I Stumbled into a Daily Blowjob Ch. 08

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Ashley pleads with Jill and gets closer to Andy.
13.9k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 02/19/2024
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No one is around... There's a fresh pot waiting in the kitchen. I pour myself a cup and walk over to look out the back atrium door as always. The sun is up, and finally clear skies have arrived. I pull out my phone to check the forecast... 78 degrees today... running low/mid 80's all week with hardly any rain chances, currently 64 at 8:40 this Sunday morning... This is going to be a great week to finally get some grade work done.

I open the door, walk outside on the covered deck. It's nice out, a bit crisp, but the sun coming up feels warm after the past week's crappy weather.

An outdoor sofa backs up to the living area fireplace, a tiled coffee table has a narrow gas fire pit with stones down the center, side chairs with spring rockers at each end... The deck extends out past the roof to the left and across the back of the master bedroom with its own entrance door... A gas grill, pellet smoker and a pair of chaise lounges with a small table between are in full sun in that section. A stairway goes out the right side of the deck with a landing and returns back to the patio below near the hot tub.

I sit down on the sofa and kick my feet up, sip my coffee enjoying the great morning weather and survey the backyard.... The birds are chirping, everything is finally green, nice and peaceful while thinking about last evening, starting with dinner, and how Jill was eager to accept my suggestions...I guess I'll see if any of that plays out.

Ashley's teasing reached a new plateau that caught me off guard... I'm not quite sure what to make of that... Jill suggests it's all innocent play... We both had been hitting the rum pretty hard, I know I had at least half dozen or more in just a couple hours, Jill probably the same or close... we were feeling no pain for sure when things were getting hot.

With a clear head and coffee this morning, I think maybe Jill was just a little too tipsy. She definitely was excited about new wardrobe suggestions I made, but probably just got caught up in a horny, drunken exuberance later in the evening.

Surely, she wouldn't be making those suggestions about Ashley sober, but man was it hot to consider at the moment... my cock is starting to rise just thinking about Ashley rubbing on my manhood last night... the feel of my cock nestled up between those soft teen ass cheeks.

The door cracks open, Jill leans her head out... "There you are... your bedroom door was open, but you weren't in there"... a grin... "Wow... It's nice out here this morning!"

"Yes, it is!... girls still in bed?"

"Haven't seen them yet.... but I've gotten my workout and a shower out of the way... I thought I would wait till they are stirring to fix a big brunch for us all... that ok?"

"Sure Jill... come join me... the birds are singing this morning".

Jill comes out in a calf length lavender satin robe... a very feminine lace runs around the bottom hem and 3/4 sleeves... Matching belt tied at the waist with furry house shoes... she walks over to me, and sees my cup is almost empty... "Here, I'll get you another cup"... with a wonderful morning smile.

While Jill is gone, I'm thinking... Do I bring up the Ashley thing? ... Hmm... nope, not unless she does.

Jill comes back out with two cups, hands me mine and walks out to the deck railing... "It feels so warm in the sun!"... turns and leans back against the railing to untie her robe...

It falls open, from neck down, open wider around her hips... her exposed breasts look awesome... just covering her nipples pushing at the satin fabric in the crisp air... that awesome slender flat tummy... the soft line running down to her belly button, all for me to view... Loose fitting lavender satin short shorts sit low on her hips, the same lace trim at the legs, a drawstring in a bow at the waist.

She stands for a minute, leaning back against the railing, watching me take her in... Glances down at herself, then looks up at me through a wave of her freshly washed hair, as she sips her coffee..." Is this what you had in mind?"... fucking sexy as hell.... She knows just what to do to make me want more... to look forward to another day with her!

I think my mouth is open a little... "Jill, you look stunning again this morning."

An embarrassed smile... "Andy!... you're too sweet... I'm just me"... Blushing, and loving my compliment..." It was a late night, seems we all slept in a little later than usual"...

"Oh yea, and I really needed coffee this morning... I think I may have had one drink too many last night"... I chuckled a bit.

"Really? I had a great time; the girls were hilarious at playing pool".

"Yea"... smiling at Jill... "I did enjoy that too".

Jill is half looking at me and around the deck... "Maybe that extra drink was a good thing" ... taking another sip of coffee... "They say you're the most honest under the influence."...

Ok Andy... is she going to take you there, I think to myself... careful... "Well, I try to be honest all the time... did I let something slip I shouldn't have"?... and laugh it off, get up to walk over to where Jill is, leaning on the railing looking out at the yard alongside her...

"Um... no... I think it was me that had one too many" ... Jill looks over at me... "I was thinking about it while I was working out"... her eyes got soft... "Andy, the last thing I want is for you to be uncomfortable around Ashley... I don't want to mess up what we have here"...

"Make me uncomfortable?"... I'm thinking if you want to go there, then spell it out.

Jill looks at me... such innocence in her eyes... "Ashley teasing you... backing into you like that."

I look out at the yard, sip my coffee, taking a minute to respond... "Jill... I know from your perspective that was harmless... but I am twice her age... you should be uneasy about that as much as me" ... I turned to her... "Ashley had me aroused, Jill... that's why I finally had to walk away... we have to be honest here".

Jill has a concerned expression, not knowing how to react to that... "Ok... and?" ...

I turn Jill toward me, slip my hands inside her robe to hold her hips, pushing her robe open further. Looking down I see Jill's breasts fully exposed before me now... we need to read each other's body language and eyes as well as words...

"Jill... This is not... you know, normal?... I mean, it's your daughter and Ashley was pretty bold... and if a rumor was to get out? It could ruin me, and that genie can't be put back in the bottle."

Jill looks up at me, some nervousness at my comment... "Andy... you think she would talk or brag about something like that?... Does that sound like something Ashley would do?"

I pause for a minute... bring a hand up to brush her cheek with a finger... At my 6 ft height looking down, her breasts and those erect nipples look spectacular! ... Jill looks like a little China doll that would break so easily... she looks so fucking innocent, so beautiful, so willing... "Two things you said last night stuck with me Jill.... You said you know Ashley well, and you trust me".

I could tell Jill was having an inward sigh of relief, tilted her head a bit with a smile... "I do Andy... to both those statements"...

"Jill... Lana witnessed it all" .... I lean and kiss Jill on the forehead and back to look her in the eyes... "I can't have that."...

Jill hadn't considered Lana, and her expression shows it... "No Andy, you can't... nor can I or Ashley"... Jill obviously needs a few moments to consider my perspective... "I will talk with her".... her robe open, her nakedness in front of me...

I move my hands up her sides...her skin so soft and warm, pushing her robe open more to the edges of her shoulders... her breasts, erect nipples displayed perfectly... The soft lines that define her tummy are so awesome.... And Jill has no reservations, giving herself for me to look her up and down... I take a hand to push her hair back from her eyes then around to gently hold the back of her neck as he gazes at me... waiting...

"Jill, I've been watching you go through some big changes this week... it's good that you're putting the past behind you, moving on, seeking what you really want out of life... and look at you, standing exposed in front of me right now"... Jill has a look of submission, as though she is ready to drop to her knees to suck my cock right now... "I can't tell you what a privilege this is... that I'm the lucky one you chose to seek out your desires with"... The sincerest look I can give..." I understand your motherly concerns, but this can't get out of hand"...

Jill is looking at me a bit misty eyed... a crooked little smile... "I think I'm the lucky one"... and lays the side of her face on my shoulder, her warm breasts pressed against my lower chest, with nothing left to add...

My heart is beating like a rabbit... I've hardly been able to keep up with her... But damn, everything about this woman excites me!

Jill steps back looking up at me... she gives me that little lip bite of hers for the first time this morning... closes and ties her robe.... "The girls could be up... Here, let me check and get us a fresh cup"....


Five minutes or so pass and Ashley comes out with my coffee, still in her Cami top and plaid pajama shorts from last night. Her hair pulled into two fat ponytails pointing up like pom poms from behind each ear, her bangs hanging over her eyebrows, longer strands falling down the sides of her gorgeous face... She is such a natural beauty, and after the conversation I just had with Jill?... Ashley's body looks every bit as built for pleasure.

She sits beside me, one leg folded on the sofa facing me, all morning smiles... "Mom asked me to bring you a cup of coffee so she could start on brunch"... Ashleys breasts fill her Cami top to the max... the way it stretches to frame and hold those braless teen breasts... Her nipples starting to show, due to the morning air, rising against the fabric...

Taking a sip... "Well thank you sweetheart... have you and Lana been enjoying your visit?"... and of course, I'm having trouble not looking at her unrestrained breasts in that tight top. My eyes keep looking at those full round "D's", her nipples now pronounced, erect and pointing up.... How amazing it would be to suckle on those even for just a few minutes... and it seems Ashley is being patient, giving me those few seconds...a twinkle in her eyes when I finally look back at her.

"Yea... we had fun... I mean, the hot tub, learning to play pool, we watched a movie"... Ashley is starting to beam, her perfect white teeth highlight that big smile, like today will be the perfect day again... She pulls both her legs up, knees pushed into her boobs, fingers locked holding her ankles... "It's a little cool out here with nothing on my legs".

"But it's warming up fast"... she can interpret that any way she likes.

Ashley has such a gorgeous face..., That straight little nose, curled full upper lip, her haunting eyes just under those straight bangs and manicured eyebrows.... And that innocent smile turns into a more serious look... "Andy... thanks for letting us stay here... you're like, a really great guy, and... I just wanted to tell you that'... leans to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek, sits back again with a half-smile gazing into my eyes... Those haunting, steely blues with no bottom, just looking into my soul... and I can see her innocent heart just the same....

Her sincere thanks and little kiss caught me by surprise... Ashley just doesn't come across as a kid to me anymore.... "Sweetheart... believe it or not, you two have filled a void and I'm really glad you're here ... so you are most certainly welcome!"

Ashley is absolutely beaming from my response, eyebrows raised, a full smile... "Really?"... then a seeming nervousness comes over her.... She looks away.... "Um...I better go and help mom"... then looks down... then back at me with a nervous little giggle... looks away again... slowly gets up, then looks down at me for just a second, blushing.

She then walks toward the door, and her ass looks so fine!... Ashley looks back a couple of times to get a glimpse of me watching her with a little blushed smile, quickly turning away.... She opens the door...stops and gives me a little nervous wave and smiles as she goes back into the house.... the look of a teen with a first crush...

Those titties jiggling... that fine ass of hers in that little pajama set that had my cock all nestled in last night... and those ponytails are driving me over the edge of fantasy...Damn!... Ashley looks to fucking hot this morning!

I walk over and lean on the railing, looking at the creek down at the tree line, sipping my coffee. And try thinking about the fishpond and waterfall I want to get built this spring... that's going to make a nice backyard feature and once I thin out the underbrush of the trees the whole area will become a focal point...

But it's hard to concentrate... the more I've thought about it the past few days, can I go back to living alone in a few months?... This is turning out to be nothing like I thought it would be... and Ashley... My god, that fucking body, those glorious tits of hers... Jill has no idea the thoughts I have about Ashley...


I walk into the kitchen and Jill has it going on... she's changed into a pair of stretchy worn jeans, a snug fitting knit shirt and her wedges... The stove top is covered with skillets and pots giving off a fabulous breakfast aroma.

I can hear a vacuum cleaner running downstairs; Ashley is tidying up before my buddies arrive.

"Man, o man... this looks and smells good"... I'm standing at the island, staying out of the way.

"It's still going to be another half hour"... Jill facing the stove.

"Looks like a lot of food and a lot of work!"

"This is what I like to do Andy?"... Jill smiles over her shoulder... "I like to cook."

And I like that...I like that Jill is the loving mother, the silly tease, someone that takes pride in accomplishment, the well-dressed professional and she's a pleaser by nature... In a word, a down to earth woman with style... I'm liking Jill a lot... and more each day... actually both the girls more each day...

I head downstairs to see what Ashley is up to.

Lana and Ashley are busy getting the Man Cave spruced up for afternoon festivities with my buddies. Ashley is running the vacuum while Lana is wiping off counters and tables... Jill and Ashley are being true to their word... they are keeping my home spotless, organized, and I haven't regretted them moving in a single day... and it says a lot about Lana, the way she's pitching in.

I walk outside, head down to the creek to survey the area, squat down to get a good look at the grade. How high can I dam up the low side without looking unnatural? How deep will I need to dig to protect the fish during winter? ... I walk around the area, mapping out in my head just how I want flat creek rock placed for a nice lazy waterfall to flow into the undisturbed creek bed.... Maybe a shaded bench under the trees to sit and watch the fish... to meditate, recharge...

I see Jill walking down towards me... "Brunch is about ready... the girls are setting things"... she reaches where I'm standing, noticing I'm deep in planning... "Wacha thinking about?"

"Oh... a project I want to take on this spring... I'm thinking about damming up this side for a fishpond"... waving my hand to my left... "create a creek stone waterfall to flow back into the creek"... then pointing to the right... "maybe an arched bridge to get a mower across' ... as Jill slides her hand inside my elbow to hold my arm... listening intently...

Looking up at me with a smile, Jill has a twinkle in her eyes... "That sounds wonderful Andy... maybe a bench to sit and enjoy?".... She scans across what I've described, picturing the same.

"You read my mind Jill... I was thinking maybe a shaded swinging bench seat... possibly a small gazebo down the line somewhere" ...

"Come... let's eat Andy"... Jill tugs at my arm, slides her hand down to hold the ends of my fingers yet again as we walk back to the house... looking up at me...telling me about different water plants that are beneficial to fishponds, what would look great around the pond mingled in with some large rocks....

Jill gets me... she seems to understand what I'm about... a project guy, a builder in everything I do, always with something new to conquer... and she shows interest in what makes me tick.

"I really like those ideas; you seem to know a lot about horticulture... I'm impressed!"

"I have my interests Andy"... all smiles that I'm showing the same interest in her ideas..." I love being outside, working with plants... Oh, and what I would do with landscaping around the house!"... Jill looks up at me for my reaction. that twinkle still in her eyes... "It looks so bear with nothing there!"

"Hmmm... I was going to hire a landscape designer, then farm the landscaping out... maybe I should hire you?"... with a chuckle and a wink... "Put something on paper... give me your pitch"...

Jill looks forward as we walk and I can tell she is appreciative... excited that I listen to her, that I respect her opinions and ideas...

My heart is beating fast again... the more time I spend with Jill, she is like the missing puzzle piece in my life... she likes to keep busy like me... She seems domestic at heart, rather than the party girls of my past I grew tired of.... It's as if taking care of the house and me is a given... She's smart, attractive, fashionable, goofy at times... never a grumble, always upbeat, smiling... I'm finding there is so much more to this woman ...


Ashley and Lana are placing the last of the food and place settings as Jill and I come up the stairs... What a spread!... A plate of bacon, a bowl of scrambled eggs... a pile of waffles... an aluminum pan of some kind of hash brown casserole, and a small bowl of mixed fruit beside each plate...

"Jill... Girls! ... you've outdone yourselves!"... Looking at all the choices spread out... Jill takes hold of my fingers again, squeezing, smiling up at me...

Ashley comes around and pulls out my stool... "Here Andy... you first... more coffee?!"... Lana is taking in the whole scene... getting caught up in the mutual respect...

The girls all find a place... I'm at one end, Ashley sits adjacent to my side, Lana beside her and Jill at the other end of the Island facing me... Ashley seems so excited... giggling at me as she grabs each plate and bowl of food, offering them up for me to add to my plate... Jill is looking directly at me, grinning and gives me a wink as Ashley smothers me with attention.

The conversation is lighthearted, the teens are talking about school, the track team getting started back up, giggling about boys as we eat... Jill is noticeably silent for the most part, observing... I listen and chuckle a bit, but I can't seem to stop looking at Ashley... her braless tits jiggle with every laugh, her eyes keep catching mine, lord her haunting eyes drive me crazy.

Jill seems to be watching how I interact with Ashley, me glancing at her body... When our eyes meet, she gives a little grin... or a wink... what in the world is Jill thinking?

A super brunch polished off, I sat back, full... "My goodness that was delicious... Do you ladies have any idea how badly you spoil me?

Without a second, Ashley retorts... "We like to spoil you Andy... you spoil us too... the hot tub, and you didn't have to teach us how to play pool last night, but you did".... Lana giggles looking out the corner of her eyes at Ashley, putting her hand up trying to hide her dimples ... Jill looks at me with a "yike" on her face, then softens her expression...