In a Class of His Own Ch. 12


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- "You have some serious thinking to do." I told her.

- "Meaning? What kind of serious thinking?"

- "You need time, Sarah. To decide if this what you want." I said.

- "You're kidding, right? I've been thinking about this for years."

- "Not quite - you've been imagining it. Now it's possible - if you want it. If ... you want me."

Sarah just looked me in the eye. "You know I do."

- "I had to adjust to thinking about you differently." I said. "You were always 'Forbidden Fruit' -"

- "Ooh - I like the sound of that." she said.

- "I'm serious." I said.

- "Okay - I'm listening."

- "I had to get my head around the new idea that it was okay to love you - that it was okay to ask you out."

"Meanwhile, you've been thinking of me as ... I don't know - the Impossible Dream?"

- "Close enough." she said.

- "Well, now it's more than possible. In fact, I'm asking you to make it a reality. I just ... I want you to have time to think it over. Just in case."

- "You think I'll change my mind?"

- "I want you to have a chance to change your mind."

- "I don't need one." she said.

- "Well ... after our second date, tomorrow, I'll be gone for a while, anyway."

- "How long?" she asked. "When will you be back?"

- "Two weeks." I said. "I have to find an apartment - preferably for July 1st."

- "I'll help you." she volunteered. "That can be our 3rd date. Oh ..." she said. "I see what you're doing. You're ... you're not going to sleep with me tonight, are you?"

- "No."

- "I see." she said. "Bit cruel, isn't it?"

- "We've been waiting for years - a few more weeks won't kill us."

- "Hah!" she said, with a grin. "I'm the one who's been waiting for years - you only came to your senses a few weeks ago."

She had me there.

"It's alright. I'll live." she said. "Delayed gratification."

I drove her home, after the restaurant, though I was tempted to go on a drive to some quiet park, or remote location. Even out by the airport. That would have been foolish, though - I didn't want our first time to be in the back of my car.

When I pulled into her parents' driveway, I jumped out to open the car door. Then I escorted her to her front door.

Our second kiss was perfect. I'm pretty sure that I closed my eyes and even stopped breathing. Our tongues met, and swirled together. I was left in no doubt whatsoever that Sarah would be a passionate, giving partner.

When we finally pulled apart, her eyes were half closed, and she had a dreamy expression on her face.

- "Wow." she said. "We have to do that again."


Apartment hunting with Sarah was remarkable easy. She understood what I was looking for: character, location, decent water pressure, parking ... I didn't mention another criteria: space, and a modern bathroom. In my mind, I was envisioning Sarah staying over. I would need closet space, so that she could hang up some clothes.

Yes, I could also imagine her moving in with me down the road. Pretty strange, considering that we were on our third date, and had only kissed, to that point. But Sarah was overdue to leave her parents' house. The apartment didn't have to be perfect - but it would be nice if it had enough room for two.

We saw three less than ideal places, before getting lucky on the fourth.

Both of us knew it within the first five minutes. It was a corner apartment on the third floor of a venerable old building. It had windows facing north and east, and more bookshelves than I could possibly fill. The original tenant had been an eccentric University professor.

We both loved the wood, and the windows. The bedroom was big ... we got a little shy, there. But I only had to look at her face to know that I should take it.

I went down on one knee.

- "Sarah - would you go out with me?" I said.

She laughed. "Nice time to ask, after I've planned our third date for tonight."

- "Is that a yes? That sounded like a yes."

This time, our kiss wasn't in a restaurant, or outside her front door. The rental agent was in the next room, but she could have been a million miles away.

I pushed her hair back, and put my hand on her cheek. Her lips met mine, soft, and hesitant. We were still learning about each other - and ourselves. My other hand went around her waist, into the small of her back. I didn't pull her closer; Sarah felt the gentle pressure, and leaned into me. I could feel her breasts press against my chest.

She pressed her whole body against mine. It was sensuous, passionate - just short of wanton. Her tongue pushed against mine. I lost track of time, of where I was. I forgot to breathe, again. I had to pull back and draw a quick breath.

We both smiled.

I paid the first and last month's rent right away.

Sarah kept me guessing about her plans for the evening for as long as she could.

- "How should I dress?" I asked. I was staying with her - and her parents, yet again.

- "Casual." she said.

- "How casual?"

- "Very casual."

I drove; she directed me. "Next left." she would say. "Left at the lights."

It wasn't until we were two blocks away that I had an inkling of where she was taking me.

- "Really?"

- "Find a place to park." she instructed.

Sarah took me to my favourite grungy old tavern, where I had gone with her brother only a month ago.

- "How do you even know about this tavern?" I asked her.

- "I love this place." she said, with a perfectly straight face.

- "Have you ever been here before?"

Sarah stopped, just outside the door. "This is where you asked my brother for his permission to ask me out." she said. "That makes it my favourite tavern in the whole city."

Steve and Sarah were waiting for us, inside. Kim gave me a big kiss.

- "Finally." she said.

Steve just shook my hand.

- "Wow." said Sarah. "Are those ...pickled eggs?" There was a jar of them on the corner of the bar.

- "They were there before Roosevelt announced the New Deal." I said.

- "Some guy ate one - on a dare - in the early seventies." said Steve. "Three paramedics worked for four hours to save him."

- "You're making that up." said Kim.

- "I don't know." said Sarah. "But that waiter over there looks like he was here when the place opened."

- "Why do you guys even come here?" asked Kim.

Our first round arrived. The quarts were $1.50 (bottles of beer cost $2.50 or more, in most clubs). Kim's rum and coke was $1.75.

Steve and I exchanged a look, and a smile. "The ambience." we said, together, without missing a beat.

I put my hand over Sarah's. "This was really thoughtful." I said.

She smiled. "You've done the same for me - many times."

- "A toast!" said Steve. "To my beautiful sister, and her stupid boyfriend."

- "Hey!" protested his bride to be.

- "It's okay, Kim." I said. "He's right. It took me so long to figure that Sarah was the girl for me."

We talked about the stag, and their upcoming wedding. Sarah was positively glowing throughout. I wondered if I looked any different. I certainly felt different.

After all of my miscues, and outright mistakes, I finally knew that I was on the right track. There was something about the four of us sitting here, together - something drenched in karma, or destiny - call it what you will.

Steve and Kim were great together. I had every hope that Sarah and I would be, too. It might have been possible for the four of us to hang out, to spend time as a group, even if Sarah and I were seeing other people.

But I didn't want Sarah to be with anyone else. I wanted her for myself. Selfish, or jealous ... I wasn't sure what to call it. But I was quite sure, for the first time, that this was the girl for me.

Kim was afraid to use the washroom alone, so Sarah went with her, for moral support.

- "She looks so happy." he said. I knew that he meant his sister.

- "I hope so." I said. "I've been walking on clouds for the past two weeks."

- "Listen - don't take this the wrong way." said Steve. "But ... I think I may get lucky tonight - you know? Is it possible ... could you find another place to stay? Just for tonight?"

- "What?" Steve sounded odd. First of all, it wasn't like him to kick me out of his apartment - period. Second, it wasn't like him to kick me out because he wanted to get romantic with his bride to be. Last night, they had been shaking the walls. It was impossible to get to sleep with Steve moaning and groaning.

Earlier in their relationship, they had wanted privacy. Now they were so in lust with each other, they didn't care who heard them.

- "Ok." he said. "It sounds stupid - I know. Just do me a favour and ask Sarah if you can stay over at my parents' place tonight."

- "Why?"

- "Because she asked me to do this, dummy. Just do it."

When the girls returned, I did as I was told.

- "Sarah - would I be alright if I stayed over at your parents' place?"

- "Sure." she said.

That was it. I glanced at Steve, but he was studiously avoiding eye contact.

Kim wasn't a big drinker, and no one was surprised when she asked Steve to take her home. But it was a bit unusual to hear Sarah say that she was tired, and ready to head out.

On the way home, my spider sense was tingling.

- "What's going on?" I asked.

- "What do you mean?" she said, doing a barely passable imitation of an innocent person.

- "Steve spilled the beans."

- "Damn it!" she said.

- "He's not a good liar." I said. "Neither are you, thankfully. So what's going on?"

- "My parents are visiting friends. They won't be home until tomorrow afternoon." she said. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

I was surprised. Pleasantly surprised. And very turned on. It's a tremendous rush, for a male, to find that a woman - the woman of his choice, especially - wants him.

She made me wait, of course. I had to sit in their living room, nursing a drink, while Sarah went upstairs.

- "I'll call you." she promised. "Oh - and I'm on the pill."

My imagination did backflips, as I waited. I had seen her topless, once, and knew that her breasts were amazing. That one brief look at her torso was seared in my memory.

Mercifully, she didn't keep me waiting long.

- "OK, Chris - come on up." she called , from the top of the stairs.

I had to control myself, and refrain from taking the stairs three at a time. It was dark, up there. But there was candlelight coming from Sarah's room. I followed the light.

- "Oh." I said.

Sarah grinned, and pressed play on her tape player. It was 'Frampton Comes Alive'.

She had lit half a dozen candles, and a couple of incense sticks. But it was my sense of sight that was overloaded first.

Sarah was standing by the window, wearing only a peignoir and panties. The latter was more of a thong, actually, which left most of her ass bare. And the peignoir was so sheer, it was virtually transparent. I could see the shape of her lovely breasts, and the outline of her nipples.

- "You look ... spectacular." I managed to say.

- "Do you know how many times I imagined you coming into my room?" she asked.

I just shook my head.

"I lost count." she said. "And I also imagined what we'd do, together."

I knew, from repeated observation, that Sarah had a fine body. But it's one thing to know, and another to see, firsthand.

- "What ... what did you imagine?" I asked. My voice was getting thick.

- "Well ... I thought you would kiss me."

I closed the distance between us. I took her in my arms, and pressed my lips to hers. This was no goodnight kiss, on her front step. Somebody moaned - I think it was me.

Sarah took a step back. Slowly, deliberately - she unhooked the peignoir. She slid it off her shoulders, held it by one finger, and then let it drop to the floor.

It was supremely effective. Celine or Liz could have learned from Sarah.

- "You're ... so beautiful." I said.

- "Show me." she breathed.

Somehow, I realized that Sarah had reached the limits of her fantasy seduction. From here on, it was up to me to take the lead.

I stepped toward her, and kissed her again. I couldn't resist raising my right hand, to cup her breast. She had wonderful tits. Boobs. Breasts. Not quite so large as Nina's, but firmer. And heavier. I bent my head to show my appreciation.

Sarah had large, conical nipples, which protruded to a startling degree from her large breasts. I couldn't resist. I took her nipple into my mouth, and marvelled at how large, how fleshy it was.

Her hands went around my head, as she pulled my mouth closer.

- "Ahhh ... yess." she said.

I learned then that Sarah's nipples swelled even more prodigiously when she was aroused. The whole areola became engorged, and the tip of her nipples grew to the size of the tip of a pool cue.

The song 'Show me the Way' came on. I was worshipping her fabulous breasts. I knew, though, that I would have other opportunities to play with her chest.

I surprised her, by picking her up, and carrying her to her bed.

- "Ohh ..." she groaned. "How did you know ...?"

I lifted her legs, and pulled her panties up - and off. There was my first clear view of her delectable pussy. Sarah had neatly trimmed, leaving only a tuft of hair above her mound.

I kissed her legs, and fondled her ass. Then I kissed her lower lips.

It might have been the years of accumulated fantasy, or the built-up anticipation. Or, it might be the simple fact that at the very moment that my tongue touched her pussy, Peter Frampton sang 'All I Want to Be is by Your Side'.

Sarah went off like a fireworks display. Her first orgasm was an elemental thing, a force of nature. She writhed, and bucked, and clutched me to her.

I climbed up her bed, and cradled her in my arms.

- "Oh my God!" she said.

- "I'm glad." I said.

- "You're glad?"

Sarah threw me on my back, and climbed atop me. She gave me an amazing, lascivious look, before firmly grasping my erection, and rubbing it against her soaked lower lips.

And she sank down upon me, till I was firmly - and completely - sheathed within her.

- "Oh - Ohh .. Chris." she moaned.

- "Sarah - my Sarah." I said.

Finally - finally, after all of my mistakes, my fuckups, my misreads and errors ... I was in the right place. Sarah leaned forward, to kiss me.

- "I love you." she said.

- "I love you." I replied. It was no more than the truth.

I didn't last long enough to bring her to a second orgasm. It was too stimulating, too overpowering. When I couldn't hold back any longer, I groaned aloud.

- "Oh, Sarah!"

It was what she had been waiting to hear. She collapsed atop me, and wrapped her arms around my head and shoulders.


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XDiversityXDiversityabout 1 year ago

I was disappointed when it became clear Moe wasn't The One. I felt, at the time, it should have been, given the angst they went through. Then I realised when Steve described how *not* on the same page her and Chris was from the start how true that was. Besides being a trite, clichéd predictable ending. I did see the ending w\ Sarah coming since at least chap 8 or 9 or so, but still a pleasing trajectory. Thanks for sharing this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is one of your very best stories. It is the second timeI have read it and really it is beautiful, finely paced and full of all our missteps and tenderness and a sweet resolution. Thank you mattmccloskey7@gmail

Richard1940Richard1940over 2 years ago

I'm getting fed up with writing complimentary comments about this author. The next story, or even chapter, which fails to enthrall will be the first. 5*s yet again, but only becauseI'm not allowed to give more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
back to my twenties

So many parallels to my early and later life, Solsbury Hill which is the story's subtitle runs as the thread through the story. The Frampton comes alive album on cassette when I shed my virginity. That there's more than one soulmate but circumstances don't always permit a happy ending there. You wrote it like it did happen to you and almost like how it happened to me.

druss1965druss1965almost 6 years ago
Great story, glaring error?

Love this story, as I have all your others, but I had to check twice because Chris seems to go from dressed to naked without taking his clothes off?

Otherwise, looking forward to the conclusion.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1about 6 years ago

Nina did not have deep roots. She moved twice in just a couple years. He was scared to get out of his comfort zone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Argh I hate how you can't adjust your vote when you hit four stars by mistake on your phone.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all your stories (I just recently discovered you) but this one is my favorite so far.

Thanks for all the great work!

arrowglassarrowglassabout 7 years ago
As has been said...FINALLY...AT LAST...IT'S ABOUT TIME!

Way to go...he is now ready...very well done!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Really enjoyed this series. It's up there with the Bridge Club, but then I've loved all your stories. Thank you very much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Thank you

I had read whole chapter with smile on my face. Looks like story is not finished yet and i'm glad about it.

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