Invasion of the Pussy-Snatchers Act 03: Intro

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A flashback to one character's assimilation.
20.4k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/30/2014
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It's been a long time coming, but finally here is the third act of Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers. I hope it is worth the wait! If you are a new reader to this series, I recommend reading acts one and two before beginning this installment. Once I started composing this story I realized that it was quickly becoming larger than I had ever planned on. Since I doubt even my most loyal readers would enjoy slogging through a 40+ page story, I decided to split the act into five parts. The intro section is a flashback that details the assimilation of a known character and acts as a teaser for the rest of the story. Next there are three parts titled Anna, Sherri, and Cassandra that occur concurrently and focus entirely upon the eponymous character. These can be read in any order since one part doesn't have to be read first in order to enjoy the others. Lastly, there is a final part that should be read last that ties all of the stories together. I am hoping to release each of the five installments weekly though some parts are longer than others so they might take a little bit longer. As before, I have included a cast of characters that you should know before each story in case it's been awhile since you read the first two acts. I hope you enjoy reading the final act of the first Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers trilogy as much as I enjoyed writing it. Be sure to let me know in a comment or private message what you think of each part. Now I'm proud to present:

Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers: Act Three (Introduction)

Setting: New York City, Present Day

Cast of Characters:

Cassandra: The protagonist of this series is a young professional in her late twenties. Cassandra has pale skin along with long brunette hair and brown eyes. She has a handsome face and a skinny, desirable body though she has always felt self-conscious about how small her breasts are in proportion to the rest of her. Cassandra doesn't fit the mainstream definition of attractive or sexy but there is something about her that both males and females find alluring. Cassandra works as a copy editor at a fashion magazine run by Catherine O'Hara. Cassandra fell under the sway of the Pussy Snatchers after resisting longer and harder than any of the other women that were converted. The Hive, which includes Cassandra's boss and coworkers helped entrap her and led her to being mind controlled by her friend Sherri. Under Sherri's influence, Cassandra is made to have sex first with Sherri and then with Cassandra's younger sister Anna. Sherri delivers the sisters to a mansion deep in the country wilderness where the Hive has its secret lair. Cassandra tries her hardest to resist again, but becomes filled with lust at the sight of the Hive's Queen. She has sex with the Queen and this act of copulation causes her to be assimilated into the Hive. Cassandra's mind and body belong to the Hive now. The Hive is a collection of women who have had their minds altered by the Queen to do her bidding. The process of Cassandra's assimilation is more involved than what her fellow Hivesisters experienced, having had sex with the Queen multiple times rather than just once. This had done something odd to Cassandra, something that makes her different from the others. She doesn't understand it yet, but she is changing. Becoming something more than human.

Sherri: Cassandra's roommate and best friend. They have been friends since grade school and are as close as sisters. Sherri has a mixed racial heritage, with skin colored a light caramel tone. She has dark brown eyes and short, black hair that sticks out in all directions like an afro in its infancy, though her hair looks more ragged than bushy. Sherri works part time in a lesbian dive bar at nights and at a hair salon during the day. She barely earns enough money to help with rent. Sherri has been an out and proud lesbian for over ten years. She normally never hits on straight women, but seemingly overnight her entire personality has changed. Sherri now seduces heterosexual women and turns them into pussy-hungry lesbians. Sherri has harbored a secret crush on Cassandra for years, and her proudest accomplishment thus far has been providing the formerly straight Cassandra with her first lesbian experience. Sherri's claim to fame is being the first to be assimilated into the Hive by the Queen and is the most loyal member of this strange lesbian cult.

Anna: Cassandra's little sister and second roommate. Anna is the bombshell of the two sisters, with gorgeous platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She boasts the large breasts and bubble butt that men seem to desire the most, a fact that has made Cassandra feel even more self-conscious ever since Anna reached puberty. Anna is studying photography at NYU and working part-time as a barista to try and contribute however she can. Anna has recently become curious whether she is bisexual and agrees to go on a date with Sherri despite Cassandra's objections. After that night with Sherri, Anna is never the same. Little did she realize that Sherri has been assimilated into the Hive and is solely dedicated to having the Dworkin sisters join her in decadent servitude to the will of the Queen. After a single taste, Anna has become addicted to Sherri's pussy and would do anything to have it again. Anna is so far gone that she even helped manipulate her sister into having sex with Sherri. Anna has become a slave to her own depraved sexual desires, even going so far as to have sex with her only sister. Anna thinks she is strong enough to resist the Hive's temptations, but as soon as she meets the Queen she falls to her knees in worship. Anna places her mouth on the Queen's pussy and willingly pledges her mind, body, and soul to the Hive.

Catherine: Cassandra's boss at Fashionistas, a fashion magazine publication. She has long dark hair and green eyes, with a face that constantly looks sulky and irritated. Catherine O'Hara was once an internationally famous beauty model but now thirty years later she is the editor-in-chief of a highly respected fashion magazine. At fifty-five, her beauty has long since passed her by and she has added several unsightly pounds of fat to her body. Despite her age, Catherine dresses as if she were still a twenty year-old sexpot. The circumstances of how Catherine became assimilated into the Hive are currently unknown. Catherine manages to turn several women in her office to the Hive by threatening to fire them and then forcing her desperate employees to perform sexual favors for her so they can keep their jobs. Cassandra is able to resist Catherine's initial advances when Catherine offers her young copywriter a promotion in exchange for oral sex. But Catherine later sets her employee on the path of incorporation into the Hive by tapping into Cassandra's BDSM fantasies and giving her employee a good, hard spanking as punishment for being late to work. With her position of power and influence in an industry that employs several women, Catherine is one of the Hive's most important members.

The Queen: An extraterrestrial being of extraordinary power. Though her body is not human, she identifies as a female. Her true form is unknown because she is a shapeshifter who appears to humans as a middle-aged woman with dark hair. Her body is absolutely flawless, with perfectly geometric curves calculated to stimulate the most desire in humans and enough flesh on her breasts, thighs, and buttocks to appear shapely but not overweight. Her face and skin has not a single blemish or imperfection. Through sex, she releases a pod that embeds itself in her partner's bodies. The pod that the Queen produces bends the minds of women to her will and connects their consciousness to an overall hive mind. The assimilated women generate their own imitation of the Queen's otherworldly allure called the Essence. It is this dangerously addictive secretion that lures unsuspecting women into the clutches of the Hive. The Queen's goals are currently unknown, but she has been assimilating every woman she can get her "hands" on and her only clear aims are for expansion.

(Flashback: Seven Days Ago)

Crystal champagne glasses clinked together in a toast. The dinging noise rang loudly above the muted hum of conversation echoing through the restaurant. Catherine brought the flute to her lips and took a substantial drink. A bottle of this authentic French champagne cost even more than the fine crystal stemware she held between her fingers. Catherine swished the alcoholic beverage around her mouth and rolled it underneath her tongue to obtain its full flavor before swallowing the bubbly liquid.

"Catherine, you have done it again," the man sitting in the chair next to her said admiringly. "Simply marvelous."

"You flatter me, Xavier," said Catherine with a blush. She waved her hand as if nothing she ever did was of importance and produced the most girlish sounding giggle she could manage.

"Do you realize what this means? By my calculations, reducing your number of staff to the level you suggested will improve the stock in our company by an entire point," said the thin, aging man. "You are about to become a very rich woman."

"And you are about to become an even richer man," Catherine retorted. She grinned above her champagne flute before drinking again.

Xavier Magnuson chuckled. Catherine O'Hara's wit had yet to fade at least.

The restaurant they convened at was located on one of the upper floors of the Chrysler Building. Catherine and Xavier were seated near a window where they could see all the way out past Brooklyn due to the clear skies. The setting sun lent a fiery brilliance to the evening that Catherine took to be romantic. The restaurant had a dimly lit ambience, with only candles at the tables and a few overhead lights providing illumination. A large pond containing several rare species of fish had a wooden bridge overhanging it that needed to be crossed before reaching any of the dining tables. An antique hand carved bar that blocked the view of the open kitchen stocked only the most expensive wines and liqueurs. The restaurant tables were small, with chairs seated close together to provide a close and intimate vibe. The fare at this fine-dining establishment had been conceived by some of the most famous chefs in the world and only the elite of New York City were even aware of the restaurant's existence. The entrance was a sealed metal door that gave no indication of what was inside. The restaurant didn't even have a name to give away its existence. Very classy, very exclusive, and very pricey.

Though they dined at one of the most expensive and exquisite restaurants in all of New York City, Xavier had only ordered a simple salad to go with the bottle of extra dry champagne. He even refused dressing with it. The mostly finished bottle of champagne rested in a bowl of ice sitting in the middle of the table. Catherine had salivated when their server described the special for the evening. A bone-in porterhouse steak with bleu cheese melted on top of it along with sides of creme brulee potatoes and greens beans with bacon bits mixed in. Catherine desired desperately to order the special, but she wanted to retain a certain sense of restraint and decorum this evening and not come off as a glutton to the owner of her magazine. She instead ordered the same salad as Xavier, though Catherine couldn't resist ordering creamy ranch dressing to go with it.

"I have to admit I am somewhat concerned that your magazine can continue to publish volumes at its current rate and quality considering the staff reduction," said the publishing magnate as he leaned back in his chair and took another swig of champagne. People at their level of society never used nasty words like 'firings' or 'layoffs'. They used coded phrases like staff reductions and migrations, or Catherine's personal favorite of letting opportunity seekers be free to fulfill their dreams.

"Not to worry," Catherine said reassuringly. "We will hire some new staff members fresh out of college and pay them half what their predecessors made. Young people are so desperate for jobs right now that they will work for almost anything."

"Quite so," Xavier said distractedly. He looked down at the meals he and his guest had ingested. Xavier picked at his salad, only eating the best bits of vegetables and ignoring the spinach and arugula. He rarely had an appetite for anything any more. Catherine however had devoured her entire salad voraciously. Xavier finished his champagne and clapped his hands together. "Well, my physician has recommended I reduce my intake of caffeine and sugar so I'm afraid I must decline any coffee or dessert this evening. Shall I have the maitre'd call a cab for you?"

This was the moment Catherine had been waiting for. While Xavier was over sixty years old and had been bald for years, he remained an enormously handsome man. Catherine worked her foot out of its high heeled shoe. She moved her foot to the other side of the table and brushed it against Xavier's ankle. Catherine rubbed her toes up and down his leg seductively. "Actually Xavier," Catherine said slyly. "I thought perhaps I might join you this evening."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," Xavier said awkwardly as he moved his leg away from Catherine's wandering appendage. "I am your employer, and it would be highly improper."

"Whatever are you talking about?" Catherine asked with some frustration. "It's not like it would be the first time I've shared your bed." She moved her foot back toward Xavier and rubbed the sole of her foot against the top of his shoe.

Xavier sighed. "I thought we were past this, Catherine. It would be inappropriate for us to have any sort relationship aside from our business partnership."

Catherine shook her head and groaned with frustration. "What are you so afraid of? If you are concerned with your performance I'm sure we can pick something up at a drug store on the way back to your flat."

Xavier harrumphed. "I assure you my 'performance' is not the issue."

"I didn't mean to imply-," Catherine started before being cut off.

"I had no intention of dragging this all up again," Xavier said wearily as he laid his head in the palm of his hand and stroked his forehead. "We've been through this time and time before. I invited you to dinner as a celebration and reward for exemplary performance in your duties as editor-in-chief of your magazine. This meal was a formality only."

"Quit being so coy, Xavier," Catherine said impishly as she moved her foot up Xavier's leg until it passed his thigh and brushed against his crotch. "It doesn't become you."

Xavier pushed his chair out and stood up. Catherine's heart sunk as she detected barely contained anger in Xavier's expression. "Catherine, I am very proud of the all you have accomplished," Xavier said brusquely. "But I find your professionalism highly questionable."

Catherine must have had a few too many glasses of champagne, and having had a few tumblers of scotch in her office at the end of the working day wasn't helping either. Her reaction to Xavier's protestations was to reach over and place her hand on Xavier's groin. She felt Xavier's flaccid penis beneath his slacks and gave it a light squeeze. "How is this for professional, darling?"

Xavier slapped Catherine's hand away. He had finally lost his temper. Xavier sneered at Catherine and said acidly, "Do you want to know the real reason I do not wish to spend the night with you? It's because I no longer find you physically attractive! You are old, overweight, and disgusting!" As soon as he completed his outburst, regret instantly formed on Xavier's face. "I apologize. That was an awful thing to say to you. I should go." Xavier's eyes searched around frantically for the exit. When he located it, Xavier looked back at Catherine a final time and said, "Good night, Catherine," before departing.

Catherine stared in shock as Xavier walked out on her. Catherine drowned the rest of her champagne in a single gulp and buried her face in her hands. Sobs wracked her body as she wept. Catherine had been telling herself she was unattractive for years now, but it was one thing to think it and quite another to hear someone say it to her face. The fact that she had once been famously skinny and beautiful made her self-esteem even worse now that she was old, fat, and ugly.

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

Catherine's makeup must be a mess. She wiped the tears from her eyes with her napkin and blew her nose into it loudly. Streaks of dark makeup stained the red fabric she used as a tissue. Catherine looked up at the waiter who only now realized she had been weeping.

"Er, I'm sorry to interrupt," the handsome young waiter said awkwardly. "I just wanted to know if you needed anything else this evening. Mr. Magnuson is an exclusive member so anything you ask for will be yours."

Catherine barked a laugh and briefly considered running up tons of charges on Xavier's account. Catherine dismissed the thought as soon as it had entered her mind. Catherine examined the young man acting as her waiter. She had been so focused on Xavier that she hadn't realized how cute this boy was. He didn't seem very intelligent, and with his muscles and chiseled jaw it appeared likely he had been a jock in school. Probably a star athlete, judging by the look of him. Despite his dimness, the waiter had a ruggedly handsome face and looked strong and fit. With men of this stature, they either possessed a thin, puny four-inch dick or a long, thick nine-inch cock. There never seemed to be an in between. Catherine wondered if he would be willing to go to bed with her for a $1000 tip. She needed a man, someone who could fill the holes of her body and maybe the holes she felt in her soul.

Catherine hungered for cock. But whenever she thought about sex she became worried that the same disaster that transpired the last time she hired a gigolo might reoccur. Since enduring menopause, Catherine's vagina seemed unable to become wet no matter how aroused she felt. It made sex enormously difficult, even with artificial lubricant. The friction became so terrible the last time that Catherine had no choice but to make the male prostitute stop fucking her, denying herself the orgasm she had paid good money for. The shame of her sexual dysfunction felt unbearable. Just the thought of such an event reoccurring prevented Catherine from propositioning her waiter.

The waiter stood patiently while Catherine thought, though he did appear visibly annoyed by her delayed response. Finally, Catherine decided to request the only things the only things in her life aside from her job that gave her pleasure any more.

"May I please have a slice of the triple chocolate cheesecake and a glass of your strongest red?" Catherine asked.

"Of course, ma'am. I will have that out for you in just a minute."

Hours later, Catherine wandered the streets of Manhattan alone. She walked aimlessly through the streets with a slight stumble caused by her intoxication. After finishing her wine and dessert, Catherine left the restaurant and made a point of stopping for a drink at every bar she walked by. She had been in dive bars, classy upscale cocktail bars, and some bars that Catherine hadn't realized were actually family restaurants. Catherine didn't know where she was going, she just knew she didn't want to go home alone. She felt sad and lonely, and hoped that enough alcohol would obliterate those emotions. At this rate, she might as well drink all night long and go into work early to doze on the sofa in her office.

Catherine looked down at her dress and body as she walked. She wore a sultry dark blue dress that showed off her ample cleavage. The dress was two sizes too small and clung to her tightly. The hem of the dress ended well before her knees. Catherine had hoped she looked sexy in this attire, but now she realized she just looked ridiculous. The tightness of the dress only emphasized her bulk and the short skirt just revealed tree trunk sized legs. How could she have been so stupid to think she actually looked good?