It Started in the Rain Ch. 06


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"Are they still at the house?" Pam asked.

Connie nodded and said, "It just happened. Jake called us first. Now he's calling 911."

I stepped a little harder on the gas. "He needs us." I said.

We were there before the paramedics, police or anyone else. I gave my cell to Kat and she called Megan at work. I called Brian and almost a dozen other people. Jake was sitting on the couch next to Sio, holding her in his arms. I left the front door open. Pam met the responders in the driveway and talked to them before they entered. They entered quietly and did what they needed to do with as little fuss as possible. When it was time to take Sio's body we all walked with the gurney to the van. Each of us kissed her good-bye; they closed the doors of the van and drove away. Megan, Bonnie and Connie helped Jake back into the house.

They put him on a couch and bracketed him. Megan on his left and Bonnie on his right. I went to my office and started making more calls to their family and friends. One of those calls was to Commander Cross. I asked that she clear the way for Pete to get some time with us, especially for the funeral. She said she'd clear it with Captain Evans.

An hour later Kat came to me and handed me my cell phone. It was Corine. "When I told Pete, he broke down and cried. He said, "I feel like my sister died."

I asked, "Where are you and he right now?"

"In my car on PCH headed south."

"Do I need to send a nurse or two back to Mugu?" I asked.

"If they're needed Captain Evans knows where to find us."

"Let me talk to Pete, please."

"Lee?" He asked.

"Jake's here at the house. Sio was here when she died. How are you doing?"

"I wasn't surprised, just felt like someone I loved had died. I have no history with her other than that one night, but... Lee, my sister died." I heard the sounds of him crying and noticed I was crying, too.

"Just come home, son. Be with us. Thank you."

"Thank you." He hung up. I went to see how Jake was doing. Bonnie was still on one side of him, Rina had taken the spot to his other side and Connie was curled into his lap. His eyes were closed. His arms around the women next to him. When I got close his eyes opened and he smiled weakly at me.

"When she sat on the couch she said, "Lee's love is right here. I can feel it. I can feel Annie, too."

"I have felt her here for about three days." I said. Connie looked up at me and said, "I felt her here when I walked in."

Megan had been in the kitchen. She heard the conversation and went to the living room and punched a button or four on the stereo. The music began and John Denver sang "Annie's song" again. We all sang along, some in whispers, some in our minds. It was as if all of us felt Annie come back for her friend, her sister.

By evening there were almost thirty people in the house. Food appeared and disappeared. Flowers appeared. Photograph albums appeared and were shared. Jake was surrounded by the people who love him, touched by them and even fed by them.

It was late when Jake said, "I'm done."

Kat was next to him and she helped him off the couch and into the bedroom that had been Pete's. She and Bonnie undressed him and Bonnie got into bed with him, holding him while Kat covered them both. As she came out of the bedroom she closed the door quietly.

The house was very quiet, even though there were about thirty people in the house. Kat came to me and said, "What do you feel?"

"Jake is leaving. When he said he was done, he meant it."

Megan and Brian were close enough to us to hear. Megan said, "Bonnie told me an hour ago that Jake was leaving."

The bedroom door opened and Bonnie came out. She came to me and curled into my lap and cried. Jake was gone. Megan brought me a phone. I called 911. I told the 911 operator that Jake had died in his sleep. Megan made other calls and Pam met the responders in the driveway. He would be taken to the same mortuary as his wife after the autopsy.

When we went back in the house Bonnie said, "Jake thanked me for holding him as he died. He let go and I felt him leave. I've never felt something so quietly powerful in my life."

Connie helped us into the bedroom and somehow the three of us got undressed and into bed. In my dream I saw Jake and Sio dancing. Annie was standing near them, swaying to the unheard music. I didn't hear the music. At the end of the dream they stopped dancing, joined hands with Annie and walked away. They faded from view. I woke up and it was morning.

Life goes on. I needed to pee. As soon as I moved, Connie opened her eyes and Bonnie turned to face me. Bonnie said, "I had a dream..."

Connie finished her sentence, "Of Jake and Sio dancing and Annie watched them."

I said, "When they stopped dancing they walked away together and faded away."

Bonnie kissed both of us and said, "I don't think it was a dream. I think they let us watch them moving on."

"I have no idea what it was, but I feel better now. I still miss them both and will for a long time, but their love is still here." I offered. I got up and used the bathroom followed by Bonnie and Connie. When we came out of the master suite headed for coffee and maybe breakfast the first person I saw was Pete. He was standing in the hallway with his arms around Fran and Rina. He said, "I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me."

I smiled.

Rina looked at me and said, "We all had the same dream. Annie, Sio and Jake."

I hugged them and continued into the kitchen. Megan was busy, chopping and getting things together to cook breakfast. She had tear tracks on her face. She stopped chopping and came into my arms. We held on and didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. I felt other arms come and join our hug and I knew they were Brian's arms. Annie was their Mom. When the hug ended I opened my eyes and saw our family surrounded us. Nothing needed to be said.

Brian moved to the stovetop and started heating the two big flying pans. Megan finished chopping the spinach for the omelet. I chopped the broccoli and spinach leaves. The onions were chopped already. Eighteen eggs had been cracked and put in a bowl. Corine began combining the ingredients in a big salad bowl. Cheese had been grated. Connie poured coffee for anyone who wanted it and the four of us made breakfast for the group. Hugs and kisses were shared liberally.

By noon the dishes had been done, the kitchen cleaned up, people had found their voices and talked about the "dream" we had shared. Abe and Corine were present. Abe had come from Mugu in the morning, having had the "dream" in his own bed on base. When he went back, later that day he took Pete with him and told Pam, Kat and Corine to be back the next day.

That evening the front door opened and Abe walked in, bringing a young man with him and Pete. The young man was missing the lower half of his left arm. Pam went to them immediately and asked, "What's up?"

Abe said, "He came to me. He told me something and I had to bring him here. He needs to be here and tell you all what he told me."

Pam brought them into the living room and put them on the couch. Everyone in the house gathered and sat; some on furniture, some on the floor. We all got quiet and Abe looked at me.

I said, "The Captain brought you here for a reason. He wants you to tell us a story. We already know the story you want to tell us. Point to anyone in the room and they can tell you the story."

The young man looked at all of us like we couldn't know the story. He pointed at Kat and pleaded, "Please Ma'am."

"You went to sleep and had a dream. In the dream you saw a man and a woman dancing. They were both dressed in white. Standing near them was another woman, also in white. She was blond, slender and swayed to music you couldn't hear. When the couple stopped dancing the three held hands and walked away from you, fading until they were gone. Then you woke up. His name is Jake. His dance partner is Sio and the other woman you saw is Annie."

He nodded. He said, "They didn't speak and I knew their names. Jake and Sio have been married and Annie is their guide into what's next." He looked around and stopped when he looked at me. He said, "Annie loves them and she loves you most of all. She is sorry she didn't realize how much you loved her when she was here." His eyes looked further and found Brian sitting next to Megan. He said, "She is proud of both of you."

He looked at Abe and asked, "What does all this mean? I don't know any of you and yet I know all of you." He pointed at me and said, "You're Lee." His finger pointed at others and he named each of them. "Bonnie, Fran, Rina, Brian, Megan, Helen, Connie, Pete, Corine, Pam, Kat and so on all around the room."

I said, "Sio died day before yesterday. Jake died last night. We are their family. Each of us saw the same dream you did. Human beings make events have meaning. I say the reason you had the dream is because you belong here, in the family. This isn't a biological family alone. This is a family connected by love, acceptance, support and faith in each other. I recommend you stay a while. Get to know the people in your family. Then decide what's next for you. Pete, would you spend a little time with... Matt?" I hesitated and his name came to me.

Pete stood and helped Matt off the couch asking, "Hungry?" Some of us laughed. Pete was constantly hungry. Matt nodded and they went towards the kitchen. Abe walked across the room and said to Corine, "We need to get back. Let Kat and Pam stay tonight and come back in the morning."

Corine said, "I'll leave them my car and ride back with you, if that's Ok with you."

"Sounds good to me. Let me make a sandwich or something and use the head. We'll go in about fifteen minutes."

Corine became the head nurse, "Pam, would you see that the Captain has a sandwich or something? We need to get back to base. You and Kat need to drive my car back to base in the morning."

Pam smiled and said, "Aye, Aye." She followed Pete and Matt into the kitchen. When Abe came out of a bathroom Pam was nearby with a paper bag holding two sandwiches, a banana and a bottle of water. She handed the bag to Abe and said, "I made you two sandwiches. We made a huge omelet this morning and your sandwiches are omelet sandwiches. Is there anything else I can get for you before you have to go?"

"Yes! I've been very careful to avoid physical contact with any of you. I've hugged lots of family but not you, Kat or Corine. I need a reminder that this is not the Navy here, and yet, I am Navy. I am also your superior officer, your commanding officer. Within the rules of the Navy, and the culture of this family I have a conflict between what I want and what I need."

Pam smiled and said, "Sir, close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them." He closed his eyes. Pam pulled off her blouse and bra. She stepped close enough to Captain Evans that her breasts were against his chest. She whispered, "I have a friend, a sister, who needs the arms of a strong man to hold her, kiss her and love her. She wants to hold you, kiss you, and love you, but doesn't want you to look at her. If that works for you, kiss her."

He followed orders well. When she stepped away from him a few minutes later Corine handed her the bra and blouse and she ducked into a nearby room. Corine told Abe to open his eyes and she led him out to his car and she drove them back to the base.

Matt stayed a week. When Pam and Kat went back they took Pete with them. Connie left for Japan. When I dropped her at LAX I was introduced to eight other flight attendants who had believed I was Connie's imaginary friend for years.

During the week Matt was with us he went through phase one, two and three. He changed his mind about who he was and the possibility of being whole and complete, just the way he was. Fran, Megan, Rina and Brian were the therapists for his mind and body. The day I picked Connie up at LAX I was also dropping Brian off for his flight back to Costa Rica.

When we got home another old friend was in the house. Hank and his wife had heard the news that I was back. He had come by to see if I was interested is something he had found. He had told Megan about it and she was excited.

Over dinner he told us about what he had found. About three miles north of our home he had found another home. A huge older home with everything we would want in a new home for us. It was now six bedrooms, three baths on half an acre. It had been built in the 1930's, had been updated and a pool added in the early 1980's. It sat at the end of a cul-de-sac in a rural area half a mile inland from the ocean. He passed around the data sheet and we looked it over.

I knew Megan was sold. I could feel her energy. Pam, Kat and Connie wanted to see it. I had some more questions.

"This house is in Malibu. How long has it been for sale?" I asked.

"Two years." Hank answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"The older couple who died there died in the house. Their kids won't go near the place, but want to make a bundle from the sale."

"I don't have a bundle."

"You don't need one. I found out the kids live out of state and left the property to be managed and sold by a realtor who has fewer scruples than Al Capone. He has been charging them a fortune and doing nothing. I found out that he hasn't paid the property taxes in three years. They owe almost seventy thousand dollars and they will get the letter from the county next week. If you offer to pay the back taxes and give them two hundred thou, I think they'll take it. With a hundred in repairs and fixing up it will be worth over a million."

"Ok. We need to see it."

"There's a Loc-Box on it. We can get in anytime. Then I'll handle the sale for you. The ass that holds the property for sale gets three percent and I'll do my part for free. Brenda and I will be thrilled to have you all in it. Ok?"

"First things first. We need to see it."

"I'll come back in the morning with a van and we'll go. I'll be here at ten o'clock. Ok?"

We all agreed. Hank went home and we talked.

Megan said, "Dad, I have eighteen thousand in the bank. If we like the house and it feels right, I want to put my eighteen in."

Connie said, "My condo is on the market. It should go for three hundred thousand. It'll be my home too. I think we should combine our money and if the house is right we buy it and bring it up to our standard. Whatever is mine is ours. I thought a lot while I was in Japan. I am in for the rest of my life. My savings, my condo, my car, my pussy... everything."

"Maybe you ought to hang on to all of that." I said, "I may turn out to be an ogre. Maybe six months from now you'll all hate me and want nothing to do with me."

"Not likely." Kat said. "In fact, I want in, too. I've been putting money aside since I joined the Navy and it's been doing well. I can put in two hundred thousand. I want to put in two hundred thousand."

Pam said, "I can match that! I want to match that! I want us to make the family more than just love. Having us as partners in finance, in a home, in every way is... Heaven."

"We haven't even seen the house." I said.

Connie held the data sheet. She asked, "What were Jake and Sio's last name?"

"Zuma, why."

She pointed to the page. "The house is on Zuma View Place."

I felt the energy in the house shift. They all felt it, too. I called Hank and said, "Hank, this is Lee. Bring whatever papers you need me to sign with you tomorrow. I think we're going to buy the house. See you in the morning."

We closed the sale on Annie's birthday. We got the house for a hundred thirty one thousand plus paying the back taxes, which amounted to seventy-seven thousand including penalties. We kept living in my house for six more months while two bathrooms, four larger closets, two huge indoor showers and an outdoor shower were added to the new house.

We moved in beginning on Connie's birthday. Moving in took a three-day weekend and about thirty people. That first day in the house we signed legal papers making Connie, Megan, Kat, Pam and Brian partners in the house with me and by extension partners in the family. The buy in to the partnership was two hundred thousand. I fronted Megan most of her share. Brian paid his way in and part of Megan's share as well. When Jake and Sio's insurance paid off we discovered that Megan and I were the beneficiaries and we gave Brian back the buy-in for Megan. Jake and Sio paid her way into the partnership.

Matt was discharged and pays rent to us while he lives with us and goes to law school. We have no idea where Pete is but we do get letters and a visit once in a while. He's getting closer and closer to joining Brian in Costa Rica. One room in the house is reserved for Operation Mae West. The current resident in the room is a Navy nurse named Alison. She almost lost a leg from a roadside bomb in Afghanistan. She limps and believed herself ugly until she met Eric, Pete, Hank and Matt. I think she's changing her mind. She's also changing her mind about Kat, Pam, Connie, Rina, and Bonnie. So far I have limited my interactions with her to fatherly, in the traditional sense, but I see the way she watches me with the other women and I suspect she will come to me soon. I don't and won't push or pull her towards a more intimate relationship.

As always your votes and comments are encouraged. Other than the big bucks that seem to get lost in the mail the votes and comments are the only pay I get. Thanks.

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oldgraycatoldgraycat4 months ago

My second read and this time I even got so much more out of it. Thank you for sharing and keep up the great writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Great story keep them coming hope you do many more

Sniper014Sniper014about 9 years ago
Great story.

I really enjoyed the story. My only complaint is the ones who read the story and then call the writer a pervert and should be thrown in jail and don't even leave their name. People this site is adult exotic fiction stories. So in my opinion the writer has the right to tell their story anyway that they want. It is my right and everyone else's to ether read the story or not. But if I start reading the story and do not like it I just stop reading it and move on. I might tell the writer way I stopped (story held no interest). But I will never tell the writer that I think he is a pervert or sicko. Because I know that these stories are fiction and I take them for that and nothing more.

To the author, please keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Please stop

So many other good stories that don't deal with banging the step daughter. If the rain stops, can't this story??

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
More Please!

More chapters please? How about a Mae West series? Loved this story

OneNemesisOneNemesisalmost 10 years ago
Thank you

And I mean it!

HHCongerHHCongerover 11 years ago

This Story is fantastic. All the LOVE in this story is what we need more of. Continue the story line please. WE ALL NEED MORE LOVE

sqheadgermansqheadgermanover 11 years ago
MORE plzzzzzzzzz

Please add more to this story. plzzzzzzzzzz sqhead

idrubloodidrubloodabout 12 years ago
Great work

I love your core theme. It's all about the love.

tompo296tompo296over 12 years ago
Thank you

I started to read your story and I too have been suckered in [I'm not really sure I should have said that] but I have loved this story. i have read this and wonder whether it is a fantasy or actual true story but I think it has caused me to question myself.

What a superb story Well done.

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