In the Heat of The Night Ch. 03

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4.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/05/2024
Created 04/19/2023
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S/O to Kenji for editing.

It's been three weeks since Yasmine saw Gio. She would drive past his house, but every time she went by, there appeared to be no one home. At first, Yasmine assumed that Gio was just busy with work or dealing with personal issues. However, she had heard Gio was on medical leave for personal reasons. The more she tried to contact him, the more she felt like something was off.

But after weeks of radio silence, Yasmine started to fear something was seriously wrong. She tried reaching out to Gio's other friends, that she knew he shared with King, but they either didn't know what was going on, or weren't willing to tell her. Yasmine began chewing on her fingernails. She wasn't sure if anyone knew anything about Gio. All they could say to her was to go by his house to check on him. Yasmine thought it was crazy, she didn't know where he stayed.

Yasmine knew she needed to talk to Gio, and it was a burning urgency. She wasn't sure why, but she needed to see him and apologize. Yasmine knew she needed to mend or salvage her relationship with Gio. If not, she would be alone, and she didn't want that.

Finally, Yasmine decided to take matters into her own hands. Yasmine drove to Gio's house and parked outside. She looked around and saw Gio's car in the driveway, but the lights were off. Yasmine sat in the car for an hour, before finally deciding whether or not she would leave. Heading towards Gio's door, Yasmine felt the sweat on her brow, the furious way her heart pounded with each step. Yasmine's lips were dry, and oddly, when she stuck out her tongue to moisten them, it trembled as if the effort were too much for her. Yasmine knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Yasmine tried calling Gio's phone again, but it went straight to voicemail, as she stood there, feeling helpless and frustrated.

Yasmine looked around to ensure no one was watching and then went to the back of the house. Yasmine found an unlocked window and climbed inside. She stumbled around in the dark, until she found a light switch. When she turned on the lights, she saw the house was in disarray. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, the furniture was overturned, and the kitchen counters were cluttered with dirty dishes.

Yasmine called out Gio's name, but there was no answer. She searched every room, but he wasn't there. Yasmine's heart raced, as she tried to figure out what could have happened to Gio. Suddenly, Yasmine heard a faint sound coming from the basement.

Yasmine crept down the stairs and saw Gio huddled in a corner, his face pale and his eyes wild. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. They both stared blankly at each other.

Gio found himself tangled in the depths of despair. His heart was heavy with pain, and thoughts of hopelessness clouded his mind. Gio believed he had reached the end of his rope. Convinced that life held no solace for him, Gio made a haunting decision that would change everything, but why, out of all days, did Yasmine show up? With a heavy heart and trembling hands, Gio clasped the gun tightly within his grip, contemplating a dreadful fate. The weight of his burdens seemed unbearable, suffocating him with every breath. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the despot in his heart.

Gio stood in his dimly lit basement, his despair-filled eyes fixed upon the weapon clutched in his trembling hand. The air hung heavy with an unsettling stillness, as if time had ceased to exist. Yasmine's heart broke at the sight before her, but she knew she had to remain strong. Summoning every ounce of courage, she slowly approached Gio, speaking in a voice laced with tenderness and determination.

"Gio, please," she pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion. "Please, put the gun down so we can talk."

Gio's tear-filled eyes met Yasmine's unwavering gaze, a flicker of recognition and vulnerability passing between them. At that moment, the gun began to feel impossibly heavy in his hand, as he contemplated the weight of his actions. A surge of emotion coursed through Gio's veins, his hands trembling with the battle between despair and anger again. Why was Yasmine here now? He took a shaky breath, his grip on the gun loosening, as he felt a flicker of hope ignite within his soul.

Yasmine took another step closer, her voice a whisper, but her words carried immeasurable strength. "Please. All I'm asking is, can we talk."

Gio gave up reluctantly. The gun was slick with sweat. Yasmine's hand, guided by an unseen force, reached for the gun, but her fingers grazed against Gio's hand instead. Their eyes met briefly, and for an instant, time seemed to stand still. There was an undeniable connection that passed between them. Yasmine's heart skipped a beat, and Gio felt a warmth spread through his veins. But just as quickly as the spark ignited, they withdrew their hands, a mix of surprise clouding their faces.

Yasmine looked down at the gun. A pang of terror knifed through her, as Yasmine's breath quickened, and she felt lightheaded and dizzy, as she held the weapon in her hand even tighter. Yasmine hated guns and always made King put his service weapon away when he got home. She placed the gun on a coffee table, near where they were standing. Yasmine stood motionless, watching him curiously. Was he truly going to take his life? Jasmine thought to herself.

Gio's face was stone-cold serious, as he walked past her and sat on a green chintz couch with red, white, and yellow flowers. Yasmine stood where he had left her, watching him in the distance, but went to the same couch and sat beside him.

Yasmine thought about it for a minute, then said, with certainty, "Mama Joyce, got you this couch?" Yasmine smiled, as she touched the fabric. She was trying to be friendly and make small talk.

Gio stared straight ahead without expression and said nothing as Yasmine continued talking.

She swallowed hard, as if to quell a gag, then glanced up at Gio. Yasmine wanted to ask for a drink, but judging by the state of the house, she knew there were no groceries, let alone any drinks.

"It's so surprising that you live in such a predominantly prosperous Black area. I always imagined that white families mostly lived in neighborhoods like this. It's like my perception has been turned upside down."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gio looked bewildered and shook his head.

"It's not like that, and I'm just saying." Yasmine frowned, racking her brain. What she said was insensitive, and she knew it. She was quiet for a moment, before whispering, "I'm sorry, Gio."

As they sat in Gio's living room, the tension between them was palpable.

"Yasmine? What the fuck are you doing here?"

Yasmine flinched, bit her lip, and looked at Gio before speaking. "You were not answering my phone call."

"Why should I?" Gio said, roughly.

"Umm, I was worried about you."

"Lies, now get the fuck out of here?" Gio scoffed at the notion, that she was worried about him. If Yasmine was concerned, Gio thought, she would have let him in sooner, but now it was too late.

"Get out."

"Gio, please talk to me."

Gio's eyes were as big as lollipops when he heard Yasmine had suggestions for them to talk. Gio began to shake his head and grit his teeth. "Talk, you say? Why the fuck now, do you wanna talk?"

"Gio, I know you're hurt?"

"I'm hurt, Yasmine? Did you talk to me after King's funeral? Or how about after you slapped me in front of everybody, calling me a murderer in front of our friends? Where was the talking then?"

"I'm sorry!" Yasmine shouted.

"Oh please. You're only sorry because you're alone, Yasmine! You took everything from me!"

"I didn't take anything. If you loved them so much, why didn't you fight harder."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Seriously, where were you when Mama Joyce died."

"I was there, and I even went to the funeral. I don't want to see you."

"What!" Yasmine said in shock. "Why didn't you say anything."

"Yasmine, are you delusional? Do you not remember what you said at King's funeral?"

"I...I was angry and hurt."

"Hurt! Yasmine, you had said that I was the reason why King was dead."

"I didn't mean it like that, Gio. I'm sorry!"

"Stop your lying, Yasmine! You told me that you would have traded my life for his, remember? You told me to kill myself. That King wasn't my brother." Gio's eyes were almost teary; they rolled back into the mist of time and the shade of painful memory.

"I was hurting, and I didn't know any healthy way to take care of my pain. I felt you were an easy target."

"Get out, Yasmine," Gio huffed.

Yasmine chewed her bottom lip and stared at an angry Gio. His eyes were glassy, and his breath smelled like alcohol. She knew he was wasting his life away.

"I could have you arrested for trespassing," Gio spoke harshly towards Jasmine, as he stood up. Gio wanted to curse her out, but with his back to her, he hung his head low, shaking it sorrowfully. He sat back down. His body felt weak, as a flood of emotions hit him at once.

Yasmine had ignored him all this time. Why is she here now? Gio asked himself. He tried to forget the pain inflicted upon him, but the wounds in his heart refused to heal. Betrayal and abandonment weighed heavily, causing him to build a wall.

Yasmine clenched her hands together. Standing up, she stared at Gio, who refused to look at her. She knew this was pointless, and Yasmine was the reason it had gone this far. Yasmine's face was etched with remorse, as she stood before Gio, her eyes brimming with unspoken apologies.

"Gio," she began, her voice quivering, "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I want you to know I regret everything. My insecurities consumed me. Can you ever find it in your heart to trust me again?"

Gio gazed into Yasmine's eyes, the pain and disappointment evident in his own. The wounds were still raw, and he struggled to find the strength to let go of his resentment. The voice of doubt echoed in his mind, reminding him of the hurt he had endured. Suddenly, in anger, Gio blurted out, "Yasmine, I think it's best if you leave. I need some space."

His outburst didn't take Yasmine aback. She tried to reason with Gio, asking him how she could make it up to him. But Gio remained adamant about Yasmine leaving. Feeling hurt and confused, Yasmine reluctantly left Gio's house, her heart heavy with unanswered questions.

After the long drive home, Yasmine found herself tangled in her thoughts about Gio. Their differences had sparked a misunderstanding, and Yasmine's harsh words continued to plague her mind repeatedly, like a foul plague. It weighed heavily on Yasmine's heart, and she now valued their friendship deeply. Determined to make amends, Yasmine decided to take a hot shower and rethink things.

Yasmine's bathroom was her sanctuary, a tranquil space to unwind and freely express her thoughts. It was during these moments of solitude, that her mind seemed to ignite with inspiration. Whether it was the soothing sound of water, or the warmth enveloping her, something about the bathing ritual awakened her creativity like nothing else.

That evening, Yasmine prepared a bath adorned with rose petals, filling the room with their delicate fragrance. As Yasmine immersed herself in the warm water, she allowed the tension to melt away. Closing her eyes, Yasmine let her mind wander freely, seeking solace and resolution.

Within the gentle embrace of the bath, Yasmine's thoughts began to dance like fireflies. She envisioned an apology that was heartfelt and genuine, a bridge to mend the rift between herself and Gio. The words formed vividly in Yasmine's mind, carrying the weight of her remorse and the sincerity of her intentions.

When Yasmine emerged from the bath, she felt renewed; clad in a cozy robe, her hair wrapped in a towel turban. She sat down to write a heartfelt letter to Gio. Each word flowed from her pen, expressing her regrets and the pain she had caused. Yasmine promised to cherish their friendship, recognizing the value of their bond above any disagreement or issues. As Yasmine sealed the envelope, a sense of hope filled her heart. Yasmine hoped they could rebuild trust, but she felt that wasn't enough of an apology.

Yasmine knew she had exceptional baking skills, especially making cookies. She could whip up mouthwatering treats that would make anyone's taste buds dance with joy. She would also bribe Gio with something sweet to sweeten the deal. Yasmine wanted to make it up to Gio, no matter what. It was clear that Gio held a deep resentment towards Yasmine. She hoped that this goodwill gesture would help him see her in a different light and perhaps even become her friend.

Three days later, she put her plan into action. Yasmine carefully packed a wicker basket with delectable treats. She lovingly prepared sandwiches with things she hoped he liked— handpicked ripe fruits, and freshly baked cookies that emanated a tantalizing aroma. Yasmine placed the letter inside the basket. Her heart fluttered with anticipation, as she set out to head to Gio's house.

Arriving at his home, Yasmine couldn't help but feel nervous. Yasmine wasn't sure if it was too soon, but Yasmine needed to do this. She spotted Gio by his trash bins, taking out two large black garbage bags, his eyes scanning the surroundings, until his eyes landed on Yasmine. Yasmine's heart raced as she moved towards Gio, the picnic basket gripped tightly in her hands. As she walked, Yasmine thought he looked better now than last time.

"Hey, Gio! I brought a picnic basket for you," she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm. As Yasmine got close, she slowed down her pace; she could see on Gio's face he was not happy to see her.

Gio turned and walked towards her, a polite smile gracing his face as he glanced at the basket. "Oh, thanks," he replied casually, reaching out to take it from her.

Confused, Yasmine hesitated. "Umm, do you have any plans for today?"

Gio's expression shifted slightly, a hint of discomfort clouding his features. "I can't stay long. Thanks for the food, though."

"Umm, okay..." Yasmine paused before saying, "Probably very busy, sorry for showing up again," very softly. Gio stayed for quiet some time before he turned around.

"Hey!" Gio shouted.

When Yasmine looked up and squinted her eyes, Gio gave Yasmine the middle finger and then walked into his house. Yasmine's eyes grew as big as saucers, and her mouth was agape, shocked by Gio's childish behavior. Yasmine's heart sank, leaving her standing there, the realization of rejection weighing heavily upon her.

With a heavy heart, Yasmine slowly made her way home, the picnic-basket idea, now feeling like a heavy burden. Thoughts swirled in her mind, questioning her choices and feeling the sting of rejection. She wondered what she had done wrong since that day, replaying the moment repeatedly.

Days turned into weeks, and Yasmine kept her distance at first but later, decided to stick with her unique idea to get Gio to talk to her. She started a journal documenting her daily basket drops at Gio's doorstep. Each day, she would bake a fresh batch of treats, or cook something delicious, and carefully place them in a beautifully wrapped box, leaving it at his doorstep. At first, he wouldn't return the baskets or acknowledge her efforts in any way. And when he did open the door, Gio's words were still sharp and biting whenever he encountered her, but she remained undeterred. When he said something slick, Yasmine smiled and wished him a good day. She knew that beneath his gruff exterior, he would come to forgive her. Disheartened, Yasmine was tempted to give up, but her optimism and determination kept her going.

As the weeks turned into months, the cycle continued. Yasmine would leave a picnic basket on Gio's porch, and he would eventually return it, accompanied with a snide comment. Nevertheless, Yasmine never let his words dampen her spirit. She remained steadfast in her kindness, believing that eventually, he would come to understand her true intentions.

In her journal, Yasmine poured her heart out. She wrote about the frustrations of looking like a stalker because Gio refused to speak to her some days, but he ate the food, and what made it worse, was that he had been sharing the baskets with a few other people, but not her.

All Yasmine wanted, was to find common ground and the hope that her cookies could bridge the divide between them. She poured her love and compassion into every batch, believing that even the coldest heart could be warmed with a simple act of kindness.

Then, one fateful day, she made her usual delivery but found something unexpected upon returning home. The picnic baskets she gave Gio were turned over on the floor, and a note lay on her doorstep, accompanied by an empty Tupperware container. With trembling hands, Yasmine opened the letter.

"Dear Yasmine," it read, "I have spent months watching you deliver different treats. At first, I couldn't understand why you would go through all this effort for someone like me, especially after our history and what you have said to me in the past. I'm giving you back this last basket with this note, hoping you give up and move on. Best wishes, Gio."

Yasmine couldn't believe her eyes. A mix of emotions flooded her heart—did Gio hate her that much? She cried, as she clutched the note against her chest, feeling defeated. Her efforts were for nothing. Yasmine needed time to process her emotions and find a way to move forward. Yearning for solitude, Yasmine decided to escape to the cabin she wanted to go back to when her husband, King, was alive, and it was a cute cabin nestled deep in the woods. Yasmine craved tranquility and isolation, hoping the serene surroundings would help clear her mind and heal her wounded heart. Determined to find clarity and peace with her feelings, she packed a bag and headed for the trip in a couple of days.

Unbeknownst to Yasmine, her neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, had witnessed her packing and came over for a chat

"Hi, Lily."

"Heading out of town, sweetie," Lily spoke, drinking her tea. She could see the fatigue on Yasmine's face.

"Just for a bit, Lily."

"No more deliveries, Yasmine. I haven't seen you in a while. Is everything okay?" Lily flashed a concerned smile.

Jasmine flinched, and she wasn't sure how to answer Lily. Yasmine had told Lily everything that had happened between her and Gio. Every time Yasmine wanted to give up, Lily would encourage her to keep on going. Lily was rooting for their friendship to work. How could she tell Lily about that last note Gio had left her, and how he wanted her to stay away from him, genuinely? Yasmine shook her thoughts out of her head. She wanted a peaceful getaway.

"Girl, yes, I'm doing great. I'm just finally taking that trip, that I wanted to take, plus I will scatter King's ashes."

"I'm happy for you. I was worried. You always looked stressed out."

"I am stressed out, but that's why I'm taking this trip."

"Yasmine, I told you to use that rose toy I got you. It does wonders!" Lily said, as she touched her cheek, looking a bit flustered.

"Lily, I told you that I prefer not to use it because it feels like a tease, and I rather enjoy being touched by others, rather than myself."

"Ugh, Yasmine, it's a tease that feels good. Trust me, with or without my husband, I'll use a rose. It's just something about masturbating that clears the mind, plus a good night's rest."

"Seriously, Lily, why do you always gotta make it sound like that."

"It makes your body feel good." Lily smiled. "Plus, I know you're not having sex because you think you were cheating on King, but I know he would not want you to waste away. King would want you to be happy."

"Trust me, I know, but I wanted to fix my friendship and heal, before I look for anything serious."