Igniting Mom's Desire


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She put that out of her mind as she spread her legs a little and let her fingers stroke the inside of her upper thighs. She placed the fingers of her right hand over her labia after a few seconds, to squeeze them tightly together with her clitoris in between. At the same time she brought her left hand up to her left breast and squeezed it again then pinched the nipple hard. She shivered with erotic pleasure, not so much from touching herself, but from thinking of what she wanted to do with her son.

Patricia closed her eyes as she continued to manipulate her breast and her labia and clitoris. She wanted to suck her son's cock. The thought of that sent another delightful frission of pleasure through her body. Yes, she thought, I'll take my son's cock in my mouth, suck it and stroke just like I do with Michael and then Jacob will come in my mouth. I want to swallow my son's cum straight from his cock. "Ooo-ooo-ooo!" Patricia wailed quietly. How wicked I am, she thought. But the idea of actually taking her son's cock in her mouth, sucking and stroking it until it shot his thick, tangy cum down her throat excited her terribly.

She also wanted her son to go down on her. She hoped he liked doing that. She wanted to look down between her legs to watch her son licking, sucking, and eating her pussy, the pussy that had given birth to him.

Images flashed through Patricia's brain, Jacob, the newborn, as the nurse put him on her chest shortly after his birth; bringing Jacob home from the hospital that cold, rainy February day, all wrapped up in a tight little bundle, him yawning and squeezing his left eye shut at the same time; Jacob's first birthday; Jacob as a little boy excited about Christmas and Santa Claus; Jacob in middle school, then high school, then college, and now her little baby boy was a grown man, tall, handsome, and obviously, lusting after his mother.

Patricia stopped all movement and kept her eyes shut. It felt like her head was whirling. Oh God, can I really do this, she asked herself. She took a deep breath, held it for a couple of seconds then let it out. Her right hand squeezed her labia and clitoris again. Her left hand squeezed her breast then slid down over her belly and back up to capture it again. She pinched her nipple.

That is the past. Jacob is not a little baby anymore, she told herself. This is the present. He is an adult, a damned good-looking adult male who, if he weren't my son, I wouldn't have a problem having sex with him. Further, he masturbates thinking about me sexually and now I'm thinking about him sexually so why not have sex with him? I mean, now that I've been thinking about it, I do find my son sexually attractive. Okay, I'm rationalizing, she continued her inner conversation, but that doesn't make it any less logical that, if he wants to be my lover and if that thought excites me and makes me want to be his lover, then there's no logical reason why we shouldn't be lovers.

At that point Patricia forced herself up out of bed. If she kept going, rubbing her pussy, pinching her nipple, thinking about Jacob, she would bring herself to orgasm. Today, however, she wanted her first orgasm to come, hopefully, from her son applying his mouth to her pussy. That thought sent a serious shiver of anticipation through her body.

Patricia went into the bathroom and fetched out the small vial of Aphrodite from among all the things she had stored in the cabinet under the sink on her side of the vanity. Her best friend, Joan Kolar, was the head chemist at Gyna-Dyne and had developed Aphrodite, a sexual enhancement drug for women. Patricia carefully put three drops into the glass she kept by her sink and added a bit of water. After swirling it around a little, she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Cheers, she thought as she swallowed the aphrodisiac-laced water.

At lunch with Joan, the day Patricia had seen her son masturbating and calling out her name, the day that she had masturbated at her desk while thinking about it, Joan noticed that her friend was in distress and encouraged her to tell her about it. Patricia swore her friend to secrecy then told her what was going on in her head. How wicked it was to be thinking of having sex with her son but that she couldn't get the idea out of her head.

Joan had laughed and sworn Patricia to secrecy herself then told her that she and her two sons were now lovers due to Aphrodite and a miscalculation she made in the dosage amount when she decided to give it a try right after having created it. She had gotten home so horny that she only saw her sons as beautiful hunks who could fuck her. And fuck her they did.

Besides increasing, possibly creating, a woman's sexual desire, one of the effects of Aphrodite was to cause a woman to give off the pheromone copulance which a man couldn't detect by smell when he was near it but, upon breathing it in, it caused his body to produce testosterone and make him sexually aroused, or more sexually aroused if he was already sexually aroused. Evidently, Joan's sons had also seen her as a sexy desirable mature woman and the copulance affected them to the point that they gladly had sex with her when she told them what she wanted.

Now the dye was cast, Patricia told herself after swallowing the aphrodisiac. Whether her son really wanted to have sex with her or not, chances were, according to Joan, that the pheromone copulance that Patricia would be casting off soon would influence him, would get his own testosterone flowing and he wouldn't be able to say no to his mother. I hope he wants to, with or without the drug, but even if he does, it can't hurt to have him extra horny. Patricia grinned at herself in the mirror. "Oh you wicked mommy," she said softly, out loud, then laughed. She felt giddy and excited and her body gave another shiver of anticipation.

Patricia took a long, thorough shower, toweled off, applied minimal but expert makeup, and brushed out her hair. She picked up the tiny bottle of her favorite perfume, one that she knew Jacob really liked, and dabbed a touch below each ear, one between her breasts, and one in the middle of where her closely trimmed pubic hair started.

She looked into the mirror and liked what she saw, a mature woman of 46 who had a tanned and toned body that could have belonged to a woman ten years or more younger. Her face didn't have the fresh look that a twenty-something girl's would have. It was the face of a very attractive mature woman who, besides a few laugh lines, was holding up quite well. She cupped her 34C breasts and gave them a squeeze. They, too, looked quite good to her eyes.

Back in her bedroom, Patricia wasn't exactly sure what she was going to wear but she had several options from things she'd bought over the years and had worn with Michael on a few extra sexy occasions. She pulled a chemise out of her dresser. It was pure white, lacy, and practically see-through. She put it on and smoothed it down. Her areolae and nipples, when she looked in the dresser mirror, were quite apparent and she could see a hint of her pubic hair. Perfect, Patricia told herself.

Panties? Patricia asked herself. She smiled wickedly into the mirror. No panties. She pulled out a pair of white, hold-up nylons and sat on the edge of the bed fitting her feet into them and pulling them up, one-by-one. She stood up and looked into the dresser mirror again, lifting her chemise. She liked the contrast between the nylons and the tanned, creamy skin of her upper thighs, and her pussy just above. Patricia hoped her son would, too.

Patricia tapped a well manicured and painted fingernail on her front teeth. Footwear? I can't go out there and confront Jacob without something on my feet. She went into the walk-in closet and looked through her shoe rack. She picked out a pair of black Marabou Feather Bedroom Shoes with three inch heels and slipped them on. That would raise her up to five feet, ten inches to her son's six feet, two inches, not that she was concerned about the height difference. She was used to looking up to him and her husband who stood six-feet, one inch tall in his bare feet.

Patricia took in a breath and shivered with desire, thinking of those two, tall, hard-bodied men making a sandwich of her as they both fucked her at the same time. Well, that was the ultimate fantasy. It would be wonderful if she could convince both her husband and her son to make love to her at the same time however, today she was just excited to be seducing her son... she hoped.

Patricia made up the bed before going back into the closet to grab a mid-calf length, black satin robe with long sleeves, which she pulled snugly around herself and tied the sash into a neat bow. Again she checked herself out in the mirror. A bit much for a weekday morning perhaps, she thought, but hopefully the robe, the shoes, and the chemise would all be coming off in a fairly short time. She would be keeping the stockings on. Michael loved it when she wore stockings and assured her that most men loved that look. There was no reason to suppose her son would be any different.

"Okay," she whispered to herself, "show time." With that, Patricia opened her bedroom door and walked down the hall to her son's bedroom. The door was open and his bed was made. She went on into the kitchen and found him looking at the employment section of the newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Good morning Mom," Jacob said without glancing up.

"Good morning, dear," Patricia said as she got her favorite coffee mug out of the cupboard and poured herself a cup of coffee. She turned around and leaned her firm ass against the counter. "Going job hunting again?" she asked.

Jacob sighed. "Yeah, it doesn't look good but I can't keep on leaching off you and dad."

"Oh, we don't mind, darling."

Jacob now looked up and saw how she was dressed. "Uh, Mom, aren't you going to go to work?"

Patricia gave her son a cool look over the rim of her cup as she took a sip. "Nope, with your father out of town I thought I'd take today off. I have a project I'm working on... here at home." Her heart started beating hard because she just now realized how she was going to play this out, hoping that she wouldn't make a fool of herself.

"Project? At home?" Jacob frowned. "What project?"

Patricia half turned to set her mug of coffee down on the counter, forcing her hands not to tremble. She turned back to her son and undid the sash to her robe, opened it, then shrugged it off her shoulders, letting it slide off her arms and fall to the floor. Now she was standing before her son in her chemise, stockings, bedroom shoes and nothing else. She could feel her nipples getting hard and knew that Jacob would be able to see them, as well as the dark triangle of her pubic hair, if not the outline of her pussy itself, behind the chemise.

Jacob stared at his mother, mouth open but not saying anything. It wasn't that he'd never seen his mother naked, or nearly naked, of course he had. It was that she was now obviously being overtly sexual with him. Something she'd never done before and it had an immediate effect on his cock.

"Uh, Mom, what are you doing?"

Her pulse was pounding in her throat and her stomach had that fluttery, butterfly feeling. She swallowed. "Jacob, I saw you masturbating last week. I hadn't left for work yet. I had a doctor's appointment that morning. I was going by your bedroom and your door was partly open and, and, well I looked in because I heard you saying 'Mom.' You were masturbating and, obviously, thinking about me, about, well, having anal sex with me."

"Oh God, Mom, I'm sorry," Jacob blurted out as he stood up from the table. He blushed a deep red almost instantly and his beginning erection quickly deflated.

Patricia smiled at her son. "I'm not." She waited.

It took Jacob a couple of beats to understand what his mother had just said. "Uh, you mean, uh, that, uh...?"

"I couldn't get it out of my mind, Jacob, your lovely big cock so hard with your cum shooting up out of it. I went to work and couldn't focus and I," she paused, "well, I masturbated at work thinking about it."

Jacob gave his mother a shocked look. "Seriously?" The image of his mother masturbating at work to the thought him masturbating in his bed had his cock growing again.

"Yes, Jacob, seriously, and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind ever since. So," she stopped talking and walked around the table to stand in front of her son. "So, I decided to make you my project for today since your father is out of town. We'll have all day, if you want, because your father won't be home until late this evening."

At that point, Jacob's nose began to register the sex pheromone that his mother was producing in relatively large amounts. It hit his brain almost immediately and the message was sent to produce more testosterone. The testosterone production began in just a few thousandths of a second and began affecting Jacob's brain in just a couple of seconds. All of a sudden, he saw his mother in a newer sexual light. He couldn't believe how attractive she was and how much he wanted her.

Patricia tilted her head down a little, not looking her son in the eyes, her body nearly trembling with the increased desire the aphrodisiac was causing. Her son was wearing black slacks and a white dress shirt and his black dress shoes. She swallowed again and with her heart beating hard she continued. "Jacob, I was hoping that you weren't just fantasizing, that you really wanted, if given the chance," she paused as she tilted her head back up and looked her son in the eyes, a small smile playing over her lips, "to fuck your mother, because, Jacob, I really want to fuck you."

Patricia had said it as bluntly as she could; more to set in her mind what she hoped was about to happen in no uncertain terms rather than to shock her son. But he was shocked. His eyes widened at his mother's words. At the same time he could feel the blood continuing to flow into his cock making it even harder still. That was part natural, from his own fantasy and desire for his mother and part the work of the effects of Aphrodite. Both of them, working together, made his desire for his mother all the more urgent.

"Seriously?" he asked again, in a near whisper.

Patricia took a step closer and put her arms around her son then pressed herself against his body. She placed the left side of her head against his chest. She could hear his heart beating as hard as hers. "Most seriously, son. Is it all fantasy or do you want some action? Do you want to make your fantasy a reality? Because, Jacob, I'm ready right now to do that."

Patricia realized she was so turned on, not only by the aphrodisiac, but by wanting to seduce her son, by wanting to break one of societies major no-no's of having sex with her son, that her pussy had gotten very, very wet. Yes, she told herself, I am so ready for this. A part of her mind wondered how she could go from your average, vanilla-flavored mother one week to an incest-desiring mother the next. She decided she really didn't care. Making love with her son was all that matter right now.

Jacob inhaled the sweet scent of his mother's perfume, his favorite, along with even more of the copulance. He put his hands on his mother's shoulders. His cock was rapidly becoming fully erect. He was having a hard time realizing that his mother, the woman he'd been having sexual fantasies about since he was eighteen, albeit with a whole lot of guilt, was offering to have sex with him.

Jacob nuzzled his mother's neck and up to her ear. "Mmm, Mom, I love your perfume," he whispered before gently biting her ear.

"Ohh, Jacob, Jacob," Patricia sighed and pressed her ear harder against her son's mouth and teeth. Chill bumps ran all down the right side of her body and her stomach did flip-flops.

Jacob gently pushed his mother back before placing his hands on either side of her face. "Mom, I want to kiss you," he said as he bent his head down to let his lips touch hers.

Patricia's heart skipped a beat. She took a couple of quick breaths and swallowed. "Yes, Jacob, kiss me, please," she said, her lips moving lightly across his as she spoke.

Jacob's lips pressed against his mother's. Their mouths opened. Jacob slowly ran his tongue over the edges of his mother's teeth then carefully probed inside her mouth. His cock was fully hard now and he realized that he'd have to tell his mother about his size, but later, not right now. The tip of his tongue met the tip of his mother's tongue. Jacob almost felt dizzy. He realized his body was trembling. He was kissing his mother like a lover, something that he'd wanted to do for years. He was going to make love with her. She wanted him to make love with her, to fuck her. He was actually going to fuck his mother.

The tongues of both mother and son slid over and around each other, tasting each other's sweet, slick saliva, each of them getting more sexually aroused by the second. Jacob's saliva was now loaded with his testosterone, a natural occurrence when a man gets sexually aroused, and it was being transferred to his mother's saliva, her mouth, her brain. Patricia's sexual arousal level went up several points more. Jacob pulled his tongue back and his mother's tongue followed. He pulled his lips from hers then immediately remolded them over hers and their tongue did another delightfully tasty dance around each other.

Patricia was now so aroused and sexually turned on she felt that if she could just touch her clitoris she would come. Both she and her son were breathing heavily through their noses as their hearts pounded in their chests.

Jacob pulled his lips slowly from his mother's lips then gave her two sweet little kisses. His hands were still on either side of her face. "Mom, Mom, I want you. Yes, I want to make love with you. It isn't just a fantasy. Mom, I can't believe this."

"Neither can I, baby, but it's true. It's going to happen. I want you to make love to me, Jacob. I really, really do."

"But, Mom, I have to tell you something."

Patricia, hungry for more kisses, put a hand behind her son's head and pulled him down for another long, sweet, wet kiss. "What, baby, what is it that you have to tell me," she said then kissed him long and affectionately again.

"Oh fuck, Mom," Jacob gasped when they broke the kiss. "I'm so turned on. I'm so hard."

Patricia chuckled. "I know, darling. I can feel it pressing into my belly."

"But that's it, Mom, that's what I have to tell you." He paused. "You see, I'm kind of big. Well, you know, bigger than most and..."

Patricia laughed and gave her son a quick kiss. "I know, Jacob. Remember, I saw you jacking off. My first thought was, wow, my son is as big as his father."

"Dad has a big cock, too?"

"Yes, baby, just as big as yours. So, if you were worried about me, fucking me that is, with that big cock of yours, don't be, believe me I can take it." She looked into her son's eyes and gave him a mischievous smile. "I can even take it in my ass, like you were fantasizing about when I saw you."

"Oh Mom, I'm sorry..."

"Shh," Patricia put a finger to her son's lips. "I like anal sex."

Jacob opened his mouth and took his mother's finger into it and began sucking on it and running his tongue around it. Patricia gasped. Michael sucked on her fingers sometimes, as she sucked on his, but this, her son sucking on her finger so sensually, sent an arrow of passion from her finger, through her stomach, and right down to her pussy.

"Oh, Jacob," she moaned.

Jacob released his mother's finger from his mouth and kissed her again, deeply, passionately. Patricia now had both hands on the back of her son's head and was putting everything she had into kissing him back. Jacob's arms and hand were now embracing his mother and pulling her hard against his body. He heard her moan deep in her throat. He felt like doing it too.