Is This Seat Taken?


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"Aieegh!" Whitney suddenly screamed as Polly lightly bit Whitney's clitoris.

Polly's anus felt raw when Whitney pulled her fingers from Polly's rectum. With one long lick to Polly's inner lips, Whitney rolled from straddling Polly's head. For several long moments, the two lovers lay, Whitney's feet on Polly's pillows.

"You know what?" Polly finally spoke. "Sixty nine? Not really my favorite."

"Oh?" Whitney asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm doing you, but I can't think because you're doing me and it's just this big overload," Polly admitted.

"What you got to drink?" Whitney suddenly asked.

"Lemonade, water, um, think, yeah pretty sure Chad left some beer here. Actually kind of shocked he left beer at all," Polly said.

"Got anything like vodka or oh, I know, whiskey?" Whitney asked.

"Yeah, I got a bottle of, Nicole gave me a bottle of St. Elizabeth's Premium whiskey when I passed the bar," Polly said.

Using her cell phone to look up the recipe, Polly made an Old-Fashioned for Whitney. She made herself a whiskey sour and nodded with satisfaction; it was almost as good as Terry's, the bartender from The Casual. They returned to Polly's bedroom, carrying their drinks.

"Mm, mm, watch!" Whitney giggled, taking the maraschino cherry from her glass.

Polly watched as Whitney closed her mouth, then spit the cherry stem out. She showed the stem to Polly, giggling.

"It's, how'd you do that?" Polly asked, seeing that the cherry stem was tied in a loose knot.

"Why I'm good at sucking cock," Whitney laughed happily.

"And, uh, kissing kitties?" Polly suggested and kissed Whitney.

"And kissing kitties," Whitney agreed and opened her mouth for Polly's tongue.

Finishing her drink, Polly put the glass onto her bedside table, on a coaster, then rolled on top of Whitney, pressing the woman against the fluffy comforter. She kissed Whitney, surprised at her own aggressiveness.

"Mm, oh," Whitney moaned as Polly sucked on Whitney's left nipple.

Whitney put her half-empty glass onto her bedside table and wrapped her arms around Polly's head. Polly switched to Whitney's right breast while her hand continued to toy with Whitney's left breast.

Wiggling down, Polly brought her mouth to Whitney's kitty. She used her fingers and her tongue to pleasure Whitney. Whitney wrapped her thighs around Polly's head and screamed out in orgasm.

"Been a long day for me," Whitney confessed as she finished her drink.

Whitney dug around in her cloth bag and pulled out a light blue satin teddy. She wiggled into the garment and modeled it for Polly's approval. Happily, Whitney skipped into the bathroom and brushed her teeth.

Polly rummaged around in her drawer and found a soft pink baby doll nightie with matching panties. Whitney approved of Polly's sleepwear and Polly smiled.

Again, Whitney knelt by her side of the bed and said her prayers. Then the two women kissed before Polly shut off the bedside lamp.

In the morning, Polly quietly showered then prepared for church. Looking into the mirror, Polly saw a beautiful, successful young woman looking back at her. Her hairstyle was short, but feminine. Her makeup was sparingly used, but she wore cosmetics. Her clothing was soft and frilly and feminine.

"I don't, I don't look like a lesbian," Polly said to her reflection.

Opening the door of the bathroom, Polly saw the lump in her bed. She smiled; that lump was a woman, a young, beautiful woman, a young beautiful lover. Polly walked around to Whitney's side of the bed and gently kissed Whitney's nose.

"What? God, what time is it?" Whitney complained.

"Eight thirty, sleepy head," Polly laughed, again kissing Whitney's nose.

"Eight...Polly, I, this is my day to sleep late," Whitney complained, lightly pushing Polly. "Go away."

"I'm going to church," Polly laughed. "Then after, my mom says she's taking me to Side By Side for their brunch."

"Fine," Whitney said, burrowing underneath the comforter. "Bye."

Polly wondered at her own sanity. She did not know Whitney, other than the blonde worked at PC Nation, in their Elgee Data Center. But she left this stranger alone in her home.

Father Brighton seemed to be in a foul mood that morning. Polly wondered if the Cabrini High School football team might have lost another game the previous Friday. Next to her, Ann Marie Chastaine was somewhat nervous, unable to keep her hands or her feet still for any length of time.

"You okay?" Polly asked, after her mother's absent minded foot swing jostled the pew.

"I uh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay," Ann Marie said, ceasing with her jiggling.

A moment later, Ann Marie's leg was again swinging. Thankfully, they rose to stand. But now, Ann Marie fumbled with the buttons on her sweater.

"Now, I uh, we meeting up at that Side By Side," Ann Marie reminded Polly as they waited to leave the church.

"Uh huh," Polly said. "I get there first, I'll let them know..."

"We needing a table for three," Ann Marie quickly said.

"Oh?" Polly teased, then fell silent as her mother shot her a quite perturbed look.

At the restaurant, Polly and Ann Marie told their waitress they wanted coffee and Ann Marie ordered two Bloody Marys.

"I love, I don't know how they get these cinnamon rolls so light, but I swear, I could eat a dozen of them," Polly enthused.

"Uh huh, and what they was calling you in high school?" Ann Marie reminded Polly.

"Polly Piggy," Polly frowned, recalling a time when she was severely overweight.

"I uh, I, Polly, I got me something tell you yeah," Ann Marie said, her Cajun accent becoming quite thick.

Polly took a long gulp of her Mimosa and waited. Losing her father had been a devastating blow for Polly and her two older brothers. She searched her mother's eyes, hoping she wasn't about to hear that she was going to lose her mother as well.

"I, I don't, man, I done gone over this and over this and now don't know what say no," Ann Marie fumbled.

The woman looked at Polly, a slow blush coming to her face. She then looked over Polly's shoulder and sighed.

"Man, your daddy, I done what was right yeah," Ann Marie said. "When he, when we find out I'm 'bout have Michael, we up and got married. And I, we had us three you kids."

"I know," Polly smiled what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "Married in February, had Michael in June."

"And when your daddy died, I ain't never prayed that happen to him no," Ann Marie said.

"I know," Polly said softly.

"But he die? I say to myself, 'Ann Marie, you ain't living like this no more no,'" Ann Marie continued.

"Living like, Mother, what are you trying to say?" Polly asked.

"Polly, I'm gay me," Ann Marie confessed.

"You, you're what?" Polly shrieked, causing some patrons to look over.

"I known all my life," Ann Marie whispered, waving her hands at Polly, trying to ward off any future outbursts.

"You, but, but," Polly stammered, then goggled at her mother. "But, me, when you caught me and Mary Beth..."

"And her momma belonged to that crazy church, bunch people screaming and hollering," Ann Marie said. "Last thing I needed me was that woman at our house carrying on you was doing wrong with her girl."

"Hello love, sorry I'm late," an attractive blonde woman said to Ann Marie in a decided English accent.

Polly looked at the elegantly dressed blonde. There were some small indentations in the corners of the woman's brilliant blue eyes. Her waist length blonde hair had some strands of silver among the gold. Her smile was an easy one, the smile of a confident, mature woman.

"And you must be Polly; you are every bit of stunning as Ann Marie has said," the woman said, extending her manicured, bejeweled hand. "Thelma. Thelma Byrd."

"Polly Chastaine," Polly said, taking the offered hand. "As I was telling my mother, the cinnamon rolls are to die for."

"Mm? Then I believe I'll have to give them a go, won't I?" Thelma said, looking at the buffet table. "Is this my Bloody Mary?"

"Yes ma'am," Polly said, scraping the last bite of her cinnamon roll into her mouth.

"I cannot, I am, my mother?" Polly muttered to herself as she grabbed another plate and scooped some cheese grits onto her plate.

Whitney's car was gone when Polly finally left her mother and her mother's girlfriend at Side By Side. Polly was disappointed; she'd hoped to be able to share her mother's revelation with someone. She'd promised not to tell her two older brothers; Ann Marie wanted to be the one to tell them.

"Oh, my God, Michael, Michael's going to hit the roof," Polly giggled, thinking of her ultra-conservative, born-again Christian brother.

Finding out that she'd been punished for kissing Mary Beth simply because her mother had not liked Mary Beth's mother, and perhaps out of a twinge of jealousy made Polly sit down. At the time, she'd believed the punishment to be quite excessive. Later on, Polly had to smile; what teenaged girl doesn't believe any punishment to be excessive?

"Fear sure does cause a lot of unhappiness," Polly decided, then fixed herself a whiskey sour.


"Hi!" Whitney bubbled happily when Polly called her.

"Hey, I'm between clients; just wanted to give you a call," Polly said.

"Oh! Aren't you sweet?" Whitney cooed.

"Listen, hmm, opening arguments tomorrow, probably keep me tied up doing anything Wednesday night?" Polly asked. "See, Sweet Pea's got stuffed pork chops and..."

"Wednesday? Oh, Polly, I can't. See, John-John asked me out? He's taking me to Radcliffe's? You ever been there?" Whitney said happily.

"Oh. I uh, oh okay, have fun," Polly mumbled and ended the call.

At her trial the following morning, Polly waived her opening statements until it was time for the defense to present their case. Jimmy Whitehead looked somewhat uncomfortable but Polly gave him a reassuring smile.

"Discovery? Didn't reveal enough to carry this case forward," Polly whispered. "I want them to shoot all their ammunition. Anything comes up that should have been presented during discovery? We'll move for a mistrial."

On Thursday, Polly did manage to have the case thrown out. The judge did move to charge Kenneth Prejean, Jr. with prosecutorial misconduct.

"So, that's it? I'm, I'm free?" Jimmy asked, elated. "This shit is over?"

"Uh huh. Mr. Whitehead? In the future? Might I suggest you keep it in your pants," Polly said, gathering her papers and stuffing them into her battered old briefcase.

"I'm going buy you a brand new briefcase," Jimmy promised, elated.

"Don't. This was a gift from my grandmother," Polly said. "I plan to use this until the day I die."

"Good work," Eric Greene complimented when Polly came into the office Friday morning.

"Most excellent, Ms. Chastaine," Nicole praised.

"Then why do I feel like a God damned loser?" Polly asked herself as she turned her attention to her computer monitor.

At the day's end, Polly stepped outside and felt the shiver of winter's approach. The air was crisp and a sudden gust from the Atchafalaya blew a cold wind that seeped through Polly's business jacket and silk blouse.

Driving home, Polly saw the faintly lighted sign for The Casual lounge. Almost of its own accord, her car slowed and pulled into the parking lot of the neighborhood bar.

"Hey!" Terry happily called out. "Know, we ain't had no one try that whiskey since you was in here last time."

"So? I'm going get a discount?" Polly joked and took a seat at the bar.

"Uh, no," Terry smiled. "Come on, Joe Bob, what'll it be?"

"Fine, fine, here's the keys, pain in the ass," the old man grumbled and slid his car keys to the bartender.

"Joe Bob, why you got be like that?" Terry asked, walking to where Polly waited.

"Give me a shot," Polly nodded toward the bottle of aged whiskey.

"Yes ma'am!" Terry smiled and carefully poured out the drink.

Polly took a sip and savored the taste of the fine whiskey. She smiled as the liquid slid down her throat.

"Is this seat taken?" a breathy voice asked.

"No, no it's not," Polly said, turning to smile into Whitney's worried face.

"I, I didn't know if you'd want to even see me?" Whitney whispered, sliding into the comfortable seat.

"Yes ma'am?" Terry asked Whitney.

"She'll have a shot too," Polly said, taking another small sip of the expensive whiskey.

"I, when you didn't call me no more? I, Polly, I, I feel so stupid," Whitney apologized, resting her hand on Polly's thigh.

"Remember, sip it slowly," Polly reminded Whitney when Terry put the small shot glass in front of Whitney.

"Mm, that, that really is good," Whitney said.

"So? How was, you uh, you had a date with..." Polly asked, stomach knotting up.

"John-John? Horrible," Whitney said. "I mean, Radcliffe's? It's nice? But then he thought I owed him sex?"

"Some guys are like that," Polly agreed, thinking of Chad.

If Chad bought Polly a hamburger at Clark's, he thought that entitled him to sex. If not full intercourse, then at least a blow job.

"And then he called me a stupid prick tease," Whitney said, bottom lip quivering.

"Chad would have called me that and a lot worse," Polly thought.

"We'll have another," Polly said when Terry came around to check on them.

"I'll buy this one," Whitney offered, reaching for her purse.

"No. No you will not," Polly said, resting her hand on Whitney's bare thigh.

Whitney was wearing a sleeveless shift that barely reached to mid-thigh. The light green color brought out her light blonde hair and her beautiful green eyes. Whitney's braless condition was readily apparent; her rock hard nipples were poking through the thin material.

Polly unbuttoned the second and third buttons of her blouse. Whitney's eyes crinkled and her smile revealed her perfect teeth when Polly's rose tattoo came into view, just above the lacy trim of her bra cup. The color was starting to fade, but the tattoo was still visible.

"Three drafts, and hey, whatever the two ladies are having," a burly man said to Terry.

"Oh. I don't think you want to do that," Terry smiled, grabbing a frosted mug from the freezer.

"He's got a wedding ring on," Whitney said to Polly.

"And a big old beer gut," Polly whispered in reply.

"Aw yeah, Terry, come on, just put it on my tab," the man smiled at the two beautiful blondes.

"Grady, you don't want to do that," Terry said, pushing the third beer across the bar. "What's Melinda going say you come home out a hundred bucks?"

"Do what?" Grady sputtered.

"Thanks mister," Polly cooed, batting her eyes at Grady.

"Yeah, thanks," Whitney smiled.

"I uh, hey now, wait a minute," Grady stammered. "Terry, don't you dare, hear?"

"Thanks Terry," Polly smiled as Grady returned to his two companions, beers in hand. "First laugh I've had all week."

"Absolutely," Terry smiled, leaning close. "Guy's married, but anything in a skirt comes in here? He's all over them."

"Run the card, Terry," Polly smiled, sliding her credit card to Terry.

"Yes ma'am," Terry agreed. "Yes, Joe Bob, I see you. I'll get it in just a minute."

"I want another one," Polly admitted to Whitney. "But if I do? I won't be able to drive."

Whitney's hand came to rest on Polly's thigh. She rubbed Polly's thigh softly through Polly's skirt, slip and pantyhose.

"My apartment's only three blocks that way," Whitney whispered.

"Uh huh, but my house's got a hot tub," Polly whispered, signing for the four drinks.

"And, if you let me sleep late tomorrow morning?" Polly said, getting to her feet. "I'll take you for a ride on my motorcycle."

"Thanks, Mr. Grady," Whitney called out cheerfully, getting to her feet.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Grady," Polly echoed, giving Terry a wink. "I thought I was going have sleep with him to pay for my drinks."

"Yeah, thanks a lot, Grady," Terry groused. "I had a sure thing 'til you come along."

Terry! Damn it, I told you..." Grady protested, truly concerned.

Outside, the cold air greeted the two women. Polly chanced putting her arm around Whitney's waist as she guided the beautiful blonde toward her small car.

"I, I missed you," Polly admitted.

Polly wasn't ready to say 'I love you' to Whitney. So, 'I missed you' would have to do for now.

"Missed you too," Whitney said. "I was hoping and praying you'd come in tonight. When I seen your car, oh! My heart? I, it just beat so hard."

Polly unlocked her car. Opening the passenger door, Polly gave Whitney's lips a quick kiss. Polly was rewarded with a brilliant smile and a second kiss from Whitney.

The End.

**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories. I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, whether they be good or bad. I also thank those that take the time to rate my words, those that 'Favorite' my work.

Polly Chastaine is a minor character mentioned in a few tales, such as 'Life Anew' in the transgender & Crossdressers category. The law firm of Banks, Chastaine & Greene is first mentioned in 'Multiple Units #109 in the Loving Wives category.

The one hundred and twenty nine year old Oakleaf whiskey was produced in 'Beyond The River' in the Anal category.

Whitney Sidowski is a character first introduced in 'Vanity' in the Loving Wives category. Her supervisor, Richard Gerrard is also introduced in the same story. His marriage to Ethel Youngblood, now Ethel Gerrard is mentioned in 'Hard Lessons Learned' in the Loving Wives category.

Chelsea Duhon, the Performance 12 News reporter that gave the blurb about The Casual Lounge having a very expensive whiskey is a character first introduced in 'On Channel 12' in the Loving Wives category.

Nicole Banks is a minor character in a few of my stories. She plays a stronger role in the 'Edge Of Breaking' series in Lesbian Sex, as well as 'Vanity' in the Loving Wives category.

Kirsten Landry and Robin Theriot are introduced in 'Multiple Units #109' in the Loving Wives category.

Thelma Byrd, Ann Marie's lesbian lover is a prominent character in 'Torn" Flip Flops' in the Lesbian Sex category.

Jimmy Whitehead, Polly's client is a minor Character in the 'Edge Of Breaking' series, as well as 'Nudge' in the Loving Wives category. What was he charged with? Doesn't matter, the charges were dismissed. But as his attorney said, Jimmy might want to keep it in his pants from now on.

Eric Greene, the third partner of the law firm is a character first introduced in the 'Inferno' series in the Loving Wives category.

Grady, the married man that attempts to buy Polly and Whitney a drink is a character from 'Almond Eyes' in the Transgender & Crossdressers category and 'Eyes Like The Ocean' in the Anal category.

Have a swell day. And some of you, have a swollen day.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I think Polly needs to take control and let Whitney know she is her girl now. No more going on dates with men. Whitney deserves love and respect, but behaving as she did was very naughty, and perhaps a moderate spanking over Pollys knee, followed by cuddles and kisses would set the tone for the future. Lots of kisses!

I think Whitney will make Polly a perfect wife, and Polly in turn will really look after her little Blondie.

JusteenKJusteenKalmost 2 years ago

I hope one day you return to this wonderful, quirky couple and let us know how they're getting on.

BillyslateBillyslateover 2 years ago

Delightfully Cute!

I absolutely loved this story and feel Polly and Whitney, should be left alone to bask in their Love and Peace!🎉 I do not feel a PT.-02 could ever reproduce or equal the spontaneity of Polly and Whitney's adventure to love in this story.

Polly & Whitney's Imperfections Makes Them PERFECT🎉

Definitely A 5*-Star Rated Story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story.

msspnnrmsspnnrover 2 years ago

Thoroughly enjoyed this story. Loved the local dialect and hope we see a chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I always enjoy your stories JimBob. This one is no exception xxxx

Only_connectOnly_connectover 2 years ago

The story moves at breakneck speed... The dialogue is such fun (for a Brit who never heard the barbaric cuteness of cajun-speak before), well-written and natural. A big plus. And the sex... Did I mention the sex is nicely described, and positive, and lovingly detailed. For me, the interesting part is that although the style is simple, we get a sort of cumulative depth of the characters as the story progresses. Nice, and natural.

yhgtbkyhgtbkover 2 years ago

A really ejoyable story.

If I may respond to anonymous's criticism of the language used by the characters, it is clearly evident that anonymous has never been to south or central Louisana. That is part of the Cajun culture to speak like that.

gnome_mangnome_manover 2 years ago

Excellent story. Whitney and Polly are both outstanding characters, with Whitney being a particularly fine person. So endearing, so funny; easy to fall in love with.

I agree that a Chapter Two would be really nice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Is there a particular reason why every character in the story talks like a homie? Because it utterly ruins the story for those who have a proper understanding of the English language. If it's just the way you write or the way you speak, then I would strongly recommend you find an editor. If it's meant to be a portrayal of how the characters actually speak in the context of the story, I would have to say you're catastrophically off base to the real world. Lawyers don't talk like homies; mothers of lawyers don't talk like homies; little blonde IT bombshells don't talk like homies.

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