Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 03

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Kai gets 2nd reward for saving his sister’s best friend.
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Innocent Devil's Harem Taboo Ch. 03 -- Kai gets 2nd reward for saving his sister's best friend.

Original: September 2, 2020

Submitted: June 11, 2022 to Literotica (Copyright Kaizer Wolf)

Tags: harem, incest (brother/sister), supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF


NOTE: This is the Taboo version of Innocent Devil's Harem, where Serenity is Kai's adoptive sister, and he refers to her as such. I've had quite a few people request that I upload this version again, so I decided to do so. Both versions are registered and copyrighted with the USPTO under my pen-name Kaizer Wolf.

This version also later has HOT taboo relationships happening between other characters, such as Gabriella and Rebecca, that are significantly less steamy in the non-taboo version compared to this one.

Hope you enjoy!



I woke up startled, my heart racing when I realized my older sister was awake in her room and getting ready to come downstairs. My eyes focused on Gabriella's face just an inch away from mine, seeing her peaceful expression, her full lips slightly parted, prompting me to carefully separate myself from her.

Kneeling on the floor next to the couch, I looked down at my hands to confirm that I looked normal right now -- being unconscious allowed me to transition back, and the abrupt wakeup wasn't enough to make it happen again. It was a miracle that I'd been able to fall asleep at all, considering I'd been lying next to a fucking hot goddess all night.

I grabbed my phone and checked to see why it hadn't gone off, only to groan in annoyance for being such an idiot. Not only had I never set an earlier alarm last night, but it was dead anyway, so even my normal alarms hadn't gone off.

'Stupid phone,' I thought to myself, knowing full well that it was my fault. I should have plugged it in last night, but was too preoccupied to even think about it.

Rising to my feet, I dashed into the kitchen to try to get some breakfast together for my sister, only to hear her run urgently from my room to the top of the stairs. "Kai!" she cried out in a near panic. "Where's Gabriella?"

I quickly appeared at the bottom to reply. "Shh!" I hissed. "She's down here."

Serenity hesitated, and then began making her way down the stairs. She was already dressed for the day, wearing black slacks and a nice white blouse, which was pretty much the dress code for her job. I knew I'd have to avoid looking at her ass, because those pants in particular really emphasized one of her best assets. I'd have to avoid staring at her neck and collar bones too, since the partially opened top of her blouse felt like it was begging me to lean in for a kiss.

"She slept down here?" Serenity wondered, seeming concerned. "Like, with you?" she clarified.

"I, umm, slept on the floor, of course," I lied.

My sister stopped a step above me, putting her hands on her hips as she gave me a look. "Kai, I'm not stupid!"

I held my hands up defensively. "Nothing happened, so chill out! She was afraid she'd have nightmares if she slept alone."

That got her attention, causing her to calm down a little as she was forced to think about what happened yesterday. She began speaking under her breath. "She could have slept with me if that was the case..." Her voice then trailed off as her deep brown eyes widened slightly. " like her, don't you?" she realized. "That's why you've been acting so weird." She laughed then, a big grin crossing her face. "You didn't know what to do with yourself! So, you just kept running away!" She continued to chuckle.

"It's not funny," I snapped, feeling sincerely embarrassed now. And a little depressed too, since my sister's amused reaction told me what I already knew -- that she and I would never be anything more than siblings. Of course, I was aware of that unfortunate truth already, but it almost hurt a little that she wasn't jealous. Especially since I knew for a fact that I'd be jealous if the roles were flipped.

"Aww, come here," she replied with mock sympathy, reaching out to pull me into a hug, forcing my head against her shoulder. "I'm only playing with you. I just can't believe you're actually interested in someone. I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever date."

"And what about you?" I retorted, immediately regretting the question as I pulled away. However, before I gave her a chance to respond, something obvious hit me. "Wait, you're really okay if I like her?"

"Well..." Serenity blushed. "When I first started talking with her, I was excited to have made a new friend, but as I got to know her better, I started thinking she'd make a great girlfriend for you."

Holy shit. My older sister set me up? In a weird way, that was both hot and depressing. "W-What?" I exclaimed, echoing my thoughts. "You set us up?"

"No!" Her face turned even more red. "I mean, not really. I just let you meet is all..." She paused, her thin brown eyebrows knitting together. "And I was sure it would never happen after the way you disappeared the first time. But then, she started asking questions about you, and I realized you'd caught her interest. Although, I honestly wasn't really sure what to think, because I tried to invite her over again, but she kept giving me excuses."

I hadn't doubted that Gabriella was telling me the truth last night, but it was still kind of surprising to hear it coming from my sister. Granted, finding out that she'd been avoiding me too was a little confusing -- even I wasn't sure what to think of that. Still, it was nice to confirm that she'd sincerely taken an interest in me right away, even before she discovered my secret.

Realizing that my warming thoughts were threatening to turn my hair white again, I quickly changed the subject. "I'm going to start making breakfast. Do you want anything in particular?"

Serenity put her hands on her bony hips again. "Umm, excuse me? Aren't you going to get ready for school? It's Friday, not Saturday."

I looked at her in surprise. "And what? Leave her here alone? You're not serious, right? I can take a sick day -- I have perfect attendance."

My sister gave me a critical look. "I can't leave you two here alone! You really do think I'm stupid, don't you?"

I held my hands up again, trying to physically block the thoughts attempting to invade my mind. "We aren't going to do anything," I hissed. "And besides, she has her own place! It's not like you could stop it from happening if we really wanted to."

And with that, I'd gone too far. I abruptly spun around and dashed into the kitchen, suddenly focusing my entire being into making something -- anything -- for breakfast.

"Hey!" she called after me, clearly shocked. "Are you okay?"

I was pulling out a bag of flower from the pantry to start making pancakes, my head empty now. "Yeah, why?" I said casually, keeping my thoughts focused on what I was doing.

"Don't give me that," she replied. "You just took off like a bat out of hell, not to mention..." Her voice trailed off.

"What?" I wondered, sounding uninterested.

She was quiet for a minute before finally answering. "Nothing. Your hair just looked a little gray for a second there."

I paused, trying to act concerned. "It does?" I reached up and tried to pull a strand of it far enough away to look at it, though it was too short to really see it. "I sure hope I'm not getting gray hair. I'm only eighteen!"

Serenity sighed. "I must have just imagined it. It looks fine."

"Oh, good." I went back to working on breakfast, measuring out the ingredients to make the pancake batter. "Hey, does Gabriella eat dairy?"

Serenity nodded. "She's not vegan. She just generally doesn't eat meat. At least, not normally."

"R-Right. Thanks," I agreed.

After a long minute, Serenity abruptly closed the gap between us, hissing under her breath. "Okay, seriously Kai, if I find out you and her...especially in this house..."

I quickly shook my head while leaning away, trying to physically rid myself of the thoughts popping into my head. "Of course, of course."

She then snapped at me again. "And if you do, you better use protection!"

I jumped away from her in shock, rapidly shaking my head. 'Don't turn white, don't turn white, don't turn white!'

The skin along my spine was definitely dark gray now, but I was pretty confident I'd managed to keep my hair a normal color. I could usually do that -- control where it happened, if I concentrated. It was one of the only reasons I hadn't been found out yet, especially in school where some of the girls wore thongs, or otherwise provided undesired stimulation. Of course, my biggest defense was to just make sure I didn't look, as well as making sure I masturbated at least once a day at home.

"Everything alright in here?" a voice suddenly asked from the kitchen entrance.

We both turned to look at Gabriella, although I immediately had to look away when I focused on the shiny purple silk pulled tight over her heavy breasts. Serenity immediately crossed her arms, causing Gabriella to lower her gaze, feeling a scolding coming on. It was suddenly as if she was a kid, and my sister was the adult.

However, instead of yelling at her, my sister just sighed. "How'd you sleep?" she asked, sounding only slightly annoyed. I quickly went back to working on breakfast.

Gabriella hesitated briefly before responding. "Umm, really good, considering."

Serenity sighed again and unfolded her arms. "I assume you're staying here today too."

"Too?" Gabriella repeated in confusion, but then realized what my sister was implying, with me seeing her glance in my direction from the corner of my eye. "Oh, I mean, my cars not here..." She paused. "And obviously I'm not going to work today after what happened last night." She hesitated. "So, is that alright? If I camp out here?"

My sister took a deep breath, and then walked over to the fridge. Opening it, she pulled out a yogurt and turned to walk out of the kitchen. "I'm going to run late if I wait for the pancakes, so I'm just going to stop for some coffee and eat at work. I'll see you two later." She then stopped when she reached Gabriella, whispering to her. "You're still my friend, but that's my little brother. Don't forget I'm a cop, and he's still in high school. So, no funny business, alright?"

I heard Gabriella gulp in embarrassment and nod, before Serenity headed out the door. Once my sister's car pulled away, Gabriella slowly walked up to me as I began scooping batter onto the skillet.

"Well," she said emphatically. "That wasn't so bad."

Sighing, I nodded. "She wouldn't really arrest you," I reassured her. "She's just torn between being my sister and acting like my mom. It's been rough playing both roles for her."

"Oh, I know she wouldn't arrest me," Gabriella agreed. "And she can't anyway. I looked it up after we first met. Even if you were still a minor, I can take advantage of you all I want as long as you're consenting. It's called the Romeo and Juliet law, or something like that." She giggled when my hair flashed white, shifting in an instant. "Okay, I have to admit. That's really satisfying seeing the effect my words have on you."

I groaned in response. "Please don't tease me like that. What if she comes back?"

Gabriella suddenly leaned closer. "But I wasn't teasing. I get you all to myself for the rest of the day."

I shivered in response, feeling the sides of my face begin to gray. Scoffing at her, I retorted. "Jeez, I thought you were shy!"

She leaned away, blinking at me. "Well, I am a little shy with strangers. But I warm up with people I like. That's actually why I got a cosmetology license -- guaranteed to only have to work with one or two people at the same time. And the pay's decent with the tips I get. I could never be a waitress -- talking to more than two or three people at once is kind of scary. Oh!" Gabriella quickly looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry. I'll be right back. I need to grab my phone and call work to let them know I won't be coming in. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if they already know."

I hadn't even thought about that -- the fact that people would know. She probably was on the news after what happened.

As soon as she went upstairs, I dashed to the window to look outside, just to double-check there weren't news crews by the road or something crazy like that. I sure hoped the news stations didn't find out she was staying here, or otherwise we might get bombarded with attempts for an interview.

Gabriella was only gone for a few seconds, before she quickly came rushing down the stairs with her phone in hand. It was evident she didn't want to spend any time away from me, even just to make a phone call.

When she called her boss, I found out they hadn't been expecting her to come in, considering that's where she'd been kidnapped at the start of her shift. Her car was still there in the parking lot, not to mention the police had been there earlier yesterday, so her boss was at least aware she was missing.

As Gabriella explained the gist of what happened, it sounded like her boss pulled the news up on the internet -- not necessarily because the woman didn't believe that she'd gone missing due to a serial killer, but just because it was one of those things you had to see for yourself.

"Oh my god," the woman said. "You can take off as much time as you need, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I'm glad to hear you're safe though."

"Thanks, Darla," Gabriella replied. "I think I just need a couple of days is all. It was pretty...horrible."

"Do you need me to bring you anything?" her boss asked seriously.

Gabriella shook her head, causing me to grin at her for giving nonverbal cues again, as if the person on the other end could see it. She stuck her tongue out at me, giving me the unexpected urge to suck on it, before replying verbally.

"No, I'm alright. I'm staying with a couple friends. They're taking good care of me." She gave me a meaningful look that made my face flush, prompting me to get back to the sizzling pancakes I had on the skillet.

"Alright, dear. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Gabriella thanked her and then hung up, immediately explaining her relationship with her boss. "She's really nice. I used to do people's hair, but now I work at a nail salon -- the environment is a lot different and my boss is much more friendly and relaxed."

"Cool," I replied simply, still feeling awkward about her look when she said we were taking good care of her. I then glanced at her when I noticed that she was slowly approaching me in a provocative manner, almost like a cat about to pounce. "Umm, have a seat please. Your breakfast is ready."

"Aww, you're no fun," she teased, only to obey and turn around to go sit at the table. She watched me stack a couple pancakes on her plate and grab the syrup. "You said it feels good, right?" she wondered after a second, continuing when I nodded cautiously. "Then what's the harm?"

I paused as I set the plate in front of her, suddenly wanting to remain this close. "I..." My voice caught in my throat, with me feeling uncertain of how to answer. "I guess there's no harm in it," I admitted. "I've just lived my entire life being very careful not to do it around others."

Gabriella slowly reached out and wrapped her hand around my wrist, causing my partially whitened hair to fully transition again. "It's just you and me here," she whispered.

Shit, I could feel the blood rushing to my cock. Sighing, I gently pulled away. "Well, at least eat first, then I'll let you do whatever you want afterward."

Her emerald eyes lit up, her expression mischievous. "Promise?" she said excitedly.

I gulped, quickly returning to the stove while making an attempt to collect my thoughts. I just couldn't believe this was real. Were we really going to fuck? Or did she have more tame things in mind? Either way, I was both excited and extremely anxious.

Excited, since it sounded as if she intended on taking control and fucking me, rather than the other way around. And anxious, because it would be my first time and my body just felt like it was going to explode at the idea of being naked and intimate with her.

After a second, I cleared my throat. "Y-Yeah," I agreed. "Promise."

I could hear her heartbeat quicken in anticipation, before she abruptly announced her plans. "Then, I'm going to make it my goal to keep you transformed all day!" she said cheerfully.

"W-Why?" I wondered with a furrowed brow as I focused on the pancakes, hoping her intentions weren't actually more tame. I mean, I'd take anything from her, but if we started doing stuff, then I wasn't sure I'd be satisfied with just kissing or something. I wanted to fuck. I wanted to fuck passionately and roughly like wild animals.

"Well," she began as she took a bite. "I want to see if we can build up a tolerance for you. Sort of like coffee."

"Wait. What?" I grabbed my plate, stacked with four pancakes, and went over to sit across from her at the table.

She pouted at my choice of seating, but then explained herself. "Well, if you drink it daily, like Serenity and I both do, then it actually loses some of its potency. If you want to have the same effect as the first time you drink it, then you'd have to keep drinking more and more. Basically, I want to see if you can get used to me, like I'm used to coffee." She grinned at me again.

"Oh, okay." I nodded. "Yeah, that would probably make this easier."

"Exactly!" she said cheerfully, only for her tone to become more serious. "Although, with coffee, the more you get used to it, the more dependent your body becomes..." She winked at me suggestively, forcing another rush of blood to my face.

And to my cock.

Taking a bite, I focused on chewing and swallowing, before clearing my throat. "But you know, I can also transform at will, right?" I replied, quickly doing so to illustrate. My skin fully transitioned to dark gray, even while my hair turned snow white, and my eyes shifted to gold and black.

She wasn't even fazed. "Yeah, but that takes the fun out of it! I want you to try to resist!" She grinned. "If you are transformed, I want it to be because you can't help it. That way we can work on you getting more used to me touching you."

I gulped at the thought and took another hasty bite.

As I allowed myself to turn back into my human form, I unexpectedly almost shifted again when she reached out with her bare foot underneath the table to touch mine. I quickly jerked it away, my heart racing just from the simple touch. Her skin was so soft, even on her feet, and I suddenly had the craving for her to jerk me off with them.

Which was strange. I absolutely did not have any kind of weird fetish for feet, but it felt like every part of Gabriella's body was erotic and enticing. Damn, was she really a normal person? It felt more like she was a naughty angel sent from heaven, or maybe a seductive succubus sent from hell...

Of course, I assumed such creatures didn't actually exist, even despite the fact that I wasn't human, nor did I think that heaven and hell existed. But, at the very least, I believed her when she said she was a normal person.

"Hey!" she complained with another pout when I jerked my foot away. "I thought you said I could do what I wanted to you."

"After we eat," I reminded her. Shit. She was really going to do things to me.

She didn't respond, her cheeks flushed now, her heart racing. I suspected that she was just as nervous as I was, but was doing a better job of hiding it most of the time. We continued to eat in silence, rather than striking up another conversation, with her watching me the whole time with a passionate gaze, while I did my best to look anywhere except at her.