IA: Gabby Loses Her Freedom?

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Gorsk's village is raided. Gabby at ponygirl auction.
6.9k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/01/2024
Created 09/23/2023
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Gabby is recounting her journey from being an agent of GC to becoming a pony girl for the Goblins on this planet. Gabby makes a deal with Gorsk's village chief. Goblins have nefarious plans for Gabby. Gabby returns Isabella's baby to her. The pony fruit is still overwhelming Gabby as she continues her mission to find the dillithium crystals.

With a modest smile, I accepted the praise. I was embarrassed not used to the praise. I took a deep breath before continuing.


Everyone gathered around Isabella, and Anj, overwhelmed with gratitude, took my hand, and kissed it. "Thank you so much, oh chosen one. You delivered on your promise. I knew you would. Did the Gobby give you any trouble?" she asked throwing a dirty glance at Gorsk.

Ava and Jen were also brimming with emotion, though they didn't express it verbally. The relief on their faces was palpable, and they looked at me with admiration.

Anj couldn't help but share her triumph with them, exclaiming, "I told you, Gabby is our savior. You had your doubts. You thought Gorsk would enslave her. But look, not only is she back, but she got my aunt's baby back as promised."

Ava and Jen nodded sheepishly. Jen admitted, "You were right, Anj. We weren't sure if she could pull it off."

"She is something!" Ava added, their voices tinged with awe.

Gir strolled towards us. In his sagacious Goblin voice, he said, "Well done, Gabby!" and I couldn't help but brim with pride.

He then went to Gorsk, and they started conversing in Goblin tongue. I asked my neural array to record their conversation for later review.

A mix of joy and accomplishment swirled within me as I witnessed the emotional reunion between Isabella and her baby. I wanted to focus on the joyous reunion. But the sight of five naked human females being watered by Goren was dampening my mood. Although I had witnessed it earlier, observing the pony girls being treated like animals made me angry.

Amid the whole commotion, I had completely forgotten about Shadow. I walked towards Gorsk and Gir, and they immediately stopped talking, as if they were afraid I would overhear their private conversation.

"Where's Shadow?" I inquired.

"He's in the pens with the other livestock" Gorsk responded.

I nodded, seeking more information, "Will he be okay with the other wargs? Will they give him trouble? He's not accustomed to captivity."

Gir, stepping in for Gorsk, answered, "He'll be fine. Depending on his strength, he'll either establish himself as the pack leader or find one. A warg without a pack can't survive for long, Gabby."

Gorsk muttered, "Just like human females cannot survive without their Goblin owners," and sniggered to himself.

Gir did not seem to share Gorsk's opinion. He shook his head to indicate as much. I decided to ignore Gorsk.

I returned to the humans who were playing with Isabella's baby. As they noticed me approaching, they respectfully made way for me.

Isabella, with gratitude in her eyes, addressed me, "Oh chosen one, how can I ever repay you for what you have given me?"

I found myself at a loss for words. This degree of admiration was unfamiliar to me, and I felt uneasy in the face of such heartfelt thanks. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment as praise was heaped upon me.

In the beginning, I intended to guide the group to Gorsk's village for the night. Yet, after catching wind of the Chief's instructions to Gorsk, I concluded that it would be wiser to avoid the responsibility of safeguarding these four females. It seemed defending myself would be more manageable without the added concern for their safety.

Addressing the group, I remarked, "No need for praise. I did what was right. Nothing special about it."

Turning to Anj and Isabella, I continued, "Now that Isabella has her baby back, I think it's best for you to return to your town. I don't believe it's safe for you here. Given what I've learned, I'd rather not expose you to any unnecessary danger."

Turning my attention to Ava and Jen, I continued, "From what Anj told me, her town is on your way right? Could I ask you for a favor?" Without waiting for a response, I pressed on, "Could you please ensure their safe journey to their town?" They both nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course, Gabby. That is the least we could do, and rest assured they will be safe with us," Ava offered.

Anj seemed a bit put off by the exchange. With a frown on her face, she said petulantly, "I can take care of myself." Then, looking at me, she added in a mellow tone "But if the chosen one thinks this is the right way, I will follow her edict."

With my task done here, I called out to Gorsk, my voice carrying a mix of determination and concern, "Gorsk, change of plan. Let's head back to the village. They are not coming with us."

Gorsk grumbled audibly, voicing his frustration at the change in plans and the logistical challenge it presented with the two carts. After a brief complaint, he reluctantly complied.

Turning to the four females, I embraced each one in a heartfelt goodbye. There was a genuine warmth in the parting words, a blend of hope and concern for their safety.

Turning to Gir, I said "Take care, Gir. I hope our paths cross again".

He nodded with a smile and replied, "Indeed, Gabby. You are unique. I hope to meet you again too." Enigmatically he added, "Hopefully, under more favorable circumstances."

I couldn't quite decipher the meaning behind his words. "Favorable for whom?" I thought to myself.

As Gorsk directed the pony girls back towards the village, the trot of boots marked the departure, leaving behind a moment of farewells and a shift in the unfolding journey. I soon drifted into a doze, lulled by the rhythmic click-clack of the pony boots and the turning cart wheels.

The night was uneventful, though I had a fitful sleep with nightmares.

Dreams in which I am chased by Goblin hordes. I do manage to kill many of them but there just too many for me to kill them all. I ran and ran but eventually those bastards capture me. I am stripped of my clothes and turned in to a pony girl. I resist at first but oddly enough my body loves it. I am constantly in heat and begging the Goblins to give me release. I am hitched to a pony cart and Goblins are whipping me, urging me to go faster.

I woke up in the middle of one such nightmare, my heart racing as I tried to steady my ragged breathing. I was soaking wet down there and my body was on fire with desire. With considerable effort, I resisted the temptation to touch myself. Fatigue clung to my limbs, and I felt unrested, the remnants of a restless sleep still haunting me. A dull headache throbbed at my temples, adding to the discomfort.

With effort, I opened my eyes. The pre-dawn village greeted me with a symphony of commotion and activity. The air carried the scent of damp earth, a reminder of the night's dew. The distant clatter of tools and the occasional calls of goblins preparing for the day provided a discordant soundtrack to the early morning hustle. The soft glow of emerging daylight painted the village in muted hues, revealing the rustic charm of Goblin life awakening. In the distance, the melodic chirping of waking birds blended with the occasional howls of wargs and the rhythmic beats of pony girl boots.

"Good, so you finally decided to wake up," Gorsk said as he walked in with Goren trailing behind. It appeared they had already begun their day.

Wrinkling his nose he chided me "Are you in heat? Again?"

My face tinged with pink, yet I chose to disregard him.

Goren was carrying a pail, filled with something. I asked Goren what was in the pail.

"Fresh milk," he replied.

I hadn't observed any cows in the village, so I was perplexed, but then it dawned on me - must be human milk. A sense of unease settled in my stomach, casting a shadow over the day that had just begun.

Noticing the unease on my face, Gorsk shook his head. "RED, this is our way. If you let every minor concern disturb you, you can never survive here."

Before I had the opportunity to reprimand him for calling me 'RED' again, a young Goblin boy rushed toward us, urgently exclaiming, 'Mom needs you, granny fell down... come... now!' He began tugging at Gorsk, leading us to the spot where his grandmother lay. Reacting swiftly, I followed the trio.

As we reached a small opening near the back of the stables, where the pony girls were housed, I saw the boy's granny sprawled on the floor, barely breathing. Gorsk hurried to her side.

Drawing nearer, I noticed a female Goblin - presumably Gorsk's wife - weeping inconsolably and speaking rapidly in Goblin tongue. Gorsk quickly instructed Goren to fetch the village shaman.

Turning to me with pleading eyes, he asked, 'Is there anything you could do to help?' The weight of desperation hung heavy in his gaze.

In that moment, I knew I had to act quickly. Unobtrusively activating my nanobots, I directed them towards the fallen Goblin, assessing the severity of her injuries. With precision, the nanobots began their work, mending fractures and promoting the body's natural healing process. The subtle glow emanating from the nanobots went unnoticed amidst the chaotic scene.

Gorsk, engrossed in his concern for his kin, remained unaware of the subtle intervention. As the seconds passed, the fallen Goblin's labored breathing began to stabilize, and color returned to her pallid face. The once inconsolable weeping of Gorsk's wife transformed into gasps of relief. A sense of gratitude flickered in Gorsk's eyes as he looked at me.

Gorsk's demeanor underwent a palpable change. In a surprising turn, Gorsk's attitude evolved. Previously, our encounters were defined by calculated decisions and a focus on profit. Now, amid the chaos and uncertainty, he offered a different form of respect.

With a candor not seen before, he admitted, "You're not like the others. I've dealt with humans, but they were always pony girls or potential ones. You... you're different. I'm going to be honest with you from now on. I'll help you any way I can. You saved my mother! Remember though, for me, our clan will always come first. However, I will help you!"

This acknowledgment hinted at a more genuine connection. I was unsure how to react.

Given the situation I was not sure if I should ask him but chose to proceed anyway. "So, when you mentioned helping me find the magical crystals earlier, were you being truthful?" I inquired.

He responded, looking somewhat remorseful, "No, Gabby. I mean, there truly is a person in the city who knows about magic crystals, and what I shared about our God is accurate. However, the intention was to assess your potential as pony girl in the village when we visited the city. You realize that a free human woman roaming around our village won't be allowed. You would be considered a stray."

I nodded in understanding. It made sense, however depraved the situation was. I also noticed how he had reverted back to 'Gabby' instead of 'RED'.

He greeted me with a tentative smile and gestured towards the three other Goblins accompanying him. "Allow me to introduce my family. This is my mother, Gorski, whose life you saved. Here is my wife, Gormina, and this lively one is my son, Gorskan," he said with a gentle ruffle of Gorskan's hair.

All three acknowledged my presence with nods, although I detected a subtle grimace from Gorski. Unsure of their customs, I opted for a polite smile and nod in return.

The young one approached me, studying me from head to toe before directing his questions to his mother. "Why is she wearing clothes, Mom? Granny said our ponies are gifts from God. You even scolded me when I talked to Raven last time. Why is Dad talking to her? Why isn't she in the stable? Is she a stray? I'm big now; can I harness her and take her to the stables?"

Gorskan's innocent questions hung in the air, creating a moment of awkward silence. Gorsk, his father, wore a mix of surprise and amusement on his face, clearly taken aback by the unexpected line of inquiry from his curious son. Gorski, Gorsk's mother, exchanged a glance with her daughter-in-law Gormina, and they both seemed unsure how to respond.

Gorsk recovered first, letting out a hearty laugh. "Not now, Gorskan! You're right, humans are considered a gift from our god. And yes, they belong in our stables. However, Gabby is an exception. We will treat her with respect and kindness. She's our guest."

Gorski's expression softened, and she patted Gorskan's head while explaining, "Your father is correct, dear. Humans are traditionally treated as beasts of burden, but Gabby is different. She saved my life, and we owe her our gratitude. She's under our protection, and we will treat her kindly. I had my doubts when your father first informed me about her abilities, but now we have witnessed them firsthand."

As they spoke, I discerned a subtle shift in their attitudes. While I might have initially been viewed as a potential pony girl, it appeared that my heroic actions in saving Gorski's life had garnered a newfound respect.

Gormina, Gorsk's wife, gazed at him with worry etched in her eyes. "Gorsk, the villagers, they will not agree with you. They won't like her roaming around freely. They will consider her a stray."

Gorsk waved off her concerns. "I will deal with them, my dear. Many have seen her with me visit the Chief."

I, however, wasn't as confident in Gorsk's ability to sway the villagers' opinion. Nevertheless, I decided to wait it out.

I smiled at Gorskan and invited him toward me with the crook of my index finger. He approached hesitantly. With a playful grin, I scooped him up, tossing him into the air with carefree delight. As the others skipped a heartbeat, unsure of what I was up to, Gorskan giggled joyfully.

Setting him down on the ground, I spoke to him in a gentle, endearing voice, saying, "Things are not always as they seem. You are a brave boy. You saved your granny."

He tugged at my hand, pleading, "Again... again." I obliged, much to the chagrin of the other adults around us.

As I enjoyed a relatively pleasant time with Gorskan, the blaring sound of bugles suddenly cut through the air.

The village, once bustling with the hum of daily life, was suddenly engulfed in chaos. The shrill notes signaled the imminent threat of an attack, and the villagers of Gorsk were swiftly transformed from their routine activities to a state of alertness.

From the outskirts, hordes from another Goblin clan descended upon the village, their sheer numbers casting an ominous shadow over the once-peaceful settlement. The attackers, armed and ready, approached with an aggressive determination that sent shivers through the defenders.

Gorsk's villagers, hastily arming themselves with whatever weapons they could find, formed a makeshift line of defense. Fear and determination mingled on their faces as they prepared to confront the impending onslaught. I noticed, their Chief. He stood at the forefront, rallying his people, and directing their efforts to fortify their defenses.

Amidst the chaotic turmoil, Gorsk approached me, urgency etched on his face. He explained the dire situation and implored me to lend my strength to the defense of the village - he was using up his third condition to save his village. Aware of my own limitations, I hesitated momentarily. My nanobots were depleted, resting at a mere 30% capacity, and the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on me.

Taking a deep breath, I confronted a daunting decision, fully aware that it would likely come back to haunt me.

I turned to Gorsk, questioning whether he had any of the damned "pony fruit" on hand. Despite his evident surprise, he didn't object and promptly retrieved some from somewhere, handing them over to me. The fruit, once the root cause of my past predicaments, led me to make a solemn vow never to resort to it again. However, confronted with the harsh reality, it became evident that without its aid, we were all headed for an inevitable doom.

Consuming the fruit, a surge of energy coursed through me, revitalizing my nanobots and bestowing upon me the strength needed to join the villagers in their fight for survival.

As I sprinted towards the unfolding battle, a bizarre sight caught my eye. The invaders, mounted on imposing and armored pony girls, expertly controlled their massive steeds, ruthlessly attacking the villagers.

Surveying the scene, I discerned the tactical disadvantage the villagers faced. The invaders, perched atop their pony girls, enjoyed height and mobility advantages. Their steeds covered ground at an astonishing speed, outpacing the village Goblins significantly. The Gorsk villagers hadn't yet deployed their own pony girls into the fight.

Our side was losing the battle. In a hurried moment, I pulled Gorsk aside and urgently instructed him to have his villagers summon their mounts while I attempted to hold off the advancing horde.

As Gorsk hurried back to convey my suggestion to the villagers, I advanced towards the enemy with the sword that he had handed me. Mindful not to harm the hapless human females transformed into pony girls, who were innocent in this unfortunate situation, I focused my efforts on ensuring that their Goblin riders became the target of my righteous anger.

Amidst the chaos of clashing swords and the thundering hooves of the armored pony girls, I navigated the battlefield with a strategic approach. My nanobots were my constant concern, and I monitored their power levels closely. The fruit had given me a temporary boost, but I needed to ration my energy to last through the entire battle. I would worry about the cost of my actions later.

My training at the GC in hand-to-hand combat served me well, as I swiftly engaged with the invading Goblins. Their initial confusion at seeing a human female fighting independently, without a Goblin rider guiding her, worked to my advantage. Their hesitation provided me with crucial moments to exploit, striking with precision and agility.

As the battle unfolded, I noticed the invaders adjusting their tactics. They must have realized that I was not targeting their steeds. They began coordinating better with their armored pony girls, utilizing them as both shields and weapons. It became clear that they were adapting to the unexpected challenge I posed. The clash intensified, and the air resonated with the clash of steel, the roars of armored pony girls, and the shouts of combatants.

I maintained my focus, determined to defend the villagers and their home against the relentless onslaught.

The clash erupted in a frenzy of violence, with Gorsk's villagers joining the melee atop their pony girls. The air became thick with the metallic scent of blood, and the battlefield echoed with the clash of weapons, the screams of the wounded, and the relentless determination of those fighting to protect their home. The arrival of the mounted villagers added a new dynamic to the fight, creating a chaotic yet coordinated effort to repel the invaders.

Immersed in the chaos of the battlefield, I seamlessly blended with the villagers and their pony girls, navigating the tumultuous scene.

In a pivotal moment, just as a Goblin invader aimed a strike at me, a smile spread across my face as I witnessed Shadow, leap to my defense. He sank his teeth into the Goblin's hand, bringing him down and providing a much-needed boost of support. Though the added help infused a renewed sense of hope, the struggle persisted.

United in unwavering determination, we clashed against the invading hordes, pushing them back. The meticulously controlled armored pony girls and their Goblin riders onslaught was met with fierce resistance. The combined efforts of Gorsk's villagers and myself formed a resilient front, standing firm against the encroaching threat.