Ingrid's Dark Secret Passion Ch. 11

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Mistress Denna reveals her sordid past.
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Part 11 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/04/2021
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The conversation continued at the restaurant, as Ingrid asked, "So was it your membership at der Höllenfeuer Verein and your participation there, that led you to become a professional Dominatrix?"

Mistress Denna answered, "There's more than just my activities at der Höllenfeuer Verein involved, which paved the way to my vocation. In addition to my triumphs, you wished to know about my warts and all. So, I'll tell you about my warts. There were indeed some warts that was instrumental in my decision to becoming a Dominatrix and earn my living at it.

"First of all, after Sig graduated, we ended our affair as we both had expected we would. We've never ever been intimate since. He eventually married about fifteen years ago to Klara Fashingbauer, a submissive member of der Höllenfeuer Verein, wherein he had meet her. They're both still members, but they seldom attend because the club frowns upon married couples being exclusive to themselves when participating in the meetings and parties. Sig is overly jealous and can't abide any man indulging in even innocuous flirting with her. He can't stand it even if a woman innocently flirts with her.

"I don't think he has ever told Klara about our incestuous affair, since Klara never betrays any such signs to me that she is aware. My relationship with her is about as cordial as one can expect, given that neither one of us is particularly fond of each other. My main beef against my sister-in-law is that I find her too submissive, beyond the pale of a healthy dom-sub relationship. Anyway, they have two children, a boy and a girl. And no, before you ask, they're not named Siegfried and Hilda, nor Tristan and Isolde."

Ingrid laughed and replied, "I'm surprised! I guess your brother has no sense of family heritage."

Mistress Denna continued her narrative, "Starting with my third year at the University was the start of my first year living alone apart from my parents and my brother. I'm afraid as a result of my independence, I lost my sense of responsibility. I became very wild, having sexual intercourse frequently, willy nilly with men and women equally. I drank heavily but at least I avoided becoming a drug junkie. So, I behaved in all ways contrary to how my parents raised me. I do take comfort that during this desolate time in my life I did not neglect my schoolwork. I maintained my good grades and graduated in the projected four years time.

"My undisciplined sex life came to bite me in the ass during my fourth year. I went to see a doctor after I experienced serious bouts of unusual discharges from my periods. After a thorough diagnosis, my doctor advised I had contracted chlamydia, an STD as you know. In a subsequent hysterosalpingography test, it was shown that my fallopian tubes were blocked. Although my STD caused some of the scarring, perhaps the removal of my burst appendix while I was a teenager contributed to the significant scarring. Or perhaps one of those events blocked one of my tubes and the other event blocked my other tube. In any case the scarring in my fallopian tubes was too severe to be able to be corrected by surgery, and so I was not able to conceive."

Ingrid commiserated, "Oh how awful! That sure sucks. You must have been devastated upon hearing such news."

"Yes, I certainly was. I might have desired by choice to be childless, but I sure as hell was infuriated that such choice of whether to become pregnant or not had been denied to me. That reality made me feel less of a woman."

Ingrid remarked, "I certainly understand your feelings. I know I've been wrapped up too much in my music and contemplating my future concert career, that I've never given much thought about becoming pregnant and having children. I did not even think about birth control as I've worn an IUD since I was sixteen years old. However, I know this about myself, that I would certainly be dispirited knowing I could not have any children."

Mistress Denna was comforted by Ingrid's empathy, "Anyway, after such horrendous news I took stock of myself, and reviewed my goals in life. When I first started in University, I really had not set any goals in life. I had supposed I would get some kind of a decent job after graduating. Then meet my shining knight in armor. Get married and have a passel of kids. In other words, I had the vague notion, that I would want and would head towards the traditional orthodox ambitions, genteel society had decreed for Austrian women.

"It dawned on me that starting my adult life by having a sexual incestuous affair with my brother was not the proper move towards achieving such goals. And of course, being sexually promiscuous and drinking heavily was definitely not conducive to reaching that presumably desired lifestyle. As for belonging to a BDSM sex club, I would be ruling out lots of potential knights in shining armor. And now knowing I cannot conceive, and bear children makes such a lifestyle impossible to achieve."

Ingrid was alarmed by such a dour assessment that Mistress Denna viewed of her plight. So, she protested, "But Siggy, you needed not to despair. Surely there are lots of women who cannot have children for one reason or another, but still have a happy marriage. And if children are important in your life, you can always adopt."

Mistress Denna replied, "My dear Ingrid, you've misunderstood my feelings at my reaction to hearing about my infertility. I'm not a pessimistic person by nature. You Americans have a wonderful saying: 'If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.' Mind you I hate lemonade. So, I like to think I made lemon meringue pies instead with the lemons I received."

Ingrid laughed at Mistress Denna's parody of a popular modern adage. She asked, "So what kind of lemon meringue pies did you make after being advised of your infertility?"

Mistress Denna replied, "Well in some ways. I was relieved that I was forced into making some decisions. I realized I had not been honest with myself, and had not taken into account what I wanted to do, as opposed to what was expected of me. I knew for example that the typical employment I could expect after graduation would not interest me. Actually, Alexander Talmann offered me a position a few years ago in his office. However, as he outlined my job description, I knew I would be bored to tears, so I declined the offer. The position offered a salary much less than my income. The only advantage of the position was that it was respectable work in the eyes of society.

"Even that advantage was compromised given the fact I had no previous political experience to merit being offered such a high level position in government. People I'm sure would speculate that I was Talmann's mistress or at the very least had slept with him on one occasion to secure such a high profile position. Mind you such insinuations would be accurate as obviously all things being equal, I would not deserve consideration. Although, I like to think that aside from our past sexual history Alexander would believe I was capable of doing the assignment or otherwise he would not even offer it in the first place."

Ingrid protest, "Of course you could Siggy! You're the most awesome woman I've ever met. I know that you're capable of doing anything you set your mind to."

"Thank you for your vote of confidence my sweet Ingrid. Anyway, the news that I was infertile also made me realize that I did not really want to follow the path set out as desirable for an Austrian woman. Despite all the men I fucked during college, none of them struck me as someone I wanted to get to really know, and perhaps consider at least a possible relationship never mind marry. It is telling that the only long term affair I've ever had was with my brother, but both of us were of the mindset that we were really just marking time, until we graduated from the University, and then seriously getting on with our real lives."

Ingrid wondered. "I don't know Siggy. That sure sounds somewhat of a cavalier attitude to hold considering the length of time you were sexual with your brother. You must have had carnal desires during all that time."

Mistress Denna replied, "I don't know. As it has been so long ago, that I can't really remember how I was feeling at the time. All I know is that I still love my brother as a brother, but ever since we stopped fucking, I've never entertained even the smallest hint of a desire to jump his bones again. A few years ago, at a dinner party with our parents, he made an offhand remark during the dinner time conversation saying that incest is best, but I simply smirked and ignored that stupid comment."

"But you still remember him saying it."

"Well yeah for sure, but I chalked it up as his signal to me reminding me of our secret. Certainly, neither of our parents or for that Klara took any particular notice."

Mistress Denna continued, "Anyway back to the time I was considering my future, As I was wrapping up my formal education, I had by this time with my participation in der Höllenfeuer Verein found my niche as a Dominatrix. I was very interested in bondage, especially in rope. As a result, about a couple of years after graduating from the University of Vienna, I went to Japan. I spent three years there learning the art of shibari from various rope masters, known as the Nawashis.

"When I returned from Japan, I started picking up clients for my career as a Dominatrix. By word of mouth advertising, I acquired a reputation amongst the BDSM community first in Austria, then in the rest of Europe. I even have some American friends who are begging me to come to the United States and maybe one day I will. Anyway, I'm in demand for the BDSM festivals, and I've been a model for the past seven years at Boundcon in Munich, including just a few weeks ago. I believe I'm a capable rigger in the same league and expertise as Bazanov and Blonderly. They have admittedly more experience than I, and can do more of the elaborate, intricate and ornate demonstrations of rope bondage than I. However, in next year's Boundcon, I'll be engaged as a rigger to put on a demonstration of bondage.

Ingrid exclaimed, "Oh wow Siggy! I'm most impressed. Not only did you make lemon meringue pies with the lemons handed to you in life, but you garnished them with whipped toppings. Pun intended by the way."

Mistress merely replied, "Well now you know my warts and all. I might add I sure learned my lesson as I've practiced safe sex since. If I did not know my male partner beforehand, I insisted on the use of condoms. With female partners I did not know, I insisted they produce a certificate of health acknowledging they did not have any STD. As I became a prominent member of der Höllenfeuer Verein, I was instrumental in the club adopting the policy of requiring a member to provide a certificate of health declaring free of any STD before being allowed to attend a meeting."

Ingrid responded, "Bravo Siggy. That is a very wise precaution, and sure gives participants a measure of comfort from worry when engaging in wild no holds barred sex. I know I was comforted when you first told me of that requirement."

At this point it was Ingrid's turn to reveal intimate details of her life to Mistress Denna. The latter was most impressed at how dedicated Ingrid had been to her music. Mistress Denna thought, 'It's no wonder that Ingrid is as accomplished as she is.' She chortled at Ingrid's original assumption that she must have been asexual before meeting Talmann. She had never achieved an orgasm other than her infrequent practice of solo masturbation.

Mistress Denna retorted, "Oh no my sweet Ingrid, you're not asexual at all. You are the most sexual woman I've ever met. It is just that because you are such a remarkable woman that you won't settle for second best for sex. However, when you do meet a lover equal to you, than all of your passion comes out. Just think of what you did to have sex with Talmann. You flashed him in public for god's sake. Bimbos and sluts might do it, but certainly not a worthwhile woman."

Ingrid ventured, "Maybe I'm just a bimbo and a slut."

Mistress Denna retorted, "Oh please Ingrid, baby! That's just too ridiculous to say! I believe your sexual outlook consists of the proviso that if your sexual partner is worthwhile, then you are willing to surrender your body and soul; your entire essence if you will, to achieve a mystical union of love that goes well beyond the rudimentary forms of sexual intercourse. That is the definition of true passion."

Ingrid was actually shocked by such assertion. All she could mutter in response was, "Oh my! My! My!"

Mistress Denna further observed, "That passion instilled in you is what makes you such an outstandingly terrific pianist. Since you had won the Tchaikovsky International competition and the Beethoven competition, I expected to hear superior music from you in that concert at MDW a couple of weeks ago. But I was blown away by your masterpiece performance especially the second movement of Rachmaninoff's 3rd piano concerto.

"Your bombastic entrance to the languid opening melody set by the orchestra probably would have overwhelmed Rachmaninoff's imagination when he composed this piece of music. As for your rendition of Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, your performance simply brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine that this piece of music can ever be performed any better than as you did.

"You know that Lajos Kiraly is now considered the premier pianist of our time. And it is true he is technically a superb pianist, who seldom if ever makes a mistake. However, there is no passion in his music like there is in your performance. He just can't hold a candle to your skills. Mind you he does come close to equaling your mastery, whenever he is paired off with Natasha Starikovich, who is without a doubt the premier violin virtuoso of our time. No doubt her talent inspires him to raise his level of musicianship. But they seem to have had a fallowing off as they seldom collaborate now."

Ingrid beamed by Mistress Denna's praise. She merely said, "If I'm adjudged in the same breath as having a mastery of the piano as he's reputed to be, I would be content with such accolades."

Mistress Denna harrumphed, "Believe me baby, you are vastly superior to him. I've heard him play several times, and his performances have been nowhere nearly as spectacular as what you did a couple of weeks ago at MDW. I'm truly honored and grateful to know you. And to know you intimately is beyond my wildest fantasies of ultimate sexual satisfaction."

Ingrid snorted, "Well for what it's worth, I'm truly geeked to have known you intimately as well. And I want some more of that. I think we're done here, and you promised me that you would fuck me à la BDSM style. I want that. I want that now!"

In fact, the two woman were done with their wonderful meal. They had actually spent three hours in wonderful conversation and dining on some excellent food. They also consumed a satisfactory complement of alcohol beverages to transform the evening into a pure delight. After they got into Mistress Denna's BMW, for the drive to the Dominatrix's apartment, Ingrid said, "There is a song Carly Simon sings that reflects exactly my mood right now. I'd like to sing it for you with just a slight change in the lyrics."

"Go ahead! I'm eager to hear it."

Then in a remarkably excellent voice and in superb tone, Ingrid sang in English as follows:

"We can never know about the days to come

But we think about them anyway

And I wonder if I'm really with you now

Or just chasin' after some finer love


Anticipation is makin' me sweat

Is keepin' me on edge

And I tell you how easy it feels to be with you

And how right your arms feel around me

But I, I rehearsed those words just late last night

When I was thinkin' about how right tonight might be


Anticipation is makin' me sweat

Is keepin' me on edge

And tomorrow we might not be together

I'm no prophet and I don't know nature's ways

So I'll try and see into your eyes right now

And stay right here 'cause these are the exciting days

And stay right here 'cause these are the exciting days...

These are the exciting days

These are the exciting days

These are the exciting days

These are the exciting days"

Mistress Denna was mesmerized by Ingrid's beautiful singing, but she also took note of the lyrics. Although her knowledge of English was somewhat limited, still she was familiar with the song as it was a favorite with her parents. As a consequence, she had heard it played fairly often and knew the meaning of the lyrics. As a result, she was charmed to believe the premise of the song really mirrored Ingrid's sentiments. So, she gushed, "Oh my, my sweet Ingrid. You have such a beautiful voice. If you weren't such an accomplished pianist, I bet you could make a living as a popular songstress. And is that what you are truly feeling as the words of the song imply?"

Ingrid answered, "Oh yes my lovely Siggy. Being with you, being in your company, being under your control sure makes these the exciting days in my life."

At that reply, Mistress Denna could feel her panties moisten. She was overcome by the emotion. She could sense that Ingrid appeared to be just as smitten with her as she was. Normally Mistress Denna was self-assured and confident of her allure to her sexual partners. But she was in awe of Ingrid. And not just with her prowess in her ability as a concert pianist. Ingrid's stoic tolerance of the brutal beating she endured at her own hands was astonishing. Coupled with her sexuality during the bondage ritual put Ingrid, in the mind of Mistress Denna, as truly a unique sexual animal that she could not admire enough.

Mistress Denna never in her entire forty-two years had ever experienced such an all-encompassing attraction to another person as she felt towards Ingrid. That Ingrid seemed to return the passion was beyond a euphoric feeling that she could ever have imagined. She was so giddy in anticipation of the evening, that she could not contain herself. The song that Ingrid sang was to the Dominatrix's mind foreplay on steroids.

For her part Ingrid was highly aroused in anticipation of the evening. Mistress Denna's revelation of her past fascinated our heroine. She was not appalled by the Dominatrix's hedonism, and she empathized with the consequences the latter suffered as a result. To Ingrid's mind the fact that Mistress Denna was undaunted by her misfortune, but instead used it turn her life around to achieve success was a character trait that could not be admired enough. It's no wonder she thought of Carly Simon's song as the appropriate expression to enunciate her emotions.

When they got to Mistress Denna's apartment, Ingrid was taken aback by the luxury and its size. The apartment complex, a twelve story structure, was originally owned by one of her parents business enterprises. Shortly after completion it was determined to sell the units as rather than rent them out. For a monthly fee adjusted to the size of each unit her parents' company maintained the integrity of the common areas and ensured property taxes were paid. Mistress Denna as a shareholder and on the board of directors, was granted first choice on purchasing the premier unit of the complex. Her apartment occupied the entire top floor and had a private exclusive elevator to get to her premises.

The apartment layout comprised of a kitchen, dining room, living room with a bar, kitchen and three bedrooms each with en suite bathrooms. The kitchen was huge and well equipped. There was an island in the center large enough to provide all the area a cook needs for food prep tasks. There were stools at the island to allow for casual eating. There was also a balcony/patio area large enough to contain a table capable of allowing an outside dinner of four people. A great feature was a hanging pot rack over the island for easy reach convenience. Mistress Denna avowed she loved to cook but did engage the services of a cook four days a week.