Interstellar Sex Dreams Pt. 01


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When Melissa emerged several minutes later, her face was flushed, and she had a spring in her step. He gave her a smile without saying anything, letting Melissa settle herself onto a stool next to him.

"Vodka soda with lime please," she ordered from the robot barman.

Mike continued to wait for Melissa to speak to him, not wanting to rush her.

"That was weird," she said to him after a few moments and a sip of her drink. "It was so real, but I know it didn't happen. Like I can remember how good it felt, even down to the point of knowing what... well, what things felt like inside me. And my body clearly responded as if everything were real, but at the same time I know it never happened. The way the scene just kind of dissolved at the end, leaving me sitting in that same chair again reinforced that since nothing had changed, nothing had happened."

"That's the main thing that keeps me from wanting to overdo it," Mike replied. "I find it, well, disorienting to some extent. That gap between a clear memory on the one hand and on the other the unmistakeable knowledge that it isn't a real memory. I much prefer knowing that a memory is attached to something that actually happened. Just like with the stasis dreams."

"God, if I start thinking about those again I'll get looped out even further! Like, could I be dreaming that I just had a virtual experience?"

"Yep, you certainly could," Mike laughed. "I call it the rabbit-hole, thinking about levels within levels and dreams within virtual experiences and regular dreams. I try to stay out of it. To a large extent, the best thing is just real sex."

"I can see how that could be a good policy, but I guess it just has that small limitation of requiring another willing participant."

"Exactly. Especially if your tastes run a little more, exotic, shall we say."

They sat quietly for a few moments before Melissa offered to give Mike time to have an experience of his own while she waited for him.

"Naah, that's okay, I think I'll just wait for a real opportunity thanks," he replied, not emphasising the point that his best hope for such an opportunity was sitting right next to him.

They enjoyed another couple of drinks before returning to their cabins, Mike frustrated that what had seemed like a great opportunity hadn't panned out and provided the outcome he'd sought.

He retired to his bed, replayed his pirated recording of Melissa's lesbian adventure and masturbated until he came.

One more day, he told himself. I'll give her one more day before I'll resort to threats so I can fuck her.


"So I have good news," Mike informed her over breakfast. "I've found and repaired the glitch. A few tests and checks, a little tweak here and there and I should have you back in stasis just after dinner."

"That's wonderful news Mike, thank you!"

"So, if there's anything else on this ship that you'd like to try while there are no crowds or spying eyes, let me know, and I'll set it up before I get to work on the pod for the day."

"I think I might just hang out and enjoy some of the standard entertainment," she replied.

"Well, enjoy the chance to relax, and I'll let you know as soon as I'm done."

Mike watched Melissa stroll casually from the dining room where they'd taken breakfast, admiring the sight of her bountiful buttocks as they swayed and jiggled with the motion of her body in her tight, fitted black tights. He took a moment to imagine peeling them down over her hips and beyond her thighs to reveal the red hair of her pussy. With a sigh as she disappeared from view, he stood up and left the dining room to ensure that Melissa's pod was fully functional.

He was done by the middle of the day but waited until close to the time for the evening meal before informing Melissa.

"So how soon would you like to go back under?" he asked her after giving her the good news.

"I'm not sure, are there any protocols that are different to the ones at the outset of the journey about alcohol consumption and the like?" she asked him.

"Not in that respect, so if you'd like to have one more dinner with me, perhaps after the meal would be good," he suggested.

"That sounds good. And what about you? Do you go under right after I do?"

"I wait a week," Mike informed her. "That way I can be sure there's no signs of the glitch with your pod reoccurring."

"Really, you have to wait a whole week? That seems a bit harsh on you. If any more pods fail, you'll just get older and older while we all sleep the journey away."

"Well, that's one way of looking at it. The other is that doing this is my job; I'm not actually preserving myself for the end of the journey as much as you passengers are."

"Sounds pretty lonely, though."

"It can be, but I find ways to entertain myself."

"They really should let you use Out of This World," Melissa mused. "I tell you what, let's make a night of it before you put me back under. A nice dinner, a few drinks and some stargazing?"

"Sounds like a lovely idea Melissa," he replied, thrilled that she'd been the one to suggest it. "It's very generous of you to give me that time."

"I think it's the least I can do, given you just helped me to avoid ending up decrepit at the other end of the journey."

"Well, how about we get cleaned up and I pick you up from your suite in an hour?"

"Better make it an hour and a half so I can look my best," Melissa countered.

"Certainly, I'd hate to rush a beautiful lady in her preparations."

They each went their separate ways to get ready for the evening.


Mike strolled through the plas-steel corridor happily, looking forward to the evening. He couldn't help but feel it had a strong possibility of ending intimately, and the thought of getting to bed Melissa without coercing her in any way was very pleasing to him.

He pressed the button to announce his arrival and waited for her to appear. When the door slid back with a hiss, he fought to keep his jaw from dropping to the ground.

Melissa was wearing a black dress that screamed Sex. The neckline scooped down between her breasts, then flared out again to reveal her stomach, her belly button exposed before the fabric looped back in just above where he expected the top of her panties must be. He wondered how the two cups of the dress managed to stay in place to cover her breasts, given there was nothing visibly tying them together.

Melissa gave a quick twirl, drawing Mike's eyes to the hemline of her skirt, which reached barely below the curve of her buttocks.

"You approve?" Melissa giggled.

"You look incredible," he replied. "That dress, well, I just don't have the words."

"Why thank you Mike, that's exactly the reaction I'd hoped for."

"Well, in the absence of any coherent words from me, perhaps I can make up for it with dinner," he said, pulling himself back together.

Melissa took the arm he proffered and they headed off to the restaurant, Melissa's red stilettos clicking on the polished floor.

They enjoyed a meal together, working their way through a couple of bottles of wine as they chatted and mostly discussed Melissa's plans for her future on Entarch.

By the time they were enjoying after-dinner drinks at a bar surveying the stars beyond the ship, Melissa had progressed beyond what might be considered merely tipsy and was clearly having a good time.

"Tell me something kinky, Mike," she said out of the blue, her blue eyes twinkling.

"Pardon?" Mike asked, caught by surprise.

"Tell me something kinky you've done. Something from Out of This World. What's the craziest thing you've ever done in there?

Mike thought for a moment, wondering just how far he should go. "Well, to be honest, because I don't use it that much, I haven't been all that adventurous in there. Probably the craziest thing I did was try out being a woman."

"Really? You can do that?"

"Well not very well, as it turns out. Because it taps into your brain and for someone like me, a heterosexual male, my brain isn't wired to experience things as a woman and I don't have nerve endings in the right places. So it was good, but I doubt I received the full pleasure of my female orgasm."

"Hang on, so if you're heterosexual, why would you want to be a woman? Like, does that mean you tried some dick in there?"

"No," Mike laughed. "I tried a lesbian experience."

"Oh!" Melissa laughed with him.

"What about you, Melissa? Did you try something new in there? Something you've never done before?" The bright red flush that washed over her face gave her away. "Seems like you might have, based on that blush!"

"Maybe I did," she agreed, taking another drink. "Maybe we have something in common?"

"Oh?" Mike prompted.

"Maybe we each had our first lesbian experiences in there."

"Did it live up to expectations?"

"It possibly surpassed them. It was good enough that I'd say there's a high chance I'll be trying it out for real one day."

"Good enough to give up men?"

"Oh, I don't think I'd go that far," Melissa replied, her hand moving to rest on Mike's forearm. "In fact, I've been thinking that you should fuck me right here in this bar so I can look out at the stars while you plough me from behind."

"Wow, that's um, a bit more direct than I expected," Mike replied, one hand shifting to adjust the growing bulge in his pants.

"Direct saves a lot of bullshit sometimes," Melissa said to him as she stood up. Facing him, her hands went to the 'petals' of her dress that covered her breasts. She simply pulled them away from each other and exposed herself to him. "For starters, how about you suck my tits, Mike, if that's not too direct for you?"

Mike grinned and stood up, striding eagerly around the small table where they'd been seated. He reached his left hand to her right breast, taking hold of it and squeezing, feeling its weight and size admiringly. He bent his head down to the other breast, taking the large round nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. He felt the nipple elongating in his mouth as he drew it in deeper, his tongue sliding over it and flicking back and forth. Melissa's hands slipped around his head and her fingers combed themselves through his dark hair. He moved from one tit to the other and back again, his hand sliding around her torso and inside her dress until it was resting on her hip. Then Melissa was pushing him away and dropping to her knees. The dress folded itself back to cover her again as her hands worked eagerly to free him from his formal trousers.

Her warm hand wrapped around his stiff cock and tugged on it firmly. The other cupped his balls, squeezing gently as she rolled them together. He groaned and watched as she leaned in close to him and flicked her tongue out to gently caress the slit at the tip of his dick. It ran around his head, then down along his shaft and back up again. Her full lips parted and slipped down over him, gliding down the silky-smooth skin of his cock.

"Oh fuck," he groaned. Melissa sucked her way back up his cock, then plunged down its length again. Her lips slid up and down as one hand held his balls and the other one the base of his shaft. It was exquisite.

"I think it's time we had you out of that dress, Melissa," Mike purred, hands reaching to pull her to her feet. She allowed him to pull her up, stepping in close enough to kiss him for the first time as she did so. He appreciated the kinkiness of her taking his cock in her mouth, and he her tits, before they'd even shared their first kiss. Mike slipped his hands behind her, feeling her bountiful buttocks through her dress. Melissa reached up to a spot on the right shoulder of the dress and pressed. The dress simply let go and fell to her feet in a puddle of expensive fabric.

"Now that's an impressive little feature," Mike observed gleefully. "Though not as impressive as this," he continued, indicating her lush, naked body," but impressive nonetheless."

"Time you were out of your clothes too, I think," Melissa responded. "You're not the only one who enjoys eye candy."

Mike stripped off his clothes, draping them over an adjacent chair while Melissa watched and occasionally touched him as he revealed something new. When he was naked, she reached out and resumed control of his cock, using it to lead him toward the large viewport displaying the stars beyond. She placed a chair so the back of it was almost touching the port. She climbed onto it, presenting her butt to Mike and waggling it slowly from side to side.

"Come on, fuck me while I watch the star-scape, Mike."

He wasn't about to pass up such an impressive offer and strode up to her, eyes glued to the lovely flesh of her ample buttocks. He stroked his fingers down over them, feeling the smooth skin before he pulled them apart to admire the glistening lips of her pussy, covered in its short-cropped carpet of red pubic hair.

He slipped a finger down her cleft and savoured the appreciative moan she returned him. He pushed the finger deep inside her, then slid it out again. He repeated the movement a couple of times before sliding his moistened finger up and swirling its tip around Melissa's dark pink anus.

"Ooooo," she mewed, wiggling her butt in response, tense with anticipation. Mike knelt behind Melissa, leaned in and ran his tongue up her slit, following the same path his finger had just taken. "I'm pretty sure I asked you to fuck me, but that feels so good I might just forgive your dalliance," Melissa cooed.

"Well since it's mutual, I'm glad you're allowing me to enjoy you then," Mike replied before plunging his tongue between her lips, his nose almost pushing against her butt hole. As he eagerly licked her pussy, he brought to mind the image of her squirming beneath Gabi's tongue, and the way she'd responded to having her ass licked. He pulled back just a smidge and enjoyed the sight for a moment, then slid his tongue quickly over her puckered little starfish.

"Oh yes!" Melissa cried out with delight. "Mind reader! More!"

Mike swirled his tongue around some more and then pushed, probing ever so slightly into her anus with his pointed tongue. Melissa reached back and pulled her pale butt cheeks apart for him, encouraging him to go as deep as he.

Mike pushed two fingers of his left hand into her pussy and thumbed her clit with the right, while his tongue continued to pleasure her asshole. He waited for an indication from Melissa as to whether he should try anything different, determined to please her in whatever way she desired. Other than continuing to moan and mewl her pleasure though, she gave no indication... until she came with a wail.

"Holy fuck!" Melissa cried out, releasing her buttocks and holding tight to the back of the chair.

Mike stood behind her, his cock rock hard. He could see Melissa's pussy pulsing with the aftershocks from her orgasm, even her tight little anusseeming to wink at him. He held his cock steady with one hand and pushed it into her pussy.

"Shit yes!" Melissa moaned as he quickly worked himself deep between her lips. He took hold of her hips and slid himself in and out slowly, enjoying the pressure and warmth of her pussy sliding along his shaft. His desire was too great for him to endure going slow for too long though, and he built his pace as Melissa encouraged him, her red hair falling towards the carpet as she hung her head forward over the chair. He dribbled saliva from his mouth so it trickled down between her butt cheeks and over her puckered hole. He teased it with his thumb as he slowed his pace again.

"No, not like that, sorry," Melissa said politely. "Tongue is fucking awesome, but well, I'm not into having anything else stuck in there."

"No problem," Mike replied, biting back his disappointment. "I'm not about to complain when your pussy is so fucking hot!"

"Then fuck me hard Mike, fill me with your cum," Melissa moaned, gazing hotly back over her shoulder. Mike grabbed her hips firmly, his thumbs dimpling her butt cheeks as he started to fuck her hard and fast. Melissa reached up and out, her palms pressing firmly against the transparent plas-steel of the viewport. She tipped her head up, staring out into space as the sound of Mike's body slapping against her butt echoed through the otherwise silent bar.

Mike felt the tension in his balls peaking, but he continued to thrust in and out even as the dam burst and he exploded inside her.

"God, I love that feeling," Melissa panted as his pace slowed and he finally came to a stop. She climbed off the chair and turned to face him, his cum slipping from her pussy to slide down her creamy-skinned thighs. He took her head in his hands and kissed her long and hard.

"Thank you," he said simply.

"You're very fucking welcome! I'm so glad we did that!"

They pulled their clothes together and dressed before sitting down to wait for the alcohol to work its way through Melissa's system.

"Ready to go back into stasis?" he asked her when he had checked her blood alcohol level and found it to be clear.

"I believe I am," she replied.

They walked through to the stasis suite together via Melissa's cabin, where she changed into her stasis suit. Mike was pleased when she simply did so in front of him. Seeing her naked again was a nice little bonus.

"Feel free to look me up at the end of the journey," Melissa said to him as she nestled down into the stasis pod.

"I think I may very well do that, thank you," Mike replied with a grin. He fingered the activation button and the pod closed. Gas filled it and moments later, Melissa was back in stasis and the pod slipping silently out of sight and back to the hall.


Mike stared down at Amy in her stasis pod. His dalliance with Melissa had been fun and she was certainly beautiful, but Amy was on another level. He pondered, as he had done many times since she'd returned to stasis, what he might have done differently. Was there something he should have said? Could he have bedded her as he had Melissa?

As he stood there adoring her, an idea formed in his mind. Eventually he left her there as he always did. He returned to his cabin and lay on his bed, a plan solidifying in his mind. He ran through the possibilities, critiquing it from as many angles as he could think of before finally laying back with a smile to sleep.


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blackknight314blackknight31430 days ago

Thanks so much for sharing your work with us. Good job!

KnightofmindKnightofmindabout 1 year ago

Just as with the film that inspired this, I just don't like the idea of coersion or non compliance or reluctance during sex. I find it a turn off. No judgement but I just don't like the idea of using someone and not pleasuring them in the same way you do your self. Otherwise you are just masterbating, which you don't need a partner for. Having said that the world building and attention to detail was excellent and the idea as broached could work if you wanted to make the character truly nefarious. Though that would be a semi erotic survival horror/ suspense thriller under my own pen, given my proclivities. Cheers!

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 2 years ago

Interesting redo of "Passenger," with the medical guy (originally played by Lawrence Fishburne) being the one to plausibly be involved with the revivals. It certainly does not seem quite as creepy as Chris Pratt reviving Jennifer Lawrence, although the fact he possesses the power to do this makes him flirt with becoming a megalomaniac of sorts; if that's your intention to explore this will navigate quite the tightrope!

Loved his first interaction with Amy, as I was glad to see him be a gentleman and NOT try to coerce nor release his baser instincts: the fact it "didn't go the way he planned" was due to a REAL relationship takes time--and he should have figured out he spent time with a TRUE woman. To some degree, that struck him and impressed him--especially as he tried Olivia out and Melissa--but did not fully stop him from going too far.

While I'm definitely allowing for your kinkier take, I have to mention what should have been different with portraying Olivia: while I appreciate the approach that avoided the stereotypical "hot-blooded Latina" that's used far too often in general and you drew her with the appropriate temperament to stand her ground to the largest extent against Mike's extortion, the major oversight is she did not **think** like a Latina, nor show several of the mannerisms--one of them being speaking Spanish--as she should have cursed in Spanish each and every time Mike advanced coercion, dropped little Spanish comments here and there like in random conversation and slapped him at least hard once before "doing" anything. Another thing is that even a "below-average Latina" (one that isn't so in touch with her culture nor her language) will know what "machismo" is and would have rightly accused him of it, even calling him a "marrano (pig)."

You rolled out Melissa differently: you oriented her as "bi" after she finished her program experience, but then let Mike have his way with her in every way he might have hoped. You've effectively presented him with 3 "types" of females: one that's agreeable, but wants to truly feel a connection and to be romanced; another who might go for him IF he is the perfect gentleman and doesn't try anything; the last that really doesn't have much of a standard at all, that's just open to having sex. So, you can take Mike's character at least 3 different ways.

Appropriate introductions to the characters and story, with sufficient exposition about Mike to show that he's not the perfect guy and has no trouble bending the rules to get what he wants; you expose us to some interesting and varied females in their temperaments, with Amy being the clear gold standard. However, you place Mike in a precarious position of majorly going over to the dark side through coercion and forcing himself onto female passengers when they didn't ask for him to "choose" them. Remember the reader is the 3rd-person observer and won't soon forget he's using the same lines on each one; if he does largely the same thing, you're painting him into a corner and risking alienating some readership. It's obvious he can't do this forever, but if he missteps too much, he'll have all kinds of females wanting to de-ball him and/or torture him for what he did. 4

nikki_2021nikki_2021over 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback on this. It was indeed Passenger that inspired the story (thanks for the pick-up dewoelfle) ... not sure what I was thinking when I wrote the note ... probably distracted by my own title. And because of the repetition, I'll be attempting to re-post this so future readers don't have to suffer through that slip-up!

Hopefully the re-post works.

licks and kisses,


tenyaritenyariover 2 years ago

Did I mis read this or did the section with Melissa repeat twice?

It looks like it restarted what was on page 4, on page 6, after the double:



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