In Service of the Queen Ch. 08

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Adelaide drops three little words.
5.6k words

Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/15/2024
Created 01/22/2024
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In Service of the Queen

by Davina Lee

An alternative future of women and their adventures


Author's Note

At the conclusion of our last chapter, Adelaide's low blood sugar moment prompted Friends Vivienne and Cosette to issue a prescription for breakfast in bed to replenish her body. And Tiara's presence in all of this prompted an additional order from Vivienne and Cosette for Adelaide to "replenish her heart." In that respect, Friend Tiara delivered just what the doctor ordered.

This chapter picks up a little less than a week later with another day in the life of the Empyrea gals.

* * *

Chapter 8: I-L-Y

Vivienne and Adelaide's apartment

Adelaide, bundled up in her bathrobe, stepped out of her bedroom and into the hallway. She stopped, stretched, and stifled a yawn, rubbing her eyes before turning to the right.

"Hey, babe," said Vivienne from the kitchen.

Adelaide whirled her head around and stared, blinking. "You're up early."

Vivienne nodded. "Want some coffee?"

Adelaide scanned Vivienne from head to toe. "And you're suspiciously fully dressed."

Vivienne shrugged.

"But yeah, coffee sounds good. Thanks." Adelaide turned to shuffle down the hallway. "Cosette, honey," she hollered. "I'm peeing. Care to join me?"

Adelaide stopped at Vivienne's bedroom door. "Cosette?" said Adelaide.

"Not here," said Vivienne.

"Oh," said Adelaide, walking to the end of the hall and closing the door. She sat down on the toilet, rested her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. Adelaide peed alone.

* * *

In the kitchen

Vivienne held a steaming mug out to Adelaide.

"Thanks," said Adelaide.

"Croissant?" asked Vivienne, reaching into the bread box. "They're from yesterday."

Adelaide shrugged and accepted the pastry Vivienne offered. She dipped the corner of it in her coffee and took a bite.

"Is everything alright?" asked Adelaide. She hooked the leg of a kitchen chair with her foot while she juggled her coffee and croissant. After pulling the chair out, Adelaide sat down. "If you need to talk, I'm here."

"Um..." said Vivienne, pulling out a chair of her own. "Okay. What do you want to talk about."

"Whatever's on your mind, Viv." Adelaide scooted close and rested her hand on Vivienne's forearm. "I'm here for you. I just want you to know that."


"I'm not the world's relationship expert by any means. 'Cause I've really only had one serious girlfriend and that's Tiara. And I'm mostly sleeping alone, because Tiara's out with her band all night... But if you need... if you and Cosette are... you know... If I can help by listening, I will."

"Oh," said Vivienne, "Oh. You think Cosette and I are on the outs?"

"Day old croissants. You're wearing clothes. I peed by myself this morning. Something's off kilter here."

Vivienne raised her mug to take a sip. "Football," she said, ripping off the corner of her croissant in her teeth.


Vivienne nodded as she chewed.

"I thought they practiced in the afternoon."

Vivienne shook her head. "Not practice. Not the intramural team. Just Cosette."

"Viv, honey, it's early and I'm severely under-caffeinated." Adelaide held her mug in both hands and raised it to inhale the rising steam. "Help me connect the dots here?"

"Cosette has a game today. An exhibition match with the Empyrea City Clippers."

Adelaide took a sip of her coffee and set her mug on the table. "Cosette plays for the Clippers? Damn. I knew she was good, but--"

"No, no, it's not a permanent thing. Just for today."

"Still, though."

Vivienne shook her head again. "They've invited a few players from local clubs to join in for an exhibition match. Just today. It's like a scouting thing."

"So she could be playing for the Clippers?"

Vivienne shrugged. "I guess, if they like what they see and decide to sign her on."


"I know, I should have told you."

"Does this mean she'd be able to stay? Stay in Empyrea City? Not just for her gap year, but like, longer? As long as she wants?"

"Well... yeah, I guess. But I try not to think about it too much. I don't want to get my hopes up. Just in case."

Adelaide pushed her coffee mug out of the way and leaned in to wrap her arms around Vivienne. "Viv, that's great."

"You want to come along? I know football's not really your thing, but--"

"Heck yeah! Viv, your girl's gonna be playing for the Empyrea City Clippers. That's a pretty big deal."

Vivienne straightened up and held Adelaide at arm's length. She stared at the top of the table. "I'm really trying not to get my hopes up too much."

"When's the game?" asked Adelaide. "I need to run through the shower."

Vivienne looked up. "Not until afternoon. You've got time."

"Good. I've got a few errands to run this morning."

* * *

Empyrea City Trolley Stop #31

Adelaide craned her neck to stare down the track. People were crossing at random intervals. No trains were coming. Adelaide picked up the end of the scarf she had hanging over her shoulders and wrapped it around her neck. She thrust her hands into her pockets.

As a group of women walked by, a single brown leaf blew across their path.

Adelaide waited. She peered down the track again.

A woman coming from the other direction, carrying a sack of groceries paused to stand beside Adelaide. "Trolley's not coming friend," she said. "Track maintenance."

"Track maintenance?" said Adelaide. "I thought that was next week."

"It was," said the woman. "But the sign at the next station says they moved the schedule up."

"Oh," said Adelaide.

The woman shrugged. "I guess it needed fixing sooner."

"I guess," replied Adelaide. "Thanks for the tip, friend."

"At least the sun is shining," said the woman as she shuffled away. "Could be worse."

"Yeah," said Adelaide. She let her backpack slip from her shoulders and held it out to unzip the front pocket. Adelaide pulled out a napkin she unrolled to reveal a croissant. She ripped the pastry in half before packing everything back up. Stuffing half a croissant in her teeth and tightening her scarf, Adelaide set out on foot.

* * *

Empyrea City Public Library

Adelaide blew out a noisy sigh as she surveyed the long expanse of steps leading to the library's main entrance. "For friend's sake," she muttered. "Couldn't they put this thing on the ground floor?"

Adelaide turned her gaze to the accessibility ramp, following the numerous switchbacks with her eyes. She shrugged, pulled the straps of her backpack up tight, and mounted the first tier of stairs.

Inside the library, Adelaide paused to loosen her scarf. She sucked a deep breath and blew it out. Adelaide craned her neck to take in the two-story vestibule and its grand chandelier. She looked left and then right. Finally, she settled her eyes on a desk labeled Information and set off in that direction.

"Good morning, friend," said the woman behind the desk. "How can I help you?"

"Hi," said Adelaide. "Can you tell me where I'd find a book on sign language? Something for beginners."

"Of course, friend. Languages are in the four-hundreds."

Adelaide stared.

"In non-fiction."

Adelaide frowned. "The library where I grew up wasn't this big."

The woman behind the desk flashed a quick smile and stepped around to the front. "Come with me, I'll show you."

"Thanks," said Adelaide.

The woman eyed Adelaide's backpack. "Is this for a school project?"

"Huh? Oh. No," said Adelaide, hustling along beside the woman as they set out for the shelves. "I've got a friend. More of an acquaintance, really, but I'm hoping we can be friends. She's Deaf. She reads lips and everything, but I feel like... I don't know. I just figured I should try to make an effort."

The woman nodded. "Here's one," she said, pulling a book from the shelf. She picked up the glasses hanging from a chain around her neck and perched them on her nose. "This is probably good for starting."

Adelaide read the title -- Sign Language: A Comprehensive Dictionary for Beginners.

"The rest will be in this same general area," said the woman. "Anything else?"

Adelaide raised her eyes from the book cover and stood chewing her lip for a moment. "Do you have anything on the rules of football? Also for beginners?"

"Seven-ninety-six. Outdoor sports and games."

"Thanks, friend," said Adelaide.

* * *

Carlson Field, Empyrea City Clippers home stadium

"Oh dear," mumbled Adelaide, as she surveyed the sea of bodies in the stands. Adding to the confusion, the majority of people were wearing nearly identical green and white Empyrea Clippers jerseys and several had on matching scarves around their necks.

"Addie! Addie!" came Vivienne's voice from the distance.

Adelaide took a moment to scan the crowd again before she saw Vivienne jumping up and down and waving from near center field.

"Thank goodness," said Adelaide to no one in particular, before setting off toward Vivienne.

As she got closer, Adelaide saw Tonje and Eniola, both wrapped in green and white Empyrea Clippers scarves, sitting on either side of Vivienne.

"Hey babe," said Vivienne. "You been wandering around trying to find us? Sorry. I should have been better with directions."

"Me? No. I just got here. The trolley's out. I had to hoof it."

"Yeah, sucks, huh? At least the sun is shining." said Tonje. And then turning back to the field, Tonje hollered, "Come on, ref! That was clearly a yellow card!"

Adelaide shook her head. Eniola scooted over, making room. "Thanks," said Adelaide.

"Where's Cosette?" asked Adelaide. "Is she tearing it up already? What's the score anyway?"

Vivienne frowned. "So far she's warming the bench. And the score's tied at zero."

Adelaide turned her eyes to the home team bench and scanned the row of women until she found the jersey with the name Cadieux printed over the number 7 on the back. "Seriously?" she exclaimed. "Do they not know the talent they're wasting?"

"They'll sub her in soon," said Eniola.

"I hope so."

"Friend Adelaide!" came Tiara's voice, causing Adelaide to whirl her head around. Standing balancing a cardboard tray of half a dozen pretzels in one hand, and clutching three steins of beer gathered up by the handles in the other, Tiara smiled.

Tonje stood up and relieved Tiara of the tray of pretzels, passing them around. The beers were passed out next.

"I ran out of hands," said Tiara. "Wanna come with me to get the rest?"

"Sure," said Adelaide, hopping to her feet. She turned to Vivienne. "Hang onto my backpack, Viv?"

Vivienne nodded and Adelaide slid out of her pack to lay it at Vivienne's feet. "Thanks, friend."

Free of her burden of beer and pretzels, Tiara held out her hand. Adelaide latched on just as Vivienne thrust two pretzel in their direction.

Adelaide passed a pretzel to Tiara. "Just need beers, I guess."

Tiara turned around to survey the group. Adelaide, ripped a hunk of pretzel off in her teeth while weaving the fingers of her other hand in with Tiara's. Together they clomped up the stairs.

"I wasn't sure if you were coming," said Tiara.

"Trolley's out. Track maintenance."

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you made it, then."

"I figured you'd be sleeping off another late night of band practice," said Adelaide. "Didn't really expect to see you here, either."

"It's Cosette, friend," said Tiara. "I'm here to support Cosette."

"Oh," said Adelaide, pulling the corners of her mouth down.

"And you." Tiara picked up hers and Adelaide's joined hands. She kissed the back of Adelaide's. "I'm happy to see you. I'm sorry I haven't been around much, but I do miss your sweet kisses. And my bed's not the same without you to keep me warm."

"For friend's sake, ref!" hollered Tonje from behind them, "Get your eyes checked!"

"Better get an extra beer for Tonje, while we're at it," said Adelaide. "Maybe two."

* * *

Adelaide and Tiara returned to the stands with two steins each. Adelaide passed her extra to Eniola, while Tiara gave hers to Tonje.

Eniola turned to Vivienne and held the beer stein out in her direction. Vivienne nodded and took it.

Adelaide turned to Eniola. "If I'd known Viv was dry, I could have managed an extra. Here, take mine."

Eniola shook her head. "None for me, friend."

"You sure?" said Adelaide.

"Very sure."

Adelaide shrugged and brought the stein to her lips for a sip.

"I'm pregnant," said Eniola.

Adelaide pulled the stein away and sputtered, her eyes wide. "You're...?"

"Pregnant," said Eniola. "That's why I'm not drinking."

"Oh. Oh, wow. Congratulations. I didn't know you were seeing anyone. Or are you doing this on your own?"

Eniola smiled. "I am the Mabon Priestess," she said. "The symbol of fertility in Empyrea. The child is the queen's."

"Oh, that's... That's... I guess I don't know how that works. Is that why you had the thing. The thing at the festival. Around your waist. With the keys?"

"The chastity belt?"

"Yeah, I guess." Adelaide took a long pull at her beer. "Is that to keep the baby from falling out or something?"

"No." Eniola chuckled. "It is to ensure the priestess's purity."

"Your purity? But you're the priestess. Can't you do whatever you want?"

"Oh, for friend's sake, ref!" shouted Tonje. "Please! Please bring your glasses with you next time!"

"I'll get to stay in Empyrea City now," said Eniola. "As long as I want. The queen has granted me permanent residence."

"Because of the--?"

Adelaide was interrupted again, by Vivienne this time, thrusting Adelaide's backpack into her arms. "Tiara and I are going on another pretzel run," said Vivienne. "You want one?"

Adelaide nodded. "Thanks, friend." She turned her attention back to Eniola. "How does that work exactly?" she asked. "Do you move up to Elysium or something? Like you and the baby?"

Eniola smirked. "I am not the queen consort, friend. Nothing like that. I'll be given an apartment in Empyrea City and caregivers will be assigned to raise our child. My life will be mostly unchanged."

Adelaide sat chewing her lip for a moment and then took another long pull at her beer. "Well, congratulations," she said.

Eniola reached out to squeeze Adelaide's hand. "Thank you, friend."

Adelaide held her lip in her teeth again while she stared into her beer stein.

* * *

A few minute later

"Pretzels, friends!" proclaimed Tiara, holding out the bow shaped treats in her hands and passing them around. Tiara sat down beside Adelaide and rested her head on Adelaide's shoulder.

Adelaide leaned over to kiss the top of Tiara's head before ripping a hunk of pretzel in her teeth.

"You want to come over after the game?" asked Tiara.

"You gonna be awake that long?" asked Adelaide, smirking. "How late were you out last night?"

Tiara stuck out her tongue.

"It's a legitimate concern," said Adelaide. "Hey, did Eniola tell you about--?"

"There's my girl!" shouted Vivienne, jumping to her feet and sloshing her beer in the process.

Adelaide ducked out of the way of Vivienne's spilled beer just in time and pulled Tiara with her. She turned to glare at Vivenne who took no notice.

On the sideline, the coach's assistant was holding up a board with the number 14 written in red chalk and the number 7 scrawled in green. Cosette was standing up, ready to take the field.

"'Bout time," mumbled Tonje.

"Show 'em what you've got, baby!" hollered Vivienne.

Adelaide jammed her pretzel between her teeth, holding it there while she shot to her feet to applaud as Cosette took the field.

* * *

One hour later, plus three minutes for stoppage time

Adelaide and Tiara floated along, hand in hand with the sea of bodies exiting the stadium, until they found a place to stand out of the way. Adelaide tightened the straps of her backpack and pushed up on her toes to crane her neck. Tiara scanned the crowd from side to side.

"There they are," said Tiara, pointing. Adelaide shot her hand in the air and waved. "Viv!"

Vivienne and Tonje changed the direction they were headed and walked toward where Tiara and Adelaide stood. Beside Adelaide, Tiara put her hand over her mouth to stifle a yawn.

"Hey, babe," said Adelaide. "Where's Eniola?"

Vivienne shrugged. "Off to work."

"The priestess is blessing the victory? That's one of her duties?"

Vivienne shook her head.

"At the particle accelerator," said Tonje. "The openings come at odd hours."

Adelaide frowned. "The priestess blesses the particle accelerator? That doesn't really seem to mesh."

"She does research there," said Tonje. "Sometimes she's up in the middle of the night. It all depends on when she can get a time slot."

"That's right," said Adelaide. "Friend Tiara told me. I forgot. Wow. And here's me thinking she was just a hot Mabon priestess with a rosy glow. I had no idea."

Tiara leaned in. "You think she's glowing because of the particle experiments, do you?"

"No. Not that. Because she's... um..."


"Does everybody know about this except me?"

"You didn't wonder why she's not drinking?" asked Tonje.

"I mean, I did. But... I don't know... Everybody else knows?"

Tonje, Tiara, and Vivienne all nodded.

"Viv? You too?"

Vivienne shrugged.

"Now she'll be given permanent residence in Empyrea and she can continue her research," said Tonje.

"Is that how it works?" asked Adelaide. "Just like Cosette gets to stay if she makes the team?"

Vivienne nodded once and shifted her gaze to her feet. "I try not to get my hopes up too much."

"How come everybody knows about this stuff except me?"

Tiara threw an arm around Adelaide's shoulders and pulled her in tight. "Come on," said Tiara, turning to yawn into her shoulder. "Let's go congratulate Friend Cosette."

* * *

Outside the youth hostel, one hour later

"You sure you don't want to go out and party with the others?" asked Tiara.

"You look like you're ready to drop," said Adelaide.

"That's more of a me problem, friend. You should go out. Have a good time."

"It's okay. Friend Cosette practically lives in Vivienne's bedroom these days. I'll raise another toast to her later when I get home."

"You just want to get me in bed," said Tiara.


Tiara rubbed at her eyes. "I doubt I'll be much fun."

"I know," said Adelaide, letting her backpack slip from her shoulders and down one arm into her hand. "I'm prepared. I brought something to read."

* * *

Youth hostel bunk room, two minutes later

Adelaide watched Tiara tug her shirt over her head and toss it at the foot of the lower bunk. Tiara then moved her hands to her waistband and let her pants drop into a puddle.

"You always sleep naked?" asked Adelaide.

Tiara nodded.

"Not just for me, then?"

Tiara shrugged and pulled back the covers. She opened her mouth in a yawn she only managed to cover at the last moment.

"Hop in, already," said Adelaide.

"Sorry," said Tiara, sitting to perch herself on the edge of the bed.

"It's like a thing for us. You falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon and me thinking about all the things I want to do to your naked body while I'm lying awake next to you."

"Sorry," said Tiara again, crawling under the covers. "You're sure you don't want to go out with Cosette and the others?"

Adelaide shook her head. She unzipped her backpack and set it next to the head of the bed before tugging off her clothes and adding them to the pile Tiara made at the foot end. "Scoot over," said Adelaide.

Tiara moved to one side and held the covers open while Adelaide sat down and swung her legs up. "You sleep naked too?" asked Tiara.