It's A Wonderful Life?


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I tried my best to live normally the next few weeks. I did talk to both Alicia and Bradley on the phone, and to my three grandkids (Alicia's two and Bradley's one) although they are young and only the oldest really recognized my voice. I felt sorry for Alicia. She cried when she apologized for knowing about Brenda's extracurricular activities but didn't tell me because she didn't want our family to break up. Alicia has always been the most sensitive and empathetic member of our family and I knew that she was torn up; that caused me to get even more angry with Brenda. I made sure that Alicia knew that I didn't blame her. Bradley was as shocked as I was, and had a hard time wrapping his head around the situation. Neither Alicia nor Bradley asked me to do anything in particular. "Keep your options open," was essentially their take.

I moved out of the company condo to an apartment after about ten days, and got what I needed out of the house when Brenda was out. I wanted to rent until I decided what to do with my life.

While my attorney Sylvia is a great advocate even she wasn't able to dissuade the court from foregoing an order of counselling when our case was randomly assigned to Judge Jarvis -- known (sometimes respectfully, more often derisively) by the family law bar as "The Great Conciliator." He ordered a minimum of six counselling sessions, of course to be paid for by me although I did have veto power over any recommendation of a counselor by Brenda. Sylvia advised me to go to the first session with an open mind, but that if Brenda's attitude didn't change we would explore other options.

The first session was a bust. It got off to the wrong start when I wouldn't wait with Brenda in the reception room. I waited in the hall of the office building until the counselor -- Mary Stark -- called me in. After some happy horseshit from Mary she asked me what I wanted to get out of the sessions.

"I want to get out of the sessions, and my marriage, as soon as possible. My ex-wife has absolutely no respect for me and I won't stay in a marriage where there is no respect." Both Brenda's and Mary's eyebrows raised when I said "ex."

After a little more happy horseshit Mary asked Brenda what she wanted out of the sessions.

"I want to show Ben that there is no reason for the past to affect the future. I want to get him to realize that what I did was for the financial good of the family, didn't hurt him at the time, and that he's just letting his male ego get in the way of us having a good life together -- just as good as it was the day before he confronted Sophia in that hotel room."

I actually laughed. "What's so humorous Ben?" Mary asked.

"What is so funny is that she disrespected me again; her take is that I'm being a baby about this so I should just get over it. She could give a shit about my feelings. So fuck you, Brenda," I snarled as I got up and started walking out of the room.

"Ben," Mary called after me, "I'll have to tell Judge Jarvis that you're not cooperating and he can fine or jail you."

"Fuck Jarvis too," I snarled, "I'm dismissing the divorce action; but I'll never have anything to do with the cunt again." With that declaration I stormed out.

I heard Brenda's high heels on the stone flooring and her calling after me. If she had her running shoes on she might have been able to catch me because she's in great shape, but she had no chance with those shoes on when I eschewed the elevator and ran down the stairs, mostly two at a time.

On the way back to my apartment I called Sylvia and told her to dismiss the case. "Are you going to reconcile?" she asked.

"Hell no; I'm just going to live apart from her. If she gets tired of it she can file herself; but I will have nothing to do with her if I can help it."

I couldn't change my cellphone number because of work commitments -- although I was thinking of retiring early and just getting the hell out of town -- but I did block Brenda's and Sophia's numbers, not that Sophia would be calling anyway. What I did do the best that I could -- I couldn't really do something about joint accounts except to get an agreement with the financial companies that significant withdrawals would require agreement from both Brenda and I -- was to move all of my individual accounts, and half of our joint bank account (only), to other organizations. In total it was more than $3,000,000 so I could easily get by.

One thing was really bothering me, however. I hadn't been laid since the day before I found out about Brenda's past part-time job, and I was suffering. I no longer considered myself bound to Brenda; but I was having a hard time of figuring out what to do since I didn't want to be a schmuck or explain myself to other women. Then serendipity hit.

A week after I had dismissed my divorce action Julie Benson -- the TV reporter -- called me on my cellphone. At first she talked about the good response that the interview and related news stories had, and she asked some innocuous questions relating to that. Then she brought up what I hoped that she might.

"So Ben, last time we talked you indicated that you were filing for divorce. Did you?"

"Yes, Julie I did. However, I got a Judge who required five counselling sessions and the first one started out so badly that I just walked out and had my attorney dismiss the suit."

"Oh...does that mean that you're reconciling with Brenda?"

I wondered how she knew Brenda's name because I never told her; she obviously had looked into the matter.

"Absolutely not; I will never reconcile with her. I dismissed the suit because I didn't want to go to any more counselling sessions and in the long run it might make her more upset for me to be just out of her life but still married. However, I consider my marriage over."

"Oh," was Julie's only response but the way she said just that one word encouraged me.

"Since I've got you on the line and you're a worldly woman, and since I'm so out of dating practice do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"No, go right ahead Ben."

"How do I get over being intimidated by desirable women? Say there's a really smart, personable woman, who's ultra sexy too that I'd like to ask out. Would I be stupid to try -- would I get rejection for sure?"

"Don't sell yourself short Ben; most women would love to go out with you."

"Yeah, but how would I explain my marital situation; I wouldn't want to get her mad at me for not being straightforward and she probably wouldn't want to go out with me if she knew that I was still married."

"If you explained the situation to her like you did to me if she's smart she'd be happy to go out with you."

I paused for effect; then I said, "Say that the smart, personable, sexy woman I was talking about is you. Should I just ask you flat out for a date?"

I heard a chuckle on the other end of the line, shortly followed with "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

I paused again then asked "Say, Julie; would you like to go to dinner and then dancing Saturday night?"

"I have to cover the late news on Saturday, but I would love to on Friday if that works," she replied.

We arranged for a time, we discussed venues, and she gave me her address. As we were about to sign off she said "One thing, Ben; you should look into my eyes when talking to me, and not be glancing at my tits every chance that you get." Then while laughing she terminated the call.

I'm sure that I turned red; I certainly felt my face flush. I was glad that she laughed about it but I would be careful in the future.


I had a surprising connection with Julie. While my education level wasn't near hers once Brenda and I got money we travelled extensively and I always keep up with what is happening in our community and the world. I was surprised to find out that Julie was "old fashioned" when it came to male-female relationships. She really liked me opening doors for her, complimenting her, and acting protective toward her. When I, on her behalf, declined when other guys asked her to dance I saw a subtle smile cross her lips.

I also was pleased that Julie seemed to find me sexy too. We went to a health club together -- I no longer went to the one that Brenda and I used to go to -- and I could tell that she was impressed by my workout. While Julie didn't compare to Brenda as far as conditioning was concerned, she was in good shape -- and then there were those Grand Teton-like mammaries.

The night of the day that we worked out together I went over to her house with the intention that we would play it by ear, and decide what to do after I arrived. Apparently what she wanted to do was exactly what I wanted to do -- fuck each other's brains out!

I found out that Julie likes to have her outstanding tits mauled and sucked -- and even fucked. I also found out that she is multi-orgasmic to the extreme, has strong pc muscles, and loves the "back seat driver," "concubine (sometimes known as the flatiron)," and the "G-Whiz" positions best. I liked the first and third ones best because I had unfettered access to her tits and I never got tired of playing with them. I think that she came hardest in the concubine position because of the angle of my dick and how it fit her vagina. Regardless of the position sex with Julie was great -- as was eating her pussy and sucking her tits.

There was only one problem with my all-night sexcapades with Julie -- despite the magnificence of her tits. She wasn't Brenda.

As I finally fell asleep in Julie's bed my unconscious mind starting comparing Julie and Brenda. I guess that I shouldn't have been surprised that my cock was more comfortable in Brenda than Julie because of our familiarity -- but it was more than that. Why couldn't Brenda have been deferential, remorseful, and respectful of my feelings when I found out about her past activities? Maybe I could have gotten past it! Despite the excellent sex with Julie my sleep was troubled.

I had an extremely nice relationship with Julie over the ensuing months. While it wasn't as great as my relationship with Brenda had been, I was happy with it. Unfortunately, after about three months Julie got her dream opportunity -- an evening anchor job at the second-rated TV station in New York City. That was essentially the pinnacle of her profession. I know that she would have liked for me to go with her but I was still tied to my job, two of my kids, and my three grandkids, so I declined to follow her. We had a great three-day weekend at a resort together the week before she left; and I knew damn well that I'd miss her.

It was almost like Brenda knew of my relationship with Julie -- we didn't hide it and were often seen together, but we never went places that Brenda or my kids would likely frequent -- because about a week after Julie left Bradley showed up at my apartment alone on a Wednesday night, but with the courtesy to call ahead. After we talked about his darling little daughter, his work, and local sports teams for a half hour or so he got to the point of his visit.

"Dad; is there any way that you can see moving forward with Mom. By now she realizes that she totally blew the way that she handled you finding out about her hurtful activities now thirteen years ago. Is there any possibility of a relationship with her in the future; is there anything that she can do to make it happen?"

I thought long and hard including about my relationship with Julie which made me realize that I really, really liked having a readily available sex partner and someone to talk with outside of work. "Give me some time to think about that, Bradley," I replied. "I'm out of some groceries that I really need; here's a list and $50; please go to the local Kroger, the one on Vine Street, and get them and by the time that you're back I'll have a real answer for you."

"You're not just having me be your errand boy and then stiff me, are you Dad?" Bradley chuckled.

"No; I'm dead serious," I earnestly replied.

The "solution" I came to would either insure that Brenda would never want to deal with me again -- it might make her plate-throwing angry; or it might be a real answer. I was willing to give it a try.

Bradley returned with my groceries -- I insisted that he keep the change -- then sat him down. "Bradley, I don't know if you'll be willing to tell Brenda my conditions, but this is what I want. I've written them out; if you can't deliver them, I'll understand. But if she agrees to my conditions there is the potential to have everything work out enough so that there are no awkward moments when Brenda and I go to grandkids' birthday parties, soccer games, or the like; or so that we can celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays together."

Bradley read what I had written. His eyes got as big as saucers and I thought that his eyeballs might pop out. After seemingly reading it over five or six times he said "What if she kills the messenger; my wife will be a widow and my little girl without a father."

"Talk to Alicia; have her go with you," I replied.

"How about Sophia -- should I talk to her too?"

"If you like; she may hate me enough to screw things up -- or since Craig has forgiven her yet brought her in line so that she doesn't pull that sex for money shit any more, maybe she would help."

Bradley took out his phone, called Alicia outside my apartment, and he talked with her out of my presence for a good fifteen minutes. Finally he came back, shrugged his shoulders, and said "Alicia and I are going to give it a try; we will not include Sophia in it because she's still pissed at you. Please leave a week from this Saturday open -- just in case."

We exchanged manly hugs and off he went, mumbling to himself as he did so.


About 8:00 p. m. on the Saturday that Bradley suggested I leave open there was a knock at my apartment door. When I opened the door the vision before me had every sign of a very high-priced call girl. The woman said "I understand that you might be in need of my services."

"Come in," I said, sweeping my hand like a page to a queen. I offered the "lady" something to drink. She wanted Chateau Vivonne Bandol Rose; remarkably I just happened to have two bottles of that particular wine and I poured her a glass. After some small talk and she had taken a few sips I asked "What are your rate?"

"Depends on what you want," she replied.

"I want the entire night -- anything goes except nothing that causes pain," I responded.

"Not even a little pain?" she asked with a devilish grin.

"Maybe a little -- but nothing bizarre."

"My source said that you wanted bareback -- that's extra, you know. Do you have an STD-free lab report?"

"Do you?" I fired back.

She pulled two sheets of paper out of her purse and handed them to me; I pulled out my lab report from my briefcase, sitting on the coffee table, and handed it to her. We both looked them over for a minute or two. "Looks like we can proceed," she said.

"Now that you know what I want, what's the rate?" I asked.

"$2,000 for the night, anything goes, bareback," she replied.

"Wow -- that's expensive," I whistled; "I was led to believe that you charged between $300 and $500."

"That wasn't for the entire night, and I haven't charged that amount for thirteen years. I'm worth every cent of $3,000; I'm giving you a discount because I heard that you can really show a girl a good time." I stroked my chin like I was considering it. "If you don't think that I was worth $2,000 by tomorrow morning I'll refund half of it," she snickered.

"Until what time tomorrow morning?" I inquired.

"Until you wake up and make me breakfast -- I leave within an hour after we eat; and not just cold cereal. I'll want bacon, eggs, and hash browns."

"Pushy, aren't you?" I chuckled.

"I need to keep up my strength to serve oversexed dicks like you," she shot back.

I went into my briefcase again, counted out twenty one hundred dollar bills, and handed them to her. She re-counted, put the bills in a keyed metal case in her oversized purse, finished off her wine and then said "Lead the way stud."


When I looked at the clock the next morning -- it read 8:32 -- I couldn't see straight. I had never had so many intense, debilitating, orgasms in my life in a roughly twelve hour period. Every muscle in my body ached, my cock was red and sore, and my lips were chapped; fortunately I had scored a couple of little blue pills the day before otherwise she would have wiped my out by midnight. This call girl was definitely worth every penny that I paid her.

I shook her awake; "Time to get up sleeping beauty," I smirked as I shook her.

"My pussy will never be the same," she groaned. "I should have charged you $5,000."

"A deal's a deal," I retorted. "Let's take a shower and then I'll make you breakfast."

"As long as you don't try to stick that weapon between your legs into my little inflamed pussy, asshole," she snapped back.

"I couldn't to save my life," I cackled. "I'm out of commission for at least a week."

We showered together with a little of tit, pussy, and cock play, but nothing that stressed our already abused sex equipment.

I made a great breakfast of bacon, hash browns, and cheese omelets. When we finished she said "I'm going over to my eldest daughter's house for her oldest girl's birthday party. Care to come along?"

"I just happen to have a present for a four year old girl," I replied, pulling a wrapped gift out of my front closet. "Your daughter and granddaughter won't mind, will they?"

"Not at all," she replied.

That night restarted my relationship with Brenda. We no longer acted like man and wife. She played the part of a call girl, me a John; I paid her in Monopoly money. We spend an average of four nights a week together, either at my apartment or her house, and we do other things besides fuck. We go to plays, sporting events, dinner, dancing, and of course all family events -- even those attended by Sophia and Craig. We've even gone on trips together to Aruba, Japan, and France; since she's a call girl I pay her expenses. We don't talk about the old days; we don't wear our wedding rings; and we don't refer to each other as our spouse, husband, or wife. However, we do have a written contract that we are sexually exclusive with a severe penalty if either of us breaks the contract.

For the last two years things have worked out well. She is my best fuck ever; and I might even love her. I don't know what the future will bring; maybe one day in the distant future we'll act as husband and wife again. In the meantime I'm enjoying the sexiest call-girl in the state.

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DeanofMeanDeanofMean11 days ago

So he is the toughest cuckold in 3 counties? Dunno if that's a thing. WTF would he ever go back to the whore ya don't think the gran kids are gonna follow those tracks ?

Well written tight story line. Until the last page and our hero lost his freaking mind, still a great read.

Pinto931Pinto9312 months ago

Nice try but ridiculous. That she was a whore was bad enough but that she made a whore out of the daughter is completely unforgivable.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x3 months ago

Gained a star for not COMPLETELY taking her back, but should have still insisted on the divorce, keeping then exclusive FWBs, with him having the option to walk away if things went south. She still owes for corrupting their daughter.

amyyumamyyum3 months ago

How dare you write a story with a unique ending. Don't you know that the only ending that is acceptable is the same one on all cheating wife stories, that the guy prevails, the woman lives in poverty and disgrace the rest of her life, and everyone is so proud of the principled guy. Everyone should always write the same story with just the names changed. Originality is a sin punishable by comments about a poor or weak ending and low scores. I'm sure glad that unlike you I have no originality!

anythinganalanythinganal3 months ago

Good writing, but as others have mentioned, several plot holes and a weak ending. 3*

Schwanze1Schwanze14 months ago

Are we back to this now in LW? Great stories jumping the shark right at the end?

Ocker53Ocker535 months ago

The ending was ridiculous ⭐️⭐️

InfosaugerInfosauger5 months ago

After the second read:

I'm missing information about her parents. What did they say when they got to know about her profession? I think her parents would have proudly lent them the money. They were never mentioned again.

And secondly: Who else knew about her profession beside the daughters? Did any of the friends (male or female) know? Was any of the (male) friends one of her "clients"? Did any of her clients knew him or about her marriage?

mattenwmattenw6 months ago

An excellently well-told story with the last paragraph ruining it. A pity!!

BruceWoBruceWo6 months ago

Nah, not for me.

elling50elling506 months ago

Interesting read until the end which I very much disliked. 2*

oldmanbill69oldmanbill696 months ago

Glad he is happy, not me.

GardenshedGardenshed6 months ago

Enjoyed the story, a bit different twist.

Hmmm daughter turning tricks for fun and mom did years before to help the family? Why would Brenda tell the daughters what she was doing?

Did not like how Brenda was so condescending and belittling Ben. Oh by the way what was Brenda doing when she was separated from Ben? Would have been nice to know want she was doing?

Did like the ending they are still married and basically together even though not admitting it.

Thanks for writing.

BSreaderBSreader6 months ago

Was her asshole father during this episode. I don't get it at all

Xzy89c1Xzy89c16 months ago

Her attitude made the ending silly

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