Invasion of the Pussy-Snatchers Act 03: Cassandra's Day

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Cassandra goes back to work...just another day at the office.
24.5k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/30/2014
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This is part of the third act of Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers that focuses on the character Cassandra. I recommend you read Acts One and Two as well as the Intro to Act Three before beginning this story. If you haven't read the parts focusing on Anna and Sherri yet, don't worry. Their stories all occur simultaneously to Cassandra's, so they may be read in any order. Once again, I have provided a cast of characters to help readers get up to speed if they haven't read this series in a while. Based on the length of this overall Act, I think readers understand why I broke this into five separate parts. In writing Cassandra's story I soon realized that just her part would end up being longer than Acts One and Two combined. Fearing that a single story would be too long and bloated to be enjoyed properly I have also decided to split Cassandra's story in Cassandra's Day and Cassandra's Night. Be sure to read Cassandra's Day first or Cassandra's Night won't make too much sense. Enjoy!


Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers: Act Three (Cassandra's Day)

Setting: New York City (Present Day)

Cast of Characters:

Cassandra: The protagonist of this series is a young professional in her late twenties. Cassandra has pale skin along with long brunette hair and brown eyes. She has a handsome face and a skinny, desirable body though she has always felt self-conscious about how small her breasts are in proportion to the rest of her. Cassandra doesn't fit the mainstream definition of attractive or sexy but there is something about her that both males and females find alluring. Cassandra works as a copy editor at a fashion magazine run by Catherine O'Hara. Cassandra fell under the sway of the Pussy Snatchers after resisting longer and harder than any of the other women that were converted. The Hive, which includes Cassandra's boss and coworkers, entrapped Cassandra and led her to being mind controlled by her friend Sherri. Under Sherri's influence, Cassandra is made to have sex first with Sherri and then with Cassandra's younger sister Anna. Sherri delivers the sisters to a mansion deep in the country wilderness where the Hive has its secret lair. Cassandra tries her hardest to resist again, but becomes filled with lust at the sight of the Hive's Queen. She has sex with the Queen and this act of copulation causes her to be assimilated into the Hive. Cassandra's mind and body belong to the Hive now. The Hive is a collection of women who have had their minds altered by the Queen to do her bidding. The process of Cassandra's assimilation is more involved than what her fellow Hivesisters experienced however, having had sex with the Queen multiple times rather than the one time her Hivesisters underwent. This has done something odd to Cassandra, something that makes her different from the others. She doesn't understand it yet, but she is changing. Becoming something more than human.

Sherri: Cassandra's roommate and best friend. They have been friends since grade school and are as close as sisters. Sherri has a mixed racial heritage, with skin colored a light caramel tone. She has dark brown eyes and short, black hair that sticks out in all directions like an afro in its infancy, though her hair looks more ragged than bushy. Sherri works part time in a lesbian dive bar at nights and at a hair salon during the day. She barely earns enough money to help with rent. Sherri has been an out and proud lesbian for over ten years. She normally never hits on straight women, but seemingly overnight her entire personality has changed. Sherri now seduces heterosexual women and turns them into pussy-hungry lesbians. Sherri has harbored a secret crush on Cassandra for years, and her proudest accomplishment thus far has been providing the formerly straight Cassandra with her first lesbian experience. Sherri's claim to fame is being the first to be assimilated into the Hive by the Queen and is the most loyal member of this strange lesbian cult.

Catherine: Cassandra's boss at Fashionistas, a fashion magazine publication. She has long dark hair and green eyes, with a face that constantly looks sulky and irritated. Catherine O'Hara was once an internationally famous beauty model but now thirty years later she is the editor-in-chief of a highly respected fashion magazine. At fifty-five, her beauty has long since passed her by and she has added several unsightly pounds of fat to her body. Despite her age, Catherine dresses as if she were still a twenty year-old sexpot. Sherri uses Catherine's low self-esteem and painful loneliness to lure her to Hive while also promising that if Catherine joined them she would possess great power over other women. Catherine takes the Queen in her mouth and swallows the Queen's seedpod, changing her into a willing thrall to the Queen and her Hive. With an initiative to convert as many women as possible, Catherine manages to turn several women in her office to the Hive by threatening to fire them and then forcing her desperate employees to perform sexual favors for her so they can keep their jobs. Cassandra is able to resist Catherine's initial advances when Catherine offers her young copywriter a promotion in exchange for oral sex. But Catherine later sets her employee on the path of indoctrination into the Hive by tapping into Cassandra's BDSM fantasies and giving her employee a good, hard spanking as punishment for being late to work. The secretly kinky Cassandra was unable to resist bending over Catherine's desk and letting her boss turn her ass red and raw. With her position of power and influence in an industry that employs several women, Catherine is one of the Hive's most important and influential members.

Alexis: This thirty-three year-old woman sits at the desk next to Cassandra at work and is Cassandra's only real friend in her office. Alexis has dark red hair and wears glasses. Her cheeks are speckled with freckles that lend her a cutesy look that makes her look younger than her age. She is about twenty pounds away from being able to successfully pull off the sexy librarian look. Alexis has previously been fired from her job as a graphic designer for Fashionistas, but after a private meeting with her boss Catherine she is given a second chance. It is unknown what exactly Alexis had to do to earn that second chance, but she apparently performed that duty admirably. As more and more women at her office are converted to the Hive, Alexis has become a sort of conductor for the depraved orgies that take place at her workplace. Despite having exhibited few homosexual tendencies prior to her transformation, Alexis has since had sex with every single woman at her office except for one. Cassandra has rebuffed all of Alexis' attempts to seduce her so far, and the unsuccessful chase had only made Alexis want Cassandra more desperately. Alexis would love nothing more than to straddle her friend's face and grind her pussy against Cassandra's mouth until her cum is smeared all over Cassandra's face. Alexis keeps busy at the Hive's mansion by training the Initiated women who have had the pleasure of tasting the Essence of the Hive but have yet to be assimilated. Her current trainees are Naomi, a young intern from work and a certain popular recording artist named Taylor.

Naomi: This sweet and innocent girl works at Cassandra's office as an intern. The cute blonde teenager was so naive and sheltered that Cassandra sometimes wondered if she even understood what sex was. Naomi can no longer display such ignorance any more. Alexis has managed to turn Naomi to the Hive, and after converting her Alexis passes the girl around the office so that all the middle-aged and older women can have a taste of the eighteen year-old's young, virginal flesh. The intern was always quick and eager to assist around the office with whatever the full-timers needed and they appreciated the girl's can-do attitude. The young woman remains just as eager to please her superiors, but with her mouth and pussy instead. Naomi finds that no feeling could possibly compare to that of making another woman come; her own pleasure is always secondary to the needs of others. Her forced inclusion into the Hive has unlocked a submissive side to Naomi that she didn't even know existed. Naomi willingly serves as a slave to any member of the Hive who desires her.

The Queen: An extraterrestrial being of extraordinary power. Though her body is not human, she identifies as a female. Her true form is unknown because she is a shapeshifter who appears to humans as a middle-aged woman with dark hair. Her body is absolutely flawless, with perfectly geometrical curves calculated to stimulate the most desire in humans and enough flesh on her breasts, thighs, and buttocks to appear shapely but not overweight. Her face and skin has not a single blemish or imperfection. Through sex, she releases a pod that embeds itself in her partner's bodies. The pod that the Queen produces bends the minds of women to her will and connects their consciousness to an overall hive mind. The assimilated women generate their own imitation of the Queen's otherworldly allure called the Essence. It is this dangerously addictive secretion that lures unsuspecting women into the clutches of the Hive. The Queen's goals are currently unknown, but she has been assimilating every woman she can get her "hands" on and her only clear aims are for expansion.

Day Eight

Cassandra stared out the car window at the awakening morning. It was early still, and the sun hadn't yet risen over the top of the skyscrapers. Cassandra's home of New York City stood to the east; the metropolis towered and reached vainly for the clouds only a couple miles away. The sun rested low enough beneath the October sky that the entire world retained a dim blue glow with a fiery solar red tinge underlying it. Cassandra spotted storm clouds forming far to the north but near the city the environment looked perfect, if a bit cloudy. The weather outside was colder than usual for this time of year, but in her climate controlled environment Cassandra could hardly tell.

Cassandra rode in the back of a limousine along with her three compatriots. Cassandra and the other women were on their way to work for the Monday start of the week, though you could hardly tell from her coworker's behavior. Cassandra stared out at the countryside with the metropolis towering in the distance, distracting herself while the other women made moaning and slobbering noises. In order to make it to the city in time for the normal start of work, the limousine had left the country mansion in the twilight hours of morning. The driver of the limousine was a Hivesister just like them. The Queen had several of these chauffeurs ferrying members of the Hive around on important business. They never seemed to speak or make any attempt to join in on the fun taking place in the back of the limo. About two hours into the drive, the women in Cassandra's company had abandoned all sense of decorum even though they were little more than half an hour away from work.

Cassandra glanced over at her boss and coworkers at the seat across from her. Catherine sat on the leather cushion and leaned back against the woman sitting behind her while another girl sat on the floor with her face between Catherine's legs. Catherine wore an expensive black dress that barely covered her breasts and thighs even under normal conditions. She had pulled her skirt up above her waist and since she had elected not to wear any underwear her naked crotch was visible. Catherine decided panties would only get in the way today. The top of Catherine's dress had been pulled down to expose her udder-like breasts that drooped down to the paunch of her belly.

Cassandra didn't know what to think of her boss any more. Before their shared membership in the Hive, Cassandra had despised Catherine O'Hara. She had been petty and domineering as a boss, demanding complete rewrites and reproductions of layouts for the most frivolous of reasons. Cassandra knew it was Catherine's tyrannical method of trying to assert control over her subordinates and maintain discipline. Cassandra also found Catherine's attempts to still dress and act young despite her age pathetic. Cassandra and her coworker Alexis had often made fun of Catherine behind her back and referred to her as 'the hag.'

After Catherine's assimilation, she made an awkward first attempt to seduce Cassandra that only increased Cassandra's revulsion for the woman. The next time she tried though, Catherine plied Cassandra when her employee was feeling particularly vulnerable and managed to coerce Cassandra into exploring her kinky side. Cassandra bent over Catherine's desk and allowed herself to be spanked. Maybe it was more due to the autumnal chill of the season, but Cassandra shuddered as she recalled Catherine dominating her, humiliating her, treating her ass like a piece of meat. The worst part had been the shame that Cassandra felt when she realized she had enjoyed it. Cassandra could scarcely believe how wet she became when Catherine spanked her. That had been the first step of the plunge that led to Cassandra's descent into the clutches of the Hive.

Now that they were Hivesisters, Cassandra had a whole different viewpoint on Catherine. Cassandra could now understand the crippling loneliness and longing that Catherine felt constantly and the ways she had to overcompensate for her innate sense of inferiority. Cassandra couldn't imagine how difficult it must have been to be considered one of the most desirable women in the world and then to lose it all. Cassandra still wouldn't quite say she liked Catherine, but she didn't really have to like her though they both belonged to the Hive. All that truly mattered was that they both worked for the betterment of the Hive and did not interfere with the other's plans.

Despite her ambivalence toward the woman, Cassandra still had sex with Catherine. Catherine had remained at her office during the weekdays last week while sending a couple of her employees to the mansion each night to be assimilated. When Friday night arrived, Catherine made the trip out to the country with her workers to participate in the debauchery. She badgered Cassandra throughout the night and all day Saturday to have sex with her. Catherine desired nothing more in the world than to watch her feisty copy editor down on her knees with her mouth between Catherine's legs. Of all her employees, Cassandra had been the only one to refuse eating Catherine's pussy. She was like the one that got away. It was only right that Cassandra helped to complete Catherine's total dominance of her office, and she explained as much to Cassandra every time they met on Saturday. Catherine's persistence paid off; Cassandra finally grew tired of Catherine's bothering and acquiesced to Catherine's request just to get her to shut up.

(Flashback: Saturday Night)

Cassandra believed her tongue had somehow become longer and more flexible than it used to be and at the moment Catherine enjoyed the full benefit of Cassandra's new abilities. Both women were naked inside the quarters Catherine had taken for the weekend. Catherine sat on the edge of an antique chair with while Cassandra sat bent over on the floor beneath her like a puppy. Using the tips of her index fingers, Cassandra spread apart Catherine's swollen labia that had become engorged by Catherine's weight and arousal. Cassandra extended her tongue toward the brightest pink area of Catherine's opening. She couldn't help thinking back to Catherine's first attempted seduction four days ago. The large, puffy folds and hairiness of Catherine's moist pussy had a powerful odor that altogether seemed revolting to Cassandra then. Cassandra knew better now. Catherine's wrinkled, old snatch had become a delicious treat. Catherine's flabby thighs hugging either side of Cassandra's cheeks felt like warm pillows encasing her in. Cassandra ate Catherine's vagina messily, uncaring of how much curly pubic hair ended up in her mouth or that Catherine's secretions were slowly soaking the lower portion of her face. Catherine's leaking wetness mixed with Cassandra's saliva to create a thick, syrupy concoction that dripped down Cassandra's chin to her neck.

Cassandra hated when women licked pussy tentatively, daintily licking with the tip of their tongue and not even trying to enter the other woman's opening. Cassandra gave it her all every time, using her mouth to fuck her partner. Her amazing oral skills were one of the reasons Cassandra had already become one of the most popular members of the Hive. That she mostly kept to herself and only gave her body to a select few made the demand for her services even greater. If there was a Queen of the Hive, then Cassandra was surely the Princess.

"Oh my God, yes!" Catherine screamed as she threw her head back and looked up at the ceiling. She moaned uncontrollably as Cassandra pleasured her using her tongue. Cassandra slurped her saliva off Catherine's pussy noisily and then placed her mouth back over Catherine to spit her drool into Catherine's vagina. Cassandra's long tongue followed afterward, wriggling its way inches deep inside of Catherine and exploring the inside of her pussy. Cassandra's stopped licking occasionally in order to suck Catherine's wrinkly pussy lips into her mouth and nibble them gently between her teeth.

"Holy fuck, I knew I was missing out not having you yet," Catherine panted as she leaned forward. Catherine grabbed Cassandra's brown hair and bunched it up above Cassandra's head in a fist to keep it out of the way while Cassandra ran her tongue up and down Catherine's slit. "Cassandra, look at me while your tongue is licking my pussy."

Cassandra drew her pretty brown eyes upward. Her gaze had to traverse the rolls of Catherine's paunchy stomach and the older woman's low-hanging breasts before their eyes could meet. Cassandra looks so sexy with her lustful eyes gazing up at me with that look of supplication as she eats my pussy, Catherine thought. Just a few days ago Cassandra had been so resistant to her. Every woman at Fashionistas visited Catherine's office and ate her just like this. Well, not quite like this, but nearly as good. Cassandra had been the only one to leave Catherine's office without drinking the come from her pussy first. Now that Cassandra had finally surrendered to the Hive, she adored the taste of a woman's genitals. Especially Catherine's.

Catherine used her hold upon Cassandra's hair to direct Cassandra's mouth to the locations in and around her vagina that Catherine desired most. She made Cassandra put her mouth right on Catherine's pubic area above her vulva and suck on her hair. Catherine could see Cassandra's nose crinkle as the curly, little pubes tickled her mouth. She moved Cassandra's mouth down so she could suck on Catherine's clitoris for a moment before controlling the movement of Cassandra's tongue as she licked Catherine's slit again. Catherine loved being in control of Cassandra after how feisty her copy editor had behaved earlier in the week.

{Remember when you refused to lick me, even when I promised you that nice promotion?} Catherine sent. Cassandra nodded as her tongue licked up and down Catherine's orifice. {I could see the disgust on your face when I pulled my underwear to the side and asked you quite politely to eat my cunt. Now look where we are, hmm? You on your knees for me, making out with my pussy like it's your lover's mouth. You are a dirty slut, Cassandra}

Cassandra moaned into Catherine's pussy. She didn't mind Catherine talking to her this way. Truth be told, she enjoyed the feeling of being dominated and humiliated. With their minds linked together, Catherine acquired the memory that suddenly popped into Cassandra's head.

{Oh, so that's what you want?} Catherine sent. {You are a naughty little whore, Cassie}
