Iniga's Rising: A Genie's Tale Ch. 01

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Trevor seeks to help a woman in need.
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Note: Thank you for taking the time to check out my story. This is the first in what I expect to be a long running series. I wanted to give you a heads up though: this is the opening of a longer narrative. There isn't any sex in this portion. This is all about setting up the characters. There will be sex... lots of it. Just not in this chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think in the comments.


Another day at the coffee shop. Mr. Villarta is ordering his usual: a tall medium-roast. Well, he's about to. He comes into the shop a couple times a week and it's always the same thing. He bullshits around with the idea of trying something new for a few minutes before realizing that he really wants that good ol' medium-roast. Drives me nuts.

"He Trevor, did Mr. V finally shake up the world?" Bradley asked, chuckling. I gave him a scowl since I knew he knew the answer. He just laughed, saying, "another day in paradise, my friend."

Bradley McGuiness. He has been my best friend since college. While I am no slouch as far as looks are concerned; coming at 5'11", slim with some definition, green eyes, and wavy dirty blonde hair, Bradley makes me look like that kid in high school who always ended up in second place with the ladies. Bradley tells people he majored in finance, but he really majored in weight lifting and alcohol. He was about 6'4", blue eyes, bright blonde hair, and his muscles made him look like a male model. In public, he likes to act as suave and overly sexed as possible, but I've always known him to be a pretty nice guy all around. I can't blame him for acting that way in public as his technique tended to lead to at least three or four girls a week leaving their number on their coffee receipt. If Bradley put in the effort, I could see him being a very successful businessman.

Me on the other hand? My life seemed to be going nowhere fast. Granted, it's partly my fault. Who majors in history and then doesn't want to go into teaching? People without a plan, that's who. I like to think of myself as a dreamer. For whatever reason though, anytime I think I've got a great idea, something seems to get in the way. If it wasn't absolutely absurd, I would swear there was some sort of cosmic force keeping me from moving past what I swore (three years ago) was a short-term job at Jenna's Java.

We served a few more of the regulars. It was a typical Monday morning. Then Bradley looked at me, and said, "Holy crap! Look at what is walking in."

It was at that moment I turned and noticed a couple which seemed incredibly out of place. The coffee shop tends to cater to people on their way to and from work. What walked in can only be described as something out of a fourteen year old's wet dream. A woman who appeared to be around twenty years old and a man who appeared to be around thirty or so. The man was wearing what seemed to be an expensive deep blue suit with white pin-stripes and a matching fedora. He had olive skin, looked to be about six feet tall, and had a moderate build to him. The woman looked like she should have stopped about seven plastic surgeries ago. She looked almost exactly like Jessica Rabbit; red hair and all. Her boobs were gargantuan, probably a EE at least and her ass seemed to defy gravity. The sad part was that she looked like she was probably a very pretty girl before a surgeon's knife got to her. This was the type of woman who, at first glance, you would think would walk around with her nose turned up to everyone, but when she came to grab the coffee for her and her man (presumably her boyfriend), she cast me a look that seemed to peer right into my soul. All I could see was sadness. Her eyes were a bright blue, but for a moment, I could have sworn they almost had a red glitter to them.

"Do your eyes have red in them?" I asked quizzically.

"Excuse me? Did you say you saw red in my eyes?" She asked, quite confused. She was so flabbergasted that she spilt one of the coffees on the counter. I told her it was alright and would get her another. While cleaning the coffee, I learned that her name was Iniga.

Her boyfriend, who she said was named Lionel, snapped his fingers.

"Sorry. I should really get going. It was nice to meet you," Iniga said, grabbing the coffees.

Iniga and Lionel left after sipping their coffees awhile.

"Who was that babe?" Bradley asked. "She has to be a porn star. What a lucky bastard that guy must be!"

"I don't know, I replied. "He seemed like a bit of a jerk to her. Did you seem him snap his fingers at her like she was some sort of dog?"

"Different strokes for different folks. Maybe she's just into that," Bradley said. He would probably defend any man who could get with a woman who looked like a living sex doll.

The following days went by with the addition of Lionel and Iniga becoming daily regulars. Every day I liked Lionel less and less. He would often snap his fingers at Iniga like I had seen on their first visit. He was also a bit of a pig; checking out every woman that walked into the shop. I think I even saw bruises on Iniga's arms once or twice. I really didn't like that guy.

I don't know why, but it wasn't until the third or fourth visit that I noticed Lionel wore a good bit of jewelry. He wore two rings and a necklace. One ring looked like the head of a dragon. He wore it on his left middle finger and it seemed to be made out of some sort of dark metal. The other ring he wore on his right thumb; it was a gold ring with a capital "A" on it. The necklace seemed to be fragile and in rather poor shape compared to the rings. It looked like it was made of mostly silver with a small orb in the middle. The orb was foggy and looked soft like it was composed mostly of soft wax. It had a few spots of red suspended in the center of the orb. I noticed these items every day after the initial revelation. His choice in accessories seemed quite odd considering his otherwise expensive taste.

One Saturday, Lionel and Iniga came into the shop per usual and they happened to be the only customers. Saturdays are usually pretty slow since we tend to cater to people on their way to work. While picking up their coffee, Iniga whispered something to me.

"I know you hate him too. Let's mess with him a bit. Would you spill coffee on that ugly necklace of his?" she asked. Iniga had spoken to me a few times and she was usually pretty timid and nice. I was confused to say the least.

"Why don't you do it since it was your idea?"

"I... can't," she said somewhat nervously. "Please do it for me?"

How could I say no. I have been feeling bad for the woman since day one and she was right, I did despise him. "Fine" I finally said after a pause. I swear her eyes got that twinkle of red in them and for the first time ever, I saw her smile. That, my friends, is a smile that could melt your heart.

So she walked away and pretended like she forgot one of the coffees. I grabbed and hurriedly ran over, saying, "Miss! You forgot one!"

Just then, I pretended to trip. It probably looked really fake, but it didn't give Lionel any time to react. Hot coffee spilt all over his chest. Iniga and I began to giggle while Lionel was reasonably upset.

I noticed something odd just then: the wax on his necklace was melting from the hot coffee. Lionel saw me staring at him and looked down to see what had caught my attention. His face turned white as a sheet. Pure terror. We both looked at Iniga who cheekily blew a kiss to Lionel.

What followed is possibly the most ridiculous thing that has happened in the history of ever. A bolt of white light accompanied by a sharp ringing came out of the ceiling and surrounded Lionel. I watched the man's face intently. His skin began to flake off his face. Slowly at first, then exponentially more rapid. Blood poured where there used to be skin. What seemed like ages was actually about fifteen seconds. He seemed to vaporize leaving nothing except his clothes and jewelry. I passed out from the shock.

While I was out, I thought I heard voices. Lots of them. It may have been a dream.

"Let him have it," said one.

"She's broken. Look at her. She needs to be replaced," said a second. A woman I think.

"Bloody Hell!" growled a third.

"What if we let him decide? I think it would be fun to let him just roll the cosmic dice for us," a fourth voice chuckled.

After some time, I came to. Bradley was standing over me.

"What the heck happened!" Bradley cried.

"What did you see? I think I might be going crazy," I replied.

"Fucking bolts of light and people bursting into flames is what I saw!"

"So I'm not crazy. Unless we both are. Good thing no one else was here. Where's Iniga?"

"You didn't see? She just disappeared. No light, just vanished."

I picked up the rings and the necklace. There was also a piece of paper on top of everything. Bradley picked up the clothes and threw them in the trash.

"Ain't no cop gonna believe this story. Better to ditch the evidence and pray no one was looking in the window," he said. I always knew a brain was somewhere in there. He took the paper from my hands swiftly to see what it was. He looked puzzled when he saw there was nothing written on it. He threw it back to me.

When I looked at it though, there was a note.

"What do you mean there's nothing there?" I asked. "There's a whole note written with fancy handwriting."

"Bull. Now you're making things up. Then read it," he said.

"Fine," I said as I began to read.

"'Trevor, what you hold is your destiny. We know you've always felt like something has held you back and you've been right. Someone, not so unlike Lionel, wronged you at a young age though you did not know it. If you are in too much shock by what you saw, simply throw everything away and we will know your decision. If however you are intrigued, take the jewelry, wear the Dragon ring and hide the others, but know that you will then be on a path you cannot change. The danger, as you saw, is real.

"'Do not fear though. Lionel had to be punished. He broke a very sacred law which you too may learn about some day. Thanks to you, we were finally able to smite him. We are incredibly grateful. That is why we are presenting you with this opportunity. The choice is yours. Signed, The Council.'"

"Well ok then. Put on that ring and let's see what happens!" Bradley exclaimed as he had a penchant for danger.

"I mean... sure. I hate this job anyway, life sucks. So it can't get much worse, right?"

"Dude, that's what they say in horror movies right before the flesh eating monster jumps out."

The moment I put the ring on... nothing happened. "Well that was a let down," I said disappointed. "Maybe it just needs time or something."

So we cleaned up the area and finished out our shift like nothing had happened. Though every so often Bradley and I would share a knowing glance filled with amazement.

After work, we both went back to my dinky little apartment in the West side of Austin. If you don't know anything about Austin, Texas, it's one of those towns where you have to be rich to get anything decent. My apartment was a tiny one bedroom apartment on the first floor. The first thing you notice when you walk in is that the ceiling is about six inches too low and there aren't any ceiling fans. Without ceiling fans, people melt in Texas. The place was dark which gave it a distinct rape dungeon feel. Definitely welcoming when I bring guests over. This is what you get for a coffee shop salary.

Bradley and I sat around my apartment trying to figure out what had just happened though neither could come to any sort of substantial conclusion outside the obvious: some sort of higher power was at play here. We did however decide the dragon ring was the most important object since I was supposed to keep it on at all times. We spent the next several hours having a few beers and playing a few video games together. Eventually, Bradley decided to head home.

After Bradley had long gone, the eyes of the dragon ring began to glow a deep red color. It felt warm, but not painfully so. Out of the nostrils of the dragon's mouth came a red and blue smoke. A woman began to form in the smoke. It was Iniga. I don't think my jaw could have fell any lower. If I wasn't somewhat intoxicated, I may have screamed like a little girl. She was wearing the same outfit she had been wearing when I last saw her: a long red dress that was just tight enough to not leave anything to the imagination.

"Hey, Trevor. Did you miss me?" She asked, with a wink. "How was your day? Anything interesting happen?"

I could not make the words happen. My mouth moved, but nothing came out.

"Careful, you might piss yourself. Calm down," she said.

"Calm down! You just poofed out of a freaking ring!" I cried loudly. "What are you? You're obviously not human."

"I am a genie. More specifically, your genie if you'll have me."

"Me? I have a genie now? Why me of all people."

"Well, when you melted the wax in Lionel's orb, it broken a protection spell the necklace had cast over him. As long as he wore it, the Council couldn't see him. He had captured my essence while I belonged to another master. This is a terrible crime in the magical community. He treated me like an object. I was a symbol of status to him. He abused me and dealt with me as he saw fit. He forced me to want to have sex with him. Over and over again. He was just smart enough to protect himself from those who could punish him. He used dark magic to enchant some blood from a mage and then he stored it in that wax. When you melted it, the Council quickly carried out the punishment for his crimes: death. They told me that you had been destined to have a genie, but something or someone had prevented it from coming to you. They thought therefore that, since you saved me, you should have me."

"I always knew I was meant for bigger and better things. Are you ok? I always thought that guy was an ass. I had no idea it was so bad. So wait, are you like one of those sex genie's I've read about online? I guess I just want more detail."

"You horn dog. No, I am not a pleasure djinn. Those little sluts don't have anything on me. I am a standard djinn. Though you may not want me."


"I'm broken, she said sadly. "When Lionel stole my essence, my purpose was morphed. I've done horrible things for him and his friends. He's had me hurt people, made me a weapon. My powers don't have the limitations they're supposed to. He made me to where I could do what I want, when I want. Again though, he was smart enough to wish first that I could never cause him harm myself. That's why I needed you. I could kill you right now if I wanted to. My mind has been tampered; made dark. Djinn's should be happy and full of light. I'm tainted. You should ask the Council for another. I don't belong with such a nice person."

A tear fell from her cheek. What a life she must have lived. I decided what this woman needed was a hug. A fountain seemed to flood from her eyes.

"I am not going to just throw you away. You are welcome to stay here with me and we can see how this works. What do you think?" I asked her.

"I think that is fantastic. I read your emotions when we first met and knew you were a kind soul even though your eyes were rarely looking at mine."

I blushed a bit at the comment.

"Come on! You can't blame me for that!"

"I never said I was. Though I think Lionel made me somewhat ridiculously proportioned. I mean, do you really find this attractive," she asked as she heaved around her enormous breasts. "I have a feeling Bradley does. I think he jerked off under the counter once looking at me."

"My goodness you're vulgar. I am glad to see you're relaxed enough to talk to me like this. Honestly, I think the proportions are a bit ridiculous as well. Though the high school version of me would disagree. So how does this work? Do I just say something like 'I wish for a ham sandwich made with the best ham in town' and it appears? Do I just get three wishes? What happens?"

"Your wish is my command," she said with a wink. A ham sandwich appeared on my lap right in front of me. "No, you have as many wishes as you want. Like I said, I am broken. The rules for me are somewhat... up in the air it seems. The Council says they think you are worth the free will. Like some sort of test. I do advise a wish to protect yourself. I don't trust myself. You shouldn't either."

"I'm not going to do that," I said, smacking my hand on the sofa for emphasis. "I want to earn your trust. I think it's awful what Lionel has done to you. I will prove I'm better than him. But first, let's fix your appearance. I wish you could change your appearance however you liked."

"Your wish is my command, master."

She did not change much. She just looked more normal. That is, if a Victoria's Secret model was normal. Her breasts shrank to a solid 34D. Her lips seemed less like they were filled with collagen and more like normal, full lips. She simply looked less like she was made of plastic and closer to that dream girl you saw in college every so often at the gym. Still amazing. Better than before in my opinion. I had to strain my eyes to make stay on her face and not fall.

"I'm glad you approve," she said eyeing the bulge growing in my pants.

"I think this might be the start of a beautiful friendship," I said, with a grin. "I refuse however to treat you as a thing. I will not take from you without permission."

"I greatly appreciate your kindness, master. Like I said, I am a djinn. I once ranked somewhat highly among the djinn. I possess the powers of all sorts of djinn. So sometimes the feelings of a pleasure djinn come out. I think they are coming out right now," she smirked. She leaned over and kissed me deeply. "Would the master be ok if we called it a night though? I'm pretty worn out from today."

"That sounds perfectly fine to me. I think we'll have a lot to talk about tomorrow though. If you want, you are welcome to sleep in my bed and I'll sleep out here."

"Oh no, you sleep in the bed. Sleeping on the sofa is an upgrade from where Lionel had me: on the floor like a dog," she said somewhat sadly.

Later that night I awoke to find a beautiful woman sleeping soundly next to me. I smiled and went back to sleep.

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FreedomBaseFreedomBase5 months ago

You made me smile with your offhand way of saying there wasn't any sex in Chapter 1. Turns out there "was" some sex ~ but Lionel and his friends got that before your story started. I like your writing style; the way you tell this tale. My mind self-corrected any mistakes you made with the lingo-lango; but try proof reading before you publish.

FitsithFitsith5 months agoAuthor

You will be happy to know I just submitted Chapter 2. I'm sorry it took so long. I really am. It is currently awaiting admin approval.

Roadrunner-OhRoadrunner-Ohalmost 5 years ago

YOU TEASE! What happens next??? Where is the next Chapter?????

FitsithFitsithover 6 years agoAuthor

I am working on the next chapter. I do apologize for the delay. Work schedule is a pain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I have to agree with the last person who commented.

This might turnout to be a worthwhile story. But try to make the chapter's more than one page.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
My interest has been piqued

Nice beginning. Interesting not to take the usual sex genie path. I am curious to learn more about The Council, the rules Lionel broke and whatever other magical creatures/people are out there.

Will he live to regret not protecting himself?

So many questions, now go write the answers ;)

RasmatRasmatover 7 years ago
A very good start.

But I hate short, one page chapters. Barely enough, if it's a good story, as this one is and it runs out. Now we have to wait for the next chapter and pray it's at least two full pages. 5*****.

gregsjlngregsjlnover 7 years ago
I approve

By far the best one page intro I've read

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A great start looking forward to reading a lot more.

John BlackhawkJohn Blackhawkover 7 years ago
I agree.....

I agree with the other comments on here. The story as it is is a good start. This story as it is has plenty directions it can go. The main ones i see outside of the usual genie story high jinx are:

1. Going down the list of "Lionel's" friends with (insert name of tool or torture device here).

2. Encounters with other mystical creatures (definitely some exotic harem potiential here)

The only point you have to be careful on is character development i figure.

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