Impregnating the Galaxy Ch. 18

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Aya is captured and interrogated.
5.6k words

Part 18 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/18/2020
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Dorian stood in front of the pitch black cube, utterly dwarfed by its size. Now completely rested after a full night's sleep, the time had come to enter it, and he had no idea if he could accomplish it. The only way inside was to use his power to bend space and allow himself to phase through the indestructible wall.

The three girls watched as he stepped closer, unsure of what they were about to see.

Putting his hand on the smooth surface, he took one last look back at Aya. Then, facing the giant cube, he concentrated on his task. At first nothing happened, but he soon began to feel his palm sinking into the impenetrable material. It felt as if some force was repelling his hand, though he kept pushing until his arm was entirely inside. Continuing, he pushed his head into the solid material. Unable to see, he kept moving forward, not knowing how thick the walls of the cube were.

Finally, his head passed all the way through the thick wall, emerging on the other side. His body soon followed, giving him a moment to observe his surroundings. The inside of the massive cube was illuminated by a faint green light that seemingly had no source. The interior was sparse, practically empty aside from an orb placed atop an altar in the center of the room, a sleeping mat pushed against the wall, a small cargo container, and a man.

Dorian kept pushing, trying to make out the details of the mysterious figure but his vision began to fade. The strain of phasing through the thick indestructible wall was proving to be too much, and he lost consciousness as soon as he pulled the remainder of his body through.


Opening his eyes, he was startled by the sight of a man leaning over him, causing him to quickly sit up.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to frighten you." The man said, sounding genuine.

Dorian had expected the man to be much older considering how long he had been inside of the cube, though he was surprised to see that he looked only a few years older than himself. His shoulder length hair was the same brunette brown that the twins outside possessed, complemented by a short beard. He wore a flowing blue robe that concealed most of his body.

The man reached into the cargo container and pulled out a small nutrience bar, holding it out for Dorian to take.

Dorian groaned as he sat up, feeling dizzy. "Are you...the keeper..?"

The man nodded. "Name's Rhodri, and I've waited months for you."

"Months? You've been in here for twenty years." Dorian stated, feeling suspicious of the strange man in front of him.

Rhodri smiled kindly. "Technically, yes. However, time works differently inside this cube. Only a few months have passed since I entered, yet twenty have passed outside. It speeds up and slows down randomly, making it impossible to know how much time has passed outside of it. The only reason I know it's been twenty years out there is because that's how long your father predicted it would take for you to find me."

"That's...incredible.." Dorian responded. "How is that even possible?"

Rhodri reached into his robe, carefully pulling out a small data chip. "This'll teach you everything you need to know."

Taking it, Dorian secured it in one of his jumpsuit's pockets. "Four down, two to go."

"It'll teach you how to control time. You'll be able to slow down and speed up time. Though be warned, time can not go back. Just as this cube changes your persecution of time, it never reverses. Past events cannot be undone, as every action is written permanently in time. You can slow it down until it stops, but it'll never go backwards."

"I understand..." Dorian replied.

"Good. Now, that isn't the only bit of knowledge in this cube." He said, standing up. "Come."

Obeying, Dorian stood and walked with the keeper to the orb in the center of the room.

"Place your hand on the orb."

Dorian did as he was instructed, and gasped as soon as his palm connected with the orb's smooth surface. His mind was filled with two separate visions. In the first, he was standing on the balcony of a massive tower, overlooking a huge technologically advanced city. He was surrounded by servants consisting of an alien race that he had never seen before, with dark blue and purple skin. Everyone was watching from the balcony as a gargantuan mass of tentacles ripped through the city, heading towards their tower that it easily dwarfed.

He was walking down a ship's landing ramp in the second vision, stepping onto the stone roof of a massive cylindrical fortress hanging over a pit by gigantic chains. The pit's walls were covered by a powerful waterfall that wrapped around the rim of the pit. He was met by several members of the same blue and purple aliens, looking at him in utter terror.

The visions ended, and Dorian stumbled backwards. "The hell was that?!?"

Rhodri held his hands out in a calming gesture. "It's alright, just breathe. What you just witnessed were visions from the past, viewed through the eyes of your father. The first was when the great tentacled beast known as Zhalla destroyed your father's capital and overthrew him as emperor forty five thousand years ago. The second vision took place only three decades ago, when he discovered the last living members of the hybrid species that he created."

"Why..why did he want me to see these things?" Dorian asked, his mind still recovering from the experience.

"Well, firstly, he wanted to show you why you must never unlock the power to create life out of nothing. He taught his people this power, and his advisors used it to create The Great Zhalla. After five thousand years of ruling over the entire galaxy, the thing that brought him down was the mistake of giving his hybrid descendants too much knowledge." Rhodri explained.

"But...why shouldn't I be able to use it? They used it to overthrow him, but the first empire is gone. Surely he can't be afraid of me using that power against him when he isn't even in this dimension anymore, right?"

"He wasn't worried about what you might do to him, but rather, what you might do to the galaxy. Zhalla's reign brought destruction and death, something that his creators didn't intend for. You could create a creature with the best intentions, only to have it destroy worlds. Your father couldn't allow that possibly, which is why there is no data chip to teach you that. He had hoped you'd understand."

"I...I think I do. He didn't want to repeat his mistake, I get it."

Rhodri looked at him with a sceptical expression, though didn't push it. "Either way, that was his decision. As for the second, it took place on the planet Pakor. He discovered a small group of the last surviving members of his hybrids, imprisoned by the Varian Empire. That is where you'll find the next chip, if you're resourceful enough to find them."

"Can you be more specific? Planets are usually pretty big."

"That's as much as I know. Besides, your father seemed to think that you'd be capable of finding it, one way or another." Rhodri replied.

"Fine, I'll figure it out. What's next?"

Rhodri smiled smugly. "What's next, is I finally get out of here."

Before Dorian could ask how, Rhodri grabbed his hand and forced it back onto the orb. He felt a rush of power flow out of him and into the orb, before shooting out and projecting a portal that tore space, large enough for them to step through. Still grasping Dorian's hand, Rhodri pulled him towards it.

Passing through the portal, Dorian realized that they had exited right in front of the massive cube. Seeing that the cave was empty, he felt a twinge of worry. He had no way of knowing how much time had passed while he was inside.

"Everything looks the same. You sure I was in there for twenty years?" Rhodri asked.

To answer his question, the door to the cave began to open, and Rona entered. Her eyes locked onto Rhodri, and she let out an excited yelp. "Dad! I know I heard someone!"

Rhodri looked surprised to see his daughter all grown up, bracing himself as she ran to him and wrapped him in a tight hug. "Rona? Is that you?"

The door opened once again, allowing Rana and Aya to investigate the noises coming from the cave. Rana was carrying two babies, while Aya cradled only one in her arms. As soon as they saw the two men they both gasped, pausing momentarily before running to join Rona.

"You're back! Did you find what you were looking for?" Aya asked Dorian.

In response, he showed her the chip. "I'm guessing I've been gone for more than a few hours..." he said, looking down at the baby in her arms.

Blushing, Aya presented the child. As Aya was already mixed race, her baby was only lightly tanned. "Dad, meet your new grandson, Zet."

Dorian looked at the baby with pride, before his attention was interrupted by someone theatrically clearing their throat. He turned, meeting the gaze of Rona.

"You also have two new sons." She said, gesturing to the children held by Rana.

An expression of surprised anger flashed across Rhodri's face. " knocked up my daughters?!"

Rona playfully shoved him. "Don't worry daddy, we practically forced him to sleep with us."

"Besides," Rana added, "we wouldn't have these adorable babies without him. With half of Dorian's 'special' DNA, my child could rebuild this entire city."

"Fuck that," Rona continued, "I want mine to be a great conquer! No woman would be out of his reach.."

Rhodri looked at his twin daughters in disgust. "What have you become while I was away? I've got a lot of work to do with you two.." He said, sounding tired. "In the meantime, what can I do to get you away from us as soon as possible?" He asked, turning to Dorian. He clearly wasn't happy with the thought that the man standing in front of him had fucked his daughters.

"A new speeder would be nice..." Aya smugly stated.

"Done." Rhodri said.


The journey back to the farm was far more uneventful than when they had left. Aya explained that he had been inside of the cube for a little under three months, which was plenty of time for them to give birth due to his DNA's accelerated incubation time.

Once they had reached the farm, they were met with the realization that Grace had also given birth to another of Dorian's many sons.

Waylon was ecstatic to meet the baby that he put into Aya's womb, though he was quick to apologize to Dorian. The fact that they had both knocked up each other's daughters made it easy for them to call it even.

Once aboard The Chimera, Hex explained that the ship had been somewhat repaired thanks to the help of Waylon using scrap from previous ships that had crashed in the desert.

A transmission from Zaefa had also arrived in his absence, explaining that the code she gave him to sneak passed the automated fleet was likely going to fail, which was evident by the fact that he had already been shot down. The beautiful hacker had at least provided him with a new code that would allow them to escape the planet.

When they were ready, Dorian and Aya boarded The Chimera after saying their goodbyes. The group had come to the decision that Zet would leave with his mother, while Grace's son would stay at the farm to be raised by Waylon. With a series of creaks and groans, the ship lifted off of the sandy surface, pointing to the stars.


"I'm sorry Aya, but you can't come with me." Dorian said, crossing his arms. They had just docked with The Collector's tower, where Dorian intended to drop his daughter and grandson off.

"But dad...I can help you!"

"I'm sorry, but no. We've been away for three months, and I need to return to Yarrin."

She put her hands on her hips with a pouty expression. "Do you have any idea how you're going to find that group of hybrids? I can investigate while you visit your 'queen' of a wife!"

"Technically our daughter is queen now- but that's not the point! I put you in danger when I allowed you to travel through the desert with me, which was a mistake. I mean, we were almost killed by raiders! I'm not putting you in danger again."


"No. You're not coming."

Knowing that there was no point in arguing further, Aya looked down submissively. "Alright...fine. I won't go with you."


And she didn't.

As soon as The Chimera undocked and sped off towards Yarrin, Aya left Zet in the care of her many sisters before stealing one of The Collector's smaller ships. Dorian didn't want to put her in danger, but he never said anything about her putting herself in danger, right?

She entered the coordinates for The Varian Empire's capital planet, Varia Prime, into the ship's navigation computer and set off.

After a short journey she touched down on the planet's surface, stunned by the size of the towering buildings. While the planet's surface was nearly completely covered in a city landscape, there was an abundance of trees and plants growing in artificial gardens both on the ground and building balconies. The streets were surprisingly clean, maintained by an army of automated workers.

Having never been in the middle of a crowded mega city before, she was completely overwhelmed as she stepped out of her small ship. Closing her eyes, she calmed herself before continuing.

She navigated the busy streets and pathways for several minutes, following the signs that directed her towards the capital's grand library. If the empire had any information on the planet Pakor, she'd find it there.

When she reached the library, she was stunned to see it's size. Easily over one thousand floors tall, the circular building was wide enough to have the appearance of being stubby.

"How the hell did they build this..." she muttered to herself. She stepped forward, entering through one of the hundreds of sets of doors that were twice her height.

The door led to a hallway with an elevator at the end of it. Entering, it closed behind her.

"Enter a subject." A robotic voice came from a speaker.

"Oh umm...planets?" Aya requested.

"Too unspecific."

"The planet Pirkor then, please."

"Confirmed, moving to the Pekial Sector Section." The voice stated as the elevator began to move upwards. Seemingly two full minutes passed before it began to slow to a stop, before moving sideways for several seconds. Finally at a full stop, the doors opened to reveal a large room with a smooth stone floor and countless red glowing databanks lining the walls. Several terminals were built into stone tables, giving users access to the databanks' information.

Stepping inside, she sat down at one of the many terminals. "Well, here we go..."


After six hours of research, she had located her target. After finding the database about Pirkor, Aya had searched for any landmarks that remotely resembled the vision that her father had described to her. There were too many to count, until she also started to look for any that were classified as former military outposts or prisons. After sifting through dozens of results, she finally found a retired prison fortress that matched his description exactly: Fort Acali. The database claimed that the fort had been abandoned for decades, but Aya was certain that she had found the right place.

"Yes! Finally!" She yelled happily, her ass sore from sitting in the same spot for hours. She was so allated at her success that she barely even noticed when the elevator doors opened, delivering two men.

"Excuse me, miss." One of the men said as they approached her.

As she turned to look at them, she was hit with a powerful electric bolt. She screamed, falling to the floor. Her vision began to go black, and she lost consciousness as they grabbed her.


Groaning, she slowly opened her eyes. "What the hell happened...?" She said, regaining consciousness.

"What happened is you were looking into things that you shouldn't be." A voice answer, startling Aya to full consciousness. The first thing she noticed was the woman in front of her. She had a short brunette ponytail and was wearing the standard tight white bodysuit worn by Peacekeepers.

Aya started looking around frantically, realizing that her arms and legs were being held by mechanical arms that held her in the air, with their padded mandibles locked tightly around her ankles, thighs, abs, wrists, and forearms. She was completely naked, exposed to the woman in front of her. Grey tiles covered the room from floor to ceiling, with various steel cabinets lining the walls. The machine she was restrained by was at the back of the room, with a control pad on a pedestal to her left and a small drain placed directly under her.

"I'm glad you are awake, we can finally get started." The woman said, her hands clasped behind her back.

"What's going on? Who are you?" Aya asked, trying to move. The machine held her firmly in place.

"I am your interrogator, and that's all you need to know about me."

"Interrogator? For what? I haven't done anything wrong!"

The woman smirked. "That's what we're here to find out. Our systems alerted us to the fact that you were investigating things that you shouldn't be."

"Pakor?" Aya asked, confused. "What's the problem with that?"

"Ah, yes, but you were looking for a specific location. Tell me, do you remember what that location was? Because I do."

She hesitated, considering her situation.

"Well? I don't like waiting. And I certainly don't like to ask twice." The interrogator said.

"I was just interested in the planet!" Aya blurted out.

The woman signed, rolling her eyes. "Fine. If it's going to be like that, then I guess we better begin." She said, walking over to the control pad. She entered a few commands, and the robotic arms began to move, repositioning Aya so that she was upside down. Next, the arms holding her ankles and thighs began to pull apart, spreading her legs until she was in a T position, with her arms held together behind her back.

"What're you doing?!" Aya yelled, panic filling her. Her mixed race pussy was on full display to the woman, feeling a tingle as a very faint breeze from the air vents ran over it.

The woman walked to one of the cabinets, picking up two dark blue feathers. She then returned to Aya, kneeling down to speak to her directly. "Do you know what kind of feathers these are?" She asked, waving them in front of her face.

Aya shook her head, fear seeping into her mind as she wondered what was about to happen to her.

"I didn't think so. These are from the rare Sereke species. These specific feathers are found near their genitals, as they produce a powerful aphrodisiac that stimulates and arouses their partners." The woman said as she stood up, looking down at Aya's exposed crotch.

Aya yelped in surprise as the woman ran the feathers over her inner thighs, her nerves tingling from the aphrodisiac.

"See? You really can feel it, can't you?" The interrogator asked.

Aya squirmed as her captor dragged them over her sensitive thighs a few more times, purposely pulling away before they reached her smooth pussy. "H..hey! Stop!"

"Let's start with a simple question to see how truthful you are: what is the name of the fort that you were investigating?" She asked, removing the feathers.

Aya felt her thighs already tingling from the powerful aphrodisiac. "I told you, I wasn't looking for anything specific! I was just interested in the planet!"

The woman frowned theatrically. "That's very disappointing. Your searches show that you were narrowing down the results until you found what you were looking for." She said, before resuming brushing Aya's thighs.

Aya yelped once more when the feathers finally passed over her pussy, sending tingles through her labia. "S..stop!"

"Then be truthful. I already know the answer, so just admit it." She said, the feathers running from one knee to the other, making Aya practically squeak each time they passed over her most private area.