It was So Easy to Figure It Out

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Getting shocked into your own little world.
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Hank Williams: "The silence of a falling star, lights up a purple sky, and as I wonder where you are, I'm so lonesome I could cry."

+ + +

Around 11 pm my work cell phone started making its annoying little noise. I had changed the ring tone, for emergency alerts, to that nerve grating children's song 'The wheels on the bus go round and round'. I can't tell you how much I hate that song now. Like a man on his way to the gallows, I shuffled over and heard the dispatcher announce my next adventure.

I'm Peter Collins, a crew supervisor for the power company. This is my weekend to take the emergency calls. Of course it's not the power station two blocks from me, it's the one in the hills, about two hours north. I called the site inspector for the details. Once I had an idea of the work effort, I called dispatch and gave them the names of three others whose weekend was about to turn to shit.

It was just shy of 2 am when all of the crew and equipment arrived. I had stopped along the way and picked up coffee and donuts, enough I hoped, to satisfy four grumpy guys for a few hours.

As I waited for the crew to complete the job, I had, what seemed at the time, a great idea. My fiancé, Julie, lives another thirty minutes north. She's an administrator, at the university, and has an apartment near campus. Normally she would stay with me on the weekends, but when it's my weekend to handle emergencies, she stays at her place. I'll head over and take her out to breakfast.

I stopped by the grocery store and picked up a spray of flowers. I waited at her door, having pressed the doorbell a few times, I heard her dog, DimWit, making it known to all, that there was stranger danger. A very sleepy Julie, wearing a robe, cracked the door open. The latch kept it from opening more than an inch or two.

Julie's eyes lit up "Hey babe, this is a surprise!"

The door closed and this time opened completely. "What are you doing here?"

Handing her the flowers "We had a problem up in the hills. Instead of heading home I decided to take you out to breakfast."

"Awww, thanks! Sit, play with DimWit, I'll get dressed."

Julie headed into the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

DimWit loves to play tug-of-war with me. "Hey DimWit, where's your rope? Get your rope!"

It wasn't a rope that DimWit brought back. It was a man's size 11 sneaker. Once I won the tug-of-war, I tucked it into my coat.

Shouting loudly "Julie, bad news, I just got another emergency call!"

A mostly dressed Julie came out of the bedroom "Oh well, you tried, thanks for the flowers though!"

I gave Julie a sisterly like hug and kiss, getting an odd look from her, and was out the door. I moved my car to the nearby church lot, blending in with the Sunday morning sinners. I walked back to the apartment complex and waited. I knew what to expect, but I desperately wanted to believe it wouldn't happen. I spent my waiting time taking my pocket knife to the sneaker, pretty juvenile, but hey, I'm not apologizing. It was almost 10 am before a man, in socks, carrying one shoe, left Julie's apartment. I took a few photos. He looks familiar but I just can't seem to place him.

Julie is not a texting person. Not surprisingly, I received a text 'Thanks for the flowers. I love you.'

I thought about replying, but decided that a long sentence, made up entirely of short words, could wait.

I watched sock man as he left the parking lot. I got a few more photos then headed to the Walgreens to print out the photos. I picked up a sympathy card, the kind with the 'Sorry to hear about your loss' kind, with somber overtones.

'Glad I caught it now, saves me a lot a grief later on. We are finished.'

I returned to Julie's apartment complex. Stuffing the pictures into the shoe, along with the card, I tied the shoe to the railing, across from Julie's door.

My phone started ringing, about an hour into my drive. My ringtone for Julie is the start of Beethoven's 5th Symphony. No need to guess who is calling. I let it go to voicemail, then again, and again, and again, and again. She was persistent. For someone who doesn't like to text, I was getting bombarded. I really didn't have the stomach to read any of them. Once I was back home, I called my boss and asked for a week off.

It took me less than thirty minutes to grab enough clothes and toiletries to get by. I knew of a little campground, back by where I just finished working, which rented cabins. I stopped and grabbed a few days' worth of fast food. I reserved a cabin until Friday.

The first night was the toughest. I rarely had a drink and about now I was starting to think that might have to change. It was nearly impossible for me to wrap my head around this.

I'm thirty-two, never married, quite conservative in my dating. Julie is thirty-one, never married, and she's so conservative in her dating she makes me look like a liberal. We met at a charity fund raising gala about five years ago. We, or is it I, became 'friends with benefits'. Neither of us wanted to get married, but the sex was great.

After a few years of random hook-ups, always at my place, we became more than FWB. We started doing things couples do, movies, shows, and vacations. It was about three years ago that we decided to date each other exclusively.

I first asked Julie to marry me two years ago. She put me off, saying she still wasn't ready. I asked, at that time, whether there was someone else. She insisted that no, she was still exclusively dating me, but that she wanted more time.

It wasn't more than a month later when Julie first spent the night. All through our FWB period, and dating, one of us would always leave after sex. Neither of us wanted to be seen exiting in the morning. That first full night was special.

Julie started with a strip tease, until she was in just her heels. She proceeded to strip me, kissing and sucking until I was naked. She nursed my cock until I begged her to let me cum. She didn't miss a drop. Pushing me onto my back she lowered her pussy to my lips. After letting her hover near an orgasm for several minutes, I licked her over the top. She gushed all over may face.

After she cleaned me, with a wash cloth, she sucked my cock until I was hard again. She did the slowest fucking I'd ever received, letting me get close, then slowing or stopping. She knew my body well and I would end of coming four times before I could no longer get hard. It was over a ten hour period. Nobody had to worry about leaving in the morning. It was well after noon before we saw the light of day.

By the time Julie agreed to marry me, about three months ago, she knew more about me than I did. She had spent countless hours speaking with my mother, sister, and even my grandmother. I learned a lot about Julie from her mother, granted not exactly a non-biased point of view. She suggested that Julie's conservative nature was probably due to her father's affair, which resulted in divorce, and her sister's divorce, also because of adultery. I have only met Julie's mother, sister, and brother once, at Christmas eighteen months ago.

A year ago Julie started spending most weekends at my place, with DimWit. DimWit really isn't all that dumb, lazy yes, uninspired yes, but dumb, no.

If there were warning signs, I was too clueless to pick them up. Julie, living in her own apartment, obviously had plenty of opportunity to sneak around. Her actions, when I showed up unexpectedly on Sunday morning, showed no panic or concern at all. She's one cool customer. Maybe I didn't know her at all.

After walking the trails on Monday, I slept much better. Sadness best describes my overall emotional state. Tuesday I rented a boat and floated around a lake. Pretty relaxing, but I was still in shock. I spent Wednesday playing cards at the local cafe. I learned cribbage and gin rummy. I was astounded that, as old as I was, I really didn't know many card games. I hadn't had the time or desire. Thursday I rented a bicycle and wore myself out by early afternoon.

After the bike ride, I showered. I decided to turn my phone back on. Dozens of voicemails from Julie, several from numbers I didn't know. I figure Julie is using other people's phones, knowing I'd be screening her calls. My boss, mother, and best friend had also left messages.

I started with the boss. 'Peter, call your fiancé. She's beside herself, and I'm tired of running interference for you.'

I guess I could have seen that one coming. How about my mom, I bet she's got the same message for me.

'Peter, you stupid moron. You deserve all the grief you're putting yourself through. Don't forget your sister's birthday party a week from Saturday.'

Ok then, how about everybody pile on me. What the hell did she tell mom?

Alright, let's see what my best friend Steve has to say.

'Hey jackass, I hope you have sunglasses nearby when you pull your head out of your ass. That sun can be really bright. Listen to her frikkin messages or read her texts.'

Well goody, let me check one more time to see if anyone else wants to cheer me up. I just couldn't listen or read her stuff yet. I stared at the pictures I had taken. It finally hit me, I know who it is, and where he works.

I called his office but got 'I am currently attending a conference in ... I will be back next Monday. If you ...'

He was probably planning on spending the week there. I decided to pay Julie a visit. I picked up a few things and arrived just around dusk. Julie's car, and his, were in the parking lot. I stood nervously at Julie's door, listening to DimWit announce stranger danger again.

The guy answered the door "Hey David, nice sneakers, let me know how much I owe you? Is uh, is uh your sister here? Does Julie even want to talk with me?"

"Hey sis, come to the door!"

"I can't, I'm stirring the sauce. Who is it?"

David pulled me, by my ear, into the kitchen.


I held out the spray of flowers. David took over stirring the sauce. Julie took the flowers and tossed them on the couch. She gave me the biggest and best hug I have ever received while burying her head in my chest. DimWit brought me his rope.

"I guess you finally got around to listening to my voicemails or reading my messages?"

"Ummm, no, I never could get the courage to open them. I'm so sorry, I was so shocked I guess I went into stupid mode for a few days. I knew I had seen 'the guy' before, it just took me until a few hours ago to figure out it was your brother. To say I feel embarrassed and ashamed would be quite an understatement. I only hope I didn't damage us. Ignore my last card, if you don't mind."

"Baby you have no idea! You didn't damage us at all. I realized what I meant to you and I really, really, really realized what you mean to me."

We were kissing, and all that jazz, when David finally broke it up with "Get a room, this is disgusting!"

"I have one more night at the cabin. Care to join me Julie? I'll have you back in time for work tomorrow."

Julie turned the burner off, grabbed her purse, and took my hand "Let's go."

DimWit dropped the rope on my shoe "Give me a few seconds."

I played tug-of-war with DimWit, letting him win. One dim wit playing with the other.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythief20 days ago

Cracked me up when the Mom told him "Peter, you stupid moron", lol. Can't say he didn't deserve it. Good story with a happy ending, even for someone jumping to conclusions without any facts.

60022Mallard60022Mallard3 months ago

I am still awaiting a LW story where the "£victim" converses with the culprit shortly after the event.

Mind you that would reduce the length of quite a few to about one page!

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter4 months ago

I am Hurt & Mad, I am not interested in the truth, I don’t want to know! It is how so many LW men react. Delete, delete, delete! All you accomplish is to delete your grey matter, assuming you have any. God, I hope not too many men are really as juvenile and pathetic as so many of these stories seem to dictate.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

He was very lucky. Good story. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Had I done that I don't think My girl would be so kind and take me back.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Is there some written (or unwritten) rule for the Loving Wives category that when a man discovers what appears to be even mild evidence of his wife’s betrayal that he first confronts her in a passive way (or maybe not at all) and then he MUST immediately cut off ALL communication with her? Sometimes they claim to have loved the wife for 20-30 years and they can’t even listen to her or read a couple texts? If their “love” for her is so fragile then it’s no wonder she’s cheating on the wuss. LW husbands, man up, grow a pair, pull on your big boy pants and DEAL with your wife!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Laughable to see some commenters who still think there was some hidden conspiracy going on with her and her brother. Riiight. And yes the Apollo moon landing was staged etc etc

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Good story. Some of the more avid btb readers do realize that the MC made a bone headed mistake and he showed up unexpected and she did nothing wrong, yes? And oh yeah thexidiocy of not listening to any of the voice-mails. Though a short text is hard to avoid especially if it said "It was my brother, all in CAPS!!!!"

HighBrowHighBrow8 months ago

Love this simple, little Femdom agitprop with a romantic twist and HEA.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

FWB. We were both very conservative about dating, so we just fucked every so often.??

Calico75Calico7511 months ago

Nice touch at the end!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

5* for this MC. He didn't waste time with her!! Bitch should have told him about the brother staying over for a week!!

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 1 year ago

Cute story but the scene in her apartment just takes a lot of suspension of belief to get past. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The only five stars of this little series. Bravo.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Like the PI who gives you the info that your wife IS NOT having an affair.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Very good, nice turn about

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If her brother lived with her, her fiancee would have expected him to be there. If her brother doesn't live with her and was just visiting, she would have needed to tell him she was going out. If she did tell him, that means he was in the bedroom with her while she changed. Sorry, but the story just doesn't add up.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 1 year ago

Damn!! You got me!!

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 1 year ago

I still think this is one of the most lovely stories here.

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