I Dominus - The Hummingbird and Wolf


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"Communication between everyone involved in a session is paramount. Remember that." I waited for Megan to acknowledge she understood. She nodded and I continued, "Have you ever been sore or in pain for days after a good, hard, proper fucking. Where the discomfort was not only pleasurable, but also sexually arousing?" I asked my follow up question to Megan cold and void of any emotion.

Megan darted her eyes away from mine. Her cheeks flushed quickly with a red glow. My choice of words had caught her off guard and made her extremely uncomfortable.

She cleared her throat and regained her composure. "That is a very rude way to ask a question to someone you just met, Gil."

I chuckled and replied, "Apologies for my rudeness, Megan. It was regrettably necessary to act in a manner unbefitting of a gentleman to prove a point." I downed the rest of the scotch in my glass and continued. "Allow me to explain. I asked permission to ask you two personal questions. You agreed and granted me the permission to without providing me any boundaries of what I could ask you. By your reaction, I could sense that it made you uncomfortable. Perhaps you also got aroused. You did, after all, make the choice to allow me to ask the questions and answer the questions, even though they triggered mixed emotions in you."

Megan wasn't pleased, but nodded in agreement.

"My second question, though, caught you completely off guard. Logically, you probably expected the second question to have a less intense effect. Your brain signaled that the most uncomfortable part was over. You knew the second question would be similar to the first, but, since you were more relaxed, or recovered from whatever anxiety and perhaps embarrassment answering my first question triggered, you were not expecting the effect of my second question to have a more intense and profound effect on your body and mind. The second question, or stimuli, triggered your brain to release hormones to assist you in dealing with the shock."

"It was very rude of you, Gil. Period," she whispered across the table.

I smiled and nodded. "Yet, it wasn't rude enough for you to get up from the table and leave. You chose to persevere. It did not exceed the limits of what you were willing to endure. The same principle applies to physical and emotional stimulation, regardless of its intensity."

She huffed and took a big gulp of wine to stall for time and not reply to me. I did not press Megan for an explanation as to why she decided to continue our conversation. The waitress came to our table and asked if we were ready for another round of drinks.

"Would you like another glass of wine, Megan? Or have I worn out my welcome with you?"

Megan nodded. "One more drink, then I must leave to meet friends."

The waitress nodded and said she'd be right back.

"I want you to think about what I am going to say next. No reply is required." I waited for Megan to agree to what I asked of her. She nodded. "Which of my questions caused a more intense reaction in you? Now that you have had time to recover from the initial shock, anxiety, embarrassment, and perhaps arousal, have I damaged you in any way, physically or emotionally?"

Megan brought the glass of wine to her lips and took a sip as she thought of all the emotions and feelings that my two questions had evoked in her. She met my gaze and said, "Logic and instinct. Interesting. I will admit that arousal was one of the feelings that both your questions triggered in me. Your second question definitely amplified them all. And no, you haven't damaged me in any way." She leaned towards me and added, "Therefore, if someone knew that the pain wouldn't cause any permanent damage, but would only intensify their arousal, and ultimately provide a very intense orgasm. You could logically harness the reward system in our brains to get a bigger rush."

I grinned and replied, "Logic has nothing to do with it. It is pure instinct, regardless if you're aware of it or not. If your brain doesn't need to pump hormones, to give you the rush you referred to, it won't. There are countless activities that can reproduce that kind of rush. Make no mistake, Megan, the more extreme types of activities you participate in, the greater the risk is to get hurt, and, the possibility of permanent damage is ever existent. The rush you referred to is, after all, is a self-preservation mechanism to protect us from potential harm. When you willing make the choice to ignore the warning, and if you participate in high-risk activity chasing after the thrill of the rush, be it jumping out of a plane or being tied up and whipped, you will learn that things can go sideways at any time and without warning, no matter how skilled, prepared and careful you are."

Megan leaned closer to me and whispered, "Have you ever unintentionally injured anyone?"

I chuckled, "Does the thought of me hurting someone to sate my sexual needs arouse you?"

Megan swallowed hard as she sheepishly nodded. "Yes. Prior to meeting you, it was only the idea of a man being rough with me. But now that I've met you, it has more to do with how you look, how you carry yourself, and the vibe I get from you. I think you are very comfortable in being in control, which in turn would make it easy for me," Megan caught herself and quickly added, "I meant to say someone - to submit to you."

I nodded and asked, "Do you get aroused at the thought of inflicting pain on someone?"

Megan shook her head. "No. I don't believe I could ever do that. But the thought of someone dominating another person, or me, excites me."

I smiled at her. "I have unintentionally injured many play partners. If you play with fire long enough, you will get burned. I have been on the receiving end of being hurt, too. And have the scars to prove it."

Megan's expression turned to a look of confusion. "I thought you only top? How could you possibly get hurt?"

I laughed and replied, "Fucking," I paused to gauge Megan's reaction. Her eyes widened slightly. "Forgive my choice of words."

She chuckled and said, "Please continue."

"Would you agree that fucking is inherently a violent act? Not to be confused with an act of violence, of course."

She nodded. "I get the point. Yes, it could be interpreted as an inherently a violent act. Having something hard plunged in and out of your ..."

I chuckled. "The second question I asked you. Was the answer to it yes?"

The waitress returned with our drinks. Megan waited for her to place our drinks on the table and take away our empty glasses before continuing.

Megan grinned and nodded. "I'm a little embarrassed, but the answer is yes."

"Regardless of how hard you were being fucked whilst in the throes of passion. Your brain had released enough hormones to dampen the pain signals it was receiving and primed your body for an orgasm. If the pain gets too great, our self-preservation instinct kicks in, and we do what we have to do to make it stop. That scenario is what we try to avoid. Add restraints, whips, paddles, clamps and other equipment to the mix, and the risk of injury increases. There have been many times my cock was raw after a session from how roughly I used it. When I am throat fucking a woman, every thrust of my cock isn't perfect in sliding between her tongue and palate to the back of her throat. My cock has scraped against teeth many times. Flailing fists, elbows, knees and feet have split my lips open, given me black eyes and bruises anywhere you can imagine on my body. Slips, trips and equipment failure can happen at any time. Your teeth and pretty, painted nails are weapons. I have been bitten and scratched all over my body." I winked at Megan and added, "My attraction to immobilizing naughty ladies with my rope probably evolved from fearing for my safety." I chuckled and added, "You women are a frightful bunch, especially in a sexually aroused state."

Megan laughed and nodded. "And don't you forget it, Mister Renard."

I chuckled, "I can't, Megan. Instinct won't allow me to." I took a sip of my drink. "You also have to realize that just because the thought of something excites you; it doesn't mean that you would ever participate in the activity. Chiara keeps inviting me to skydive. She tells me it is the ultimate rush for her. Yes, I can understand how and why skydiving is a thrilling experience but, to be honest, it scares the shit out of me. When it comes to skydiving, my fight or flight choice will always be the latter. Everyone has limits, Megan. Like everyone else, you have to discover and define yours."

Megan nodded, then pursed her lips and coyly asked, "Would you be willing to provide me some examples? You can change the names to protect the guilty."

I grinned and replied, "You are an interesting, young lady, Megan. I will provide you a few examples. Before I do, it is important that you understand the fact that pain is not the opposite of pleasure. How we perceive and experience both sensations is very similar."

Megan's ears perked up. "Don't keep me in suspense, Gil."

I grinned and replied, "I'm a sadist, Megan. Of course I am going to keep you in suspense." I held her gaze as I took a sip of my scotch. "Chiara gets a sexual thrill from eating cake off my ass on her birthday."

Megan sighed in disappointment. "That's it?"

I nodded and smiled. "To each their own."

"What else?" Megan whispered. The lowering of her voice was a subconscious signal that she was ready for me to provide her a dirtier tale.

"A married, female friend of mine, who is a gynecologist by profession, has a tickling fetish. She asked me to assist her to exploring different scenarios. After much experimenting, she found that being strapped to her gyno chair with her arms and legs completely immobilized, and having her mouth duct taped shut, was the pinnacle of sexual arousal for her. All I have to do, to send her into a wild frenzy, is tell her I am going to tickle the soles of her feet. The closer I bring my wiggling fingers to her feet, the more hysterical she becomes. I have to be careful not to make contact with the soles of her feet. If I do, the entire scene is ruined for her, the moment passes. After about half an hour of her crying, muffled screams, and struggling to get free, the torment I put her through peaks and she is rewarded with a gushing orgasm. She tells me she feels reset emotionally and physically afterwards."

Megan cringed, "I would die if you did that to me." She placed her elbows on the table and asked, "Does that sexually arouse you? What do you get out of it?"

"I enjoy watching her suffer. And I end our little game with a thorough flogging of her breasts and an ass fucking, then I apply a strip of duct tape on her gaping asshole to keep my cum inside her."

Megan gasped. "Kinky. I like the idea of knowing she feels your cum in her ass for hours afterwards."

I looked at Megan and sternly warned, her, "Before you rush into any of this, please always remind yourself that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. At this moment, Megan, you possess a little knowledge. You could be taken advantage of and hurt, if you choose a play partner that possesses little to no knowledge, also."

"I will remember those words of wisdom," she replied.

"If you ever need a reminder, think of the two questions I asked you and your reactions to them. Then imagine being tied and helpless and being at someone's mercy," I warned her.

Her phone vibrated and chimed. She pouted as she stood from her chair and said, "I'm already late. I really must be on my way to meet friends, Gil. Thank you for meeting with me, and for the fascinating conversation."

I stood from my chair and replied, "The pleasure was all mine, Megan."

Megan took a deep breath and softly laughed as she shook her head. "I can't believe I am going to ask this. Would you consider allowing me to watch you and Chiara in a session? Our chat has left me way beyond curious."

I laughed, "I'm sure Chiara would make herself available if you asked her. She enjoys an audience. Perhaps we could take turns tying Chiara. She tells me you are quite the artist with rope."

"I would love that," Megan smiled.

Enter the Hummingbird.

Megan and Chiara were chatting at the studio when I arrived. Chiara hugged and kissed me on the cheek. "You accepted our invitation, so, I assume Megan is hot enough for you?"

I winked at Megan and chuckled, "She'll do. Hello again, Megan."

Megan snickered, "I'm relieved to know that I meet your minimum requirements, Gil. And, thank you for agreeing to this."

Megan is a very beautiful young lady. Her long, chestnut brown hair was tied in a ponytail. She's a full head shorter than Chiara. Megan's breasts are larger than Chiara's and were held in place firmly against her chest by a gray, tight sports bra. Her flat belly was exposed from under her breasts to mid-way down her hips, as were her slender and toned legs. The gray, tight, elastic shorts she wore showed off the plump mound between her legs. The sight made my cock twitch and shift in my pants.

"Don't thank me just yet, Megan. How I tie is not for the faint of heart," I replied as I grabbed two hanks of rope from a neatly stacked pyramid from a self on the wall I was standing next to, and tossed them to Megan.

She trapped the ropes between her forearms and chest and gave Chiara a quizzical look. As is if to ask Chiara what she had gotten herself in to.

Chiara huffed and sternly warned me, "Giiil, remember your promise."

I winked at Chiara and said to Megan, "Show me what got, Megan. Tie Chiara in a two-rope, suspension bearing chest harness of your choice. I want her arms, palm to elbow behind her back. Then, untie her and I'll give it go."

Megan smiled and replied, "You'll show me yours if I show you mine."

I chuckled, "Cheeky. I like you, Megan."

Chiara wore a red, silk kimono with a white sash tied around her waist. She grinned at me as undid the sash, opened the kimono to expose her naked body, and let it slip off her shoulders and fall to the ground. "Megan is fine with me being naked, if you were wondering, Gil," she informed me.

I replied, "No complaints from me, either."

I watched on in focused silence as Megan wound and pulled and tied the ropes around Chiara. She was methodical; her movements were crisp, clean and calculated. She exerted the minimum amount energy possible. The precision of her movements and her rope handling skill was masterful. None of her movements were wasted. It was as if she tied to the beat of a metronome that only she could hear. When she had to move to position herself around Chiara's body, she moved like a hummingbird flying from flower to flower, and hovered just long enough to weave or tie the rope, without disturbing Chiara's stillness or her own center of gravity. Megan possessed perfect control of the tension in the rope and the path it travelled. I was impressed.

When she had completed the chest harness, she stepped away from Chiara and looked at me. I nodded and Megan proceeded to untie Chiara. "Time to show me yours, Gil," she grinned as she tossed me the two ropes.

I narrowed my eyes and slightly lowered my head as I replied, "I won't be offended if you leave before I've completed the tie, Megan. You are free to make an exit anytime you please." I grabbed a fistful of Chiara's hair and forced her to her knees, yanked her head back and stared into her eyes. "I've kept my word. The next part is out of my control."

Chiara licked her lips and grinned in agreement.

I knelt behind Chiara and began to tie the same chest harness as Megan had, without any of the gentleness that she had displayed. When I needed Chiara to lean forward, backward, or sideway, I'd grab a fistful of her hair, or one of her breasts, and forcefully bend her body into position. I leaned hard on Chiara and used my weight to lock her twisted body in uncomfortable positions as I dug the rope into her flesh. Where Megan maneuvered her body to orbit around Chiara's, I manipulated Chiara's body to accommodate my stance.

Chiara whimpered, yelped and moaned as I tied her. Having to counter the pressure I applied to her body put a heavy strain on all her muscles and joints. The harder each muscle in her body worked, the faster her heart had to pump blood to provide the increased need of oxygen, and the more aroused she became. I was softening her up - tiring her body would ensure her state of awareness would be heightened. In that state, she would be able to endure more.

After I had slipped the rope under her breasts, I grabbed them one after the other, squeezed them hard and pulled them upwards to work the rope tight and sung under each breast. I looked at Megan as I slapped each of Chiara's bound tits. Megan jumped with a start each time my open hand made hard contact with Chiara's soft tit meat.

Chiara was covered in thin coat of sweat from head to toe by the time I had completed the tie. Megan stood stiff and still. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She was trying to process what she had just witnessed and how it had made her feel. The moisture between her legs made her uncomfortable. Surely, the almost violent demonstration she had witnessed should not have aroused her.

Chiara yelped out loud when I gripped her throat and shoved her onto back.

"Knees up, legs spread," I ordered.

Chiara obeyed. I unwound a hank of thirty foot rope, folded it in half three times, tied a knot at one end and made an impromptu flogger.

I dangled the ends of the rope back and forth across Chiara's breasts as I positioned myself next to her head, and addressed Megan, "How are you holding up, Megan?"

She cleared her throat and nodded.

"I require a verbal reply. Remember our conversation? Communication between everyone involved in a session is paramount. And make no mistake, being a spectator is participating. Chiara and I need to know you are okay. Are you concerned for Chiara's wellbeing? Are you concerned for your emotional wellbeing? Would you like to leave?" I asked each question sternly.

Megan gathered her thoughts for a moment and replied, "Watching is a much different experience from just talking about it. I am fine so far. But, yes, I am concerned for Chiara."

"Ask her if she's fine," I ordered Megan.

"Are you okay, Chiara?"

Chiara kept her eyes closed as she replied, "Mmm, I am better than okay, Meagan. Things haven't begun to get interesting yet. Gil is just warming me up."

Painting flesh.

I didn't wait for Megan to reply, I swung the makeshift flogger hard against Chiara's breasts. She writhed and yelped out loud. I struck her breasts four more times and snarled at Chiara, "Don't come just yet, whore."

Chiara moaned and wheezed, "I need to come from a strike of your hand!"

I walked the length of her body, turned, and positioned myself between Chiara's bent and spread legs. I placed the heel of my foot on the ground and rested its sole on Chiara's slick slit. Slowly I increased the pressure on her pussy by leaning forward. I grunted and flogged her breasts with a steady rhythm. Chiara clenched her jaw and dug her chin hard into her shoulder to keep from crying out from the steadily increasing heat and sting in her breasts and the pressure applied to her swollen pussy and clit.

When she screamed and turned her shoulders to escape the next lash, I stopped the flogging and freed her pussy from the pressure of my foot. I bent at my waist and flipped Chiara onto her belly.

"Your breasts turned such lovely shade of red, Chiara. I want your back, ass and legs the same color."

I struck her back with the rope. Chiara lifted her head off the floor and moaned. I turned to Megan and ordered her to come closer. "Stand in front of this pain slut's head so that you can watch as I paint her flesh."