Ignore the Warning Label Pt. 05


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"Yeah, she's a bit of a terror on anyone who breaks consent."

It was just what I'd been thinking, but I decided to tease her by taking it a different direction. I deliberately dropped my gaze to Nicole's chest. "Oh no, I meant it made sense he'd want to do it anyway. After all, who could resist your tits."

She puffed herself up proudly, making her chest press against her Rolling Stones t-shirt enough to show the bare outlines of her nipple ornaments. "I knew you were a boob girl! Are these the real reason you suddenly changed your mind?"

"No!" Nicole raised an eyebrow disbelievingly. "Fine, I am a boob girl! But it wasn't that. It was how you managed to take that entire dildo down your throat. How the fuck did you do that, anyway?"

"Practice, my friend, practice. A whole fuckton of practice. I'd never been with anybody who liked that kind of thing before Sam, but she really gets a power kick out of it. Believe me, she is a very persuasive motivator." She leaned into me and said seductively, "I could teach you if you want."

I laughed and tried to mirror her sexy tone, dropping my gaze still lower down her body. "Actually, I had something else in mind for my mouth."

Nicole's hips fidgeted slightly under my attention. "And you accuse me of being a fucking tease!"


Vivian was exhausted. Drained. She'd spent the entire week in a constant state of readiness, preparing for something that stubbornly refused to arrive. Constantly imagining what she'd say, what she'd ask, how she'd defend herself against what he'd say. Again and again in her head, always trying to keep herself from slipping into that wretched angry feeling she'd had before sending the breakup text. It was irrational, and she knew it, continuing down this mental rabbit hole that upset her so much, but she couldn't stop making herself miserable.

With each passing day, Vivian's hopes had fallen a notch. And her hopes hadn't even been that high to begin with. She hadn't wanted anything major, like an apology or explanation. Okay, maybe those would have been nice, but she'd known better than to realistically hope for them. No, all she'd wanted was some kind of acknowledgement of what she'd been through, and some closure.

The weekend passed, and he hadn't acknowledged her.

Monday, nothing.

Tuesday, silence.

By Wednesday, she had to start leaving her phone behind again to stop herself reflexively checking it. She had tried calling him, tried more texts, but he never answered or responded. There was a moment of dread each time she looked at her phone, and all those moments added up quickly. She felt like she was constantly bracing herself for a blow, and it made it impossible to relax or settle to anything else.

Friday came, and finally there was something. Vivian got home from work to find an envelope slipped under the door. Ripping it open revealed a key. It was hers. The key she'd given to her master, surrendering her privacy to him, effectively promising to be available for his pleasure whenever he wanted her.

And that was it. Just the key. No Paul, no note, not even her name written on the front. She sat down, feeling numb. That was it. It was over, and it felt so incredibly wrong. There was... just nothing. No closure, no anything. She felt cheated. It was so bitter and unsatisfying and frustrating, she felt her eyes getting hot the way they do before tears start falling.

It made her feel completely worthless.

He was telling her, as clearly as possible, that she was beneath him. She wasn't worth lifting a finger for. He had no need for trifles like spending words on her. He'd used her for his pleasure, and now that was over, he'd moved on without a backwards glance. He'd fucked her and forgotten her. Like the whore she was.

And, beyond that, she felt stupid. It was the same thing she'd been through again and again with him. Hoping for his attention, wishing he'd want to stay with her, making herself believe that he wanted her, but always to be let down. Why had she thought for a second that this time would be any different? She could practically hear him, in his stern dominant voice telling her: "No, you don't leave me. I leave you."

Her pain right now was her own fault. Even after breaking up with him, she'd still given him this power over her. It hadn't even been a whole week, and she'd already broken her promise to make things different.

She forced herself to take a deep, shuddering breath. One at a time, she unclenched her muscles. Her hand hurt where she'd been squeezing the key's teeth. When had she done that? Deep breaths, like she'd learned to do to let her anger out.

It had all started off so well, too. She'd been so happy that first day! She'd genuinely felt free. What had happened? Vivian started down another spiral of self-recrimination, but stopped herself. That was exactly what always happened. She blamed herself for everything. Devyn had told her, quite forcefully, that not everything in the world was her fault.

It had been a rocky start keeping her promise. But did that mean she was going to give up?

"No!" She said, out loud, to her own surprise.

Paul only had power over her as long as she let him. To take it back, all she needed to do was let go of any expectations she had of him. Just simply go on living her life and forget about him.

Much easier said than done. Still, before she could think too hard about it, she dropped the key that had been his and changed out of her work clothes and into something casual. Only stopping to grab her bag of yarn and needles, she practically ran out the door.

She started feeling better as soon as it shut behind her. By the time she'd gotten back to the park, she felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.


"It's been a while for you, hasn't it? Since you've been with someone like her?" Malcolm said as he brought my shirt up over my head. "She's really something. Tough and determined enough to model for Queensnake, with the build to fit in on SuicideGirls. No wonder she makes you salivate."

I didn't say anything. What was there to say? He was absolutely right.

Nicole was hot in every sense of the word. She was unbelievably sexy. Her trademark fiery red hair was something of a mess as Sam roughly stripped her clothes off, revealing her usually pale complexion slightly flushed. As her clothes flew from her body, it became obvious that Nicole was horny. Very horny. Her nipples looked harder than the metal rings that pierced them, and the red lace panties she briefly wore were clearly originally intended to be a lighter rose color than the pussy stained garnet they were now.

I knew my body was no more subtle than hers. We'd been teasing each other relentlessly for the last week. It had turned into some kind of contest, who could make the other more worked up before tonight. Of course, I'd had a handicap. Sam had let Nicole cum repeatedly at the Valmont's party. Malcolm hadn't allowed me an orgasm in two weeks!

Most of my nerves were gone. After all the talking and reassurances, I really felt like everything would be amazing. Still, standing there in Sam and Nicole's house, having my clothes stripped from me one at a time, it felt much more real. Rehearsals were over and it was time for opening night. That should be enough to justify some butterflies in my stomach. Right?

Nicole's and my eyes were each glued to the other as our Doms prepared us. We still had no idea what exactly they had in store for us, but whatever it was, it involved rope. It was interesting to watch Sam's style as she bound Nicole. She was much more rough and direct than Malcolm. Where he seemed to have a flowing, calming sort of confidence to his dominance, Sam seemed to go a different way. She was more forceful, manipulating Nicole's body the way she wanted it, making things more chaotic than calm. It fit Nicole and her desire to be handled roughly very well.

"Do you remember that time back in college, when you tried to get me to imagine you with one of your female hookups?" Malcolm spoke low in my ear as he carefully measured out sections of rope along my arms.

"Not exactly, Sir."


"You're gonna have to be more specific. I tried to make you imagine me naked far more than once."

Malcolm chuckled softly as he tinkered with some loop knots. I hadn't figured out much about rope yet, but it seemed like he was leaving a lot of slack. What was he planning?

"Well, on this particular occasion, you were pretty drunk. It was three in the morning and you'd just gotten back from a party. I'll spare you all the slurring and talking in circles you did, but one comment did stick with me." It's probably a testament to the shit I did and said back in college that this buildup didn't significantly narrow the field of memories of drunken nights chatting with Malcolm.

"What was that, Sir?"

"If I can get my mouth on her cunt, there's not a woman alive I can't make cum."

"Oh! That night. That was a good one." Sam was tying Nicole in the same way, leaving a lot of slack and material free. Two and two clicked together in my head, and my heart beat faster. "You're going to tie us together, right?"

"Yes indeed," he gave me his hungry, wolfish smile. "Confession time. Those efforts of yours to get me imagining you with somebody as sexy as yourself? They worked better than I let on."

"What!?" I exclaimed, breaking the hushed tone of the conversation. "You're just telling me this now, Sir?"

"It seems as good a time as any," he said, amused.

"Why did you never say so before?"

"At the time, I thought you were just bragging about your conquests, not trying to make me jealous. Besides, what kind of friend would I have been if I'd taking advantage of what you said while drunk?"

"Damn your chivalry," I muttered. I was too horny to be surprised or, well, anything besides horny. "Well then, Sir." I said, channeling the lusty voice I'd been using on Nicole all week. "I'll be sure to eat her cunt hard enough to live up to four years of your fantasies."

"I'm sure you will," he ran his fingers though my hair affectionately. "At least, I'm sure you will if we eventually let you."

"No fucking way! You wouldn't keep teasing—" He raised an eyebrow, and I corrected myself. "Never mind, of course you would. Two weeks of teasing and denial would seem like the perfect time to keep teasing to you."

"In fairness to me, most of that teasing you're referring to was self-inflicted."

Sam had her arms draped around Nicole's shoulders from behind, speaking in her ear too. We couldn't hear what she was saying, but whatever it was had Nicole nearly hyperventilating. Malcolm followed Nicole's eyes, which were focused directly between my legs.

"I bet she's thinking about exactly the same thing as you," Malcolm said huskily. "Imagining what you'll taste like when she gets her lips around your clit." Of course, that brought the image of red hair between my thighs, along with licking sounds and throbbing pleasure. I just groaned slightly and let myself sag a little into Malcolm's weight. He hugged me from behind and held me, nearly mirroring Sam and Nicole across from us, voice shifting slightly to the one he used to hypnotize me. His usually clean and proper language shifted to heavily erotic, describing scenarios he and Sam had thought about but decided against.

It was like when he'd hypnotized me using his GoneWildAudio voice actress friends. My heart beat faster as one image after the next flashed before my eyes. I imagined feeling a tongue like tingle across my clit as Malcolm painted a picture of me kneeling over Nicole's face, her mouth trapped beneath my pussy, furiously tonguing me as I tried to make Malcolm cum with my own mouth. Blood rushed to my nipples as Malcolm described clothespinning both our nipples and tying them together, making us back away from each other slowly until they ripped off of one of us.

He kept my attention flying all over my body, all over Nicole's body, both of our eyes going crazy trying to keep up. Her gaze was so intense, and it added to the tingling I felt wherever it went. My skin flushed, warmth inside me turning to heat, as pleasant thuds resonating through my core. Slowly, Sam and Malcolm inched us closer together until we stood just inches apart and they held on to our ropes to keep us separated. The closeness really dramatized the difference in our heights. Her eye level was closer to my breasts than my face.

"... But then I realized that we never get to play with another denial slut," Sam's raised her voice, her monolog transitioning seamlessly to include us.

"And it seemed a pity to squander the opportunity," Malcolm continued her thought.

"Which brings us to our first little game here tonight. You're going to have fun holding yourselves back," Sam bent down suddenly, then gave Nicole a little nudge, finally bringing us together! She also seemed to grow, suddenly gaining half a foot of height. Sam must have given her some kind of foot stool. I couldn't help it, despite the erotic mood, I burst out laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Nicole giggled with me. "I'm short and you're a giant."

"We were thinking of tying you both into a sixty-nine, but we were afraid it wouldn't work out."

"You were afraid it wouldn't work," Sam pointed out. "I maintain they could figure out how to make it work."

"An experiment for another day," Malcolm passed the loose ropes on my arms around Nicole's body to Sam. "For right now, we thought you'd like to get a little more acquainted."

Nicole's wide eyes gazed into mine, her passion and desire clear for me to see. As our Doms tied our arms around each other, basically forcing us into a tight hug, I shivered in excitement. Nicole felt so fucking sexy! Her body was lithe and fit, firm in some areas and distinctly femininely soft in others. It was amazing to feel her tits pressing into mine, their softness contrasting the firmness of her abs beneath them. Whatever Nicole was standing on brought her pussy right next to mine, her clitoral hood piercing nudging into me, setting my hips involuntarily rocking into her.

"Breath together," Malcolm told us. "Both in now... and both out. In, together, out, together. Great. Keep doing it."

It took a few cycles, but synchronizing our breathing made me feel even more connected with her. Our chests expanded into each other, her body pressing into mine, warming me and enveloping me. Her hips lightly rocked into mine, her thighs pressed against mine, and her breath flowed across my lips.

But it wasn't just the two of us. We couldn't see them with our faces so close together, but I could feel Malcolm and Sam too, petting us and making adjustments. Sam brushed some of Nicole's hair out from between us and Malcolm traced his fingers over my back and ass, his body spooning into mine as he did. If I've ever described feeling surrounded during sex with Malcolm before, I didn't know what I was talking about. This was really being surrounded, and it was wonderfully disorienting.

Breathe in, and out. Something worked between our thighs and seemed to get tied there. In and out. It was pressed right between our pussies, perfectly positioned for me to rub my clit against. Nicole made a little noise in her throat, and I knew she'd just felt the same thing. It had to be a vibrator -- it felt exactly like the head of my hitachi.

Sam mirrored Malcolm's motions on Nicole's ass, making her rock her hips a little more, pressing it into me harder and making me quiver in pleasure. Just knowing that we were rubbing our cunts on the same thing, our mounds pressed into each other, both our bodies tied in a tight embrace, had my heart pounding and my blood on fire!

It became more difficult as we got more excited, but we managed to maintain our rhythm. In and out, together, again and again. It almost felt like Nicole and I were one person together, submitting to one dominant with four arms. Then, Malcolm and Sam leaned into us and whispered in unison, "kiss her."

Panic suddenly flooded me. All the nervousness I'd thought was gone hit me at once. It was irrational, we were already basically rubbing our cunts together, but it felt like once I did this, that would be it. It wouldn't be just a sexy thought experiment anymore. I would have kissed somebody other than the man I was in love with. Nicole must have sensed something, because she held back, her eyes seeming to tell me that she understood and not to feel pressured.

And just as suddenly, I felt Malcolm's hand gripping me firmly by his spot in my hair. The spot that made me feel supported and cared for as much as it made me feel submissive. He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. He just held me, and it was enough. I leaned slightly back into him and felt calmer. 'It's okay. It's really okay!'

I was surprised by how softly Nicole kissed. I'd expected her to match her personality and dive right into my mouth. Later on, she'd say the same about me, and we'd laugh about how we kissed like two submissives who were too used to our Doms having their way with our mouths. Our lips met and slowly probed each other, our tongues only getting involved after a little while.

It's hard to describe the kiss because it wasn't confined to our mouths. It really involved the hand in my hair and body behind me, as well as whatever Sam was doing with Nicole.

It was so different than anything I'd ever done before, it almost made me dizzy. It was fun. Incredibly fun! The whole thing was exciting and thrilling! I mean, here I was, having bondage sex kissing this sexy minx I'd been dying to get my hands on for months! Of course it was amazing. Except, it wasn't anything like the excitement and thrill I got from kissing Malcolm. This felt much more like a roller coaster type thrill ride, not the emotional trips I went on with my lover.

It was exactly what I'd hoped it would be. Just physical fun with Nicole, and nothing more. Slowly, my weight shifted from backwards into Malcolm forward into Nicole.

Nicole held me close, still breathing through her nose in rhythm with me, her fingers softly stroking my back as her tongue followed mine slowly tasting her lips. She was still holding herself back. Still worried about me, she was only going at the pace I'd shown I was comfortable with, waiting for me. Despite how turned on she was, she was still giving me time to get my shit together. That, together with Malcolm's presence, made me feel safe. Like I'd done one of those trust exercises where you fall backwards and somebody catches you. I'd taken this plunge, and they'd both caught me.

The feeling of my trust and faith in them being rewarded was fantastic. It was such a little thing, just a pair of small gestures, but they meant the world to me. Of course, I already trusted both of them completely. I trusted Malcolm more than I trusted myself, and I was comfortable enough with Nicole to get tied up to her naked, but still. The feelings that raced through me, appreciation and gratitude, love and attraction, were wonderful.

I smiled wide into Nicole's lips, breaking our kiss to rub our foreheads together and see her eyes. Her concern melted away quickly, replaced with a reflection of the surging lust I was feeling. "Thank you," I whispered so softly that only she could hear, then I plunged between her lips again.

This kiss was completely different. It was instantly wild, with all the hunger of two teased and orgasm starved people. Nicole gasped softly, surprised by my urgency after how hesitant I'd been, but recovering quickly and battling my tongue for every millimeter of space between our mouths.

The vibrator -- I was right, it was a vibrator! -- tied between our legs sprang to life. There was a loud smacking sound, and I instinctively braced for the rush of sting, but instead I felt strong fingers spreading my pussy open and entering me. I signed into Nicole's mouth, absolutely loving the feeling of being filled up by Malcolm while my clit buzzed, at the same time that Nicole yelped.