Inheritance (One Week Chronicles)


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"Beth!" she cried. "Another charity case for you!" Gary paused mid step, blushing under the open gaze from the women who'd called for Beth. A petite, almost elfin woman popped her head out from an office near the back and beckoned Gary over.

"Thanks Frankie," she called. "Way to set someone at ease!" Frankie gave a wry chuckle and put an arm round Gary to guide him through the office.

"Always happy to help!" She smiled at Gary. "Whatever it is hon, Beth'll help. She's a sop like that."

Gary found himself ushered into a spacious office that was decorated with taste and care. The furniture was expensive enough to put a client at ease, yet not so obviously expensive as to make them feel that they would be ripped off. Beth was close to being made partner at the firm and worked hard at building a large clientele base. Since her husband had become Sophie, she'd done a lot of work with the transgender community and this had brought her to the attention of Louise, who'd set up her own charity. Louise and Jade had their own secrets and kept them for the charity work that they did in Jackie's name. She smiled at Gary as he entered, keen to put him at ease.

"How may I help you?" she asked and Gary took a seat. He clearly looked like he'd just thrown on the dress and had made no effort to look like anything other than a man in drag. Which was fine. As far as she was concerned, you could express yourself any way that you wanted. Her opinion changed as he spoke.

"Who's that?" he asked, pointing to a picture of a red haired woman on her desk. She looked stunning and smiled with sheer joy at the camera. It seemed the very fact of her existence made her happy and Gary envied that.

"That's my wife," replied Beth. Gary frowned.

"You don't look gay," he said and Beth reassessed him.

"I'm not," she replied. "Labels don't apply in this room, so tell me what you're here for or get out."

"I'm Gary Mitchell," he said. "I'm here to collect my inheritance." Beth took a moment to gather her thoughts.

"I'm afraid that I was expecting Grace," she replied cautiously. Gary reached into the pocket of his fur jacket and handed over the passport and drivers licence that Louise had put on the table as she left.

"Says right here. I'm Grace." Beth reached out and took the license, staring at the picture. Someone had generated an image of what Gary would look like as a woman and she gave a wry grin.

"I think you'll find that the image on the license doesn't match what I see before me." Gary snarled at her, his desperation making him angry. It had been too long since he'd last had his fix and he was starting to feel the effects of withdrawal.

"That money is owed to me," he spat venomously. "It's mine!"

"No, it belongs to Grace. You're not her. She's...better than this." Gary was fed up with hearing the word better. He knew his lot in life. He knew the cesspit of society he occupied, but it didn't mean that he should just accept it.

"Can everyone stop using the word better as if to beat me up with it?!" he shouted. "I know what I am!" He stood up, anger blotching his features and stepped towards the desk. Beth leaned back and spoke calmly and carefully.

"Louise told me to remind you that you've used your free pass," she said. Gary stilled at that, remembering how easily she had hurt him. They started at each other for a long time, the only sound the breathing of Gary's temper as it left his body.

"We ok in here?" asked Frankie. She stood leaning against the doorway, gazing dispassionately at Gary. Beth gave her a smile.

"We're all good. T-Bag here was just about to leave." The fight left Gary and his shoulders slumped.

"I'm sorry," he said. "It's been a tough morning." He waved his hand at her by way of apology and made to leave. Beth, with a loud sigh, called him back.

"What happened to your hand?" she asked. Gary looked at his damaged finger for a while before responding.

"The same thing that'll happen to the rest of me if I don't sort my life out." Frankie, still leaning against the doorway threw her arms in the air and left with a theatrical moan.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" she called over her shoulder as Beth stood up to look at the tape that Gary had applied. It was greasy and grey. She left the room for a moment and returned with a first aid kit.

"Here," she said, sitting on the front of the desk and telling Gary to sit on the chair in front of her. She tended to the finger, pulling off the tape gently, before cleaning the gash that Wren had made and then putting a plaster over that and two strips of tape around the finger so that it nestled properly against its sister. It was the nicest thing that anyone had ever done for Gary and he sat in mute silence as the pretty lady fixed him up.

"Had a bad incident with Sophie, my wife, last year," said Beth as she worked on his finger. "We'd just started going out and she was getting more confident going out as Sophie when she was read by a group of drunken lads, thought it would be funny to take the piss out of the tranny." With a start, Gary realised that her "wife" was a man.

"He don't look like no man," he replied. Beth smiled.

"It takes time, practise and a willingness to make sacrifices," she replied.

"You don't mind him being all dressed up like that?" he asked. Beth smiled, a warm smile full of love.

"I don't care what Sophie wears. She's stunning however she comes. It's what's inside that matters to me and, when she's my wife, she's more beautiful in spirit than she ever could be otherwise. Besides, she's Sophie every day now. The last time she wasn't was when she came out of hospital and I drove her home."

"The drunk lads do that?" asked Gary.

"We took a few down with us," she said proudly. "No one's going to tell us how to live our lives. Soon as she got home, she got dressed and took me out to dinner. Hasn't been read since."

Gary thought on her words for a long time.

"Why do you say she's better when she's Sophie? Surely she's the same, just in dress." Beth chuckled as she finished up her DIY first aid job.

"It's a mind-set," she replied. "It's about the true expression of yourself and allowing who you really are to shine through. You can't put anyone in a dress and think it'll work. There has to be something deep inside that needs to be allowed the opportunity to blossom. Is what you're showing me now your true self?"

"I hope not," replied Gary sadly. He stood up to leave, "Thank you for fixing my finger."

"One hour," Beth said. Gary gave her a confused look. "Sophie'll give you one hour and then you're on your own."

Chapter 5

Beth guided Gary across the street and into an office directly opposite her own. It was empty inside except for Sophie who tapped away on a keyboard while cradling a phone in her ear. She looked even more stunning in real life and the photograph really hadn't done her justice. She had the same red hair, cascading in long curls down her back and held from her face with a small scarf tied in a bow on top. She wore a satin blouse with skinny jeans and knee high boots over the top. She wasn't tall, but her figure was slender and she had an open face that instantly made you want to like her and be liked by her.

She winked at Beth as they entered and finished up her call, placing the phone in its cradle and whooping with delight. Her voice was soft and feminine as she spoke.

"A week today!" she cried. Beth hugged her deeply and laughed with delight. Gary, a little unsure of how to react, stood mute as they celebrated. Knowing that Sophie was a man underneath made him feel foolish, dressed as he was. Beth withdrew from the hug and beckoned Gary over.

"Sorry," she apologised. "I'm being rude. Sophie, this is...?"

"Gary, right now I think," he replied and Beth smiled.

"Gary. As you can see, he needs some help. I've promised him one hour of your time." Sophie smiled and offered a hand. Her nails were painted a deep red that matched her blouse and she had rings dotted along several fingers. On her slender wrist, she wore a Pandora bracelet that Beth liked to add beads to whenever there was a special occasion. There were many beads, a map of Sophie's life so far.

"Pleased to meet you," she said and Gary stared at the hand. Earlier in the day, he'd made to attack someone just like Sophie and here he was about to get help from a man in a dress. His own hand sported a broken finger and, instead of beads on a bracelet on his wrist, he had pockets of needle punctures where he'd marked his own life. There were no special occasions, just moments when the pain dulled. Time to be better, he thought and took her hand.

"I'm pleased to meet you as well," he said and meant it. Sophie appraised him openly.

"Love the dress hon," she replied with a smile. "But we're gonna need to do some work before you can rock that style!"

Chapter 6

Sophie's hour was more like three and she spent ten minutes driving him back to her place, chatting amicably as she did so. She drove a new Mercedes and they were clearly doing well for themselves. They owned a nice house out in Kingston and he found himself looking for entry points and useful valuables he could pilfer as she led him through the front door. He quickly checked himself as he realised he was subconsciously planning to rob the first people who had ever shown him some kindness in over a decade.

The house was well decorated with warmth and it was a real home. Apart from the six foot cut out of Aragorn that greeted them at the top of the stairs.

"Don't mind him," said Sophie as she walked by. "Beth spotted that a few months back and wasn't going to let that slip through her mitts." Gary had no idea what Sophie was talking about and found himself led into a bathroom. Sophie handed him a towel and a new razor before running a soapy bath for him.

"Clean up, shave everything and come find me when you're done. Dab, don't rub," she said mysteriously and left him alone, standing in the middle of the bathroom, his mind reeling from the day. His hands started to shake and he knew he only had a few hours to get back home before he would start to cramp and sweat. It had been a long time since he'd had a bath and even longer since he'd had the luxury of a new razor and expensive soap. He took longer than needed to clean himself off and shave, but he enjoyed the ritual. It made him feel normal.

He'd never shaved his legs before and resembled a submarine as he tried to shave the back of his thighs. He guessed there was a technique to it and chuckled as he splashed water around in an effort to get every piece of hair.

Eventually, the soap had dissipated and the whole bath was covered in his hair, the water riddled with the thin strands that clotted up the razor with every stroke. Stepping from the bath, he saw the mess he'd made and so used the showerhead to clean the hair that clung to the sides. The world felt so different without hair and he shuddered at the strange sensations it brought. Grabbing the towel, he made to rub himself dry, before Sophie's words echoed in his mind. He dabbed himself dry and then tucked the towel around his waist. The clothes he'd worn were dirty and he didn't want to put them on when he felt clean for the first time in an age.

Stepping from the bathroom, he found Sophie sat on the windowsill in the hallway and reading a book. The sun framed her hair and she smiled as she saw him.

"You all done? I found some clothes and stuff that I was going to throw, so you can take them with you. Ready for a make-up lesson?"

Suddenly nervous, Gary quailed a little. This might be a step too far. Sensing his fear, Sophie grabbed his hand and led him into the spare room where she'd laid out some clothes and make-up. She handed him a satin dressing gown and told him to put it on. He hesitated.

"You want help or not?" asked Sophie. "I don't know why you're here, but it's not because you want to dress as a woman. I'm guessing that Beth wants you to be able to at least make an attempt at passing, so you get with the programme or you get going." It was the second time that he'd been given a choice that day and the second time that he made the right one. Reaching out, he took the dressing gown and put it on. The satin felt so cool and soft on his skin that he felt his senses alight. The smooth material didn't even chafe at his needle marks and he apologised to Sophie.

"Sorry," he said. "It' all new to me. I'm learning about me too." Sophie smiled and accepted his apology with grace.

"Right then Grace. Your lesson shall begin!"

Time passed swiftly as she showed him how to apply make-up, wear a corset, tuck his manhood away, put on tights or stockings without ripping them and walk in heels. His feet were a size bigger than Sophie's but she found a pair that were a little loose on her and donated them to his cause. Ever aware of his own body clock and the impending need to stave off his withdrawal symptoms, he applied all of his energy into absorbing the information Sophie gave him. He drew some diagrams on paper of how to apply eyeliner and made a checklist of how to do the make-up. He had time to practise once, before Sophie wiped it off and showed him one last time.

She gave him his first outfit; satin corset with stockings and a matching pair of briefs with a pouch to tuck his cock into and then a figure hugging pinstripe business dress that was lined with satin and caressed him with every move. She also donated some jewellery and had a pair of dangly earrings that clipped on. With a flourish, she produced a wig for him. It was black and matched his own hair colour, bobbing off his shoulders in a manner he would come to love.

"Started taking a few hormones a while back," said Sophie. "Not enough to stop my libido, but enough to make my hair a bit thicker, my skin softer. Don't need these anymore!" She gave a wicked grin. "Apart from the odd role-play, of course," she said. Sophie spent a few minutes teaching Gary how to manage the wig before putting it on him and leading him to the mirror. The same mirror that she had looked into for the first time over a year ago.

"Welcome to the world Grace. Who you choose to be from this point is all down to you."

Gary stared at himself for a long time and wondered at the change. He knew he wouldn't pass and that there was a long way to go, but he saw something. Something wonderful and terrifying.


Chapter 7

Gary entered Sophie's house as a broken man, but left as someone who had a new chance and possibility in life. He felt renewed. Every step in heels hurt and the corset pinched, but he'd never felt so alive, so full of energy. The dress held every step in check, but he thrilled at the feel of the satin lining as his legs brushed along the material. His cock strained at its cage and excitement coursed through him. Sophie had given him a suitable coat for the dress and he loved how it squeezed his body and flared out at the hips.

Sophie had offered to drive him back to his flat and he's gratefully accepted. He wouldn't have made it back. She'd noticed the shaking hands and knew what they meant. Asking her to drop him a block or so from the flat, he walked the rest of the way, enjoying the feel of the cool breeze as it teased his stockings.

Hoping that he wouldn't be seen by anyone, he raced up the stairs, heels loud in the stairwell and stepped over the remains of his door. He paused for a moment as the true depths that he had plumbed hit home. Having come from two kind people who lived in a nice house to his torrid flat brought tears to Gary. He wasn't jealous of Beth or Sophie; he mourned what he could have been.

After a few minutes of self-pity, the cramps started and he rushed to his bedroom, lifted up the stained mattress and found his stash.

With trembling hands he reached for his drugs.

Chapter 8

An hour later, Gary felt able to move and paced the flat nervously. His drugs had kicked in and he wanted to get out of the flat and somewhere a little nicer. In his expensive dress, he looked out of place in his own home. Grabbing the last of his cash, he stuffed the crumpled notes into a handbag that Sophie had given him and left the flat. It didn't occur to him to change out of the clothes before going out. He felt new and exciting as Grace.

Making the walk to Soho, he was glad of the evening's darkness. In the daylight, he knew he couldn't pass as a woman, but the night made it harder to be read. He also realised that, in Soho, most people didn't care what you looked like. It helped that he was making every effort to pass as well; walking in smaller steps, swivelling his hips and holding his handbag as Sophie had taught him to do. He soon left his nerves behind and thrilled at the excitement of walking down the streets as a new person. Yesterday, he had walked down the streets and knew that people saw him for what he was; a drug addled addict. This felt less shameful.

He walked down Compton Street and stepped into a bar before he could think about what he was doing. Many years ago, he'd walked down this street and mocked anyone and everyone who was different. He blocked every thought from his mind and approached the bar. Instead of looking at him with distrust and unease, the waitress smiled at him.

"What can I get you love?" she asked and he paused, trying to remember Sophie's lessons. She'd spent some time coaching him, but it was hard work. He also didn't want to order a pint of larger.

"Glass of red wine please," he asked, trying his best to sound feminine, but failing. He winced at the sound and the waitress smiled.

"Don't worry love, no one here cares what you sound like. Glass of red coming up!" As she poured him a generous portion, Gary looked around the bar. It was alive with a mass of humanity and the atmosphere was jovial and inviting. He could see several transvestites and a few he thought might be. He couldn't help but compare himself to them and hoped that he looked ok.

As his glass arrived, he nervously moved to a corner and put his handbag on the table next to him as he struggled to sit on a stool. Eventually and with a little less grace than he wold have liked, he made it atop the stool and crossed one leg over the other as Sophie had taught him. He was enjoying the intricacies of femininity and found the differences beguiling.

As he drank his wine, Gary felt more relaxed than he had done for years. He enjoyed simply watching and sitting on the outside as folks of all sexualities and pleasures enjoyed themselves. He realised that they were no different than him in many ways. He'd always looked on them as different, but he saw friends having a laugh, couples romancing each other and people simply enjoying a night out from the stresses and pressures of life.

Gary realised in that moment how narrow minded he'd been.

As he reflected on this, gulping the last of his wine, he was approached by a tall man with a slender waist and broad shoulders. His eyes sparkled with life and he gave Gary a dazzling smile as he sat on the stool opposite.

"Mind if I take this seat?" he asked. "All the others are taken." Gary indicated that it was fine and checked in his handbag for some more cash. With a sigh, he realised that he didn't have enough for another drink and so stood to leave, taking a moment to balance himself on his tall heels.

"Leaving already?" the guy asked. Gary shrugged.

"No money, no booze," he replied and smiled. "Have a good evening," he said and made to leave.

"Then I wouldn't be a real gentleman if I didn't buy you a drink," replied the guy and Gary took a moment to openly appraise him. He looked to be in his late twenties and was handsome in an American jock kind of way. Gary wanted to tell him that he wasn't gay or that he wasn't interested in anything, but the words never came out.