IA: Ari Finds Gabby - a Ponygirl?

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Ari is sent to recover her friend and teammate.
9.7k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/17/2024
Created 09/23/2023
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This is my story and is also published elsewhere.


Background - Adrienne (Ari for short) is sent to the planet of Aiers to find out what happened to Gabriela (Gabby for short) by GC (some sort of interstellar agency). Scene from the village where Goblins and Humans are trading with each other.


Ari strolled wearily along the cobbled road that wound through the heart of Sunning village. The weight of uncertainty bore down on her with every step, the frustration of a fruitless search gnawing at her determination. Despite her best efforts, she had made no progress in her relentless quest to find Gabby. The villagers, with their weathered faces and stoic demeanor, seemed like silent sentinels guarding the secrets of this enigmatic place.

Gabby's vivid description echoed in Ari's mind like a haunting refrain. 'Ginger hair, standing at a graceful 5 feet 6 inches, her athletic build spoke of strength and resilience. Perfectly contoured breasts, a pale complexion that contrasted with the sun-kissed locals, a straight nose, enchanting green eyes, and a captivating smile that could light up the darkest of corners.' Ari had memorized these details, her unwavering beacon in the obscurity of her search.

As Ari perused the wares of a quaint shop, the shopkeeper, a middle-aged man with a bushy gray beard and a twinkle in his eye, paused from arranging his trinkets. His eyes bore an uncanny glint of recognition, and with a thoughtful nod, he shared a piece of the puzzle. 'A few weeks back,' he began, his voice hushed as if divulging a forbidden secret, 'I saw a Goblin pass through this very village with a girl who matched your description. Though she was paler than any of the other human ponies we see around here, she was covered in grime, likely from the arduous journey on the back of that Goblin.'

Ari leaned in, eager for more information, but the shopkeeper was abruptly summoned by a group of customers, leaving Ari with a lingering sense of curiosity and confusion. The description had left her perplexed; this new piece of the puzzle introduced a layer of uncertainty she had not expected.

The last faint signal from Gabby's beacon had reached her almost a year ago, out on the outskirts of this very village. Ari's agency had dispatched her on a relentless mission to locate her missing friend and fellow agent. Gabby had vanished during a covert assignment, and the agency had been anxiously awaiting her return ever since.

Ari would have arrived on this planet much earlier if it weren't for the strict regulations imposed by her agency. They prohibited the use of Faster-Than-Light (FTL) ships near underdeveloped planets like Ayers, making her arduous journey last nearly a year. Due to the embargo on advanced technology, she had traversed the rugged terrain on foot for a week, making her way to the village on nothing but sheer determination.

Upon her arrival that morning, she had secured lodging at a local inn, and her relentless search for Gabby had begun. The villagers had gradually revealed snippets of an astonishing narrative, one that spoke of Goblins using human females as a form of living transport, referred to cryptically as 'Human Ponies.' The term piqued Ari's curiosity, and she resolved to delve deeper into this peculiar phenomenon. Her world, filled with intergalactic marvels, rarely encountered horses unless it was a distant Earth-like planet she was docking at. 'But then,' Ari reasoned with herself, 'this is a planet that remains firmly ensnared in the trappings of Earth's 16th century, a relic untouched by progress.

As Ari strolled through the bustling marketplace of Sunning, her gaze inadvertently fell upon a striking sight that froze her in her tracks. A tall, young woman was trotting gracefully down the cobbled path, drawing the attention of both villagers and passersby. Ari's heart seemed to skip a beat as she took in the unmistakable features. It was Gabby--she was sure of it!

However, what was beyond bizarre was the unsettling tableau that unfolded before her eyes. Gabby was not alone. A Goblin, perched upon her back in a grotesque saddle, seemed to assert a sinister dominance. The woman's alluring, yet strangely constrained gait belied the peculiarity of her attire. She sported boots with heels so high that they defied gravity, accentuating her seductive stride. Dark leather straps ensnared her body, revealing far more than they concealed. Her breasts were bare except for two bells attached to her rings in the pierced nipples. The faint jingling of bells, tinkled with every step she took, echoing through the marketplace and adding an eerie, melodic note to her degrading display.

Ari's brows furrowed with a mix of disbelief and anger. THe girl's lower half was bound by a dangerously thin strap that descended from her waist, daringly venturing between her legs before disappearing behind her. The harness continued its cruel ascent, enveloping her in an eerie transformation reminiscent of a bridle, complete with what looked like a horse's bit, suppressing her voice.

To Ari's abhorrence, a 'tail' of the same ginger hue as Gabby's hair protruded from her rear, completing the degrading image. Her hands, tied behind her back, appeared to be fastened to her own harness, leaving her utterly powerless. The Goblin rider, cruelly in control, held tight reins that were attached to Gabby's bridle, directing her every step and movement.

The shock that washed over Ari was overwhelming, but it was swiftly eclipsed by a torrent of anger, disgust, and profound sadness. She struggled to contain the maelstrom of emotions that raged within her. Witnessing the woman she had come to rescue in such an undignified state fueled her righteous fury.

Gabby, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and horror, locked onto Ari. Her lips formed a silent 'oh' of shock and embarrassment as they met her former boss's gaze. In this surreal moment, with the Goblin rider guiding her with a cruel cane, the realization of being found in this demeaning condition struck Gabby with acute humiliation.

As her cheeks blazed a bright crimson, she felt exposed and vulnerable. She was trapped in a dehumanizing display, treated as nothing more than a prized possession, and it was all happening in front of the one person she had hoped to protect from this unsettling world

Ari's heart raced as she realized she had to negotiate with the Goblin to have a moment alone with Gabby. She knew she had to be smart and strategic about it. The Goblin's arrogant tone and the way he referred to Gabby as his "pony" fueled her determination to rescue her friend from this degrading situation.

When the Goblin asked why she was in his way, Ari hesitated for a moment but quickly gathered her wits. She pointed towards Gabby and stammered, "I umm... want to talk to her."

The Goblin's laugh grated on her nerves, but she maintained her composure. "You are funny, little human. This is my pony. She is not allowed to talk. Do ponies talk?"

Ari couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "No wonder she has to wear those stupid mittens." She clenched her fists, trying to rein in her anger. She had a plan, and losing her temper wouldn't help Gabby.

She glanced at Gabby, who still avoided her gaze, seemingly lost in humiliation. Ari knew she had to act fast. Taking a deep breath, she spoke in a conciliatory tone, "Look, I am new to this place and I do not know your customs. This girl looks familiar. So can you let me have a few minutes with her, please?"

The Goblin rider appeared to ponder her request. Ari's diplomacy had caught him off guard. He replied, "Little human, I am going to the bar. I will think about it. However, I can assure you, my pony cannot, or rather, would not talk."

Ari saw her opening and pressed on, "Sir, I will buy you a drink if you let me at least try to talk to this girl."

The Goblin chuckled, his arrogance waning slightly. "Okay, little human, you can have some time with her after you buy me a drink. Let's go."

Ari nodded, hiding her relief behind a composed exterior. This was just the beginning of her mission to rescue Gabby and retrieve the dilithium crystals, and she couldn't afford to let her emotions get the best of her.

Ari's rage bubbled beneath the surface as she watched the Goblin expertly control Gabby with the reins and a cane. She clenched her fists, struggling to contain her anger. It was revolting how he treated Gabby like a mere beast of burden, and every tap of that cane sent a surge of fury through her.

As they approached the tavern, a large, burly man blocked their path, addressing the Goblin, "Sir, ponies are not allowed inside the tavern. Only humans or Goblins. You can stable her behind the tavern. Your pony will be well taken care of for just 5 coins. She will be given water and a good rubdown for her sore legs. For an extra 5 coins, we will feed her too. If you want to stable your pony here, it will cost you 20 coins."

Ari's disgust grew as the Goblin treated Gabby like a common animal, but she knew she had to play along for Gabby's sake. The Goblin pointed to Ari and said, "That one is paying for this, aren't you, little human?"

Ari bit her lip, her anger simmering beneath the surface. "Yes," she replied through gritted teeth, "I... I'll pay." She hated every moment of it, but she couldn't let her emotions cloud her judgment. Gabby's well-being was her top priority.

The Goblin then commanded Gabby, "Kneel, Strawberry." Ari's eyes widened in disbelief as Gabby obediently knelt to allow the Goblin to dismount. The degrading spectacle left Ari speechless.

"Strawberry?" Ari thought, incredulous. He had renamed Gabby as Strawberry? Her hand instinctively flew to her mouth as she tried to contain her shock. The Goblin's treatment of Gabby was infuriating, and Ari couldn't stand how he stripped her of her dignity and humanity, reducing her to the status of a mere pony.

As Gabby knelt, her cheeks flushed a deep crimson, and her gaze remained fixed on the ground. Ari couldn't help but notice the mixture of humiliation and embarrassment in her expression. The Goblin's actions were not just degrading but also deeply humiliating for Gabby. It was evident in her body language and the bright blush that painted her cheeks. Ari seethed with anger at how he made her submit like an animal, treating her as if she were less than human.

The Goblin strolls over to the tavern and addresses Ari with a condescending tone, "So, little human, what is your interest in my pony?"

Ari's face flushes red with anger, but she manages to hold back her temper as she responds, "My name is Ari. What is your name? Do Goblins even have names?"

The Goblin replies proudly, "I am Lord Gorlm of the Goblin tribe of Wassypr. You may call me Lord or Your Lordship... or Sir, if you prefer."

Ari can't resist a hint of sarcasm as she retorts, "Yeah, sure. Whatever works for you, my Lord."

Gorlm, oblivious to the sarcasm, continues, "You have much to learn, human," emphasizing the word "human" with contempt, and asks, "So, where is my drink?"

Ari signals the tavern keeper to provide Gorlm with whatever drink he desires and addresses him, "So, 'your lordship,' what do you do when you're not enslaving my fellow humans?"

Gorlm is in a chatty mood and replies boastfully, "Oh, you know, the usual. Just ruling the Goblins and tending to all my Lordly duties. Running a kingdom, presiding over subjects, and overseeing the training of human ponies. All the usual stuff. What about you, little one? What do you do in your spare time?"

Ari can't help but be slightly amused by the Goblin's arrogance. His response is so full of himself that it borders on comical. She takes out two silver pieces and hands them to the tavern keeper, who promptly serves Gorlm his drink.

Pushing her agenda forward, Ari remarks, "Isn't someone full of himself. Anyway, as per our agreement, I get some time with your girl."

Gorlm interrupts Ari mid-sentence, not comprehending her sarcasm, and asserts aggressively, "Not GIRL, she is NOT a girl; she is MY pony. I know you are having difficulty accepting this fact. Say it now!"

Ari momentarily freezes, taken aback by the Goblin's sudden shift from calm to aggressive. She regains her composure quickly, however, and gives Gorlm a reluctant nod. "Okay... I will have a word with your *pony.*" The absurdity of calling a human being a 'pony' is not lost on her, but she's willing to play along if it means a chance to rescue Gabby.

Gorlm seems to calm down and proposes, "Hmm, that's much better. We can have a little bargain. You can have a few minutes alone with my pony. But after that, you would need to come back, and we will talk about whatever I want to discuss. Deal?" He smiles and extends his hand for Ari to shake.

Ari is hesitant about the vague agreement Gorlm is offering, but her determination to see Gabby propels her forward. She reluctantly takes Gorlm's hand and shakes it. "We have a deal," Ari agrees, "We can figure out the rest later. For now, though, I'll go see her."

Without waiting for Gorlm's response, Ari hurries to the tavern and asks the tavern keeper where the ponies are kept. He inquires, "Human or real?" Ari responds firmly, "Human." The tavern keeper points her to the back of the tavern from behind the bar, and Ari rushes to reunite with Gabby, her mind filled with countless questions and concerns.

As Ari quickly makes her way to the direction he indicated, she can feel her heart racing with a mix of hope and trepidation. Thoughts whirl through her mind like a storm, a chaotic jumble of emotions and questions. She wonders about Gabby's well-being, her state of mind after enduring such humiliation, and if there's any lasting physical harm. How had Gabby ended up in this horrific situation? What must she have endured over the past year?

Ari's anger simmers beneath the surface as she contemplates how to approach this Goblin lord, Gorlm. She's determined to find a way to free Gabby from his clutches, but the uncertainty of how to achieve that gnaws at her. Ari knows she needs to remain calm and strategic, using her wits to navigate this unfamiliar and disturbing world.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Ari also grapples with her personal feelings. The shock of seeing her dear friend treated as a mere pony, the indignity of it all, and the bizarre circumstances weigh heavily on her. She knows that her every action now will determine the fate of both herself and Gabby, and that the road ahead is fraught with danger and uncertainty.

As Ari steps into the stables, she's momentarily taken aback by the unexpected cleanliness and orderliness of the place. The well-lit interior, the fresh scent of hay and clean straw, and the sweet aroma of flowers drifting in from another doorway all come together to create an atmosphere quite different from what she had imagined.

The spaciousness of the stables surprises her, as does the excellent condition of the stalls. It's evident that whoever owns and maintains this establishment takes great pride in its upkeep. Ari takes in the sight of eight clean stalls, each carefully prepared with fresh hay on the floor. The small fireplace in the corner, emanating a warm glow, immediately catches her attention and provides a comforting contrast to the unsettling situation she's in.

Her senses are further enticed by the enticing aroma of stew simmering on an open oven. The smell is undeniably appetizing, and her own stomach responds with an audible growl, reminding her of her hunger.

In this moment of surreal juxtaposition, as she stands in the midst of this well-kept stable, Ari is acutely aware of the contrast between the idyllic surroundings and the disturbing reality of why she's here: to reunite with her friend Gabby, who has been subjected to unthinkable treatment.

Ari's eyes widened as she took in the scene before her. In the stalls nearby, she spotted four naked human females, each hitched to posts. Their appearances were a stark contrast to the well-maintained surroundings. However, her attention was soon drawn to a young woman who stood among them, fully clothed and in a role that seemed different from the others.

This woman was feeding apple slices to one of the bound girls, and although the girl's hands were still tied behind her back, the bridle and bit had been removed. It was a strangely peaceful moment amidst the unsettling scene. The bound girl, now without her bridle, contentedly ate the apple from the young woman's hand.

As Ari continued to scan the area, searching for any sign of Gabby, she approached the young woman who appeared to be a stable hand. She tapped her on the shoulder and initiated a conversation.

"Hello there," Ari began, trying to maintain her composure. "I was looking for a new girl that was just brought in."

The young girl, seemingly unfazed by Ari's presence, turned around and sized her up. She offered a friendly smile and commented, "You don't seem to be from here. What is the girl's name?"

Ari replied, "Yes, I am. I arrived yesterday. Her name is Gabby, I mean Gabriela."

The girl shook her head and clarified, "The Goblins usually give their ponies some fancy names like Wild Flower or Peaches or Long Legs. What is her pony name? It would be better if you got into that habit. The Goblins were very touchy when we called their ponies by their human names. Anyway, I think you mean Strawberry, right?" She inquired, with a knowing look.

Ari was taken aback by the revelation but was eager to meet Gabby, so she nodded and added, "It's so inhumane that they took away even her name."

The young girl concurred, her expression sympathetic. "I agree, but that is how it is. You go and see Strawberry; she is in the back being cleaned by Sam. She was a feisty one. Once you're done meeting her, you can come back, and we can talk some more."

With that, Ari nodded and followed the directions to find Gabby, her heart heavy with a mix of anticipation and distress at the grim reality she had encountered on this world.

Ari walked to the back area of the stables, a space that extended beyond the rows of individual stalls. Here, the atmosphere was quite different. Instead of the confined spaces of the stalls, this area opened up into a more expansive and practical zone. Hay stacks were neatly arranged to one side, forming a stack of golden bales that reached up to shoulder height. The hay emitted a comforting, earthy scent that permeated the air, a reminder of the pastoral surroundings despite the peculiar circumstances.

The floor was layered with a clean layer of straw, providing a soft surface underfoot. This area seemed designed to serve multiple purposes, not just for storage but also for activities like grooming and bathing the human ponies. Several hooks and shelves held various grooming tools and supplies, and Ari noticed that everything was meticulously organized.

Flower pots with a variety of vibrant blooms added a touch of unexpected beauty to the space, their fragrant petals filling the air with a sweet perfume. It was from these pots that the delightful scent she had noticed earlier emanated, contributing to the strangely contrasting ambience of the stables.

As Ari continued to explore the area in search of Sam and Gabby, she heard the sound of water splashing behind the hay stack. She turned towards the source of the sound and saw Gabby being bathed by a young woman in her early twenties. Ari observed quietly for a minute as Gabby stood there, butt naked, without a bridle or bit. A collar encircled her neck, and a leash from the collar was tied to a tall wooden pole in the middle of the bathing area. However, her hands were free. Gabby's eyes were closed, and her face bore a contented expression, as if she were truly enjoying all the attention Sam was giving her. Sam was gentle as she rubbed down Gabby, cleaning her thoroughly and massaging her thighs and calves. Ari could practically hear Gabby's sighs of contentment.