Independence Day


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"None of you need to worry about me. Taking the rest of our assets, including our investment accounts, has left me with a bank balance that is nearly 8 figures, so I'll be just fine. Not that I really thought any of you would be concerned. I think the treatment I've received over that last year makes clear how you all feel about me these days.

"Oh, and if you're worried about me spending my golden years alone, no need to concern yourself there, either. I already have a companion and she's sitting next to me on the airplane right now. But let me introduce you. Deborah?"

The face that matched the feminine voice from earlier came out from behind the camera and stepped into the picture.

"Everyone, this is Deborah. She'll be the one helping me spend your inheritance."

"Hey everyone," said an attractive brunette, who seemed to be in her fifties, as she waved back to the camera.

"Deborah and I have been keeping close company for about the last 4-5 months, after I told her what my wife had been doing. Nothing much more than spending a lot of time together and confirming how compatible we are. But Josephine, you may remember Deborah. You've met her several times. We've been working together for over 30 years, since she was hired on in the marketing department. She took an early retirement to join me in my new home. We've been close friends all that time, and the best part is that her 'needs' are no more than a desire for intimacy. Cuddling and kissing, and maybe a few more things of a personal nature, more than fit the bill for her. I'm looking forward to it."

Everyone looked at Josie to see how she was taking this revelation, and the look on her face made it clear she was not taking it well. Eric paused the video.

"Mom, are you okay?" Leo asked.

"No, Leo, I am most definitely not okay. But let's just get this over with."

Eric restarted the video.

"Josephine," Ray said, his tone becoming more serious. "I've loved you since the day we met. If someone had told me that you could treat me like this I'd have knocked them out before they had finished talking. I was looking forward to spending our final years together and getting visits from our kids, grandkids, and even great grandkids. I'm so disappointed that your physical wants destroyed that for us, for me. For your sake, I hope it was worth it. You should have enough money to last you a long time, especially if you sell the house. If you need more I'm sure the kids that supported your affair will be willing to support you financially as well. Now that I think of it, it was my money that put them through college and allowed them to get good jobs, so I guess I get some credit for that, too.

"I wish I could understand what was so important about a few orgasms that would lead you to what you did. It's been a horrible year and everything was getting even worse. I knew about at least some of the extra time you spent with him each week. I could have wrapped this up a few months ago but I liked the idea of declaring my independence on Independence Day, so I waited.

"I suppose there's a part of me that will always love you, or at least what we had. I wish things had been different but somewhere along the line you forgot our marriage was a 'we' and not a 'you and I'. I always tried to avoid making a choice that was to my benefit and would harm you, like you did with Luke. I guess you thought I'd somehow accept it, maybe because I always sacrificed for you before. I don't know.

"No matter the reason, it's done and it can't be undone. For your sake, I hope it was worth it. Goodbye, Josephine. I'll miss you and what we could have had."

Ray looked directly into the camera as the screen faded. Everyone in the room was in tears, though some more than others. None of them thought that Josie's relationship with Luke would drive Ray away. He had always acquiesced to Josie in the past and thought that would be true here. Deep down, no one thought he had the backbone to do anything but accept it.

Wearily, they all spent the night at Josie's house that night. She would need their support.



Rebecca was cleaning her kitchen when her phone rang. About the only calls she ever received were from her husband, Leo, or junk calls of some sort. She checked the screen and the number was blocked. That seemed just odd enough that she decided to answer.


"Rebecca, it's Ray."

"Oh my God, Ray! How are you? Where are you?"

"I'm fine, Rebecca, just fine. Where I am I'm going to keep to myself for now. More importantly, how are you?"

"I'm good, dad. I do have some news though. I'm pregnant."

"Congratulations! How far along?"

"Just a couple of months. We found out just after you left. I can't believe you've been gone almost 3 weeks."

"Yeah, time flies. Thanks for calling me 'dad' by the way. I thought I might have lost that title."

"Not with me. You know, dad, I owe you an apology. I should have spoken up. When everyone confronted you that day and you asked our opinions, I should have said I thought it was wrong. But I was the newest addition to the family and I was scared."

"I had a feeling, but I don't think it would have mattered anyway. Josie and Kristine seemed pretty intent on making it happen. Consider yourself forgiven."

"Thanks dad. That was really important to me, especially since I'm hoping to have both of my baby's grandfathers in its life. going to be in its life?"

"We'll have to see, honey. I have no real intention of coming back to the states but maybe we can work something out. I'd love to see you and the baby. So, how are things around there?"

"In a word, tense. Josie is a mess most of the time, though that hasn't stopped her from seeing Luke several times a week. Kristine and Eric are having problems. They're keeping it pretty close to the vest but I think your comments about her having an excuse to cheat on him struck a nerve."

"How are you and Leo?"

"We're doing okay. We're still early in our marriage so it's all still fresh. I think with Kristine and Eric having been married so long...I don't know, I guess it just makes them both a little more wary. The girls, though, are devastated."

"Really? That surprises me."

"You guys were always so close. They miss spending time with you. They still don't think a little...casual sex is a big deal, but do realize doing it when you're just dating is different than when you're married."

"I understand. I saw the distinct influence of Kristine when they answered. Look, can you get everyone together at your place tonight. I think I'm ready to have a conversation with them."

"I don't think that'll be a problem, dad. We'll talk then."


The entire family was gathered in Leo and Rebecca's living room that evening. Rebecca had made it clear that Luke was not invited. She had set out some fixings for sandwiches and everyone ate a little bit but they were all too anxious to have much.

The phone rang promptly at 8:00 and Rebecca put her phone on speaker.

"Hi dad. Everyone is here."

"Thanks, sweetheart. Just so everyone is aware, Deborah is in the room with me, as well. Let's all try to be civil and have a conversation instead of a shouting match. Agreed?"

There was a general mumbling of agreement from the assembled family.

"Good. I thought we should talk but I wanted to wait for some time to pass. Obviously, I reached out to Rebecca first. I did that because some things I overheard led me to believe she was not as on board with this as the rest of you. Leo, congratulations on the baby."

"Thanks dad. I'll try to live up to the fatherhood standard you set, and I'm not just saying that."

"What's the saying: the best thing you can do for your kids is love their mother. Remember that and you'll do fine. Allison, Julia?"

"Yes grandpa," his granddaughters said practically in unison.

"Girls, I was disappointed that you supported your grandmother in this, but your Aunt Rebecca and Deborah have convinced me that you may have been unduly pressured, and that you didn't have the life experience to understand the dynamics of adulthood and a 40-year marriage. I still have your emails and phone numbers so we'll talk more later, if that's okay."

"Of course, grandpa," answered Allison. "We just miss you."

"I miss you, too. Why don't you guys go find something to do while the rest of us talk."

The girls said their goodbyes then went to make themselves busy. They did stop and give their grandmother a quick hug before leaving.

"So," Ray continued. "Does anyone have anything they're just dying to say?"

"Ray, honey, please," Josie started, to no one's surprise. "Please come back. We can get past this. If you had told me you were actually considering leaving me, we could have figured it out."

"Why did it have to get that far, Josephine? I told you I wouldn't accept it and you went to the family for back up. Then you started inviting him to family events and seeing him several times a week. You replaced me with him while you and I were barely even roommates. You let it happen and I finally had enough."

"But you never said anything again. I thought you had accepted, had understood that it was just...something I did."

"It drove a wedge into our marriage, and there was no way it would ever do anything but that. From the time I became aware of what you were doing and you chose him over me, our marriage was doomed."

"I'm sorry, Ray. Can't we..."

"No Josephine, we can't. Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I've made a commitment to Deborah and I intend to honor it."

"What about your commitment to me? You made that first!"

"Yes, I did. And I would still be there honoring it, but as far as I'm concerned when you violated yours you released me from mine and freed me to make a new one. Which I have."

Everything went quiet, with only the sounds of Josie's sobbing breaking the silence.

"Josie," Ray spoke softly. "I'm sorry but there's no point in having this conversation. Whether you meant to or not, you tossed me aside. There's no going back."

Without another word, Josie stood up and left the room to take refuge in Kristine and Eric's room.

Kristine attacked.

"Very nice, dad. Did you call just so you could hurt mom and make her cry? All because your ego couldn't take that another man was making her feel better than you could?"

"I suppose that is how you would see it, Kristine. Eric, how's your ego doing? Is it ready to be okay with another man making your wife feel better than you can?"

Kristine rather suddenly dropped her offensive under the glare from her husband. For the entirety of their marriage, Kristine had been the dominant partner and Eric, like many husbands, went along to get along. But the last few weeks had seen a significant shift, and Kristine knew her marriage was in real trouble. You can't support another woman's right to cheat on her husband without having a little guilt by association.

"No, Ray, it certainly isn't. And you were right. I never thought about it in those terms. My wife and I are having some pretty serious issues in the aftermath of all this."

"I understand, and let me say this, for whatever it might be worth. Fight for your marriage before it's too late. You love each other but you've started taking each other for granted. I could see that even before this whole mess started. Don't let this end things but do let it be the catalyst for change. You're a team. Remember that. Josie didn't."

There was a long silence, mostly because no one else had anything to say at that moment. Then, in a voice that was almost like that of a little girl...

"Daddy," said Kristine. "Would it be okay if I talked to you in private?"

"If everyone else is okay with it, it's fine by me."

Kristine glanced around and no one objected so she picked up the phone and moved into a spare room, closing the door.

"Daddy, I'm scared. Eric has been talking about divorce, and at the very least counseling. What do I do?"

"You fix it, Kristine. That's what you do. Your girls are grown, at least mostly so. Now put the time you used to raise them back into your marriage. It's not free time, which I guess is one of the things your mother thought. Remember that you're not his boss, you're his partner."

"He's really mad. Once he started looking at it like I was giving myself free reign to cheat on him, he's been so angry. He snaps at me all the time and I know he wonders if I've already done something."

"Have you?"

"No, daddy, no. But I don't know how to convince him of that."

"All you can do is make sure there's no reason for suspicion in the future. If you do that, the questions about the past should fall away."

"Dad, I'm sorry. Isn't there some way to fix this? You and mom, I mean?"

"It's too late for us, sweetie, but not for you."

"Okay, daddy. I love you."

"I love you, too."





Inspiration: A familiar trope, both on Literotica at large and my library in specific, of the older man losing his ability to perform very well and the wife taking the opportunity to seek satisfaction elsewhere. Not the first time I've done it and probably not the last.

When I first conceived this story, I was going to BTB and BTF (that's Burn the Family), but as you can see I ended up taking a gentler approach. That's just me, I guess. I felt Ray was a more forgiving person than that and he would forgive, to an extent, if the person seemed genuinely sorry.

Permission: I hereby give my permission to anyone interested in writing a follow-up or alternate version of any one of my stories. Please just remember to give credit where credit is due. I'm not always very diligent about checking my email for permission requests.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Well, of course the factors you mentioned make no sense, but you have to remember that the context is an author who explicitly serves the mentally ill audience, with great insight. If you're playing with a full deck, their world won't make much sense to you.

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Pretty sure I commented long ago but need to again. 1- he waited too long to declare his "independence", 2- he left the wife in far too comfortable a situation, wld have preferred he leave her needing to cohabit w/ the betraying kids w/in a few mths, 3- MC forgot to mention all the times growing/living w/ his cunt wife, how many times he had to rub one off cuz she was unwilling, unable, on the rag, feeling out of sorts, justy wasnt in the mood or had a headache, did he ever disrespect her and get a slut toy to ease his "wants"? 4- LW requires a fair amt of ignoring reality for most stories, in this particular case the ignoring of reality comes from beleiving all the 70+yr olds claiming theyre getting sex often frequently and lustily, i call bs on everyone of the commenters claiming that. rk

LechemanLecheman8 days ago

Part of the wedding sickness and in health...

My wife has been going through menopause for the last eight years and that has had me in the drought zone (yes, I was one of the lucky ones where the menopause switched off her sex drive, sigh).

I imagine, most guys not having sexual intimacy with their partner for eight years would be screaming blue murder, and while the sickness/health was not in our wedding vows, I still respect them.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Tho I thought, all in all, that a year living like Ray did was too long, I somehow also think it added to this story & wouldn't change a thing. I've read some of this author's other works, & by far, this's probably his best. This's also the 2nd time I'm reading this- like it more than the 1st time. 5 stars Bob

NicealloverNiceallover25 days ago

I thought you did a fine job with the story. Life slows down but doesn’t stop at 64. There are many people having sex in the nursing home to the point where STD’s are a concern. The disregard for her husband was astounding and the only thing that I found disturbing was the fact that Josie was oblivious to the situation she was creating as well as the family. I also think that you should have dwelled on Josie’s remorse by having her lover leave her for another or having her get a disease that leaves her unable to have sexual intercourse. Then she would be without oral as well.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Ending was incomplete. Otherwise, a decent story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

A good tale, even though it feels unfinished. I half expected that had a medication adjustment that helped the resurgence of hid abilities, but given that Deborah also had a low libido, that really would not have made sense.

Well conceived, developed and written and presented. Five stars to be sure



Harvey8910Harvey8910about 1 month ago

Good story and I gave it 5 stars. This is an interesting concept that I can well understand as a man over 70. Ray loved Josie but could no longer function sexually. Josie felt it was her right to seek out Luke and start having sex with him. She lost Ray because she felt this was her right and she never thought that Ray would leave her over it. She was wrong. Imagine for a moment that you love your spouse with all of your heart and plan on enjoying your retirement years together but you could no longer function sexually. How would you feel if your husband or wife just started having sex with another person to fulfil their sexual needs. Josie did really replace Ray with Luke. She just miscalculated the consequences of her decision. In the end, she regretted it but by then it was too late. This was a really great exploration of the concept of sexual disfunction and how it can have a very negative effect on a marriage. Great job on the story.

Corny1974Corny1974about 1 month ago

Glad I found this again, it is one that lingered in my mind. I have a story on a similar theme but with a childless couple. The betrayal of the family is very powerful here.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1about 1 month ago

Second read, same five stars.

Without going into great detail as some others have, I thought this was well-written and easily deserving of the 5 stars I gave it.

I'm here for entertainment, and this story entertained me.

Nicely done.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 month ago

I liked this story. Ray did not own Josie, he had no right to “punish” her, even as she was more and more replacing him with Luke. Ray’s leaving was an appropriate response, and finding a new person to spend his last years with was a bonus. Josie made her choice and so did Ray. Forty years of a good marriage is a long time, and it makes sense that it took Ray time to see if Josie was going to change her “wants.” I thought the story was nicely written and the characters were consistent and believable within the context created by the author.

gprevgprevabout 1 month ago

Started with good bones, but Ray was a pussy.

desecrationdesecrationabout 1 month ago

I thought it was realistic except for the fact she talked it out with him. In my experience, most of the older women just find an activity that takes all of their time and then use one of those days to be with their lovers. Most of what they do is not sex but the girlfriend/boyfriend experience. Eventually the henpecked cuckold gets wind of it and moves into the garage. Then one day, when no one expects it and several days before they notice, he and his remaining stuff just disappear. Half of Costa Rica seems to be Americans fleeing shattered families.

silverthorne16silverthorne16about 2 months ago

Sorry, but he allowed it to go on for FAR too long. What was it that was said. "None of them thought that Josie's relationship with Luke would drive Ray away"? That truly must be a family comprised of nothing but idiots!

onecuriousreaderonecuriousreaderabout 2 months ago

it would have been more interesting if rays new woman, convinced him to go see a sex therapist, and that sex therapist referred him to a doctor that found the physical problem with him that saves his life, and got it fixed, bringing back his ability to perform. would be also interesting if ray new freedom revitalized him, because now that he put himself first, his health improved, his physical performance improved, and he became a better man, to show how the burden of sacrifice that he took for the sake of his wife and children, was the cause of him 'slowing down' and now with them removed as his priority, the ex wife and family can see that with out the love for them that they had taken for granted, weighing him down, he is a better man with out them. also it would be interesting seeing the ex-wife suffer an std for her efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

There is a problem with being “realistic”. This is fiction. Many come here to get a tiny bit of release from real life. There is very little way for anyone in real life to get justice from a cheating spouse so they seek solace, if only for a few hours, from real life and feel just a tiny bit better that at least some fictional character got even and found some measure of justice. Maybe writers here would do well to consider that.

desecrationdesecrationabout 2 months ago

"I ended up taking a gentler approach." Yeah, there's your mistake. Just kidding. Nice story. In my view, very realistic in terms of timing, a little over the top in terms of how much the cheating spouse communicates, but on point with how things end, except that I doubt in real life Ray would stay in communication and admit to anything. More likely, he would just be gone and the whole family would blame him for "abandoning Mother" over the next three generations. In life, the most dramatic win the crowd. That they are usually the most narcissistic and sociopathic is not noticed by the thundering herd.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Another weak man. Women hate weak men who don't stand up for themselves. If you are a doormat prepare to be walked over. The husband said ok to Jose sleeping with Luke. He should have shouted no it's no ok whore. I mean when you ok the cheating what do you expect when she gets infatuated with a new sex partner? Only an idiot would agree to that. Divorce among open marriage is at 90 percent. It almost guaranteed to lead to divorce. So I couldn't give a five star rating because of another weak male MC in a cheating story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Wearily, they all spent the night at Josie's house that night. She would need their support.... Better ending. However, before they went to bed Eric went to get something out of his car but the front door wouldn't open. He tried the back door then the garage door. they were all solidly locked and nobody could get out. It was also the first time they pulled back the drapes and noticed bars on all the windows. They were trapped! At the moment, Josie's phone rang, it was Ray. "Ray, help us please, somehow someone's locked us into the house!" "Shut up you stupid cheating skank slut and try to listen for once in your pathetic life. Get everyone around the phone." She gathered everyone shouting that Ray. There were cries of "daddy help... Ray what the fuck is going on.?" "All of you pieces of shit shut the fuck up," Ray said with conviction. "Listen, I just wanted to have this last moment with all of you and see your faces when I delivered the news. Everyone be completely silent." They were for a few seconds, then Ray asked, "Eric what do you hear?' Eric's eyes got very wide. "Ticking Ray, I hear ticking." "That's right" Ray replied with an evil smirk. All of you betrayed me to death, so I'm returning the favor. In about 30 seconds the house is going to explode unless one of you picks up my gun and shoots my cunt whore wife between the eyes. Clock is ticking hurry up!" Leo picked up the gun, sorry mom, but I don't give a flying fuck about a cheating bitch like you." He shot her right in the face as she screamed. Leo looked at the phone, "It's done Ray, shut off the bomb. "Sorry Leo, you're nothing but a dumb shit. There was no bomb and the cops are on the way. Eric, you may want to try and get the gun from Leo. He did, Leo shot him too. The idiot daughter's were screaming hysterically as the police showed up. Leo, foolishly pointed it at them. Pop, pop, pop, Leo was off to another world. At the same time across town some of Ray's buddies were beating piece of shit Luke to death. They enjoyed listening to him beg. Both girls cracked up and ended up institutionalized. Ray lived happily ever after in the tropics.

mourambamouramba2 months ago

Waited 1 year being a cuckold, then ran away leaving his wife with half a million and her lover in his house? Is this supposed to be Karma?

Then calls his family that betrayed him as if everything is good, and says "I love you" to his daughter???

All of your stories are about wimps who sit around for weeks, months doing nothing, then end up running away while leaving half of their assets to the wife. At least, bloody divorce the slut, or leave right away instead of sitting and pretending that you're angry

If I could give this 0, I would!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The story was ok, I just couldn't fathom why he waited a year to leave.

he should have left the first one when everyone showed support for his wife cheating, not put up with the disrespect for a year

FoldingFolding2 months ago

I think the Epilog important and belongs. Many parts of this story were counter to what I felt might actually happen, Ray quietly eating that shit sandwich for a year as an example. However, he would certainly touch base with his family again for at least one of 2 reasons: first, the love for his family would demand he do this and second, to some extent he might have a need to rub it in a bit.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos2 months ago

I'm not going to bag on the epilogue like some people did. For me it did not detract from the story. I think the thing were two parts -


First, I could not suspend my disbelief enough to imagine that EVERYONE in his family was fine with Josie cheating on Ray and treating her lover how she did (including inviting him to family functions). It was just too outrageous of a situation. Maybe if the family was just their one daughter Kristine, I could see it - but I could not see Kristine's husband or Ray's son being fine with this. Anyway, because of this I couldn't really get into the story and it caused me to "eye roll" quite a bit at their antics.


Second, I had a huge issue with how long Ray stayed in the situation, especially since he was so passive about it. I could see it if he was somehow taking advantage of the time, but nothing in the story really lead us to believe that. Instead it just seemed like he was senselessly torturing himself by interacting with his clinically insane family and wife. It's really hard, down right impossible, to cheer for a main character who is acting so hapless, even if they do pull it off at the last minute. It's better to see them try and fail than to not try at all. Hell, even if Ray was a total pushover and needed to experience a lot of pain before he rescued himself, at least that would be character growth. No one grew in this story, not even Ray. He just stayed essentially the same Ray, but finally left the place where he wasn't wanted.


So, that being said, it was decently written, even if it was a bit hackney at some places. I guess it was mid-level? 3 out of 5 for me? It would have been nice to see Ray grow as a person due to his trials.

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