicates that people desire to and do engage in that act.

This led me on to search the internet and especially the erotic sites. I must admit that at first I was surprised, even shocked, at how many of the stories and pictures focused on incestuous acts and how often that material was viewed.

I think what troubled me was how often those stories and pictures presented, for example, a sexual relationship between a mother and son, as something ugly or dirty. Why is such a beautiful act "dirty"?

But then I suppose there are people who view any sexual act as dirty whoever is engaged in it.

What these erotic sites made me realize was that there are thousands, no millions of people, who at least think pleasurably about incest; who are as it were involved with it at second hand, and some who engage in it first hand.

In looking at some of the feedback on these stories I felt cynically amused to note that some feedback pours invective on the writer for writing such "foul" material. It makes me wonder what the critic is doing reading the material in the first place if he or she finds it so abhorrent?

* * * * * * * *

Finally I set up a hypothetical situation in which incest might potentially occur.

These are the major elements in my hypothetical:

A woman, shall we say, aged forty two or three. In her youth she was not particularly attractive, being skinny and somewhat gauche. Doubtful of her sex appeal she easily succumbs to a mature man who declares his love for her. With him she becomes sexually active for the first time, and soon becomes pregnant.

On learning of her pregnancy the man disappears from her life. Since she is not under the age of consent no police or other legal action takes place. There are some desultory attempts to find the man to try and get him to pay some child maintenance, but these attempts fail.

Having been so badly hurt she no longer trusts men, and so makes no attempts to enter into another sexual relationship.

For some years she is in receipt of single parent's welfare payment, but as her child, a son, enters his teenage years, this money stops. She must now begin to support herself and her son.

In this situation she has one distinct and unexpected advantage. Like a number of women who in their youth are considered to be "plain Jane," the years have been kind to her.

No longer a skinny girl, in her maturity she has filled out to become a pleasantly buxom woman. In short, like certain fortunate women, she has come to her best in her middle years.

During her years on social welfare money she has not wasted whatever opportunities came her way. She undertook a number of training courses that were provided free. I do not suggest that these were of tertiary standard, but they did provide her with some useful minor skills.

She was efficient with the computer; she knew something of office procedure; she had a pleasant disposition and above all, mature good looks. When the time came for her to seek work, although she had no real experience apart from the training courses, she got a number of offers.

The one that she accepted was at the local medical clinic which she and her son had attended since he was a baby. Her work we might lump under the general description, "Receptionist," but there was more to it than that.

In today's world medical practice is made increasingly complex, not through the advances in medical science alone, but by the demands of government bureaucracy. Much of the paper work is left in the hands of the "receptionists," now including our single mother – let us give her a name – Alexis.

No longer a naïve girl, she is intelligent and picks up the details of the practice routine, and with this her self regard increases.

Along with this she now knows that she is – not pretty or beautiful – let us say handsome. This is daily confirmed by the attention she gets from male patients and, as it happened, some of the practice doctors.

She now has not only a satisfying job and the admiration of males, but a reasonable income as well.

She is now in a position to do something that she had wanted to do, but thought she never could.

Her son had, as she saw it, considerable potential, and she wanted to give him the tertiary education that had been denied her. Her son – let us call him Ian, has played a profoundly significant role in her life, and she in his.

Here I must step aside briefly to focus on one particular aspect of their lives together.

* * * * * * * *

As already hypothesized, Alexis was to say the least, wary of men. Presentable as she now was it can be anticipated that she received some, perhaps many, approaches by men, all of which she repelled.

In these circumstances she would no doubt gain a reputation for being "a cold bitch." Cruder would-be suitors might make such comments as, "Her cunt is tighter than a miser's wallet." Such can be the assessment of males who failed to reach the desired goal.

But from her perspective if ever she was inclined to engage in a sexual relationship, it would have to be with a man she trusted.

In order the complicate matters further I shall assume that Alexis was not a "cold bitch," far from it. In order to cope with her sexual needs she used what she referred to as, "My friend Sparky," Sparky being her vibrator.

Apart from Sparky the giving and receiving of love had been with her son. As he moves towards sexual maturity Alexis begins to realize that he has a sexual interest in her. As already stated, it is not unusual for a son to have such an interest since his mother is, after all, his initial entrée into the female world.

So far it seems that there is nothing "unnatural" in this. The situation however, becomes a little more complex when Alexis begins to respond to signs of her son's sexual attraction to her.

These signs are well known: the lubricating of the vagina; firming of the nipples; a ticking sensation in the clitoris; in fact those signs that announce the preparation of the female's vagina for penetration by the male penis.

These signs are at first relatively mild. Robert telling her how beautiful she is; and remember, I have not said she is beautiful; "handsome" was the word I used. Ian's use of the word "beautiful" to describe Alexis seems to point to two things: First, most sons seem to see their mother as beautiful; second, the object of our desire always seems beautiful in our eyes.

At this stage let us assume that Ian has not engaged in sexual intercourse.

Now the mixture becomes more potent in that we have two people of opposite gender who are well bonded, living in close proximity, neither of them engaged in sexual activity and now beginning to experience a mutual sexual attraction.

This is really the pivotal point in the relationship. Either or both of them might now enter into a sexual relationship with outside people; Alexis does not and of Robert there is no sure knowledge concerning his sexual activity.

If Ian is sexually active, this does not appear to diminish the signs that he is drawn to his mother; indeed, rather than diminish, the signs grow increasingly obvious, and Alexis' responses more evident at least to herself.

They now seek every opportunity to engage in close physical contact. The kisses that were once what one might expect between mother and child, now take on an increasingly unconcealed sexual aspect.

Ian, we shall assume, has now reached the high point in his male sexual potency. Alexis is still fertile. In short, they are both ready for the primal act of procreation. It will only take one of them to make the move, for the other to willing succumb.

As those who have experienced a profound sexual desire but have been unable to fulfill that desire will understand, it is a situation fraught with the most painful frustration. How might this frustration be ended by Alexis and Ian?

Self control? This will involve the use of much energy to repress the feelings, and that which is repressed has an unpleasant habit of manifesting itself in other and highly undesirable forms.

One of them leaving the home to live elsewhere? A possibility and I have no doubt that in the circumstances I have hypothesized people have resorted to this as a solution. Unfortunately this does not always mean an amelioration of the feelings that have given rise to the departure; indeed, it might increase the power of those feelings. Dare I use the old saw, "Absence makes the heart grown fonder"?

The other alternative is to give fleshly reality to the desire, but who is to initiate this reality?

I shall assume that Alexis, as the senior person, comes to believe that it is her task to make a beginning. To put that another way, she needs to bring about a situation in which she gives Ian clear permission to penetrate her vagina; but how?

It is not in Alexis' character to blatantly state, "I want you to fuck me Ian," so what alternatives are left?

She can of course, resort to the ancient female tactic of letting the male see, as it were, the goods. Alexis does resort to this, parading in front of Ian in less than opaque clothing, particularly at breakfast time when she arrives in her delicate nightwear bought especially for her campaign.

Ian to some extent countered this move by putting his own assets more clearly on display by arriving for breakfast in pajama shorts (not bought especially for the occasion, and in any case he usually slept naked). It is not of course as revealing as Alexis' garb, but sufficient to magnificently display the erections he gets looking at Alexis.

Alexis also resorted to wandering around the house in clad only in minuscule panties and bras, again purchased especially for Ian tantalizing. To this Ian had no real counter, and has to content himself – depending on the weather – with jeans or shorts.

How long this teasing game might go on for is difficult to say, but let us assume that when the critical time arrived, it had not been anticipated.

Perchance one Sunday morning Alexis arises and makes her way to the kitchen, anticipating that it would be another fruitless exercise in Ian baiting.

On the way she collects the newspaper and entering the kitchen, perches on a work bench top and starts reading the paper.

Ian enters, she looks up from the paper, smiles and extends her arms to him, indicating that he should give her a good morning kiss.

He approaches; Alexis' legs are slightly apart; as Ian comes up to her to kiss her she parts her legs so that he can stand between them.

In the past she had experienced the pressure of his erect penis against her lower abdomen. This time it is pressed close to her genitals.

This is the moment when the balance tilts. She pushes down the top of his pajama shorts, thus exposing his manhood. He gasps; she moves slightly forward. She is wearing her nightdress and there is no impediment to his penetration.

Ian groans as he feels the moist softness of her vulva against the head of his penis. .

Alexis, having taken the fatal step says two words, "Yes darling."

Ian, hardly daring to believe he was about to fulfill his long held desire, pushes into her vagina, feeling its receptive softness and warmth.

It is over far too quickly. As Ian moans his semen into her Alexis weeps and whimpers her way through her orgasm, struggling to get his manhood ever deeper into her.

His sperm released and Alexis sobbing her way through the after shocks of her orgasm, they look into each other's eyes, there to see profound love.

It is done and there can be no going back for them. Perhaps because of the incestuous nature of their love they are bound more closely than if they were not mother and son.

That is my hypothetical situation and I ask, looked at objectively, is it so evil?

* * * * * * * *

Now away with hypothesis; what I have described is what happened to me. That one unanticipated sexual union began an almost overwhelmingly fervent affair with my son. He has now shared my bed for seven years, and if our sexual intercourses are no longer as frequent as during those first days, they are no less fiery.

There was one factor, however, that we did not take account of, contraception, or lack thereof. The upshot was, I became pregnant, which from my point of view might have proved the one negative in the situation.

The fear was, of course, that the "experts" were right and I would give birth to a malformed child. You may or may not be happy to know that our daughter is not abnormal or sick in any way.

Sorry, I just told a lie. Last week she had a bad cold that she caught at kindergarten.

I feel I should also add that our names are not Alexis and Ian, just in case you were wondering.

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CrevvieCrevvieover 4 years ago
My thoughts

Very well written Moondrift (with the exception of a couple of “Roberts” when speaking of Ian). I totally agree with you and the scene you describe is exactly what attracts me to Mother and Son incest. Two people who can not get any closer emotionally and unconditionally love each other, experiencing torment when their desire to progress that love to the physical level starts to surface. There is no more beautiful and romantic a story! My own contemplations on the origin of legislated laws prohibiting this relationship come to my own conclusion- the law/s have been enacted by those with the most to lose in these situations - men! What better way to ensure their position in the wife’s life as husband than by making it a criminal act for his greatest competition to usurp him - because he knows he would lose every time if mother and son were free to complete the development of theirs, the closest of human relationships!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Robert ?

Nice story.

Freudian slip or.... who is Robert (stanza 5, para 8 then further down in stanza 5)

With your interest in research you can come up with numerous other story lines. Why limit yourself to personal experiences. Let your imagination go.

It will be nice to hear a 'pro' voice of experience.

imho: it is society that does the damage if by some bad twist of fate they should find out. 'Society' of course needs examples to support their own weak values.

If you need a copy editor to seek out and destroy freudian slips....let me know. ;)

daimmo3dmadaimmo3dmaover 7 years ago
The Horror!!

She had a cold!! A fucking cold!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Nice read,

If it's for real, it's even better

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
excellent work

so called fucking professionals are always talking out of their self proclaimed ass holes

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
No Apology Needed.

You are very fortunate, experiencing what only very few

will. I hope your love/lust lasts forever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

hi,its great submission its not easy to assess this type of topic,but your effort is great,i liked it very much.

Oldie21Oldie21about 15 years ago
Re Hpyothetical

I thought this was a sensible and balanced approach to what has been made to be a taboo subject mainly by :religion"

Incest had been practised well before what we consider as the ancient civilizations, and well into the 1st milenium. It became forbidden by the church, which only succeeded in pushing it underground.

Also, you cannot find any credible evidence that children born from incest have mental defects at a greater rate than the entire population.

Congrats Moondrift on a very good essay on the subject

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

That was an A+ analysis. I actually enjoyed reading it.

Jena121Jena121over 16 years ago
After all.......................

how did we all get here in the first place??? There were supposedly only Adam and Eve, who had two sons?????? Now who did the deed to enable the world population to keep growing???? That is what I would like to know LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Narrow Minded

I thought this was a first class observation of the real world as it is today,as for the biblical narrow minded comment about "sexual retarded",I suggest he or she look in the mirror.Incest is found more in the higher classes,and takes place for pleasure not to "knock someone up".The number of cases of child abuse involvig incest,and there is in my book a big difference between that and consenting incest is more prevalent in deprived families and countries where there is little other pleasure in life.There are some very interesting statistics available,it would seem that India leads the incest tables with as many as 76 %having experienced some sort of incestuous relationship

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

First off I think this story fits better in the essay and reviews category but either way it is an interesting perspective. It seems that for everything that is ever done in the history of humankind there are reasons/excuses/perspectives as to why that "thing" is correct. It doesn't change someone else's point of view.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
What Would you suggest

To the last poster ,what would you suggest,we all carry mandatory DNA cards to make sure that we do not commit incest,its ironic what is accepted in the vast majority of europe,marriage between first cousins is considered incest in the USA.I am not suggesting that there should be a free for all when it comes to family sex,what I cannot find is statistics that link birth defects with incest.One final comment what did the human race do before biblical times,heard of Darwin?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Dumb Commentary of a Selfish Sexual Retard

Just because people are growing to accept a taboo doesn't make it right. There are valid reasons for many social taboos that we the human race have merely forgotten because the world's population is so much larger and diverse now. Inbreeding not only perpetuates mental problems but many physical problems as well. So don't be selfish and short sighted. just because some genetic defect didn't show up in your immediate offspring doesn't mean it won't show up in the next generations. The Bible states "that we should be fruitful and multiply and: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Can you imagine being the daughter in-law of some sexually retarded bitch mother in-law from hell who settles for fucking her kid because she is not woman enough to lick her wounds and get on about the business of living life as a grown up woman. You got hurt, so what WELCOME TO THE CLUB. Imagine all the potential dysfunction in a family when your brother is also your son. and your mother your sister. Our society has confused being horny with being in love. When you truly love your child you want them to spread their wings and be all they can be. Not keep them bound to you to fulfill your own selfish desires. Grow up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Go For It

Mom/son incest is there it is probably on the increase,its been around for thousands of years,its highly erotic,providing both consent I see nothing wrong with it,you have the ability to write extremely good stories;SO GO FOR IT .You do not have to justify writing about it,leave that to the so called "experts ",all sorts of reasons are put forward why it should be Taboo,all I can say to them ,"is try it you never know"?

cncstevecncsteveover 16 years ago

Good story but who is Robert?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Lame nothing kept my attention so i stopped reading

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
ANOTHER waste of time

If I wanted to know thoughts on this subject, I would have went to college and learned from one of those idiotic Psychology professors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Erotic?---The teaser plainly implies that it will

not be erotic.

AlhazredAlhazredover 16 years ago
Well written

My sole complaint with this story is the lack of eroticism. But the originality and accuracy of your approach far outweighs that. The research-minded approach that you take is very good, and if the final part of the story were removed and the remainder slightly altered and lengthened, the entire paper could be a very well written essay on the "truth" behind the misconceptions of incest in modern times. Again, well done. Just as a clarification point to a previous poster - the Christian Bible is very contradictory on its views toward incest. In Leviticus 18:6-18, it forbids it, mainly because it would be a dishonor to a spouse (your father if you slept with your mother, etc.). Yet in Genesis 4, Cain, son of Adam and Eve, the first two humans ever (according to the bible) takes a wife, who would have to have been his sister. In Genesis 20:12, Abraham states that his wife is his sister. And in Genesis 19:30-38, Lot's daughters get him drunk and get pregnant by him. There are also several instances of cousins marrying. Sorry, don't mean to lecture, but your story reflects someone who has put forth the effort to find the truth behind the lies. It's a shame more people don't do that.

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