I Became a Woman's Penis?! Pt. 03

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A man gets turned into a woman's penis.
4.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/15/2022
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[Features: non-con, transforming into a penis, sex, NTR technically kinda?]

I woke up... surprisingly refreshed. I mean really, all things considered, I felt pretty good. Besides a weird taste in my mouth but that's...

Not really a surprise.

You know that moment when you wake up and all of your life kinda rushes back to you? Usually that's fine, not a big deal. I don't know if I have a heart right now but if I did, I'd be worried about cardiac arrest.

"Oh hey, you're awake! We were starting to get worried. Margaret's currently at work right now but she should be getting off pretty soon."

Hearing Janet's voice, wait, when did I hear her name? Either way, hearing her voice did not ease my rapidly beating heart. Well, if I have one. Great, that didn't ease it at all either. I just kinda, laid there (sat there?) unmoving. Just willing the world to go away for a little while. I didn't want to be here.

"Uh, hey, you are okay right?"

"..no. No, I'd say I'm pretty fucking far from okay after your girlfriend decided to choke on me."

No, calm down, calm down, calm down. Don't get angry, don't blow up, this isn't some online thing or a bad boss. This is my, my tormentor. Gotta stay calm.

"W-well... yeah..."

"Look, that was just, just don't do anything like that again okay? That was, that was horrible."

She was silent. That was a really bad sign. I almost felt like sighing but it got stifled along the way. I wasn't feeling, exasperated so much as... anxious. I was filled with anxiety about what my future might look like. I felt like I was choking on ash just thinking about it. Hell, a dark part of me thought, choking on ash would probably be a nice change of pace.

"Well, I'm glad you're awake. You were asleep for over 20 hours."



"Yeah! You just passed out and then did nothing. I had to go to work with you like that and I was worried the entire time."

I was with her while she went to work? I was in panties and pants and didn't even wake up the entire time?

"That's, pretty crazy."

"That wasn't even the most worrying thing! I had to... use the bathroom."

"How, how on earth did that work?"

"That was what really started to cause us to panic!" I looked up from where I was. She was standing and texting while naked in her room. "It worked, it traveled right through you, but you were still asleep the entire time!"

I, I got pissed through again while asleep? That, that feels pretty fucked up... that taste in my mouth isn't just because of yesterday, is it? Ughhh.

"But you're awake now, so it's all good!"

I stared up at her and she looked down at me, with a fragile smile. My own face was deadpan.

"You thought you killed me didn't you?"

"Look! We had no idea! We even checked if you were breathing but, but it was really hard to tell!"

"Well maybe don't force someone to puke buckets and buckets of cum while being molested in pitch darkness by a tongue the size of their own body."

I was calm, calm. Absolutely calm. An absolutely calm fury. I'm pretty sure if the genders were reversed this would be rape. Wait, no, bad thought process. The genders don't have to be reversed for that. I was... best not to go down that line of thought. Best to just relax.

No. No, we can't be that lazy. We have to undo this shit right now before something worse happens to me.


"Hmm? Sorry, I was texting Margaret telling her you were okay."

"We have to undo this."

"Uhh, I-I don't know how we could do that."

Damn it. Think brain, think. What were the exact words you used? They were, they are related. They have to be, right? I think at least. Think, think, think.

"Dude, why are you such a dick? Calm down already."

"At least I got one."

"Yes. Because I totally want one."

It can't be that fucking easy.

"Janet! Quick! Say you don't want a dick!"

She just looked down at me owlishly and I was horribly worried she would refuse to do it. Luckily, her confusion seemed to skip that possible thought.

"I, don't want a dick?"

Nothing happened. Does she have to mean it? Is this related at all? Those words might have just been what one of our teammates heard and then decided to do this because of the irony. But no, no I can't just let things go like that. Did it have anything to do with what I said?

My brain was working overtime, doing stupid mental gymnastics, trying to figure out any angle. It wasn't like my words had ever been taken literally before. If I had ever said something like "I'm a pizza." or something stupid, it had never caused me to turn into a pizza. What am I missing?

Did her calling me a dick cause this? Did me not refuting it cause this? Was it something about 'at least I got one' that made this happen? I had no way to know.

"Janet, I've got a few things I'd like us to try."

And we tried. I tried refusing, saying "I am not a dick. I am a person." I had her say I wasn't a dick, say I was a person, say I will turn back right now. I tried saying that I didn't have a dick, she tried saying that, every variation we could think of those words were attempted.

Worthless. None of it worked. Maybe it was one of her teammates after all.

"Sorry. We tried at least but I don't think there's any magic word to undo this."

"We'll look into the people we were playing with next!"

"They were randoms though? How are we going to find out who they are?"

Fuck. There's gotta be some way of recording that stuff right? The game doesn't have anything convenient like "last played with" but there's gotta be something we can use there right? I was running out of ideas and starting to panic a little.

Janet moved her hand, touching me a little, and that helped my mood none at all.

"Can you stop that?"

"Stop what?"

"Touching me!"

She did stop but also went silent.

"You know... you feel really good."

I looked up to glare at her and her eyes were... I felt myself getting stiff. Oh god.

"Like, really really good. Having a dick feels amazing."

"I don't care. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be me? It's a lot of choking and spitting and kind of like puking and exhaustion. There's a taste that is stronger than anything you've ever had and smells strong enough to knock me out. I can't overstate those enough. Just, drowning, in cum. Or piss. God, piss is horrible. It isn't instant, at all. It's a constant feeling of this horribly powerfully tasting liquid garbage coming out. It feels like it never stops, like an eternity of puking piss out. It's disgusting. And the smell never feels like it leaves, like it's imprinted into you. It's the same with cum except it's so thick and sticky. It stays inside you and out of you, making you feel like you're in tar. I'm pretty sure I have literal, non joking, PTSD and I'm suppressing the worst right now. Janet, it hasn't been 'lightly annoying' or just 'awful.' Especially that tongue shit, I can't even, I can't even think of that right now.

I'm armless, legless, helpless, and you're forcing me to suffer horrible shit so you can feel good sexually.

Janet. You're raping me."

I tried, I tried so, so hard to stay calm. This isn't my natural or normal self. I want to do nothing more than to claw and rip and tear and scream and be a bastard but it's at least partially the reason I'm in this situation, even if she deserves all of that and more. And maybe, maybe this is all I needed to do from the beginning, after that mess with the masturbation. There hasn't exactly been time to talk with her girlfriend suddenly coming over and the blowjob surprised us both. She hadn't actually been told what it was like to go through this for me, right?

And to my at least partial surprise, my words seem to have worked, judging by the look in her eyes and on her face. She looked shell shocked.

"I-I didn't kn-"

"So what?"

I blinked. Those words came from the door, no, from the woman who had entered at some point. Margaret.

"Look, I'm sorry about your situation, it sucks, but I don't really see what that has to do with us?"

You bitch.

"What do you mean? You're directly fucking with me! How is that not having something to do with you?!"

Janet kept glancing back between me and Margaret nervously.

"Well, you're a dick now right? You're just being used like one. That's just... how it is?"

"No, it's not just how it is! Don't touch me!"

Margaret just smirked and started removing her clothes. Janet was already naked, since it was her own house. I wasn't stupid and seeing what she was doing only made me angrier.

"You don't just get to use me because I got transformed into something."

Margaret was busy taking off her shoes at this point.

"Technically true, but..." She was naked. Jesus that was fast.

"But, I guess I see it a little differently? My girlfriend has a penis and that penis makes her feel really good. I love her, so I'm going to use the hell out of it. You are just kinda... an unfortunate extra?"

My blood was boiling.

"I don't deserve any of this, this, this bullshit! All I did was talk shit on a game, that deserves a slap at most, not rape."

"I didn't say you deserved anything. I don't really care about any of that. Although, I mean, duh? Who deserves being turned into a dick for trash talk? That's stupid and evil. I just meant that it'd be better for all of us if she had a dick and you weren't here but." she shrugged. "What can you do?"

She walked over to Janet, to me.

"You could not do horrible things to me! You know, respect me as a person? Think about what it'd be like if you or Janet became a dick?"

Margaret was right in front of me, her naked bush was nearly all I could see without looking up.

"M-m-margaret we can't. We're, we're doing something horrible. We can't-"

Margaret kissed Janet, at least I assumed so as Janet stopped talking and she leaned in close enough that her pubic hair was rubbing against me. That was a new kind of gross. I normally wouldn't care, it's just hair, but something about it touching half my body instead of just a hand's worth made me feel, profoundly uncomfortable. Also, it was Margaret, who had just turned out to be Disney villain level evil.

I felt myself get stiffer as they kissed, and very much felt it when Margaret's hand grabbed me and start stroking me.


She did no such thing. Instead, she put her thumb over my mouth, and I quickly learned that trying to bite something that covered your whole mouth was hard and that my teeth continued to be useless for no discernable reason whatsoever.

Eventually, the kiss broke but that hand over me did not leave.

"Janet, let's go to the bedroom."

She took her hand off me and I started screaming bloody murder. My anger had spilled over again and I was in that daze of cursing. Not knowing at all what I was saying and just, screeching really. But this time at least, it was entirely justified. I was going to be raped, again, and I had a great sneaking suspicion this time was going to be even worse than the last two times.

Margaret laid on the bed and Janet hovered over her. Putting me right in front of her vagina.

My eyes boggled. I knew, I knew what they were going to do, but seeing it was different. My anger hadn't abated in the slightest but fear was starting to seep through my haze.

"You can't do this to me."

"Pretty sure we can." Said Margaret, evil bitch number 2.

"I, I'm sorry but, but, I'm sorry." Said Janet, evil bitch number 1.

"You're a dick and a cunt." were my last words before I was plunged in.

I expected a lot.

What I didn't expect was to feel something.

The times beforehand, I had not felt an ounce of sexual feeling at all. No feeling heated or pleasured or anything like that. And the same was true this time. Except I did feel, sensitive. Sensitive in, an odd way. Like a really awful massage. Not because the massage is bad, but like you just got a full body sunburn and it's too much for your skin. Over stimulation, over my entire body.

That was the first thing I noticed, shockingly, because the rest of me was inside a fucking vagina.

Everything was moving. Maybe the movement was subtle normally but it certainly wasn't when I was there and it was touching my whole self. It was tight, there was no air at all, and it was all touching me. The walls of flesh, were touching me. My face was shoved against one, I could feel it squeezing all over me, like shrink wrap. Pressing down, no, pressing in all around me. And rubbing against me.

Walls of flesh rubbed against me. Wet. They were wet and tight and rubbing against me even without me moving and gave my body a terrible oversensitive feeling.

These were all my first sensations.

Next came the smell. I tried to take a breath and failed. There was no air except what I had brought with me. But I did bring air with me and it was quickly, poisonously, tainted. All genitals smell, that's natural. You could bathe for a week straight and you'd still smell, because bodies produce odor besides just sweat. It's not a big deal, until you're inside a vagina.

Then it very much is because I quickly choked on that stuffy heated horrible air. It wasn't even an 'awful' smell like other things beforehand. Not that it was great or good. It was just way way way too strong. And with every gasp, spit or choke, I lost a little bit more of my limited air.

This, of course, led to the final sensation, taste. The wetness, the walls of flesh pressing against me, got into my mouth. Blessfully, the taste was, very close to nothing. Small mercies.

Having a wall of flesh in my mouth however, was a terrible experience. It's a wall of flesh, in your mouth. Or at least part of it. And it's still moving and undulating.

She waited, Janet, just not moving. I don't know why. But she did, having plunged me in deep. Soon, I ran out of oxygen but didn't choke or die. I just ran out of air and felt like I was choking. With great, deep sadness, I realized I had pretty much gotten used to that feeling. I'd experienced it at least three times now and apparently, that was the magic number to get used to pseudo-choking to death but not actually dying.

I laid there, covered in wetness, having my entire oversensitive body be pressed into by a vagina, unable to breathe, when Janet finally started moving.

Oh, and it was worse than I expected.

My entire body was dragged across flesh and I realized vaginas have something in them. I was too blind, because of course it was pitch dark, to see and too stupid to remember, but I could definitely feel something besides just flat or lumpy wall rubbing against me. That and the open air enflamed that weird oversensitive feeling. It was almost painful. Ah, but of course, none of that air made it where my head actually was. All the downsides and none of the benefits.

And then I was slammed forward and if being pulled down felt bad, I was gritting my teeth at being pushed up. My body was practically screaming at me and I wanted to scream with it. Sadly, no air.

And everything just had to get worse and worse because of course it did. The vagina got wetter, soaking me even further. It also squeezed now and the grip was, incredible from where I was. It was on the edge of actually worrying. Like being caught in a clamp. Getting dragged down and back through again felt like going through iron. The wetness helped with making that smoother but it still felt like a crushing pressure, just one I was now leaving and returning to faster.

And then, the stomach bubbling really started. Without the need to breathe air and already being soaked, I hadn't even noticed the pre-cum that had been leaking out of my face. A part of me was thankful for what was going to happen. This was a bunch of horrible feelings mixed together, creating a weird sort of agony. Cumming would get me the fuck out of here.

Then something truly surprising happened. I started to feel sick.

Motion sick at that.

Janet had sped up, a lot.

I was being slammed into and out of a vagina so fast that the motion was making me sick. I felt like I was going to puke but all that came out of me was pre-cum.

This kept going.

And going.

And going.

On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and-

I threw up, just pre-cum though. I could physically feel it sliding over me, along with the wet pulsating vagina.

-on and on and on and on and on and on.

At some point, I realized my sense of time had been destroyed. Everything was just causing it to warp. Hell, it might have been the lack of oxygen going to my brain. God, I hope that's unrelated. I didn't want to actually die.

That was a weird thought, because I honestly had to consider it for a second before it completed.

I was doing that thing, that thing people in great agony do. Where you see yourself from a 3rd perspective or something? Like everything is happening to another person but that 'another person' is you.

It let me count. Count the different things that were happening that were causing me to disassociate.

Pitch black darkness, check.

Helplessly being used for someone else's sexual gratification, check.

Literally absolutely helpless, check.

Limbless, check.

Being nearly crushed by extreme pressure constantly, check.

Absolutely disgusted with self and situation, check.

The list surprisingly went on but I felt a bubbling begin to happen, Janet was close.

In a great and mighty eruption, a flood of cum exploded out and onto me, as Janet gave a few more thrusts, coating me, the vagina, my mouth, etc. All now had at least a thin layer of cum. The walls squeezed to an actually painful degree, before finally letting off.

I felt the claws of fatigue tear at me near instantly.

I resisted. I had to get the hell out of here, to see the 'sun'. God, I miss the sun.

Janet was tired and I had a spike of pure fear drive itself deep into me that she would fall asleep with me inside her girlfriend. I would be stuck like this, for hours. I might even wake up inside here. Pitch dark, undulating walls of wet flesh rubbing against a far too oversensitive body, begging to be let out and without any air to actually speak, feeling like I'm choking, my sense of time destroyed so tens of minutes could feel like hours. A terrible hell for me.

Thank god, she pulled me out. The fresh air felt like sandpaper on my skin but thank god, I was free. I took a mighty breath, finally able to breathe again.

Janet laid to her side, with me on top of her stomach.

I was too shellshocked and joyful that I had escaped to say anything.

"So how was it for you?" That was Margaret, she was speaking to Janet.

"I want to go again."

No. no no no no no no. No, please, god, no.

"Sure. We can even try anal sometime." there was a tease in her voice. She was purposely saying that. My stupid brain made a connection. Margaret was evil. Not just "I have really stupid beliefs that things that are things should be used and girlfriend joy = will bring joy" or whatever that fucking nonsense was. She was genuinely evil. She got off to my misery. She was a true sadist. Evil to the core.

That comment wasn't a joke. I had never felt such a, negative feeling in my life. A mix of pure despair and fear. Janet, Janet would be my savior. She wasn't totally evil. She would never let th-


My heart stopped. I don't care if I don't have one, wherever it was, it stopped.

Janet rolled to her side, bringing my limp body, and fell asleep.

I felt fatigue coming to me, but I resisted. I saw Margaret get up and look at me, heading to the bathroom. She smiled a cold smile at me.

It was even wider when she came back out and also went to sleep.

I don't know why I resisted, trying to stay up. I think it was a form of shock more than anything. I think a part of me was genuinely trying to figure out how to die. Another part was terrified of what I'd wake up to. I had already proven I could be 'used' while I was asleep. What, what would my future really be like?