Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 02

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Kai gets rewarded for saving his sister’s best friend.
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Innocent Devil's Harem Taboo Ch. 02 -- Kai gets rewarded for saving his sister's best friend.

Original: August 23, 2020

Submitted: May 26, 2022 to Literotica (Copyright Kaizer Wolf)

Tags: harem, incest (brother/sister), supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF


NOTE: This is the Taboo version of Innocent Devil's Harem, where Serenity is Kai's adoptive sister, and he refers to her as such. I've had quite a few people request that I upload this version again, so I decided to do so. Both versions are registered and copyrighted with the USPTO under my pen-name Kaizer Wolf.

This version also later has HOT taboo relationships happening between other characters, such as Gabriella and Rebecca, that are significantly less steamy in the non-taboo version compared to this one.

Hope you enjoy!



After a few long minutes, Gabriella finally stepped down off the last step and began slowly walking in my direction, toward the couch. I was facing away from her, but I knew she could see that I was sitting up.

She carefully walked around the corner and then stopped when she saw that my face was completely hidden against my knees. Suddenly, I wondered if any of my white hair was showing out of the blanket.

Was that the real reason she stopped so abruptly?

Her heart was still racing as she tried to speak. "I..." She immediately stopped as her pulse burst into an even faster gallop, finding herself unable to talk.

Sighing heavily, I lifted my head up to look at her. She immediately turned her head away, clutching her hand in front of her chest. Of course, the first thing I did was confirm that she was wearing silky pajamas -- dark purple ones, that highlighted her damp red hair and green eyes. Of all the things that Gabriella could have picked, she chose those, never mind the fact that my sister must have gotten them only recently.

Seeing her in them, and thinking about my sister in them, had my face turning red, even as the skin on my torso turned dark gray. I immediately slammed my forehead back down on my knees before my face became darker, prompting Gabriella to gasp in surprise.

"Are you okay?" she asked urgently, her concern breaking through her nervousness briefly.

I grunted in response, but didn't say anything. The gray had creeped up my neck and was climbing my jawline now. I had to get a grip!

Taking advantage of the opportunity of her slowed pulse, Gabriella finally managed to say what was on her mind. "I just wanted to thank you. I didn't get a chance earlier..." Her voice trailed off.

'Just play dumb. Just play dumb.'

"You're welcome."

'Dammit, you idiot! You fucking idiot!'

I sighed heavily, annoyed at myself now. So much for that plan. But then again, would she have really believed me if I denied it at this point? Honestly, I should have just left after stabbing the serial killer, although I knew that I wouldn't have actually done things differently if given a second chance.

It was quiet for a few minutes, both of us silent, prompting me to slowly lift my head again to see what she was doing. She had been watching me intently, but looked away the moment I made eye contact, her face flushed.

"Is that all?" I wondered, confused why she hadn't left yet. I couldn't imagine what else she'd want.

Still looking away, she cleared her throat. "Can..." She hesitated. "Can I sit down?"

I was briefly both glad and annoyed by the fact that the couch was the only seating available in the living room. Technically, she could sit on the low coffee table a couple of feet away, but I would never ask her to do that. Granted, I might have considered it myself, were it not for the fact that I was literally trapped by my slowly transforming body, afraid to move for fear that it might scare her if she saw.

My sister and I had a flat screen TV in the corner of the room, but it was at an odd angle from the couch, since neither of us watched it with any frequency. Instead, the furniture faced a decorated stone fireplace set into the wall, which we actually used occasionally in the winter. It was more for nostalgia though, rather than practicality, since it wasn't great at heating upstairs on really cold nights.

However, I sincerely enjoyed the nights when we'd light it up and sit on the couch together with hot chocolate. It would definitely be considered romantic, by anyone's standard, were it not for the fact that she was my older sister.

I also enjoyed the excuse to chop firewood. It gave me something kind of fun to do, even though I was aware I only liked it because it wasn't a daily chore.

Sighing again, I nodded in response to Gabriella's question, and she slowly plopped down at the other end of the couch, leaving an empty spot between us. She then brought her knees up to her chest and mimicked my sitting position, resting her chin on her knees. The silky purple bottoms fit her well, but the silk top wasn't as great of a fit.

Gabriella was just as thin as my sister, but her chest was significantly larger, threatening to reveal skin between the buttons in the front. I was glad she was unintentionally hiding it with her legs. I also began to wonder if they had stopped at her apartment after all, since she was wearing a bra now. She may have just forgotten pajamas due to being in a hurry. If she was anything like my sister, then underwear and a fresh shirt would have been her top priority.

Gabriella remained silent for a few seconds, allowing her heart to calm down, before speaking again. "Are you mad at me?" she wondered.

I glanced at her, seeing that she was looking away, thereby forcing me to respond verbally. I sighed and averted my gaze too. "No."

"Oh," she replied, tightening her embrace on her knees. "I wondered if that was why your hair is white right now..."


I quickly reached up and pulled the blanket further over my forehead, trying to cover it up, only to notice that my fingernails were black now too. Sighing, I realized that my being coy was futile at this point, especially since I was failing so miserably at it. I just needed to accept that we'd already crossed the line.

She knew my secret and there was no hiding it.

"Well, strong emotions do force it to happen," I admitted quietly. "So anger could be one reason."

She hesitated before responding, her heart rate picking up again. When she finally spoke, it was barely a whisper. "Am I the reason your hair is white right now?"

Not wanting to give a direct answer, I quickly changed the subject. "You didn't say anything to my sister, right?"

"No, of course not," she reassured me. "You asked me not to."

Taking a deep breath, I realized that might mean she hadn't figured it out recently. "So, you recognized me earlier, didn't you?"

I saw her tighten her grip on her knees again from the corner of my eye. "I didn't realize it was you until the light from my phone let me get a better look at your face." She then paused, briefly glancing at me, before looking away. "I admit, I was surprised to realize Serenity's little brother saved me."

I immediately didn't like that she included the word 'little,' scoffing in response. "I'm only two years younger than you," I retorted. "And technically an adult."

Her eyes widened in surprise from my sudden annoyance. "Oh..." She gave me an apologetic look. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Sorry," I replied sincerely, already regretting my tone. "I don't know why that bothered me. You've been through enough without me making you feel bad."

She shook her head, speaking in a whisper. "No, I'm sorry."

I tried to keep my voice gentle. "Why are you sorry?" I wondered, confused by her apology.

"Well..." She hesitated, seeming uncertain. "I mean, even your sister doesn't know, right? Does anyone know?"

I shook my head, not wanting to meet her gaze. "Just you," I admitted, only to be surprised when I suddenly smelt her scent become tainted with a new emotion. Guilt. I spoke with more empathy this time. "Hey," I said softly, turning to look at her fully. She glanced at me, only to blush and avert her gaze. "Don't feel guilty. If anything, it's my fault. I didn't have to stick around so long."

"I'm glad you did," she admitted quietly. "But...why did you?"

I shrugged in response, focusing on the fireplace. "I guess I was just worried about you. I didn't want to leave you all alone after what happened. I knew you were scared..." My voice trailed off.

"I still am," she admitted.

"Sorry." I rested my forehead against my knees again, hiding my eyes. In response, I heard her lean toward me abruptly, causing me to flinch.

"N-No, not of you," she exclaimed. She then pulled back when she realized she'd almost reached out to touch me. She lowered her voice as she continued. "You make me feel safe. I was glad your sister invited me to stay the night. I would have asked anyway."

"Oh." I looked back up at her, and for the first time she met my gaze for several long seconds before looking away, her face flushed. "You're not afraid of me?" I wondered.

She shook her head. "I mean, you saved my life. And you live with your sister, so that means you're safe, right?"

"If I wasn't safe, do you really think I'd tell you?"

"Well, I guess maybe not," she replied, only to fall silent before switching subjects slightly. "What all do you eat?" she asked.

I pursed my lips, wondering why she was inquiring about my diet a second time after she'd already asked my sister. "Same stuff as you? Although, I have to admit, I really like meat."

"Oh, well, I mean..." She paused as her face turned even more red. "Do you, like, drink blood or anything?"

I just stared at her for a second, before laughing, trying to stop myself from being too loud.

"Why is that funny?" she asked seriously, completely baffled by my reaction.

"I'm not a vampire," I replied, continuing to chuckle. "I don't drink blood, and I wasn't bitten. As far as I know, I was born this way."

"Oh, sorry." Her expression dropped. "I didn't know."

"Does that disappoint you?" I wondered seriously. "That I'm not dangerous?"

"N-No," she stuttered. "I'm glad you're safe. That's actually preferable."

"Wait." Now I was confused. "Preferable? Are you saying it doesn't matter to you if I'm safe or not?"

"No..." She suddenly looked away again, her cheeks turning even more red as she tried to explain herself. She then began to speak, only to stop abruptly, placing her hands over her face and remaining quiet for a few minutes before continuing. Finally, she worked up the courage to say what was on her mind. "I just...kind of like you. A lot."

I was honestly shocked to hear her admit she liked me, prompting my spine and chest to instantly turn dark gray, but I tried to remain skeptical that her interest was sincere. "Because I saved you?" I assumed.

She shook her head with her hands still covering her face. "No, I thought that before..." She sucked in a deep breath. "When we first met..."

Still in disbelief, I scoffed. "But you don't even know me."

A part of me was already kicking myself in the ass for blurting that out, because I really kind of just wanted to take advantage of this situation. But the problem was that Gabriella knowing my secret meant she could betray me if things didn't work out. Which thus meant, I couldn't afford to start something with her when she was only interested because I'd saved her from something horrible.

Gabriella abruptly looked at me. "That's not true," she retorted, regarding her not knowing me. However, upon meeting my gaze, she hid her face a second time as she leaned away slightly. "I mean, okay, yes. You're sort of right. But after we met briefly that first time, I asked your sister more about you -- asked what you were like. Although I didn't know you cooked or were adopted until just a little bit ago." She took a deep breath. "But, assuming she was telling me the truth, then I do really like you, and..." She paused for another few seconds, her heart rate picking up again. "And...I can tell you like me too."

"What?" I said in surprise. "How can you tell?"

"I mean..." she started, her pulse throbbing harder as she glanced at me. "Well, I mean...don't you?" She seemed vulnerable again, like she was afraid of being rejected, wondering if she was misinterpreting my body language.

I supposed it was stupid of me to think that my attraction to her was anything but obvious. I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, and then just decided to tell her the truth. "When we first met, I disappeared right away because I was really attracted to you. I almost transformed right in front of you both."

"Oh!" she exclaimed. "I'm sorry!"

Instead of chastising her for apologizing again for something that really wasn't her fault, I instead just put my forehead back down on my knees, unable to believe I'd really said it.

After I was silent for a few seconds, she continued. "Is that what's happening right now? I'm making you...transform?"

Knowing that her eyes were on me, I simply nodded in response.

"Does it hurt?" she wondered.

I lifted my head again, surprised by the question. I was pretty confident the sides of my face were showing signs of graying, but she didn't seem fazed by it. "No, actually it feels really good."

"Then why hold back now?" she asked. "I think your sister is asleep."

I shook my head. "No, she's in bed, but still awake. Granted, she probably will be asleep really soon."

"Oh!" Gabriella's emerald eyes widened. "How do you know?"

I hesitated again, uncertain if I should really disclose all my secrets, especially since what I was capable of was kind of invasive to people's privacy. "Well..." I began slowly. "My senses are a lot stronger than most people. That's how I found you. I remembered what you smell like."

She suddenly seemed concerned. "Do I smell okay?" she whispered.

"Yes," I quickly agreed. "You smell amazing, actually. I'm pretty sure it's because you're a vegetarian."

"That's good," she replied in relief. She then paused as she contemplated her next question. "So, do you know how far away I was when you, umm, found my scent?"

I nodded. "Probably about ten miles, more or less."

Gabriella's green eyes widened in surprise. "Ten miles? You can smell me from that far away?"

I nodded again, still feeling kind of hesitant to explain just how heightened my senses were, but realizing it probably couldn't hurt at this point. "I can smell the lip balm on your lips," I said, only to blush when I focused on them, quickly moving on. "As well as the container in your purse upstairs. I can smell the dinner I made in the fridge. I can smell the gasoline in my sister's car outside. I can both hear and smell an owl that's probably a little over a mile away. And if I concentrate really hard..." I closed my eyes, paying close attention to what my nose and ears were telling me before continuing. "I can smell someone smoking, parked in a running car off the side of the main road about five miles away. All from sitting right here."

Gabriella stared at me in disbelief for a moment. "That's, well, that's amazing." She looked away, seeming pensive, beginning to sound like she was speaking to herself. "Although, I'm not sure how that's even possible, because the nose needs odorants in the air to detect a scent. It would mean that faint traces of the cigarette smoke were here in the house..." Her voice trailed off.

My eyes widened in surprise. "How do you know so much about the nose?"

She blushed, focusing down at the carpet. "Well, I just remember it from biology class in high school. I also took an anatomy and physiology class."

"Oh. I'm in a second year of chemistry instead. I'm not a fan of looking at the details of the human body." Except in private. Only in private.

"Because you might transform?" she assumed.

"Maybe." I hedged with a shrug. "Just didn't seem like a good idea." She didn't respond, and it was quiet for a few more minutes as I listened to her racing heart. She was hugging her knees tightly again, making me wonder if she was afraid to ask something in particular.

Finally, she spoke. "Is your sister asleep yet?" she asked.

Her unexpected question, and the potential implications of it, pushed me over the edge, and I felt my face rapidly turn dark gray while my eyes transition to yellow irises set within black pools. Stuttering, I responded. "Y-Yes, w-why?" But I already had an idea of what she was thinking, because I could smell her arousal. She was just as turned on as I was.

She blushed when she saw my face change, knowing exactly why. Her own face was so red it was almost darker than her hair now. "I...I just..." She hid her face again by resting her forehead on her knees as she tried to collect her thoughts. "I just wondered if I could move closer..."

"But why?" I asked seriously, still wondering what she planned on doing once she was. Obviously, I had ideas, but my sister was upstairs right now. And even if she was asleep, I couldn't chance her waking up and catching me doing something with her best friend!

However, Gabriella didn't respond, her face still hidden, and suddenly I could smell the saltiness of her tears as she began to silently cry. Had I offended her? Did she feel rejected?

Unsure of what to say, I quickly reached over to the space between us and patted the cushion. She looked up in surprise, her expression turning apologetic.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she scooted over.

I wasn't sure if she was apologizing for crying, or possibly feeling like she was being manipulative with her tears. However, my cock went from 'slightly stiff' to 'hard as a rock' when I noticed the way the lamp's light reflected off her shiny purple pajamas as she moved. It aroused me way more than I even anticipated, and I was suddenly glad my sister had never worn these after all.

I mean, on the one hand, I definitely wanted to see Serenity in them, but on the other hand, I couldn't exactly afford to accidentally pop a boner and turn gray in front of her either.

Once she got settled, Gabriella ended up being only a couple of inches away from me, but it already felt like she was touching me -- as if there was an invisible arc of electricity spanning the gap between our bodies. I wanted to reach out and touch her so badly, though I knew that would be a mistake. She'd just been through so much, and here I felt like I was in danger of climbing on top of her and forcing her to take my virginity right then and there.

Would she stop me? Was it right for me to take advantage of this situation?

Horny or not, I couldn't imagine that was what she wanted right now.

Resting my chin on my knees again, I hugged my legs tightly, my cock throbbing between my thighs as I angled my face away from her. I wasn't sure if my dark gray skin would show that my face was flushed, but I couldn't help but feel like I needed to hide my reaction anyway. Granted, now that I was fully transformed, minus my wings, there was no way she couldn't know how she was affecting me.

She was quiet for a few more minutes, mimicking my posture again, before she finally asked her next question.

"Is it alright...if I touch your hair?" Gabriella wondered.

Without looking, I replied simply. "Yes."

She hesitated only briefly before I felt her hand gently grab the blanket and pull it off my head, revealing my pure white hair. She then reached up and, with trembling fingers, began stroking the top. Almost immediately she sighed heavily, and I could actually sense her muscles relax. She let the leg closest to me slowly slide down until her foot was just barely touching the floor, with her other knee still at her chest.