I.T. Ch. 03

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Different Strokes.
7.2k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 05/11/2024
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"Do your kids need a sitter?" I asked Helen after we'd dismissed Maryann back to her office.

"Kids?... Sitter?" she responded, confused at my query.

"How old are they? Can they stay home alone, or do you need to arrange for babysitting?"

"No, my daughter is 17 and my son is 15 -- I think they're perfectly fine for a few hours without supervision."

"Good. Order them a pizza tonight and tell them you've got a late business meeting and dinner and that you won't be home until late. I'll come back by here at 5:30 and get you, and we'll go to dinner."

OK... but that won't take that long will it? We won't be that late..."

"True, not if we just go to dinner. But I think you want to go to my place and fuck as much as I do, and that's going to take several hours more." I smiled and turned, giving her no chance to answer.


Helen sighed and rolled off me. It was our second fuck, the first had been on the living room couch where we'd attacked each other after we'd come in the door. I hadn't been wrong in assuming that she wasn't averse to a man taking charge, although nowhere near the submissive that Maryann was. I rightly assumed that with her being in a position of authority, she occasionally liked to relinquish that authority and let someone else be in charge of her. Dinner, a glass of wine, and when I started toward my place, she said she needed her car as she couldn't spend the night. I told her I'd take her to her car later.

Partially recovered, we'd adjourned to the shower where slippery soap and water had aroused us both again. She'd wanted to be on top, riding me cowgirl the second time. I hadn't been quite ready to do it again but when she crawled up between my legs and showed me her oral skills, I'd responded quite readily.

"You're certainly a take charge kind of guy, aren't you?" she said, rolling into my shoulder as I lifted my arm to let her snuggle.

"Sometimes I can be. Did you not want me to be?"

"I didn't say that." Her hand reached down and gripped my cock, squeezing and stroking a bit. I barely responded, much too soon after our second time. "Will you be able to do it again?"

"Not very soon," I said, reaching over and tweaking her nipple, "But my tongue always works."

"Are you as good as Maryann was?"

"I don't know, you'll have to rate that. Was she good?"

"I came."

"Which was better? Her going down on you, or you going down on her?"

"I'm not sure. They were different."

"And you've never done that before?"


"Which do you like better, eating pussy or sucking cock?"

"I used to love to suck cock," she answered, slowly rocking her pelvis up and down on me. "I haven't sucked a cock since, well, before my husband left."

"And that's the first time you've ever sucked a cock and eaten a pussy in the same day?"

"First time I've ever eaten a pussy at all. First time I've ever had sex with two people in one day before, either."

"You did seem to enjoy it. I'm sure it won't be your last."

I could feel her nipple growing as my fingers rolled it around. "You like your nipples played with?"

"Umm, yeah," she groaned, her eyes closing and body shivering. "I haven't had sex in over four years."

"Since your husband left?"

"Even before."


Helen hadn't been on my radar until her computer triggered that warning for me. I'd seen her in staff meetings, of which I'd admired her physique from afar, but we never had any personal interaction. I'd seen her around the office multiple times, although all we'd had was a first-name "hello" relationship. With her the head of HR, many only saw her when someone was in real trouble. When the head of HR showed up in an office -- it seemed like someone was about to get fired.

I had already been dealing with Maryann, making her go without panties and report to me and show me she was without panties every morning when Helen's indiscretions came to light. I hadn't planned on telling Miller, or HR, about Maryann -- but when I witnessed Helen's woman-on-woman and man-on-woman porn searches, I recognized her sexual hunger for what it was. And, with taking a dominant role and the need to "punish" Maryann, a possible solution seemed to appear. When I walked into Helen's office that morning without an appointment and told her I needed to close the door, I think she knew. Why was the head of IT coming to the head of HR and telling her they needed to talk in private when normally it was the head of HR that went to others that way?

It only took a little explanation to convince her to go along. I told all about how I'd discovered Maryann's emails had been unlocked and left that way, how I'd been investigating and discovered her desire to be submissive. Helen immediately said I should take this to Miller, but when I asked if Maryann had been a good employee, she admitted she'd had exemplary performance reviews for several years, and was otherwise a good employee. I then told her that I'd addressed the usage of company computers for unallowed purposes with her and that we had reached an arrangement. When she asked what that was, I sloughed it off momentarily and said that we had another employee, that had been doing much worse -- querying and looking at porn after hours, and that if I took Maryann's indiscretions to Miller I should probably also take this other persons indiscretions.

Helen immediately shut up and just looked at me. I saw the emotions play across her face, even though she made an outstanding effort to not show them. When she asked if I knew exactly who this person was, I said, "It shouldn't take too much effort, but I haven't chased this one out yet... Helen." Whether I was just saying her name as part of the discussion, or whether I was telling her who it was, was a bit ambiguous, but she knew.

"And what do you propose to do about this... indiscretion?" She'd asked.

I'd never really had much interaction with Helen to that point in time. She had always dressed immaculately and quite professionally. Whether in a pantsuit or dress or a skirt and blouse, she was always professionally dressed and came across that way. While she often had quite feminine blouses, she'd never had any that were overtly sexy. Although moderately busty, she wasn't big-titted by any means. Shirts or blouses that exposed her upper chest always stopped short of exposing cleavage -- in short, she was a professional and well-manicured manager.

That there was a hungrily sexy woman under those clothes, I would never have had a clue -- until now.

"I guess we all have our secret desires, don't we?" I started. "It's just that sometimes something out of our control exposes those desires. Take Maryann for instance. She had a marriage that's all over because of a husband that has treated her as a china doll -- while in reality what she wanted was to be treated like a whore. It seems strange to me, but hey -- we all have our desires. And then this... other person... who has been querying online about female-on-female... videos, as well as male-on-female videos, seems to either be bi-sexual or perhaps just bi-curious." I paused, letting Helen stew in her thoughts for a moment.

"I'm really not very conservative when it comes to people's sexual preferences, it's just that they're not supposed to be investigating them on the company computers. For instance, I know that Jean in shipping was checking her Tinder account on the company computer and all it took there was to go down and mention to the entire staff that someone had been using their shipping computer for arranging dates and it needed to stop. I didn't tell them that I knew it only happened after Jean had logged on, but it stopped." Helen's head bobbed in understanding. "There wasn't a need to accuse anyone specific of anything."

"And what about this... situation?"

"This has been going on for a few weeks. I didn't know it, I don't normally follow up on what individuals are doing, but, whoever it was, accessed a Chinese-based website, and immediately we started getting pings, so somebody in China was looking to infiltrate our network. Quite dangerous, it could have led to some real problems. Luckily, we've got a pretty secure system and we averted a problem now, but then I started looking back and realized that the queries from that computer had been going on for a while."

"So... I'm guessing you think this should be going up to Miller?"

"Well, I'm not sure. Sometimes indiscretions need a reprimand and punishment, and sometimes they need a helping hand, so they don't do it again. It looks to me like whoever this is, might just be horny. In my opinion, it kind of looks like they might be looking to hook up with someone. I'm thinking that maybe just a warning to not do that on company computers, and maybe these two problems can be combined into one solution."

I waited for her to process this, and momentarily she came back with, "Just what are you proposing?"

"Well, I know this is a bit... unusual, but it turns out that Maryann is a submissive in need of a dominant force to... well, for lack of a better word, to "order" her around. I've taken her to task for writing naughty emails to her friend on company time. But in reading her emails, it seems that she has, in the past, had a few episodes of being directed to lick pussy and get spanked while it's happening. It seems she gets a... pleasurable orgasm from being spanked that way." I paused and let Helen digest what I'd said, and to infer what I hadn't said. "I've promised her that she's to get a punishment before the end of the week, which is today, and I think a spanking is quite an appropriate punishment for her. As for this... other party... Helen... I believe she would appreciate a little assistance in... achieving her fantasies. And if that happened, I'm sure I wouldn't see any more Google searches on Chinese websites, would I?" Whether she knew it or not, Helen's nipples had hardened in her shirt.

"Or I guess I could do some more research and go up to Miller with a name..."

It was perhaps 30 seconds before she answered. "No, I don't think we need to go to Miller with any names."

"I'm glad. I didn't either."

"So, what do you want me to do?" In doing so she acknowledged that everything I'd said was correct.

It just took me seconds to tell her how we'd summon Maryann to her office, that I'd try and stay out of sight, but that after she'd arrived I'd move in and take over directing Maryann to lick her pussy. I told her I did not doubt that Maryann would do as instructed and that after I'd paddled her to orgasm, she would turn around and allow Helen to eat her pussy too.

Helen was quiet for a few moments, contemplating everything that I'd said and presumably contemplating the ramifications. "And... you're going to do this right now?"

I nodded my head yes, but said, "No, not quite yet." She wasn't quite startled at my answer but didn't add it all up.


"Not until after you take your panties off and give them to me."


"How long have you been fucking her?" Helen asked, turning on her side and cuddling to me. Her hand ran up and across my chest, fingers momentarily stroking my nipples. With my hand lying across my belly, I had to move just a bit and found her nipple. Larger than mine, my fingers closed on it, eliciting an "umm, that's nice."

"You like your nipples played with?"

"Yeah, I do."

"I can tell," I said, lowering my fingers to her lower breast. Unable to grip her nipple there I just ran the back of my fingers back-and-forth over it. "What have you been doing for sex?"

"I've been married to my vibrator."

"For four years?"

"Give or take."

"Why were you searching stuff on the work computer?"

"It's hard enough having teens in the house without leaving them naughty crumbs on the home computer. I just didn't want them to be going to those kinds of places just yet. I figured after hours at work nobody would be the wiser. I just didn't think it through." I didn't answer, there wasn't anything to say. "You didn't answer."

"Answer what?" I responded, not knowing what I'd ignored.

"How long have you been fucking her?" She gave it a second and clarified, "Maryann."

"What makes you think I'm fucking her?"

"You're not? She sure didn't complain about having to suck your cock."

"She's not going to complain about anything. She enjoys being ordered to do what she really wants to do." A second later I added, "I haven't fucked her... yet."

"You haven't? But you've had her suck your cock before?"

"That was the first time."

"Wow, and I was there?" I just bobbed my head in acknowledgment.

"I wouldn't mind doing that again." She wasn't telling me anything that I didn't already know.

"We will do it again." This time it was her head that was nodding.

We lay there gently caressing each other's body for several moments. "Barry?"


"You are really a dick aren't you." I was quiet for several moments.

"Why do you say that?"

"Blackmail me into fucking you. Forcing Maryann into being a slut."

"You think I blackmailed you?"

"Didn't you? Threatening to go to Miller?"

"Are you sure I did that?" I waited, and when she didn't answer I said, "I never said I would go to Miller if you didn't go along, but you may have assumed that and I didn't try to dissuade you."

"And Maryann?"

"Did you hear any complaints from her?" It was silent for a few moments.

"And George? You didn't go to Miller. You took what you knew to the FBI."

"You mean, you think I did but you can't prove anything."

"Did you?" I didn't answer. "So why him?" Whether I admitted it or not, she'd already convicted me in her mind. I took in a big breath and slowly exhaled.

"You did, didn't you?"

"It was personal," I answered, not wanting to go further, but knowing she was going to push until I did.

"You were involved with him?" The incredulous tone in her voice said it all. "You really are a bastard. I didn't think you were a pedophile," she said as she pulled away. "And to think I let you fuck me."

"I may have different ideas of what's appropriate between consenting adults than you do, but one thing I'm not is a pedophile."

"Then why did you turn him in? How did you even find out about him?"

I said nothing, just contemplating the questions. I'd known there was always the possibility that someday, someone, might question me or my motives. As often as I'd gone over this in my head, after a couple of years of silence I hadn't really expected it would ever come up.

"He left a USB flash drive in his computer."

"And you found it?"

"I wasn't looking, but in doing some other stuff, I could see there was an unexplained drive attached. I queried it, just to see what it was." I swallowed, hard; Helen said nothing. "He didn't use much for a file system, and didn't even have it password protected. Every folder had a name. A girl's name." I rolled to my side to look at Helen. "One of them was the name of my niece. I didn't think it would be her, but it was. He had pictures of her... performing... sex acts."

"Shit." I didn't say anything, we lay there for several minutes before she asked, "How old is she?"

"She was eleven when she committed suicide."

"He did that?"

I shook my head no. "They didn't think so. The FBI eventually was able to identify that most of the pictures were taken at what was supposedly her daycare. She started going there when she was 7. He'd gotten the pics from someone else."

"Oh my god."


We lay there, neither of us saying anything for several minutes. "I apologize," she said, sitting up and rolling onto her bottom.

"For what?"

"You're not quite as much of a bastard as I pegged you for."

"Hmm," I answered. "What about us. Did you do anything that you didn't want to do?" She looked sideways at me without answering and I added, "Did you do anything that you don't want to do again?"

She didn't answer my questionw, but I knew the answer. "I've got to get going. I do have kids at home."

I rolled out of my side of the bed, walking naked into the toilet to take a pee. Helen was standing and facing the side of the bed when I stepped back out. Already wearing her panties, she was arranging her bra and had just slipped her arms through the armholes when I stepped up behind her. Sliding my hands under her arms I filled my hands with her breasts, momentarily interrupting her getting dressed again. "You've got great tits," I said as my fingers closed on her nipples.

"You better stop that or you're going to get me going again."

"Just a promise for next time," I answered, withdrawing my hands.

As she fitted her breasts into the cups, I took the two straps and stretched them under her arms, easily hooking the clasp for her. "And you think there will be a next time?"

I didn't have to answer, instead asked, "Were you thinking this was just a one-night stand?" I watched as she pulled her skirt up and reached for her blouse. I hadn't particularly looked at her bra until now, but standing and facing me as she was, I now could see that it was a plain, every day, padded, going-to-work version. "You need a sexier bra."

"Not for work. If you want one of those, you need to let me go home and change first."

I just smiled.

It wasn't until she walked to the door that we both realized her car was still in the parking garage at work. It took me just seconds to slip on pants and a shirt.


"Did you shave this morning as I instructed?" I asked Maryann when she stopped by my office. After my late evening with Helen, I hadn't come in at my usual time, so I'd called her to come see me. It was only the first time that I ever had to instruct her to close the door. Now, whenever she came to my office, she knew to pull the door closed behind her. It wasn't unusual for my door to be closed, so I knew that wouldn't arouse any curious onlooker. With my computer access to everything of everybody's, everyone knew it required a knock and my unlocking the door or permission to enter.

"Yes, Sir." She lifted her skirt, showing me her bare pussy, and didn't initially move when I stretched out my hand toward her, indicating she should move forward. All I had to do was cock my eyebrows, however, and she stepped forward.

"Hold it up," I said, lifting her skirt with one hand. She reached down and did as I instructed, allowing me free access to fondle her. "Nice. Very smooth," I said. "Ok, I'll need you back here at 5 this evening, or as soon as all your co-workers have gone. OK?"

I just looked at her and it stymied any question of why, although I could tell she really wanted to ask. "Yes, Sir," she said after a slight pause.

"You can go. Leave the door open." I turned to my computer screen watching her reflection in the screen as she momentarily hesitated and then turned and walked away.


"That was a hell of a day yesterday," Helen said when I answered the phone.

"That it was," I answered, "Hold on, just a second." Turning to Randy who had come into my office for some help, I finished up without covering the mouthpiece so Helen could tell I was doing something and then dismissed him.

"Which was better, lunchtime or dinner time?" I asked, knowing she'd understand I was asking if it was better playing with Maryann or getting fucked by me.

"They were both different... Maybe we can try lunch in the evening someday?" Just as she understood my euphemisms, I understood her query perfectly also.

"Could be. She seems very willing to do whatever I tell her to. What do you think, tomorrow too soon?"

"What's wrong with tonight?" she giggled in return.

"Eager, are we?" I glanced up as Kathy walked in holding a sheaf of papers. "Put them right there," I told her, again not trying to block Helen from hearing anything. An innocuous question I answered with "Yeah, that'll do. Just let me know if you've got any problems," and satisfied, Kathy turned and walked out.