In from the Rain


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Casey's soft fingers found his balls, previously still sequestrated safely within his pants. Freeing them with the utmost care, she lavished attention on them like they were literally family jewels. Cupping, gently tugging, and rubbing his swollen orbs til they began their inevitable tensing retreat.

"Not so fast, sweetstuff~" Casey said with another one of those adorable laughs. Her mouth left his glistening member, erection pulsing with every hammering heartbeat.

"What...why did you stop?" Mike asked, his voice tinged with desperation. He could feel that orgasm building, the tension in his waist growing to its peak. But she'd let him cool down, and he could feel the urge to explode recede out of his grasp.

"Because I want you to say you like this, silly. Or else I don't know if I can keep going...and you want me to keep going, right?" she asked. As if he needed a reminder of what she was capable of, she gripped his cock with a soft grip, barely applying any pressure to a slow handjob that only increased his urgency.

Damnit, she had him. If he didn't want blue balls, he'd have to go out on a limb and admit it out loud. "I..." he began, and his internal barriers slammed shut around him. This was a stranger, damnit! One with distinctly unfemale genitals, who was giving him what was in all honestly the best oral sex he'd ever had in his goddamn life. "Damnit. Please don't make me admit I'm enjoying this."

"Why not? You are, aren't you?"

He grumbled out a few words under his breath before replying. "Yes."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I'm just not...used to this kind of thing. I feel like a lump, just lying here while you do all the work."

Casey huffed, rolling her eyes at his persistent reluctance about their little trist. "Alright, I have an idea. That's your bedroom over there, right?" After he nodded, she continued. "Join me in there in, oh, three minutes. And keep yourself nice and hard, okay?"

She rolled up and onto her feet with that catlike agility, humming to herself as she padded over to his room. Once the doorknob was in her hand, she slammed it shut.

"Three minutes. No more, no less," she added, voice muffled by the wood.

Left alone with his thoughts, Mike paced back and forth next to his couch. At some point, he let his pants fall to his ankles and kicked them off. Was he really going to do this?

He watched the time tick by on the clock on his microwave. He was so sure he just liked girls before this. But Casey had all the parts of girls he liked too. At some point in his ruminations, he decided that it wouldn't hurt to give this a shot. After all, he had a hard-on to take care of. At worst, he could write this off as an experiment and never mention it again. The clock rolled to the three minute mark. It was now or never. He pushed open the door, heart pounding in his ears, and a firm erection pointing the way.

There, on the bed, awaited Casey. She had her rear in the air, waiting on all fours like some kind of presenting animal. Her borrowed pants were tugged down until they clung to her thighs. Every bit of skin was smooth and devoid of body hair. She wiggled her bubbly butt toward Mike.

"Oh please Mister," she moaned in a voice that was almost a parody of feminine submission, "Please, I beg of you. Please fuck my naughty ass~"

Mike tried not to laugh. He laughed a lot. Still, his boner didn't go away. She was still hot as all getout. And this was much more to his liking. He wasn't suited to being a passive recipient, regardless of his orientation. Being the predator atop the prey, that's what made his motor run.

And so he mounted her. Gripping her girly waist with both hands, he tugged her roughly into position, not quite making her lose her balance but forcing a few yelps as she tried to place her arms in a position to not flop face first into the bed. He tried his finger first, rubbing her rim in slow circles before testing out her eagerness for penetration. She sighed softly as his index finger slipped in. It slid in way too easy. Withdrawing his finger, it was slightly covered in some kind of lubricating oil!

"Where the hell did you get lube?"

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, sweetie. Now stick your cock inside me and make me squeal. I haven't cum in forever!"

Mike didn't need to be told more than once. He was still achingly hard, and the fact that he was about to have his first truly gay experience was ignored in favour of just how smooth Casey's skin felt under his hands. He angled himself, teased her hole a bit with his tip, then pressed inside.

Even with the lube it was slow going. Casey had to relax himself before Mike began to make progress. Thankfully, she was familiar with the procedure.

It was completely unlike the times he'd slid inside a pussy. The clenching hole had to be fought to allow him entry, even with the copious amount of lube. Involuntary muscle movement squeezed down on his cock, only adding to his desire to press forward. Shallow motions prevailed over anything too enthusiastic. This was his first time, after all, and Casey was intent to savour Mike's first taste of the proverbial forbidden fruit.

'Holy..." is what he managed, careful of the feeling of getting his dick squeezed for all it was worth. He rubbed Casey's hips in an effort to calm her down. "Shh...just relax girl. Let me help you feel good."

She made the effort to relax, and it was enough for him to start fucking her in earnest. The groans coming out of his mouth told the story of how good Casey's hole felt around him. The only other time he'd done anal, the woman was super-jittery. This was so much better. Whether practice, enthusiasm, or just necessity, Casey could take a pounding.

He spanked her pale rump, making her squeak. Mike controlled her gasps and sighs with every hard thrust, and he felt that buildup of pressure in his body that told him he was well on his way to losing his nut. He pushed Casey down with a hand, pressing her face into the bed so he could jackhammer himself down properly. Pre dribbled out of him, mingling with the lube and lessening the burn of friction into a pleasant warmth.

Her moans, though muffled by the bedspread, were becoming more and more insistent. Mike took them as encouragement to keep pounding her ass for all it was worth. The previous resistance he'd experienced was nowhere to be found. Clearly Casey had had plenty of experience preparing herself for the role of anal receiver, and Mike had every intention of taking advantage.

He spotted Casey's hand slide to her crotch, making its own rhythmic pumping action. Mike grinned ferally, slapping the hand away. The stroking of her shaft stopped abruptly.

"If you want to be a girl, you don't get to get off that way. Good girls only cum from getting fucked. Right?" He punctuated the question with a hard hilting of his shaft.

"Ngh...oh god, yes!" she cried in response.

But he wasn't done. "Repeat it, slut. Tell me."

"Good girls cum from getting fucked!"

And so he did his best to make that happen. Wet, slapping noises were only outmatched by Casey's needy groans and whimpers. Mike felt his own orgasm rise, but he kept his control. He was on a mission now. Pummelling the sissy beneath him.

"Ooh...oh gosh~" she squeaked, little fists balling up the fabric. Mike kept up the pace, hoping to drive Casey wild. It worked. With a final cry of release, Casey shuddered. Little spurts from his little faucet splashed against the bed, marking it as the site where she blew her load from getting fucked. Casey was sure to remember her anal orgasm for weeks and months to come, hopefully with fond memories of the person who helped her get there.

It was almost time for Mike to slip over the edge himself. Casey's rump was in post-coital relaxation mode, and served its purpose as an eager fuckhole for him to use. Keeping her as still as possible while forcing her head into the sheets, Mike pounded her cute, quivering ass into utter submission. Every thrust drew him up sharply towards the peak of orgasmic bliss.

Every throb of his cock send gouts of thick seed into Casey's rear.

The last thing Mike remembers consciously is curling up with Casey in his arms, letting him soften while lodged inside him.


Mike awoke to find himself stuck on his side. Something was trapping his arm, and it had fallen asleep. He was about to tug it loose when he felt the weight breath in against his chest, then slowly exhale with the easy rhythm of slumber. Casey's hair still smelled great.

Free from the thought-clouding mess of hormones and urges that had overwhelmed him last night, he was able to consider his position clearly. He's just spent a very carnal night with a member of the same sex, even though he didn't consider himself bisexual. That was a circle he was going to have to square at some point.

But...he couldn't deny that he'd enjoyed himself. In fact, it was one of the better sexual experiences of his life. Even though Mike's hesitancy, Casey was generous, playful, and staggeringly experienced. He felt like an amateur after a match with a professional.

And Casey herself...himself...whatever...was a lovely person, from whatever little time they'd spent together. Aside from being adorable, Casey was just a delightful person to spend time with. Even at that moment, arm asleep and tingling, he almost didn't want to get up and risk waking her.

Eventually, the nerves won out, and he wrenched his limb loose from the cuddle. He did his best to try and keep his partner from being jostled too hard, but a snort of interrupted breathing later, and the previously mascara-soaked eyes cracked open just a sliver.

"Holy moly...I was half-sure I just dreamed that," he said. And it was he this time, Mike thought. Although Casey's voice was still cute, it'd dropped down a bit into the definitely-a-boy register. For a moment, Mike felt a slight hesitancy from his partner in continuing. After all, he might have just broken the illusion. But the Big Spoon in bed gave the cutie a hug with his one good arm.

"It's cool, Case. I feel less horribly uptight than I was before. You've liberated me from my straightness and dragged me kicking and screaming down the Kinsey Scale," he stated in a droll monotone.

Casey laughed at that. The cuteness remained, and damnit if Mike didn't feel his heart sing a little at the sound. "Well I'm glad to hear it. Though I hate to imagine I was actually bullying you."

"I'm just joshing. It unexpected turn for the night to take, but I don't regret it. You?"

He spun around to his other side to give Mike a smooch on the nose. "Never. Though speaking of last night..." Casey rolled out of bed, stepping over to where he'd put down Mike's phone. "Holy moly. Sixteen messages, all from the same number. I wonder who that could be?"

Mike took the phone from him and flicked through the texts. They start out hurt, then as the night progressed turned into worried, then pleading for the recipient to forgive him.

"Your boyfriend seems pretty insistent that this was all a big mistake." He handed the phone to Casey, who sent off his own response.

"Of course. What a dummy. Could you give me a drive into town?"

"Sure. Where to?"

"First to get some non-girl clothes in my size, if possible. I'll look kinda ridiculous wearing a fetish outfit in the middle of broad daylight. I'll pay you back if that dolt brings my wallet with him. Then somewhere where I can meet back up with him. There a landmark in Scull easy enough to find by a newcomer? Or else someone with a functional mapping app on their phone?"

"There's a big statue of an acorn," Mike suggested. At Casey's incredulous expression, he laughed. "What? There is! It's near the middle of town and everything. Second biggest acorn in the country, I think."

Casey rolled his eyes, picking up his discarded shirt and slinging it over his shoulder before continuing to text. "I'll take your word for it. 'Meet me by the giant acorn in town. Not a joke, an actual acorn. Talk soon'" He sent the message and tossed the phone back to Mike. "Could I take a shower? I'm still kinda sweaty from last night."

Mike nodded. "No worries."

Before entering the bathroom, Casey looked over his shoulder. "You could join me if you wanted~"

"No thanks. I'll wait for the next one."

The cutie gave an exaggerated pout. "Aww. Too bad. Would be nice to see you all wet."

Both of them got showers eventually, one after the other. By the time Mike stepped out, wearing just a wrapped towel around his waist, Casey was dressed in his borrowed clothes and texting away on the borrowed phone.

"Larry seems really sorry about the whole thing," Casey said, playing with a strand of his long hair.

"He left you on the side of the road in the rain, Casey," Mike said in a flat tone of voice.

"It's...complicated," Casey said. "He's not a bad guy I's just...whatever. I have to meet up with him anyways to get my stuff. Afterwards, we're going to need to have a long talk. But that isn't your problem, so don't worry about me."

Mike gave a reluctant nod. "I'll get myself dressed and meet you by the door in a bit."

Casey took off into the living room, closing the door behind him. Mike let out a long sigh, tossing the towel off and stretching out his arms. He subconsciously picked out some of his definitely more manly attire. He was looking rather lumberjack in his jeans and plaid shirt when he joined Casey in the living room.

"Can I borrow a sticky note and a pen?" Casey asked, already with the implements in hand.


"Awesome. Pay you back," Casey said, writing out something on the folded yellow slip.

Mike snorted. It's a sticky note and some ink. I think I can handle the loss."


The drive into town began quietly. Hard to find ways to make awkward small talk after you'd just fucked each other with very little preamble or leadup. They stopped at an outlet mall on the town's outskirts, the town being small and distant from any megalopoli that an outlet mall was still a thing that could exist. A new shirt, shorts, some cheap sandals, and a sixpack of underwear. All in, Casey's new apparel cost twenty-two bucks and a few nickles. Mike was fine with covering the cost himself, but Casey insisted to reimburse him once he got his money back.

"I'm not a charity case," he said, using Mike's back seat to shuffle into his new clothes. Mike kept his eyes on the parking lot in front of him, only turning to check out the new gear once it was fully equipped.

"Lookin' sharp," Mike commented with a thumbs-up.

"I look like white trash, but I appreciate the compliment," Casey said. They pulled back onto the road and headed into town. Something pressed up on Mike's nerves as he stole occasional glances at the concerned look Casey had on as they drove closer to the meeting spot.

"You really want to stay with this Larry guy?" he asked.

Casey gave a long, hard minute of thought to the answer. "I...don't know. Like I said, it's complicated."

"Well, uncomplicate it. I'm not going anywhere for the next few minutes."

"Larry first boyfriend. He was there for me when I was just figuring out my shit, and he was there for me. He accepted who I was, what I like doing, that whole thing. He's nice, like, most of the time. It's just...he had it in his head that I was flirting with another guy at the party."

"Were you?" Mike asked.

"No! That's the thing, it was just a cute dude who was really into makeup tutorials. I was gushing about some of my favourites when Larry came up and said we had to get going. I was confused, but I followed him to the parking lot. Then we had...a really bad fight in the car. Words were exchanged that I doing think either of us can take back, and he kicked me out."

"That's shit."

"It is. It is very shit." He sighed hard, eyes out the window and watching the scenery pass by. "So...yeah, I might have used you to get back at him. Sorry about wrapping you up in this."

Mike laughed. "Didn't bother me. I have no complaints."

"I know you don't. You're a good catch, y'know? How come you're single?"

The larger man bit his lip, trying to compress a lifetime of introversion into an easily expressible sentiment. "Just how it worked out. Girlfriends...relationships are hard to come by when you live where I do, and I've always been kind of a solitary person."

"Well, I appreciate you putting yourself out on a limb for me. In long until we reach the big Acorn thing?" Casey asked, his hand sliding over to fondle Mike's crotch. He stiffened in more ways than one.

"Dude, not cool. Driving!" Mike chastised.

"Then pull over, goof. I have a way to pay you back for the clothes."

In moments, Mike had pulled over to the gravel side of the road, and his cock was freed from his pants. This time, Casey's oral wasn't going to stop. Mike slid his hands through Casey's hair and applied gentle pressure.

"Holy fuck...I can't believe I didn't let you keep doing this," he mumbled.

Wet, slurping noises filled the car. Casey's cockhandling brought him from limp repose to throbbing erection in moments, and he had to fight the urge to just hump into that wet mouth like it was an aching pussy in need of seeding.

Lips slid up and down his shaft, driving his cock to press against Casey's throat and slightly further downward until all six inches of shaft were submerged in velvet warmth. He felt pre squirt out, catching Casey's tongue. He swallowed with a muffled laugh, enthusiasm only increased by the expression of Mike's enjoyment. Casey slipped off his shaft to give it a few long, languid licks.

"Don't hold back, okay? I don't want to make a mess, so let me swallow it all down~" Casey implored. Mike didn't need convincing, and soon was near the edge.

"Fuck...I'm close..." he declared. Casey took that as a challenge for some reason, and redoubled the bobbing of his head until every motion took Mike's dick deep inside him. Lips pressed against Mike's body as the cutie on his dick hilted himself, tongue dragging along the side and encouraging the loss of control.

Instinctually, Mike gripped Casey's head and thrust upward. Jets of cream splattered those cute cheeks from the inside. Casey's lips formed suction to keep the load trapped while also milking Mike for all he was worth. Mike collapsed into the back of his chair, letting the rest of his orgasm ooze out of his tip and agaisnt the flicking of Casey's eager tongue. With milking force, his mouth slid off of Mike's dick with every droplet of cum kept safe within. He opened it just long enough to let the driver see the mess he had made before swallowing the whole thing in a single, lewd gulp.

"Mmm~ Thanks, sweetheart, for everything."

Mike let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "I should be thanking you. Christ, you give the best head I've ever gotten in my life. Consider the clothes paid for."

His passenger pumped his fist. "Yessss. I'm the best little whore."


Once back on the road, it didn't take long to make it the rest of the way into town. Sure enough, when they pulled up in a small parking lot adjoining a local movie theatre, there stood a giant statue of an acorn.

"I still barely believe you," Casey said, looking up at the eyesore.

"It puts the town on a map, I guess. The map is a list of Giant Stupid Things, but a map nonetheless."

A guy wearing a muscle shirt showing off a body fit for a wrestler waved towards the car, and Casey waved back. He was resting himself against one of those Urban Pick-Up trucks that dudes in the city bought to compensate or look hard.

"That's Larry," Casey said.

"Shit, he's cut. Glad you stooped to giving me a chance."

Casey left the car and fished his other stuff from a grocery bag in the back seat. "You're a good egg, Mike. Catch ya around, okay?"