i-woman Pt. 01: Preparations

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Rebecca's boyfriend helps her unwind after a stressful week.
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Rebecca was on her couch with a take-out salad in one hand, and fork in the other. A glass of wine, filled to the brim, was placed on a marble coaster atop her glass coffee table. The living room was dark, and the curtains were drawn.

The last week of work had been especially demanding for Rebecca, as her boss had read every written proposal she could rip from her burnt out brain, and denied every one of them. The deadline for proposals was Monday afternoon, and she still had nothing. Her plans for this weekend were now tarnished. She would have to lock herself in this apartment until she could write a proposal that would sell, even if it took her until Monday morning. This, she knew, was sure to disappoint her boyfriend.

Her phone let out a familiar bing!, and Rebecca's hands replaced her phone with her salad swiftly. It was Evan, of course it was. Rebecca felt a moment of reproach, which was quickly replaced by glee.

As a young girl, Rebecca had never been particularly too eager to cancel plans for men. Her work always came first. Growing up reading editorials and advice columns in fashion magazines filled Rebecca with a passion for journalism, and her tenacity had been the very thing that helped her thrive in that world. It was the very reason she landed her dream job at The Red Violet, a women's style magazine, in the first place. It left her with very little experience in long term relationships, and more than a little hesitant about commitment.

That was, until she met Evan. Ever since their first date, just the thought of Evan made Rebecca giddy. When her phone ring, she paused everything to answer it. When they made plans, she paused everything to make them. Except her job. That was the one thing that was off limits.

The notification read: Be ready at 7. I'll see you soon, beautiful.

Rebecca's heart sank in her chest, and she typed the reply she'd been dreading.

Can't make it :( Boss is giving me a hard time. Good luck with your proposal!

Rebecca let out a deep breath, a crease forming above her brows. Her lips pursed in frustration, and her head hung in her hands. The last thing she wanted was to push Evan away. But she didn't want to lose this job either. Performance reviews were in two weeks. If he could just hold on until then, once she knew her future at the magazine was set, Rebecca wouldn't have to spend her weekends locked behind closed doors tapping tirelessly at her keyboard until an idea stuck.

Her phone rang, signaling a phone call.

"Evan..." She said his name breathlessly into the phone, not sure where to begin but longing to give him different news.

"Rebecca," he responded. The disappointment Rebecca had expected was absent from his voice. In its place was cool amusement. "Are you sure you can't come?" he cooed, "This dinner is really important to me. You know I am proposing this big plan to my manager tonight, and hoped to have you by my side, cheering me on."

"I don't know," Rebecca bit her cheek.

"Maybe you'll find some inspiration there," He mused.

Rebecca considered this. She did not want to disappoint him. Yet, the social battery that it took to perform and be present to a room full of strangers, coworkers of her partner specifically, might run her dry for the entire weekend.

She must have been thinking this over for some good time, because Evan spoke before she could deny him again.

"Will you come out tonight? Please?" He asked. Something in his voice, his words, connected with Rebecca.

Rebecca repeated, "I will come out tonight," before she had a moment to process what she was saying.

With an untouched meal left on the table and phone in hand, Rebecca lifted herself off the couch and began to prepare for the evening. Her fingers traced the lines of coat hangers and fabric in her closet, her mind wondering what outfit would be the most presentable.

"Will you wear the red dress tonight? The one that I bought you? Please?" Evan asked.

Rebecca scrunched up her nose. She wasn't sure that dress was the most appropriate for a work event.

"The red dress... that you bought me..." she repeated slowly, as though connecting the spoken words to the memory would help her fingers find the garment among her mass of clothes.

Yes, the particularly deep shade of red was dazzling with her dark brown hair and eyes. Yet her chest was on full display, and the hemline sat precariously high on her thighs. The fabric clung to her hips, emphasizing each curve on her body. Her hands moved up and down the length of the material, loving the way it felt on her skin.

The dress adorned her body before she had time to consider any other options. It was Evan's coworkers after all. If he believed that this would be the best fit, then so be it.

"And you can skip the bra, if you want," Evan said, next.

"Skip the bra?" Rebecca repeated incredulously, "Evan, you want all eyes on you tonight, not me. They're going to love your ideas, hon. I promise."

Evan chuckled.

"I guess you're right," he said, "I guess I am just too excited about what will be waiting for me after the proposal"

Rebecca wanted to scold him, like a mother or a teacher. He should be focused more on his presentation right now than sex. That could come later, if he made care not to be so presumptuous. He was lucky she was going out tonight at all.

"Evan..." Rebecca started. He must have heard it in her voice, the lecture that she had prepared. Evan interrupted before Rebecca could finish.

"Freeze." He said calmly. Rebecca Felt her body and mind go rigid. Rebecca could not move. Rebecca could not speak. Rebecca could not think. Rebecca still stood in front of the mirror, and her tongue was stuck to the tip of her teeth, ready to pronounce the last letter of his name.

"As I count down, you will slowly enter a trance-like state, much like the ones you have been in before. Only this time it will be 10 times more powerful, do you understand?"

"Yes, master," was all Rebecca could say. The command entered my mind as if it were my own, phone still in hand.

Evan counted down, from 10 to 1, and as he did Rebecca felt her body go numb.

"Ten." Rebecca lost feeling in her feet first. They remained planted on the ground, but in a detached and sleep-like state. Any attempt to move them would be futile.

"Nine." The feeling traveled to her calves, and then her thighs.

"Eight." The feeling reached her torso, and as it went up her spine. Rebecca felt herself slouch slightly. The tension in her muscles was dissipating.

"Seven." Rebecca's body was asleep all the way up to her chest.

"Six." The detachment grew over my collarbone and across my arms. My shoulders slumped, and the phone fell out of my finger tips. The soft sound it made as it hit the carpet did not stir her. In the mirror, Rebecca could see each limb lose its tension, yet Rebecca remained standing. It was as if a single, imaginary chord ran through her legs, her spine, and finally out through her head, holding her body upright.

"Five." Her neck relaxed, and Rebeccafelt natural bodily functions change. Rebecca Could not make herself swallow or breathe, instead the actions took place only when her body decided it was time. Saliva pooled in her mouth.

"Four." Her head slumped as the darkness reached it, and Rebecca could no longer see herself in the mirror. Her jaw unlocked itself, and her teeth were no longer clamped. Her face was thankful for the break from its typically taught position.

"Three." Rebecca's eyes closed in a slow blink, and opened again as Rebecca took a deep breath. As the air expelled out of her lungs, her eyes closed all on their own again. The young woman's eyelids slowly fluttered one last time, before Rebecca could no longer keep them open. Her eyelids were too tired... oh, so tired. They deserved rest.

"Two." The tension in her mind was gone. She felt the strain at her temples resolve effortlessly. Rebecca could no longer think about work or deadlines. The only thing that mattered was floating in this black, mindless abyss. Her consciousness floated backwards, and Rebecca no longer remembered the man on the phone or the room swirling around her.

"One. Drop." Rebecca dropped deeper into trance, feeling her body slump even more, as much as it could while standing.

"You are in a dream like a trance. My words alone are your thoughts, and you have no thoughts of your own. Do you understand?"

"I understand," Rebecca said softly, lips barely moving. Drool started to form at the edge of her mouth.

"Good girl," My master said.

Rebecca shuddered with pleasure, her limp body wriggling in delight at the praise. Rebecca Had no self awareness and no shame. Rebecca had no inhibitions to prevent the animal-like moan that escaped her lips.

As Rebecca's lips parted, the drool threatened to escape.

"Rebecca," Evan said, even her own name coming from his lips made the woman's body shiver ever so slightly, "What happens when I say good girl?"

her body shuddered again, pleasure spreading from her toes, to her thighs, to her clitoris. The pleasure exploded there, extending to her tits and the tips of her fingers. They twitched - desperate to touch, grab or squeeze anything. Yet, they remained by Rebecca's side obediently.

"I feel pleasure," Rebecca responded in what sounded more like a sigh of release than anything else.

"When I Say good girl," he paused when Rebecca moaned again, then proceeded, "the trigger is most powerful in transe. However, it still works out of trance, do you understand? When I use it out of trance, it will not seem odd or unusual to you, even if said in public. Do you understand?"

"Mhmmm... " Rebecca mumbled weakly, her head nodding in agreement with his command.

"You are really excited to see me. Aren't you?" He said.

"Mhmm..." Rebecca replied, butterflies forming in the pit of her stomach when she thought of meet him tonight.

"Just like a teenager, stricken with puppy love, who can't keep her hands off her new boyfriend."

Her hands twitched again. Rebecca imagined Evan walking through the door, and how she would cling to him. I'd hold on to him the whole night and never let him go.

"And every time you look at me, you will grow hornier and hornier. You'll want to make a good first impression on my friends, but your mind will always linger around what you plan to do with me tonight, when we get back to my place."

Her lips parted as Rebecca breathed in deeply, thinking about everything she would do to him - and let him do to her - tonight. She would grab him by the neck tie and pull him closer until their bodies met. She'd feel the fire inside of her grow as his bulge grew from under his pants, pushing in the tender place between her thighs. She'd let him push her down on to the bed, and thrust himself into her body.

"Kneel for me, Good Girl." Rebecca kneeled for him, and as soon as Rebecca was on the ground she felt her back arch with pleasure. More sounds escaped her mouth, and a trail of drool reached her chin. Somehow the feel of it turned her on more, as though it were her Master's finger tip, pressed gently against the skin.

"Before I let you reach the peak of your pleasure, Rebecca, I have a few more triggers to implant for tonight. Are you ready?"

"Mhmmm," Rebecca said, her body trembling now, drool sliding down to her neck. Rebecca's wrists were still bound at her side, but her fingers ached to relieve her pussy of the hot fire burning between her legs and the tickle that trailed across her nipples. It feels good to obey. The mantra filled Rebecca's body with more fire.

"Whenever I reach out and trace your nipple in a spiral pattern, you will immediately begin counting down and sinking into trance. You will not want to stop me from touching you, and my hand on your nipple will not feel out of place in public. It will feel just as natural to you as holding your hand. As long as my hand traces your nipple, you will count down from 10 to 1. If I stop before you get to 1, you will wake up from your impending trance, disoriented. You will not remember what happened the entire time my hand was on your breast. If you reach 1, you will fall as deeply into trance as you are now. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master," Rebecca droned, the drool dripping to her collar bone.

"Whenever I say the word trance, You will trace your own nipples in a circular pattern, and count down from 10 until you have successfully put yourself in trance. In this state, only my commands will affect you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master."

"Good girl."

My hips bucked and Rebeccawhimpered again, but my hands remained at my side.

"Do you want to touch yourself?"

"Yes, Master." Her hips continued to buck, and her hands were not fists at her side. The tension was palpable in her voice."

"Soon, my god girl," Evan laughed again, "When I say doll, no matter whether you are in trance or not, you will turn into a dollish version of yourself. You will no longer desire anything, but the happiness of your master. You will forget about your passions, and your goals. Your only thought will be on servicing me. The longer you stay in this state, you will forget yourself. You will not remember being a human woman - only a mindless doll that obeys what she is told. If you understand, say you are a mindless doll."

"I am a mindless doll," Rebecca said, some of the tension leaving her voice. Doll's had no desires of their own. Their only job was to please their master.

Evan continued to walk Rebecca through the commands that would be necessary for tonight's proposal, before it was finally time to release her.

"And one last thing," He mentioned, "You will not wear a bra or underwear tonight. You will not realize that neither of these garments are missing from your outfit, and you will act just as comfortable as you would if you were wearing them. While we are in public, you will take care not to expose yourself, but once we are inside our destination you won't worry about the plunging neckline or the shortness of your dress."

"Yes, master," Rebecca said.

"You have been a good girl so far," said Evan, "but I don't think I'll let you touch yourself quite yet." Rebecca's hands clenched tighter. "Yet, you still deserve some sort of reward."

Evan paused, and Rebecca waited for what he would say next. The time passed by like an eternity, which Rebecca was not conscious of. All she could do was sit and wait, with no desire to do anything else.

"You will count from 1 to 10. Each number will fill you with ecstasy and pleasure. When your lips mutter the word ten, you will explode in orgasm. Your hands can touch everything except your pussy and your nipples. This is just a warm up, for tonight"

Rebecca waited until she was told to begin counting.

"Once you have finished your climax, you will finish making yourself look as dazzling as possible. Then, you will walk outside to meet me in my car. You will not remember anything that happened during this trance. Do you understand?"

Rebecca said that she did, and Evan finally gave her permission to begin.

"One," Rebecca sighed, body wriggling in expectation, Her hands found her stomach, and they pushed into the skin there just above her clitoris. From the right angle, it almost felt as good as if her hands were between her thighs.

"Two," Rebecca's mind burned with desire, her left hand tracing from her jawline, down to her collarbone.

"Three." Rebecca felt her breathing race faster, as her body prepared to feel the pleasure burn throughout her body.

"Four." Rebecca's whole body burned with pleasure, her hand moving around her breasts to join her right hand at her lower abdomen.

"Five." Her hips bucked again, and her hand traced the veins in her thighs. She could not touch the inside of her pussy, but she could trace around its edges as pleasure made it pulse furiously.

"Six," Her words were huskier now, coming out torrid and anxious. Her body was ready to explode.

"Seven," Her fingers continued down the length of her thigh, to her knee, to her calf.

"Eight," Her fingers traced little circles from her ankle to the softest flesh on the middle of her foot.

"Nine," The fire was inside every limb now, spreading from the crown of her head to the tips of her fingers and toes. Her body coiled inwards first, preparing for the wave of ecstasy that would follow the next word.


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AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

I really like the premise and the writing. Like the other comment says, I would have an other eye or two on this to ensure the plot and narrative are coming out fully. Very much looking forward to future chapters!

DisquietCertitudeDisquietCertitude20 days ago

A good start, I think.

Clicked on it to read because the title made me think of the classic "The Peripheral Cocksucker".

Some perspective issues - switching from she/her to I/my at a couple of spots. Definitely something to be aware of - suddenly jumping from first-person to third is very jarring to readers.

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

Good premise, an editor would make it much better.

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