In the Shadow of the Mountain


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He tried to look me in the eyes but couldn't. When he jerked at the reins, I let them go and watched as he spurred his horse into a gallop. He couldn't get away fast enough. I felt Lottie put her arms around me from the right and Nettie did the same from the left.

I went to the bunkhouse after dinner and spent some time mending some of the old tack that Mr. Thompson had hung from nails around the barn. It really didn't take much to mend it so it would be usable. It began to get late but while I was working, Lottie knocked and came in. She seemed to be in a pensive mood and I watched as she sat beside me.

I went back to work, waiting for her to spit out what was on her mind. In a bit she put her arms around me and leaned her head on my shoulder but the silence continued.

Finally she whispered, "Allan, I love you."

I put down my work and pulled her into my arms. I said, "I love you, too, Lottie."

We kissed and there was a long pause. Then she said, "But you know what I want cannot be, do you not?"

"Why is that, Lottie?"

"Well ... first, I am so much older than you, it just wouldn't be fair."

"I think you ought to let me be the judge of that and I say that's not a problem."

She kissed me again, a smile on her face and in her eyes. She whispered, "The most important thing is that Nettie loves you too."

"Wh...what?" I stammered.

Lottie giggled, "Is that so hard to believe? You're only...what, maybe four or five years older than her. You came in here, the only man near her age that she's ever known, just like a knight in shining armor. Which is what you are in her eyes."

"I'm not a knight in shining armor. I'm not a hero."

"Oh, yes, you are, Allan. You're a hero to all of us."

"Well...that's not my fault," I mumbled.

She giggled again and kissed the side of my face. "It's not a fault, Allan. But now she's fallen in love. And I just can't stand between her and what she wants." She pulled her hands away and started to undress. "So tonight will have to be the last time for us. From now on, I want you to pay attention to Nettie. I know you can give her love, Allan. Please do it for me."

As she was speaking, she sat on the bed, naked, her hands running across my chest, popping the buttons open and we were soon naked, writhing together as we made passionate love once more. How could I give up this woman? She was the first woman I had ever truly loved. Oh, I know I had fucked a number of women in the past but most of them were whores and the others were just for fun. Not for love. It had started that way with Lottie but it wasn't now. Our bodies entwined and we again made slow passionate love.

In the next few days, Lottie seemed to have a lot of errands for Jack to take care of. She sent him to the creek to see if he could catch a mess of fish for a meal. She put him to work whitewashing one end of the house. When he finished what he could reach, she helped him with a ladder so he could reach to the eaves and then they began to work the other sides of the building.

In the meantime, Nettie came out early every morning after breakfast, bringing a pail with enough food for the two of us, and then she would work with me all day. It was a long hard job but we gradually filled every available space in the old barn, even stacking some of the bales against the south wall and covering the top with a tarp.

Of course Nettie and I talked and the more we talked, the easier it was to talk. She turned out to be a very intelligent woman, like her mother, and to my surprise I learned that Miz Thompson had actually conducted classes for the kids in times past, and still spent time with Jack so he would have a good understanding of math and reading. Apparently Mr. Thompson had hauled a number of books in for his own reading pleasure and made them available to his family also; that was a pretty rare thing in that neck of the woods in those days.

One evening as I was putting the finishing touches on stacking our last load of hay, stuffing it into an opening in the back I had left as a stall for the bailer, I heard a noise and turned to see Nettie standing less than 10 feet away. She was holding her dress folded neatly on her arm and stood naked as a jaybird. She was a younger, slightly smaller version of her mother.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" she asked breathlessly.

"No," I replied.

"No?" she echoed in a little squeak.

"No, Nettie. Not pretty. Beautiful. That's a much better word. You are really beautiful."

"Oh!" she exclaimed as a smile broke the worried look on her face. Haltingly, she took a couple of steps toward me. "Would you make love to me?"

"Are you sure you want to do this now, Nettie? We could go to the bunkhouse..."

"No, I wanted to do it here ... where I can smell the hay."

She put her arms around my neck and I returned the favor, hugging her to me, feeling the press of her soft mounds into my chest, smelling the sweet fragrance of her that had been slowly driving me insane the last few days. My hands had a mind of their own, roaming freely over her soft, smooth young body while her fingers where neatly unbuttoning my shirt and opening my pants.

When she grabbed my cock with both hands, a loud sigh escaped her lips and she had a look of wonder on her face. Then, after she had probed and stroked and fondled me for a while, the look slowly changed to lust. My fingers found her opening to be dripping with her juices.

Kicking some of the hay around into a more bed-like shape, I tossed a couple of saddle blankets from the rail over the hay and Nettie sank onto them pulling me after her. She was in a hurry, not wanting to take more time for foreplay. Still I lay above her and kissed her face and neck and shoulders and her sweet young tits before finally letting her guide me into her soft pussy.

Although she already had my brain inflamed with lust, I tried to remember that, almost certainly, Nettie was inexperienced at this and needed tender loving care ... at least this time. I worked the head of my sword into her sheath, getting it lubricated. Nettie was thrusting her hips upward, anxious for me to be inside of her. I pushed forward until I met a resistance and I knew that she was certainly a virgin.

Again I planted my mouth on hers and our tongues dueled feverishly in her mouth. Suddenly I plunged my hips forward, splitting her purity lock once and for all. I felt her flinch under me and hold still for a few seconds but then her mouth went back to work on mine and I felt her legs relax again.

I eased my cock in and out in ever-increasing strokes until my whole cock was inside her and our pubic regions were mashed together. Nettie's hand could not be still. They rubbed my chest, then my back, then my arms and then somewhere else. She seemed to be on fire with desire and it was my pleasure to slowly bring her to the crest of that desire and send her over into the abyss of ecstasy. As it turned out, that was just the first of many times she would have that experience before we left that bed of hay.

When we went in for dinner, somehow Lottie knew. She didn't say so in so many words but it was in the unusually wide, knowing smile on her face when she looked at her daughter. It was in the little touches to my arms and my shoulders as she bustled about the table, putting the food on. There was something particularly warm about the way mother and daughter hugged before they sat down to eat. I could have sworn I saw tears of joy in the eyes of both women ... but what did I know?

When I retired that evening, there came a knock on my door but it wasn't Lottie. It was Nettie and she threw herself into my arms. She was bubbling over with joy and words just spilled out of her mouth in a torrent of talk too fast for me to understand. There was something about me making her feel like a woman and loving the way she felt and how much she loved me!

Loved me? Nettie actually loved me? I found it hard to believe. But what did I feel for her. Was it love ... or just lust. Even while we kissed and wrestled on my narrow bunk, my mind separated itself from the activity and I went into a deep introspection, trying to make sure of my own feelings.

And, yes, I decided, I could safely say ... make that emphatically say ... that I loved Nettie. But I also loved Lottie! How could any man reconcile loving both a mother and her daughter? I didn't know but ... it was true. No doubt about it. And I loved Jack too but like a little brother. But my love for both of the women was ... it was not the love for a family member, but the love of a lover, a partner. I was confused. How could I live with this kind of conflict?

Nevertheless, that conflict didn't impede my actions as I made love to Nettie. She was wild under me, for a while, until she found out that she could be in control by being on top, riding me like a horse. She had seen farm animals do it doggy style and loved it when I mounted her from behind. We went at it on our sides facing each other and later spooned together. Finally completely exhausted, we fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, Nettie was still curled up in the confines of my form. At my first stirring, she awoke and asked if I would give her a "good morning" fuck before we got up. It was a quickie but she dressed with fresh cum oozing from her sweet pussy, a smile on her lips and some great memories in my mind.

Lottie was already preparing breakfast when we walked in and again she displayed that knowing look. She immediately pulled Nettie into a fierce hug and kissed her first-born all over her angelic face.

For the next few nights, Nettie came to my bed in the bunkhouse and we fucked like rabbits until we fell asleep from mutual exhaustion. She would spend the night in my bed and awake the first time I moved in the morning and she always requested a "good morning" fuck. It wasn't difficult for me to accommodate her ... it made me hard just to look at her sweet face, let alone to see her wonderful titties or her lush pussy or to feel her round ass.

Then she told me that it was "her time" so we couldn't fuck for a few days. It was lonely but I got by, keeping myself busy during the day while the weather gradually moved toward autumn and the inevitable winter. At night Nettie would pull my pants down and suck my cock until I shot a load into her mouth. I contented myself with that and hugging my sweet Nettie to myself and kissing her until we slept.

Jack had done a good job of whitewashing the house and I gave him a special reward from my bag of penny candy, sharing also with Lottie and Nettie. I asked him if he'd mind doing the same thing on the bunkhouse and maybe the barn and he said he didn't mind. I think he was feeling important to have a real assignment around the ranch.

Although I had taken rides out to the range several times since the visit from Riker, there were no new breaks in the fence and the cattle were fattening up nicely on the late summer grass. We had quite a few cows that would be calving in the spring and with any luck, we'd have a decent number ready to drive to market next summer. Meanwhile Lottie and Nettie were harvesting the last of the produce from the garden and canning it for winter consumption. Jack and I pitched in when they went out beyond the barn to a small grove of fruit trees to harvest apples and peaches.

Before the first snowfall that winter, I asked Lottie if I could ask her daughter to marry me. She smiled, hugged me and said that I had her blessing. The following night when I asked Nettie if she would be my bride, she jumped into my arms with glee and stuck her tongue down my throat before she said yes.

We were fortunate that a circuit judge stopped by on his way to town and agreed to marry us on the spot. I told Nettie I would buy her a gold band from the general store just as soon as I could but she said that it wasn't really necessary. Although we had been having some great sex for weeks before we got married, that night we never even closed our eyes to sleep. That was the greatest night of fucking I've ever had.

We hadn't been married more'n two weeks when Nettie told me that her momma was lonely. I asked her what we could do about it and she said that we couldn't do anything ... but I could. She said that her momma needed a man, just like she needed one herself.. And since there wasn't one within miles worth having, she thought it was only right if she shared me with her momma. I agreed to do whatever she wanted me to and she said that she thought that if I would fuck her momma two or three times a week, she'd be really happy.

Five months later the women ganged up on me one night after Jack had gone to bed. Nettie was laying by my side just petting me when Lottie slipped in on the other side, surprising me but apparently not Nettie.

"My husband," Nettie began, "I wanted to tell you that you're going to be a father."

"Oh, yeah?" I kissed her square on the mouth. "Sweetie, that is so nice to hear."

"Allan?" Lottie called softly from the other side. "There will be two babies."

"Oh?" I queried, "Twins?"

"No," they said in unison.

I looked at Netttie, then Lottie, then back at Nettie in puzzlement.

Nettie almost whispered, "Two mothers."

Oh my, gosh! They were both pregnant. What had I done? Had I started a family feud?

But no! They both were happy as could be. That night for the first time in my life, I was fondled and kissed, and squeezed, and fucked by two women in the same bed at the same time. It could hardly have been better.

Seven months later, after sending the first of our cattle to market with a drover from Kansas, both women delivered my new babies. Nettie had a little girl we called Alana. Lottie had a son we called Alvin. They weren't the last of our offspring either. It turns out that we were destined to have a large family. Lottie and I had six children while Nettie and I had eight. Our little ranch prospered and grew and over time we added several plots that extended our acreage until we had a pretty nice spread, one that I was proud to be part of.

Although Jack went back east to get an education and met a girl he married there, Nettie, Lottie and I lived in the big house together with our children, as if we were one big family. Of course we also had to add onto the original house several time to have enough bedrooms for the kids but it all worked out.

As we grew, we hired hands to help with the ranch work and keep things going. Our oldest three daughters have filled out just like their mothers and I'm growing concerned about having to fight those cowboys off from them. Wouldn't surprise me none to come home one of these days and find out that one or all of them have been playing hide the sausage under the blankets and wound up with a bun in the oven. Well, I guess I can't be one to preach at 'em too loud, now, can I?

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Once again, as in Illegal But Lovely, there must be something in the water in West Texas. A wandering Cow-Poke starts to poke the women-folk and there's another population explosion.

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15about 1 year ago

Excellent story! Very enjoyable!

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 5 years ago
Wonderful story, I want more!

Great storyline, good settings, great use of period and cultural terms and equipment!

One of your best, by far!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Allan was a real stud

Very enjoyable story, and hope you have written more for my enjoyment. It all fit into place, except the "baler", and I don't recall any baler of that vintage, unless you meant a "binder". What ever, it was real good and erotic to boot. Allan must have spent a good deal of his time with his cock buried in a pussy that was "in season". He was a real good stud.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I love western stories

I like your plot line an character developement. Hope you will write some more.

MrmacjrMrmacjrover 7 years ago
Good Western

I enjoyed your story. It was well written.

oldwayneoldwayneover 11 years ago

I did say it was an excellent story, didn't I? Yes, I did say it was an excellent story...and I guess you might be able to deduce that I liked it. Five Stars!

carbinemastercarbinemasterabout 13 years ago
well done!

This was a well-written story! I love when authors can spin good erotica and tell a good story at the same time. I've shared this tale with my wife. Now for the tough part: can you do it again?

respect_4_womenrespect_4_womenover 13 years ago
oh yeah, I forgot : 9 out of 10

Not to forget: 9 out of 10! Congrats!

respect_4_womenrespect_4_womenover 13 years ago
good story !

Good Story. Excellent use of specific words, in order to set the "mood", the time period ("baler" etc). Believable characters (after all, we all know that real life could be way waaaaaay weirder than a lucky bigamist guy who has as wives a mother and her daughter). Only mistake: the rare use of modern words: "gravity" etc. I strongly believe that a 19th century cowboy wouldn't know wtf "gravity" is and means. Other than that, a very good story; keep up the good work! And it wouldn't surprise me to see you published -officially- very soon.

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