I Needed a Wife


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'You'd paid for it? No Harry, I really wanted us to fuck each other and I will tomorrow night, regardless of how many times I may have done it with others. It feels good and makes the others worthwhile. Now go to sleep. We're both going to need our strength tomorrow.'

Tracy was right. After breakfast I was challenged to a game of pool by one of the younger wives.

'Best of three?' she suggested, as I racked the balls.

After the second game we were one each. Josie was as competitive as she was cute and grinned at me as she prepared to open.

'Want to make this last game more interesting?' she asked.

I'd had no trouble maintaining my interest, thanks to her leaning over the table for half her shots. I'd held my breath -- not because I cared about her shot, but because I felt sure her jeans were going to split at any second. If she was wearing underwear -- her lack of bra being obvious -- then I was Chinese.

'Sure. How?'

'Every time I pot a ball, you have to take something off. When you pot, I'll do the same.'

'How many items are you wearing?'

'Sandals, jeans and a shirt. Four.'

'Let's go,' I suggested cheerfully.

'Hang on,' she said suddenly suspicious. 'How many items are you wearing?'

'Shoes, socks, shorts, jeans, shirt. Seven.'

'Hmm. How about my sandals count as one and you take off your shoes and socks to start with. That leaves us with three items each.'

'You're going to end up playing half the game naked,' I warned.

'No I'm not,' she said, breaking and sinking a stripe. 'You are.'

I pulled off my shirt and took my shot.

With three balls and the black left, we were both naked. She made the most of her tight young body, doing her best to put me off by posing in between shots. She'd push out her breasts, bend over making sure her feet were apart to name just two of her ploys.

Soon all she had to do was sink the black. She nominated one of the end pockets so I stood behind it, right in her line of sight and stroked my dick. She fouled and I won the game.

'Not fair!' she giggled. 'You cheated.'

'How did I cheat?' I said indignantly.

'By doing this,' she said, rubbing my dick.

'Josie, you're lucky I didn't fuck you from behind as you were taking some of those shots.'

'Why didn't you? I wouldn't have minded,' she said shamelessly.

So, after a lot of kissing and groping, I bent her over the table and fucked her from behind. She squealed with delight and proceeded to make so much noise we'd attracted an audience of two women and a man before we finished to a round of applause.

Josie and I took a bow and then she gathered her clothes and scampered off to find a bathroom. I was about to dress when the man suggested the four of us played doubles.'

'Naked?' the chubby blonde asked hopefully, looking pointedly at my dick.

'Of course,' the tall brunette agreed. 'Girls against boys?'

'You're on,' the guy said.

I'd thought Josie cheated by using her body every way she could, but when there's two of them, each trying to outdo the other in trying to put us off, it's a whole different scenario.

Rob and I lost. The girls decided we'd be the prizes and that they'd share them. Both girls were fucked twice, once by each of their prizes. I had a huge lunch as a result and thought a walk would be in order. I wandered down to a small lake, complete with a little boathouse and a pier and heard some splashing.

One of the older couples were skinny-dipping. Well, she was. He looked exhausted.

'You should come in, Matthew,' the woman called. 'It's heavenly.'

'I'd drown,' he said morosely. 'You've worn me out. I wouldn't have the strength to swim a single stroke. But here's young Harry, arriving in the nick of time! Harry, my boy, go and have a swim with Gloria will you? I don't know where she gets her energy.'

Gloria gave a dirty laugh.

'From sex, Matthew. From sex. Come on, Harry, energise me some more.'

There was a bed in the boathouse, obviously recently used. Gloria and I used it some more while Matthew looked on with interest and absently rubbed his dick.

We finished doing it doggy-style and I'd no sooner withdrawn then Matthew took my place. But rather than plunging into her gaping her cunt, he smeared some grease over her ass and took that instead. I left the boathouse with Gloria squealing like a pig and Matthew huffing and puffing like an old steam train.

A shower, two hours sleep and another shower, had me feeling a little more lively when I went down to dinner. By the time the meal was over I was ready for whatever lay in store. It was just as well because an unbelievably innocent-looking little redhead approached me, smiled sweetly and asked if I'd mind making up a threesome with her and another of the wives.

In between fucking them, they played with each other. I watched them lick my semen out of each other's cunt and move on to enjoy some mutual analingus. Needless to say, I managed to fuck them both, twice each.

Tracy nodded her understanding when I apologised for my lack of interest.

'Both of them twice?' she said, sounding impressed. 'On top of your two this morning and that woman in the boathouse? I think I'd be lucky to get a fuck from you this time next week, never mind now. Tell you what we'll do. You just lie there and give me all the juicy details and I'll masturbate while I listen.'

She kept stopping to interrupt, wanting clarification on various points of my narrative.

'You say they rimmed each other?'

'Yes, if that's what it's called.'

'Did they finger each other?'

'God, yes!'

'Why didn't you do them that way?'

'I never thought to ask and they didn't mention it.'

'But it would have been good, huh? Sliding that dick of yours into their tight little bottoms. Making them shriek and wail because of your size?'

'Would they? Would they enjoy it?'

'Damned right they would -- given enough lube. Fuck, Harry, I adore anal sex and I was going to suggest it but then you said you were too tired.'

'You've done it again, haven't you?'

'Done what, Harry?' she grinned, her face the picture of innocence.

'Got me hard without a single touch.'

'Can't have been me then, can it? Must be your dirty mind focussing on my ass.'

'Do we have enough lube?' I asked hopefully.

'I do believe we do. Why Harry, does this mean you want to bugger your pretend wife? Ravish her poor little bottom? Thrust your dick in and out until she screams your name?'

'I wouldn't mind trying.'

I swear she actually did scream my name.

People started drifting away after breakfast. I suggested to Tracy we may as well do the same and we returned to our room to pack. Or at least, that was the original idea. Tracy wanted to change the plan.

'I have to thank you for what turned out to be a great weekend,' she said. 'I really enjoyed everything about it. And you know what the best bit is about it all?'

I nearly messed up by suggesting it was that she'd got paid for it. Instead I lifted an eyebrow.

'The best bit was you and I getting together at last. Whatever happens in the future, you and I had our little adventure and I'll try not to forget it.'

'Er, our little adventure . . .?' I said slowly.


'It hasn't quite ended, has it?'

'What do you mean?'

'I mean, we're still here. We're still in the bedroom we shared --'

'And we've still got our clothes on,' she said, finishing my sentence with a laugh.

'Not for long, I said, starting to undress.

'Damned right,' she agreed, doing the same.

We stopped for lunch on the way back and I asked her if she had meant it about us having dinner together.

'Definitely! But let's leave it for at least a week so you can pick-up feedback and the general vibe . . . and also try and think about the realities involved in getting close to a prostitute.'

If that was her way of shutting me up, it worked and we finished the journey in silence. I pulled up outside her flat and she surprised me by leaning over to give me a long, loving kiss.

'Now go, before I invite you in. Keep your ears open at work!'

She let herself out quickly, grabbed her case and walked away without looking back. I stared for a moment at the ass I'd so enjoyed the night before and then shook myself and drove away.

Work proved even more enjoyable than it had before. Everyone was in a good mood and I was given some serious compliments of my choice of wife. The guys she'd set out to impress -- the ones who could make or break my career with the firm -- were especially friendly. It felt weird, having a laugh with guys who knew perfectly well that I'd fucked their wives. But then I remembered that they thought they'd fucked mine, too. Tracy was right, as well as being a well-run and successful company, it was also a private swing club.

She was right about the dinner invitations, too, as I told her over dinner ten days later.

I almost failed to recognize her, having become used to a sexy, predatory creature. Now, Tracy appeared completely different, looking and behaving like the girl next door in her stylish, but rather plain outfit.

'So what did you say to them?'

'That I loved the idea but would need to check with my wife.'

'So what will you tell them tomorrow?'

'What I'd like to tell them is that you loved the idea too and what about next weekend?'

'Next weekend I'm in Paris,' she said shaking her head. 'There's some sort of Anglo-French piss-up and they need both English and French girls to make the place look better.'

'The weekend after? Either the Friday or the Saturday? And, if so, how much do I pay you?'

'Either of those days,' she said. 'As for payment . . . how about you let me stay over afterwards?'

'Oh. Wow. Really?'

'If you fuck me like you did the other weekend, I might end up paying you. Let me know as soon as possible which night it is. Oh, and I'll need to feminise your place. Make it look like a woman lives there.'

'Awesome! Oh, and bloody good thinking about the female touches.'

'Someone has to watch your back. You can't play deception games like this without thinking a long way ahead. Christ, Harry, if we really were married, there's no way you could ever hide you having an affair from me.'

'If you and I were married, Tracy, there's no way I'd ever want an affair.'

'Then you're a bigger idiot than I thought. You can't have sex with someone for ten years without the excitement fading and the spontaneity evaporating. But if you had regular affairs -- or something like your company has set up -- the variety keeps everything more alive.'

'So if you and I did get married, you'd start having affairs after, what, the honeymoon?'

'Absolutely not! You and I could keep the passion going for a lot longer than that. But after five years? Different story.'

'Would you tell me? I mean, you know if I was, but how would I know?'

'Would you want to know?'

'Of course. I'd want to know why you chose him and how long you thought it would last and if his dick was bigger than mine and did he use it better --'

'Stop!' she laughed. 'I get it. You'd like to know. I'd prefer you told me, as well, rather than having to figure it out.'

'Bet you'd have an affair before me,' I said. 'I reckon you'd get bored before me. And you'd find it a hell of a lot easier to pick up a lover than I would.'

'You're probably right on both counts. But we're not married so why are we even talking about it?'

'Because we're both starting wonder if we might have a future together in spite of our situations. Because we were probably in love with each other all those years ago but either didn't realise or weren't prepared to admit it. Because our weekend together rekindled all the old stuff and more. And if you and I fucking everything that moved and then each other doesn't prove something I don't know what does,' I said, helplessly.

'Wow. I was not expecting this.'

'What were you expecting?'

'We'd talk about your crazy situation and I'd try to help and maybe we'd spend the night together. What I wasn't expecting was you telling me you loved me. I thought you'd spring it on me gradually and then I could do the same. But now. . . shit!'

'Nothing's changed, Tracy.'

'Yeah. Right. When I thought you were a blast from the past with an interesting problem to solve I never dreamed we'd be here, a few weeks later.'

'We have four options as I see it. One, you give up work and I'll supports us both. Two, I'll give up work and you'll support us both. Three we both pack it all in, move somewhere else and start again. Four, we both continue working.'

'Very good, Harry. There's hope for you yet. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to take option four. I'll spend as much time as possible with you at your place. Sometimes I'm booked for the whole night but, when I'm not, I'll come back to you.

'I'll do my washing at your place, which means you'll have sexy lingerie hanging up to dry everywhere, just to remind you what I do for a living. You'll see me stagger home, exhausted, bedraggled and disheveled and stinking of sex; you'll have to put up with my bitching, especially at certain times of the month; you may even have to deal with a few minor cuts and bruises if a client gets rough. You'll only have sex when I feel like it which might not be very often if I've had a busy day . . . Why are you smiling?'

'Sounds great. Can't wait.'

'Fool,' she said, sounding disgusted.

She sounded anything but disgusted later, when I was licking her out in preparation for filling her again.

Somehow -- and despite all her predictions coming true at one point or another -- we survived going on six months as a couple. In some way, we were helped by the socialising we did with my colleagues and their wives. It added normalcy and respectability to our unconventional life. We also learned, in passing, that while there had been exceptions, no-one tried for an extra-marital hook-up apart from at the organised free-for-alls. Thus if A and B fancied each other, they'd be allowed to screw each other, exclusively, all weekend, but expected to back off for the following six months.

'So there'd be no need for either of us to look for an affair. We just binge fuck with other people every six months,' I pointed out.

'Harry, I've already said you can fuck me,' she sighed, helping by pulling the cheeks of her ass wide apart, 'so there's no need to talk. Just get on with it.'

She was in the middle of a heavy period. As well as the discomfort, she was also unable to work and I had breezed happily and unsuspectingly back from work to find myself the board for her darts. By bedtime, her painkillers had kicked in and she'd started whining about feeling horny.

'We could do it in the shower, Harry. You could have me up against the wall or bending over from behind. What do you say?' she suggested persuasively.

'I say get the lube out and I'll check your ass is as tight as always.'

'That'll work,' she agreed, initially amiable but increasingly irritable by what she considered an unnecessary amount of preparation.

'Right. So when we're both torn and sore because your ass was too dry, you'll be all sweetness and light in the morning,' I asked sweetly.

'I've a good mind to leave right now and find myself a more considerate and sympathetic lover,' she'd snarled.

Which was when I pointed out there was no need as the firm's next fuck-fest was only a couple of weeks away.

'Still have to wait a couple of weeks,' she grumbled.

'You'll be back at work in a few days. Won't that tide you over?'

'How many times do I have to tell you I very rarely get off doing a client?'

'Then you most definitely will have to binge fuck.'

'If you'd just get on with fucking my ass, I won't need to.'

She married me, of course and gave up her career as an escort.

'I always said I'd quit when I was thirty,' she said. 'Twenty-nine's close enough.'

A few months after that, a temporary position came up at the company as one of the wives took maternity leave. Tracy applied for -- and got -- the post as the company preferred to employ, 'family,' if at all possible, rather than a better qualified outsider.

Tracy just managed to fulfil her contract before she needed maternity leave of her own.

I'm happily married, about to become a father and I've had two promotions. All because I hired a hooker to pretend to be my wife. Funny how things work out.

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Sumnut96Sumnut9610 months ago

Not my usual cup of tea, but thoroughly enjoyable. 5 stars DMW aka

IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy5911 months ago

Absolutely believable. Well crafted.

AethurAethurabout 2 years ago

This type of story isn't generally my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it for what it is And for that reason, giving it 5*.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

I would rather be married to a hooker than to a cheater. Loved it

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