Ingrid's Dark Secret Passion Ch. 03

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Ingrid is caned but then she returns the favor.
7.3k words

Part 3 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/04/2021
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As Ingrid approached the man, he had positioned himself sitting upright at the end of the bed. Ingrid then went to grab a pillow, and deposited the same on the floor between the separation of his planted feet. She then plumped her knees down unto the pillow. She grabbed a hold of his cock and started fondling it. She had never previously had occasion to fully examine a man's penis; really paying close attention to it. She relished this opportunity of indulging her curiosity, and so was of the mind set not to waste her time by merely performing a perfunctory blow job.

The man was not circumcised, so Ingrid had a delightful time in maneuvering his foreskin. Unfortunately for Ingrid's purposes of discovery, the man had developed a full erection by this time so she could not quite force the foreskin forward enough to cover and encase his cock head. In any case though, when he had first become naked, she had naturally espied his then flaccid penis. She was at that time presented with the view of his foreskin containing completely the helmet like cock head.

As she was manually stroking his shaft, a few drops of precum emerged from the hole of his penis. Ingrid squeaked in delight at the sight and wasted no time at slurping the liquid up into her mouth. She vocalized, "Hmm! Hmm! Yummy!", just before swallowing his cock helmet whole. While containing the cock head fully in her mouth, she swirled her tongue against the tender surface of his cock. At the same she was manually stroking the shaft of his penis.

Then she deep throated his penis and held it fully in her mouth for quite some time. Considering the relatively few diverse male partners Ingrid had up to this point experienced in sex, the size and girth of a male penis had not been a topic of any particular interest to her. All she knew at this time was that this man's penis fully stuffed her oral cavity. And she reveled in the sensation! Finally, she resumed the activity of the fellatio.

She bobbed her head up and down ceaselessly. She established a routine of sliding the man's cock slowly to engulf the whole of it. She then would hold his whole cock fully in her mouth momentarily before letting it slide ever so slowly completely out of her mouth. Once out of her mouth, she would get in a couple of delicious licks of his cock head before returning his penis back into her mouth to continue the routine of her actions. She set a languid pace for the fellatio, which proved to be an agonizing but nevertheless a delightful experience for the man. He could sense that the buildup leading up to his climax was torturous, but then again, such intensity of feeling was a most welcome emotion pleasurable to his psyche.

Feeling the first splat of his cum hitting the back of her throat, proved to be the trigger setting off a very intense orgasm for Ingrid. She almost swooned in total happiness; so exhilarated was she by this act of oral sex. Luckily, she still retained sufficient presence of mind to keep his cock contained in her mouth all the time during his ejaculation. Thus, not a drop of his semen spilled out of her mouth. Her swallowing of his ejaculate was an automatic reflex. In fact, the taste and smell of his semen did not register in her brain whatsoever, as her mind was more engaged in experiencing her euphoria.

Finally, when she was certain he had finished completely his climax, she released his cock from her mouth. She did take the trouble of licking the outside of his cock to pick up any remnants of his semen. She then gulped down the last remaining load of cum. As his ejaculation had produced a copious amount of sperm, it induced her to emit a fairly loud burp. She giggled at the embarrassment, but that did not prevent her from forming a bright smile. She then looked up to him, and when she made eye contact, she opened her mouth wide to display her now totally empty oral cavity.

The man, congruent to his behavior in the DC Tower elevator, did not betray any outward sign of the emotions he was feeling. He pointed to a comfortable chair in the room and laconically responded, "Why don't you have a seat over there, and I'll get us a glass of wine. I trust you might appreciate a sip to wine after our intense activity so far."

"I would be delighted."

The man then went over to the complimentary mini bar set out in the room and selected a bottle of a popular Austrian white wine brand that was available. He handed a glass to Ingrid and then sat down to enjoy his glass and to start a conversation.

"So, I think at this point in our acquaintanceship, I ought to learn your full name."

"It's Ingrid Losnedahl."

"Oh! So, you're Swedish or Norwegian then? Your accent doesn't seem to be typically Scandinavian."

"No, I'm an American. My father's family did come from Norway, but the original migration from Norway occurred some three generations ago so there is no known relative of mine that I'm aware of, who can speak Norwegian. My father and for that matter his father did not find any necessity to change our family name to a more typically American name. As for me, I also have no urge to change my surname. Besides I'm a traditional enough female who has no hang up in taking my husband's name should I ever marry."

"Since you're an American are you a tourist then just visiting Vienna?"

"No, I'm a student at MDW. I'll be living in Vienna till July of next year before I return to the United States."

"You're a musician then? I guess I should have known considering your choice of safe words."

"I play the piano."

"Are you good?"

"Some would think so. I, myself, believe that I'm good enough to pursue a sustainable individual concert playing career."

"Really? Oh wow! In that case, I believe I would be interested in hearing you play."

"Part of my curriculum requirements at MDW is to perform occasionally at a concert put on by the school. I could get you a ticket or tickets for that matter the next time I'm a featured performer. That is if you love classic music, otherwise there would no necessity on your part to accept my offer."

"Of course. I love classical music, what Viennese doesn't? As I already pointed out that we are the home of Mozart and Beethoven after all, not to mention Schubert and Haydn plus many others as well. I frequently attend performances at the Staatsoper, as much as my schedule allows. As the Staatsoper puts on a different performance ever day there are a lot of concertsperformances I would have liked to have attended but could not. I would be delighted in seeing you perform Ingrid, and I'm sure to clear my schedule so that I won't miss it."

"Great! Well, enough about me. What is your name then? I don't even know your first name which has hampered me somewhat when I felt it incumbent to vocalize during our just completed mutual activities."

The man couldn't help laughing out loud at Ingrid's unique phraseology in reference to their sexual play. Once his laughter died down, he said, "So you don't know who I am?"

"Believe me if I did know your name I wouldn't have asked. Asking would be superfluous."

"I'm Alexander Talmann. So, you truly haven't heard of me?"

"Should I've?"

"Well, I am the foreign minister for the Austrian government."

"Oh wow! Really? And here I thought it was only me between the two of us who has a public recognition distinction."

Talmann was certainly surprised by that declaration, so he had to ask, "Really? Are you saying I should know you or at least be aware of you as well?"

"Well since you did say you love classical music, you might be aware that at the last International Tchaikovsky Competition, three years ago, an American pianist won the grand prize. That marked the first time an American had won the first prize in the piano competition, since Van Cliburn did it in the initial event held way back in 1958. That American was me. And I won the Grand Prize in addition, to receive an extra 100,000 US dollars in prize money as a result. I also won the International Beethoven Piano Competition last October which event was sponsored by MDW, and so held here in Vienna."

"Good heavens! I certainly was aware that an American did win the prize in the Tchaikovsky competition, as it made the news in the classical music circles here in Vienna. But naturally the name was incidental to me at the time, so as not to remain in my mind. And I was out of Austria last October, for an important EU meeting in Brussels, so I had not paid attention to the winner of the Beethoven competition. I'm certainly aware of the late Van Cliburn as a premier international pianist with a stellar musical career. And so, you're in the same caliber of musicianship as him.

"My, but haven't you been modest as to your abilities when I asked if you were a good piano player. And here when I met you in the elevator, I had the impression that you were just as you Americans would say a "bimbo" *." (*air quote and spoken in English)

Talmann continued, "Actually, I thought that when you bared your breasts, having recognized me, you were intending to take a selfie of us, as a saucy souvenir to share with your friends. When you didn't produce your cell phone, I thought you had lost your nerve to carry out your supposed intended goal. So, I stopped the elevator and gave you my cell phone to allow you to complete your mission. I'm not one to wish to deprive anyone from a once in a lifetime opportunity for a fun achievement."

Ingrid was crestfallen at hearing this explanation of Talmann's reaction to her flashing him. The fact that the explanation was reasonable and logical made it even more disheartening, since it was contrary to the reaction she had hoped for at the time. And learning that he was not even close to wanting to fuck her was a bitter pill to swallow. She wailed, "But Alexander did it not occur to you at all, that when I displayed my boobs, that it was a signal that I wanted you to fuck me?"

"Well, when you did not take a selfie of us but instead just of your breasts, and when you supplied me with your contact number along with your wet panties, I got the message. However, as I was late for my meeting, I really didn't have the time. But as you can tell I haven't really wasted any time in acting upon your 'signal'* (*air quote)."

Ingrid replied, "When you stopped the elevator, I thought you were going to fuck me, right then and there. I sure was hoping for it anyway, and your explanation for not doing so is lame. I sure as hell would have loved a quickie! So, I think for the lost opportunity of a fuck, that it is I, who should be the one doing the spanking instead of the other way around."

Talmann protested, "Since you've admitted that this was your very first BDSM experience, I suspect you lack the skills necessary to provide an adequate punishment in accordance with true BDSM play."

Ingrid scoffed and replied, "I'm sure I can quickly master the art of spanking. I believe I'm a quick study. Besides, you have to admit that refusing to capitalize on a real opportunity to fuck is a much more heinous offense than a minor lapse of proper decorum in not wearing under garments."

Talmann momentarily affected a prolonged pause immersed ostensibly in deep thought. Whether that was a genuine contemplation or just feigned, Ingrid could not tell. In any case he finally said, "I think you still need to be punished. After all, in addition to your sin of not wearing any underwear, you did burp after our just completed activity. And I'm sure you would agree that action was not very ladylike. And not only that, if you hadn't noticed but you have also soiled the bed, which the management of this hotel surely would not appreciate."

"Oh my! I guess my sins are grave enough that I do merit punishment after all! But do I still get to enjoy the sodomy at the conclusion of my punishment?"

"That goes without saying."

"Thank goodness. I suspect I'll develop an acute desire for such activity during the course of my punishment."

Talmann then said, "Now I must concede that my sin of not taking the opportunity of fucking a woman who indicates she wishes to be fucked, especially a young woman as gorgeous as you, is definitely a heavy sin deserving of punishment. Why it's even considered a sin in vanilla sex behavior as well. So, I agree I must be punished as well.

"However, despite your skepticism, there are techniques that need to be learned to conduct proper BDSM spanking, even spanking by hand. But indeed, I concede there's not much to learn about caning. You need only to concentrate on not losing the handle of the cane. The cane I brought with me has a firm grip handle, and a leather wrist strap so to maintain a steady grip throughout the punishment should be doable even for a first timer. You should be fine with it.

"Finally, as my sin is deemed egregious, I am prepared to receive fifty lashes from the cane. As you soon will discover a blow from a cane is much more severe than even from a whip. So, I trust since my punishment will be solely administered by caning, your thirst for appropriate punishment will have been satiated."

Ingrid agreed, "Fair enough! But since your punishment originates from your reluctance from fucking me as I had desired, then I'm sure you'll remedy your misdeed at the conclusion of your punishment."

Talmann replied, "That's understood. Now to prepare you for your punishment, I'm going to need to restrain you. So, I'll use hand cuffs on your wrists and ankles and secure you by rope. Since the bed does not have a headboard, I'll have to tie you down to the legs of the bed."

"Are you afraid I'm going to run away?"

"Oh no! You know you can utter your safe word at any time to immediately stop the punishment. As I said a stroke of the cane produces an extremely sharp jolt of pain, and so reaction to the pain can be volatile. Your body might shake and tremble so violently that you might even fall off the bed as a result. That is an outcome not to be desired."

Ingrid suspected that could not possibly be a genuine answer but decided to accept it at face value anyway. So, she merely responded, "OK! I'm ready."

Ingrid climbed back on board the bed settling on her hands and knees. She positioned herself so that her pudendum hovered over the wet spot in the bed. Her strategic thinking being that should she spill her female juices again, urine or otherwise on the bed, at least the resulting affected area on the bed should be contained. If Talmann noticed Ingrid's cautionary move, he did not betray any awareness. Ingrid mused that he must be the most stoic man she'll ever likely to encounter. No doubt such an extreme quality served him well in his important position in the Austrian government.

Once Talmann had secured Ingrid to his satisfaction, her inner feelings overwhelmed her brain. She now discerned the full reality of being fully under his control. The mental awareness of his dominance extended beyond the comprehension of the obvious objective physical restraint she was under. She formed the impression that he owned her soul at the moment. The haunting themes of Liszt's music came to her rescue as the recollection of the same provided solace to enable her to endure.

As Talmann had finished his task of preparing Ingrid for the BDSM discipline, he issued final instructions, "Remember Ingrid you must count out loud the stokes. Only those strokes you count will count. However, that is all that is required of you at this time. You are not required to thank me for the discipline. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir!"

Talmann casually rubbed the cane ever so slowly against the skin of her buttocks for the purpose of calming her jitters prior to receiving the first lash. But then it was WHACK! And despite the preliminary precautionary moves, Ingrid was shocked. She screamed at the top of her lungs. Her scream had an absolute chilling effect on Talmann. He immediately believed he had gone beyond the pale in sadism and was instantly mortified. He was compelled to utter, "Oh I'm so sorry Ingrid! I don't know what got into me. I'm going undo your cuffs right now, and we can call it quits. However, you can still discipline me. That part of our get-together is not over yet."

But in an almost identical reprise of her declaration after her twenty-second blow of the spanking paddle, Ingrid came back with another scream, uttering, "One! Did you fucking hear me say Mozart? No! You fucking well did not hear me say Mozart. Because I fucking know full well that I did not say Mozart. So please continue with my discipline... (pregnant pause) sir!"

Talmann was annoyed by Ingrid's vehemence in refusing to succumb, and he resented her stubbornness. He believed no sane person would want to continue the beating he had just administered. He had in fact never used the cane in all of his previous BDSM activity, which consisted of his participation as a member of der Höllenfeuer Verein, a local BDSM club. He had, though, subjected himself to a couple of caning discipline punishments.

In setting up this rendezvous with the impudent Ingrid, he decided to use the opportunity outside of the club, to try his hand (pun intended) at administering a caning punishment. With Ingrid's reaction, he realized the blow he struck would not have been tolerated at a club activity, and he would probably have been suspended from the club. But the bitch was not surrendering like any normal human being would! Bitch was the prevalent appellation now in his mind as he thought of her.

With such a thought process Talmann could not force himself to consciously relent and tamp down the violence of his strokes. So, the next four strokes of the cane were delivered just as ferociously as that first stroke. Ingrid continued to scream after each stroke muttering repeatedly after announcing the count number, "Of fuck that hurts! That so fucking hurts!" Her screams were somewhat less emphatic and certainly less deafening than that first scream. Still there was no denying that she was in extreme distress.

Finally, after the fifth stroke, Talmann noticed some blood was slowly seeping out of the pores of two of the raised welts on her buttocks. His fury immediately dissipated as he instantly realized that if he were to continue the violence, this would become a serious police matter. That in turn would be a death knell to his otherwise impressive political career and his public reputation would forever be shit... well certainly not impressive. So, he moderated his swings to a level he believed would be even gentler than an average light caning performed at der Höllenfeuer Verein. Despite his conscious mitigation of the violence of his punishing blows of the cane, he was thereafter in constant dread. He kept hoping the bitch would utter her safe word, but she never did.

As for Ingrid's psyche, she was momentarily mentally devastated by the effects of the violent impact of that first crushing punishing blow of the cane. She experienced horrendous pain that was beyond anything she thought was possible or even imaginable. However, when he heard his apology, she believed he was deliberately trying to provoke her to quit for whatever reason which she could not fathom. It did not occur to Ingrid that this first blow of the cane was an anomaly; not anywhere close as to what to expect in a normal BDSM activity.

So, her hackles were raised, and she was determined not to let him succeed. Her steely resolve got her through to the sixth blow. Then to her surprise the sixth blow was not so much in terms of pain, as compared to those initial five blows. The seventh blow was of the same impact as the previous sixth one. With relief she realized she could tolerate this kind of pace and at that precise moment of lucidity she sensed that she had involuntarily leaked her bodily fluids. Whether her discharge emanated from her urethra or from her vagina she had no clue. Her ability to analyze was suspended as she was overcome by a pleasurable euphoria akin to a delicious sexually induced orgasm. As she emerged from her temporary stupor, she made a surprising discovery; she had indeed experienced an orgasm!