Into the Vampire's Lair Ch. 09


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"Cha cha? You mean those things you youngsters like to do nowadays?"

"It's not that young! I think I remembered dancing..." Amber started blinking. She remembered what? Sudden flashes of music, dancing... and a comment about an ice cube stuck to a chair...

"I think we should stop now..." said Aramis in concern. This was the second time that she was showing signs of fatigue. "I'll see you to your accommodations."

Amber tried to smile but her head was throbbing so suddenly.

"You will not return to Draven's quarters tonight. I want you to stay in the East Wing. There should be some clothes in there as my granddaughter used to sleep here so feel free to use them. You will also find some of my late wife's dresses. Take your pick of what you wish to wear tomorrow night. I will be expecting you," he said with a smile, releasing her hand gently.

If it wasn't for her headache, she might have protested but instead she merely nodded. "I see. Then I'd best be going."

He brought her to the East wing himself, letting her into the same room that his late wife and then Fiona had used. It was only after he left that Amber flopped herself on the bed in exhaustion.

So many things had happened since she arrived here that she wasn't sure what to believe anymore. As she stared at the ceiling, it occurred to her that she was in the East Wing. Didn't Lord Culzean said something about housing his guest in the East Wing? If she was going to be here that would mean...

Amber covered her face with a pillow and groaned. Of course. Draven's new wife was going to be in the West Wing with him. She was the guest... and the mistress.


The next morning...

"Alaron! You're here?" Draven was shaken awake by his brother after having dozed off while waiting for Amber to come to his room.

"Duh. Father's having a freaking ball tonight, in case you've conveniently forgotten. I've come here to kidnap you."

"What! Have you gone mad Alaron?"

"I'm just trying to help!"

Draven ignored him and rubbed the sleepiness away from his eyes. "What do you mean tonight? The balls's tomorrow, on the day of the Equinox."

"Yes, which is today. Hello... it is six in the morning."

"What!" Draven immediately shot up from his sofa and frantically searched his quarters for any signs of Amber. When he couldn't, he turned fearfully to Alaron. "Have you met Father yet?"

"I plan on kidnapping you remember?"

"No! Where is she?"



Alaron was staring at his brother with his mouth hanging wide open.

"You kidnapped the wolf under her Alpha's nose? Are you crazy? And you brought her here?!"

"Shut up brother and get out of here now."

"I won't! I'm not leaving you here to get married to some cold blooded woman!"

Draven stopped pacing and stared hard at his brother. "How did you know that?"

"Father called me yesterday to let me know that he's going to choose a bride for you tonight."

Whatever remaining colour on Draven's face palled immediately. Did he miss something? "What's happening tonight?"

Alaron raised his eyebrows and stared incredulously. "The ball?"

"He invited all the Pureblood families didn't he... oh god."

"Which is why we need to leave now."

"I can't... don't you see? I brought Amber here as a guarantee that I'd marry whomever he chooses and have the heir. I thought he was just going to present the woman to me and then we'll get her eggs hatching and be done with it. Oh but no... he has to invite all the debutantes and make sure that I do not disgrace the woman that I choose."

Alaron stared blankly at his brother's face before crossing his arms in irritation. "Just what the hell are you talking about?"

"You've been to our balls right Alaron? What do you think is the purpose of these things?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I just watch the pretty ones and then get bored afterwards."

"Exactly. You're just a little boy. No one pays you any attention. However, I'm like a piece of rare steak that has blood dripping all over. Everyone knows I have to sire an heir someday and my first wife has to be from one of the Pureblood families. So everyone expects the whole courting ritual once I've made my selection. The other families will extend invitations to us as a couple to various receptions, gatherings and what not. Not to mention I'll have to go over to her house and meet her family and smile; pretend I like the woman and make silly talk and bow incessantly because I have to protect her family's name as well as our own."

"And the problem is..."

"It's supposed to be just a transaction Alaron... I get her pregnant, then she delivers and she can get the hell out of our lives. That's it. Father's paying the family for our rights to keep the child and I don't see it beyond that. But if the other families keep on calling upon us to visit for this party or that function... I don't think I can stomach that... I don't want to pretend she's my wife when she's just..."

"The baby maker?"

"Yeah..." whispered Draven with a sigh and slumped against the wall. "And I suspect Father's kept Amber somewhere or worse, locked her up to ensure that I do not make a fool out of myself tonight. The moment I toe the line and commit some etiquette sin, he'll probably have her killed."

"Father's not that harsh..." whispered Alaron, although he was doubtful of his words. "But brother... you know you've got to do this... Father did it too and he had you. Now it is your turn."

The two of them kept quiet, each lost in their own thoughts for a few minutes.

Alaron felt sad for his brother. If he were born a Pureblood, he'd readily take his brother's place and save Draven all the pain that he was feeling.

"Who knows? You might even like the girl Draven..." he tried say but then knew that it was useless.

Draven's head was bowed down between his knees and Alaron didn't want to acknowledge that his brother might actually be sobbing so he inched further away until he was out of the door.


His first stop was Aramis's office. When he saw that his father was not there, he went into their drawing room and true enough his father was sitting on a rocking chair, staring up at a portrait... of his mother.

"Ah... Alaron, you're here," he spoke without turning back. When Alaron didn't say anything or move from his position, Aramis offered, "Come and sit with me... please."

Alaron moved closer to his father's rocking chair but didn't sit down as instructed. He simply stood beside him and stared up at his mother's face. He missed her terribly.

Forcing himself to take his gaze away from the portrait, he looked down at Aramis and frowned. "Father... I want to talk to you about tonight."

"You want to talk me out of finding a bride for your brother," he said simply.

"Yes, if that is possible."

"You know I can't do that my son. We all have our responsibilities."

Alaron kept silent for a long time before blurting, "Then what is mine? Am I just the useless son that you had without needing?"

Hurt was clear in Aramis's eyes as he shifted his gaze from the portrait to Alaron's face.

"I needed your brother... but I wanted you," he admitted softly before returning his gaze to the portrait. "Sit down Alaron..."

Alaron was confused and hurt too. It was the first time that he had ever blurted out his true feelings to his father like that and they were finally going to talk about it.

"I'm sorry Father for my rudeness," he began but Aramis simply shook his head.

"It is I who has to apologize. Your mother would have been very disappointed with me if she knew how I've treated you since her death."

Alaron didn't say anything but waited for his father to continue.

"I loved your mother so much. She was my life mate and I wanted to spend the rest of our centuries together. I wanted to turn her but she always kept procrastinating, saying that she wanted to live as a human for a few more years before she'd agree to turn."

The knowledge shocked Alaron. He had always wondered why his mother chose to remain a human all those years. If only she had turned... she wouldn't have died the way she did.

"You were the baby that was born out of our love for each other and I named you in the image of myself; three syllables, starting with an 'A'. But I had no idea of course how to take care of children. Draven was raised by wet nurses and governesses and I expected the same for you but your mother would not hear of it. You should be grateful that at least you knew what it's like to be loved by your mother... I'm sure your brother envies you for it."

Aramis paused to close his eyes as though trying to recall a memory. "But then your mother died... raped and kill by those human bastards. I kept thinking, what if I had turned her earlier, what if I had been there for her, what if, what if... And I started to blame you for it. You were such a willful child. You ran away from home because I reprimanded you about something and your mother ran out in search of you... She shouldn't have of course. She should have known you are an immortal that cannot die so easily. But she loved you and now she's left both of us."

"I'm sorry Father... I really am..." Alaron was blinking back tears. He had remembered finding his mother all broken and dead. The rage within him for her loss had made him hunt the men down... and that's when he lost control and attacked Fiona's family...

"It is I who should be sorry, not you..." said Aramis in a choked voice. "I couldn't even look at you after she died. You were coping with her loss by unleashing all your anger and tantrums and I envied that because I couldn't. Instead, I left you alone and withdrew into my own chambers when in fact we were two angry Vampires; angry with ourselves and wanting to lash out at each other," he admitted with a smile.

Alaron couldn't even bring himself to say anything anymore. His words were stuck in his throat and his eyes were welling so much that he couldn't see clearly.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been the best father to both you and your brother... but I love you both... in my own way."

Alaron looked up, seeing the way his father smiled sadly at him and the tears began to flow.

Aramis blinked at his own tears, realizing the truth of what he just said. Part of him yearned to cave in to Draven's decision on his mate but part of him knew that he had to stand firm with his own stand. It was enough to sacrifice one offspring for a political alliance... but another? What was the point really in allowing them to mate? Was conception even possible between the two species?

He couldn't imagine what it would be like to be subjected to an eternity without having any children. Hadn't he loved once too? As much as Fiona loved Keiran and Draven loved Amber?

But the Culzean bloodline needed another heir and truth was, he had really come to miss the feel of a child in his arms. Perhaps he might consider marrying again... or maybe not.

Aramis wasn't sure.


"So? How do you like it?" this came from the woman who had been fussing with Amber's hair and face for the past two hours. Amber simply wrinkled her nose and examined her reflection in front of the full length mirror. She did not even recognize the woman looking back at her.

She was wearing a red velvet gown that hugged her body almost like a second skin. It made her cringe at first when the woman had suggested she wear it. It had been a sweetheart neck dress with a plunging backline that made it impossible for her to wear a bra.

"Edna, are you sure it is legal for me to wear this?" she asked worriedly, turning around to stare at her exposed back.

"Oh please Madame! The women who'll be here tonight will dress much more daringly to catch the young Lord's eye. Surely you don't want to be a wallflower?"

Amber smiled. Oh yes, she'd rather be one! She didn't think she'd like having any attention at all.

"I look like I'm on fire Edna... red hair, red dress... you even dyed my lips red."

"You're gorgeous... I never failed to dress the ladies of this house in anything but the best. So tut tut. We have to go now."

Amber lifted her hands in resignation as she slipped into a pair of strappy shoes. She was dreading this ball and it hasn't even started...


Draven was scowling. He hated social events and was hating it even more for every minute he stood waiting for his father to arrive. He was convinced that Aramis had had Amber locked up somewhere and he was eager to get over with this bride selection and tear the castle down to find her.

"You should probably relax," said Alaron, slipping beside his brother. "Scowling like that won't get you the ladies."

I'll scowl all I want. Now where the hell is father? I want to get this stupid thing over and done like now.

"Be patient," he replied, ignoring his brother's snarl. "Not all the families are here yet. It's not even eight o'clock."

"Whose side are you on huh?" snapped Draven, glaring at his brother.

"I'm a neutral informant. My job is to keep you sane throughout the ball tonight."

"Yeah right," he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest impatiently. The unmated females had been giving him the eye ever since he stepped into the room. It seemed almost inappropriate this time to claim he was gay seeing that this ball was organized for him to find a bride. That had always been his gambit and he was annoyed that he couldn't make use of it tonight.

His sour disposition was suddenly interrupted by a silence from the orchestra, followed by an announcement that one of the Pureblood family had arrived. This was followed by another announcement and another. Clearly uninterested, Draven turned away only to face Alaron.

"Father's here," he pointed out and Draven turned. His scowl was immediately replaced by a shocked expression as he watched his father coming down the stairs with a beautiful woman in his arms. No, beautiful was too tame a word. She was drop dead gorgeous, sultry and dripping with sexual undertones.

"Good god... Amber looks like Jessica Rabbit," said Alaron, trying not to gape.

Draven gave an inward groan. He had no idea who this Jessica Rabbit was but there was no way in hell that he was going to let his mate walk around looking like that. He gave a low growl deep in his throat, sounding like a prowling lion approaching its dinner.

He was halfway across the ballroom when someone cut in front of his path. He was about to throw his guest a murderous look when he felt a clap on his back.

"Ah, young Draven! I heard that you will be taking a seat on the board of Elders tomorrow!"

"Léon," he acknowledged in surprise. Did he say tomorrow? And what was this Noble doing here? Surely his father had meant it for a Pureblood class only? Trying to sound as casual as he could he asked, "So, are you here on official Council duties or as my guest?" Draven tried to make it sound like a joke and was grateful that it worked.

Léon was laughing and said, "Both."

Draven tried to hide his displeasure at this news. Why would the Council be called in on a social event unless...

His eyes darted around the room, picking out the few Enforcers amongst the crowd. Why that old, evil fart...

It took Léon clearing his throat to snap him out of his mental cursing.

"Draven, I'd like you to meet my wife, Pamela and my daughters, Calliope and Clio," he introduced, beaming happily. Draven forced a smile on his face as he bowed his head slightly at the introduction.

"You named your daughters after the muses; how apt," he commented politely. "They must be very intelligent."

He vaguely heard what Léon was saying; nodding here and there, making appropriate comments along the way. However, his eyes were always glancing to wherever Amber and his Father were standing in the ballroom.

"Who is that delightful creature standing beside your father?" asked Léon, catching the line of Draven's gaze.

"She's a guest," he replied between gritted teeth but before he could make an excuse to leave, Léon had thrust one of his daughters closer to Draven.

"The opening dance," he simply mouthed and stepped backwards into the shadows. Draven's mouth was slightly gaping. He had forgotten all about the dance! Looking down, he saw Calliope or was it Clio staring expectantly at him.

Damn! He was cursing in his head but smiling sweetly to the young Vampire who had just curtsied in front of him. She was young; probably just under a hundred years old but like all Vampires, never looked older than thirty. Draven knew that this was just a courtesy dance. She wasn't a potential because she was of Noble birth and somehow that thought made him relax slightly.

"Let me, I am without a partner," interrupted Alaron, taking the young Vampire away from Draven. Go on. Go to her. I know you want to.

Draven gave a silent prayer of thanks for his brother and hurried away towards Amber and his father. The orchestra had started playing...

"Good evening Father," he greeted, the moment he reached the both of them. Without even waiting for his father's reply, he took Amber's hand gently away and led her to the centre of the ballroom.

The serenade for the opening waltz was beginning and the floor was soon filled with other couples. Draven held her right hand tenderly and placed his own right palm appropriately beneath her shoulder blade. He could feel the softness of her skin but chose to ignore it, just as he was trying to ignore his desire to look down unto her valley of voluptuousness. His mental health was already suffering from it.

"Draven?" she whispered. "You've got to start moving."

"Oh," he responded stupidly and fell into step with the others, twirling her with the grace of a seasoned dancer. She was smiling at him and Draven couldn't help but recall the one and only time she had forced him to dance with her during Fiona and Eian's wedding. In fact, she had called him an ice cube stuck on his seat. But he was no ice cube right now. His body was responding to her sensuous curves like an animal in heat.

"You look exceptionally breathtaking," he murmured, looking into her eyes.

"Thank you," she replied carefully, letting him twirl her once before slipping back into their hold on each other.

"Everyone's looking at you," he whispered, watching the way her eyelashes fluttered. "And everyone knows that I want to tear your dress off your body and take you right now."

She had the nerve to blush and Draven couldn't help but smile. On another occasion, she wouldn't think twice about walking about fully naked. It was a Were thing.

He was sorry when the music faded and they had to stop dancing. He had caught his father's eyes and read his mind telling him to take another dance partner. The longer he dragged the selection, the longer the night will be.

With a sigh, he released Amber's hands and watched her step away towards his father. Apparently she found some comfort in his presence and Draven was thankful for that. She was the only Werewolf in a nest of Vampires.


"Doesn't he look miserable?" Aramis commented as he watched his eldest son move across the dance floor with one female Vampire after another.

"Oh yes, he does," said Amber dryly. "I'd wish he'd hurry up and make up his mind. I don't quite like the way everyone is looking at me..."

"Well, they're looking at you because you're very beautiful and also a very unusual guest."

"Unusual?" she asked with a frown. She'd think Aramis's guest were the unusual ones. She'd been ask to dance by at least a dozen men in the room and everyone of them kept sniffing her neck like they were about to give her a hickey. Of course she didn't think they'd be that daring on the dance floor but some of them had been unbelievably rude! Clutching her buttocks and groping down her back! It was then that she decided - no more dancing.
