I Wrote a Story - Now What?

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Some observations by a new writer.
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I am a new writer to Literotica.com having had four stories posted in the last five weeks. Not only am I a new writer to Literotica.com but I am new to writing fiction as well. For that matter I'm new to writing . . . period. This essay is to recounting of a few self observations, experiences and surprises on this short journey so far. This may serve as a preview to anyone considering writing and contributing stories.

I've been reading stories on this site for a couple of years. I typically log on a couple of times a month. I'm not sure why, but a couple of months ago I felt inspired to write an erotic story. I wrote the whole 2000 word story in one sitting and only then did I start to look into what it would take to get it posted on the site.

Anonymity -- The first thing I realized was that I wanted to remain anonymous but that I needed a name. I hadn't ever thought about creating an anonymous name before. I researched names by perusing the names of other authors on the site. The first thing I decided was that I couldn't think of anything creative right off and I didn't want to use a sexually explicit phrase. I simply chose "Lit" from Literotica, "guy" to identify myself as male, and "100" which means nothing at all. It's just a number. "Litguy100" was bland and to my liking. What is interesting about maintaining anonymity is that you begin to think about all the insignificant facts that when added up really do identify yourself. I nearly panicked after submitting my second story when, on reflection, I thought that several descriptive elements of the story would identify me to at least a few people. Never mind that the odds of those people reading my story were nil. It still worried me. Fortunately, my story was initially rejected for further editing and I was able to rewrite the parts that bothered me but I found it an interesting realization of the subtly of writing. With a new name I then had to set up an email account with my internet service provider. Then I registered with Literotica.com.

Submission (of the story that is . . . ) - I am happy to say that the mechanics of the submission process if fairly easy. The Frequently Asked Questions page does in fact tell you everything you need to know to post a story. You want to read "Submissions" and "Stories". You might want to read some of the writer's resources. If you don't do it now you will probably do it later. Then I encountered something else I had to stop and think about. I needed to consider the name of my story and the short description. You don't want to take this lightly. After all, I was doing this with the expectation that others would read my story. As a reader I knew that I didn't read everything and that what I did read was chosen through the filter of the title, description, and story category. I also had to think about keywords to help prospective readers who might use the search functions. I had never used the search function so this was a new issue for me. The Writer's Resources has some suggestion on this but I mostly figured this out on my own not knowing if I made the right keyword choices. Finally you have to choose a story category. The story itself will suggest a category but even with only four stories I realized that some of my stories fell into multiple categories. For example, the story I'm working on now could easily go in either "Group Sex" or "Mature".

Once you've made all of these decisions you can fill in the form. I have been writing my stories in Microsoft Word and cutting and pasting the text directly into the entry box of the submission form. I preview the submission and every time I've done this I have found something requiring correction. Each story had been edited and re-read many times over the course of a week but I still always find something to fix. Being this close to the submit button sharpens your senses. Oh . . . one last thing. I elected not to accept public comments (at first). I wasn't ready for potential negative comments.

Reader Response -- Once I've submitted the story, I then became obsessed with the story statistics. Of course the first stat is that your story is pending. My experience, in early 2007, is that it took 5-8 days for my stories to be accepted. The second story was rejected with a link to an article on punctuating dialogue. The first thing I thought was that I was impressed that I was getting editorial advice and that made me realize that someone was enforcing some standards. I wasn't the least bit offended by the editorial suggestion. I read the resource article, made the corrections and my story was much better because of it. After submitting the corrected story it was accepted within a few hours.

Now the stats started to accumulate. The first thing that stunned me was the "huge" number of people who had viewed my first story in the first 24 hours. A whopping 3000 views! (peanuts! . . . I was later to find out). Of course, with a little thought, I realize that just because someone selected on my story it didn't mean they read it to the end or even liked it but at least it was an indication that the title and descriptor was enticing people to click on it. The other thing though, was that I realized that Literotica.com has a huge daily readership. I knew how selective I was as a reader so 3000 people is a probably small subset of the actual number of readers.

There is one indication of some people are reading to the end of the story. That is the people voting on the story. To be honest . . . as a reader I never voted on a story. Therefore it isn't surprising that the number of people voting is very small. Typically 0.2-0.5% of all the viewers. As a writer I suspect the voters are other writers. I calculate that I'm getting all 4's and 5's so I suspect the people voting are also inclined to give high scores. People who don't like your story are probably less likely to vote.

Another phenomenon I see is that the number of viewers will start with one big number, climb for a week or two, and then plateau with very slow growth after that. This is consistent with people, like I did, pouncing on the new stories. What is interesting is that you can see that each story category has different size reader communities. My one Erotic Couplings story grew to about 6,000 views, my two Exhibitionist & Voyeur stories grew to 11,000 and 14,000 views, and my Mature story topped them all at 41,000 views all in about the same amount of time. There are clearly a very large number of people reading the Mature stories relative to the other two categories. I know that there are other factors involved with the count of views but I think this is a fair conclusion to make. And to return to a point made previously, there must be tens of thousands of people logging onto this site every day. This is a great opportunity for a writer but also humbling, exciting, and frightening too.

Reader feedback -- I received a few emails from readers; all with short positive comments. A couple left email addresses and I replied to thank them for their interest. By the time I submitted my fourth story I was OK with allowing reader comments. I got four very positive reader comments on my last story. The site does give you the power to remove comments if you want to though I've never tried this (didn't have to).

I hope these few observations give an encouraging preview to prospective writers. I've found this to be a positive experience so far. It has given me a renewed interest in the craft of writing and I've purchased a book on writing dialogue. I'm under no illusion that these snippets of prose make me a "writer" but this is turning out to be a creative outlet with an appreciative audience. Good luck and have fun!

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DarkAurther6969DarkAurther6969over 1 year ago

All of these are Very Good In Sites However I was Hoping to Find Out What The Hell Does Mean when Lit Demands you to go seek out a 'Volunteer Editor' even thu you thing your Story Doesn't Violet any Rules In addition you have done all of the Grammar Errors and what have you, Before hand before Submitting it. And even if you you Actually do go Asking for a 'Volunteer Editor' One It's Not Guarantee that they can or would help you, and even the it would seem that you would need to Jump Through a Bunch of |Hoops just to make your Requests. At least according to My Own Personal Experience.

MagicFingersMagicFingersover 7 years ago
Well Said

That was a very informative and familiar story, at least for me. I could written about 90 % of that as my path also, like submitting Text from Word, checking the Reads, scores, & comments, the hesitation before pressing the "Submit" button! I also check my stories over several different ways and times, and pride myself on making readable stories, at least. Only once did I let down and release a poorly edited story and I rightly deserve some criticism; but some people can be very nasty on the internet so it is good to have that option to remove the inappropriate ones. And, your story reminds me of what an honor it is to have a great site like Literotica to post our stories and to the thousands of people, like me, who are out there reading them. It also reminds me of MY responsibility to release GOOD stories! Thank you, MF

satiricon78satiricon78over 14 years ago

I feel like making one more comment.

“For that matter I'm new to writing . . . period.


I'm not sure why, but a couple of months ago I felt inspired to write an erotic story. I wrote the whole 2000 word story in one sitting”

That’s depressing to read since I have been writing daily for fifteen years, and I couldn’t sit down and write 2000 words, I’ll be luck if I write 200 words in one sitting (and no I’m not stupid, I have an IQ to be proud of). Strange how different we humans are.

satiricon78satiricon78almost 15 years ago
To explain my rate

I gave a bad rate for your essay maybe that was unfair but I don't think you really says anything in it. I don't get why you wrote it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Thanks for this essay

I found this essay to be quite relevant to my own experience thus far. I recently submitted my first story to Literotica and, according to my member page, it will be posting tomorrow. Like the author of this work, I had never written erotic fiction before and very little fiction, period. I find myself almost obsessed with anticipation. Will very many people read it? If they do, will they like it? Will they vote for it? Will I receive feedback? The funny thing is, I've observed that even the most-viewed stories on the site get relatively few votes and even fewer posted comments. This author's experience, along with discussions I've read on the forum, confirm that the feedback a writer gets is almost minuscule. So why do I keep hoping that I'll be the exception? LOL. Hopefully, the obsession recedes a bit after one gets several stories under one's belt and the reality sinks in that an author will never know how the vast majority of his/her readers actually feels about the work. Finally, I appreciated the comment about the suspicion that many of the commenters are probably writers themselves. I know that I only voted on a very few stories and commented on even fewer when I was only a reader. After I became a writer myself I vote and comment far more frequently. Funny how that works, eh? ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Thank You

Thank you for explaining the process. As a reader I appreciate most of the stories that appear on Literotica. My favorite category is Loving Wife, not only because of the emotional content in the stories, but because of the emotional response by the readers (sometimes the comments are as good as the story). I'm fascinated by the "professional" commentators who daily post their critiques, yet have never (or seldom) written their own story... My only gripe is that many times a story is posted in the wrong category. The reader will feel conned into reading something they would never touch and the comments will reflect this. Authors please carefully place your story in the right category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Really appreciate your topic & subject matter!

First of all, congratulations for the courage to create & develop stories on this amazing site. We really appreciate your stark comments regarding the process and subsequent reader reviews & such. We assumed [and yes, we know what that entails] that the "loving wives" category would generate the most "reader hits" & feedback. You observations indicated that this assumption is false - interesting of course. We do enjoy many of the writers on the site and will send positive or constructive feedback as the situation requires. However, we do find find fault and quickly point when a "particular" frequent commentator "Alvaron53" gets on his high horse and unfairly takes apart someones stories due to his ego. Lately, Alvaron53 has become more logical and we have relented from calling attention to his previous bullshit remarks.

Getting back to this author's work - once again "thank you" for your creations and efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Very nicely stated and a huge

help to new writers. Where were you when I started here?

anonymousreaderanonymousreaderabout 17 years ago
getting lots of readers

Your experience has pretty closely mirrored my own. One thing that I noticed, when checking out the most-read stories on this site, is that the vast majority of them are Incest/Taboo stories. Some of the I/T stories have had *millions* of readers.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 17 years ago
It’s pretty much up to you…

Thanks for opening up the semi hidden side of Literotica. I was pleased to see that you have added a question mark at the end of the title to your essay. The way I see it, it indicates, an open ended approach, which is what I look for in the ‘aftermath’ of a submission of a story or a poem. It should IMO be at least in part an answer (mine) to your question. From experience I have learned (in retrospect, it should not have been a surprise), that there is a wide range of approaches which authors hold regarding the kind of relations and the level of openness they wish to maintain with the readers. I am not sure how much of it you have experienced on your own, but I have seen any thing from the total closed approach to feedback, through policies which de-facto do not tolerate critical views (by erasing those messages or responding to them disrespectfully (a small minority), to total openness which includes the author occasional feedback and input to discussions between readers. You may be able to already tell what end of the spectrum I advocate. Yes, I wish to realize the full potential of the word “Public”, to include everyone; certainly not just fan readers. I can’t “tell you” what you should tolerate down at the bottom of the bunch. I mean how abusive should one’s message be before you take it out. Some take out messages which attack other authors /and or stories; some draw the line with certain qualities of language and some don’t touch the comments, observing that it is better to leave alone the more demented ones as they are mostly ignored anyway and do not create any upheaval as their erasing might raise.

In theory I have a difference of opinion with the Webmaster of Literotica. I think that none of the stories would have survived without readers and no readers would have any thing to do on the site without the stories. I see it as fully symbiotic relations. IMO, the public feedback boards should have been: ok, hold your breath, it’s just my opinion, truly public, accessible to every one to respond, discuss have dialogs on the story, and related issues. I am not putting this view as a central point or in an effort to convince anyone that my view is the only true one while all others are wrong. Just my take on how I would have liked to see things proceed in an ideal Literotica. <P>

If you care to respond to one issue the single most interesting question for me is where do you stand on being interactive –i.e., responding over the public feedback boards to readers’ questions to you, or even taking the initiative in adding your take on issues that might develop in discussions between readers (again, you can imagine where I wish to see authors on the issue).

P.s. There is a dreary example to a very different culture of public feedback which I still find puzzling. I am referring to what I call the ‘silence culture’ (or the near silence) in the Poetry section in Literotica. Take some sections in the story sections, and take the Poetry section and you see day and night. As it happens, I like poetry as much as I like stories, but the silence culture there drives me nuts. The interesting thing is that sociologically speaking this is a classic example of a ‘local culture’, as in other places you will find a lot of open discussions on poetry right next to the poems, go figure…

BazzzBazzzabout 17 years ago
Nice review

My experience with submitting stories was much the same. My preoccupation with the stats was very much like yours. It's interesting to see how things progress after the story is "published". As for the categories there are obviously some that are more popular than others. Since you have written in a coulple of categories I was suprised to see the Mature category lead the way in views by such a large margin. As for the comments regardless of your writing ability some categories are more objective comment friendly than others. I believe if you write a story in the Interracial or Loving Wives category you may find many of your critics a bit less reasonalble.

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 17 years ago
Very interesting and thought provoking

It was quite interesting to see what it was like for a writer to submit his works.<p>I can see where the ego can take a hit if you get too full of yourself.<p> Thank you for the insight.<p>PT

elfin_odalisqueelfin_odalisqueabout 17 years ago
good description

Good, but one thing you didn't mention was listing a story with a hyperlink on the Story Review thread on the Bulletin Board. As well as getting a new writer more publicity, there are a group of like-mided souls to give encouragement, support and detailed feedback.

Try entering a contest and see how avidly you follow the ratings.

duddle146duddle146about 17 years ago
Very helpful.

Thank you for giving us one Writer's experience submitting stories, the scoring aftermath, and your own personal views on this delightful process. Congrats on a fine essay.

luvtodoitluvtodoitabout 17 years ago
good advice

I'm a new writer too, I received 15 comments, 4 of which were downright rude, that I deleted. Otherwise, it's been a rewarding experience for me too.

Orion623Orion623about 17 years ago

I have often wondered about the process of submitting a story and its aftermath. Thanks for the info.

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